Marina Dobrolyubova
Master class on syncwine "Poetic living room"

Word "sinkwine" comes from the French word "five" and means "a poem consisting of five lines."

"Sinkwine" - this is not an ordinary poem, but an unrhymed poem written in accordance with certain rules.

Sinkwine appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States.

This genre of poetry was invented by the American poetess Adelaide Crapsey, who was fond of oriental forms of versification.

In Russia, cinquain has become known since 1993.

Rules for composing a non-rhyming poem

First line- the theme of the poem, contains one word (usually a noun that denotes the object or subject that will be discussed.

Second line- two words - adjectives, they give a description of the features and properties of the object or object chosen in the poem.

Third line- formed by three verbs describing the characteristic actions of an object or object.

Fourth line- a phrase of several words, showing the attitude to the topic or expressing the personal attitude of the author to the described subject or object.

Fifth line- a word or words associated with the first, reflecting the essence of the topic.

Stages of work on compiling a syncwine with children

Stage I:

Acquaintance with the concepts of "word-object", "word-sign", "word-action", distinction of concepts.

Selection of words-signs, words-actions to a noun.

Acquaintance with the graphic designation of concepts.

Asking questions to words denoting objects, actions and signs of an object.

Stage II:

Introduction to the concept of "offer".

Differentiation of the concepts "word" - "sentence".

Acquaintance with the graphic designation of the proposal.

Making proposals of various types.

Stage III:

Acquaintance with the algorithm of the poem.

IV stage:

Joint compilation of a poem with a teacher, parents.

Stage V:

Expressive storytelling by a child.

Pedagogical value of syncwine

Enriches vocabulary.

Activates and develops mental and speech activity.

Teaches a short story.

Allows the child to feel at least for a moment a creator.

Practical part of the master class

Line 1 - one noun expressing the main topic.

Line 2 - two adjectives describing the main idea.

Line 3 - three verbs describing actions.

Line 4 - a phrase of several words expressing attitude to the topic.

Line 5 - conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word).

Related publications:

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Sections: Primary School

Lesson type: a lesson in discovering new knowledge.

Didactic goal: create conditions for understanding and comprehending a block of new information about syncwine as a type of text.

Lesson objectives:

  1. ABOUT educational: to introduce students to the features of creating syncwine as a way to characterize a character.
  2. Educational: develop cognitive interest; the ability to observe, characterize, analyze, compare and generalize the acquired knowledge; enrich vocabulary; improve speech skills: read, understand the text, highlight the main thing, compare, prove on the basis of the author's text.
  3. Educational: to cultivate the ability to build a relationship of cooperation; awareness of the degree of diversity and richness of the Russian language, a sense of admiration for its beauty, to form associative thinking based on the emotional and expressive perception of the work

Formed UUD:

  1. Subject:Compare And characterize heroes of the work based on their actions, use antonyms, synonyms for their characteristics. pick up to the text of the work proverbs reflecting its main idea. Feel read poetry expressively. Find words in a poem that help introduce characters. explain the meaning
  2. Metasubject: Understand learning task and strive to achieve it . Extract information from the text, structure it . Observe behind the life of the word in a lyrical work. Formulate conclusions based on the studied material, reply for final questions and appreciate l achievements in the lesson.
  3. Communicative: reasoned express own point of view, show respect for the opinions of others, cooperate when completing a task. Read couple poems, organize mutual control, evaluate your reading.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical, partially search

Forms of organization of cognitive activity of students: frontal, in pairs, .

Means of education:

  1. for the teacher: media projector, computer with software "PowerPoint", "SmartNotebook";
  2. for students: textbook, notebook, card with didactic materials, netbook.

During the classes

Teacher activity

Student activities

Form of OPDU

1. Organizational stage.

The game "Me or not me?"

Who came to class to take a nap?
Who gets fives?
Counting crows outside the window?
Dreaming about candy?
Who to teach, remember?
And who will reveal the secrets?

I hope that today we will be able to fully acquire new knowledge, remember it, and most importantly, make discoveries!

Creates a positive attitude


2. Actualization of knowledge.

1. Listening to an audio recording“Episode from the song“ You are my fallen maple ... ”to the verses of S. Yesenin

2. Reading an excerpt from a poem on cards S. A. Yesenina "The golden grove dissuaded ..."

- What poems by S. Yesenin are familiar to us? ("Birch", "Cheryomukha", "Grandmother's Tales")

Read the lines of these poems.

– What do you know about S. Yesenin? (The poet’s childhood passed in the village of Konstantinovo, near the city of Ryazan. The boy grew up with his grandparents. Grandmother told fairy tales that little Seryozha loved to listen to. Grandmother managed to betray to Seryozha all the charm of folk oral and even song speech... When he grew up, he wrote his poems, imitating ditties).

Yes, when he grew up, S. Yesenin wrote his poems, imitating the works of oral folk art. Many of his poems have become favorite songs of the Russian people.

Plays an audio recording

Supervises children's reading

Listens, clarifies and complements the statements of children

Demonstrates a portrait of the writer

Listening audio recording

expressively read

Remember and recite by heart episodes from poems by S.A. Yesenin.


3. Message topic and purpose.

1. Working with netbooks- interactive game "Anagram" (the name of the poem is encrypted) (2nd slide:

Lesson topic: poem by S.A. Yesenin "Swan"

Lesson objectives:

  1. Get acquainted with S. Yesenin's poem "Swan"
  2. Describe the main characters in this story.
  3. Understand the main idea of ​​this piece.

Helps to formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Perform interactive tasks, formulate lesson topic and lesson objectives

Model "1 computer - 1 student"

4. Stage of discovery of new knowledge

I. Vocabulary and lexical work.

Let's get ready to read.

1. Word reading with division into syllables and the correct placement of stress (3rd slide).

2. Working with netbooks- acquaintance with the lexical meanings of words from a poem that cause difficulty in understanding

Demonstrates a pattern of correct reading.

Controls the execution of tasks, helps, directs.

Read syllable-by-syllable words with correct stress

Relate a word that causes difficulty in understanding, with a lexical meaning or image.


II. Introduction to the text.

1. Reading a poem.

A) a teacher

B) students (individually, in chorus, in a chain).

2. Deepening reading comprehension

- Describe your impressions of what you read. What feelings did you experience?

Working with netbooks - interactive games "Mosaic" - we collect words, replace them with synonyms, "Scattered sentence" - we restore the sentence, explain the meaning).

3. Text content analysis

What genre of oral folk art did the poem remind you of? (Folk song or fairy tale).

– We will find words and expressions in the work that are close to those used in folklore works.

- Reread the beginning of the poem. What picture is the poet depicting? Did anything foreshadow trouble?

- Let's pay attention to literary devices that help Yesenin describe the beauty of the coming morning - ...? (Epithets and comparisons).

- How does the poet relate to the swan? Prove with episodes from the text.

- What is unusual in the image of a swan?

- Reread the most intense moment of the poem.

- How did the swan behave during mortal danger?

- Why do you think S. Yesenin ends the poem like that, because he did not like stories with a bad ending?

Demonstrates an example of correct expressive reading.

Asks leading questions

Explains the rules of the game

Asks questions about the content of the text and to comprehend its meaning

Learn to feel the rhythm and melody of the poem, read poetry expressively. Read the work is expressive.

are watching behind the life of the word in a lyrical work Pick up synonyms for these words.

explainmeaning individual expressions in the content of a lyrical work.

Selectively read episodes of the poem to justify their point of view.

Analyze content of the text, literary devices used by the author


Model "1 computer - 1 student"


III. Characterization of a hero.

1. Creating a situation of difficulty.

Who would you call the main character of the poem by S.A. Yesenin?

- I propose a new type of work on the creation of a text-characteristics of the hero.

- Find out what it's called.

Working with the interactive whiteboard- interactive game "Mirror Reflection" (Behind the letters of the word « Swan» hidden word "Sinquain")

What do you think, what is "cinquain"?

Let's check your assumptions.

2. Building a project to get out of the difficulty.

Working with netbooks - the task "Pop-up hints"

cinquain hails from … French (5 inspirations, 5 lucks)

Sinkwine is... a short text of 5 lines written according to special rules.

Remember these special rules...

1 line - one noun (subject)

- Line 2 - two adjectives that define the features of this noun, describing your idea of ​​​​it.

- 3rd line - three verbs that name the actions that the noun performs.

- 4 line - a phrase (sentence) of 4 words, conveying your attitude to the noun.

- Line 5 - a synonym for a noun or your association with this word (1-2 words).

- Rhyme is not needed.

3. Primary fastening

- Using this algorithm, we will compose a syncwine:

- This cinquain helps us to imagine the character of the heroine.

Creates a situation of difficulty

Encourages independent search for information

Suggests words for reference.

Perform assignments on the interactive whiteboard

express assumptions

carry out search for information using an interactive resource

choose words for syncwine.

express assumptions.

Analyze classmates answers.


Model "1 computer - 1 student"


5. Independent creative work.

We told you that the poem is very similar to a folk tale. And in any fairy tale, opposition also helps to characterize the hero. Good becomes even more attractive against the background of unkind, evil. And in this work, Yesenin did not refuse such a reception.

- What does the image of a swan carry in itself? (Goodness, tenderness, affection, care).

- Who personifies the opposite qualities? (Eagle).

Compose a syncwine about this hero by comparing it with a swan.

  1. Eagle.
  2. Mighty Black. (Strong. Predatory) (Ruthless. Evil)
  3. Looked out. Rushed. Ripped apart. (Destroyed. Did not regret. Destroyed.)
  4. He does not know pity, regret. (Having stuffed his stomach, he destroyed the beauty.)
  5. Evil. Trouble. (Threat. Cruelty.)

Suggests words for reference.

Helps in the choice of lexical material

On one's own pick up lexical material.

Create text.


6. Presentation of student work.

- Read your work.

Present their works.

Analyze strengths and weaknesses in the work of classmates.

carry out self-esteem.


7. The result of the lesson.

How would you describe your mood at the end of the lesson?

Have we achieved the lesson objectives?

- What does it mean, in your opinion?

- What did you learn at the lesson?

What did you do with ease?

– What remains unclear?

– What was the most interesting?

Offers criteria for evaluating work

Argued express your opinion.

Appreciate your achievements.

Do conclusions about the work done.

8. Homework.

- Let's draw a parallel with the recently read works: who did Lebedushka remind you of?

How are these characters similar?

- At home, compose a syncwine about the heroes of the works you read, which you remember for their dedication. (Rely on the memo)

Asks leading questions.

Demonstrates a memo for performing D / z

express and justify their opinion

EMC "School of Russia"


1. Improve speech skills: read, understand the text, highlight the main thing, compare, prove on the basis of the author's text.

2. To acquaint with the features of creating text - syncwine as a way to characterize a character.

3. To form associative thinking based on the emotional and expressive perception of the work.



Zhilina Yu.Yu., teacher of the highest qualification category

Bugulma, Republic of Tatarstan

Sinkwain as a type of text (on the material of S. Yesenin's poem "Swan"),literary reading lesson, grade 4.


1. Improve speech skills: read, understand the text, highlight the main thing, compare, prove on the basis of the author's text.

2. To acquaint with the features of creating text - syncwine as a way to characterize a character.

3. To form associative thinking based on the emotional and expressive perception of the work.

For the optimal implementation of the goals and objectives of the lesson, the following are based ontypes, techniques, methods learning:

conversation how the verbal method gives scope for self-expression of students and contributes to the development of figurative and logical thinking, operational and long-term memory and creative imagination;

analytical conversationcontributes to a deep understanding of the meaning of what has been studied and provides multiple repeated reference to the topic of the lesson, forming a practical level of knowledge;

summarizing conversationhelps to formulate the main conclusions on the topic under study;

individual work and elements of interactive gamesprovide the formation of skills at a practical level.


1. Computer

2. Multimedia projector

3. Netbooks

4 . Presentation program for multimedia demonstration

During the classes:

  1. Positive attitude to the lesson.
  2. Introduction by the teacher. Message topic and purpose.

1. Sounds song excerpt“You are my fallen maple ...” to the verses of S. Yesenin

2. kids on cards read a passage from a poem by S. Yesenin “The golden grove dissuaded ...”

3. Teacher's word:

What poems of S. Yesenin were taught, read - do we know?("Birch", "Cheryomukha", "Grandmother's Tales")

What do you know about S. Yesenin?(The poet’s childhood passed in the village of Konstantinovo, near the city of Ryazan. The boy grew up with his grandparents. Grandmother told fairy tales that little Seryozha loved to listen to. Grandmother managed to betray to Seryozha all the charm of folk oral and even song speech... When he grew up, he wrote his poems, imitating ditties).

Yes, when he grew up, S. Yesenin wrote his poems, imitating the works of oral folk art. Many of his poems have become favorite songs of the Russian people.

4. Children formulate a goallesson, teacher topic : on the material of S. Yesenin's poem, we will get acquainted with a new type of work on the creation of a text.

5. Work with netbooks - interactive game"Find out the name of the poem"(1 slide: "Swan").

  1. Dictionary-lexical work.

Let's get ready to read.

1. We read the words, dividing them into syllables and putting the stress correctly(2 slide).

2. We get acquainted with the lexical meanings of words from the poem that cause difficulty in understanding(3rd slide).

  1. Reading a poem by a teacher and students (individually, in chorus, in a chain).

Reading impressions? What feelings did you experience?

We work with netbooks - interactive gamesaimed at deepening reading comprehension("Mosaic" - collect words, replace them with synonyms,"Scattered Proposal"- restore the sentence, explain the meaning).

  1. Analytical work on the content of the text.

What did the poem remind you of? What is the genre of oral folk art?(Folk song or fairy tale).

We will find words and expressions in the work that are close to those used in folklore works.

Read the beginning of the poem. What picture is the poet depicting? Did anything foreshadow trouble?

Let's pay attention to the literary devices that help Yesenin to describe the beauty of the coming morning - ...?(Epithets and comparisons).

How does the poet feel about the swan? Prove with excerpts from the text.

What is unusual in the image of a swan?

Reread the most intense moment of the poem.

How did the swan behave during mortal danger?

  1. Acquaintance with a new type of work on the creation of text.

I propose a new type of work on the creation of the text - the characteristics of the hero.

Read what it's calledwork with netbooks// 4 slide: cinquain).

Sincwine (from French - 5 inspirations, 5 luck) is ...? ( 4 slide - a short text of 5 lines written according to special rules). Let's remember these special rules.

1 line - one noun (subject) (5 slide, line by line).

Line 2 - two adjectives that define the features of this noun, describing your idea of ​​​​it.

Line 3 - three verbs that name the actions that the noun performs.

Line 4 - a phrase (sentence) of 4 words, conveying your attitude to the noun.

Line 5 - a synonym for a noun or your association with this word (1-2 words).

Rhyme is not needed.

According to this algorithm Let's make a syncwine.

1. Swan (Slide 6, line by line).

2. Delicate. Thoughtful. Beautiful. Snow-white.

3. Cared. Watched. Saved.

4. She loves children to death. In danger, he thinks of his children.

5. Mother. Holy.

This cinquain helps us to imagine the character of the heroine.

We told you that the poem is very similar to a folk tale. And in any fairy tale, opposition also helps to characterize the hero. Good becomes even more attractive against the background of unkind, evil. And in this work, Yesenin did not refuse such a reception.

What does the image of a swan carry in itself?(Goodness, tenderness, affection, care).

Who personifies the opposite qualities?(Eagle).

- Let's make a cinquainabout this hero, having carried out a comparative characteristic with a swan.

1. Eagle.

2. Mighty, Black. (Strong. Predatory).

3. Looked out. Rushed. Ripped apart.

4. Does not know pity, regret.

5. Evil. Trouble. (Threat. Selfishness).

Let's summarize. How are you? Why is this?

Why do you think S. Yesenin ends the poem like that, because he did not like stories with a bad ending?

Let's draw a parallel with recently read works: Did the swan remind you of anyone?

/ whisper-ta-li-sya / le-be-zha-tush-ki / in the middle / walk-to o-va-ya / u-be-cut-i / la-z o-re -you / under-zhi-da-yu-chi / ras-plas-tan-ny / dead-ve-ly-mi

golden-woven - gang - backwater - backwater - azure - woven from gold threads large noisy group part of the river near the shore with a slow current the same as the backwater light blue, the colors of a clear sky, sky blue

a short text of five lines, written according to special rules. Sincwine -

Line 1 - 1 noun (topic) Line 2 - 2 adjectives that define the features of this noun, describing your idea of ​​​​it 3 line - 3 verbs that name the actions that the noun produces Line 4 - a phrase or sentence of 4 words that conveys your attitude towards noun line 5 - a synonym for the noun or your association to this word (1-2 words)

Line 1 - 1 noun (topic) Line 2 - 2 adjectives that define the features of this noun, describing your idea of ​​​​it 3 line - 3 verbs that name the actions that the noun produces Line 4 - a phrase (or sentence) of 4 words that conveys your relation to a noun Line 5 - a synonym for a noun or your association with this word (1-2 words) SINQUEINE 1. Swan. 2. Delicate. Thoughtful. 3. Courted. Watched. Saved. 4. She loves children to death. 5. Mother.

1. Swan. 2. Delicate. Thoughtful. 3. Courted. Watched. Saved. 4. She loves children to death. 5. Mother. SINKWINE 1. Eagle. 2. Strong. Predatory. 3. Looked out. Rushed. Ripped apart. 4. Does not know pity, regret. 5. Evil. Trouble.

"Yesenin's Lyrics" - 1916 - the first collection of poems "Radunitsa" is published in Petrograd. Yesenin dedicated his best works to Russia. Because I'm from the north, or something. Favorite creation of the poet. Good and warm, Like in the winter by the stove. Shagane you are mine, Shagane! Whom to pity? 1921 - 1923 – with his wife Isadora Duncan traveled through Europe and the United States.

"The lyrics of Yesenin and Mayakovsky" - The poem is similar to a folk lyric song. The theme of love permeates the work of any poet, musician, artist. In the work of S. Yesenin, the theme of love sounds, starting from the earliest poems. The theme of Love in the poems of S.A. Yesenin and V.V. Mayakovsky. A completely different "love" appears in "Moscow Tavern".

"Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich" - My grandfather had three adult unmarried sons. Arriving in Russia, he began to work on the cycles of poems “Hooligan”, “Confession of a Hooligan”, “Love of a Hooligan”. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. He joined the literary and musical circle named after the peasant poet I. Surikov. We visited Germany, Belgium, USA. They also taught me how to swim: they put me in a boat, sailed to the middle of the lake and threw me into the water.

"Yesenin seasons" - And the birch stands In sleepy silence, And snowflakes burn In golden fire. You are good, O white surface! As a poet, Yesenin was distinguished by the greatest gift and the brightest talent. I became interested in Yesenin's poetry. Yesenin's favorite season was autumn. A light frost warms my blood. Other seasons also inspired the poet ...

"S.A. Yesenin" - Yesenin's wife, actress - Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich. One-story wooden zemstvo elementary school. At the age of eighteen, I was surprised to send my poems to magazines. In 1913, S. A. Yesenin entered the Faculty of History and Philosophy. Sergei Yesenin with sisters Ekaterina and Alexandra (Shura). Yesenin goes to work in Moscow.

"S. Yesenin" - Check yourself: Monument to S. Yesenin in the village of Yesenino. Where was S. Yesenin born? Sergei Yesenin 1895-1925. S. Yesenin's parents. Presentation for the lesson of literary reading

Ntcn Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin: touches to the portrait

The path of the poet The white birch under my window was covered with snow, like silver. On the fluffy branches With a snowy border Tassels have blossomed White fringe ... 1913 Goodbye, my friend, goodbye, my dear, you are in my chest. The intended parting promises a meeting ahead. Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word, Do not be sad and do not sadness of the eyebrows, In this life, dying is not new, but living, of course, is not newer. 1925

“Yesenin is simple and sincere and all in sight” “Singer of the village” “Palm lad” “White lily of the valley”, “Azure flower” “Russian nugget” “Russian Lel” “Sergei Yesenin - a child of the Russian people” “Prodigal son of Russia” “Yesenin was a poet whose poems were composed by themselves, without much difficulty. He sang like a bird "" I am a mischievous Moscow reveler ... "" And I was obscene and scandalous ... "

Get acquainted with the opinions of Russian writers and poets about the work of S. Yesenin in different years. Think about how they differ and what unites them? Underline the key phrases from the statements of writers about Yesenin's lyrics. What features of the lyrics are noted repeatedly? Whose opinion are you most interested in and why?

Cinquain The first line is the theme of cinquain, it contains one word (usually a noun or pronoun), which denotes the object or subject that will be discussed. The second line is two words (most often adjectives or participles), they describe the features and properties of the object or object selected in the syncwine. The third line is formed by three verbs or gerunds describing the characteristic actions of the object. The fourth line is a four-word phrase expressing the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the described subject or object. The fifth line is one word - a summary characterizing the essence of the subject or object.