A musician is a truly creative profession, which requires constant professional improvement and hard work. At the same time, you can do music professionally, or you can do it for yourself. The first musical instruments appeared in ancient times. Suffice it to recall the primitive tribes who used percussion instruments during the performance of rituals and ceremonies. The history of the creation and development of musical instruments and performance skills has passed through many centuries and has become one of the most important components of the art of peoples.

Gradually, to give greater emotional depth and richness to melodies, voice performance began to appear. Vocal art in a broad sense is the art of conveying artistic, figurative, ideological content piece of music. Vocal art, associated with the word, vividly and accessiblely reflects the composer's intention, the depth, strength and truth of human characters, expresses thoughts, feelings, subtle sensations.

Therefore, modern musicians have a huge choice of points of application of their interests - from classical music to the latest trends in show business. That is, a person can be a singer, musician (play instruments), can be a conductor, composer, and also be a member of a musical group.

But, choosing these professions as the main one, it should be understood that without special education it will be very difficult to achieve much in it. Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (MGUKI) Moscow State P.I. Tchaikovsky Academy of Cinema and Show Business "STARS" Yana Rudkovskaya

For everyone, music has its own meaning in life. For some, this is a reason to dance in a club, for some, music is a job, someone sees their life in it, while others look for their inspiration in it. The professions of a musician and a singer are good because there are no clear rules here, as in algebra or geometry - twice two equals four. In music, twice two can be five or even six. This is creativity, where you can realize your ambitions, you can come up with something new, compose. And it’s also nice to bring joy to people and get pleasure from it.

music director of the BDOU "Center for Child Development - Nyuksensky kindergarten» Nyuksensky municipal district

Summary of the lesson "Kaleidoscope of musical professions"

Department of Education of the Nyuksen Municipality

BDOU "Child Development Center - Nyuksen Kindergarten"

Lesson summary

"Kaleidoscope of Musical Professions"

Completed by: U.V. Kozadaeva

music director

Nyuksenitsa, 2019

“Music is not meant to be learned

to be a professional musician,

but to be the best in any profession.”


Music is a universal art form. For music to live among us, we need musicians of various specialties. The profession of a musician is an unusual job, involving creativity. There are many musical specialties, each of which is important and irreplaceable in the field of musical art. A composer, whose creations we perceive with pleasure, a performer whose skill is very important in conveying the composer's intention. There is a wide variety of musical performers: singers, instrumentalists. And there are so many musical instruments in the world that you can learn to play and, if you wish, become a professional musician. Among the performing musicians, conductors stand out, that is, people who manage the rehearsals and performances of the orchestra, ensemble, opera troupe, and choir. Important educational work is carried out by musicologists - as lecturers, speaking with conversations about composers and their work, enriching the cultural level of listeners. Musicians-teachers pass on their accumulated experience, the secrets of mastery from one generation of musicians to another. There are many wonderful professional musicians in our country. The music of our composers, the performing arts of our artists, the work of our musicologists are widely known throughout the world. Children are very receptive to music. In music lessons,form age-friendly ideas about various musical professions; give children the opportunity to get acquainted with the elements of the professional activity of a composer and conductor through practical activities and experimentation;

Educational area:"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Type:direct educational activity

OO integration:"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative"

Place:"Center for Child Development - Nyuksensky Kindergarten" (address: Sadovaya st., 3a)

Children's age: 6-7 years old

Time: 30 minutes

Organization of NOD: group.

GCD forms:communicative (conversation, situational conversation), game, musical and artistic (listening, performance), cognitive activity (independent solution of problem situations).



  • Educational - to expand children's knowledge about musical professions;
  • Developing - to develop cognitive interest, figurative speech, speech and singing breathing, exercise in performing songs, dances, games;
  • Educators - to bring up initiative, independence, goodwill, skills of a culture of behavior, to provide children with the opportunity to evaluate the knowledge gained, achievements;
  • Correctional and health-improving - to relieve muscle and psychological tension, to help preserve the health of children through the performance of musical and creative actions.

Methods:visual, verbal, practical, explanatory and illustrative, game.

Preliminary work:learning the greeting "Hello" (author A. Evtodeva); songs “Rainbow of Desires” (music and lyrics by E. Lashuk), orchestra of the DMI Rachmaninov “Polka”, pair dance “Polka with Claps”;


List of used literature:

  1. Approximate OOP "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa;
  2. Ravcheeva I.P. Desk book music director. - Volgograd: "Teacher", 2016;
  3. Novoskoltseva I.A., Kaplunova I.M. "Holiday every day". - St. Petersburg "Composer", 2007

(preparatory group)

Target:familiarization of children with professions related to musical activity.


1. Formation in children of a system of basic knowledge, skills and methods musical activity, providing a base for later acquaintance with music.

2. Develop the skills of free improvisation in voice, dance movements, playing on children's musical instruments. Develop horizons, vocabulary, memory, thinking.

  1. To cultivate an emotional and conscious attitude to music in the process of various types of musical activity: singing, dance movements, playing musical instruments.

Equipment:projector, screen, laptop, presentation with slides on the topic of the lesson, “magic” bell, musical instruments: metallophones, bells, tambourines, rattles, triangle.

GCD progress:

Children enter the hall to the music of "March of Wooden Soldiers" by P.I. Tchaikovsky. Marching in a circle, stopping when the music ends.

  1. Hello. Singing "Hello!"

Guys, did you find out what music you entered the hall to?(answers)

And what can you tell about P.I. Tchaikovsky? (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is a world-famous Russian musician (answers)

  1. Setting goals and objectives of the lesson.

Guys, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was very fond of music since childhood. What do you think, and what profession did he dream of becoming when he grows up?(answers)

Would you like to know what other musical professions? (answers)

The magic bell will help us to learn a lot of new and interesting things. Are you ready to learn a lot of new and interesting things?

Let's ring the bell and say the magic words "One, two, three, ring the bell, show us the picture!"(on the screen is a photograph from a concert recently attended by children at a children's music school - a singing person)

What do you think the name of this profession is?(answers)

What do you know about the profession of a singer?(answers, explanation of the words "singer", "singer")

Let us become singers and singers. The magic bell will help us: “One, two - they rang, three, four - they circled and we will turn into singers!”(children close their eyes and spin in place, pronouncing the magic words)

  1. Singing the song " wish rainbow » (singing with soloist and choir)

Guys, do you want to see a new image on the screen? Then, you need to close your eyes and say the magic words: “One, two - call, show us the picture!”(pictures depicting musical instruments: piano, violin, button accordion, drum) slide 4

Who can guess the name of the profession of people playing musical instruments?(answers)

  1. Game "Say the word"

A musician who plays the piano is………….pianist(5,6)

A musician who plays the violin……………violinist (7.8)

A musician who plays the button accordion -…………….accordionist(9,10)

A musician who plays the drum -……………drummer(11,12)

And now guys, let's say the words: "One, two, three - ring the bell, turn us into musicians" (children pronounce the words, spin around and take musical instruments).

  1. Playing children's musical instruments "Polka" Rachmaninov.

Guys, we are now playing instruments all together. What will be the name of a group of musicians playing at the same time?(orchestra)

Who do you think is the most important in the orchestra?(conductor)

The word "conductor" means "to manage". So, a conductor is a person who manages an orchestra, a choir. Let's remember what a choir is?(children's answers)

How to become a conductor? What are we missing?(orchestra and conductor's baton)

Let's play the game "Talented Conductor" (all children receive cards with images of different musical instruments. One of the children is a conductor. Children depict each of their musical instruments, and the conductor guesses which instrument sounds in his orchestra ).

  1. 6 . Game "Talented Conductor"

Guys, I suggest you get up and take some rest.

Fizminutka: We played musicians (spring)

Songs were sung, dancedtilt right, left )

Played the instrumentsclapping)

And a little tiredbreathing exercise )

(After a physical minute, the children close their eyes and say the magic words: “One, two, three, ring the bell, show us the picture!”, On the screen there are portraits of composers: M. Musorsky, E. Grieg, C. Saint-Saens, S. Prokofiev. Children guess the names of composers )

What unites these people? Who are they by profession? (composers)

What do you know about the profession "composer"?(answers)

Let us become composers.

(Children close their eyes and say the words: “One, two - spin around, turn into composers!”)

  1. Game "Come up with a melody"

Children sing names to invented melodies. For example, "My name is Natasha"

Guys, have you ever heard the word "DJ"? What does this word mean?(answers)

A DJ is also a musical profession, a person who turns on dance music. Well, shall we dance?

  1. Pair dance"Polka with Claps"

R fuck, let's repeat what musical professions are

(questions - riddles about musical professions and pictures - answers on the screen)

  1. He writes music for us, plays melodies,
    He will put poems on a waltz. Who composes songs? (composer)
  2. Waving a thin stick - the choir on the stage will sing.
    Not a magician, not a juggler. Who is this? (conductor, choirmaster )
    He waves his arms smoothly, hears every instrument.
    He is the most important in the orchestra, he is the president in the orchestra! (conductor)
  3. For this musician, the musical instrument is his voice (Singer)
  4. A musician who plays the trumpet is called...? (trumpeter)
  5. A person of this profession teaches children to listen, understand, play music (music teacher)
  1. Summary of the lesson. Game "Magic bell"

(The music director passes the magic bell to the children. Whoever has the bell in his hands tells what he learned new in the lesson, impressions that he liked. At the end, the music director takes the bell in his hands and notes the most diligent, attentive children)

Singing "Goodbye!"

Music exit.

Summary of the lesson "Kaleidoscope of musical professions"

Presentation on the topic: “My profession is a music director” Music director - Munkina Larisa Vladimirovna MDOU “Solnyshko” No. 3 Rtishchevo 2017

Presentation of the professional activity of the music director of the MDOU "Solnyshko" No. 3 Munkina Larisa Vladimirovna Pedagogical experience 22 years, of which 10 years in the MDOU "Solnyshko" No. 3 as a music director. Higher education. She graduated from a pedagogical university.

develop musical and Creative skills child in various types of musical activity, taking into account his individual capabilities. primary goal

♫ Develop children's musical skills and abilities in various types of musical activities. ♫ To introduce children to a variety of musical forms and genres in an attractive and accessible way. ♫ Nurture and emotional responsiveness and basics musical culture. To introduce children to Russian folk-traditional and world musical culture. ♫ Develop creativity. Tasks

Decor music hall updated according to the season of the year and the holiday. Decoration of the music hall

The object environment is scaled by the eye, the actions of the hand, the growth of the child. Purchased and made by hand: musical and didactic games, children's musical instruments, attributes for outdoor games, toys and costumes for theatrical activities. Musical development environment

List of materials for children from 2.5 to 4 years old: tumbler dolls; figurative musical "singing" toys cockerel, cat, bunny toys-instruments with a fixed sound - an organ. toy instruments with a sound of indefinite height: rattles, bells, drum; a set of non-voiced figurative instruments of an accordion, pipes, balalaikas; attributes for musical outdoor games; flags, scarves, bright ribbons with rings, rattles for children's dance creativity (seasonal); tape recorder and a set of program audio recordings. Filling of musical zones by age groups.

List of materials for children from 4 - 5 years old: In the music zone for independent activities of these children, manuals for junior group listed above, as well as additionally: glockenspiel; noise instruments for children's orchestra; little books "We sing" (they contain bright illustrations for familiar songs); musical and didactic games: “Three Bears”, “Recognize and Name”, “Our Orchestra”, “Flower-Semitsvetik”, “Guess the Bell”; attributes for outdoor musical games: “Cat and Kittens”, “Hen and Cockerel”, "Hares and a bear"; rattles, tambourines, drums, triangles; illustrations on the theme "Seasons"; home-made musical toys; attributes for children's dance art: elements of costumes for familiar folk dances; portraits of composers.

V i d s: listening-perception, children's performance, children's musical creativity, musical and educational activities. Forms: classes, the use of music at holidays and entertainment, in games, independent activities. Music lessons- the main form of organizing the upbringing, education, development of children - is based on mandatory program requirements, drawn up taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers. This is a form of the educational process in which all children of one age or another participate at the same time. They collectively sing, play, dance. United by a common desire to fulfill a common cause, the guys feel that the success of each is the success of the whole team. This form of organization of children's musical activity is the most effective. Types and forms of musical activity

Preschool childhood is a period of intensive personality development, a stage in the formation of fundamental psychological neoplasms. It is then that the foundations of the spiritual culture of the child are laid, the sensual sphere is activated. One of the important tasks of musical education is the formation of the foundations of the musical culture of the personality of a preschooler. The formation of the foundations of musical culture begins in preschool age. Musical development has an indispensable effect on general development: an emotional environment is formed, thinking is improved, the child becomes sensitive to beauty in art and life. musical culture

Music lessons - as a form of recovery

Participation in competitions, cooperation with social institutions Municipal district competition "Star Rain". City competition "Theatrical performance of Fly Tsokotuha". Participation in seminars. The theater is our friend and helper competition. Competition of the Metadic Association (MO). Vocal and singing skills.

Achievements of pupils


slide 2

Presentation plan

About the profession The profession of a musician in Rus' What a musician should be able to do Professionally important qualities of a musician Medical contraindications Advantages of the profession Disadvantages of the profession Ways to get a profession Career growth Related professions Where a musician can work Why do I choose this profession

slide 3

About the profession

The profession of a musician is an unusual job: it is an art that involves creativity. It is practically impossible to demand anything from such people, the flight of their imagination is not limited by anything. That is why there are no strict criteria and frameworks for the profession of a musician. Of course, you need to continuously develop your ear, rhythm, recognize a motive without notes. The melody should sound easy and unconstrained, only professionals will understand what a titanic work was spent on its creation. The average listener should just enjoy the music.

slide 4

The profession of a musician in Rus'

At all times in Rus', jesters and musicians - buffoons lived best of all, because humor and music are the things on which the feeling of human happiness and joy depends much more than on financial and emotional security. But the philosophy of life that allows one to devote oneself to the almost always unstable and low-paid profession of a musician is rare, which is why boys and girls, men and women on the street carrying a musical instrument in a case always make passers-by turn around.

slide 5

What should a musician be able to do?

Perform works on musical instruments in various playing techniques Understand the idea of ​​a piece of music and express its image and emotional depth Work individually, in an orchestra and ensemble, and so on ... ... in an orchestra

slide 6

Professionally important qualities of a musician

Ear for music Sense of rhythm Musical memory Good coordination Purposefulness Creative and pedagogical abilities

Slide 7

Medical contraindications

Hand diseases Severe scoliosis Hearing loss

Slide 8

Profession benefits

creative profession musician is free to choose the work of a musician can hardly be called boring and routine music clears the mind of a person a talented musician gives joy and inspiration

Slide 9

Disadvantages of the profession

high competition among musicians, a creative crisis may occur; it is difficult to reach a stable income; music is difficult to earn

Slide 10

Ways to get a profession

School of Music (School of the Arts) College of Music Academy of Arts or Conservatory

slide 11


The usual understanding of the career ladder of the profession of a musician does not exist. Income and popularity depend on ambition, determination and talent.

slide 12

Related professions

singer conductor accompanist or illustrator choirmaster

slide 13

Where can a musician work

As a teacher In an educational institution In show business In a restaurant Or a cafe At weddings, birthdays And other holidays In an orchestra

Slide 14

Why do I choose this profession

Even though this profession is not so highly paid, even if it is unstable and will not provide me with a decent pension, but that is not the point. The bottom line is that every time I go to work, I will do it with a sense of the correctness of what is happening. After all, a musician is one of the few people who are able to experience their emotions not on their own, not alone, but to share them with the whole world, with everyone who hears the sound pouring from his instrument.

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