Happy Birthday!
And I wish you
Happiness, joy, patience,
Light, kindness, love!


Happy birthday dear.
May love live with you.
I wish you happiness, kindness.
And let your cozy home be yours!


Anniversary today, birthday.
You are forty-five years old today.
Accept gifts, congratulations.


And I sincerely wish from my heart

That your wishes will come true.

Congratulations on your daughter's 45th birthday

At forty-five, everything is just the beginning!
You let the years still float.
May there be no sadness on your face -
Keep making everyone smile.


Youth is in your heart.
There are no wrinkles on the face.
What awaits you behind the new door,
The edge of which is the number forty-five?


I know that the best and only.
Lots of happiness, joy, love.
Happy birthday, my dear daughter!
Keep on shining on everyone.


Young, beautiful, stylish.
Lady, lady - there is no more wonderful!
Punchy, kind, strong.
And who's to say that forty-five years?


My dear, happy birthday!
I wish on your sunny day
Lots of happiness and inspiration.
Many faithful and good friends!


To sorrows, troubles - everything is only by,
So that happiness and joy come to you!
Happy anniversary to you my dear
Happy birthday, strong love!


There is a new road ahead of you
After all, you are exactly forty-five today.
This is not too little and not too much.
Just a birthday again.


So Happy Holidays, dear daughter.
Be beautiful, young.
May the hearts of a joyful beat
The soul will be filled.


Good and bright let in life
There will be more than now.
Happy birthday, honey. events
May every day be full of joy.


Your kind eyes are brighter today.
You are beautiful, in general, as always.
Dear daughter, let more and more
A smile touches the face.


Anniversary today, birthday.
You are forty-five years old today.
Accept gifts, congratulations.
And flowers - a bouquet, another bouquet.


Congratulations on a beautiful holiday!
This date is just beautiful!
I wish you to be happy
To make a cherished dream come true!


The years have gone by so quickly.
And today is my daughter's birthday.
And for me there is no prettier in the world
Beloved, my dear girl.


Let forty-five, but you're still the same baby
For Mom. But for family and friends
You are a lady, a woman and a little girl,
After all, every year you are younger.


And I sincerely wish from my heart
So that all the years that are ahead,
You were happy. And I know for sure
That your wishes will come true.


May happiness be with you
Kindness, love and light!
Happy anniversary my daughter
You are forty-five years old.


This period is not terrible at all.
And not old age on the nose.
The guests have been here for a long time.
To congratulate the beauty!


Happy birthday, happiness, peace,
Kindness beloved eyes.
Be all the same you are happy
From pleasant, cute phrases!


Forty-five you today.
Your anniversary today.
Happy birthday my daughter.
Gather your friends soon.


Happy Birthday!
And I wish you
Happiness, joy, patience,
Light, kindness, love!


Let everything in life be as it should
You will have mine.
Happy birthday, let it be
There will be relatives, friends!


Forty-five today daughter.
But still young.
Her husband gave her flowers
And gifts to all relatives.


Happy birthday dear.
May love live with you.
I wish you happiness, kindness.
And let your cozy home be yours!

Forty-five is not an age, but an event,
Daughter, kind and good,
The most pleasant discovery
And dear soul!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart


Serenade under the window
Let the whole house sing to you.
But with one condition -
Not late - we want to sleep.


Let happiness not leave!
And let the whole city know
My daughter is gold!
Happy Birthday to You!


Congratulate daughter on her 45th birthday from parents

20 years you were raised
And got a princess
On your beautiful anniversary
For us, do not spare smiles


You've been raised for twenty years
Got the queen!
Clever beauty,
Mom smiles!
Be happy and healthy
And be caring.
Everything good - try it
About the bad - forever forget!


How did you come into being.
You have become more beautiful
Gardens bloom in your soul!
I wish you lots of laughter
Love, great success,
Always move forward in everything
So that there are no hassles in life!


My dear daughter!
Happy Birthday to You!
20 years is the date
All the guys will be stunned
Bring you flowers
And let your dreams come true!

Congratulations on your daughter's 45th birthday

For forty-five everything happened -
And grief and adversity.
So let it begin with joy
Your future happy year
Let never on your shoulders
The burden of worldly troubles will not fall.
We wish you happiness and health
And for many, many years to come!


Daughter, today you are forty-five,
And on this day, from the bottom of my heart I wish
Shine with beauty and health,
Happiness to you so long enough.


We congratulate you on your anniversary


Our daughter is forty-five!
Reason to smile
Start something again
Get excited somewhere.


Forty-five is not an age, but an event,
Daughter, kind and good,
The most pleasant discovery
And dear soul!
Dear daughter, happy birthday!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Celebrate magical moments
More often in your sunny destiny!


My daughter, with 45 years
I congratulate you now!

So that you never cry!


At forty-five, everything is just beginning!
Alluring round dance prospects
Let it spin promisingly
And direct, daughter, forward!


Plans, impressions, dreams!

Congratulations on your daughter's 25th birthday

Dear daughter,
Twenty-five you!
Congratulations honey
Be true to yourself!


Be persistent enough
In something - give in,
Be happy, daughter
Rejoice, love!


Happy anniversary dear daughter
Warm congratulations and kisses.
Be always loved and happy
And so young and beautiful!


At 25, believe me, there are so many more
Ahead of accomplishments and victories.
May the path be beautiful, long,
Gives you warmth and light!


How quickly you, daughter, have matured,
And you've gotten sweeter over the years.
And it seems that you're only five,
Turns out it's twenty-five.


I want to congratulate you, dear,
Happy anniversary, mischievous.
I baked you a cake today
It has raspberry syrup in it.


On the day you celebrate your anniversary
I congratulate you, daughter.
Let everything be as you wish,
Let your life become beautiful.


Years passed by with deeds and worries.
There were joys, sorrows, there were adversities.
But today we want to forget about everything,
Happiness, joy, health, live up to a hundred years!


You are not a girl for a long time,
My daughter.
But funny anyway


I wish at twenty five
I love you.
Don't grieve, don't grieve
And be loved!


Let them say that 25
It should be celebrated in a big way
We will tell our daughter in response -
Of course, there is no dispute about this
But the main thing is that you live
And found happiness in my heart
And never sad
And did not look at the years!

Congratulations to your daughter on her 30th birthday

My dear girl
You are thirty years old today
With what I heartily congratulate
Let it keep you from troubles


Your star and only brighter
Let her shine.
Let bad weather bypass
Luck will help.


Be ambitious, be rich,
Let these features
Help you find happiness
Also make all your dreams come true.


You are thirty years old today
And this is just the beginning.
Know: beauty and strength flourish
Your age, daughter, means.


We want your life to be
Full of love, kindness and happiness.
Love in your soul to blaze
And all dreams come true!


Congratulations on your 30th birthday, girl!
Live just the way you want
In the soul, wait for a happy bell,
To move towards the dream with love!


So that there is no sadness in your heart,
You take care of love, keep success!
In business, let there be confidence for a start,
So that there are no obstacles!


Dear daughter, today
You are celebrating thirty years.
This is a beautiful, adult age,
There are no restrictions in it.


You will build the road yourself
I'm sure she will
Successful, joyful and kind,
After all, you've become quite smart.


I wish you patience
Strength to make dreams come true
So that you value your friends
And they respected!


I remember you baby
Harmful disobedient.
Always a thermometer under the arm
And with a bunch of girlfriends.


And now, beauty - daughter,
You have matured completely.
Be healthy - period!
And never know problems!


You are thirty today, daughter,
You sparkle from within.
I want you to sparkle
Always be beautiful, bloom.


So that life is more beautiful than all fairy tales,
Not to be written with a pen.
Friends and relatives more often
Your visited, daughter, house.

SMS congratulations

SMS congratulations for daughter 45 years old

May your relatives always be with you
And at work let everyone respect.
There will be only peace and tranquility in the soul,
Life will unfold, as it happens only in fairy tales.


We wish you, daughter
Lots and lots of joy
Always be on top
And, as it is, a beauty!


May kindness, smiles, understanding
You, dear, light the way.
Let them love, remember, keep promises,


Well, let there be new ones ahead
Plans, impressions, dreams!
The main thing is that you are healthy
And happy for you to be with us!


Let happiness not leave!
And let the whole city know
My daughter is gold!
Happy Birthday to You!

Congratulations on your daughter's 20th birthday

The daughter is one of the closest and dearest people. And it is so difficult to realize that she has already grown up, and she is turning 20 years old. But who else will support her so much at the beginning of her life path how not parents?!


Smile more often, and create, and fall in love,
And always give inspiration to close people!
Enjoy every day of your life,
To be the most happy and joyful in the world!


My dear daughter!
Happy Birthday to You!
20 years is the date
All the guys will be stunned
Bring you flowers
And let your dreams come true!


Congratulations on your 20th birthday, daughter!
I wish you to be happy yourself!
I wish you the right path to find
To find love sooner!


You will always be so beautiful!
And do not be sad, do not cry ever!
I wish everything always works out
May your heart truly laugh!


Twenty years already shining
Your star is in the sky.
Congratulations on your anniversary
My dear daughter.


I want to wish you health
A million happy days.
The heart was warmed so that with love,
The world around would be kinder.


Daughter, daughter, daughter,
My heavenly angel
My snowy Snow Maiden
Delicate rose petal.


happy birthday congratulations
And I wish you not to know troubles.
I guide you on the path of happiness
Where you have to stumble to get up.


You've been raised for twenty years
Got the queen!
Clever beauty,
Mom smiles!


Be happy and healthy
And be caring.
Everything good - try it
About the bad - forever forget!

Congratulations on your daughter's 45th birthday

My daughter, happy 45th birthday
I congratulate you now!
And in all endeavors only victory,
So that you never cry!


In confirmation of the common saying,
What about a woman who is 45,
You surprise with both charm and dexterity.
On this anniversary, I hasten to wish my daughter:


If dawns are insanely bright,
Kohl nights - with the magic song of the stars.
If the holidays - so that the gifts are successful,
If plans are so reliable and serious!


At forty-five I will tell my daughter:
"Honey, here are the flowers!"
Be as gentle as you are.
Let dreams come true!


Serenade under the window
Let the whole house sing to you.
But with one condition -
Not late - we want to sleep.


Let happiness not leave!
And let the whole city know
My daughter is gold!
Happy Birthday to You!


45 is not an age, but an event,
Daughter, kind and good,
The most pleasant discovery
And dear soul!
Dear daughter, happy birthday!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Celebrate magical moments
More often in your sunny destiny!


Daughter, we congratulate you on your anniversary,
From the heart we wish at forty-five:
Live, believing only in the best, dreaming,
And all tasks can be easily solved.


May kindness, smiles, understanding
You, dear, light the way.
Let them love, remember, keep promises,
And forever leave the pain and sadness!


I can't believe my daughter is 45
Yesterday I was a baby.
Worthy years you know how to meet,
To get her way!


Age doesn't matter if you're a soul
Always pure, and you are strong in spirit,
I wish you happiness on your holiday,
Let true friends be near!


Hello, dear readers of our magazine. Today, in this article, I will tell you some Interesting Facts about the channel, which has recently become popular. It's about about the channel - khach's diary (the author of the channel is Amiran Sardarov).

A bit of history

The khach diary channel was created on the thirteenth of June 2015, i.е. at this point in time (May 2016), the channel is not even one year old. In such a short time, the channel gained almost a million subscribers. To be precise, seven hundred thousand subscribers. Agree, for one year a very, very good indicator of popularity.

To be honest, I even find it difficult to answer how much money was invested in the promotion of this channel (khach's diary). But, I am sure that the amount here is not one million rubles. That in the channel were invested large sums- a fact, anyone who thinks that khach has been untwisted for free is mistaken.

So, now let's move on to the most interesting - to interesting facts about the channel - khach's diary. I collected publicly available facts about the khach diary channel, numbers available for analysis, and tried to find something interesting in them. Let's start:

  1. What indicator do you think you need to pay attention to in order to more or less evaluate the success of the channel? For the number of subscribers? No, the number of subscribers is a very subjective indicator and does not reflect the success of the channel. The indicator that shows the success of the channel is the number of daily views of all videos on the channel. If we break through the number of daily views of the channel - the khach diary - we will see an impressive figure of four hundred thousand daily views (people love to watch it). Is it a lot or a little? I don't know, think for yourself;
  2. The second important indicator of the success of any channel is subscribers. But, not the number of subscribers, but the number of daily subscriptions to the channel. Let's take a look at the hack diary channel statistics again. Every day about two thousand people subscribe to Amiran's channel (khach's diary). Incidentally, more than most popular, so-called TOP bloggers;
  3. Now let's try to count those numbers that worry a lot of people. What are these numbers? This, of course, is the amount of money that Amiran (khach's diary) earns on his YouTube channel per month. In order to calculate this figure, we need to take the number of daily views and multiply by the average cost per thousand views on YouTube. So, drum roll, khach earns about one hundred and fifty thousand rubles a month. Agree, very good.

That's all for today, I hope you enjoyed these facts. If so, then your best action would be to add a link to this article to your social network accounts (for example, such popular social networks as VKontakte or classmates). Also, I would be grateful if you supplement this article or just share your opinion in the comments on this post. See you in the next posts.

Member Name: Amiran Shirinovich Sardarov

Age (birthday): 19.08.1986

City: Tbilisi, Moscow

Channel direction: stories about Everyday life Moscow khach

Channel created: 06/13/2015

Number of subscribers: more than 3 million

Found an inaccuracy? Let's fix the questionnaire

Reading this article:

Amiran was born in Tbilisi, but when he was 6 years old, the family left the country. Now Amiran lives in Moscow. Laughing, Amiran often says that he, like any southerner, has a very developed commercial streak..

At the same time, the young man had nowhere to go, because he had only 3 classes of a church school behind him! Because of this, peers almost did not communicate with him, and their parents sincerely believed that Amiran had either the fate of a bandit or a janitor ahead.

At the very beginning of his formation as a businessman, Amiran opened his own advertising agency. At the beginning, mistakes were waiting for him, the profit was minimal, but over time, this business got on its feet and began to bring real money.

How did Sardarov manage to swim out? It's simple - he differed from his colleagues in that he boldly went for experiments, was not afraid of bright and non-standard ideas.

An important role was played by the fact that Amiran is a very sociable person and easily converges with other people. Now the advertising business is not the main brainchild of the young man, but he is not going to completely abandon it.

Books became Amiran's outlet, here he shared the details of his life, gave advice, and reflected on topical issues.

In total, the young man wrote 5 works, all of them are freely available online on his website (indicated in the questionnaire):

  • Life with a head 2.0;
  • A man is always right;
  • There is no freebie: the beginning of the path;
  • I'm an asshole: break me completely;
  • Dialogues with a genius

Amiran continues to write, announced a new book.

The next stage in the development of Amiran as a person and businessman was his blog. Sardarov started a YouTube channel, which he called "Khach's Diary". The message of this project is to tell ordinary people about the life of an ordinary khach in Moscow. Bold, unusual and interesting.

Thanks to such assessments, in just a year of its existence, Khach's Diary gained more than 1 million subscribers and continues to grow.

It should be noted that in almost every video you can appreciate that Amiran dresses very expensively, drives luxury cars, and visits fashionable restaurants. Does he show us the life of an ordinary hach? Probably not, but that's the whole point. It is on this that the entire marketing concept of the blog is built and it has fully justified itself.

An important point - in addition to Amiran, other famous personalities very often flash on the channel. All these are the blogger's friends, very different, funny, interesting. They are full-fledged characters in the khach diary.

That is why Amiran often calls his channel similar to the Friends series. All the characters are important here, and the viewer who watches the project can choose any character as his favorite. But in general, the success of the project, of course, came only thanks to Sardarov. An incredibly charming, sociable and intelligent young man gave life and colors to this channel.

Don't miss the fun:

The video is often attended (and the project House 2) and the famous Russian performer T-Killah. Together they sometimes record songs and videos. In 2016, Amiran began recording interviews with various media personalities, politicians and businessmen. In one of the video interviews with Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Amiran does not hide his personal life. The first serious first girlfriend appeared with him when the young man was 18 years old.

As Amiran himself notes, it was real love! The guys broke up because of each other's violent temper - each of their quarrels was very emotional, it is impossible to withstand this for a long time. Then in the life of a young man there were many more beautiful girls.

At the beginning of the blogger's career, Amiran met with Ekaterina Igorevna Shmakova, who constantly appeared with his video and was very fond of the channel's subscribers.

Later they broke up and for a long time Amiran appeared in commercials alone.

In May 2016, the famous YouTuber showed his new girlfriend, her name is Alina and now she appears in the video with her lover. The guys seriously quarreled several times and eventually broke up, as Amiran said in one of the videos.

In 2017, Amiran received Russian citizenship and can now safely travel the world.

Photos of Amiran and Khach's Diary

Amiran often spends time with friends, riding a motorcycle with them and his girlfriend Alina. Spreads photo-announcements of future videos.

Khach's diary is a strange name in itself, isn't it!? But once you watch at least one issue, and you will understand that in reality things are much more extravagant, provocative, interesting, fun and often even inadequate than it seems at first glance.
Do you think there will be a lot of provocation, strange and aggressive actions, youth humor, obscene and vulgar phrases? Believe that things will get much worse! This is the norm for this channel.

Amiran Sardarov - YouTube channel Khach's Diary latest release

If Dom-2 managed to interest you in something, and you have already fully watched the Friends series, then Khach's Diary will become your new hobby for the coming months. The show about personal life with elements of provocative interviews with stars has already gained millions of subscribers. But be careful and take care of your ears, and it is better for the faint of heart to move away from the screens - there will be a lot of swearing, vulgarity and black humor!

It's hard to believe, but the host of the show, Amiran Sardarov, is an educated person who used to be engaged in marketing and has already published several books on self-development. It turns out that a marketer in the past, the host of the program, knows for sure that it is this format of the show that will be able to attract more viewers.

In addition to the usual videos, you will see interviews with famous and unfamiliar stars, self-made video clips, the “I want a million” and “I want a bride” show, and each of them is an outright provocation.

Do you want to be "on topic"? then watch at least one issue of "Khach's Diary" and join the passionate discussions between subscribers in the comments - you will definitely have something to say after watching.

Amiran Sardarov (Khach's Diary) who is this?

Real name— Amiran Sardarov

Hometown- Moscow

Nationality— Yezidi Kurd

Nickname— Khach's diary

Activity— Video blogger, writer

Family status- Not married



Amiran Sardarov (Khach's Diary) biography

Amiran Sardarov is a video blogger and writer. Born on August 19, 1986 in Moscow.

Amiran Sardarov in childhood and before popularity

Amiran was born in Moscow and lived in the capital for some time. Then, his family moved to Georgia. Since his father was cruel to the family, his mother took the boy and fled.

For three years Amiran studied at a parochial school in Georgia. The ancestors of his nation endowed the boy with Caucasian roots, he is racial Yezidi. Therefore, due to characteristic features face, the boy was often teased at school. Because of the "non-Russian" appearance, Amiran got it from his peers. As a result, the mother began to fear for him and transferred to home schooling. A teacher came to the boy's house, and he tried to create the appearance of learning so as not to upset his mother. But, from the age of 16, he took up self-study - the study of the expanses of the Internet and making money in it. Amiran needed money to realize his plans and desires, so he began to look for a way to earn it.

Carier start

Amiran turned 18 and soon decided to move to Moscow to find a job. In the capital, he looked for a job for a long time, lived poorly, but did not give up. Amiran did not have a higher education, so there were such difficulties with employment. He tried to open online stores, websites, was engaged in shooting videos to order. But, all these activities did not bring sufficient profit and the projects "burned out". Sardarov's first business project was a hair extension studio. He created it together with his girlfriend. But, after the rupture of relations, she decided not to fairly assign this business to herself.

After a "streak of failures", Amiran opened an advertising agency, started promoting small private brands, and then moved to a new level - he began to promote large trading companies. For the excellent advertising promotion of one company, Amiran was even presented with a BMW for his work.

Fame and "Khach's Diary"

In 2015, Amiran launched a new channel called " Khach's diary"("DH"). He gave him a bold and ironic name, and this was the attitude of people towards him and the problems with nationality that the guy had in real life. This channel is a kind of symbiosis of the series "Friends" and the show "House 2". Amiran made videos about his life, uploading them to his channel. In them, he showed how he lives, hangs out in clubs. In some of his videos, one could see celebrities as heroes, such as: Roman Demchenko, Alik Bigaev, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. He interviewed these celebrities, sometimes asking questions that were not the easiest for them, and recorded a video. As a result, this channel brought Amiran fame and profit. The author is not ashamed of his nationality, and in the description of his channel there is the phrase “I am a khach. Born and, alas, raised. In other words, Amiran is not afraid to express his thoughts in simple, colloquial language, both in videos and in books.

Also in 2015, Sardarov, together with his friend Grisha, decided to conduct a social experiment, recording it on video. Its essence was that many people are capable of going to the most desperate and low deeds for the sake of money. Participants in the experiment were asked to undress on the street, lick the soles of their shoes, eat paper, and receive a certain amount of money as a reward. Thus, Sardarov, together with a friend, showed not the best side of people and that money rules the world.

In 2016, Amiran and his friend T-killah released a joint video called "It's OK". In addition, he still has collaborations with the rapper - clips "Heel" and "Monkeys". In the same year, Sardarov starred in the Russian-made comedy Yolki 5. He took part in the filming together with other famous video bloggers.

Khach's diary and

One day, Amiran was invited to participate as a guest in one of the episodes of " comedy club". He also took part in an interview with Synergy at the School of Business.

Books by Amiran Sardarov

In addition to video blogging activities, participation in television projects, Amiran writes books. He has written 5 books: The man is always right», « Life with a head 2.0», « There is no freebie: the beginning of the journey», « I'm an asshole: break me completely», « Dialogues with a genius". His books are devoted to harsh realism, the end of illusions, reflections on the topic "how to live."

Career at the present time and the project "I want a bride"

By 2018, Amiran was able to achieve great success as a vlogger. In addition, he is known for some writings - books. On Vkontakte, he has more than 4 thousand friends and 200 thousand subscribers. And on the channel Khach's diary»Subscribed by more than 2.8 million people, in addition to VK, the blogger has an active account on Instagram.

How much does Amiran Sardarov earn (Khach's Diary)

Amiran has a good financial wealth and earns about 500 thousand rubles. per month.

In 2018, Sardarov decided to release his own Internet show " I want a bride". He hosts it on YouTube. According to the idea of ​​the show, Amiran is in search of the perfect bride. Looking for it on the internet. He is helped in this matter by showman Evgeny Kulik, TV presenter Dergileva Valeria and rapper Tarasov Alexander (T-killah). This show airs on the Khach's Diary channel, is popular on the Russian Internet and is a new version of The Bachelor, and has already been watched by about 20 million viewers.

Personal life

When Sardarov moved to Moscow, he found a girl and fell in love. But, the couple broke up due to the high emotionality that was inherent in both of them. Then he was disappointed in love for the first time.

During the period when Amiran was just starting to work as a video blogger and founded Khach's Diary, he began a relationship with Ekaterina Shmakova. A beautiful blonde has been seen more than once in Amiran's videos. She was educated, but they broke up. According to rumors, the girl met with Sardarov for the sake of money, since he repeatedly gave her expensive things, for example, buying her a fur coat for his first fee. Katya also has an Instagram account.

Amiran Sardarov and Alina Izmailova

In the spring of 2016, Amiran began a relationship with Izmailova Alina. She was a graduate of Moscow State University, had a law degree. They met at the club, soon Alina moved to live with Amiran. But he cheated on her. Alina left him, stopped answering calls. Amiran tried to get her back, even connected his friends who created the hashtag #AlinaCome back, but it did not help.

Currently, Amiran is looking for a bride, including with the help of the "I Want a Bride" project. While he is alone, in search of a girl and did not officially announce that he has a new relationship and the name of the new chosen one.