Cherry is a fruit-bearing tree of the Plum genus, which belongs to the Pink family. Its fruits are one of the most common, tasty and valuable berries. Cherry has long been valued for its mild sweet and sour taste and unique properties. Moreover, both the fruits of the tree and its twigs, leaves and even bark are used.

Berry composition

The composition of the fruits of the cherry tree includes organic acids: salicylic, citric, succinic, malic; microelements:, copper, iron, vanadium, boron,; macronutrients:,; pectin substances; Sahara; , E, RR.

Nutritional value and calories

One hundred grams of raw fruit contains:

  • carbohydrates - 10.6 g;
  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • water - 84.4 g.
Their energy value is 52 kcal (217 kJ). The calorie content of dried berries is slightly higher: 100 g contains 290 kJ, and the calorie content of frozen cherries, on the contrary, is slightly lower - 46 kcal / 100 g.

Did you know? The most famous tree in Japan, personifying the land of the rising sun, is the cherry sakura, which is only an ornamental plant. It has gained fame all over the world for its magnificent flowers, but its fruits are completely inedible.

Benefits of fresh cherries

Cherry berries are distinguished not only by a pleasant balanced taste, but are also a natural medicine:

  • normalize high blood pressure, increase hemoglobin content, strengthen blood vessels;
  • considered an excellent prevention of heart disease;
  • reduce the level of uric acid, which relieves inflammation of the joints;
  • copper content is favorable for the brain and central nervous system;
  • differ in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action;
  • pectin substances normalize the efficiency of the intestine;
  • excellent expectorant and against fever;
  • the high content of vitamins helps to strengthen the immune system.

Not only the fruits of the tree are considered useful, but also the leaves, twigs, and bark. For example, resin helps with gastric ailments, a decoction of leaves and twigs - with reduced intestinal tone and inflammation of the colon.

For men

Due to the large number of minerals in the berry, it has a positive effect on the prostate gland, on the normal functioning of which men's health directly depends.

The presence of zinc in the berries contributes to the production of male sex hormones, while male strength returns and a “second youth” appears. By the way, since zinc is preserved during processing, it is not only found in fresh berries. Therefore, for therapeutic effects, you can take decoctions or infusions.

Drinking freshly squeezed cherry juice an hour before active physical exertion weakens the formation of lactic acid in the muscles and reduces muscle pain after sports.

For women

The use of fresh berries, decoctions, jams, compotes or cherry fruits in any other form is very useful for women of all ages.

It has a positive effect and brings the following results:

  • the composition of the blood is normalized after a hormonal failure or disturbed as a result of weight gain;
  • the unpleasant symptoms of menopause are reduced;
  • spasms during menstruation decrease, they become less plentiful;
  • improves blood circulation in the female organs;
  • the diuretic properties of the berry help at the initial stage of weight loss;
  • getting rid of excess fluid helps with cellulite.

Important! Cherry juice perfectly quenches thirst and increases appetite. Therefore, it is recommended to give it to children who "never want to eat."

For children

Most children's doctors are positive about the appearance of cherries on the child's table. But they insist that the berry is either fresh, or in the form of fruit drinks, compotes or jelly. It is undesirable to give the baby canned berries of industrial production. They necessarily contain preservatives and dyes, and their use practically blocks the benefits of the berry itself.
Positive effects of cherries on children's health:

  • high iron content is responsible for the normal level of hemoglobin, and modern babies often have anemia;
  • a wide range of vitamins and microelements prevents the development of deficient conditions;
  • normalization of sleep and reduction of excitability;
  • effectiveness in acute respiratory diseases;
  • tea from the leaves will help to quickly reduce the high temperature in the baby and alleviate his general condition;
  • boosts immunity.

Are properties lost during processing?

Like other fruit and berry crops, it is better to eat fresh cherries, because this way all vitamins and useful elements remain in it.

However, frozen fruits contain almost as many valuable elements as fresh ones. And, unlike some berries, they do not impair their taste and are great for use in both cooking and alternative medicine recipes. The main thing is that the fruits are not subjected to heat treatment, therefore, for long-term storage, it is better to freeze them rather than preserve them.
Dried berries also retain most of the nutrients, but they no longer have that soft and pleasant taste that is characteristic of fresh fruits.

The use of sour berries

Despite the fact that the cherry is a food product, it has found its application in several areas at once:

  • treatment;
  • cosmetology;
  • dietetics;
  • cooking.

Did you know? Even in ancient times, it was noticed that other fruits and berries located next to cherries remained fresh much longer. This fact prompted the use of cherry leaf in home canning.

In treatment

Cherry fruits are distinguished by the richest composition of vitamins and trace elements. They are the leader in molybdenum content among all other berries. In addition, they are very rich in calcium, which is an essential macronutrient for bones.

Cherry also contains antacids that prevent premature cell aging, and coumarin, which helps normalize blood clotting and reduce the risk of deposits on the walls of blood vessels and thrombosis.
Cherry stimulates the secretory function of the stomach and has a pronounced antibacterial, expectorant effect. Many cough and cold remedies are made on its basis.

Decoctions and tinctures from leaves and twigs are effective in the treatment of jaundice, as a diuretic, to normalize blood pressure, for colds and joint problems.

In cosmetology

It is curious that cherry has found itself in cosmetic procedures:

  • juice and pulp perfectly brighten the skin, reduce wrinkles and give the skin a fresh and well-groomed appearance;
  • together with potato flour, it is used as a mask for acne-prone skin;
  • with dark circles and bags under the eyes, a cherry mask with cottage cheese or sour cream fights;
  • honey-cherry mask with viburnum juice prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles and preserves youthfulness of the skin;
  • freshly squeezed juice - an effective mask for oily skin;
  • fresh berry juice mixed with potato starch is an excellent mask for oily hair;
  • the medicinal properties of this berry and its magical aroma are ideal for home spa treatments.

In dietetics

Compared to other berries, cherries have a lower glycemic index, which is good for dieters. In addition, it has a pronounced diuretic effect, which helps to remove excess water from the body and start flushing. excess weight. And its juice improves metabolic processes and tones the body as a whole.

The anthocyanins included in its composition reduce the rate of absorption of sucrose, which is indispensable for diabetes. However, those suffering from this disease or being overweight should limit the amount of berries consumed.

In cooking

The fruits of the cherry tree are consumed fresh, frozen, canned, dried and dried. They are used to make excellent juices, compotes, jams, jelly and preserves. Cherries are ideally combined with various creams and chocolates and are included in desserts, cakes and pastries. And it is also a signature ingredient of some national dishes, for example, German strudel or Ukrainian dumplings with cherries.
Cherries are good in desserts, ice cream and salads. It makes savory sauces for meat and fish dishes. And lovers of alcoholic beverages will certainly appreciate thick and aromatic liquors, liquors and cherry wines. Its leaves serve as a fragrant addition to brewing tea and are added when pickling or pickling mushrooms and vegetables.

Important! Cherry compotes and jams with pits that have been stored for too long should not be consumed, as they may contain poisonous hydrocyanic acid.

Is it possible to cherry during pregnancy and lactation

In the absence of contraindications, these fruits must be included in the diet of a pregnant woman, since the folic acid contained in them plays a crucial role in the formation and proper development of the fetus. In addition, the berry helps to cope with anemia during pregnancy.

It also helps to get rid of such frequent problems of pregnant women as constipation, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. But since it is a fairly strong allergen, you should not eat it in too much both during pregnancy and during lactation.

Contraindications and harm

Compared to the extensive list of useful qualities of cherries, its potential harm is very small. Firstly, it is better not to use it for people with gastritis or high acidity of the stomach due to the presence of citric and malic acids in it.

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to eat the bones of this berry. They include the glycoside amygdalin, which, when destroyed, forms toxic hydrocyanic acid. However, in rare cases, they are used to treat kidney diseases, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Also crushed bones are used as compresses for gout.

Besides, cherries should be taken with caution:

  • with diabetes or a tendency to obesity, because it increases appetite and glucose provokes weight gain;
  • with some liver diseases, as the berry stimulates its work;
  • with hypotension, because it lowers blood pressure;
  • prone to allergic reactions.

Rich composition, pleasant taste and a large list useful properties make this berry simply indispensable in the diet. Eat cherries and it will certainly heal and strengthen your body, nourish it with essential vitamins and minerals. And in the spring it will delight you with the beauty of flowering trees and a stunning aroma!

Today, there are about 150 varieties of cherry tree around the world. They attract bees with pollen and nectar, which can be obtained from flowers. Everyone knows the cherry as an incredibly beautiful and smelling flowering tree. Fruits are eaten fresh and canned. On the basis of cherries, tinctures, compotes, preserves, jams are prepared, confectionery products are decorated with berries. Against the backdrop of such popularity, many people are interested in the beneficial and harmful qualities of cherries.

Composition of cherries

To this day, scientists around the world are working on the question, is a cherry a berry or a fruit? It is traditionally accepted to believe that the fruits of the tree are berries, we will not deviate from this statement.

So, cherry concentrates a decent amount of folic acid, or vitamin B12. It also contains vitamin PP, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, and other B vitamins (they are responsible for the nervous system).

In addition, the fruits are rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, sodium and calcium. Cherries contain organic acids, natural saccharides in the form of glucose and fructose, and vegetable fiber.

Cherry differs from its counterparts in that it accumulates a substance called inositol. This natural compound is necessary to enhance all metabolic processes in the body.

The composition contains anthocyanins, which are necessary for the body for the correct functioning of the circulatory system. Chlorogenic acid improves the functioning of the liver with the kidneys, and iron prevents anemia (anemia). Copper increases hemoglobin levels and fights low blood pressure.

Vegetable fiber combined with pectin form a powerful union. It is aimed at cleansing all organs and systems, removing cholesterol, radionuclides, and toxins. Coumarin, which accumulates in large quantities in cherries, prevents diseases of the heart muscle, fights thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

The benefits of cherries

  1. Cherry is used for colds, flu, sore throats. Fruit juice has mild expectorant properties. It removes mucus from the respiratory tract, increases the protective functions of the body, strengthens naturally low immunity. Cherry relieves fever with fever and treats bronchitis.
  2. Juicy berries are good for joints. When mixed with milk, bones are strengthened, pain in rheumatism and arthritis is relieved. Cherries are useful for elderly people to eat to strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Experts recommend eating cherries for patients with gout. Fruits enhance the effect of medicines, improve the patient's well-being. For gout, it is recommended to apply compresses based on ground fruit seeds. Infusion on the bark of a tree relieves pain in sciatica.
  4. Due to the content of B vitamins, cherries have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. A systematic reception guarantees the normalization of sleep and the psycho-emotional background in general. Cherry juice relieves feelings of anxiety and the effects of stress.
  5. Due to the accumulation of folic acid in the composition of fruits, a person increases mental activity. All this becomes possible due to increased activity of neurons in the brain. Cherry improves memory and concentration.
  6. A decoction based on the bark of a tree is used to treat neuroses. It is also used to relieve epileptic seizures. An infusion on the leaves is useful for enhancing tissue regeneration, speedy wound healing, and relieving nosebleeds.
  7. The fruits contain carotenoids, which are excellent for eye health. Ophthalmologists advise eating cherries to categories of people with impaired vision and those who spend a lot of time at a PC monitor. In addition, the berry prevents cataracts.
  8. Fruits accumulate a lot of iodine, this element is necessary for the thyroid gland and the whole endocrine system for complete work. Incoming natural antioxidants keep the body youthful, and ascorbic acid saves from seasonal beriberi.
  9. The benefits of cherries for the fair sex are undeniable. A decoction based on shoots and stalks is used as a hemostatic agent. It is useful to take it for uterine bleeding, strong and painful menstrual cycles, menopause.
  10. The greatest minds of the country have been studying cherries for years as an effective remedy for cancer. The substances that make up the pulp are included in many cancer drugs. That is why it is necessary to eat cherries for the prevention of oncology. She has the ability to cut off the flow of blood to tumors and trigger their self-destruction.
  11. Chlorogenic acid, which accumulates in large volumes in cherries, is the best effect on liver health. This compound enhances the outflow of bile. Cherry also has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, freeing them from small formations (up to 0.5 cm) and sand.
  12. The benefits of berries for the body, which is caused by the accumulation of pectins, have been noticed. These compounds prevent uremia, remove fecal stones, eliminate constipation (in particular chronic ones), and prevent early aging.

  1. Fresh cherry pulp concentrates substances such as oxycoumarin and coumarin. Elements are necessary to enhance blood clotting. This ability of cherries prevents heart pathologies, stroke, myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease (ischemia) with a low level of hemoglobin.
  2. Thanks to the ability of cherries to clean the blood channels, remove cholesterol, seal the walls of blood vessels and arteries, treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension are carried out.
  3. For people who suffer from frequent heart attacks, cherries are a must. It makes the blood channels elastic, cleanses the bloodstream and enriches the cells with oxygen. Against this background, the likelihood of developing angina pectoris and thrombosis is reduced.
  4. A high accumulation of iron can cure anemia by improving the composition of the blood. At the same time, cobalt and copper also affect the functions of hematopoiesis. Such positive traits they say that cherry is a berry of the cores.

The benefits of cherries for children

  1. Many children love the juicy fruits of ripe cherries. The berries are saturated with iron, the enzyme is necessary for hematopoiesis. In addition, cherries are easily absorbed by the growing body.
  2. Fruit juice is considered to be an excellent source of most vitamins. The drink has a sedative effect, which helps to normalize sleep and solve all problems with it.
  3. Cherry leaves are no less in demand. Tea prepared on their basis will help bring down the temperature and overcome a cold in a short time. It is important to find out in advance if the child has any contraindications to the product.

Cherries for weight loss

  1. Fresh cherries are actively used for weight loss. Calorie content is only 50 kcal per 100 gr. Moreover, the composition has a sufficient amount of mineral compounds and nutritional components.
  2. Cherry has a positive effect on the body, starting the digestive processes and cleansing the tissues of slagging and toxins. The unique enzyme inositol allows you to normalize the natural metabolism.
  3. Essential oils, which are part of the fruit, when ingested, actively break down fat layers. Cherry also relieves a person of excess fluid in, eliminating swelling. This property is necessary for weight loss.

  1. The rich composition will bring invaluable benefits to the girl's body during gestation. Cherry contains folic acid and many other minerals that have a positive effect on the development of the baby.
  2. Cherry can bring no less benefit during breastfeeding. It is highly recommended to consult with a specialist in advance. In this case, you can avoid some trouble.

The use of cherries in cosmetology

  1. Since ancient times, cherry has proven itself as an effective cosmetic product. The composition of the masks often include the pulp and juice of red fruits. The product thoroughly moisturizes, nourishes and tones the skin.
  2. Such masks are especially recommended for increased secretion of subcutaneous fat and wide pores. Cherry extract is included in many skin care creams. Such a tool carefully cares for the skin and is suitable for the cover around the eyes.
  3. Cosmetic product with cherries will help get rid of age spots and uneven skin tone. Also, the composition allows you to remove mild creases and wrinkles. Cherry is used for hair care products. Curls take on their original appearance.

The right choice of cherries

  1. When purchasing fresh berries, you need to pay attention to appearance copies and ripeness.
  2. Cherries should not be dried, have mold and pests. Quality berries are shiny and elastic to the touch. Overripe cherries quickly disappear, remember this.

Cherry storage rules

  1. Freshly picked cherry fruits can be stored for about 3 days. It is recommended to wash the berries, dry well and place in the refrigerator.
  2. To keep cherries as long as possible, they can be frozen. It is recommended that the procedure be carried out with a previously removed bone. Thus, the product will retain all useful qualities for six months.
  3. Cherry fruits can be dried. Remember, ascorbic acid in the composition of the product will be destroyed if the procedure is carried out at temperatures above 60 degrees. In this case, set the appropriate mode in advance.

  1. Cherry in some cases can harm the human body. If you abuse the product at a time, tooth enamel is destroyed. Always rinse your mouth thoroughly after taking the fruit.
  2. It is forbidden to consume cherries in any quantity for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, high acidity, ulcers, obesity, pancreatitis, gastritis.

Harm of cherry pits

  1. Remember, the seeds and pits of cherries are poisonous. The product contains hydrocyanic acid, which leads to poisoning. If by chance you swallowed a few bones, nothing bad will happen to you.
  2. To seriously poison yourself, you need to consciously use about 150 grams. bones. Such a portion of the product can be fatal.
  3. Closely monitor the children, it is recommended that they clean the fruits themselves. This way you can avoid such problems.

Cherry is useful for a person in any form. It is important to observe the daily rate of the product. If you doubt that you have a serious illness, get an examination. After that, the product can be included in the daily diet.

Video: useful and medicinal properties of the cherry stalk

Summer is the perfect time to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. Cherry, the health benefits and harms of which have scientific confirmation, is used in traditional medicine recipes and is recommended as a general tonic.

What vitamins are in cherries?

The chemical composition of sour cherry berries is rich and includes a large amount of minerals, vitamins and other substances beneficial to the body. It is worth figuring out what vitamins are in cherries. So, in the pulp there is a group B, E, C, A, H and PP. As for the mineral composition, it is also wide and there are iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and other macro- and microelements in the berries. Eating cherries, the body receives pectins, organic acids and fiber.

What is useful cherry?

If you look at the chemical composition of berries, then no one should be surprised by the fact that there are a huge number of useful properties:

  1. Scientists have proven that due to the pronounced antioxidant properties, there is a fight against free radicals, which is the prevention of cancer. There are also anthocyanins in the composition, which block mutated cells and prevent healthy ones from transforming into malignant tumors.
  2. When drinking tart juice, you can reduce the manifestation of muscle pain during physical exertion. This is explained by the presence of substances that have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. The benefits of cherries for the human body are associated with its positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. The composition includes the glycoside amygdalin, which reduces the frequency of heart attacks. Due to the presence of coumarin, the risk of developing a heart attack, stroke and other problems is reduced. Do not forget about anthocyanins, which have a positive effect on the state of capillaries and normalize blood pressure.
  4. There is a lot of iron in the pulp, so berries and juice are useful for people who suffer from anemia to quickly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  5. Bones or tincture of cherries have a positive effect on the state of the urinary system, as they help to remove sand and stones from the kidneys and bladder.
  6. Finding out how cherries are useful for a woman's body, it is worth mentioning the cosmetic value. The pulp is used in masks that give the skin elasticity, toning it and removing inflammation.

Dried cherries - benefits and harms

If the drying process is carried out correctly, the berries practically do not lose useful substances. Dried cherries, the benefits and harms of which are similar to the properties of fresh fruits, have the following effect on the body:

  1. Used as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  2. Contains substances that reduce, so dried berries reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
  3. Compote prepared on the basis of dried fruits will help to cope with insomnia and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  4. It has a powerful laxative effect, therefore fruits are recommended for constipation.

Frozen cherries - the benefits and harms

To preserve the beneficial properties in berries, it is necessary to properly carry out the freezing process. It is better to choose the “shock” mode, which is found in many refrigerators. In this case, fruits are obtained that will not yield either in taste or in composition to a fresh product. If you are interested in how useful a cherry is for the body, which has been frozen, then its properties are identical to fresh and dried berries. It is important to consider that the repeated freezing process will degrade the quality of the product.

The benefits of cherries for weight loss

People who want to lose weight in the summer should lean on fruits that help to heal the body and lose weight.

  1. To begin with, it is worth noting the low calorie content of cherry berries, as 100 g contains only 52 kcal. However, they are satisfying, so nutritionists recommend them as a snack.
  2. The benefits of cherries for weight loss are due to the fact that it removes decay products from the body, which has a positive effect on the work of the entire body. digestive system.
  3. Berries increase the production of gastric juices, and this helps the digestion of other foods.
  4. Cherry has a diuretic effect, helping to get rid of excess fluid and swelling.
  5. Essential oils and organic acids that make up the composition are involved in the breakdown of fats.

Medicinal properties of cherries

The beneficial properties of not only berries, but also leaves, stalks and even leaves of this tree have become the basis for many folk recipes.

  1. Juice. To feel the healing properties of cherries, you need to drink a drink up to two glasses a day. It normalizes metabolic processes and saturates the body with useful substances. If you dilute it by half with milk, you get a drink for asthmatics.
  2. A decoction of the stalks. An excellent diuretic, which will also be useful for sexual weakness. To prepare in 0.5 liters of water, put 2 tbsp. tablespoons of stalks and cook after boiling for 10 minutes. You need to take 1 tbsp. four times a day.
  3. dried berries. Dried cherries, whose health benefits and harms have been confirmed by numerous studies, are an excellent antipyretic. To prepare a medicine, pour 100 g of a berry into 0.5 liters of water and boil over low heat until the volume of liquid decreases by 1/3.

Cherry benefits for diabetes

People with diabetes should carefully monitor their diet, but doctors allow them to eat cherries. It contains anthocyanins, the action of which is aimed at increasing the degree of activity of the pancreas by 40-50%. It is important to know not only how cherries are useful for women and men with diabetes, but also how to use them correctly. Doctors allow berries and juice, and you can also prepare a decoction using 1 dessert spoon of stalks per 1 tbsp. boiling water. Everything should boil for 10 minutes. You need to drink 0.5 tbsp. three times a day half an hour before meals.

The benefits of cherries for gout

Scientists through experiments have found that berries have the ability to reduce levels and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the antioxidant property, you can rid the body of toxins. The health benefits of cherries are also due to the fact that with regular use, you can cleanse the blood and increase hemoglobin levels.

With an exacerbation of gouty arthritis, doctors are recommended to eat a large amount of cherries several times a day. Thanks to this, it is possible to alleviate the condition and reduce the degree of manifestation of the pain syndrome. Experiments have shown that if cherries, the health benefits and harms of which are confirmed by doctors, are eaten daily in the amount of 1 kg for three days, then the concentration of urate salts can be reduced. It also reduces swelling and redness of the affected joint.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with cherries

Among folk recipes, you can find options suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It has been proven that the berries, together with the seeds, have a general strengthening effect, helping to restore the tone of the walls of blood vessels. Treatment of hemorrhoids with pitted cherries is effective due to the fact that it relieves swelling and inflammation, tightens hemorrhoids and promotes wound healing. When hemorrhoids fall out, cherry seed oil helps well, which is rubbed into the problem area. You can also use a special decoction.


  • cherry - 3 teaspoons;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.


  1. Mix the ingredients and put on a small fire.
  2. After boiling, cook for 15-20 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to take the decoction chilled, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Why are cherries bad?

Like many products, cherries have a list of contraindications that should be taken into account so as not to harm your health.

  1. Do not include in the diet with a tendency to diarrhea and problems with the digestive system.
  2. Doctors forbid sour fruits for ulcers and the acute stage of gastroenteritis.
  3. This product must be discontinued chronic diseases lungs.
  4. Cherry can bring harm when eating berries along with seeds in large quantities. This is due to the fact that they have a substance inside that is converted into hydrocyanic acid in the intestines.

First of all, it should be noted that the chemical composition of cherries largely depends on the variety, soil composition and climate in which it grows.

However, in any case, fresh and dried fruits bring the greatest benefit to the body. Despite the fact that they cannot be defined as champions in terms of the content of one or another useful element, they more or less evenly present a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Interestingly, when drying cherries, nutrients are not only not lost, but their amount is increased. Berries do not tolerate freezing so well - some of the nutrients are still destroyed.

It is better to dry cherries without adding sugar, otherwise their calorie content increases. Berries canned in syrup and cherry jams are also distinguished by a high sugar content and high calorie content. In addition, they contain noticeably fewer vitamins and microelements, so the harm and health benefits of cherries are determined by the way they are prepared or harvested.

Medicinal properties

Looking at the above tables, we can conclude that cherries are rich in vitamins A and C (100 g of these berries will provide 20% of the daily requirement of retinol and 12% of ascorbic acid). In addition, they contain B vitamins, as well as vitamin E and PP. Cherry is also a source of the essential amino acid tryptophan, folic acid and pectin. Moreover, berries contain potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, etc. But their main trump card is the content of antioxidants.

Eating cherries can have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Vitamin PP, especially in combination with ascorbic acid, reduces capillary permeability and helps to improve metabolic processes in the walls of blood vessels. In addition, coumarins (mainly oxycoumarins) are present in the chemical composition of cherries, which are involved in the regulation of blood coagulation. Their effect can be compared with the effect of anticoagulants, which prevent the formation of blood clots.

It is impossible to ignore the fact that cherries contain vitamin B9 or folic acid. More importantly, along with it, iron and vitamin C enter the body from berries. This whole complex is extremely useful for anemia.

Due to the presence in its composition of a set of organic acids, namely ascorbic, citric, malic, cherries contribute to an increase in the acidity of the stomach and are recommended for gastritis (with low acidity). And the presence of salicylic, formic and succinic acids, in turn, determine the bactericidal properties of berries.

Cherry fruits are rich in antioxidants, in particular, anthocyanins - glycosides that determine the color of the berry. This plant pigment helps the body fight inflammation and oxidative stress that damages healthy cells. In addition, anthocyanins remove uric acid from the body and prevent its crystallization and subsequent deposition on the joints. Thus, cherries can be an assistant in the treatment of gout, or at least help ease its attacks.

The presence of potassium and magnesium in the composition of the berry ensures the removal of excess fluid from the body. Eating cherries alone, of course, will not help solve the problem of edema, but in combination with reduced salt intake and active movement, you can count on a noticeable effect.

A significant amount of copper in the composition of the fruit suggests that it has sedative properties and contributes to calming the nervous system. However, this effect is not so pronounced as to count on qualitative changes in the condition of people with serious nervous disorders.

Note that together with the fruits of cherries, one of the essential amino acids enters the body - tryptophan, from which the hormones serotonin and melatonin are synthesized. The latter is actively involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms and has a positive effect on the duration and quality of sleep. Experiments have shown that drinking 240 ml of cherry juice daily for five days helps to eliminate sleep problems and helps people who suffer from insomnia fall asleep.

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of the flavonoids that make up the berry ensure rapid muscle recovery after active physical exertion. Cherry juice helps to cope with pain and minor muscle inflammation and will be useful with regular exercise.

The use of cherries in medicine

To date, cherry fruits are not very actively used in conventional medicine, although the benefits and harms of this fruit are being studied by many scientists. But in pharmacology it is already being used cherry gum(adhesive mass protruding from the trunk of a tree in places where the bark is damaged). Due to its properties, it usually becomes a vaccine adjuvant - a substance designed to enhance the body's immune response to the introduced antigen.

In addition, it is used in drug delivery systems - to transport the drug directly to the desired organ or cells. Sometimes gum also performs a purely technical function of an emulsifier, preventing the various components of drugs from mixing. Finally, "cherry glue", which has enveloping properties, is sometimes used in the manufacture of drugs aimed at treating gastrointestinal diseases.

It is also worth noting that in Lately Herbal diuretics are gaining popularity. Unlike chemical medicines, they help get rid of excess fluid with less loss of useful elements. Among them is also decoction of cherry stalks. It is available in the form of biologically active food supplements and has a mild effect on the body. Pharmaceutical companies involved in the development of such drugs claim that due to the presence of potassium and flavonoids in the composition of cherries, the supplement helps fight inflammation of the urinary tract.

Finally, given that cherry has a strong pleasant smell, natural flavoring is widely used to improve the taste and smell of medicines (lozenges, tablets, potions, syrups, powders, etc.)

Cherry in folk medicine

Since cherry is a very common and affordable product with a lot of useful substances, it is often used in traditional medicine recipes. From the fruits and other parts of the plant (gum, leaves, stalks, twigs) prepare infusions, decoctions, potions, make compresses and baths. However, you should not get involved in self-medication and if you have health problems, you should definitely consult a doctor. With the approval of a doctor, cherries can be a good addition to medical treatment, but not a replacement.

By themselves, fresh berries are considered a mild laxative. They help to solve the problem of constipation that occurs with a person's low mobility. Cherry is also an effective assistant in the fight against bad breath. It should be clarified that the fruit will not solve the health problems that result in bad breath. But in cases where you have eaten a product that releases sulfur compounds when digested (for example, garlic), cherries will help neutralize the “aroma”.

There are many folk recipes that contribute to the fight against hypertension. So, according to one of them, it is necessary to grind in a blender or mince 200 g of fresh pitted cherries, 2 cloves of garlic and 1 tablespoon of honey. Take this mixture one tablespoon daily before breakfast.

As for fresh cherry juice, folk healers recommend using it for epilepsy and some mental illness. The drink has a sedative effect due to the copper it contains. It also has a positive effect on the digestive system, improving appetite. Moreover, it is believed that the juice is able to fight dysentery pathogens and will be effective in fever and bronchitis (as an expectorant). Finally, the combination of cherry and watermelon juice prevents the formation of kidney stones. Usually drink one glass after each meal.

Cherry gum, or simply wood "glue", wraps well and is therefore recommended for the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach. Traditional healers claim that its regular use reduces and normalizes the acidity of the stomach, thereby helping to get rid of heartburn and pain attacks in the right side. In addition, gum contributes rapid healing still unexploded calluses. After a warm bath, rinse your feet with cool water, apply fresh “glue” to the sore spot and secure with a band-aid.

Finally, cherry tree leaves are considered a good remedy for stopping nosebleeds and speeding up wound healing. Traditional healers recommend dipping cotton swabs or dressings in gruel from crushed fresh leaves.


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Cherry is a tree that belongs to a subgenus of plants of the Plum genus and the Pink family. To date, there are about 150 types of cherries. This plant contains a large number of substances beneficial to the human body, but in some cases it can still be harmful. Eating cherries is contraindicated for people with diabetes, elevated level stomach acidity, obesity, pancreatitis, various skin diseases.

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    The benefits of cherries for the human body are due to its rich chemical composition.

    The plant contains a large number of different micro and macro elements, which are represented by:

    • organic acids - citric, malic, succinic, salicylic;
    • trace elements - copper, iodine, manganese, iron, fluorine, molybdenum, zinc, chromium, cobalt, vanadium, nickel, boron;
    • macroelements - magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium;
    • pectin substances;
    • sugars;
    • vitamins A, E, C, group B, PP.

    Useful and medicinal properties

    The use of this useful berry helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system:

    • prevents the development of thrombosis and has a beneficial effect on blood clotting;
    • helps to lower blood pressure;
    • lowers blood cholesterol;
    • the anthocyanins and glycoside amygdalin included in the fruits strengthen blood vessels and reduce the number of heart attacks.

    Cherry is very useful for people with low hemoglobin levels, as it contains a large amount of iron, as well as magnesium, cobalt and vitamins C, B1, B6.

    The juice and berries have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ellagic acid, which is present in the composition of the fruit, contributes to the prevention of cancer. The composition of the berries includes anthocyanins, which prevent mutations and prevent healthy cells from degenerating into malignant tumors.

    In folk medicine, not only cherry fruits are considered medicinal, but also branches, leaves, and bark. With the help of decoctions from the bark and twigs of a tree, you can cope with the pain of sciatica. Infusions from the leaves are used for nosebleeds, heavy menstruation, hypertension. An infusion of cherry leaves boiled in milk is used for liver diseases.

    The healing properties of cherries are used for beriberi and reduced immunity. The use of decoctions, fresh berries, juices helps to increase the body's defenses, strengthen blood vessels, make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals. During epidemics and viral diseases, at high temperatures, cherry juice is recommended, as it has a pronounced antipyretic effect.

    Doctors allow diabetics to eat cherries, as this is one of the berries that has a low glycemic index. Anthocyanins are present in the composition of the stalks, which contribute to an increase in the productivity of the pancreas by 50%. To do this, pour 1 dessert spoon of raw materials with 1 glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and drink half a glass of broth three times a day for half an hour before meals.

    Women's Health Benefits

    Cherry is useful for the body of women, not only during pregnancy. Regular consumption of berries during heavy and painful menstruation, as well as during menopause, has an analgesic effect and facilitates physical condition. The vitamins that make up the cherry, favorably affect the condition of the skin. If you use the pulp of berries in face masks, it will help eliminate inflammation, give the skin smoothness and elasticity. Cherry-based cosmetics also have a tonic and whitening effect. With their regular use, the skin of the face acquires a healthy glow and attractive appearance, biological aging slows down.

    Mask recipes:

    1. 1. To refresh and whiten the skin, you need to mix the same amount of strawberry and cherry pulp, apply on the face and keep for 30 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water. Thanks to fruit acids and vitamins in the composition of berries, the skin of the face will be saturated with useful substances and gain elasticity.
    2. 2. To get rid of bruises under the eyes, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of cherry pulp with the same amount of sour cream. Apply this mixture for 15-20 minutes on the eyelid area, and then rinse with warm water.

    For pregnant women, cherry berries are very useful for anemia, which expectant mothers often suffer during childbearing. For the proper development and formation of a baby in the womb, it is recommended to drink juice and eat fresh berries, as they are a source of folic acid.

    The fruits contain potassium, which is necessary in the presence of autoimmune diseases.

    Ripe berries contain a lot of water, so they help relieve fatigue and quench thirst, energize. If you consume cherries during pregnancy, you can increase immunity, reduce joint pain, and normalize glucose levels. But you need to eat berries with caution. Hydrocyanic acid contained in the kernels of cherries is poisonous. In addition, allergic reactions may occur. In such cases, it is better to replace cherries with green apples.

    Men's Health Benefits

    For men, cherry serves as a prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system. In folk medicine, berries, twigs, and leaves of the plant have also been used. Cherry helps to increase potency and improve the health of men. Zinc, contained in fruits in large quantities, helps to increase the production of sperm and male hormones.

    To normalize the functioning of the bladder, it is recommended to take a decoction of twigs of cherries and cherries. The combination of honey and decoction has a beneficial effect in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system of men. It has bactericidal properties, relieves inflammation. To improve health, it is useful to take both fresh cherries and jams, infusions from the fruit.

    Eating cherries for weight loss

    The benefits of berries for weight loss are as follows:

    1. 1. Cherry berries have a low calorie content - 100 g contains 52 kcal.
    2. 2. Fruits have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, removing decay products.
    3. 3. Berries have a pronounced diuretic effect, their use helps to get rid of edema.
    4. 4. Organic acids, which are part of the berries, contribute to the removal of cholesterol and toxins, the breakdown of fats.
    5. 5. When eating cherries, the production of gastric juice increases, which contributes to the digestion of food.

    Healthy tea can be brewed from the leaves, and with the addition of rose hips, dried cherries and honey, the drink will be enriched with even more vitamins.

    To make tea from cherry leaves, they must be fermented. Fermentation is a long chemical process in which leaf cells are destroyed, resulting in the release of juice. At a certain temperature, fermentation begins. The type of tea, its taste, aroma, color, and beneficial properties depend on the subsequent stages of fermentation. Ready-made dry mix for making a drink can be bought at a pharmacy.

    Cherry leaf tea has a rich color, a slightly tart taste and a pleasant aroma. You can brew it in the same way as black:

    1. 1. Rinse the teapot with boiling water before brewing.
    2. 2. Pour 2 teaspoons of tea into the container.
    3. 3. Pour the leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes.
    4. 4. If desired, add honey to the drink.

    This tea is useful for colds, hypertension, to reduce swelling, cleanse the body of toxins.

    The benefits of dried, dried, frozen cherries

    Dried cherries are a healthy product that is more often consumed in the cold season. It is added to compotes, decoctions, teas. It is necessary to properly dry the berry, and then it will not lose its beneficial properties. It is necessary to collect ripe, not very large fruits, not rotten, not cracked, spread them out in a well-ventilated place and dry. Dried berries have an anti-inflammatory effect, a slight laxative effect, and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

    Dried cherries help with diseases of the cardiovascular system and help prevent strokes and heart attacks.

    Frozen is in no way inferior to fresh berries and retains all the taste and vitamin properties. To preserve all the vitamins, you need to properly freeze the fruits of the cherry. It is necessary to collect berries when they have reached ripeness. Whole and undamaged fruits should be washed, put in plastic bags and placed in the freezer. It is important to know that repeated freezing degrades the quality of the product.

    Medicinal fees

    Pharmacies sell a lot of medicinal fees, which include twigs, leaves or cherries. They have long been used in folk medicine.

    Recipes for the treatment of various diseases:

    1. 1. For kidney disease, mix 1 teaspoon of dried cherry, blackberry, red clover leaves. Pour all the ingredients with 1 liter of boiling water and leave for about 30 minutes (preferably in a thermos). Drink throughout the day one hour before meals. You can collect and dry the leaves yourself or buy them at a pharmacy.
    2. 2. For colds, mix 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile and cherry leaves. Pour the mixture with 1 liter of water, boil, cool and strain. Drink the drug should be 50-100 ml during the day. The decoction helps to get rid of headaches, relieve cough and runny nose, reduce inflammation.
    3. 3. In case of bleeding, pour 1 tablespoon of dry or fresh stalks with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for about 30 minutes. Then the remedy must be filtered and drunk throughout the day.