The comedy "Thunderstorm" is one of the most famous works Russian playwright A. N. Ostrovsky. The idea, the characters of the work can be explored forever. The images of the characters in "Thunderstorm" are quite remarkable.

Problems of the play "Thunderstorm"

All characters can be divided into 2 groups: representatives of the older and younger generations. The elder represents the Boar and Wild. They are representatives of the patriarchal world, where selfishness and poverty rule. Other characters suffer from the tyranny of the Boar and the Wild. First of all, these are Varvara, Katerina, Boris and Tikhon. Comparative characteristics of the characters show that all the heroes resigned themselves to their fate, and only Katerina is not able to go against her conscience and her desires.

The entire work "Thunderstorm" is dedicated to the history of the main character Katerina. She is one of the participants. Katerina has to choose between two men, and these men are Boris and Tikhon. These characters will help to understand in detail the behavior of the characters in the play.

The fate of Boris

Before analyzing the character of Boris, you need to familiarize yourself with his history.

Boris is not Kalinov. He gets there at the behest of his parents. Boris was supposed to get the inheritance, which for the time being is in charge of Dikoy. For good behavior and obedience, Dikoy is obliged to give the inheritance to Boris, but readers understand that because of the greed of Dikoy, this will never happen. Therefore, Boris has to stay in Kalinovo and live there according to the rules established by Diky and Kabanikha.

The fate of Tikhon

Among all the characters, he singles out two heroes, two men - these are Boris and Tikhon. Comparative characteristics of these heroes can say a lot.

Tikhon depends on Kabanikhi - his mother. He has to obey her in everything. The boar does not hesitate to get into the personal life of his son, dictating how he should treat his wife. His daughter-in-law, Katerina Kabanikha, is literally slaughtered from the world. Katerina Kabanikha constantly finds fault.

Once Tikhon is forced to leave for another city for a few days. The reader clearly sees how glad he is of the opportunity to be alone and show his independence.

Common between Boris and Tikhon

So, we have two characters - this is Boris and Tikhon. A comparative description of these heroes is impossible without an analysis of their lifestyle. So, both characters live with tyrants, both heroes are forced to obey someone else's will. Both characters lack independence. Both heroes love Katerina.

At the end of the play, both suffer greatly after Katerina's death. Tikhon is left alone with his mother, and orders Boris Dika to leave Kalinov. Of course, after the incident with Katerina, he definitely will not see the inheritance.

Boris and Tikhon: differences

There are more differences between Boris and Tikhon than they have in common. So, Boris and Tikhon - Comparative characteristics. The table below will help organize the knowledge about these heroes.

Relationship with KaterinaBoris is ready for anything. He risks his reputation, the reputation of Katerina - a married woman. His love is passionate, open and emotional.Tikhon loves Katerina, but the reader sometimes questions this: if he loves her, why doesn’t he protect Kabanikha from attacks? Why doesn't he feel her suffering?
Relationships with other characters in the playBoris operates under the cover of Varvara. Night Kalinov is the time when all young people go out into the streets with songs and romantic moods.Tikhon is treated well, but little is said about his relationship with other characters. The only remarkable thing is his relationship with his mother. He loves her to some extent and tries to respect her, but on the other hand, he feels her wrong.

Such are Boris and Tikhon. The comparative characteristics of the characters given in the table above are quite short and capacious. It is worth noting that readers mostly sympathize with Boris than Tikhon.

The main idea of ​​the play "Thunderstorm"

The characterization of Boris and Tikhon suggests that the two men loved Katerina. However, neither one nor the other could save her. Katerina threw herself off a cliff into the river, no one stopped her. It was Boris and Tikhon, whose comparative characteristics were given above, who were supposed to save her, who were supposed to rebel against the power of Kalinov's petty tyrants. However, they did not succeed, and the lifeless body of Katerina was carried out of the river.

Kalinov is a town that lives by its own rules. Dobrolyubov called Katerina "a ray of light in dark kingdom", and this is true. Katerina could not change her fate, but perhaps she is the whole city. Her death is the first catastrophe that violated the patriarchal way of the family. changes are coming.

Thus, A. Ostrovsky was able to show not just a family tragedy. Before us is the tragedy of an entire city perishing in the despotism of the Wild and Boar. Kalinov is not a fictional city, but there are a lot of such "Kalinovs" throughout Russia.

The play "Thunderstorm" is one of Ostrovsky's most famous works. The images shown in this drama are very vivid and sometimes opposite. But, showing the opposite of the characters, the author sometimes reflects their similarity and the reader often recognizes his features in Katerina, Varvara or Boris.

There are two male images in the play, which are "bonded" in the dark kingdom. Tikhon and Boris are two completely opposite characters, but Katerina connects them. The reader can observe a love triangle. Tikhon is the husband of the main character, and Boris is only a fleeting hobby. Let's look at these characters separately to better understand their similarities and differences. We will also be able to understand Katerina's motives: what does she feel for both heroes and why did the heroine cheat on her husband?

Tikhon - the husband of the heroine from the very early childhood is under the influence of his tyrannical mother, he is very much dependent on her. The boar subjugated her son to her will so much that she can influence him even after Tikhon has already created his own family. He cannot resist his mother and sometimes takes out evil on Katerina, even though she is not to blame for anything. All this leads Tikhon to drunkenness. In fact, he loves and pities his wife, but he cannot protect her, because he himself is a very weak-willed person and cannot tell Kabanikha to leave him and his wife alone. To find the strength in himself to tell his mother everything that is in his heart, he decides only after the death of his wife. Katerina does not love her husband, she only regrets, probably that is why she is looking for true love that suits her youthful dreams.

Boris Grigoryevich finds himself in Kalinovo not of his own free will. He received a good education, but is forced to come to Kalinov for the sake of a large inheritance, obeying the will of his uncle. He does not like the city and its rules. He would gladly give up everything and go somewhere, so as not to depend on the Wild and the inheritance that he would leave him. He stays in Kalinovo and obeys local orders for the sake of his sister.

Why did Katerina, of all men, fall in love with Boris? Probably because he was a new face in Kalinov and in her vision he appeared as a man completely different from her husband. At first, Boris is very affectionate with the girl, but realizing that Katerina loves him, he opens up and shows his cruel and selfish nature. Boris is not a handsome prince, and he could not protect the young girl from the oppression of the "dark kingdom", just like her husband, or maybe did not want to. He refuses to take her with him when he leaves, effectively dooming her to death.

The reader sees that Tikhon and Boris are similar in many ways. Even if they are capable of expressing feelings of love and tenderness, none of them could resist the local orders, the Domostroy system, they are not able to make a decisive, even desperate act for the sake of another person. All their actions and inactions lead to the death of Katerina - and there is no light left in the dark kingdom.

Option 2

In his work "Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky showed the tragedy of a small town suffering from the despotism of those in power. The tragedy that happened to Katerina did not change her life, but became the first step towards changes in society. Tikhon and Boris are the main characters, two men living in a patriarchal society. Both suffer from a patriarchal way of life, both love Katerina, but neither Bori nor Tikhon could save her life.

Tikhon grew up under severe pressure, in constant humiliation and infringement of his own interests. The tyrant father, who keeps under tight control everyone who can be reached by the mother, who acts as a benefactor among strangers, and at home is not inferior to her father, has a very strong influence on his son. She convinced Tikhon that he did not have his own mind, and he must live for someone else's. That is, maternal. Young, married man afraid to go against the will of the parents, justifies himself to the mother even if he does not feel guilty. Tikhon really wants to break free, he raves about her and does not pay attention to Katerina's problems. It can be argued that Tikhon loves his wife, he would forgive her betrayal, but he cannot openly go against his mother. This is a puppet that from time to time tries to break free, but he is immediately put in his place.

Boris was brought up in more free conditions. But life circumstances forced him to endure the tyranny of his uncle. Outwardly, Boris differs from Tikhon in conversations and education. He boldly risks his reputation, emotional, also loves Katerina. But at the same time, Boris does nothing to save his beloved. Moreover, having achieved the love of Katerina, Boris begins to treat her cruelly. Distinctive feature Boris's character is selfishness. He was well aware of the consequences of his act, but was not even going to worry about how Katerina would have to live on. The young man is also not interested inner world Katerina, does not want to listen to her and help her in some way. It can be argued that Boris shifts the responsibility for what happened onto the shoulders of Katerina, while he leaves. Having an education, the opportunity to change his life, a young man easily goes with the flow, calling himself a victim. It is safe to say that over time he will become the same adherent of Domostroy as his uncle.

It is impossible to say with certainty who is more to blame for the death of Katerina - Tikhon or Boris. The first did not fight for his happiness, indulged his mother's whims. Even knowing that she is very wrong. The second protested only in words, and did nothing to change the situation for the better or prevent the tragedy. Both loved Katerina, both saw how she was suffering, but they were afraid to go against the social order, to sacrifice their comfort for the sake of a loved one. Thus, it can be argued that Tikhon and Boris differ only in appearance.

There are not so many positive characters in the comedy of Fonvizin the Undergrowth, but they all carry a certain idea. This role is played by Pravdin, a government official who settled with the Prostakovs in order to reveal their cruelty to the peasants.

  • The image and characteristics of Kazbich in the novel A Hero of Our Time by Lermontov essay

    Kazbich is a robber, a horseman. He is not afraid of anything and, like any other Caucasian, protects his honor and dignity

  • Boris Dikoy and Tikhon Kabanov are two completely different characters. They are both very closely related to main character- Katerina, and make up a love triangle with her. Tikhon is her husband, and Boris is a fleeting interest, an affair, a man with whom she cheated on Tikhon. Of course, this immediately puts them in completely different positions. You should talk about each character separately in order to identify their differences and a few similarities.

    Tikhon Kabanov is Katerina's legal husband and Kabanikh's son. He was brought up in strictness and used to obey his mother in everything; is, so to speak, under her heel. He does not know how to make any decisions on his own, he does not know how to live away from his mother, and therefore, having temporarily flown away from under his mother’s wing, he immediately goes into revelry:

    “I was very glad that I got out into the wild. And drank all the way."

    Tikhon seems to me like a rag, not like a real man, because it lacks the most important thing - masculinity. Of course, Tikhon also has positive traits- He knows how to forgive, and it's worth a lot. He forgave Katerina when she cheated on him, although, in my opinion, this is not an act that needs to be forgiven. In any case, this speaks only of Tikhon's spirituality and soulfulness. Tikhon is loyal, kind, but, unfortunately, I cannot call him a real man.

    As for Boris, he is an even more ambiguous figure for me than Tikhon. He is the nephew of a wealthy merchant, spent his entire youth in Moscow and received a proper education, which at that time was a huge rarity. In the small town of Kalinov, in which the play takes place, he had to move. I think if it were not for the complicity of Varvara and Kudryash, Boris would not have run after Katerina, because she, married woman, and Boris is a well-mannered person, and he would hardly go on a date with a busy lady. His feelings for Katerina, the tender words that he says to her - all this makes the image of Boris more lively and romantic, especially compared to the same Tikhon. Boris is a self-confident person - this makes him closer to the concept of a "real man". There is one "but" - by the end of the play, Boris manifests himself as a real scoundrel. His words to Katerina destroy the whole image of a romantic young man:

    "Only one God you need to ask for her to die as soon as possible."

    Wishing a person death, albeit soon, is not the best idea. Especially if you swore love to this woman. So was he being honest or did he just decide to quietly run away? Who knows.

    Summing up, we can say that Boris shows himself to be a more active person in all spheres of life than Tikhon - he is completely passive. But both of them can be called real men only with a stretch, I see in each of them the features of boys who have not yet formed personalities. Both of them do not know how to solve problems, preferring to ignore them. Tikhon forgives Katerina's betrayal, and Boris leaves her, not wanting to correct his own mistakes. Tikhon and Boris are completely polar, their characters are different, but both of them are definitely not real men.

    How are Boris and Tikhon similar? Expand your position.

    Read the text fragment below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1-C2.

    Boris (not seeing Katerina). My God! It's her voice, after all! Where is she? (Looks around.)

    Katerina (runs up to him and falls on his neck). I did see you! (Crying on his chest.)


    Boris. Well, here we cried together, God brought.

    Katerina. Have you forgotten me?

    Boris. How to forget that you!

    Katerina. Oh, no, not that, not that! Are you angry at me?

    Boris. Why should I be angry?

    Katerina, Well, forgive me! I did not want to harm you; Yes, she was not free. What she said, what she did, she did not remember herself.

    Boris. Completely you! what you!

    Katerina. Well, how are you? Now how are you?

    Boris. I'm going.

    Katerina. Where are you going?

    vBoris. Far away, Katya, to Siberia.

    Katerina. Take me away from here!

    Boris. I can't, Katya. I am not going of my own free will: my uncle sends, and the horses are already ready; I just asked my uncle for a minute, I wanted to at least say goodbye to the place where we met.

    Katerina. Ride with God! Don't worry about me. At first, only if it will be boring for you, the poor, and then you will forget.

    Boris. What is there to say about me! I am a free bird. How are you? What is the mother-in-law?

    Katerina. Torments me, locks me up. She tells everyone and says to her husband: "Do not trust her, she is cunning." Everyone follows me all day and laughs right in my eyes. At every word, everyone reproaches you.

    Boris. What about the husband?

    Katerina. Now affectionate, then angry, but drinking everything. Yes, he hates me, hates me, his caress is worse for me than beatings.

    Boris. Is it hard for you, Katya?

    Katerina. It's so hard, so hard, that it's easier to die!

    Boris. Who knew what it was for our love to suffer so much with you! I'd better run then!

    Katerina. Unfortunately, I saw you. I saw little joy, but grief, grief, what! Yes, there is still so much to come! Well, what to think about what will happen! Now I've seen you, they won't take that away from me; and I don't need anything else. I just needed to see you. Now it has become much easier for me; like a mountain had been lifted off my shoulders. And I kept thinking that you were angry with me, cursing me...

    Boris. What are you, what are you!

    Katerina. No, everything is not what I say; That's not what I wanted to say! I was bored with you, that's what, well, I saw you ...

    Boris. They wouldn't have found us here!

    Katerina. Stop, stop! I wanted to tell you something... I forgot!

    Something had to be said! Everything is confused in my head, I don’t remember anything.

    Boris. Time for me, Katya!

    Katerina. Wait, wait!

    Boris. Well, what did you want to say?

    Katerina. I'll tell you now. (Thinking.) Yes! You will go on your way, don’t let a single beggar through like that, give it to everyone and order them to pray for my sinful soul.

    Boris. Oh, if only these people knew what it feels like to say goodbye to you! My God! God grant that someday it will be as sweet for them as it is for me now. Farewell, Katya! (Hugs and wants to leave.) You villains! Fiends! Oh, what strength!

    A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

    Specify the literary genus to which the work belongs.


    This work belongs to the genre of literature called drama. Let's give a definition.

    Drama is a literary (dramatic), stage and cinematic genre. It gained particular distribution in the literature of the 18th-21st centuries, gradually replacing another genre of dramaturgy - tragedy, opposing it with a predominantly everyday plot and a style closer to everyday reality.

    Answer: drama.

    Answer: drama

    What act of Katerina will follow immediately after the events depicted?


    Immediately after the events depicted, Katerina's suicide will follow.

    Answer: suicide.

    Answer: suicide

    Establish a correspondence between the three characters appearing (mentioned) in this fragment and their inherent personality traits.



    A-2: Wild - ignorance, rudeness, greed. Wild Savel Prokofich is a wealthy merchant, one of the most respected people in the city of Kalinov. D. is a typical tyrant. He feels his power over people and complete impunity, and therefore creates what he wants.

    B-4: Boris - education, spinelessness, sensitivity. Wild is distinguished by increased aggressiveness, a desire to humiliate, offend, insult the interlocutor. It is no coincidence that his speech consists of rude words and curses. Boris Grigorievich is Diky's nephew. He is one of the weakest characters in the play. B. is a kind, well-educated person. It stands out sharply against the background of the merchant environment. But he is weak by nature. B. is forced to humiliate himself in front of his uncle, Wild, for the sake of hope for the inheritance that he will leave him. Although the hero himself knows that this will never happen, he nevertheless fawns before the tyrant, enduring his antics. B. is unable to protect himself or his beloved Katerina.

    B-3: Tikhon - weakness, dependence on mother, humility. Tikhon is a kind, but weak person, he rushes between fear of his mother and compassion for his wife. The hero loves Katerina, but not in the way that Kabanikha requires - severely, "like a man." He does not want to prove his power to his wife, he needs warmth and affection.

    Answer: 243.

    Answer: 243

    Establish a correspondence between the three characters appearing (mentioned) in this fragment and their future fate.

    Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



    A-3: Dikoy sends his nephew out of Kalinov.

    B-1: Boris is leaving for Siberia.

    B-4: Tikhon reproaches his mother.

    It is only over the body of his dead wife that Tikhon decides to rebel against his mother, publicly blaming her for the death of Katerina, and it is with this publicity that he inflicts the most terrible blow on Kabanikha.

    Kuligin pulls Katerina out of the water.

    Answer: 314.

    Answer: 314

    In response, write down the phrase that throughout the play was the poetic leitmotif of the image of Katerina, and what Boris said in this scene exposes his insincerity (a fragment from the words “Go with God!”).


    The poetic leitmotif of the image of Katerina throughout the play was the phrase "free bird".

    Answer: free bird.

    Answer: free bird

    Katerina's response to Boris's remark (“Who knew that it was for our love to suffer so much with you! ..”) is a complete detailed statement. What is this type of utterance in a play called?


    A similar type of utterance in a dramatic work is called a monologue. Let's give a definition.

    Monologue - the speech of the character, mainly in a dramatic work, turned off from the conversational communication of the characters and does not imply a direct response, unlike dialogue; speech addressed to the audience or to oneself.

    Answer: monologue

    Answer: monologue

    The last words of Boris contain exclamations aimed at attracting the attention of listeners. What are these exclamations called?


    Such exclamations are called rhetorical. Let's give a definition.

    Rhetorical - a stylistic figure: an appeal that is conditional. In it, the main role is played not by the text, but by the intonation of the appeal. Rhetorical appeal is often found in monologues. The main task of a rhetorical appeal is the desire to express an attitude towards a particular person or object, to characterize it, to enhance the expressiveness of speech. A rhetorical appeal never requires an answer and does not carry a question.

    Bazarov, the hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". With his way of life, his views and convictions, he shakes the world of liberal nobles, under his onslaught the well-being of the Kirsanovs was shaken, their failure was debunked.

    A rebel by nature and Pechorin, who challenged the "water society", stirred up his calmness and caused a flurry of indignation and hatred.

    Generally Russian literature XIX The century has deeply and comprehensively shown the growing contradictions between the forces that wanted or demanded fundamental changes, and the forces that are trying in every possible way to preserve the old order.


    Tikhon and Boris - male images"Thunderstorms", which help us better understand the essence of Katerina. Tikhon is her husband, and Boris is her lover. Tikhon and Boris weak creatures, they are not able to appreciate or love Katerina the way she deserves it. Both are victims of the "dark kingdom", experiencing oppression from its representatives: Boris is under the yoke of his uncle, and Tikhon suffers from his mother. With their power, petty tyrants: Dikoy and Kabanova - suppress everything human in those around them. Tikhon, despite his wife's requests to stay, runs away from his parents' house in order to escape from his mother's oppression at least for a while, at that moment he thinks only of himself, he does not need Katerina. In fairness, it must be said that Tikhon still sometimes stands up for his wife in front of his mother, but this protest is so timid that it brings nothing but unnecessary irritation to Kabanikha. It is Tikhon who makes an attempt to challenge in person patriarchal world, accusing the mother of the death of his wife: “Mother, you ruined her!”.

    Boris is even weaker. In the scene cited, he shows this weakness when, when meeting with his beloved, he is afraid even after being exposed: “We wouldn’t be found here!” All he can do is obey the will of the Wild and finally exclaim: “Oh, if only there was strength!”