Sergei Mikhalkov.

Three piglets (script puppet theater for elementary school).


Once upon a time there were three little pigs, three brothers. All of the same height, round, pink, with the same cheerful ponytails. All summer they tumbled in the green grass, basked in the sun, basked in puddles. Even their names were similar. The piglets were called Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf. But now autumn has come.


It's time for us to think about winter. I'm shivering all over from the cold, we might catch a cold. Let's build a house and winter together under one roof.


Have time! Winter is still far away!


We'll take a walk!


Well, whatever you want. Then I will build my own house. I will not wait for you (the pigs have dispersed in different directions).


Every day it got colder and colder. But Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf were in no hurry. All they did was play their pig games, jump and roll. And only when a large puddle began to be covered with a thin crust of ice in the morning, the lazy brothers finally got to work.

Nif-Nif (laying the last straws on the roof):

It is easier and more likely to make a house out of straw. Here is my house and ready.

Even if you go halfway around the world,

You'll get around, you'll get around

You won't find a better home

You won't find it, you won't find it! (To the song goes to Nuf-Nuf).


The house will be stronger and warmer if it is built from branches and thin rods. (Adjusting the last rods) So my house is ready!

I have a good house

New house, solid house.

I'm not afraid of rain and thunder

Rain and thunder, rain and thunder!

Nif-Nif (approaching the brother's house):

Well, here is your house ready! I said that we will have time in the evening.


Let's go to Naf-Naf and see what kind of house he built for himself! (They go to Naf-Naf).


Naf-Naf has been busy building for several days now. He dragged stones, kneaded clay, and now slowly built himself a reliable, durable house in which one could hide from wind, rain and frost. He made a heavy oak door with a bolt in the house so that the wolf from the neighboring forest could not climb up to him.


What are you building? Is this a home for a pig or a fortress?


Are you going to fight with someone?


A pig's home should be a fortress! A gray wolf walks through the forest!


Look how afraid he is of the wolf! He's afraid of being eaten!


There are no wolves here! He's just a coward! Let's go, Nif-Nif, we have nothing to do here!

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf (leaving, they sing a song):

We are not afraid of the Gray Wolf,

Gray wolf, gray wolf!

Where do you go, stupid wolf,

Old wolf, dire wolf?


Here we will grab him by the nose, he will know!


Let's knock it down, tie it up and with another foot like this, like this!


What's that noise?

(Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf screeching ran to their homes).

Wolf (near the house of Nif-Nif):

Now open the door!


No, I won't open it!


Now open the door! Otherwise, I'll blow so hard that your whole house will shatter! (The wolf began to blow. For the third time, the house shattered in all directions, and Nif-Nif ran into the house of Nuf-Nuf).

Well, now I'll eat you both! No, I changed my mind! I won't eat those skinny piglets. I better go home!


You heard? He said he wouldn't eat us! We are skinny!


This is very good!


Here are the stupid ones. Now I will run them. (He puts on a sheepskin and goes up to the house again. He knocks and speaks in a sheep's voice). It's me, poor little sheep, let me spend the night, I've strayed from the herd and I'm very tired!


Sheep can be released. A sheep is not a wolf!


It's a wolf! I see through the window!


Well, wait! Nothing will be left of your house! (The wolf begins to blow. The third time the house shattered into pieces, and the pigs rushed to the brother's house).


I understand that a wolf is chasing you. In my house you have nothing to fear! Let's lock the door now. (Knock on the door). Who is knocking?


Open without talking!


No matter how! And I don't think so!


Ah well! Well, hold on! Now I'll eat all three! (The wolf began to blow, but the house remained in place. Then he began to shake the door, but it did not give in. And then the wolf noticed the pipe and climbed onto the roof). I'm still going to have a fresh pig today!



(The wolf flopped into boiling water and flew back with a wild roar and ran into the forest. And the three brothers, shouting “Hurrah!” went out into the street and sang a song):

Nif-Nif: Even if you go halfway around the world,

You'll get around, you'll get around

You won't find a better home

You won't find it, you won't find it!

Nuf-nuf: No animal in the world

Cunning beast, terrible beast,

Won't open this door

This door, this door!

Naf-Naf: The wolf from the forest never

Never ever

Won't come back to us here

To us here, to us here!


That's all we know about the three little pigs - Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf.

The actors take their bows.

This is a classic screen puppet show based on the English fairy tale about three unlucky little pigs, whose names were Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf.
In the production you will hear many musical fragments. The heroes of the fairy tale sing and joke, so the performance is perceived easily and cheerfully.
Once upon a time there were three pig brothers: Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf. All summer they played, ran and frolicked. Autumn came, it became colder, and there was a need to build warm housing.
Nif-Nif decided to build a straw hut, Nuf-Nuf began to make a dwelling from branches and thin rods, and Naf-Naf began to build a house from stones and clay.
The younger brothers laughed at the solidity of their older brother, believing that they did not need a stone fortress. But when the evil and treacherous Gray Wolf came from the forest, he easily broke the huts of Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf, and only the house of Naf-Naf became a safe haven from a dangerous predator.
Bright decorations and funny brothers-piglets will make the holiday exciting and unforgettable!

Acting characters:

  • Nif-Nif
  • Naf-naf
  • Nuf-nuf
  • Frog
  • Crow

The visiting puppet show "The Three Little Pigs" is designed for children from 1 to 6 years old.

The play features two actors.

Features of the puppet show "The Three Little Pigs":

  • Image brightness. Each doll is the result of the painstaking work of a whole group of people - prop artists, designers and fashion designers. This made it possible to make the images very bright and charming, accurately expressing the characters' characters.
  • The author's script based on the classic fairy tale.
  • Professional staging. The performance was staged by the author of the script himself, so it is interesting for young viewers to follow the life of the characters, worry about them, sympathize and, of course, laugh at them. Small spectators, with their mouths open, follow what is happening, not for a second being distracted from the exciting action.
  • Sound quality. The soundtrack of the performance was recorded on professional equipment, which ensures the depth and richness of the sound, as well as a clear audibility of music and dialogue, even in the far rows.
  • Kindness and wisdom. The visiting play "Three Little Pigs" is interesting, instructive, gives joy and, as we believe, makes our little spectators kinder, more tolerant and, of course, wiser.

Room requirements:

  • Availability of 1 socket with a voltage of 220 volts
  • Availability of free space for the screen - at least 4 meters
  • Table and 2 chairs

Performance duration: 30 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 4.



In the foreground on the left is an apple tree strewn with apples, on the right is a pear heavy with fruits, in the background is a forest.

Two piglets come out from behind the trees on the right - Piglet-Pig and Piglet-Pig. They walk towards the middle of the stage, dancing merrily.

We walk around the world
Where there is no grief.
Him to happy lands
You shouldn't take it with you.
Let's go to those distances
What we saw in a dream
And you and me, and you and me
And together we are with you!
Three brother pigs
Because of the river Parsenka
They go where their eyes look -
They don't want to live in a barn!
Everywhere we are at home
So let's get to know each other.


I'm Pig-Pig!


I'm Hryuki-Kryap!

There is a pause. The piglets turn around.

And where is Piglet-Pig?

From behind the trees on the right comes Piggy-Pig, bent double under the weight of a large knapsack, and slowly walks towards the brothers. Piglet-Pig and Piglet-Pig stand and wait for the straggler Piglet-Pig. He comes up to them and heavily lowers the knapsack to the ground.


Well, why are you so weaving,
Can't wait for three years!


After all, he knew that it was far to go,
Why did you take the cat?

Grunt-Boar (breathing heavily)

Yes, how without a knapsack
On the road to the pig
Surely on the way
We'll make a halt.
I have potatoes
And acorns basket,
Bagel, butter to it
And three pots of porridge.
There's also a turnip...


You are working in vain!


It doesn't matter to us at all.
We are full so far!

Pig-Pig (edifyingly)

You're starving, satiated,
Want to go to hell!
And then you'll understand, not in vain
I'm carrying a cat.


Yes, not in a knapsack strength!
You raise your snout!
It's the beginning of September
There are plenty of things in the forest!

Piglet-Pig and Piglet-Pig pick up some pears and apples from the ground and start dancing with them. Grunt-Pig hides behind the trees on the right.

Pig-Pig and Pig-Pig (sing)

Here are the apples! Here are the pears!
Put them in your mouth and eat!
Look how many there are
Never collect!
Well, we found
We gave apple
Their guards are not guarded,
Does not guard the army!
Why roam the world
There are no better places than this!
Here they will not offend, they will not eat
Three pig brothers.
A bird sings to us
Let's have fun!


Hey, Piglet-Pig!

Pig-Pig pushes Pig-Pig to the side.


Hey, Hryuki-Kryap!

Pig-Pig pushes Pig-Pig to the side. There is a pause. The piglets stop dancing and look around.

Pig-Pig and Pig-Pig (in chorus of surprise)

And where is Piglet-Pig?

From behind the trees on the right comes Piglet-Pig with a wheelbarrow full of stones.

Piglet-Pig (amazed)

Not at all, brothers,
Eat rocks!

Why eat them, they are for him,
To knock down apples!
There, on top, three times sweeter!


Let's build a house
And glorious in a stone house
We will winter.

Piglet-Pig (disappointed)

Our house is any puddle,
We don't need another house!

Pig-Pig (edifyingly)

But the puddle is not forever
Freeze and trouble!


Work won't run away
Now we are reluctant
And when the cold comes
Let's think then.


And if the wolf comes
Will there be us, brothers?
Where do we hide, where?
Where can we find protection?


We'll pull out the teeth of the wolf
Let's put them under the tree.


Give us a wolf here
Let's beat him with a cudgel!

Piglet-Pig, shaking his head, pushes his wheelbarrow towards the trees on the left and hides behind them. After some time is running back with an empty wheelbarrow and passes by the brothers who are dancing and singing.

Pig-Pig and Pig-Pig (sing)

We are not afraid of the wolf
We do not hide in holes,
We live for ourselves, not blowing in the mustache,
Because we don't have a mustache.
Live well in the world
The sun shines bright for us
And only a coward, an unfortunate coward
Locked up!

Piggy-Pig appears from behind the trees on the right with a wheelbarrow loaded with boards, window frame and tiles, passes them, hides behind the trees on the left, and reappears with an empty wheelbarrow. His brothers continue to have fun.

Pig-Pig and Pig-Pig (sing)

Two pig brothers
They know how to grunt loudly!
Together we dance and sing -
We have fun together.
We don't take a deep breath
We lie down and rest
And only a coward day after day
Unnecessary builds a house.

Grunt-Pig passes by the brothers and hides behind the trees on the right, and then reappears with a wheelbarrow loaded with furniture, walks past them, hides behind the trees on the left, and reappears with an empty wheelbarrow. His brothers continue to sing and dance.

Pig-Pig and Pig-Pig (sing)

We're not homeless at all
Our home is the whole world is huge!
And for the happy pigs
It has a place. Hooray!
And behind the high wall
They don't see the use of sitting!


No Pig-Pig!


No Hryuki-Kryap!

Pig-Pig and Pig-Pig (in chorus)

And Pig-Pig is a fool!

Piglet-Pig passes by the brothers and hides behind the trees on the right. The piglets stop dancing.

Grunt-Crunch (trembling)

Hey, Piglet-Pig, brother,
I'm too chilly
It's time for you and me
Look for shelter.
Put up three fences
Let's pile up the branches of the mountain,
From the mud we blind a stove with a pipe,
And we will be comfortable.

Piglet-Pig comes out from behind the trees on the right with a wheelbarrow loaded with apples and pears, passes them and hides behind the trees on the left.

Piglet-Pig (angrily)

Build your own house, bore,
I won't help!
I'm even forty cold
Not in the least bit scary.
There is, brother, we need more
And get fatter
And if you are a thin eater,
That is not my fault!

Piglet-Pig shakes his head and hides behind the trees on the right. After a while, he appears from there with a bundle of brushwood, passes by his brother and hides behind the trees on the left.

Piglet-Pig (singing)

Let all the pigs in the world
Build by apartment
And under the pillows forever
Get in with your head
I will lie in a puddle
She is no worse than houses ...
She's covered in ice! Trouble!
What to do? Oh oh oh!

Piglet-Pig begins to look around in confusion.


Well, nothing, for home
Straw will do too.

Piglet-Pig begins to pick up bunches of dry grass. Then he drags a huge bunch of grass to the middle of the stage and hides behind it. The bundle trembles, then disappears, and in its place a straw house appears, from the window of which Piglet-Pig looks out.


I will weave walls out of it,
I'll fix the roof, the door.
And I extinguish my
I'll warm up the puddle.
'Cause there's steam in my mouth
Enough, believe me.

A wolf appears from behind the trees on the right.

wolf (singing)

Must have wolf
Not less than a thousand teeth -
Grab! Bite! Rip to shreds! -
I'll find a job for them!
With teeth, the wolf is hungry
Eat anyone!
I won't pass by!

The wolf comes to the house.

Wolf (to himself)

Aha! I can smell it!
Oh, how I want to eat!
Hey piglet, come on out
From your home!
And now, like a dunu,
And now I'm spitting...

Piglet-Pig hides in the window and is silent.

Oh, don't come out! Wait a minute! -
Apchi! - And there is none!

The house falls, Piglet-Pig rushes to run with a squeal. The wolf chases him with a growl. They run around the stage back and forth.

Piglet-Pig (in a panic)

Save! Help!
Protect from the wolf!
He is here! He's chasing me!
I'm not tasty!

wolf (confidently)

You're lying!


I have three tons of poison!
Do not eat me! No need!

Well, at least a piece!


You can't get away from the wolf!
Always in any pursuit
The wolf will catch up with the prey.
Grab! Bite! Rip to shreds!
Who is equal to me in this?
You can't hide from your teeth
Not at home, not in the hospital.
I saw - Kus! I saw - Grab it!
And that's it! There is no salvation!

The pig squeals loudly, the wolf growls. The chase is hiding behind the trees on the left. A house made of brushwood appears in the middle of the scene.

Hryuki-Khryap peeps out of the window.

Khryuki-Khrap (singing)

My house is unprepossessing
But built quickly.
A barrel is heated on the stove,
Piglet does not freeze.
The horse is decorated with foliage,
And I'm not afraid of anyone...

Piglet-Pig runs out from behind the trees on the right with a screech, rushes to Piglet-Pig's house and hides in it.


There is a wolf! More like a fool
Hook the door!

Wolf (to himself)

Aha! There are already two of them!
Well, I'll arrange for them now!
Hey piglets! Am! Am! Am!
I'm waiting for you for lunch!
And now, like a dunu,
And now I'm spitting...

Grunt-Crunch hides in the window. Both pigs are silent.

Ah, don't go! Here I am for you! -
Apchi! - And there is no house!

The house falls down, leaving only the stove with the chimney. Piglet-Pig and Piglet-Pig rush to run with a screech.

Wait, don't rush!
Where are you running?


Terrible wolf!


Toothy wolf!

Now I'll eat you!
Am! Am!

Pigs (in chorus)

AND! AND! Save!

Don't ask for mercy
Grab your teeth! Teeth click!


He's chasing us!

The chase is hiding behind the trees on the left. The wolf knocks down the stove and chases after them with a growl. A large stone house appears in the left corner of the scene next to the trees.

Pig-Pig peeps out of the window.

Pig-Pig (sings)

And the beast to live and the bird
Not good without a home.
Without a home, everything will be wasted
But to be honest,
I built a nice house
Three people could live in it -
And Pig-Pig, and Pig-Pig...

Piglet-Pig and Piglet-Pig run out from behind the trees on the right with a squeal, rush to the house and hide in it.

Pig-Pig and Pig-Pig

Save us Pig-Pig!

A wolf appears from behind the trees on the right and approaches the house.

Aha! Now there are three of you!
Who among you will open the door?
Hey piglets, where are you?
When will I be full?
Well, now I'm blowing
Well, now I'm spitting...

The pigs are silent.

Ah, don't go! Here I am for you!
And the house is worth it!
Here comes the trouble
Let's try differently.

The wolf begins to inspect the house. Grunt-Pig is watching him from the window.

You can’t climb into the window, but into the pipe ...
Perhaps I can!

The wolf climbs onto the roof and dives into the chimney.


Well, this, brothers, is too much!
Remove the lid from the boiler.

Pig-Pig hides in the window.


Now I'll give him a forehead!

Oh, it's hot! Oh wow!

All three little pigs run out of the house and start dancing in the clearing.

Pigs (sing)

We defeated the wolf
They boiled it in a cauldron!
Now you don't want to
He eats pigs!
Not in branches, not in straw -
Live in a secure home

Piglet-Pig (bowing)

And Piglet-Pig!

Hryuki-Kryap (bowing)

And Hryuki-Khrap!

Pig-Pig (bowing)

And with them Pig-Pig!

Attention! The edited final version can be downloaded just below the link - download for free. This option is not deleted due to its large distribution. While I was doing the final cleaning, it suddenly spread widely throughout the network. The differences are not significant.

First staged at the Ulyanovsk Puppet Theatre.

Read an article in Tatyana Fomina's "Narodnaya Gazeta" about the performance at the link:

Katrina 1.
Early morning. Piglets sleep on straw bedding. A robin sings on a branch of a tree. Having finished the trill, she flies off the tree, jumps to the middle of the screen and addresses the viewer.

Robin.- Hello guys. I am a robin, and today I will tell you one amazing story. Many will consider it instructive, but I do not agree with them. To me, she's just so interesting! So: there were three little pigs. Three brothers: Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf and Nif-Nif. They lived happily ever after.... And you know what - it's better I don't tell you, but I'll show you! So. One fine morning I woke Naf-Naf.

Robin wakes Naf-Naf.

Naf-naf. - Good morning, robin. What a good day today will be! The sun is so sweet! I'll go and pick wild apples, and wake up your brothers.

Naf-Naf leaves for apples. The robin wakes up the brothers.

Nif-Nif.- Don't interfere with sleep!
Nuf-nuf.- Leave me alone, Naf-Naf!

Robin jumps on Nuf-Nuf.

Nuf-nuf.- Ha-ha-ha! Stay away who they say!
Nif-Nif.(turning over to the other side) - Well, why are you making noise and noise?

The robin does not lag behind Nuf-Nuf. Nuf-Nuf finally wakes up. Gets up and chases the robin.

Nuf-nuf.- So it's you who don't let me sleep, not Naf-Naf? Wait, I'll catch it, then you'll be in trouble!

Nuf-Nuf is chasing a robin. At this time, Naf-Naf appears with apples. Nuf-Nuf stumbles over the sleeping Nif-Nif, flies head over heels, knocking Naf-Naf down. Apples fly in different directions.

Nuf-nuf.- Oh oh oh!
Naf-naf.(falling) - Oh!
Nif-Nif.(grumbles unhappily through a dream) - Well, why are you making noise and noise? (turning over to the other side) Let's sleep already!

Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf look at Nif-Nif and laugh.

Nif-Nif.(through a dream) - Why are you laughing?

Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf laugh even more, rubbing the bruised places. Zaryanka echoes them.

Nif-Nif.(waking up) - They laugh! It's breakfast time and they're laughing!
Naf-naf.- Have breakfast? What is easier! To have breakfast, you need to pick apples, otherwise they scattered all over the meadow.
Nuf-nuf.(Nif-Nifu) - Get up, Nif-Nif, help pick apples.

Nuf-Nuf and Nif-Nif bicker. Naf-Naf picks apples.

Nif-Nif. Whoever scattered them, let him collect them. And I have no strength. I didn't get enough sleep anyway.
Nuf-nuf.- We, then, will collect, and you will roll over from side to side? Well, I do not! Get up!
Nif-Nif.- I won't get up!
Nuf-nuf.- Get up!
Nif-Nif.- I won't get up!

Nuf-Nuf is trying to raise Nif-Nif. Nif-Nif squeals. Naf-Naf has already collected all the apples.

Naf-naf.- Enough, brothers, to argue. Let's go to the river, wash ourselves, wash the apples, and have breakfast there.
Nuf-nuf.- Here's another! Wash up again!
Nif-Nif.- What nonsense. Why wash apples? They are so delicious.

You have to work hard brothers.
Nif-Nif.- I don't want to work!
Nuf-nuf.- I want to now!

Nif-Nif.- I'm Nif-Nif. I love to sleep.
I love to lie in a puddle.
Naf-naf.- So, believe me, it's not good!
Nuf-nuf.(Nif-Nifu) - Did you hear? We must make an effort!

Nuf-nuf.- I'm Nuf-Nuf. I like to play.
Laugh heartily.
Naf-naf.- Brothers, just do not fit!
Nif-Nif.- You say you need to work hard?

Naf-naf.- I'm Naf-Naf. I love to work.
Yes, being lazy is not good.
If you want to eat sweet -
You will listen to Naf-Naf.

Nif-Nif.- Here you go! Again he is on his own! And why doesn't food go behind the belly?
Nuf-nuf.- It's boring with you, brother. All business yes business, but when is the game?

Picture 2.
The wolf appears. The robin is watching.

Wolf.- Well, forest! Well, animals! No rest. I am an old wolf. I want to sleep. I'm looking for a quiet place. And everyone around is making noise, making noise….
I wander through the forests -
I try to sleep here and there.
I'm ready to break everyone -
So I want to sleep...

The wolf looks around.

Wolf.- ABOUT! Nice field. Quiet….

Wants to lie down. The robin bothers him. The wolf backs off.

Wolf.(howls) - And here I have no peace. Yes, what is it! (The robin pecks at the wolf. The wolf howls and chases the robin, leaving the clearing.) Here I will get to you!

Scene 3.
Pigs appear, shivering from the cold.

Nif-Nif.- Apchi! It seems I've caught a cold...
Nuf-nuf.- The water in the river is just ice cold! Have you decided to freeze us?
Naf-naf.- It's getting cold. Autumn is just around the corner, and behind it is winter. Here's what I propose: let's build a warm house.
Nif-Nif.- Work again? No. Winter is still far away. Have time!
Nuf-nuf.- And that's true. We just won't wash. When it gets colder, I'll build my own house.
Nif-Nif.- Exactly! And me too.
Naf-naf.- It is difficult to build a good house alone.

The robin returns. Chirps anxiously.

Naf-naf.- What's happened?

The robin chirps again in alarm.

piglets(together) - Wolf!
Naf-naf.- An old wolf came to our clearing ...
Nif-Nif.- Nonsense! There are no wolves in our forest.
Naf-naf.- Robin says he came from a nearby forest. We need to hurry up with the construction of the house. In the house you can hide from any danger. If necessary, and from the wolf too.
Nuf-nuf. We are not afraid of any wolves! So we don't need a house. After all, we are not afraid, Nif-Nif?
Nif-Nif.- Why be afraid of him? He's old!
Naf-naf. They say the wolf is a terrible animal.
Nuf-nuf.(laughs) - Coward! Scared of the old wolf!
Nif-Nif.(pretty grunts) - He was scared of the wolf!
Nuf-nuf and Nif-Nif.(teasing) - Naf-Naf is afraid of the wolf! Naf-Naf is afraid of the wolf!
Naf-naf.- As you wish, brothers! I can manage without you. Beware of troubles while they are not!

Naf-Naf leaves.

Nuf-nuf.(mimics Naf-Nafa) - Watch out for trouble while it's gone! (Nif-Nifu) I also found a smart guy. Give him a home! To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest! Finally left. No more business! No work!
Nif-Nif.(laying down) - Beauty!

Nuf-Nuf is spinning around the clearing.

Nuf-nuf.- No work now!
Away with gloom and worries!
Let's tumble in the puddles
Have fun and laugh!

Nif-Nif snores.

Nuf-nuf.(wakes up Nif-Nif) - Nif-Nif! Let's play balls!
Nif-Nif.- Is it running?
Nuf-nuf.- Yeah!
Nif-Nif.- No. Let's play hide-and-seek.
Nuf-nuf.- Who will drive?
Nif-Nif.- Well, I. Go hide. Only better…
Nuf-nuf.- Yeah!

Nuf-Nuf runs away to hide.

Nif-Nif.(laying down on his side) - What a fool! Finally silence.

Nif-Nif snores. In the background passes Naf-Naf with a pile of stones.

Picture 4.
Change of scenery (robin changes summer to autumn). Autumn came. Robin sits on the screen.

Robin.(addressing the viewer) - As you understand, guys, time does not stand still. While Nif-Nif was sleeping, Nuf-Nuf was hiding, and Naf-Naf was building a house, the late fall. The leaves turned yellow. The weather turned bad. And the piglets brothers were still busy with their own business: Nif-Nif - slept, Nuf-Nuf - hid, and Naf-Naf - built a house. One day followed another, but nothing changed until one day the first snow fell….

Nif-Nif snores. In the background passes Naf-Naf with a pile of stones. A gust of wind covers Nif-Nif with the first snow. Nif-Nif jumps up, shivering from the cold.

Nif-Nif.- Ah-ah-ah! What? Where? A! (to the robin) Is it already autumn?

The robin nods.

Nif-Nif.- How much did I sleep?

The robin answers.

Nif-Nif.- How many?! Snow? Can't be!

A gust of cold wind. It is again doused with snow and leaves.

Nif-Nif.- It's true, it's snowing. Winter is coming soon…. Where is this idiot?

The robin answers.

Nif-Nif.- Hiding?! Nuf-nuf!
The voice of Nuf-Nuf.- What?
Nif-Nif.- Get out!
The voice of Nuf-Nuf.- Are you giving up?
Nif-Nif.- Yes, I give up! Come out!
Nuf-nuf.(pretty) - La-a-adno! Once you give up, I leave.

Nuf-nuf is out.

Nuf-nuf.- Well, I hid? I sat quietly, quietly, like a mouse in the snow.
Nif-Nif.- Speaking of snow. Do you think Naf-Naf has already built a house?

The robin answers.

Nuf-nuf.- Zaryanka says - no. Still building.

A gust of cold wind.

Nuf-nuf.(Teeth chattering) - Something really chilly ....
Nif-Nif.- Yes….
Nuf-nuf.- You know, I had a funny thought...
Nif-Nif.- What, Nuf-Nuf?
Nuf-nuf.- What if we build houses before Naf-Naf?
Nif-Nif. And there are bright thoughts in your head. I like. Let's leave him in the cold. He will be surprised! What are the houses made of?
Nuf-nuf.- Don't know. I will collect branches and make a house out of them. It will be fun!
Nif-Nif.- Gather?
Nuf-nuf.- Yeah!
Nif-Nif.- No. I'd rather make a house out of our straw beds, and there's no need to go anywhere.
Nuf-nuf.- Straw house? Well as you know!

Nuf-Nuf runs away for branches. Nif-Nif starts building a house.

Nif-Nif.- I don't want to work.
But Naf-Nafa I will teach.
I will build a nice house.
I will feel comfortable in it.

Looks at the house.

Nif-Nif. What a nice little house I have!

Nif-Nif climbs into the house. There is snoring. Nuf-Nuf appears with a bunch of branches. Throws them to the ground.

Nuf-nuf.- That's better!

Nuf-Nuf sings and builds a house.

Nuf-nuf.- I will playfully build a house,
Everything, as it should, I will arrange in it.
This will be a solid home.
It will be comfortable to live in it.

Nuf-Nuf inspects his house.

Nuf-nuf.- Beauty! Strong! Just the way a real home should be! I'll go and look at the house of Nif-Nif.

Nuf-Nuf runs to the house of Nif-Nif. There is snoring.

Nuf-nuf.- Which beautiful house! Nif-Nif!

Nif-Nif snores.

Nif-Nif looks out.

Nif-Nif.- What?
Nuf-nuf.- The house, I say, is beautiful. More beautiful than mine. But mine is solid. Naf-Naf will envy us!
Nif-Nif.- That's for sure! Let's go see what he's built.
Nuf-nuf.- Shall we tease?
Nif-Nif.- Yeah!

They leave. The robin flies after them.

Naf-Naf house. Naf-Naf drags the door on his back. A robin flies in, sits on the door. Naf-Naf falls along with the door. The robin chirps.

Naf-naf.- What? Are the brothers coming?

Naf-Naf tries to get up, but he can't. Robin jumps on the door, hurrying him. Enter Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf.

Nif-Nif.(looks at the house) - Wow! What a huge house!
Nuf-nuf.- Yeah! Stone…
Nif-Nif.- Where is Naf-Naf?
Nuf-nuf.(looking around the clearing) - Naf-Naf! Where are you?
Naf-naf.- Oh!
Nuf-nuf.- Oh! What is this?
Nif-Nif.(turning around and turning back to the house) - The door. Have you never seen a door?
Naf-naf.- Oh!
Nuf-nuf.(scared) - Oh! I saw the door, but never let it groan!
Nif-Nif.(turning) - The doors don't groan!
Naf-naf.- Oh!
Nuf-nuf.- Saw? She's still moving!
Nif-Nif.(afraid) - I'm sure these are stupid Naf-Naf jokes. Let's catch her first, and then we'll figure it out! One two Three!

Nuf-Nuf runs up and jumps on the door. Nif-Nif remains in place.

Nuf-nuf.(lying on the door) - I caught her!
Nif-Nif.(aside) - What a fool!
Naf-naf.(trying to throw Nuf-Nuf) - Don't catch me! It's me - Naf-Naf!
Nuf-nuf.- Naf-naf?
Nif-Nif.(Nuf-Nuf) - Naf-Naf! (looking under the door) Why did you climb there?
Naf-naf.- Yes, I did not climb. I was crushed.
Nif-Nif.- Ah-ah-ah! Nuf-nuf, help me!

Nuf-Nuf and Nif-Nif raise the door.

Nif-Nif.(Naf-Nafu) - Are you standing?

Naf-Naf rises.

Naf-naf.- I'm standing...

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf lower the door on Naf-Naf's back and push him towards the house.

Nif-Nif.- What would you do without us, Naf-Naf?! Well, what are you building here? Piglet house or fortress?
Naf-naf.- The piglet's house should be a fortress.
Nuf-nuf.- Are you going to fight with someone?
Naf-naf.- Of course not! But the house must be reliable!

Naf-Naf sings, fixing the door.

Naf-naf.- The house is built of stones.
I will be calm in it.
No dire beast
Don't break through that door!

Naf-Naf checks how the door works.

Naf-naf.- Ready! The door is oak, the bolt is reliable, the walls are strong - no animal can break my house!
Nuf-nuf.(Nif-Nifu) - What animal is he talking about?
Naf-naf.- I'm talking about the wolf.
Nuf-nuf.(laughs) - Are you afraid of the decrepit old wolf?!
Nif-Nif.- Afraid that the wolf will eat him. There are no wolves in our forest!
Nuf-nuf.- Naf-Naf is just a coward!
Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf.- Naf-Naf is afraid of the wolf! Naf-Naf is afraid of the wolf!

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf leave, laughing.

Naf-naf.(after the brothers) - And I'm not a coward at all. I'm just being careful. (to the robin) Fly after my brothers, look after them. And they are so brave that not far from trouble.

The robin flies after Nuf-Nuf and Nif-Nif.

Picture 6.
The wolf sleeps under a tree in the forest, lulling himself to sleep.

Wolf.- I wander through the forests -
I try to sleep here and there.
I'm ready to break everyone -
So I want to sleep...
The voice of Nuf-Nuf.- Naf-Naf is afraid of the wolf.

Pigs appear in the clearing. They laugh.

Nuf-nuf.- Yes, if a wolf appears, then we will grab him by the nose! Here he will know!
Nif-Nif.- Yeah! We'll give him the heat!

The piglets laugh again.

Nif-Nif.- And I'm not afraid of the wolf -
If I have to fight!
Nuf-nuf.- When he comes to me,
It definitely won't go away!

The pigs are laughing. A wolf comes up behind them and grabs them by the collar.

Pigs.- Oh oh oh!
Wolf.(shaking the piglets) - That's how it always is ...
Nif-Nif.- Oh! What do you allow yourself?
Wolf.(tying piglets) - I just wanted to sleep ...
Nuf-Nuf.- Who are you?
Wolf. (thoughtfully) - Am I asking too much?
Nuf-Nuf.- Excuse me, who are you?
Wolf. - Yes, I am a wolf, a wolf!
Nuf-nuf.- Oh!

Nuf-Nuf faints.

Wolf.(Nuf-Nufu) - That's right! (Nif-Nifu) And what did you sing? Why aren't you afraid of me?
Nif-Nif.- Not afraid!
Wolf.- But this is not right!

The wolf shakes his head disapprovingly.

Wolf.(Nif-Nifu) - What is your name, piglet?
Nif-Nif.- Nif-Nif. And you can't scare me, old, decrepit, stupid wolf! Yes, you are probably also toothless!

Nuf-Nuf comes to his senses. A robin appears.

Wolf.- Bold, you mean? That's why, how are you, Nif-Nif, I'll have to eat you first. (plugs Nif-Nif's mouth with an apple) I'll deal with you, and then I'll take on the second one.

Nuf-Nuf faints again.

Nuf-nuf.- Oh!

The robin pounces on the wolf and pecks it. Nif-Nif picks up Nuf-Nuf and they run away.

Wolf.(Waving off) - Again you?! No respect for age! Leave me alone! (following the pigs) You can't get away from me. (to the robin) Leave me alone, to whom they say!

The wolf runs after the pigs. The robin is not far behind.

Picture 7.
Clearing of Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf. Pigs are running. They untie each other.

Nuf-nuf. Do you think he's still after us?
Nif-Nif.- I think yes.
Nuf-nuf.- A real wolf is not fun at all. What do we do?
Nif-Nif.- Hide in your house, and I - in mine. He won't get us there.
Nuf-nuf.- Exactly! I have a strong house. The wolf will not get into it!
The voice of the wolf.- Well, I'll get to you! Especially to you, Nif-Nif!
Nuf-nuf.- Oh! He's very close!
Nif-Nif.- Hide quickly!

Pigs hide in houses. The wolf appears. The robin perches on a tree.

Wolf.(robin) - I'll deal with you later!

The wolf approaches Nuf-Nuf's house and sniffs the air. Nuf-Nuf faints.

The wolf approaches the house of Nif-Nif, sniffs the air.

Wolf.(pretty) - So I caught you, Nif-Nif. I promised I'd eat you first, and the old wolves keep their word. Well, open the door.
Nif-Nif.- I don't think so!
Wolf.- Wrong. Open immediately!
Nif-Nif.- I won't open it!
If you come to my house,
You won't pick up the bones!
Wolf.- What?! Well, hold on, Nif-Nif! I'm blowing now, and your house will shatter!

The wolf is blowing. The house is shaking.

Nif-Nif.- Ha-ha-ha!

The wolf is blowing. The house is collapsing. The robin pecks at the wolf. Nif-Nif screeches and runs to Nuf-Nuf's house.

Wolf.(Waving off the robin) - Yes, you will leave me behind at last ?! I'll pull out all your feathers!

Nif-Nif knocks on Nuf-Nuf, he lets him in. The robin flies to the tree.

Wolf.- You can't get away from me, Nif-Nif. Okay, eat two piglets in one fell swoop! (to the viewer) But I'm a little tired. Maybe you can lure them out with cunning? (to the pigs) I think I've changed my mind. I won't eat those skinny piglets. I'd better go to sleep!
The voice of Nuf-Nuf.- Heard? We are skinny! And that's why he won't eat us!
The voice of Nif-Nif.- Well, if so ....

The wolf laughs softly and knocks on the door.

Nuf-nuf.- Who's there?
Wolf.(changing voice) - I'm a poor little sheep. (laughs softly) I've strayed from the herd. I'm so scared! They say a gray wolf roams nearby. Let me in
Nuf-nuf.- Certainly! You can let the sheep in, the sheep is not a wolf!

Nif-Nif.- It's a wolf! Don't you dare open the door!
Wolf.- Oh, you stupid bird! It's all because of you!
Nif-Nif.(to the wolf) - You won't be able to outwit us! Go away!
Wolf.- Well, open it!
Nif-Nif.- Let's not open it!
Nuf-nuf.- Let's not open it!
You won't break my house -
Teeth, gray, break!
You won't pick up the bones!

The pigs are laughing.

Wolf.- Well, wait! Now there is nothing left of this house!

The wolf is blowing. The house shook.

Nuf-nuf.- Oh!

The wolf is blowing again. The house was shaking.

Pigs.- Oh oh oh!

The wolf blows for the third time. The house is collapsing. The robin pounces on the wolf. Pigs run away, squealing.

Wolf.- Get off! This time you won't bother me!

The wolf rushes after the pigs. The robin flies away.

Picture 8.
House of Naf-Naf. The robin flies in and beats. The squeals of piglets are heard. Naf-Naf leaves the house. The robin chirps.

Naf-naf.- What's the commotion? What's happened? Are you ahead of the wolf? I don't understand anything! Slower. What?! The wolf is chasing my brothers?!

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf appear.

Nuf-nuf.- Brother, help!
Naf-naf.- Hurry to the house!

The piglets run into the house. The robin flies to the roof. A breathless wolf appears. Sniffing.

Wolf.- Another piglet?! How many pigs are in this forest? Well, so much the better. Let's eat from the belly and go to bed.

The wolf approaches the house. Knocks on the door.

The voice of Nuf-Nuf.- Oh!
The voice of Naf-Naf.- Who's there?
Wolf.- It's me - the gray wolf. Open now!
The voice of Naf-Naf.- No matter how!
Wolf.- Ah well! I'll tear this house down and eat all three of them! Say goodbye to life!
The voice of Nuf-Nuf.- The end of us, brothers! Now I have nothing to fear. It's good that we're all together!

The wolf draws air into his chest and blows. The house of Naf-Naf stands intact. The screech of pigs.

The wolf blows again. The house stands intact. The screech of pigs.

The voice of Naf-Naf.- Come on, brothers, have fun!
My house is made of stones.
No dire beast
Don't break through that door!
Nuf-Nuf's voice- You won't break our house -
Teeth, gray, break!
The voice of Nif-Nif.- If you enter our house,
You won't pick up the bones!

The robin sings along with them on the roof. While the piglets tease the wolf, he tries to break the house.

Wolf.(howls) - Well, that's it!

The robin laughs at the wolf.

Wolf. (robin) - And you're mocking me?! A! Votya, uh, LJ you were useful to me. Perhaps I won’t break through the door, but I’ll make my way through the chimney!

The robin dives into the pipe. The wolf climbs on the roof.

The wolf climbs into the pipe. There is a pig screech. A singed wolf jumps out of a smoking tube. The robin flies out and sits on the roof.

Wolf.(jumping across the clearing) - Ai, ai, ai! Hot! Ay!

The robin is chirping something.

Wolf.(robin) - What?! Will I know how to offend the little ones? Are you still going to teach me? (to the viewer) Well, forest! Well, animals! Completely freaked out! (to himself) Feet feed the wolf! He ran all day, but he remained hungry. Well, those pigs! They are not correct. It is better not to mess with these pigs.

The wolf leaves. The robin chirps after him. Naf-Naf looks out of the house.

Naf-naf.(robin) - Gone?

The robin answers.

Naf-naf.- Brothers, the wolf is gone! You can go out!

The pigs are leaving the house.

Nuf-nuf.- We drove the wolf away! Can you imagine? We drove him away!
Naf-naf.- It's because we were together!
Nif-Nif.- And the truth! A friendly family is not afraid of any wolf!
Nuf-nuf.- Yes, what is there a wolf, no work is terrible!

The pigs are singing.

Naf-naf.- Well, how do you have fun?
Nuf-nuf.- To us to be lazy - to not suit.
Naf-naf.- How about sleeping in the sun?
Nif-Nif.- I need to help my brother.
Nuf-nuf.- I'm not afraid of work!
Nif-Nif.- If necessary, I will work hard!
All.- After all, when we are together -
The case is arguable!
Naf-naf.- I'm proud of you, brothers! It's still good when the family is together!

Naf-Naf goes to the house. Nuf-Nuf and Nif-Nif behind him. Robin jumps on the screen and addresses the viewer.

Robin.- And since then, three brothers-piglets: Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf, Nif-Nif - lived together, and I with them. That's the whole story. Many, of course, will consider it instructive, but for me it's just terribly interesting! Goodbye, guys.


Authors' recommendations:
Word fool can be replaced by simpleton.
The robin is sounded in the performance with an ordinary whistle.
A regular, cheap, plastic whistle works best.
The exception is the initial and final monologues.
They can be put on record.
How it looks - you can see in a short video (performance of the Ulyanovsk region puppet theater).
Two actors lead and voice (whistle) the Zaryanka - the performers of Naf-Naf and the wolf (if 4 actors are involved in the performance).

Margarita Tryshkina


Get to know the work.

Acquaintance with puppet theater.

Improve memory, observation, attention of children.

To achieve the expression of emotions, joy, experience for the characters.

Develop a desire to participate performance.

Cheerful music sounds.

Leading: Once upon a time there were three piglet: Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf.

All summer they tumbled in the green grass, basked in the sun, basked in puddles.

But now Autumn has come.

Naf-naf: It's time for us to think about Zima. Let's build a strong, warm house.

Nif-Nif: We don't need a warm house. We are still walking.

Nuf-nuf: We'll still somersault and have fun.

(The piglets are leaving)

Wind sounds.

Leading: But it became cold, a strong wind blew, the puddles began to freeze.

And lazy piglets had to build houses.

(A straw house appears)

Nif-Nif: Here is a house I built from straw. One or two and you're done!

Now I'm laying down the last straw. Hooray!

(Nif-Nif sings a song)

At least you will go around half the world, you will go around, you will go around,

You won't find a better home, you won't find it, you won't find it!

We clean the house of Nif-Nif. (We put a house of rods)

Nuf-nuf: That's it! I drove the pegs into the ground, twisted them with rods.

Heaped boards on the roof. Sketched the leaves and you're done!

(Nuf-Nuf sings a song)

I have a good house

New home, solid home.

I'm not afraid of rain and thunder, rain and thunder, rain and thunder.

(We remove the house from the rods. We put a stone house)

Leading: And Naf-Naf has been busy with work for several days. I dragged stones, mixed

clay and built a solid house in which you can hide from the wind, frost

and a dire wolf.

And he made a heavy, oak door with a bolt.

(Naf-Naf sings a song)

Of course, I'm smarter than everyone, smarter than everyone, smarter than everyone!

I build a house of stones, of stones, of stones!

Will not burst into this door, this door, this door.

(Put a house out of straw)

Appear piglets Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf dance and sing:

Where do you go, sly wolf,

Old wolf, terrible wolf!

The wolf sneaks into the house. Piglets hide behind the house. The wolf blows on the house.

Sounds like wind music.

house and piglets fly away.

We put up a house of rods piglets hide behind the house.

song piglets:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf, gray wolf, gray wolf!

Where do you go, stupid wolf, old wolf, terrible wolf.

The wolf is sneaking. Blowing to the music. Shaking the house. We clean the house.

We build a house of stones.

Leading: came running piglets.

hid in the strong house of Naf-Naf.

And Naf-Naf sang a song.

Naf-naf sings:

No animal in the world, a cunning animal, a terrible animal.

Won't open this door, this door, this door!

Leading: The wolf got angry. He blew on the house. And the house is out of place!

He scratched the house with his claws! The house didn't move!

Then the wolf decided to climb into the house through the chimney on the roof.

But he could not resist and fell into a cauldron of water! Howled in pain and fled from the forest


And three piglet merrily lived in a strong, warm stone house.

Artists come out and dance with all the children to cheerful music.

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April was a month full of holidays. This is the "April Day", and "Easter", and "Cosmonautics Day". But the most important event in our nursery.

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