The monument to White Bim fits perfectly into the surrounding area, unobtrusively calling people to humanism and love for our smaller brothers. This small monument also reminds of a wonderful writer who came up with a touching story about a dog that lost its owner. Thousands of people pass by the monument to White Bim Black Ear every day - residents of Voronezh and tourists, and almost every one of them tries to stroke the metal dog or take a picture with it as a keepsake.

The idea to erect a monument to Bely Bim in Voronezh appeared in the 1980s, but it was only realized in 1998. The metal monument was cast in Penza according to sketches by sculptors and spouses Elsa Pak and Ivana Dikunov. These talented artists have created several memorable street sculptures in Voronezh. They are the authors of the monuments to St. Mitrophany, Vladimir Vysotsky, Samuil Marshak, and the well-known kitten from Lizyukov Street far beyond Voronezh.

When making the sculpture of the White Bim, the Voronezh artists consulted several times with the author of the story, Gavriil Troepolsky. However, the writer was not destined to see the finished monument - it was opened three years after Troepolsky's death. The low monument is made of stainless steel, and one ear and paw of the animal are made of bronze. The dog is wearing a collar engraved with the name "Bim". Watch out Voronezh residents and tourists consider it a good omen to stroke a dog and pat it by the ear. An interactive BIM museum is now open in an old building next to the monument.

The author of the story

Gavriil Troepolsky was born in 1905 and lived in the village for a long time, working as a teacher and agronomist. He began writing short stories and novels at a young age. At the age of 48, Troepolsky moved from the countryside to Voronezh. Most famous work writer - "White Bim Black Ear" - was published in 1971 and later translated into 20 languages. Troepolsky received the State Prize for this story.

After some time, the popular story was filmed, the film received recognition from the audience and was called by critics "the most humane film about human cruelty." In 1993, Troepolsky was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Voronezh".

How to get there

The monument to White Bim is installed on the square in front of the puppet theater "Jester" and the shopping center "Samsung Service Plaza", on Revolution Avenue, 50. Buses No. 8, 9KA, 23K, 41, 52, 79, 90, 120, A70 stop here, as well as minibuses No. 1KV, 3, 5, 20, 20M, 22, 25A, 27K and 29 - stop "Puppet Theater". From the railway stations "Voronezh-1" and "Voronezh-Kursky" it is not difficult to walk to the monument in 20-25 minutes.

Years of creation:

Monument to a dog named White Bim Black Ear

Description of the monument:

The monument to the dog named White Bim Black Ear, the protagonist of the story of the same name by the famous Voronezh writer Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky (1905-1995), was opened in Voronezh on September 5, 1998.

The authors of the monument are Voronezh sculptors I.P. Dikunov and E.N. Pack. They were sittered by a real Scottish Setter. And Troepolsky himself advised them. For casting the sculpture, the authors chose stainless steel, since Bim was a white dog, and only the right ear and one paw were made of bronze. Bim was portrayed in life size without a pedestal on a small elevation, sadly peering into the distance and faithfully waiting for the owner.

The story "White Bim Black Ear" about the tragic fate devoted dog released in 1971 and was a huge success. It was translated into dozens of languages ​​of the world, and the author was given the State Prize of the USSR. Later, a film was made based on the book, which also enjoyed immense popularity and even claimed an Oscar in the Best Foreign Picture category.

The touching sculpture was installed on the square in front of the Voronezh puppet theater "Jester". The monument immediately fell in love with Voronezh residents and guests of the city. It is impossible to pass by it indifferently. It became a good omen to stroke Bim's bronze ear. When in 2009 a vote was held to choose the unofficial symbol of Voronezh, Bim took an honorable third place, losing only to Peter I and the Kitten from Lizyukov Street.

The monument to Bim has become a symbol of mercy, love, kindness. The place next to this monument was chosen for the III All-Russian action "Russia without cruelty" on April 23, 2011.

There is a monument in our city, by which it is impossible to pass indifferently, without feeling the excitement of the heart and the vague anxiety that gnaws at the soul ...

White Bim Black Ear- a four-legged and very touching hero of the story of the same name by the Voronezh writer Gavriil Troepolsky about the tragic fate of a devoted dog. The book was a huge success, it has been translated in dozens of countries, and in American colleges it is even included in the reading program.

According to the story, a film was made in Soviet times, which was remembered and loved by millions of viewers, largely due to the brilliant performance of the great Russian actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov, who played the role of Bim's owner.

The monument to the dog was erected in front of the Voronezh Puppet Theater "Jester", not far from the fabulous and equally kind Fountain Fairy. It is made of stainless steel, cast in natural dog (Bima breed - English Setter) size.

The right ear of the dog and one of his paws are bronze, his name is engraved on the collar. Stroking Bim's bronze ear is a good omen, the dog is stroked by both adults and children, and therefore his ear, polished with thousands of friendly touches, shines brightly in the sun and is noticeable from afar.

A distinctive feature of the monument is the absence of a pedestal. Bim sits and patiently waits for his master. It seems that just now he will call his devoted friend to him and Bim will break from his seat and, happily waving his tail, will rush towards him.

The writer himself spoke of his creation as follows: "I released my Bim into the wild in Voronezh, since then he has been running."
The authors of the unique monument to Bim, famous Voronezh sculptors, Elsa Pack And Ivan Dikunov started working on it in 1985, created it at their own expense.

At the same time, the sculptors consulted with the author of the story about Bima himself, who was looking forward to the appearance of a monument to his hero. But, unfortunately, Troepolsky did not live to see its installation, which took place only in September 1998. On November 28, 2010, on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the writer, an event was held near the monument in his honor in the form of a theatrical performance "Bim, who descended from the pages of the book."

Notable is such a fact from the "life" Bima, this time in the form of a monument: in 2009, after summing up the results of voting on the choice of the unofficial symbol of Voronezh, Bim took pride of place, losing only Peter I And Kitten from Lizyukov street.

However, the monument found its high purpose in something else: it became a symbol of mercy, love, kindness. So, on April 23, 2011, the 3rd All-Russian action "Russia Without Cruelty" took place next to the monument.

... What child does not dream of a dog? The Voronezh children are lucky - they have Bim!

The monument to White Bim Black Ear is dedicated to the character of the story of Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky. The monument is installed on the square in front of the Voronezh Puppet Theater "Jester", located on the main and most beautiful street of Voronezh - ( former name- Bolshaya Dvoryanskaya), house 50.

  • opening date September 5, 1998
  • AuthorsIvan Dikunov and Elsa Pak
  • DedicatedA dog named BIM. The literary hero of the story G.N. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear"
  • SymbolizesLoyalty, Love and Mercy
  • MaterialStainless steel, Bronze
  • Breed Setter Gordon

The sculpture of the dog - White Bim is created in full size, in a sitting pose. The main material of the monument is stainless steel. The right ear and left paw are made of bronze. The monument does not have a pedestal, the Dog sits right on the ground in the middle of the square and looks with sad eyes, as if looking into the eyes of every passerby, waiting for his beloved master. The dog's collar is engraved with his name - BIM.

The history of the appearance of the monument of White Bim Black Ear

In 1980, the idea of ​​creating a monument arose, but in 1985 Voronezh sculptors, laureates of the State Prize of Russia Ivan Dikunov and Elza Pak, began to implement it, who made and erected the monument at their own expense. The author of the story “White Bim Black Ear” G.N. Troepolsky and was looking forward to the appearance of a monument to his hero. Unfortunately, the writer Troepolsky G. N. (1905-1995) did not live to see the joyful moment when the monument was erected in the center of his hometown. The sculpture of the dog was cast in the city of Penza. The opening of the monument took place on September 5, 1998 on the Day of the city of Voronezh.

Who is White Bim Black Ear?

The story "White Bim Black Ear" was written in 1971 by the Voronezh writer Troepolsky G.N. The book gained worldwide fame and became a success immediately after its publication. It has been reprinted many times and translated into many languages ​​of the world. In 1971, the author of the book was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

The book tells about the dramatic and devoted love of a dog for his master. The search for the owner, a journey without supervision, meetings with kind and evil people, numerous trials, betrayal and slander, tragic fate- death in a shelter, not having time to meet with the owner.

White Bim Black Ear in Cinema

In 1977, Stanislav Rostotsky made a two-part film of the same name based on the book, which also won many film festivals and received an Oscar nomination in the Best Foreign Film category.

What breed of dog is White Bim Black Ear?

White Bim Black Ear dog breed - Gordon Setter.

Quote from the book:

“But the fact is that Beam, with all his virtues, had a big drawback, which later greatly affected his fate: although he was from the breed of Scottish setters (Gordon Setter), the color turned out to be absolutely atypical - that's the point. According to the standards of hunting dogs, the Gordon Setter must be black, with a brilliant bluish tint - the color of a raven, and always with clearly demarcated bright markings, reddish tan, even white markings are considered a great vice in Gordons. Bim degenerated like this: the body is white, but with red tan marks and even a slightly noticeable red speck, only one ear and one leg are black, really like a raven's wing, the second ear is a soft yellowish-red color. Even a surprisingly similar phenomenon: in all respects - a Gordon setter, and the color - well, nothing like that.

Symbol, city love and the most popular place in the city of Voronezh

White Bim Black Ear is very much loved in the city, especially by children. Many little kids with their parents come to the square in front of the puppet theater to rub the Dog's nose for good luck and whisper innermost desires into his ear. Both children and adults consider it a good omen to stroke a devoted four-legged friend. From the touch of thousands of hands, the head and bronze ear are polished to a shine and visible from afar.

... What child does not dream of a dog? The Voronezh children are lucky - they have Bim!

The monument to the dog turned out to be very touching and surprisingly real and became a symbol of love, kindness and mercy. This dog has never existed in reality, but lives on in the hearts of many people.

Bim is a real national treasure of Voronezh. Every Voronezh citizen has a photo with this monument. Any tourist who has visited Voronezh believes that it is simply necessary to get here - to see the theater and remember the history of Bim. The most popular place in the city of Voronezh.

In 2009, in the competition for the title of the unofficial symbol of the city of Voronezh, the monument to White Bim, Black Ear, took an honorable third place. According to the results of the voting, the monument to Peter I won the first place, and the second place went to the Kitten from Lizyukov Street.

Monument to Bim - the only monument to a dog in the world - literary hero and the second monument to a dog in Russia. The first was a monument to Pavlov's dog in St. Petersburg, erected in 1935.

Photos of the monument to White Bim Black Ear

There is one very kind monument in Voronezh. It is rare to see monuments to dogs. The monument to Bim is the most beloved for the Voronezh children. And not only that, even adults are happy to be photographed in an embrace with the legendary hero of the story of Gavriil Troepolsky. Let's remember who this same Bim is, and why he became so famous that they even erected a monument to him ...

About the monument to Bim in Voronezh

The monument to the White Bim is the only monument in the world to a dog-literary hero and the second monument in Russia erected to a dog (the first is the monument to Laika in Moscow). The authors of the monument are Voronezh sculptors Elza Pak and Ivan Dikunov. The beam is made of stainless steel and cast in Penza in full size. The dog's right ear and one of its paws are made of bronze... The monument was solemnly opened at the Shut Puppet Theater on the day of the city - in 1998. Unfortunately, the author of the story did not live to see its installation...

About the story "White Bim Black Ear

The story was written in 1971. Its author, Voronezh writer Gavriil Troepolsky (1905-1995), was awarded the USSR State Prize. The book has withstood a large number of reprints and has been translated into many languages ​​of the world. The plot of the book is simple. Bim lives in an apartment with the owner Ivan Ivanych. They often go hunting in the forest. But suddenly the owner is taken to the operation, and the dog is on the street. Beam meets many people, is treated differently, from pity to cruelty. But no one manages to shelter him. After passing many trials, Bim dies, becoming a victim of betrayal and slander. The owner comes to the shelter for him, but finds the already dead body of his beloved friend in place...

About the film White Bim Black Ear

In 1977, a 2-episode feature film was made based on the book (dir. Stanislav Rostotsky). According to the results of the audience poll conducted by the Soviet Screen magazine, the film was recognized as the best film of the year. The film was nominated for an Oscar in 1978 as the best film for foreign language. The melodramatic motif of a dog lost in a big city even today involuntarily causes a tear-squeezing effect and does not leave millions of viewers indifferent. Filming took place in Kaluga. The role of an intelligent and tactful owner of a thoroughbred dog was successfully played by the actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov. English setter Steve and his stunt double Dandy starred as Bim.

"This is a word for little people who will later be adults, a word for adults who have not forgotten that they were once children" - this is the parting word of the author of the book to all readers of the story. I think there is a reason to re-read the book and watch this good movie with the children. After all, what they say has not lost its relevance in our days ...

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  • Address:

    Voronezh, Revolution Ave.

  • Additional Information:

    The monument is located at puppet theater, next to the stop of the same name of any transport going along Revolution Avenue