Organized Educational Activities (OOE)

Development of speech (R.R)

Date of____________________________________

Topic: Acquaintance with landscape painting in senior group.

Examination of the painting by I. I. Levitan “ Golden autumn»

Objectives: To teach children to carefully examine the reproduction of the picture

Tasks: To teach children to carefully examine the reproduction of the picture and see the image of the landscape in the unity of its content and means of expression. Pay attention to color and color combinations as a means of conveying autumn phenomena, the emotional attitude of the artist to the depicted. To develop in children the artistic perception of a landscape painting, interest and emotional response to it. To consolidate the children's ideas that the image of trees, meadows, fields, that is, the image of nature, is called a landscape.

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary; to introduce into it emotionally - evaluative vocabulary, aesthetic terms that reflect the quality of objects, their shape, texture and the ones they cause in a person emotional states- joy, pleasure, enjoyment. Encourage children to speak up.

Vocabulary activation: landscape painting, birch grove, golden autumn, cold and warm tones.



Development of speech (R.R)

Topic: Acquaintance with landscape painting in the senior group.

Examination of the painting by I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Objectives: To teach children to carefully examine the reproduction of the picture

Tasks: To teach children to carefully examine the reproduction of the picture and see the image of the landscape in the unity of its content and means of expression. Pay attention to color and color combinations as a means of conveying autumn phenomena, the emotional attitude of the artist to the depicted. To develop in children the artistic perception of a landscape painting, interest and emotional response to it. To consolidate the children's ideas that the image of trees, meadows, fields, that is, the image of nature, is called a landscape.

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary; to introduce into it emotionally - evaluative vocabulary, aesthetic terms that reflect the quality of objects, their shape, texture and the emotional states they cause in a person - joys, pleasures, pleasures. Encourage children to speak up.

Vocabulary activation: landscape painting, birch grove, golden autumn, cold and warm tones.

Progress OOD

The teacher reads to the children a poem by I. Bunin:

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands above the bright meadow!

Educator: Oh, how wonderfully the poet said about autumn! And the artists take easels, paints and go to nature to paint autumn. Here we are now looking at a picture about autumn, which was painted by the artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan. The artist called his painting "Golden Autumn". Let's love her. And I will turn on the "autumn" music, it was written by the composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. (Fragment of "Autumn Song" from the cycle "The Seasons")

Children listen to music and look at the picture.

Educator: Was this music joyful or sad?

Children: Sad.

Educator: Yes, light, light sadness is heard in the music. The melody sounded soft and light. This is how the composer felt the golden autumn. Now look at the picture and say: what did the artist feel when he painted the golden autumn. How could he express his feelings with colors? After all, the artist expresses his feelings with the help of paints. What colors are happy here? What colors are sad? (children's answers) Yes, the artist conveyed joy with warm colors, but he also used cold tones, there are fewer of them. Therefore, looking at the picture, we feel joy, pleasure from the lush beauty of nature, but at the same time, a slight sadness of farewell to summer, with crumbling leaves of trees, withering grass, with warmth and sun. And here is how the poet A. S. Pushkin said about this time of year:

Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

In crimson and gold, dressed forests ...

These are the beautiful and heartfelt words about the golden autumn found by the poet. How can an artist tell about golden autumn? He needs to draw, depict on canvas what he saw, or sees in nature, which caused him joy, surprise at the beauty of autumn. He must draw in such a way that we recognize the trees, and the bushes, and the river. And with the help of paints, he can convey the season (winter, summer, autumn, spring, his mood (joy, sadness, anxiety, calmness, silence).

Teacher: Let's take a closer look at the picture. Look, on the left side of the picture, close to us, in the foreground, the artist painted several trees. What are these trees?

Children: Birches.

Teacher: Tell us about them. What are they?

Children: They are thin, with white trunks. On the two front birch leaves, almost all flew around. And those that are a little further away still have foliage - golden, yellow, orange.

Educator: And even further, in the background, a group of birches is visible. This group of birches is called " Birch Grove". The artist painted barely visible trunks and lush crowns of trees - after all, the trees are far away, so he placed them on the canvas higher than the trees that we see in the foreground.

Now look at the right side of the picture. What is drawn here?

Children: River.

Educator: Yes, a river. In front of us it is wide, dark blue, and further, it becomes narrower, lighter, in the distance it turns blue and white. And then, at the bend of the river, there is a lonely birch tree, bright as a “candle”. To her right is a round dance of green-brown trees. And what did the artist depict in the background, where the sky begins? Yes, there, on the mountain, we see green arable land, several houses, and further on - a wall of birches and a forest. What color is the sky?

Children: The sky is blue, with light white clouds.

Educator: What is more in the picture - the sky or the earth? (children's answers) Yes, the artist really liked the beauty of the earth, autumn nature, so he painted more earth and chose a rectangular format for the picture. Is there a sun in the picture? How did you guess? Yes, we see the shadows from the trees, so the sun is there. The sun “lit up” the gold of the foliage with a yellow-orange light! This is how an artist can tell about what he liked. Today we listened to music, poems about autumn, looked at the picture of the artist I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". We were happy and a little sad. We remembered the golden autumn that we saw on a walk. Music, painting and poetry gave us these memories, this joy and slight sadness.

Organized Educational Activities (OOE)

Artistic and aesthetic development

Date of____________________________________

Theme: "Autumn Carpet"

Purpose: To form the ability to focus on objects and natural phenomena of the surrounding children, to teach children to notice beauty natural phenomena, learn to make a pattern, selecting the leaves necessary in color and shape to implement the plan.

Tasks: Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about the signs of autumn, remember the names of trees. Develop sensory sensations, speech, attention, memory, thinking. Cultivate love for nature, interest in the surrounding phenomena.

Preliminary work: Observation on walks of autumn phenomena in nature: leaf fall, trees of our site, making a herbarium, memorizing poems.

Equipment: background for appliqué (square of colored paper, glue, brushes, leaf templates.

Methods and techniques: Observation, musical accompaniment, art word, conversation.

Course progress.

Game: "Autumn!"

We give an answer to the question.

Name the autumn months- September October November.

Leaves in autumn (what do they do?) -Leaves turn yellow in autumn, fall off, etc.

Rain in autumn (what does it do?) -The rain drizzles in autumn, falls, etc.

Harvest in autumn (what do they do?) -Harvest is harvested in autumn.

Birds in autumn (what are they doing?) -Birds fly away in autumn.

Trees in autumn (what are they doing?) -Trees shed their leaves in autumn.

Animals in autumn (what are they doing?) -Animals prepare for winter in autumn, change their coats.

The sun in autumn (what does it do?) -The sun shines in autumn, but weakly warms.

Weather in autumn (what does?) -The weather often changes in autumn.Well done, you know a lot about autumn.

Listen - these are the sounds of autumn. She invites us to visit.

listening musical composition(an excerpt of a musical work on an autumn theme sounds: “The Seasons” by Tchaikovsky)

Guys, what do you think this piece of music is about? What did you hear? (that's right, the breeze blows, the leaves rustle)

What season are we now? (autumn)

And what autumn? (golden)

I show the leaves and make a composition out of them on the board

Guys, what do you see? (leaves,)

What leaves do you see? (list)

What tree leaves do you know? (well done guys)

What do we need to compose a composition? (colored paper, brushes, glue)

That's right, (showing a few more composition options), pay attention to the location of the leaves (in the center, along the edges, in the corners).

See what beautiful patterns, guys, what does this work look like? (on an autumn carpet) let's make beautiful carpets from leaves? (Let's).

We will definitely collect rugs for ourselves, only after we have a little rest, otherwise we were sitting, talking and tired.

Game "Autumn leaves".

Children imitate the actions of the “leaves” in accordance with the text of the poem: they squat down, fly around the room, sit down quietly again, rise, spin and sit down again.

We are autumn leaves

They sat on the branches.

The wind blew, they flew.

We flew, we flew.

And they sat quietly on the ground.

The wind picked up again.

And lifted all the leaves.

Turned them round and round.

And put it down on the rug.

Here we rested, now you can start working, sit down at the tables, just don’t touch anything for now, but listen to me.

Today we are talking about autumn, listening to music, playing a game, considering different compositions, now you need to make your own composition, your own pattern.

You all have a background for our autumn carpet on the tables and there are leaves on the plates, now you need to compose your composition, lay out the leaves on paper the way you like, and only after that we start gluing one leaf at a time, be careful not to hurry up. Remind the rules of working with scissors, glue.

Do you have any questions for me? (If not, then get to work)

In the course of work, I walk, look, give verbal instructions.

Analysis of children's work:

What smarties you are, everyone coped with the work, look at what beautiful autumn carpets we got, beauty!

Guys, what did we do today? (children's answers)

Did you like it?

And I really liked our lesson with you, you are all so smart with me! Now help me arrange an exhibition of our beautiful carpets!

Subject: Telling a story. Drawing up a descriptive story based on a reproduction of I. Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn".

Target: consolidate children's ideas about the autumn season, enrich vocabulary with definitions; develop dialogical speech; to educate in children emotional responsiveness in relation to nature.

Lesson progress

The teacher talks to the children

Guys, with what mood do you come to kindergarten? (Answers of children).

Do you always have a good mood? (Answers of children).

How can you guess what a person's mood is? (In the eyes, in facial expressions, in conversation).

That's right, you can learn about the mood in different ways. I wonder if you can find out about the mood of the poet from his poem? Listen carefully.

Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold...

What season did the poet A.S. tell us about? Pushkin? (About autumn.)

With what mood, with what feelings did he write this poem? (Admiration, admiration, tenderness, sadness, sadness, despondency, joy...)

What words did he use to describe his mood? (Eyes charm, beauty, magnificent withering, dull time, farewell beauty.)

Guys, what do you think, can you guess the mood of a musician from a piece of music? Let's try.

The teacher invites the children to listen to the recording of the work of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”.

What kind of music sounded: cheerful or sad?

What feelings, what mood did it evoke in you? (Sadness, sadness.)

Guys, can you express your mood with the help of a picture? (Answers of children).

That's right, from the drawing you can also guess about the mood of the artist, about his feelings, dreams.

The teacher, under the recording, invites the children to consider a reproduction of I. Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn".

Guys, look carefully at the picture: at the meadow, at the river, at the golden leaves of birches, at the yellowed, almost dried up grass, at the lone half-withered flower, leaning right towards the water and at the bright sunny sky above them.

Would you like to be in this meadow?

What would you name this painting? (Answers of children).

I. Levitan chose the name "Golden Autumn" for his painting. Why do you think? (Answers of children).

That's right guys. Everything in this picture seems to be golden: the magnificent decoration of birches, the bright sunlight of an autumn day...

What signs of autumn do you see in this picture?

What sky? (Bright, sunny, blue, cool.)

What day is shown in the picture: clear or cloudy? (Clear.)

Are there clouds in the sky? What are they? (White cloud.)

What do you think about the mood of the birches? (Cheerful, joyful, playful mood, they are proud of their golden dresses.)

Did you notice the lone flower by the stream? What do you think about the mood of the flower? (He rejoices at the bright sun: he is glad that he is so beautiful, but he is a little sad because he was left all alone and it will soon be cold.)

And now let's guess the mood with which the artist painted this picture. (With good, cheerful, joyful, bright, inspirational, enthusiastic and a little sad)

Guys, let's try to come up with a story based on this picture. Come up with a title for your story and tell about the autumn day, the autumn sky, the clouds, the sun, the birches, the lonely flower, and the blue stream.

sample story

Autumn has come. Thin birch trees with white trunks dressed up in bright yellow dresses. A light breeze blows, the leaves break off the branches and fly, spinning in a slow dance. You look at birch trees and wonder how green leaves turned into golden ones. A dark blue river flows through the meadow. The water is already cold. On the bend of the river stands a lonely beauty birch, bright yellow and even, like a candle. In the distance, green-brown trees, a bright green field and several village houses can be seen.

The sky is blue-blue with a light white cloud. The sun is not visible, but its presence is felt in everything: as if golden foliage is burning and shimmering, playing in the sun's rays. And shadows fall from the trees. From the shadow you can guess which direction the sun is.

An autumn flower bloomed brightly on the bank of the river. He himself rejoices in the bright radiant sun and pleases everyone with his beauty. It's just a shame he was left alone. Probably all the flowers have already faded.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of compensating type No. 20 "Cheburashka"

Summary of educational activities

for the development of coherent speech

children of the preparatory group

"Composing a story from a picture

I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".

Prepared by a teacher-defectologist

Tolokonnikova O.V.

G. Krasny Sulin



The development of coherent speech and graphic skills on the topic "Autumn".

Correctional and educational goals. Generalization and systematization of ideas about autumn and typical autumn changes in nature. Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic "Autumn"(autumn, September , October November. period, month, fog, leaf fall, frost, frost, forest, tree, leaf, maple, oak, aspen, mountain ash, poplar, ash, spruce, pine", autumn, September, October, November, early, late, golden, beautiful , sad, rich, crimson, purple, fall, fly, rustle, rustle, drizzle, collect, harvest, fly away, wither, dry, turn yellow, blush). Improving the skill of looking at pictures, the formation of a holistic view of what is depicted on them. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of relative adjectives). Improving the syntactic side of speech (composing complex sentences with opposition). Improving singing skills.

Correctional and developmental goals. The development of coherent speech, phonemic representations (development of the skill of sound analysis of words), breathing, speech hearing, thinking, all types of perception, creative imagination, fine motor skills.

educational goals . Education of an emotional response to what is depicted in the picture, initiative, independence, creative activity.

Equipment. turntable,CDwith a recording of the play by P. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" from the album "The Seasons" and the sounds of the night forest,CDor an audio cassette with a recording of musical accompaniment to the exercise "Wind and Leaves".Reproduction of I. Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn", a mini-pool with warm water, napkins, a vase with a bouquet of autumn leaves and asters.

Lesson plan.

    Organizing time.

Children enter the office, on the table is a vase with an autumn bouquet. Music sounds: P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song".

Children, tell me what autumn smells like? What mood did the music give you?

    Topic message. Conversation.

Reading a poem by E. Trutneva "Autumn".

It suddenly became twice as bright,

Yard as in the sun, -

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders ...

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly.

Gossamer webs fly

With spiders in the middle.

And high from the ground

The cranes flew by.

Everything flies! It must be

Our summer is flying!

What time of year is the poem talking about?

Name the autumn months.

Name the 1st, 2nd, 3rd...

If September is the first autumn month, this is the beginning of autumn, so. what is autumn in september? (early, gold, multi-colored)

What is leaf fall? (children's answers)

A reproduction of I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".

Introductory speech pathologist.

Golden autumn is a very beautiful time of this season.

And many poets tried to reflect this beauty in their poems, many artists wrote in their paintings.

Who is called an artist?

What is the profession of an artist for?

Here is one of the paintings on this topic.

It was painted by the great Russian artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan.

    Examination of the painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".

A conversation about autumn based on the painting "Golden Autumn".


Tell me, what time of year is it?

How did you guess that this is "Golden Autumn", early autumn?

What happened to the grass in the meadow?

What trees grow in the meadow?

What happened to the birch leaves?

What autumn colors did the artist use?

What is the weather like? Does the sun shine? What sky?

Do you think the wind is blowing?

    Exercise "Wind and leaves". (Coordination of speech with movement. Improving singing skills.)

The wind flew through the forest.

The wind counted the leaves.

Here is oak

Here is maple

Here is a rowan carved.

Here from a golden birch.

AND last page from aspen

The wind threw on the path.

The wind swirled through the forest.

The wind was friendly with the leaves.

Here is oak.

Here is maple

Here is a rowan carved.

Here from a golden birch.

And the last leaf from the aspen

The wind is whirling along the path.

By night the wind-breeze

Lie down next to the leaves.

Here is oak.

Here is maple

Here is a rowan carved.

Here from a golden birch.

And the last leaf from the aspen

Quietly dozing on the path.

    “Pick up a word” - word formation of relative adjectives.

The sun in autumn is the autumn sun;

wind in autumn

(sky, cloud, rain, forest, alley, weather, coat, boots,

sun, clothes, day, morning, grove, park…)

    Exercise "Autumn Leaves" (Development of a long smooth exhalation.)

The speech therapist invites the children to go to a high table, on which he puts a pool of water “from a forest lake”, and throws colorful leaves into the water. The pool should stand so that the leaves are at the level of the children's mouths.

Speech therapist.You said that the wind was blowing in the forest by the lake. Now you will become that wind. Blow on the leaves so that they float on the water. Remember how to blow correctly?

The children take turns blowing on the leaves. The speech therapist supervises the execution of the task. Do not perform the exercise more than three times, so as not to provoke dizziness in children.

    Stroke and hatch maple leaves. (Development of fine motor skills.)

The speech therapist invites the children to the table, on which there are sheets of paper, maple leaves, there is a container with pencils.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song".


Give the name, patronymic and surname of this artist.

What is the name of this painting?

What season did Levitan depict?

What beautiful things did the artist see in autumn?

Did you like the picture?

Why did you like her?

Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region

State autonomous educational institution of additional vocational education Samara region

"Samara Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Workers"

Final work

at the advanced training course IOC

"Planning directly-educational activities of children preschool age in the educational field "Speech development"

on the topic: “Plan-summary of direct educational activities

for children of the senior group "Storytelling in the picture

Training time: from 10.10.16-10.14.16

Completed by: Evdokimova

Elena Vladimirovna


JV "Kindergarten No. 30"

GBOU secondary school №29

g.o. Syzran, Samara region

Samara 2016

Outline of direct educational activities

in the senior group "Storytelling from the picture

I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Integration educational areas: speech development, cognitive development, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic.


Speech development:

  1. Encourage children to active speech activity. Learn to answer the question in a complete sentence. Learn to analyze your answers, your work and the work of your comrades.
  2. To cultivate a culture of verbal communication, the ability to conduct a dialogue with

teacher and with peers.

  1. Teach children to choose adjectives in the description of autumn.
  2. Activate the words in the speech of children: crimson and gold, cold and warm tones, joyful, excited, delighted, calm.
  3. Enrich the children's vocabulary with words: landscape painting, withering grass, birch grove, tree crowns, arable land, river bend.

Cognitive development:

  1. Acquaintance of children with the artist I.I. Levitan, with his work.
  2. Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about characteristics autumn.

Social and communicative development:

  1. Form a positive emotional mood on

educational activity.

  1. Encourage children to engage in joint activities with adults and peers. To promote the establishment of emotional trusting contact of children with the teacher and with each other.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

  1. To introduce children to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" from the cycle "The Seasons".
  2. To educate the aesthetic perception of the surrounding reality and works of art.
  3. To improve the ability of children to create a collage, placing the details all over the sheet, select the details by color and shape.

Methods and techniques:

  1. Visual - examining the picture of I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".
  2. Verbal - reading a poem by A.S. Pushkin "A sad time! Eyes of charm! ”,conversation on the picture, questions, explanations, instructions.
  3. Practical - didactic game "What autumn?", Application of autumn leaves "Autumn collage".

Materials: autumn leaves, glue, brushes, rags

Equipment: reproduction of a painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", easel, tape recorder, basket, multimedia equipment, presentation, paper sheet with prepared background.

Audio recording: P. I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" from the cycle "The Seasons", Paul Maoriat "Toccato".

Preliminary work:learning and reading poetry, singing songs about autumn, looking at illustrations of autumn nature, observing natural phenomena while walking.

Forms of organization joint activities

Children's activity

Forms and methods of organization

joint activities

Communicative activity

Conversation on the painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Purpose: to encourage children to engage in a joint conversation with an adult


Didactic game: "What autumn?"

Purpose: to teach children to select adjectives for the noun "What autumn?".

Cognitive research activity

  1. Examination of the painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Purpose: Acquaintance with the artist I.I. Levitan, his work.

2. Looking at pictures about autumn.

Purpose: To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of autumn.

Perception of fiction

Reading an excerpt from a poem by A.S. Pushkin "A sad time! Eye charm!

Purpose: to form a positive emotional attitude to educational activities.


Listening to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" from the cycle "The Seasons"

Purpose: to create an emotional mood for looking at the picture


Application "Autumn collage"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to make a collective application from natural material.

Logic of educational activity

No. p / p

The activities of the educator

Activities of pupils

Expected results

Guys, please listen to the poem

A.S. Pushkin "A sad time! Eye charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold.

Who guessed what time of year in question? How did you guess? What do the words crimson and gold mean?

Listening to the poem, answering questions about the text.

The ability to analyze a poem, highlight the main thing.

Activate the speech of children with the words: crimson and gold.

Right. But not only poets loved to describe this wonderful time of the year, but also artists and musicians.Here we are now looking at a picture about autumn, which was painted by the artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan. The artist called his painting "Golden Autumn". Let's love her. And I will turn on the "autumn" music, it was written by the composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. (Fragment of "Autumn Song" from the cycle "The Seasons")

Was this music happy or sad?

Yes, light, light sadness is heard in the music. The melody sounded soft and light. What mood do you get after listening to music? This is how the composer felt the golden autumn. Now look at the picture and say: what did the artist feel when he painted the golden autumn. How could he express his feelings with colors? After all, the artist expresses his feelings with the help of paints. What colors are happy here? What colors are sad? (children's answers)

Yes, the artist conveyed joy with warm colors, but he also used cold tones, there are fewer of them. Therefore, looking at the picture, we feel joy, pleasure from the lush beauty of nature, but at the same time, a slight sadness of farewell to summer, with crumbling leaves of trees, withering grass, with warmth and sun.

Let's take a closer look at the picture. Look, on the left side of the picture, close to us, in the foreground, the artist painted several trees. What are these trees? (Birches)

Tell about them. What are they?

And even further, in the background, a group of birches is visible. This group of birches is called "birch grove". The artist painted barely visible trunks and lush crowns of trees - after all, the trees are far away, so he placed them on the canvas higher than the trees that we see in the foreground.

Now look at the right side of the picture. What is drawn here? (River.)

Yes, a river. In front of us it is wide, dark blue, and further, it becomes narrower, lighter, in the distance it turns blue and white. And then, at the bend of the river, there is a lonely birch tree, bright as a “candle”. To her right is a round dance of green-brown trees. And what did the artist depict in the background, where the sky begins? Yes, there, on the mountain, we see green arable land, several houses, and further on - a wall of birches and a forest. What color is the sky? (The sky is blue, with light white clouds.)

Is there a sun in the picture? How did you guess? Yes, we see the shadows from the trees, so the sun is there. The sun "lit" the foliage with gold, yellow - orange light! This is how an artist can tell about what he liked.

What do you want to do when looking at this picture?

Children listen to music, look at the picture.

Children answer the teacher's questions about the content of the music.

Children look at the picture, answer the questions in full sentences.

Consider in more detail the picture, what is in the foreground, what is in the background. Analyze the artist's intent artistic techniques. Answer questions about the picture.

The ability to see the beauty of the picture and perceive the piece of music.

The ability to analyze a piece of music using words:joyful, sad, admiring, calm.

Ability to answer teacher questions in full sentences.

Activation of the vocabulary of children with words: warm, cold tones, foreground, background, golden autumn, birch grove.

Enrichment of the children's vocabulary with words: withering grass, lush crowns of trees, a bend in the river, green arable land.

The ability to answer the questions of the educator with a full detailed sentence, talking about what he saw.

I also want to walk through the autumn beauties, golden-crimson birch groves. inhale Fresh air, feel the breath of a light breeze, listen to the sound of the river. Let's get up with you guys now, walk through the forest to the sound of music and collect autumn leaves (Music by Paul Maoriata "Toccato" sounds).

Children, here we have collected autumn leaves, and now let's put them in a basket, they will still be useful to us.

And now let's play a game: "What an autumn." Get up in a semicircle, I will show you autumn paintings (showing a presentation with autumn paintings), and you will tell me what kind of autumn they depict. For example: sunny, joyful, cheerful. Even some?

Children collect autumn leaves to the sound of music.

Children review slides and name descriptive adjectives

Aesthetic perception of the surrounding reality, the ability to act together

Vocabulary activation: rainy, dull, golden, sunny, joyful, cheerful, etc.)

Well done guys! Today we listened to music, poems about autumn, looked at the picture of the artist I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". We were happy and a little sad. We remembered the golden autumn that we saw on a walk. Music, painting and poetry gave us these memories, this joy and slight sadness. And now we are together as artists, we will try to depict the golden autumn with the help of autumn leaves and create an autumn collage.

Collective production of autumn collage

The ability of children to create joint work.The ability of children to make a collage, placing the details all over the sheet, picking up the details by color and shape.


We have a beautiful autumn carpet! I suggest you show our work to moms and dads.

And now let's remember what we did today in the lesson. What picture were you looking at? Who is author? What kind of music did you listen to? What new did you learn? What did you like most about the lesson? Who do you think did a good job today? Why do you think so?

To form the ability to answer questions with a common sentence,

analyze the work done by yourself and your comrades.