Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 74" Beryozka "Cheboksary Chuvashia

"Profession- music director»

Summary of entertainment activities for children of senior preschool age

Target: Acquaintance of children with the profession of a music director.



expand children's understanding of the world of music,

introduce the profession of music director,

enrich children's vocabulary musical terms(synthesizer, sound engineer, screenwriter, choreographer,), technical means of the music director (microphone, earpiece, synthesizer, acoustic system);


stimulate interest in the art of music.

create optimal conditions for preschoolers to realize their Creative skills;

to form in children ideas about the social role of adult labor and the importance of professions in the life of society (music director);


to cultivate a sense of collectivism, respect for peers;

to educate in children a respectful attitude towards a working person;

Cultivate an emotional and conscious attitude to music in the process of different types musical activity: singing, dance moves, playing musical instruments.

Preliminary work:

musical and didactic games "Rhythmic Orchestra", "Guess what I play", "Conductor", "Think up a dance", "Musician", "Play theater", etc.;

conversations about professions, words-terms characteristic of these professions;

visiting the theater

meetings with teachers and students of the music school;

sketches "Hedgehog and Apple", "Heavy Rain", "Butterfly and Flower", etc.

excursion to "Delograd" entertainment center;

Materials and equipment:

Projector, screen, laptop, synthesizer, acoustic system, microphone, presentation with slides on the topic of the lesson, conductor's baton, musical instruments: tambourines, maracas, castanets; ribbons, snowflakes, elements of scenery and costumes.

Children enter the hall to the music

1. Perform a greeting

M.R. Today I suggest you go on an unusual journey to the country of professions. Want to? Then you need to remember what professions do you know? What do you want to be when you grow up? People what professions work in kindergarten?

To know all the secrets

I invite you to think.

You look at the screen

What do you see, tell me. (list) .

M.R. Right. You have already met many professions. And today I will introduce you to my profession - music director. What can you say about the profession of music director? What does he do? (children talk)

M.R. The music director in kindergarten is a special, unique profession that requires special professional knowledge and skills. He must be passionate about music, capable of creativity, and most importantly, he must love children.

You look at the screen

What do you see, tell me.

performing musician (should be able to play one or more musical instruments, sing, dance);

sound engineer;


screenwriter and director, etc. others

And now I suggest you to visit the role of musical director. Do you agree? Then we look at the screen.

2. Video recording performance piece of music musical director, on any instrument.

M.W.: Here M.r. - acts as a performer! To be a performer, you need to practice a lot on an instrument: at a music school, at a college and at an institute ... Do any of you attend a music school? I suggest that you also become performers only on children's musical instruments. Take musical instruments. The orchestra is ready. And who directs the orchestra? (answers) Well done! I will be the conductor. Attention.

3. Musical and didactic game "Rhythmic Orchestra"

M.r. (records the performance on a special device): Well done boys! Put down the musical instruments. Take your seats. Let's look at the screen further... The profession of a sound engineer is very closely connected with music. What do you think he does? (children's answers) sound engineer p is a specialist in sound recording and processing. The main task is to produce a high-quality recording that is convenient for listening and performing.

Important qualities:

The profession of a sound engineer involves musicality, good hearing, a good memory for sounds, the ability to master technical devices for recording and processing sound.

( Here you can turn on the recording of a music file with a children's orchestra, what is recorded in the lesson itself) Now you have listened to a music file with a recording performed by your orchestra of a melody. This is where I had to work. sound engineer, record music in your performance.

M.R.: Sound engineer must be able to use special equipment.

Let's think about what is needed for sound recording? (Children's answers: laptop, microphone, headphones, sound file, artist,

Everything is correct! You can start recording only when there is complete silence. Pay attention to the screen (shows) This is the audio track. Let's check our microphone. Try to say into the microphone: one, two, three! (Children speak into the microphone at the request of the sound engineer, watch the sound track on the monitor, you can put on headphones for 1-2 children, offer to listen to a sound file or backing track of a familiar song, again watching the second sound track)

M.R.: And now I propose to perform a familiar song. ( children answer).

You know her well, Dasha will be the soloist (or Liza, or Katya ...). Silence in the studio! (You can give the child a sign “Silence! Recording in progress!”) We started.

4. Song "Autumn".(Mr. writes everything down, in conclusion everyone listens to the finished recording. Applaud themselves.)

M.R. IN modern world filled with technical means, it became much more interesting to work as a music director. Any melody can not only be performed on a certain instrument, you can set a certain program and a miracle will happen ... I suggest you approach the synthesizer. It has such a function where you can set a certain rhythm, tempo, and harmony, and you can even hear a melody performed by another instrument. Do you want to listen? We listen and determine what musical instrument sounds.

5. "Guess the tool» musical and didactic game to determine the timbre

(Children come to m.p., and a synthesizer. Performance on a melody synthesizer, and children guess which instrument is playing.)

M. r.: Liked? (children's answers) And we continue our journey into the profession of music director.

You look at the screen

What do you see, tell me.

M. r.: Who do you see in the next picture? Correct , Choreographer- a specialist in the field of the art of staging dance. Dance is the most beloved mass art. Children especially love to dance, but it is very difficult to learn how to dance. To help you develop creativity, imagination, expressiveness of movements, plasticity, a choreographer is called, who comes up with the composition and pattern of the dance, selects music, costumes.

Creative task.

M.W.: See how many interesting attributes are here, I propose to turn into a choreographer and come up with a dance of snowflakes. (you can choose a choreographer; ribbons, snowflakes, etc. At the end, the children put the attributes in place and sit down)

M.R.: And now the girls will show a dance with balls, here the music director acted as a choreographer.

7. Dance with balls

To know all the secrets

I invite you to think.

You look at the screen

What do you see, tell me.


He runs the show
By heart knows all the scenes.
He teaches how to play the part.
What do you guys call him? (Director.)

M. r.: Children, what does the director do? ( children's responses). Suggests roles fairytale heroes, shows the artists how to behave in order to be like their hero, what voice to speak - the director advises everything, conducts rehearsals. Director- most main man on the stage. He chooses the play, distributes the roles, organizes and conducts rehearsals.

Do you think being a director is difficult?

Is the job of a director interesting?

Would you like to become a director?

What performance would you like to put on the stage of our kindergarten?

What is an actor? What does he do?

M. r.: Yes, work the actor is very difficult, they have to play not only positive, but also bad guys such as Baba Yaga, Koschei, Karabas Barabas. And to become them actor you need to choose the right costume, wig, make up.

M. r.I ask one actor to come out, put on a character's hat and portray him.

8. background music sounds

1 study: "Happy Bear"(a bear slowly walked through the forest, suddenly he felt a wonderful aroma, stopped, looked around and noticed a raspberry bush, licked his lips with pleasure)

2 study"Fox at the chicken coop"(The fox crept up to the chicken coop to feast on a young cockerel or hen. A cunning cheat, quietly crept along the fence, covering her tracks with her tail, but suddenly she stopped, alerted, sniffed the air and sensed the presence of a yard dog. The dog barked loudly. The fox, frightened with her tail between her legs, ran away )

M. r.: Applause to our actors! There are actors, but for a full-fledged performance, you still need to decorate the stage, fill it with .... (decorations). And we will become decorators for a while, decorate our stage. (Children set up the scenery) So, please put on masks ... That's it! Let's play a show?

9. "Thumbelina" Children put on a performance based on a fairy tale

M.r. Well done boys! The story is done! Let's give ourselves a round of applause.

And now it's time to sum up and remember:

What profession are we talking about today?

Who is a music director and what does he do?

Who can become a music director?

What does he need to work?

Who would like to get such a profession?

You can leave your impressions about the profession in the books - reviews. Choose chips (red color - liked it, green - did not like it) Children leave their feedback.

M.R.: And now it's time to say goodbye. (children stand in a circle)

All: We played, we had fun

Danced and frolicked

And now it's time for all of us

Say goodbye, kids! Goodbye!

(children calmly leave the hall to the music)

"Introducing children to professions" - Confectioner. Photographer. Salesman. Builder. Boss. Professions. Doctor. Mechanic. Archaeologist. Barber. Astronaut. Waiter. Pilot. Secretary. Architect. Artist. Ballerina. Football player. Director. Painter. Journalist. Bartender. Cook. Manager. Accountant.

"Rules of conduct on the water" - Do not throw garbage into the water! Do not rinse gasoline cans in a pond. Do you like such landscapes? Think of a name for the sign. Do not swim in cold weather, you may catch a cold. Do not drink raw water from unfamiliar sources. Not my car by the water! Tin cans can lie on the ground for 90 years.

"Rules for Children" - Fire Boats. In one car there is a pumping station, in the other there is a fire truck. Fire friend or foe? Who does not kindle fires And does not allow others? Firefighters and their families lived on the second floor. Steelworker. Bakers. Almost two centuries since firefighters appeared in our country. Firefighters were famous for their extraordinary prowess and heroism.

"Human teeth" - The structure of the tooth. Teeth are divided into incisors, canines and molars. Take care of your teeth daily. When your teeth start to hurt, you need to go to the dentist. You should brush your teeth every morning and evening. The incisors are followed by the fangs. Enamel. Teeth are replaced only once in a lifetime! The front 4 teeth at the top and bottom are called incisors.

"Rules of conduct in case of fire" - Bonfires are a great danger. Fires are often caused by people. Fires can be caused by electrical appliances. Firemen are dressed in special fireproof suits. Doctors examine patients on the spot or immediately take them to the hospital. And the chanterelles took matches, They went to the blue sea, lit the blue sea.

"Rules of conduct for a child" - Do not throw garbage out of the windows, do not litter the territory! Don't sit on the windowsill! Try not to shout And don't disturb your neighbors. Children play on the playgrounds. Rules of conduct in the city. Garbage does not decorate the yard, it interferes with walking and playing. You need a bouquet, so go buy it, but don’t pick flowers from the flower bed!

There are 48 presentations in total in the topic

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

"Profession - musician" Prepared by a student of the 11th grade of the MBOU Talitskaya secondary school Polina Perovskaya

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Presentation plan 1. About the profession; 2. History of the profession; 3. The profession of a musician in Rus'; 4. What should a musician be able to do; 5.Professional qualities of a musician; 6. Medical contraindications; 7. Advantages of the profession; 8. Disadvantages of the profession; 9. Ways to get a profession; 10. Career growth; 11. Specialties; 12.Where can a musician work; 13. Why I choose this profession

3 slide

Description of the slide:

About the profession The profession of a musician is an unusual job: This is an art involving creativity. It is almost impossible to demand anything from such people, their flight of fantasy is not limited. That is why there are no strict criteria and frameworks for this profession. Of course, you need to continuously develop your ear, rhythm, recognize a melody without notes. The melody should sound easy and unconstrained, only professionals will understand what a titanic work was spent on its creation. The average listener should just enjoy the music.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

History of the Profession The profession of musician is as old as music itself. With the advent of the first musical instruments, the first musicians also appeared. They were the main actors in ritual dances and singing, ritual traditions, religious events, therefore they occupied a rather honorable place. In the Middle Ages, clergy often became musicians. In addition, wandering musicians were engaged in music, from their lips it sounded like an ideological weapon that conveyed the mood of the masses. The history of performing arts has passed through many centuries and has become one of the most important components of art and culture. Yes, and the music itself has undergone many changes during this time, experienced the birth of many genres, styles of performance, from classical to the most modern. Currently, music does not stand still, but is developing at a rapid pace. Music has turned into an entire industry, while classical music schools continue to exist. Therefore, modern musicians have a huge choice of points of application of their interests - from classical music to the latest trends in show business.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

The profession of a musician in Russia At all times in Russia, jesters and musicians - buffoons lived best of all, because humor and music are the things on which the feeling of human happiness and joy depends much more than on financial and emotional security. But the philosophy of life that allows one to devote oneself to the almost always unstable and low-paid profession of a musician is rare, which is why boys and girls, men and women on the street carrying a musical instrument in a case always make passers-by turn around.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

What a musician should be able to do 1. Perform works on musical instruments in various playing techniques; 2. Understand the idea of ​​a musical work and express its image and emotional depth; 3. Work individually, in an ensemble, orchestra, etc.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Professional qualities of a musician 1. Ear for music; 2.Musical memory; 3.Creative and pedagogical abilities; 4. Sense of rhythm 5. Well-developed motor memory (memory for movement); 6. Speed ​​of reaction; 7. Good hand coordination; 8. Artistic ability; 9. Ability to improvise; 10. Patience; 11. Persistence; 12. Purposefulness; 13. Originality; 14. Emotionality.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Medical contraindications: 1. Diseases of the hands; 2. Strong scoliosis; 4.Neuropsychiatric disorders; 3. Reduced hearing;

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Advantages of the profession: 1. Creative profession; 2. The musician is free to choose; 3. The work of a musician can hardly be called boring or routine; 4.Music purifies the human mind; 5. A talented musician gives joy and inspiration

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Disadvantages of the profession 1. High competition; 2. A creative crisis may come; 3. It is difficult to reach a stable income; 4. Music is hard to make money

11 slide

Description of the slide:

Ways of obtaining a profession 1.Children's Music School, 2.Music College, 3.Conservatory, 4.Institute of Arts.

12 slide

Back forward

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Target. Expand musical horizons: to form preschoolers' ideas about various professions in the musical environment (singer, instrumentalist, conductor, composer, music teacher).


  • Develop memory, creative imagination, expressiveness and emotionality of the performance of familiar songs.
  • Expand words knowledge.
  • Cultivate a listener culture.
  • Evoke an emotional response and a sense of joy.

Materials, equipment for the lesson: multimedia projector, presentation, children's noise instruments according to the number of children, music for games, coloring pictures depicting people of musical professions for each child.

Event progress

(2 slide)

Musical director: Guys, today I will tell you about the musicians. About people who make music professionally. For them, music is a profession.

(3 slide)

A musician is a person who can play a musical instrument. There are several professions in the musical environment.

(4 slide)

For example, a profession vocalist. This is a solo singer or choir artist.

The musical instrument of the vocalist (singer) is his voice. Singer(singer) is the one who sings. He is engaged in singing songs, arias, romances, choirs.

(5 slide)

Listen to the singer Troubadour from everyone's favorite m / f "In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians" (Troubadour's song "Ray of the Golden Sun").

Singers specialize in a particular musical genre, for example, can be Opera singer, rock singer. In the church, the singer is called a chorister, on the stage - a pop singer.

(6 slide)

What genre do you think these singers sing in? (Fragment of the m / f "In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians": the song "We came to you for an hour").

(7 slide)

Musical director: A singer in a choir is called a chorister or choir artist.

(8 slide)

Listen to the song performed by the choir “Oh, you are an ant-grass” (Fragment of m / f “Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh”).

Musical director invites children to imagine themselves as artists of the choir and perform their favorite song (at the choice of children).

Children sing any song they know

(9-13 slides)

Musical director: The next profession in the musical environment is instrumentalist(usually called a performer in academic music) e.g. pianist, saxophonist, drummer, guitarist, violinist, etc. The name depends on the instrument the musician plays.

(14 slide)

Listen to the performance of the violinist (fragment of the m / f "First Violin").

Musical director invites children to play different musical instruments.

An imitation game "Musicians" is being held

(To the sound of cheerful music, children, as shown by a teacher or a leading child, imitate playing the piano, violin, button accordion, trumpet, drum, guitar)

(15 slide)

Musical director: there is an interesting profession in the musical environment - composer. This is the author or "composer" of music.

(16 slide)

He records music with the help of special signs - notes. So that musicians can read it and sing or play their musical instrument.

(17-19 slides)

Let's remember the composers we know (in the course of playing the slides, the children call the composer, the teacher helps).

(20 slide)

Look at the fragment of the m / f "Rex the Composer".

(21 slides)

Next profession - conductor. This is the leader of the orchestra or choir. The word conductor is similar to the word director. A director is a leader. The musicians of their leader - the conductor - unconditionally obey.

(22 slide)

Look, here is the conductor of the choir or choirmaster. The choir looks directly into the mouth of its conductor. Because the choirmaster usually shows with his lips how to sing.

(23 slide)

And this is the conductor of the orchestra. He has a small elegant stick in his hands. Musicians under the direction of the conductor play harmoniously and with inspiration.

(24 slide)

Who commands the parade of musical instruments in the orchestra? Who unites the voices in the choir into a single whole? Who is he, the man standing at the concert with his back to us, the audience, and giving some mysterious signs to the musicians?

Children(answer in chorus): Conductor.

(25 slide)

Watch a fragment of the cartoon "Tom Conductor" (from the series "Tom and Jerry").

Musical director invites children to play in the orchestra (children choose noise instruments).

Playing "Orchestra"

(Children improvise playing noise instruments to any cheerful music, listening to the commands of the conductor - a child or a teacher)

(26 slide)

There is another wonderful profession in the musical environment - music teacher. This is a person who teaches children to listen, understand, love and perform music. See how the firefly learned to play the violin.

(27 slide)

And here is the story of how the firefly learned to play the violin (a fragment of the m / f "First Violin").

(28 slide)

Musical director: guys, let's repeat what professions are in the musical environment (asks children questions-riddles about musical professions and opens a picture-answer on the screen)


  1. He writes music for us, plays melodies,
    He will put poems on a waltz. Who composes songs? (Composer)
  2. Waving a thin stick - the choir on the stage will sing.
    Not a magician, not a juggler. Who is this? (Conductor, choirmaster)
    He waves his arms smoothly, hears every instrument.
    He is the most important in the orchestra, he is the president in the orchestra! (Conductor)
  3. For this musician, the musical instrument is his voice (Singer)
  4. A musician who plays the violin is called...? (Violinist)
  5. A person of this profession teaches children to listen, understand, perform music (Music teacher)

Well done! Our acquaintance with musical professions has come to an end. See you soon in the music room!

Musical director offers children coloring pictures depicting musicians. Children color pictures in a free activity.


  1. Leontieva E.A. How to tell your child about music and musical professions. Social network of educators - Electronic resource. - Access mode: detskii-sad/muzykalno-ritmicheskoe-zanyatie/statya-dlya-roditelei
  2. Finkelstein E. Music from A to Z. - St. Petersburg: Soviet composer, 1991. - 120 p.

slide 2

Presentation plan

About the profession The profession of a musician in Rus' What a musician should be able to do Professionally important qualities of a musician Medical contraindications Advantages of the profession Disadvantages of the profession Ways to get a profession Career growth Related professions Where a musician can work Why do I choose this profession

slide 3

About the profession

The profession of a musician is an unusual job: it is an art that involves creativity. It is practically impossible to demand anything from such people, the flight of their imagination is not limited by anything. That is why there are no strict criteria and frameworks for the profession of a musician. Of course, you need to continuously develop your ear, rhythm, recognize a motive without notes. The melody should sound easy and unconstrained, only professionals will understand what a titanic work was spent on its creation. The average listener should just enjoy the music.

slide 4

The profession of a musician in Rus'

At all times in Rus', jesters and musicians - buffoons lived best of all, because humor and music are the things on which the feeling of human happiness and joy depends much more than on financial and emotional security. But the philosophy of life that allows one to devote oneself to the almost always unstable and low-paid profession of a musician is rare, which is why boys and girls, men and women on the street carrying a musical instrument in a case always make passers-by turn around.

slide 5

What should a musician be able to do?

Perform works on musical instruments in various playing techniques Understand the idea of ​​a piece of music and express its image and emotional depth Work individually, in an orchestra and ensemble, and so on ... ... in an orchestra

slide 6

Professionally important qualities of a musician

Ear for music Sense of rhythm Musical memory Good coordination Purposefulness Creative and pedagogical abilities

Slide 7

Medical contraindications

Hand diseases Severe scoliosis Hearing loss

Slide 8

Profession benefits

creative profession musician is free to choose the work of a musician can hardly be called boring and routine music clears the mind of a person a talented musician gives joy and inspiration

Slide 9

Disadvantages of the profession

high competition among musicians, a creative crisis may occur; it is difficult to reach a stable income; music is difficult to earn

Slide 10

Ways to get a profession

School of Music (School of the Arts) College of Music Academy of Arts or Conservatory

slide 11


The usual understanding of the career ladder of the profession of a musician does not exist. Income and popularity depend on ambition, determination and talent.

slide 12

Related professions

singer conductor accompanist or illustrator choirmaster

slide 13

Where can a musician work

As a teacher In an educational institution In show business In a restaurant Or a cafe At weddings, birthdays And other holidays In an orchestra

Slide 14

Why do I choose this profession

Even though this profession is not so highly paid, even if it is unstable and will not provide me with a decent pension, but that is not the point. The bottom line is that every time I go to work, I will do it with a sense of the correctness of what is happening. After all, a musician is one of the few people who are able to experience their emotions not on their own, not alone, but to share them with the whole world, with everyone who hears the sound pouring from his instrument.

View all slides