"What I shouldn't do:

…Spending money on: pasta makers, ice cream makers, or other culinary tools that I will never use; books by unreadable authors that will stand on the shelf for beauty; exotic underwear because it's useless - I don't have a boyfriend anyway.

…Spend more than I earn.”

H. Fielding "The Diary of Bridget Jones"

February 23, March 8, endless birthdays of loved ones, relatives, friends and girlfriends, and you don’t want to offend anyone with a cheap gift or an unnecessary trinket. And what about me? What about gifts for yourself? Not to mention the essentials...

If a major holiday is planned or a long-awaited purchase of a dream car / fur coat / tourist trip, and the money accumulated with such difficulty is still missing, it remains to borrow.

How to ask to receive?

Having decided to ask for money, to begin with, accurately determine the following points:

The exact amount you require.

You must clearly understand how much you will ask, and it does not matter - from a friend, parents or a bank. Agree, the phrase from the series "no matter how much it is a pity" does not inspire confidence in your creditworthiness.

How will you repay: in parts and at once the entire debt.

This criterion primarily depends on the amount: it is one thing to borrow 2000 “before salary”, quite another is the amount to buy an apartment, which cannot be returned at once, unless you are going to rob a bank. If you will return the money in installments, think about how much time you need and how much of your income you are willing to give each month. You will have to moderate your desire to quickly pay off your debt and be realistic about predicting payments. After all, monthly fees for various services, from utilities to manicure, will not go anywhere.

The form of the loan depends on where (or from whom) you decide to ask for money.

Of course, the most official loan is a bank loan. You will need proof of income and an exact description of what you are borrowing for. It is on the basis of these data that the bank will make a decision on issuing money to you. However, remember that it will not be possible to “negotiate” with the bank if your salary is delayed, and you, in turn, are late with the payment. For each day of delay, you will be charged penalties, i.e. fines. And this is an additional loss.

If you take money from relatives - parents, grandmothers, etc., this does not mean that you can afford vague descriptions of what you would like to buy, and even more vague terms for a refund. Everyone has their needs, remember that. Certainty and confidence in the amount, timing and purpose of the debt is your undeniable advantage in obtaining a loan.

Sometimes it is very difficult to explain to parents why exactly this brand of car or phone model is needed, and it’s completely impossible to talk about the 120th pair of shoes, especially for a cosmic amount. We all know the golden rule: "If you want to lose a friend, lend him money." But is it? Your peers or close friends are more likely than people of the older generation to be able to understand and appreciate your idea, and therefore help with funds.

Should I take money from the man I love? Often this is a very difficult question for a woman. IN modern world it is difficult to grasp the line between a selfless act and an attempt to seduce or even buy love. Often help each other loving people interferes with embarrassment and stereotypes. If you are asking for a loan from a man and intend to pay it back with money, and not with other benefits, make it clear. Save the flirting for later.

How to give? And again, the old proverb comes to mind: "You borrow other people's money, and you pay back your own." Giving back, of course, is difficult, especially to do it on time and with dignity. No need to be embarrassed and mumble slurred thanks. Do not skimp on sincere words, tell your benefactor how he helped you out, give a box of chocolates - this will help not to spoil your relationship, even if you fail to strictly adhere to your payment schedule. It seems like a trifle, but it is pleasant and very important for a person.

Remember, there are no irreparable situations, everything is in your hands, but do not forget to measure your desires with your capabilities.

In the life of every person there are times when a loan of money from friends or relatives is necessary. Sometimes it is morally difficult to do this, and it is especially difficult to live with the realization that a “debt” hangs on you.

How to borrow money correctly so that you are not painfully ashamed? And how to tactfully negotiate with those who help us?

Start with the main

If you understand that you just need money and you can’t avoid a loan, get down to business energetically. When you call your friends, don't mislead them by asking, "How are you?" or offering to meet for no reason. It’s better to say directly: “I have business with you. Can you lend me some money?" Do not use language like “Could you...”, “Would you mind borrowing?” - they immediately provoke a refusal. In general, it is better not to contact people who, as you know, are stingy. Choose a borrower not on the principle of “rich”, but on the basis of the wording “not stingy”. Sometimes it's easier to ask from a person with limited means, who may well enter into your position.

Set deadlines

Do you know how to ask for money so that anyone would be happy to borrow you? You need to immediately name the dates when you can repay the debt. The request may sound like this: “Loan me a thousand rubles until Monday”, “Lend me five hundred rubles until the fifth day”, and so on. Then it is immediately clear to a person that you are not carelessly approaching the issue of a loan, but you are counting when you can repay. This characterizes you in a good way. Another trick: explain the seriousness of your plans, what you borrow. For example, you urgently need to buy boots for your child, you need to repair washing machine. The person you care about doesn't care. After all, he gives you money that he could already spend on himself. Suspicions that you will spend them on nonsense are undesirable.

Tell me about your plans

Well, you borrowed money, spent it, and now you have only one task - to return it on time. Alas, the psychology of a person is such that he often considers borrowed money as some kind of "crazy". When the time comes to give them away, something becomes a pity. And why? Yes, because we do not treat borrowed money as our own. And that's the only way to treat them! Immediately, having borrowed a certain amount, deduct it from your future salary. Then it will not be so difficult for you to part with money later.

The second point is to give on time. It is very important! If you violate the agreements, then no one will borrow you later, no matter how much you promise to “pay back from your salary”. So if you suspect that you will not have time to return it on time, inform the person EARLY and apologize. If he can't wait, reborrow. It is very important!

Give beautifully

When we need to intercept money, we are ready to go for them anywhere and at any hour. But often, when repaying a debt, people begin to set conditions for the one from whom they borrowed. Today I can’t, but let’s you drive up there and so on.

Without exaggeration, we call it an ugly act. The best way to show gratitude to the person who helped you out is to give him the money on time, having arrived at the right time, at the appointed hour, and also to say thank you. Aerobatics, if you have improved your financial situation, add some trifle to the envelope. For example, a box of chocolates. Then the person will understand that it is pleasant to deal with you and, most importantly, you can be trusted.

Give and take no more!

No matter how you observe the etiquette of the loan, it is still unpleasant. How to make it so that you no longer have to borrow? The answer is simple: you only need to spend what you have, and not a ruble more! If you run out of money, you simply stop spending it, switching to hay and straw. True, it is advisable to track in advance when the money began to run out so that you do not have to borrow for bread. It is clear that you cannot live without food, without paying for transport, for the phone. But it is quite possible to save on a gift to a loved one if you are not with money. Or even on new winter boots, if the old ones have not fallen apart yet. It's better than going into debt.

How to save money?

If you suddenly find that you have the last thousand left in your wallet, there must be some kind of stash. Take care of this in advance. As soon as you receive your salary, break the whole amount into small parts - for household, for vacation, just in case, etc. Sometimes a five hundred hidden somewhere can save the day. In addition, when starting a new stash, you kind of get a signal that there is less money and you need to be careful. When they lie in a large heap, it seems that there is no end to them, and therefore a person can spend money.


10 percent of income should be set aside every month so that you never have problems with money. You need to put this money in a place where it is not easy to get it. For example, you can open a bank account.

Probably, everyone found themselves in a situation where the question “Where to borrow money?” was especially relevant. There are many opportunities in the modern world, but everyone wants to find an option that would allow them to borrow money quickly, conveniently and without additional fees. Let's take a look at some of the most popular options.

Where to urgently borrow money before payday?

  1. The most obvious option is a bank loan. Today, it can take only a few hours to get a loan, but to a large extent, the speed of obtaining it, the interest and the amount will depend on your credit history. An additional plus is that many banks offer to fill out an application for a loan via the Internet, which will allow you to borrow money faster.
  2. Another way to get loans quickly and without any problems is to get a credit card.
  3. In almost every locality there are organizations or people who are engaged in the issuance of funds against receipt. This method is an alternative to banking services.
  4. IN Lately You can also borrow money online, on professional or specialized forums. For example, Mastertalk, Cafe WebMoney, Search, VM lending. True, this option will require your good reputation on the forum.
  5. Credit exchanges will also help you get money in debt, but here you need a personal certificate and good indicators of business activity.

The main disadvantages of all these options is that the amounts of term loans are usually small (for a larger amount, you either need to spend more time or find several sources of loan), and the interest on them is quite high. In addition, such loans are usually short-term, on average, one month.

Where can I borrow money urgently without interest?

If you need to borrow money as quickly as possible and not pay for this service, then it's time to think about friends and acquaintances who can do this. There are many advantages here - quick receipt of funds, no paperwork, a convenient loan repayment period and, most importantly, no interest. The disadvantages are also obvious, not every person has the necessary amount, so it may be necessary to borrow from several people, and not every person likes to borrow money, some do not do this out of principle. In addition, a financial issue can ruin any friendship, so borrowing from friends is especially careful.

How to borrow money?

There are many signs when it is better to borrow money, and when it is not. The most common belief is that you cannot lend, borrow, or count money overnight. But much more important are the rules of borrowing money, prompted by life.

There are many ways to borrow money, but they have one general characteristics- Loans will have to be repaid. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about whether you really need a loan so much, maybe you can do without it? For the future, try to learn, and then, having the amount set aside in advance, you will not have to rack your brains and pull the bondage of debt.