We rarely think about the opportunities that moving to another city can give us. It seems to be something complicated and, most importantly, unusual. But let's still "look" at such a development of events. What does change promise us?

Are you offered a job in another city? This could be a great career opportunity! Despite this, many prefer not to leave their homes. Others, on the contrary, are themselves looking for an opportunity to change their city in search of a better job.

What is he looking for in a distant land?

  • High salary - 61%
  • Job security - 48%
  • Career growth - 35%
  • Prestige of the company 33%
  • Willingness of the organization to provide living space - 33%

All the same all-knowing statistics state that the majority of respondents consider Moscow (17.1%) and St. Petersburg (13.4%) to be the most attractive places to move.

But is it worth giving up an interesting job in a small town? Yes, the salary there may be slightly lower than in megacities, but there are also some advantages:

  • Ecology is better. Don't give it any importance? But in vain! After all environment directly affects your well-being and level of happiness. Even if you don’t care about your health (we hope you don’t), think about your children and loved ones, about the air they breathe. To be healthy, vigorous and efficient, move to a city with good ecology.
  • The climate is more favorable. Tired of cold winters? Have you dreamed of living by the sea all your life? You can move exactly to the region where you will be comfortable all year round. For comparison: in Moscow there are about 110 sunny days a year, in Sochi - 190, and in Omsk - 220!
  • Prices are lower. Therefore, even with a pay cut, you will be able to save as much money as before, because you will spend much less.
  • The rhythm of life is calmer. And people too. It is much easier to make new acquaintances in a small town - both the atmosphere and the more open residents are conducive.
  • More free time. No hours of traffic jams and long distances! A great opportunity to make new friends, do your favorite hobby and spend more time with your family.

And that's not all: it is important that the prospects for such a job can be very favorable for your career. In another city, opportunities that were previously unavailable, new impressions and, of course, new experiences await you. As well as the special status of a specialist from a large city.

Have you almost made up your mind? Then do not forget to consider a few more factors:

  1. Moving to another city is an important decision, and it is better not to give in to a momentary impulse. Calculate your personal "pros" and "cons" of changing jobs in advance. And not only at the moment, but in the future, taking into account your goals for the next 5 years.
  2. When you decide to move, don't quit your current job overnight! Any recruiting agency will give preference to a working candidate. For a remote interview, there is Skype, and to pass the final interview in person, you can take one day at your own expense.
  3. Before making a final decision, try to live at least a few days in the city where you are going to move. Make sure you feel comfortable there.
  4. Feel free to check with the company's management about receiving compensation for moving and settling. Many organizations have the ability to allocate housing to the right employee, but are in no hurry to offer it themselves.

And never forget that even the longest journey starts with one first step. Moving to another city can be such a step - take it and your life will change.

The material was prepared by the project "You are free"

To promote in the market, many trading and manufacturing companies have employees in other cities who work for the company's image and are faced with this procedure.

To work in other cities, companies hire sales representatives, repairmen for warranty repairs of equipment sold by the company, specialists in providing consulting and auditing services.

It is clear that, for the permanent work of an employee in another city, it is easier for a company to hire a local resident than to send a full-time employee on a business trip at the location of the company. In addition, the local resident knows the conjuncture of this regional market much better.

How to register an employee in another city and will it not be a violation?

According to the current legislation, the employer can hire employees who permanently reside in another city and perform their labor obligations at the place of residence.

Depending on the nature of the work performed by an employee in another city, the method of its registration depends. An employee can be registered as a homeworker engaged in labor activities at home, or as an itinerant worker when selling the company's goods at the place of residence and periodically traveling to the head office.

For employees of a traveling nature of work, a specific workplace is not established, since he is constantly on the move, limited to a certain territory, in connection with the performance of his labor activity. Periodically, such an employee visits the office of the organization to submit reports on the work done, draw up various documentation, receive goods, wages.

How to register an employee in another city and should I conclude an employment contract with him?

When concluding an employment contract with an employee

it is necessary to provide for a condition of traveling nature indicating a certain territory of the city. The employee is not paid separately for each trip, since his permanent movements are provided for by the usual mode of his work. For the traveling nature of work, as a rule, allowances are established for employees.

When hiring a homeworker for the provision of services or the production of goods, the employment contract provides for the conditions for the purchase of equipment, components, delivery of finished products, etc. If it is necessary for the homeworker to visit the central office, such a provision is added to the contract indicating the reimbursement of travel expenses based on the documents presented by the employee .

In the section on the question of how to look for work in another city, where to apply and what to do ... given by the author Katerina savelieva the best answer is How to look for a job in another city
The first thing you have to decide is whether you will look for a new job while in hometown, or first move to a new place of residence, and only then throw all your strength into looking for vacancies. It may seem that the second option is more promising: being on the spot, it is easier to navigate the proposals, it is easier to arrange interviews, and for potential employers you will no longer be a “candidate from distant Uryupinsk”. However, not all so simple. This option is good for university graduates who have no work experience behind them, are easy-going and have nothing to do with their hometown. If you are an experienced specialist with a solid store of knowledge, do not rush to quit and burn all the bridges. Purely psychological search new work easier for a working candidate. Also, remember that you will need some kind of financial "airbag" for the first time: living in a foreign city is often much more expensive than it seems at first glance.
To search, use the Internet resources of the region where you want to work. Look for offers on job search websites. Analyze job offers, requirements and pay levels. You must have a very good idea of ​​what a job in another city can give you, what you want to achieve, and also what you can offer this or that company.
Write a resume. When sending it in response to a vacancy you like, indicate in your cover letter that you are ready to move. If possible, state the reason for your decision. If you post your resume on the Internet, indicate the city where you are looking for a job and indicate your readiness to change your place of residence so that the employer from Krasnodar does not decide that the resume of an employee from Novosibirsk got to him by mistake.
Use the help of recruitment agencies in your job search. Try to find such recruiting organizations in your city that have branches or representative offices throughout the country and in the city where you plan to live and work. They will find suitable vacancies for you, provide you with several options to choose from, and perhaps even find companies that are ready to take on compensation for moving to a new place of work for a future employee.
Modern means of communication make it possible to carry out the initial stages of selection remotely. HR managers willingly use such tools as Skype negotiations and telephone interviews in their work. However, you still have to come to the final interview. Discuss all the details of your future job, as well as the possibility of partial or full payment of rent or relocation expenses (often offered by large companies for highly qualified specialists). You should not be left with the slightest unclear details about your new position, because turning back the clock for moving to another city is sometimes very difficult.
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Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Finding a job in another city or region is a very common phenomenon today. The geography of labor migration is very wide. Applicants travel from the provinces to megacities, change million-plus cities, leave the capital in search of a quieter place, return to their hometowns and villages. Whatever your goals and motives - a dizzying career, high salaries, a desire to "see the world" or become a first-class specialist in a new field - approach your job search in another city with all seriousness.

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The first thing you have to decide is whether you will look for a new job while in your hometown, or first move to a new place of residence, and only then throw all your strength into looking for vacancies. It may seem that the second option is more promising: being on the spot, it is easier to navigate the proposals, it is easier to arrange interviews, and for potential employers you will no longer be a “candidate from distant Uryupinsk”. However, not all so simple. This option is good for university graduates who have no work experience behind them, are easy-going and have nothing to do with their hometown. If you are an experienced specialist with a solid store of knowledge, do not rush to quit and burn all the bridges. Purely psychologically, it is easier for a working candidate to search for a new job. Also, remember that you will need some kind of financial "airbag" for the first time: living in a foreign city is often much more expensive than it seems at first glance. To search, use the Internet resources of the region where you want to work. Look for offers on job search websites. Analyze job offers, requirements and pay levels. You must have a very good idea of ​​what a job in another city can give you, what you want to achieve, and also what you can offer this or that company. Write a resume. When sending it in response to a vacancy you like, indicate in your cover letter that you are ready to move. If possible, state the reason for your decision. If you post your resume on the Internet, indicate the city where you are looking for a job and indicate your readiness to change your place of residence so that the employer from Krasnodar does not decide that the resume of an employee from Novosibirsk got to him by mistake. Use the help of recruitment agencies in your job search. Try to find such recruiting organizations in your city that have branches or representative offices throughout the country and in the city where you plan to live and work. They will find suitable vacancies for you, provide you with several options to choose from, and perhaps even find companies that are ready to take on compensation for moving to a new place of work for a future employee. Modern means of communication make it possible to carry out the initial stages of selection remotely. HR managers willingly use such tools as Skype negotiations and telephone interviews in their work. However, you still have to come to the final interview. Discuss all the details of your future job, as well as the possibility of partial or full payment of rent or relocation expenses (often offered by large companies for highly qualified specialists). You should not be left with the slightest unclear details about your new position, because turning back the clock for moving to another city is sometimes very difficult. How simple

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Russia is gradually approaching the moment when moving to another city for the sake of a career is becoming the norm.

More and more young and not too young professionals are attracted to work in another city. It doesn’t even scare you that you have to move to a new place, to leave your settled, native penates.

It is no secret that the larger the city, the higher wages offered there, the wider the career prospects. A certain stratum of working citizens is even beginning to appear, so to speak, easy-going, who have become accustomed to moving. They are guided by the rating of cities, which takes into account the prospects for development and the provision of work, and do not overgrow with households, they are not in a hurry to even start a family.

Do not think, however, that employers welcome such employees and give them preference. On the contrary, if you want to find a serious job, you should consider settling down. For this, in addition to work, you will have to solve the issue of search good option to buy an apartment. Usually, projects are chosen at the development or construction stage in order to reduce the cost of housing, and therefore the move is planned very well in advance.

Since the cities of Russia are often at a fairly decent distance from each other, moving with home belongings can result in a serious problem and incur expenses, sometimes unforeseen and unplanned, but if you decide to make a career and earn a lot of money, all this should not scare you. Working in another city is a priority goal, and transportation of things is a consequence of your choice. In connection with these, you should not be nervous. Develop a clear action plan, scheduled by day, the first of which should be the day the employment contract is signed.

By this day, you should have gone through the difficult path of finding options among the sea of ​​offers, usually characterized by low pay. Since you need money work, you will have to work hard. Perhaps for more than one month you will surf the Internet in search of offers. Do not despair. Sooner or later, someone will release exactly the place that you are looking for, or the employer will decide to expand his enterprise.

Whatever reasons forced you to move to another city, work does not fall from the sky, unless, of course, relatives, friends or relatives help you. By the way, such assistance is not called patronage at all. Firstly, current employers approach hiring not from the point of view of patronage, but from the point of view of the working qualities of a potential employee. Secondly, the one who recommends you must also be confident in you, as he risks his own position. That is why any recommendations are currently only working, not personal.

A good job will partially relieve you of the stress that accompanies any move, and even more so, moving to another city. That is why, your main task is to focus on finding a job and not lose face in the first days of the probationary period. Moving doesn't have to interfere with your career. Spend it right and without fuss.