MBU DO "DKhSH" in Gorodets Additional general developmental program in the field visual arts"Primary Art Education" Presentation for open lesson on the subject "Composition" in the 2nd grade Theme of the lesson: "Floral ornament in the strip" Completed by: teacher of the MBU DO "DKhSH" in Gorodets Plekhanova M.Yu. Gorodets 2017

Floral ornament in a strip

"An artist, if he is a real, genuine artist, must feel the ornament in nature." (M. Vrubel)

ORNAMENT Translated from the Latin “ornamentum” - “decoration” - this is a pattern built on the rhythmic alternation of depicted motifs.

STYLIZATION - a decorative generalization of the depicted figures and objects using conventional techniques, simplifying the pattern and shape, color and volume. As a result of styling, the object can be changed, simplified, but recognizable. STYLIZATION IN ORNAMENT

Transformation of a natural form into a decorative one

Rhythms permeate the whole life of nature: waves, sand dunes and dunes, the rhythm of the heart, daily, annual, lunar and solar rhythms. Carefully peering into the forms of trees, flowers, shoots, we see a frozen rhythm of branching, leaf arrangement, we observe various examples of symmetry. These rhythms we can see, hear, observe. RHYTHM

RHYTHM is orderliness, the alternation of any elements that occurs with a certain sequence, frequency. Rhythm gives dynamics, a sense of movement in nature and human life. Rhythm in an ornament is the alternation of pattern elements in a certain sequence.

Ornament is a part of our spiritual life, expressing a person's need for beauty. But not always the ornament was just decoration. Our distant ancestors assigned a much more serious role to the ornament. It was not just a drawing, but a symbol, a sign behind which there was a certain perception of the world around.

The sinuous line was a symbol of water. The circle was a solar (solar) sign. He personified the power that gave life to all things. The cross also personified the sun or, later, was a talisman against the dark forces of evil. All these signs had a protective, protective value when placed on objects.

Over the centuries, a certain style of various ornaments has developed, on which lies the imprint of the cultures and peoples that gave rise to them. ORNAMENT IN APPLIED ARTS AND CRAFTS

1 . Linear (tape) - looks like a tape or strip, it consists of repeating elements and is limited on two sides - top and bottom. It is built from identical, repeating or alternating elements arranged along a straight line. Types of ornaments BY COMPOSITION

2. Mesh - a repeating motif fills the entire decorative surface, developing in two directions: horizontally and vertically.

3. Closed - ornamental motifs are located in a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, etc.

construction of a floral ornament in a strip An ornament in a strip is a rhythmic composition based on the repetition or regular alternation of motifs located along a curved or straight line. The motif is the primary element of the ornament. Rapport - the minimum size of a repeating pattern + the distance to an adjacent motif.

SCHEMES OF CONSTRUCTION OF CONSTRUCTION OF LINEAR ORNAMENT Determine the principles of rhythmic construction of a linear ornament on the diagrams presented:

Performance practical work on the topic: "PLANT ORNAMENT IN A STRIP" Work plan: Drawing up a sketch of the composition (decorative processing of plant forms, choosing a scheme for the rhythmic construction of an ornament). 2. Detailed drawing of motifs and rapport of the ornament. 3. Making the pattern of the ornament according to the sketch. 4. Work in color (color solution of the composed composition, work on details).

An example of a practical work on the topic: "PLANT ORNAMENT IN A STRIP"

Questions: What is an ornament? What is the purpose of the ornament? What is the source of inspiration for artists? What is rhythm in ornament? What is rapport? What types of ornaments, depending on the motives prevailing in them, do you know? What types of ornaments by composition do you know? Give examples of using the floral ornament you created in the strip.

Test on the topic “Vegetal Ornament in a Stripe” Decorative generalization of the depicted figures and objects using conventional techniques, simplifying the pattern and shape, color and volume is: A) ornament B) decorative processing C) stylization 2. A pattern built on the rhythmic alternation of the depicted motives are: A) stylization B) ornament C) rhythm

3. Orderliness, alternation of any elements, occurring with a certain sequence, frequency - this is: A) stylization B) rhythm C) pattern 4 . Ornament in a strip - A) a rhythmic composition based on the repetition or regular alternation of motifs located along a curved or straight line; B) a pattern that fills the entire decorative surface, developing in two directions: horizontally and vertically; C) a pattern located in a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, etc.

5. The motive is: A) the primary element of the ornament; B) the minimum size of a repeating pattern + the distance to a neighboring motif; C) a repeating element. 6. Rapport is: A) the minimum size of a repeating pattern + the distance to a neighboring motif; B) the primary element of the pattern; C) distance to a neighboring motif.

7. Name the types of ornaments BY COMPOSITION: A) Answer options: linear, closed, mesh

B) Answer options: linear, closed, mesh

C) Answer options: linear, closed, mesh

The key to the test for self-control: 1 - B, C 2 - B 3 - B 4 - A 5 - A 6 - A 7 - A) closed, B) linear, C) mesh

Sources: http://oldchest.ru/vyshivka/russkaya-vyshivka-19-20vek / http://www.tvorchistvo.ru/vidy-ornamenta / Sokolnikova N.M. Grades 5-8: At 4 hours. Part 3. Fundamentals of composition. - Obninsk: Title, 1996 Photos of embroidered products from the personal archive (artist Plekhanova M.Yu.)

An ornament in a strip is a rhythmically repeating pattern located in a limited space, in a strip. It is intended for decorating utensils, furniture, weapons, clothing, wallpaper, baguettes for paintings, designing printed materials, and even as a tattoo.

geometric stripe ornament

There are many directions in the visual arts. Along with realism, there are cubism, symbolism, abstraction and similar trends. The ornament in the strip also has conditional subdivisions. It can be pictorial and non-pictorial, that is, geometric. Skills in this area of ​​fine arts develop a sense of beauty, a sense of space, symmetry, understanding and use of the "golden section" rule.

The strip is made up of circles, rhombuses, squares, lines, segments and their combinations. The first drafting skills can begin to be instilled in early childhood application method. First, the children are offered to repeat the ornament in the strip from the presented sample. Gradually, children should be given more opportunities for creativity. Let them experiment and make ornaments on their own, based on their own taste and including imagination. Examples of what ornaments can be made using only the background and the same triangles are shown in this figure.

in the strip

If specific objects taken from the real world are used in the motifs of the pattern, for example, the forms of plants, humans or animals, houses or ships, then such ornaments are classified as pictorial. Of course, reality in the given is not reproduced with accuracy. Images are simplified, stylized, typed, approaching geometrization. Graphic ornaments, in turn, are divided into vegetable, floral, zoomorphic, anthropomorphic, subject and mixed. In addition to directly real objects, multidirectional lines, curls and fantasy decorations are woven into the pattern. Most often, mixed ornaments are presented, where branches and leaves, butterflies and birds are depicted.

Floral ornament of the "kaleidoscope" type

A variety of types of ornaments are used by artists to compose carpet designs. What is most surprising is that many artists are helped in this difficult task by geometry, one might even say - physics. Once upon a time, a children's kaleidoscope toy was invented. Mirrors were located inside it, and fragments of multi-colored glass were poured onto the bottom. When the “tube” was turned, the fragments formed some kind of motif, which, repeated many times by the reflections of the mirrors, appeared to the beholder in an amazing, unique fairy-tale light. Many compilers of ornaments work according to this principle. Having folded the paper circle several times in such a way that a sector is obtained - a part limited by two radii and an arc, the artist depicts a motif on it. By copying it to all other sectors, you can get a real miracle! If you want to make an ornament in a strip, it is quite appropriate to use this circle as a repeating motif. It will only be necessary to fill in the resulting voids with a simple small ornamental motif.

State budget educational institution

initial vocational education

professional lyceum № 24, Sibay

Methodological development of a lesson in the discipline

"Fundamentals of composition and color science"

on the topic of: « Ornament. Types of ornaments»

Developed by: master of p / o I qualification category

G.K. Zainulina


Modern world culture is the owner of a huge heritage in the field of all types of fine arts. Studying the greatest monuments of architecture, painting, sculpture and decorative and applied arts, one cannot ignore another area of ​​artistic creativity. It's about decoration. Using the role of one or another object, an ornament (lat. Ornamentum - decoration) cannot exist separately outside a certain work of art, it has applied functions. The work of art is the object itself, decorated with an ornament.

With a careful study of the role and function of the ornament, it becomes obvious that its significance in the system of expressive means of a work of art is much greater than the decorative function, and is not limited to only one applied character. Unlike color, texture, plasticity, which cannot exist outside a certain object without losing its imagery, an ornament can retain it even in fragments or when redrawing. In addition, a number of ornamental motifs are inherently stable, allowing a certain motif to be used over a long period of time and on various objects, in different materials, without depriving it of the logic of its ornamental form.

Ornament - part material culture society. A careful study and development of the richest heritage of this component of world artistic culture contributes to the education of artistic taste, the formation of ideas in the field of cultural history, makes it more significant inner world. Creative development of decorative and ornamental art of previous eras enriches the practice contemporary artists and architects.

Lesson topic. Ornament. Types of ornaments.

Lesson goals. 1. Familiarization of students with the ornament, with its types. Tell

about the structure of ornaments, about the diversity and unity of ornaments

tal motives of countries and peoples.

2. Formation of skills and knowledge. Develop the ability to analyze

to establish, establish connections and relationships. Develop skills

plan their activities, the memory of students.

3. Cultivate friendliness, friendliness. Generate messages

strength, responsibility and determination.

Lesson type. Lesson of communication of new material.

Educational and methodological support and TCO. Textbook by N.M. Sokolnikov “Fine Arts”, “Fundamentals of Composition”, illustrations, reproductions of great artists.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

a) checking the attendance of students according to the journal;

b) appearance check;

c) checking the availability of educational supplies.

2. Checking homework.

Front poll:

a) What is coloristics (color science)?

b) Tell us about the history of the development of color science.

c) What contribution did Leonardo da Vinci make to the history of the development of color?

d) Tell us about the idea of ​​Leonardo da Vinci's six-color color scheme.

e) What contribution to the history of the development of color science was made by Newton, Roger de Piles, M.V. Lomonosov and Runge?

3. Communication of new material.

An ornament is a pattern built on rhythmic alternation and an organized arrangement of elements.

The term "ornament" is related to the word "decoration". Depending on the nature of the motifs, the following types of ornaments are distinguished: geometric, floral, zoomorphic, anthropomorphic and combined.

Rhythm in an ornament is the alternation of pattern elements in a certain sequence.

The pattern can be flat and voluminous. A flat pattern is created by completely or partially superimposing one form on another by interpenetrating these figures.

A flat pattern can be repeated many times. This repetition is called motive, or rapport.

Of the ornaments, the most common are ribbon, mesh and compositionally closed.

A ribbon (strip) ornament is built from identical, repeating or alternating elements arranged along a curved or straight line.

Repeating elements of the same size create monotony and monotony of the rhythm, alternating elements give rise to a more “live” composition with a growing and undulating rhythm.

Alternating or repeating elements can be different in size, that is, they are built on the contrast of shapes (large, medium, small) with their different movements. Contrast helps to reveal the figurative characteristics of the forms used.

Contrast can also manifest itself in the distribution of black and white spots of tone, when some spots are enhanced and others are weakened.

Of great importance is the principle of light contrast, which is expressed in the fact that any color darkens on light, and brightens on dark. This phenomenon applies to varying degrees to both achromatic (black and white) and chromatic colors.

The ribbon ornament can be in the form of a horizontal, vertical or inclined strip. Such an ornament is characterized by openness, that is, the importance of its continuation. Let us follow successively how a strip ornament is built, located vertically, horizontally or in the form of an inclined strip. We draw a strip for the ornament required in width, breaking it into squares, rectangles, respectively, and draw axes of symmetry in them. Then pre-stylized forms, taken, for example, from sketches of plants, are placed on a plane, building alternating elements of the ornament.

After that, we look at whether we are satisfied with what happened. If not, we add smaller or medium-sized forms (according to the principle of the three-component nature of these forms).

Completing the composition, you need to determine where the darkest and lightest spots will be, how they will be repeated on the plane, where the gray spots will be located and what they will complement - dark or light elements of the ornament.

At the heart of the mesh ornament is a cell with an ornamental motif inscribed in it - rapport. Cell size may vary.

Mesh ornament is typical for fabrics to a greater extent. A cell can be repeated multiple times. The mesh ornament is built similarly to the strip ornament. The main task in its construction is to correctly plot the axes of symmetry.

Symmetry in art is the exact regularity of the arrangement of objects or parts of an artistic whole.

Origin History

Ornament(Latin ornemantum - decoration) - a pattern based on the repetition and alternation of its constituent elements; designed to decorate various items. Ornament is one of ancient species pictorial activity of a person, in the distant past, carried a symbolic and magical meaning, symbolism. In those days, when a person switched to a settled way of life and began to make tools and household items. The desire to decorate your home is characteristic of a person of any era. And yet, in ancient applied art, the magical element prevailed over the aesthetic, acting as a talisman against the elements and evil forces. Apparently, the very first ornament adorned a vessel molded of clay, when the invention of the potter's wheel was still far away. And such an ornament consisted of a series of simple indentations made on the neck with a finger approximately at an equal distance from each other .. naturally, these indentations could not make the vessel more convenient to use. However, they made it more interesting (pleased the eye) and, most importantly, "protected" from the penetration of evil spirits through the neck. The same applies to the decoration of clothes. Magic signs on it protected the human body from evil forces. Therefore, it is not surprising that spell patterns were placed on the collar, sleeves, and hem. The emergence of the ornament goes back centuries and, for the first time, its traces were captured in the Paleolithic era (15-10 thousand years BC). In the Neolithic culture, the ornament has already reached a wide variety of forms and began to dominate. Over time, the ornament loses its dominant position and cognitive significance, retaining, however, an important streamlining and decorating role in the system of plastic art. Each era, style, consistently emerging national culture worked out its own system; therefore, the ornament is a reliable sign of the belonging of works to a certain time, people, country. The purpose of the ornament was determined - to decorate. Ornament reaches a special development where conditional forms of reflection of reality prevail: in the Ancient East, in pre-Columbian America, in Asian cultures of antiquity and the Middle Ages, in European Middle Ages. In folk art, since ancient times, stable principles and forms of ornamentation have been formed, which largely determine national artistic traditions. For example, in India, the ancient art of rangoli (alpona) - an ornamental pattern - prayer, has been preserved.

Types and types of ornament

There are four types of ornaments:

Geometric ornament. Geometric ornament consists of dots, lines and geometric shapes.

Floral ornament. The floral ornament is made up of stylized leaves, flowers, fruits, branches, etc.

zoomorphic ornament. The zoomorphic ornament includes stylized images of real or fantastic animals.

Anthropomorphic ornament. Anthropomorphic ornament uses male and female stylized figures or individual parts of the human body as motifs.


Ornament in a strip with a linear vertical or horizontal alternation of motif (ribbon). This includes friezes, borders, frames, borders, etc.

closed ornament. It is arranged in a rectangle, square or circle (rosette). The motive in it either does not have a repetition, or is repeated with a rotation on the plane (the so-called rotational symmetry).

TO geometric include ornaments, the motifs of which consist of various geometric shapes, lines and their combinations.
In nature, geometric shapes do not exist. Geometric correctness is an achievement of the human mind, a way of abstraction. Any geometrically correct forms look mechanical, dead. The fundamental principle of almost any geometric form is a real-life form, generalized and simplified to the limits. One of the main ways to create a geometric ornament is the gradual simplification and schematization (stylization) of motifs that originally had a pictorial character.
Elements of geometric ornament: lines - straight lines, broken lines, curves; geometric shapes - triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, ellipses, as well as complex shapes obtained from combinations of simple shapes.

Fine an ornament is called, the motifs of which reproduce specific objects and forms of the real world - plants (vegetative ornament), animals (zoomorphic motifs), humans (anthropomorphic motifs), etc. The real motives of nature in the ornament are significantly processed, and not reproduced, as in painting or graphics. In the ornament, natural forms require some measure of simplification, stylization, typification, and, ultimately, geometrization. This is probably due to the repeated repetition of the motif of the ornament.

Nature and the world around us are the basis of ornamental art. In the creative process of designing an ornament, it is necessary to discard insignificant details and details of objects and leave only the general, most characteristic and distinctive features. For example, a chamomile or sunflower flower may look simplified in an ornament.
The natural form is reincarnated by the power of imagination with the help of conditional forms, lines, spots into something completely new. The existing form is simplified to an extremely generalized, familiar geometric form. This makes it possible to repeatedly repeat the shape of the ornament. What was lost by the natural form during simplification and generalization returns to it when using artistic ornamental means: the rhythm of turns, different scales, flatness of the image, coloristic solutions of forms in the ornament.

How does the transformation of natural forms into ornamental motifs take place? First, a sketch is made from nature, which conveys the similarity and details as accurately as possible (the “photographing” stage). The meaning of reincarnation is the transition from a sketch to a conditional form. This is the second stage - transformation, stylization of the motif. Thus, stylization in ornament is the art of reincarnation. From one sketch, you can extract various ornamental solutions.

The method of forming an ornament and the choice of ornamental forms, as a rule, is consistent with the possibilities of a visual medium.

Patterns of compositional constructions


Composition(from lat. compposito) - compilation, arrangement, construction; the structure of a work of art, determined by its content, character and purpose.
Creating a composition from scraps of fabric is the choice of an ornamental and coloristic theme, pattern, plot, determining the overall and internal dimensions of the work, as well as the relative position of its parts.
ornamental composition- this is the compilation, construction, structure of the pattern.
The elements of the ornamental composition and at the same time its expressive means include: dot, spot, line, color, texture. These elements (means) of the composition in the work are transformed into ornamental motifs.
Speaking about the patterns of ornamental compositions, first of all, it is necessary to say about the proportions. Proportions determine other patterns of constructing ornamental compositions (meaning rhythm, plasticity, symmetry and asymmetry, statics and dynamics.


Rhythm in an ornamental composition they call the pattern of alternation and repetition of motifs, figures and intervals between them. Rhythm is the main organizing principle of any ornamental composition. The most important characteristic of an ornament is the rhythmic repetition of motifs and elements of these motifs, their inclinations and turns, the surfaces of motif spots and the intervals between them.
rhythmic organization- this is the relative position of motifs on the compositional plane. Rhythm organizes a kind of movement in the ornament: transitions from small to large, from simple to complex, from light to dark, or the repetition of the same forms at equal or different intervals. Rhythm can be:

1) metric (uniform);

2) uneven.

Depending on the rhythm, the pattern becomes static or dynamic.
rhythmic scale determines the rhythm of motifs in vertical and horizontal rows, the number of motifs, the plastic characteristics of the shape of motifs, and the features of the location of motifs in rapport.
motive- part of the ornament, its main forming element.
Ornamental compositions in which the motif is repeated at regular intervals are called rapport compositions.

rapport- the minimum and simple in form area occupied by the motif and the gap to the adjacent motif.

The regular repetition of rapport vertically and horizontally forms a rapport grid. The rapports are adjacent to each other, without overlapping one another and leaving no gaps.

Depending on the shape of the surface they decorate, ornaments are: monorapport or closed; linear rapport or tape; mesh-rapport or mesh.

Monorapport ornaments represent final figures (for example, coat of arms, emblem, etc.).

In linear rapport ornaments, the motif (rapport) is repeated along one straight line. A ribbon ornament is a pattern whose elements create a rhythmic row that fits into a two-way ribbon.

Mesh-rapport ornaments have two transfer axes - horizontal and vertical. A mesh ornament is a pattern whose elements are located along many transfer axes and create movement in all directions. The simplest mesh-rapport ornament is a grid of parallelograms.

In complex ornaments, it is always possible to identify a grid, the nodes of which make up a certain system of points in the ornament. Rapports of complex shape are built as follows. In one of the rapports of a rectangular grid, broken or curved lines are drawn outside to the right and upper sides, and to the left and lower - the same lines, but inside the cell. Thus, a complex structure is obtained, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is equal to a rectangle.

With these figures, the area of ​​the ornament is filled without gaps.
The composition of the mesh ornament is based on five systems (grids): square, rectangular, regular triangular, rhombic and oblique parallelogram.

In order to determine the type of grid, it is necessary to connect repeating

ornamental elements.

The rhythmic series suggests the presence of at least three or four ornamental elements, since too short a series cannot fulfill

organizing role in the composition.

The novelty of the composition of the ornament, as noted by V.M. Shugaev, a well-known specialist in the field of the theory of ornament on fabric, is manifested not in new motives, but mainly in new rhythmic constructions, new combinations of ornamental elements. Thus, the rhythm in the composition of the ornament is given special importance. Rhythm, along with color, is the basis of the emotional expressiveness of the ornament.
Plastic in ornamental art, it is customary to call smooth, continuous transitions from one form element to another. If during rhythmic movements the elements are at some distance from each other, then during plastic movement they merge.

Ornamental forms, depending on the emotional impact, are conventionally divided into heavy and light. Heavy shapes include a square, cube, circle, ball, light ones - a line, rectangle, ellipse.


Symmetry- this is the property of a figure (or ornamental motif) to be superimposed on itself in such a way that all points occupy their original position. Asymmetry is the absence or violation of symmetry.
In the visual arts, symmetry is one of the means of constructing an art form. Symmetry is usually present in any ornamental composition; this is one of the forms of manifestation of the rhythmic principle in the ornament.
Basic elements of symmetry: plane of symmetry, axis of symmetry, axis of transfers, plane of grazing reflection.
Plane of symmetry - an imaginary plane that divides a figure into two mirror-equal parts

- figures with one plane of symmetry,

A figure with two planes of symmetry,

- with four planes of symmetry.

4. Rules for constructing an ornament.

Showing and explaining the construction of ornaments:

a) tape;

b) mesh.

5. Consolidation of the studied material.

1. Frontal survey:

What is the purpose of the ornament?

What types of ornaments, depending on the structure, do you know?

What types of ornaments, depending on the motives prevailing in them, do you know?

Find signs of ornaments from different peoples of the world with the same motifs.

What types of ornaments do you know?

What is an ornament? What is ornamental art?

What is rhythm in ornament? What is rapport?

What is called symmetry in art?

What is a plane of symmetry?

2. Exercise:

a) the construction of a ribbon ornament;

b) construction of a mesh ornament.

6. Summing up.

7. Homework.

Come up with your own ornaments in a circle, in a square and in a strip, using geometric shapes or vegetation.

Subject: Pattern in stripe.


Tasks: introduce art crafts: Gzhel, Zhostovo, Gorodets, Skopin, Oposhnya; clarify the concept of contrasting colors; develop cognitive needs, abilities; to cultivate interest in the works of folk art, in their own creativity

Cognitive results




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"modern ornament"

Kopaeva Natalya Viktorovna,

Music and art teacher

MOU secondary school No. 75 of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd

Subject: Pattern in stripe.
Target: to introduce students to the main types of ornament, to teach how to depict ornament elements.

Tasks: introduce art crafts: Gzhel, Zhostovo, Gorodets, Skopin, Oposhnya; clarify the concept of contrasting colors;

develop cognitive needs, abilities;

to cultivate interest in the works of folk art, in their own creativity;

Cognitive results: acquaintance with the types of ornament, with art crafts, with expressive combinations of contrasting colors

Subject: students gain knowledge about the ornament and in the future will apply this knowledge in practice

Personal: formation of an understanding of the ornament as a necessity for the expressiveness and beauty of surrounding objects, fostering a sense of pride

Communicative: the formation of the ability to listen and respect the opinions of other students

Place of the lesson in the system of lessons: repetition and clarification of the basics of color science,
improvement of graphic skills, creative fantasy and imagination,
continuation of acquaintance with art crafts, consolidation of the concepts of ornament and its elements.

Stages:1. Assimilation of knowledge
2. creative work students
3. Reflection
4. Evaluation of work. . (SLIDE #1)

During the classes.

1. Class organization.

2. Statement of the problem.

Guys, please look at the slide, think and say which image is superfluous. (SLIDE #2)(White shirt).

Why? (There are no patterns on it)

What is the correct name for patterns? (Ornament)

Right. What do you think, what will we talk about in the lesson? (About the ornament).

What do you think, why do you need an ornament? (For things to be beautiful)

Certainly. And let's think and remember, was there only an ornament on the clothes? (On dishes, tablecloths, curtains, etc.)

Quite right.

From the lessons of history, you know that at all times man has striven for beauty. The ornament appeared several thousand years ago. Ancient people tried to decorate their clay vessels with rows of dents. Thus, the first decorations were made on objects.

ancient man decorated his home. In the future, as the human mind developed, he sought to make weapons for himself, tools of labor: rakes, scythes, pitchforks;

dishes, and they were made of clay: jugs, plates, etc. ;

this is clothing: shirts, dresses, sweaters; )

these are also things intended for the decoration of a Russian hut: paths, towels, curtains. (SLIDE #3)

He decorated all these items in his own way. In ancient times, every woman knew how to make clothes. In Rus', an unmarried girl prepared a chest with a dowry for herself. It was believed that the size of the dowry indicates what kind of mistress she will turn out to be. The heavier the chest and the more beautifully made things, the better. So the girl is a real needlewoman. The patterns were designed and made by ourselves. talking modern language, each thing had its own pattern, that is ornament . What does this word mean? Translated from Latin "Ornament" is a pattern built on the repetition and alternation of its constituent elements.

The source of the creation of original compositions for the ornament modern man became nature. Admiring nature, man noticed in it many unusual shapes and interesting color shades: fruits and leaves of different plants, patterns on the wings of butterflies and birds. Therefore, the ornament has decorative forms, borrowed from the external forms of animals, plants, through simplification and generalization.

Look at the slide. (SLIDE #4) It features ornaments, but are they all the same? Maybe they are somehow different from each other? (On one ornament, elements of plants are visible, on the other, silhouettes of animals, as well as an ornament that depicts geometric elements)

Well done, you got it right. And thus, we come to the conclusion that there are several types of ornament. (SLIDE #5)

Ornaments are:

Geometric consists of points, lines (straight, broken, zigzag, mesh-intersecting), and shapes (circles, rhombuses, polyhedrons, stars, crosses, spirals, etc.).

Vegetable - a kind of ornament, the main elements of which are decoratively processed flowers, leaves, branches of any plants. Its forms can be very different from natural forms.

Animals (zoomorphic) - a type of ornament that stylizes figures or parts of figures of real or fantastic animals.

Symbolic represent a specific symbol. He expressed very broad, diverse concepts. For example, a bird in ancient times was an image associated with the heavenly, airy element, a servant of the sun, an image that connected heaven and earth. It meant warmth and promised a rich harvest.

Combined combines different types of ornament (SLIDE #6)

Russian ornament is very diverse. In the old days, decorative elements were made up of symbols and reflected the feelings and interests of the peasant. For example: the figurine of a bird meant warmth and promised a rich harvest.

Types of ornament . The ornament has three varieties:




Tape- the ornament is usually located in a strip with a vertical or horizontal alternation of the motif. This type of ornament includes: borders, wallpaper, border.

Closed- an ornament in a circle, in a square or rectangular figure (napkin, tablecloth).

Reticulate- the ornament is built using a grid on which various patterns are located. It is used in the design of the ceiling, walls, floor in the room. (SLIDE #7)

And now we will be divided into 4 groups of 6 people. Each group is presented with several variants of the ornament in color. Your task is to consider the ornaments and think which ones are more expressive.(SLIDE #8)

(Those ornaments in which there are contrasting colors)

Yes, contrasting colors enhance the emotional impact. Let's remember them.

Red Green

Orange - blue

Purple - yellow (SLIDE #9)

I want to add that the color in the pattern had a special meaning. Red expressed delight, joy, it is the color of the sun, fire and life. White color was associated with light, purity. Yellow is the color of the sun. Green was combined with the nature surrounding the person.

Black color gives expressiveness to the pattern.

In Rus', the ornament served not only as an adornment, but also as protection from unkind, evil spirits. Embroideries were made on the collars and sleeves of shirts, which “protected” from all evil spirits.

The ornament is the style of the era, a sign that the work belongs to a given time and people: Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, etc.

I propose to turn to the art of masters from different places of our Motherland, to see how they knew how to decorate their lives and admire the beauty and expressiveness of works of art. Remember what kind of art craft we already talked about in our lessons?

(Khokhloma) (SLIDE #10)

Quite right. And now we will turn to the works of art of other masters)

(SLIDE #11)

Zhostovo (SLIDE #12)

In the craft of the Zhostovo painted tray, the main motif is a flower bouquet, mostly on a black or red background, in which large garden and small wild flowers alternate.

Gorodets (SLIDE #13)

Gorodets painting is bright and laconic (genre scenes, figurines of horses, roosters, floral patterns), made with a free brushstroke with white and black graphic strokes, adorned spinning wheels, furniture, shutters, doors, and souvenirs.

Skopin (SLIDE #14)

Skopinsky pottery is obliged to the clay that occurs in the vicinity of the city of Skopina. This is the production of pottery figurative vessels and candlesticks, multi-tiered, decorated with complex stucco, made in the form of an outlandish animal or with figures of birds, fish and animals.

Opishna (SLIDE #15)

In the painting there is a floral ornament, arranged in the form of a bouquet or a wreath of intertwining flowers, bunches of grapes, ears, stems, branches. Warm brown-red colors are enlivened with splashes of green and blue.

Guys, think about how you can apply an ornament?

(The ornament can be embroidered or woven from threads, carved on wood, metal. It can be woven from lace, painted with paints, pencils, gouache.)

Guys, would you like to learn how to make such beautiful patterns?

Then now we will draw an ornament.

Exercise: Make a pattern in a stripe. Motifs - geometric, floral.

There can be several repeating patterns from any elements in the strip, but they must alternate.

Drawing a pattern with a simple pencil.

Correct selection of colors.

Painting the pattern with a brush, keeping the sequence of rhythmic alternation.

3. Creative work of students.

The work is performed to the music of P. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers".

4. Reflection.

What is an ornament?

What kind of ornaments are there?

What are the features of the ornament?

5. Analysis of students' work, grading. The brightness and purity of color, expressiveness, clarity and proportionality of the picture are evaluated.

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"Modern ornament."

Grade 5, lesson 10 Topic: Pattern in the strip. Purpose: to introduce students to the main types of ornament; teach how to draw ornamental elements Tasks: to introduce art crafts: Gzhel, Zhostovo, Gorodets, Skopin, Oposhnya; clarify the concept of contrasting colors. Raise interest in the works of folk art, in their own creativity. Develop cognitive needs, abilities. The place of the lesson in the system of lessons: fixing the concepts of ornament and its elements, repeating and clarifying the basics of color science, improvement of graphic skills, creative fantasy and imagination, continuation of acquaintance with art crafts. Cognitive results: acquaintance with the types of ornament, with artistic crafts, with expressive combinations of contrasting colors Subject: students gain knowledge about the ornament and in the future will apply this knowledge in practice Personal: the formation of an understanding of the ornament as a necessity for the expressiveness and beauty of surrounding objects, the development of a sense of pride Communicative: the formation of the ability to listen and respect the opinions of other students Stages: 1. Assimilation of knowledge 2. Creative work of students 3. Reflection 4. Evaluation of work.

geometric ornament consists of points, lines (straight, broken, zigzag, mesh-intersecting), and shapes (circles, rhombuses, polyhedrons, stars, crosses, spirals, etc.).

Floral ornament the main elements are decoratively processed flowers, leaves, branches of any plants.

animal ornament stylizing figures or parts of figures of real or fantastic animals.

Ornament combined combines different types of ornament

Three types of ornament: tape, closed, mesh.

Ribbon or frieze ornaments look like a long strip with a vertical or horizontal alternation of the motif. This type of ornament includes: borders, wallpaper, border.

A closed ornament is arranged on a plane of any shape. It can be located in a square, rectangle, triangle, oval, circle, etc. Similar ornaments are used in the design of scarves, napkins, tablecloths, carpets, hats, dishes, furniture, etc.

Mesh - the ornament is built using a grid,

on which are located

various patterns. It applies

in the design of the ceiling, walls, floor in the room.

Contrasting colors- opposite, emphasize and enhance the brightness of each other.

Three pairs of colors that are opposite each other:

Red Green



To complete the pattern, we will use contrasting colors.

Khokhloma A feature of the golden Khokhloma is the decorative painting of wooden utensils in red, green and black on a golden background and a kind of herbal painting. The fiery firebird, decorated with bright flowers, became the symbol of Khokhloma painting.

Zhostovo In the craft of the Zhostovo painted tray, the main motif is a flower bouquet, mostly on a black or red background, in which large garden and small wild flowers alternate.

Gorodets Gorodets painting is bright and laconic (genre scenes, figurines of horses, roosters, floral patterns), made with a free brushstroke with white and black graphic strokes, adorned spinning wheels, furniture, shutters, doors, and souvenirs.

Skopin Skopinsky pottery is obliged to the clay that occurs in the vicinity of the city of Skopina. This is the production of pottery figurative vessels and candlesticks, multi-tiered, decorated with complex stucco, made in the form of an outlandish animal or with figures of birds, fish and animals.

Opishna In the painting there is a floral ornament, arranged in the form of a bouquet or a wreath of intertwining flowers, bunches of grapes, ears, stems, branches. Warm brown-red colors are enlivened with splashes of green and blue.

Many culturological concepts are based on material manifestations of the people's consciousness: household items, clothing, the manner of building dwellings, and so on. It is quite obvious that these phenomena are studied by scientists as closely as possible, starting from external manifestations, ending with the sacred meaning inherent in them.

Ornaments are of particular interest in this regard, since they simultaneously identify a certain culture or nationality, and at the same time are common to completely different, sometimes diametrically opposed cultures.

Types of ornaments

At this stage in the development of cultural studies, it is customary to distinguish four main types of these decorating elements. One of the most common is considered a geometric pattern, which is characterized by an abundance of clear lines, dots and geometric shapes.

The next most popular is a floral ornament, which is based on the image of various leaves or flowers arranged in a certain order and specific forms. This type of decoration of clothes and household items is very characteristic of our Slavic culture.

Approximately the same distribution as the floral ornament received zoomorphic. In a sense, they are even close to each other, since elements of the flora are often found in this kind of images. Nevertheless, the main emphasis in this case is on animals (both real and fictional ones).

Finally, culturologists single out the so-called anthropomorphic type of ornament, the concept of which is based on a person.

In this article, we will define what a floral ornament is, for which cultures it is characteristic and what it symbolizes.

Historical roots

In general, the depiction of flora elements is characteristic of almost all cultures, since this tradition is directly related to the concept of the world tree.

This cult is considered one of the oldest and most widespread. For the Slavs in the era of paganism, he occupied one of the leading places, being the basis of the world outlook as a whole.

Culture of Egypt

The floral ornament was also characteristic of the culture of Ancient Egypt. Some researchers even argue that it is this part of the globe and culture that can be called the birthplace of the floral pattern, due to extremely favorable natural conditions.

The Egyptians depicted mainly lotus and reeds, which were the most common and revered as sacred plants.

Art of the East

No less popular was the floral ornament among the Sumerians and Assyrians. Most often, these peoples depicted daisies and daisies, personifying, from their point of view, the sun. It was also often possible to meet the image of cones, pomegranates, palm trees and ears of corn.

Persian tradition

If in previous cases the image was rather schematic, then in this case there is a much greater craving for a naturalistic image. The floral ornament of the Persian decor most often included carnations, anemones and daffodils.

Ancient Greece

Naturally, one cannot but say that such elements were very often used in Hellenic culture. Along with geometric figures, there were also floral ornaments and patterns depicting palm, laurel branches, vines and even algae, which is directly related to the territorial location of Greece.

Slavic culture

As mentioned earlier, our culture is also completely no stranger to the use of these kinds of elements. Floral ornaments and patterns most firmly settled in Ukrainian culture, but before that they were actively used by all Slavs.

Most often depicted plants such as hops, poppies, wheat ears, periwinkle, oak, grape leaves, viburnum. As a rule, these elements were depicted in red on a white background.

secret meaning

It is quite obvious that the floral elements of the ornament have never been depicted as a simple decoration. From time immemorial, the image of a particular figure or phenomenon had a hidden sacred meaning. Kalina on clothes and household items, for example, symbolized not only cosmic harmony, but also the prosperity, health and strength of the family.

Oak leaves embroidered on men's shirts and towels were supposed to bring strength and courage to their owners.

Grape leaves and bunches meant the strength and happiness of the family, healthy offspring and all the benefits associated with the family hearth. Poppies, on the other hand, were supposed to protect the owner from evil in any of its manifestations.

Ornament stripes

As you know, there are two main ways of depicting symbolic elements - in the form of a single line (parts of the pattern follow one another) and circular.

The floral ornament in the strip is a constant repetition and alternation of various elements. Wheat ears, for example, can alternate with hops. This kind of arrangement was most often used in clothing, since it had a kind of protective function. As a rule, patterns of this type were placed on cuffs, belts, at the collar and on skirts. Girdling with plant elements was extremely important for the people, which has largely been preserved to this day.

Also, a linear image was used in decorating houses - often plant elements can be found around the perimeter of doors, on the shutters of houses, tables and other interior items.

circular image

Along with the above method of application and placement, there was another. An ornament in a circle, vegetative or otherwise, was more often used in decorating dishes and jewelry, although in meaning it did not differ from patterns made in a strip.

The circular image of certain elements also symbolized the cyclicity, repetition and infinity of life.