The dream interpretation claims that a well-groomed and attractive garden in a dream is in most cases the most favorable sign for lovers. What you see in a dream gives a chance to get to know each other better and win sympathy, and already established couples move on to the next stage of the relationship. But what an overgrown or abandoned garden plot is dreaming of should alert the sleeper.

Caterpillars, animals that have entered the territory and other uninvited guests warn that one should not fully rely on the decency of business partners, as well as the tact and delicacy of everyone around without exception. Some dreams call for immediate action so that later you don’t have to regret the lost opportunities. Often the plots are connected with children or with children's worldview.

If you are lucky enough to see a house with a garden in a dream, the Muslim dream book promises simple earthly joys: stability, peace and prosperity that will allow you to enjoy family life without needing anything and without worrying about tomorrow.

What the Garden of Eden truly dreams of represents the satisfaction of the dreamer. In reality, he is fully satisfied with the results of his work. In addition to the decent remuneration received, the work in which he put his soul into is truly pleasing to the eye.

Fruit trees

Why dream Orchard with fantastic fruits, which, in theory, should not grow on fruit trees, should alert the dreamer. It looks like someone is scheming around his business or applying for his position.

The Cherry Orchard in a dream promises to open very real new horizons before the dreamer. According to the interpretation Modern dream book, you have every chance to realize a fresh idea that will bring success and popularity.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn claims that the peach garden is one of the most auspicious symbols that can only be seen in a dream. Nothing should stop you from enjoying life to the fullest.

A plum garden in a dream personifies secret desires. If plums are hiding in the foliage of trees, this once again confirms the meaning of the dream. The esoteric dream book warns that it will not hurt to adjust your plans with the weather conditions.

Apple trees and apples

Interpreting what the apple orchard is dreaming of, the Family Dream Book suggests that this symbol be regarded as a call to action. Now is the time to think about the future or take on a task that you have not dared to do before.

Miller's dream book considers an apple orchard a good sign, provided that it is properly maintained. It is not good to see in a dream a lot of caterpillars or pigs devouring fruit: in reality, a business partner can behave like a pig and leave penniless.

If you happened to pick apples in the garden, the interpretation of the dream is based on how they looked. Ripe and sweet fruits symbolize profit, plucked from the tree. ahead of schedule portend sadness and malaise, bright red can make the dreamer blush.

flower oasis

Everything that a blooming garden dreams of portends good luck in your personal life. In the near future, a lover can make an offer to a woman. A man will be successful among the opposite sex.

Dream Interpretation Grishina believes that the flower garden is one of the most auspicious symbols. The dreamer expects success in love. It is recommended to beware of envious people and evil tongues that strive to interfere with your happiness.

According to Women's dream book, a dreaming rose garden portends a joyful event. Since a rose in a dream symbolizes a secret, the interpretation is silent about what exactly should happen, let it be a pleasant surprise.


Interpreting what the winter garden is dreaming of, Tarot's dream book offers a very gloomy forecast: one of your friends will soon leave this world.

What the autumn garden dreams of is comparable to carelessness and an easy attitude to life. The days of summer suffering are over, the crowns of the trees are thinning out, revealing an endless expanse, gusts of wind are throwing multi-colored foliage up. It's time to allow yourself to enjoy the present without worrying about the future.

A dreaming green garden promises changes for the better, and immediately in all areas of life. Sleep promises excellent health and emotional upsurge. Fresh ideas will help accelerate the progress of previously started cases. Lonely expects a romantic acquaintance.

For lonely dreamers who happened to walk in the garden on a warm spring day in a dream, Miller's dream book promises a fascinating acquaintance. Those who are already in a permanent relationship will have a wonderful opportunity to bring more passion and sensuality into them.

Children's institution

What is dreaming kindergarten, personifies the playfulness and spontaneity of a sleeper in a dream, who, apparently, is tired of being too serious in reality. Sleep means that it's time to give yourself a rest, if possible, change the situation for a while.

According to Miller's dream book, kindergarten reflects the state of the dreamer's inner helplessness and almost childish fear of a huge and far from always friendly world. For a woman, a dream hints at an increased likelihood of conception.

Our subconscious can draw different objects in the picture of night dreams. Therefore, when a lot of fruit trees dream in a dream, a person wonders what the garden is dreaming of. The answer to it is in the dream book.

According to Miller's dream book, a dream, the plot of which is associated with an orchard, is a favorable messenger. For a woman, a vision with a garden full of fruit blooms promises well-being in personal / family life. For men, such dreams portend a generous reward for their efforts or loyalty.

In the versions of Miller's dream book, there are interpretations of what the garden is dreaming of if two people are walking along it. For people in love with reality, a blooming garden in the plot of a dream is a symbol mutual love. Such relationships in the real world will lead to a happy marriage. For the rest, who have not yet met their soul mate, such dream pictures hint at an early acquaintance with such a person.

According to Miller's dream interpreter, dreams about a flowering garden without fruit speak of a period of calm in a career. At the same time, visions with an autumn garden without foliage hint at the dreamer's excessive frivolity, from which his future may suffer.

This dream book also considers the apple orchard as an auspicious symbol. The red ripe fruits of this tree mean that in the near future fate will give a unique chance that should be used with maximum benefit.

As a warning, the dream book considers dreams about blackberry bushes in the garden. The garden in which these fruit-bearing bushes grow is an omen of the appearance of rivals. With considerable effort and restraint, it will be possible to avoid conflicts with them. And night visions, the plot of which was filled with grazing among fruit trees, may indicate the risk of losing your property.

In the modern dream book, there are other versions of what the garden is dreaming of. For example, a blooming garden filled with a pleasant aroma for a dreamer means a favorable period for any undertakings.. If you dream of fruit-bearing trees, then this symbol can be considered as the successful completion of a long-begun business. Those who see themselves picking fruits in a dreamed night story will soon be able to secure material wealth in the real world.

According to the Modern Dream Book, to see yourself walking next to your lover among flowering fruit trees is enough determination for cardinal changes in your personal life. Having seen such a dream, think about it: perhaps the time has come to explain to your partner.

The interpreter of Freud does not bypass the decoding of such dreams. This dream book, in which the garden is a symbol of the feminine and fertility, identifies such plots with human sexual fantasies. If you dream of relaxing in the garden, then the dreamer is satisfied with his intimate life. If a flowering garden is soil in need of cultivation, this phenomenon may indicate dissatisfaction with sexual relations.

The psychoanalytic dream book considers the garden in the dream plot as a platform where consciousness is able to subjugate the subconscious. In other words, in such pictures of night dreams, a person's perception of the world around him will be displayed:

  • A blooming garden is a display of positive emotions from what is happening in reality.
  • Withering trees growing along with shrubs and weeds symbolize the dreamer's character traits. It is they who prevent the hero from realizing his potential.
  • An apple orchard in bloom is associated with expectations. Perhaps in real life the person took up the project and cherishes hopes for its successful completion.

IN Universal dream book regarding dreams about fruit trees, there are different interpretations. For example, a garden raging with greenery and at the same time blooming is a symbol of great joy, pleasant moments and pleasure. If it was possible in the plot of a dream to witness the opening of flowers on fruit trees, then in real life a person will become successful.

Collecting ripe, beautiful fruits from trees in a dream, in reality you can get material profit on a large scale. The dreaming spoiled ones do not promise any achievements - most likely, a period of calm will come.

If the trees in the garden plot in your dream were cut down, such a sign warns of the collapse of plans. Therefore, if you happen to see a similar plot, in the real world, try to refrain from making new deals or signing important contracts. The plots in which a garden with dying trees dream have the same meaning.

And what if the gardener dreams?

If you dream that in a dream you were a gardener and looked after trees, then the interpretation of such a plot takes on a different meaning. Putting things in order on the territory with fruit trees with his own hands symbolizes the dreamer's need to organize his thoughts. By listening to the signal of your subconscious, you can eliminate all factors distracting from the implementation of important plans.

If the dreamer himself did not act as a gardener in the picture of night dreams, then such a person will be identified with a person from the environment in the real world. By the nature of the actions of the hero of the plot, it will be possible to judge his role in the dreamer's life:

  • The good-natured person symbolizes the patron, whom the dreamer will soon meet.
  • An evil character warns of a possible false promise of an ill-wisher.
  • The gardener who is talking with the dreamer dreams if there is a risk that an outsider will find out about your secret.
  • A character watering a blooming garden in a dream will indicate excessive and unjustified expenses.

If you want to understand what the garden is dreaming of, be sure to remember all the details of the dream when deciphering the plots. In this case, you will make a reliable forecast of events that may occur in the near future.

If the garden is well-groomed, it means that your work brings a good harvest.

English dream book

The garden is a very auspicious dream. Ptolemy calls him one of the best. Francsimus says: “I have solved many dreams, this one among others, and I always thought it was a really good dream. Subsequently, I met these people who achieved status and independence from empty friends, I saw successful merchants, sailors making successful voyages, farmers harvesting a rich harvest, and also lovers married to lovely young girls. Everyone who sees such a dream is waiting for wealth and honor. But the garden in a dream should be full of lush bushes, bright flowers and ripe fruits.

Assyrian dream book

If a person in a dream goes to an orchard- in reality, someone will ease his suffering, free him from a heavy burden.

Garden under the hurricane- dreams of unwanted guests or unpleasant duties.

Slavic dream book

Garden - to well-being and joy.

dream interpreter

Garden to see - means joy and pleasure; walking in the garden or cultivating it marks future well-being.

Planting vegetables, flowers or trees in the garden or garden- portends great profits and also the birth of children.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if the Garden is dreaming?

To dream of a garden with evergreens and flowers- means peace of mind and comfort.

Seeing vegetables in the garden is a sign of poverty, bad luck and unfair slander. Women have such a dream- promises glory or happiness in family life.

If you dream that you are walking in the garden among flowering bushes and flowers with your loved one- in real life you will enjoy unclouded happiness and material independence.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Blooming garden - joy, profit.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Garden in a dream?

Walk through the garden- life will be reasonable.

Miller's dream book

To dream that you and your beloved are passing through a flowering garden- a sign of the delightful completion of a long courtship.

If the garden is full of ripe fruit- this portends a reward for faithful service or full leadership in business. Women have such a dream- portends a happy home, a devoted husband and obedient children.

If you dream that you see pigs in the garden eating fallen fruit is a sign that you will lose property.

Gather ripe fruits- a happy sign of abundance for all people.

The garden has bloomed - take care of the whole family.

Universal dream book

It doesn't matter what size house or apartment we have, almost all of us want to create our own garden, even if it is on the windowsill.

Seeing a garden in a dream- a sign of generosity, especially if the garden is blooming, lively and bright. What are you doing in the garden in your dream? Do you lazily walk around the garden, looking and listening? This suggests that you are enjoying the gifts of life at the moment.

Who is in the garden with you?- Do you enjoy a pleasant and fun time with this person/people?

If in a dream you clean the garden- perhaps the dream suggests that you should sort out life. What do you get rid of in real life? What goes around comes around. What is blooming in your garden?

Gypsy dream book

If you dream that you are in an orchard- this predicts you wealth through an inherited large fortune or thanks to a successful marital union. For a married man such a dream- means that he will have many children, who, in turn, will become very rich.

Esoteric dream book

The meaning of sleep: Garden according to the dream book?

Blooming - good time for you, everything will turn out well.

Naked, running- promising time, things will get confused; empty chores.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Garden according to the dream book?

Why is the garden dreaming? This plot- says that you will live in joy.

More interpretations

If this was the Garden of Eden- you better beware of dangerous activities that can discredit you.

It didn't have fruit.- you have to come to terms with the fact that until you can achieve success in your career.

The garden dreamed without foliage- this is a hint that you can act frivolously.

Garden in bloom - promises great success in personal life.

If you put something in it- this suggests that you will be able to adjust everything in your life.

A dream in which the garden is covered with color literally in a matter of minutes, and you are watching it- promises you events that will radically change your fate, achieve financial well-being and various honors.

If the apple orchard- your cozy home will be a full cup, you will not lack anything, and all household members will live in peace and harmony. You will have many children.

If you dreamed of an orchard- your efforts and efforts will be appreciated, you will finally achieve a higher and responsible position that will help you become much richer.

For ladies, such a vision - portends a successful marriage and an almost perfect family life, she will find true female happiness.

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The dream "Garden" is an ambiguous dream that is interpreted differently based on what you did in a dream and what the garden was like in your dream. A lot also depends on what emotions you experienced when you saw the garden in a dream: positive or negative, admiration or contempt. All this and much more will help you find the correct interpretation of your dream. All known dream books are collected here and answers are given to the most common questions that may arise after seeing the “Garden” dream.

Autumn dream book

Why dream of a blooming garden - in reality, you can envy youth, that's how this dream book this dream is deciphered.

Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation: a garden in a dream is joy.

Dream Interpretation: garden garden, cultivate it in a dream - well-being awaits you in the future.

Small Velesov dream book

  • Seeing a garden in a dream - your life will become pleasant and joyful.
  • Dream Interpretation: a blooming garden in a dream - your wishes will come true and you will finally meet your couple; success in love affairs.
  • Seeing a garden in a dream, then unkempt - a lonely old age awaits you.
  • Why dream of a green garden and a walk through it - for good.

Family dream book

In a dream, to see a garden and plant it - in reality, you have to make plans for the future.

I dreamed of an apple orchard, and you are harvesting - all your friends and employees at work will respect you.

Dream interpretation of E. Tsvetkov

The meaning of the dream "garden and a walk in the garden" - you will find success in all your endeavors and deeds.

Dream Interpretation: a garden with flowers and you tear them - you will be content, this is how this dream interpretation is interpreted.

Ukrainian dream book

  • The dream "flowering garden" says that all your desires can come true.
  • To dream of a blooming garden, but in a neglected state - old age awaits you alone.
  • To dream of a green garden - to the dead, try to take care of loved ones and family.

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: green garden - your health will be strengthened, and life will be filled with joy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a garden to walk through it - success awaits you in business, marriage is possible in love.
  • The meaning of the dream is "a garden, weed it" - the plans of your enemies will be revealed.
  • Dream Interpretation: flowers in the garden, planting and caring for them - your relationship with your loved one will improve, and only happiness awaits you ahead.
  • Dream Interpretation: a garden garden with a gazebo - to joy, and if a greenhouse is built in the garden - to gossip.
  • Seeing a garden with a gardener in a dream is an acquaintance. Moreover, this acquaintance will be useful person.
  • I dreamed of a blooming garden - for both girls and young guys for the wedding, but if the garden has faded, then this dream is a great annoyance.
  • Seeing a kindergarten in a dream - you will be helpless (especially if your children have already grown out of kindergarten age).
  • I dreamed of a kindergarten with a lot of children - surprises await you, but not all of them will be pleasant.
  • Why dream of a kindergarten without children - you will miss events, longing will overcome you and you just need a surge of adrenaline.
  • Dream Interpretation: a kindergarten with a feeder for animal food - a big profit awaits you.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • In a dream, seeing a garden symbolizes human activity or the result of your work or relationships.
  • Seeing a blooming garden in a dream symbolizes happiness.
  • Seeing an abandoned garden in a dream - this indicates the state of your soul or loneliness awaits you.
  • A garden on a hill is dreaming, which has a high fence - a sublime love feeling awaits you.
  • I dreamed of a gardener in the garden - a lover or patron.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • The meaning of the dream "garden" is your reflection of the soul, and in what state the garden is, so is your soul. If the garden is neglected, it means that some aspects of your character need to be improved for the better.
  • Why dream of a green garden - it symbolizes well-being and your position in the family, and you will also firmly settle in society.
  • If you dream of a garden with a fence, this indicates that someone is trying to look into your soul.

Dream Interpretation of G. Miller

Assyrian dream book

"Cherry Orchard" dream and walk on it - in reality, you can free yourself from a heavy burden.

To dream of a garden with a garden - in reality, you can get rid of need.

Muslim dream book

In a dream, to see a garden - all your affairs are worldly, and if there are still many trees, then success awaits you with the opposite sex.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

I dreamed of a garden - this is your perception of life. If the garden is well-groomed, then this speaks of your perception. Even a garden in a dream can talk about events that are taking place in your life, and in this case you need to take this into account when interpreting a dream.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Dream Interpretation: a garden and walking around it - your life will begin to improve.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a blooming garden in a dream is a great time when everything will turn out well.

Seeing a neglected garden in a dream means that your affairs will begin to get confused and your efforts will be in vain.

Persian dream book Taflisi

The meaning of the dream "garden" - speaks of worries, and the trees in the garden symbolize women.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

  • Seeing a blooming garden in a dream - abundance in everything or success awaits you.
  • Seeing a fading garden in a dream - you are promised failure in business or in love.
  • Walking in a garden in a dream - your life will begin to take shape reasonably.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Why dream of a green garden in the form of a park - this symbolizes a place of submission or you will begin to protect yourself from others. It is also considered a female symbol, especially if you see a gate. In general, the garden speaks of the inner life of a person and all aspects that can appear on a conscious level. The shape of a garden can say something about a culture, such as a Japanese garden, a tea ceremony garden. If you dreamed of a flower garden, then this speaks of your feelings and desires. Dream of a rose in the garden - symbolizes your desire for others. If the garden is full of bushes and weeds, then these are your character traits that prevent you from communicating with people around you. If the garden is abandoned, then you may experience a fear of disappointment. But if you dream of the Garden of Eden, then this speaks of fertility.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

I dreamed about the garden of Eden - cloudless happiness awaits you, which will have no end.

Spring dream book

Dream Interpretation: a garden with flowers in a dream - love awaits you.

Summer dream book

Dream Interpretation: dreamed of a garden with flowers - symbolizes a calm life.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

  • The interpretation of the "botanical garden" dream, if you study plants there, then this is a symbol that in real life you will find stagnation in business.
  • I dreamed of a garden, and you are walking along it and at the same time enjoying its beauty - this speaks of good luck in all your affairs and undertakings.
  • in the garden - also a symbol of success in business.
  • Seeing a garden in a dream, and you get lost in it - soon you will have a choice, and it is this that your future will depend on.

Lunar dream book

Why dream of a green garden - great joy awaits you.

Why dream of a walk in the garden - success in all your affairs.

Magic dream book

  • Why dream of a blooming garden - your life will also bloom, like a garden in a dream.
  • Why dream of a green garden - well-being.
  • The garden is dreaming with fruit trees - you will have abundance in everything.
  • Why dream of a cherry orchard - you will have a large and at the same time friendly family.
  • The autumn garden is dreaming - some stage in your life will be completed.

Family dream book

Dream Interpretation: plant a garden - in reality, you will make plans for the future.

Dream Interpretation: an orchard and picking fruit - you can understand that all the people around you and friends are starting to respect you.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

A man dreamed of a blooming garden, and he walks there with his beloved woman, this indicates that happy love awaits him and a real relationship will become promising.

A woman dreamed of an orchard - this is a symbol of family relationships that will be happy.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

In a dream, seeing a garden blooming portends abundance, as well as success in business. If a girl dreamed of a blooming garden, then she would soon have a groom. If a guy dreamed of a blooming garden, then he would find a bride for himself. But if the garden is dreaming of withering and neglected, then this speaks of a sad old age.

English dream book

Seeing a garden in a dream is considered a completely auspicious dream. Ptolemy said that this is one of the best dreams one can have. And Francsimus wrote: “I had to solve a large number of dreams, and this one too. And I always said it was a really good dream. Soon I met people who had reached a special position, I met sailors who successfully completed their voyage, as well as lovers whose relationship ended in a wedding. In other words, everyone who sees this dream can expect wealth and prosperity. There is only one “but” here, the garden in a dream should be full: flowers, trees, fruits and bushes.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Seeing a garden in a dream is an annoyance.
  • Seeing a blooming garden in a dream - your desires come true.
  • Seeing a neglected garden in a dream - old age awaits you alone.
  • Seeing a blooming garden in a dream - to the dead.

Dream Interpretation of Schiller - Schoolboy

I dreamed of a large and blooming garden - a symbol of abundance.

A neglected garden is dreaming - in old age you will be overcome by sadness and loneliness.


Summing up all of the above, I would like to say once again that the garden in a dream is mostly good, but, like any rule, there is also an exception here. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

Autumn dream book

Why dream of a garden in autumn?

Garden - To see a garden in bloom is to envy youth, this is an interpretation of what you dream about at night.

Women's dream book

Why does a woman dream of a Garden, what is this dream about?

Garden - If in a dream you and your beloved are walking through a flowering garden, this is a sign of the successful completion of a long courtship. Wandering into a blackberry, passing through a garden, portends jealous rivals or noisy scandals. If you dream of pigs wandering into the garden and eating fallen fruit, this is a sign of loss of property.

A garden full of ripe fruits portends a reward for faithful service or full leadership in business.

For women, such a dream prophesies a happy home, a devoted husband and obedient children. Gathering ripe fruits in the garden is a sign of happiness and abundance for all people.

Small Velesov dream book

Why the Garden is dreaming, interpretation of sleep:

Garden - Pleasant life, joy // annoyance; blooms - there will be a couple, fulfillment of desires, success; neglected - lonely old age; walk, process - for good, success.

Gypsy dream book

Garden what does it mean and why dream:

Garden - Seeing means joy and pleasure; walking in the garden or processing it marks future well-being, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

Family dream book

Why is the Garden dreaming in a dream?

Garden - Plant a garden - make far-reaching plans. Harvest in the garden - make sure that you are respected by friends and colleagues.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

Why does the Garden dream in dreams?

Garden - Walking - success, joy in business; picking flowers - allowances, this is the interpretation of the Garden according to the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book

Why the Garden is dreaming, according to the popular beliefs of Little Russia:

Garden - Garden - annoyance. Blooming garden - fulfillment of desires, success; launched - lonely old age. The garden bloomed - a dead man. The garden has bloomed - take care of the whole family, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Garden - Seeing a green garden in a dream - to joy, health. Walking in a dream through a garden, a grove - to success in business, love, marriage; weeding in the garden - to reveal the plans of your enemies; planting flowers in a garden in a dream - to a wonderful relationship with a loved one, fortunately. Seeing in a dream a gazebo in the garden - to joy, a greenhouse - to gossip. If you saw a gardener in a dream, it means that you will meet and be friends with a very useful person. A blooming garden dreams of girls or boys for a wedding, fun, and if it has already faded, to great annoyance.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Garden - Symbol human activity, the results of labor, relationships, love. Blooming, fruitful - a symbol of happiness; abandoned - a state of mind, loneliness, dislike. A garden on a hill, enclosed by a high fence, is an extraordinary, sublime love. The gardener is a lover, spiritual helper or patron.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why the Garden is dreaming - the symbolism of sleep:

Dream to see about the Garden to see in a dream - The state of the garden reflects the work of the dreamer's soul. A neglected garden indicates that some aspects of our character need to be improved. A beautiful green garden is well-being, a strong position in the family and society. To see the fence of the garden - someone wants to disturb your serenity, "get into your soul."

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

What is the dream of the Garden according to the dream book:

Assyrian dream book

What is the dream of the Garden in the book of dreams?

Garden - If a person goes to an orchard in a dream, then in reality someone will ease his suffering, free him from a heavy burden. If he goes to the garden, in reality he will soon get rid of need and deprivation.

Muslim dream book

What is the dream of the Garden according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah:

Garden - Seeing a garden means worldly affairs, and the meaning of trees is related to women.

Dream interpretation of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the dreamer dream of the Garden, psychological analysis:

Garden - A garden in a dream is a kind of metaphor for the perception of life. Well-groomed or neglected, fruitful or withering, the garden will say a lot about a person's perception of himself. Often the garden serves as the usual setting for unfolding events - but even in this case, the very fact of its appearance in a dream deserves attention in interpretation.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

The garden is dreaming, why?

Garden - Walking in the garden - life will turn out wisely.

Esoteric dream book

What is the dream of the garden, interpretation:

Garden - Blooming is a good time for you, everything will turn out well. Naked, neglected promising time, things will get confused; empty chores, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book of Khubaishi Tiflisi

Why the Garden is dreaming - the interpretation of an astrologer:

Garden - Seeing a garden means worldly worries and affairs; trees, as a rule, symbolize women.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

What is the dream of the Garden in the dream book?

Garden - Blooming - abundance, success - fading - failure - walking around - life will turn out wisely

Sad - – False Rumors

Psychotherapeutic dream book

What does the garden symbolize and why do you dream?

Garden (park) - A place of subordination, selection, fencing in connection with its cultivation. Consciousness that organizes the unconscious. The symbol is ambivalent to the forest. A female symbol, which is especially emphasized by the gate in the garden fence. The inner life of the individual. Aspects of his personality that are cultivated consciously. May represent various aspects of the individual's consciousness, and the dream may indicate what is being ignored. The geometry of a garden or park reflects the picture of the World on the principle of a mandala and is associated with a particular culture (English park, Japanese rock garden, tea ceremony garden). Flower garden. An element of the garden, which indirectly points to the whole picture of the World, including the functions of feelings, desires, intellect and intuition. Bouquet and ikebana therefore also reflect a similar desire to combine different trends into a complete picture of the World. If the garden is overgrown with bushes or weeds. Certain character traits that interfere with the integration of the Self. Forgotten and abandoned garden. Reflection of the individual's disappointments or fear of disappointment. Garden of Eden. Fertility of body and soul. Mother. Return to the stage of orality, association with the fall.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

If the Garden is dreaming, how to understand it:

Garden, Eden - Happiness without limits

Spring dream book

Why dream of a garden in spring?

Garden in bloom - Soon love will come.

Summer dream book

Why dream of a garden in summer?

Garden in bloom - A garden in bloom dreams of a good quiet life, so the dream that you dream is ambiguously deciphered.

Modern dream book

Why dream and what does the Garden mean in our time?

Blooming, large garden - Abundance, good luck in business; neglected - good old age

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What is the dream of the Garden in night dreams?

Botanical Garden - Being in a dream in a botanical garden and studying plants or trees means that you are stagnant in business, and external calmness is deceptive; walking in it, enjoying the air and birdsong - to good luck in business. To go on an excursion in a greenhouse with rare plants in a dream - to success in business, to get lost in it - means that soon you will have to make a choice on which your future will depend.

Lunar dream book

Why is the Garden dreaming in a dream?

The garden is green, blooming - Joy, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Garden (walk) - Success in business.

Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

Why is the Garden dreaming in a dream?

Gardens - blooming - to blooming life, green - well-being, with fruit trees and fruits - an abundance of everything you want. The Cherry Orchard is a big friendly family. An autumn garden with yellow leaves is the completion of a certain stage of life.