invocations- small songs designed to be sung by a group of children. Many of them are accompanied by game actions that imitate the process of peasant labor.
All the phenomena and forces of nature: the sun, rainbow, thunder, rain, wind, as well as the seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter - live in the call as animated beings. The child himself comes into contact with them, collusion: the sun asks for warmth and affection, for a generous summer; rainbow - "to kill the rain"; thunder - pity the house, do not frighten the end, geese, children; tells the rain what to water and how much water to pour; promises a gift for good work - cook borscht, give a cucumber.
The call is not just an appeal to the natural elements, but expressed in the word, rhythm, intonation, a range of feelings - experiences, admiration, tenderness, delight. Emotions of joy, trust, conviction in the good are embedded in the very structure of the verse - in undulating repetitions, in the change of pictures-requests, in the rhythm - lively, perky, in the sound of every line, every word.
The invocation gives rise in the child to faith in the weight and significance of the word. This belief is strengthened by the very action of the spell and at the same time by a sense of security in the event of an unfavorable outcome of the request, because the child always turns to the forces of nature together with other children (possibly adults).
Calls, as well as stoneflies, sentences are called traditional, they passed from generation to generation.

They conjure spring and the sun:
Spring is red!
What did you bring?
warm flyer,
Mushrooms in birch bark,
Berries in a basket
Open the window!

Sunshine, sunshine
Look out the window.
Children are waiting for you
The kids are waiting.

Come out from behind the cloud.
Sit on a stump
Walk all day.

Sunshine, show yourself!
Red, gear up!
Hurry, don't be shy
Keep us guys warm!

Sunshine, show yourself!
Red, gear up!
To year after year
The weather gave us
warm flyer,
Mushrooms in birch bark,
Berries in a basket
Green peas.

Sun, sun
Throw out the window
Let the oats grow
To grow up to heaven;
Mother Rye
To stand up as a wall.

Ay, avsen, avsen, avsen,
We sow life all day long!
Shine, sun, to us from the sky,
To have more bread;
So that the kids for fun
Nuts grew in the forest
So that the sheaves are thick,
To linen went into canvases;
Green hop climbed on the batog,
So that there were peas in the half!

Sunshine, shine!
Red, get out!
We are going to the field
We carry sickles.
We will reap life
Waiting for you to visit!

When there is no rain or a light rain falls, they usually sing in chorus, calling for rain:
It's raining, raining
We have been waiting for you for a long time:
With pure water
With silk grass
With azure color
With warm summer!

Let the rain go more
For wheat, for buckwheat.
For peas, for barley
Water the whole long day!
And for millet, for rye
Water as much as you like!

Rain, rain, more
I'll give you thick
I'll go out on the porch
Give me a cucumber.
Ladies and loaf of bread -
Water as much as you want!

Rain, rain, more fun
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Just don't get us wet!
Don't knock on the window.

thunder thunder,
Crack the clouds
Give me rain
From the heavens.

Rain, rain
I'll cook you a borschik
I'll put it on an oak tree
In a green pot.
Do not stagger, oak tree,
Don't spill, pot!

It's raining rain
Water with a ladle:
On Ivanov and Alyon,
To sow all the flax.

Seki, seki, rain,
On a woman's rye,
On grandfather's seed -
To rise on time.

When spring is with long rains, floods and bad weather, the guys ask the rainbow to take the rain away:
rainbow arc,
Don't let it rain
Come on sunshine
Red bucket.

rainbow arc,
Break the rain -
Again into the night
Pours with all his might;
Break the thunder
Wouldn't get into the house.

Sunshine, show yourself! Red, gear up! Russian folk children's tongue twisters, counting rhymes, incantations, games, sentences. M., Det. lit., 1977. Compiled by G.M. Naumenko.
Literature and fantasy: Book. for educators children. kindergarten and parents. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992.
Rainbow arc. Russian folk children's songs without accompaniment. - M .: "Music", 1976. Compiled by G.M. Naumenko.

It's raining rain, pour it with a ladle (Same).

  • - about failure; unfulfilled hope With a ladle for mash, with a chip for a fist. Wed Do you live far away? "Not far past." - I'm not far from Ottedov myself, sir. Let me guide you. - "We know the way without you" ...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Cm....
  • - About the untimeliness of certain actions, the violation of common sense in some ...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - adv. An abundant stream, in abundance, like rain. Sparks rain down. Favors rained down on him...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - rain adv. quality.-circumstances. unfold 1. In multitude. 2. Used as an inconsistent definition...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - I fell with a ladle on the mash - an unfulfilled hope. With a ladle on the mash, with a chip on the fist. Wed Do you live far away? "Not far gone." - I'm not far from my own. Let me take you...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - Water someone else's head like water ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - For a woman's rye, for grandfather's wheat, for a girl's flax - water with a bucket ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See A LOT -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Lubricate the throat, moisten the throat ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - With a ladle for mash, with a chip for kulagu ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - whom, what. Novg., Psk. About a large number of smth.; about a large crowd of people. NOSE 10, 99; POS 9, 110...
  • - Ryaz. Friendly, all at once. DC, 145...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Kar. About abundance, a large amount of smth. SRGK 5, 53...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - a stream, a hail, as from a cornucopia, a river, a stream, abundantly, ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - many, many, like uncut dogs, full, full, ...

    Synonym dictionary

"It's raining rain, water with a ladle." in books


From the book Desired Fatherland author Erokhin Vladimir Petrovich

WITH A DOG IN THE RAIN All week long, it rained without ceasing. For the third morning in a row, Mayakovsky walked the dog in the rain. The dog was left by friends, and they themselves left for Paris for a whole month. him at dawn, poking in the face

Kangaroo in the rain

From the book of Atlanta. My world life author

Kangaroos in the rain We'll wait out the bad weather in the morning, Kangaroos get wet in the rain in the bush, There is no trace of the heat left, There are colds over Australia. And do not jump like yesterday, kangaroos, Freezing in the cold wind, And they lie on the wet grass, Leaning head to head. I am from the palm


From the book Poetry of the peoples of the Caucasus in the translations of Bella Akhmadulina author Abashidze Grigol

OXES IN THE RAIN There are two black oxen on a green lawn, and rainwater on gray horns. Peaceful rest of oxen. They were brought here by dirt and stones of the roads where the oxen were tired. In front of them is grass. And the arba, on which grain and firewood are loaded, is forgotten. There are two black oxen on the green lawn, and on the gray

Meeting in the rain

From the book Ugresh Lira. Release 2 author Egorova Elena Nikolaevna

Meeting in the rain With me, the rain said goodbye, like a blind man, He poked my hands, cheeks, lips. He seemed to say: “Don't rush, wait, The solar pipes have not yet stopped. Even through the crest of the threads of the rain Rays stream like a fiery mane, Still from your tangled words She does not

Under rain

From the author's book

In the rain Do you remember: we did not expect either rain or thunder, Suddenly a downpour caught us far from home; We hurried to hide under a shaggy spruce ... There was no end to fear and fun! The rain poured down through the sun, and under the mossy spruce We stood as if in a golden cage; On the ground around us for sure

Kangaroo in the rain

From the book "At the Pillars of Hercules ...". My world life author Gorodnitsky Alexander Moiseevich

Not yet born, but already in the rain

From the book To a cactus plantation on a bride visa author Selezneva-Scarborough Irina

Not yet born, but already in the rain As you already know, Americans adore children. The birth of a child is an event of great importance, even if there are already seven in the family sitting on the benches. Before the birth of a baby, parents or relatives usually arrange a "Baby Shower", which is literally

Semaphores in the rain

From the author's book

Semaphores in the rain

What about the rain?

From the book Ribbons, lace, boots ... author Kirsanova Raisa Mardukhovna

What about the rain? The weather makes people dress in the same way. When it rains, people put on waterproof raincoats, open umbrellas and put on rubber shoes. Such things can be seen anywhere, in any country, although all these items could appear very

Dinner in the rain

From the author's book

Dinner in the rain In southern countries it gets dark quickly. Twilight does not have time to give the impression of something mysterious or mystical, as the night already repaints the luxurious greenery of coastal plants, white sand on a narrow strip of beach near the hotel and delicate greenish-blue

283. Before the rain

From the book 365. Dreams, fortune-telling, signs for every day author Olshevskaya Natalya

283. Before the rain Thistle warns of impending bad weather with thorns: he presses them tightly to his head. Before the rain, daisies, strawberries and red clover close their flowers, and rose hips and roses do not even open their buds. With the approach of inclement weather at the petioles

Under rain

From the book Magic Isothread author Ivanovskaya T.V.

In the rain, you will need Thick black cardboard, white and light gray threads, a needle, scissors. Progress of work1. On the cardboard with a needle, make working holes of the sketch of the picture. They must be applied to the wrong side in a mirror image in accordance with the figure.2. Run

Under rain

From the book Russian poets of the second half of the XIX century author Orlitsky Yuri Borisovich

In the rain Do you remember: we did not expect either rain or thunder, Suddenly a downpour caught us far from home; We hurried to hide under a shaggy spruce ... There was no end to fear and fun! The rain poured through the sun, and under the mossy spruce We stood, as if in a golden cage; On the ground around us for sure

Under rain

From the book Stories of a Faithful Friend the author Ryabinin Boris

In the rain The sound of rain drowns out the heavy breathing of Metelitsyn and his dog. How long have they been running? Maybe twenty, maybe thirty kilometers left behind. We just got to our site, and immediately came across a fresh trail. Sending a second border guard,

Under rain

From the book The Best Zen Parables [Ordinary stories about extraordinary people] author Maslov Alexey Alexandrovich

Under the rain The coming of contemplation It rained without ceasing. One person took refuge under the canopy of the temple. A Chan master passed by with an open umbrella. - Mentor! Save at least one of the mass of all living things! Take me at least a little! the man pleaded

Rain, rain
More lei!
To make it more fun!

Rain, rain, pour, pour
For me and people!

Rain, rain, more!
I will give you thick
Bread loaf,
Water all day long!

Rain, more rain!
I'll take out the thick
Bread loaf,
Pink salmon pie.

Rain, rain, more
I'll take out the thick
loaf of bread,
Pink salmon pie.

Rain, rain, more
I'll give you thick.
I'll go out on the porch
Give me a cucumber.
Ladies and loaf of bread -
Water as much as you want!

Rain, lei, lei, lei
For me and people!
On people by the spoon,
Little by little on me
And to Baba Yaga
Lei for a whole bucket!

Rain, rain, pour, pour, pour
Don't feel sorry for anyone
No birches, no poplars!
Rain, more rain
To make the grass greener!
Flowers will grow
And green leaves!

Rain, rain, harder
Drive my pigs!
My pigs are at home -
They lie on the straw!

Rain, rain, let it go
To grow up life
Weed to drink
Flowers open up.

Aquarius, lei, lei,
Drive my geese!
My geese are at home
They are afraid of thunder!

Rain, rain
I'll cook you a borschik
I'll put it on an oak tree
In a green pot.
Do not stagger oak
Don't spill, pot!

It's raining rain
We have been waiting for you for a long time:
With pure water
With silk grass
with azure color,
With warm summer!

Rain, rain, more!
Give me more bread!

Rain, rain, harder
Drive the horses into the yard!
My horses are black
They have golden manes,
They run across the field
They carry a rainbow-arc.

Rain, rain
Rain, lei -
We are with you
Have fun.
We are not afraid
Only better
Let's grow up.

Rain, rain, let it go
We will run for the bushes
Let's stand under the aspen
Cover with a basket.

Rain, rain, more!
I'll give you thick
loaf of bread,
Chew turtle,
I'll give you a spoon
Eat some!

Rain, rain, more!
For the wheat to grow thicker
So that oats grow and barley -
Water all day!
And for millet, for rye
Water as much as you like!

Rain, rain, let it go
Let's run for the bushes!
Thick behind the bushes
And you, rain, more!

Rain, rain, rain,
I'll buy you three horses!
Rain, rain, stop
I'll buy you a stoat
With a key, with a lock
With a silk scarf!

Seki, seki, rain,
For our rye
On babina's wheat,
For millet, lentils,
On grandfathers barley -
Water all day long!

Seki, seki, rain,
On a woman's rye,
On grandfather's seed -
To rise in time.

It's raining rain
Water with a ladle:
On Ivanov, on Alen,
To sow all the flax.

Rain, rain, pour -
There will be a loaf of bread.
Rain, rain, let it go -
Let the peas grow.
Rain, rain, pour -
There will be a glorious harvest:
There will be white wheat
There will be rye and lentils,
In the garden, onions, beans,
In the forest berries, mushrooms,
And in the garden there are green hops,
Come on, rain all day!

Rain, rain, fall
There will be a glorious harvest:
In a field of flax and beans,
In the forest berries, mushrooms,
Poppy and lilac in the garden
Hops are green in the garden!

Rain, rain, stop
I'll buy you a sundress!
The money will remain
I'll buy some earrings
Pennies will remain -
I'll buy you shoes!

Rain, rain, stop!
I will go to Ryazan
With a key, with a lock
With a scarlet flower!
And you, rainbow-arc,
Open up the gate
key, padlock,
Scarlet flower!

Don't go, don't go, rain
I'll cook you borshchik!
I'll put it under the curtains
Cover with towels
The wrestler will cool down,
It will rain down.

Answers to school textbooks

Often, children turned to rain, sun, rainbow, birds.

If there was no rain for a long time, they shouted:

Go rain, rain,

Drill the earth

Give us water!

If a rainbow appeared in the sky, it was believed that the request of the children was heard.

sentence- short poems that kids say in various cases, for example, referring to living creatures for you - a snail, a ladybug, birds, pets. From the water that has poured into the ears, they get rid of jumping with a sentence. While swimming, they dive on the last words of the sentence. With the help of a sentence, they ask the cuckoo how many years to live.

joke- a poem similar to a little fairy tale, which a nanny or mother knows to her own child. Jokes are joyful stories about how a jackdaw jumps through a spruce forest, how Foma rode a chicken, how a chicken in boots sweeps a hut, how a cat and a cat quarreled. All kids know jokes.

Rhythm- a small rhyme, with the help of which they determine who drives in the game. There are counting rhymes, counting rhymes in which there is no count, but there is some kind of story (for example, “A month came out of the fog ...”), and abstruse rhymes.

Patter- This is a poem in which difficult-to-pronounce words are specially collected.

Mystery- an expression that needs to be unraveled. To invent riddles means to look for the fundamental, fascinating, unusual in phenomena and objects.To look for clues means to determine an object or phenomenon by signs, actions and likeness.

2. Determine what type of small genres of folklore the following texts belong to:

Come, kitty, spend the night, come Vasenka to swing.
- It's raining rain, water with a ladle.
- Sun, sun, look out the window.
- Prokop came, dill boils,
Prokop left, dill boils,
And under Prokop dill boils,
And without Prokop dill boils.

The textbook alternately presents works of small genres of folklore: lullaby, invocation, riddle, invocation, tongue twister.