Participles and participles are characteristic of written rather than oral speech. Therefore, it is extremely important to carefully study their functions, properties and features in order to learn how to write competently, accurately, expressively. However, one cannot do without the difficulties associated with their use, because these morphological units are often confused with each other.


The participle is a morphological unit, a special form of the verb (some linguists distinguish the participle as an independent part of speech), denoting a sign of an object by action. It has the characteristics of a verb and an adjective.

The gerund is a morphological unit, a special form of the verb (some linguists distinguish the gerund as an independent part of speech, like the participle), denoting an additional action with the main action. It has the characteristics of a verb and an adverb.

In order to understand how they differ from each other, you first need to highlight what they are similar in.

Common features characteristic of participle and participle

The formation of both verb forms requires verb stem and special suffixes. For participles: - usch, - yusch, -ash, -yash, -enn, -yonn, - nn, -om, -em, -im, -sh, -sh. For gerunds: - lice, -shi, -v, -a, -ya.

If the sentence contains dependent words, then both forms can form participial and participle turnover respectively. Example: The man who just left the room was once a famous photographer. Participle turnover: "just left the room." Leaving the restaurant, the company of bosom friends went down the street. Adverbial turnover: "leaving the restaurant."

Have the characteristics of a verb:

  • View(perfect and imperfect). Example: perfective verb "sell". It forms the perfect participle "sold" (what? / what did you do?), the perfect participle "sold" (what did you do?). The verb of the imperfect form “to dance”, from it the participle of the imperfect form “dancing” (what? / what is doing?), the gerund of the imperfect form “dancing” (what are you doing?) is formed.
  • Return / non-return(presence / absence of the reflexive suffix -s / -sya). Example: the reflexive verb "laugh", from which the reflexive participle "laughing" and the reflexive gerund "laughing" are formed. The irrevocable verb "shout", from it the irrevocable participle "screaming", the irrevocable gerund "shouting" are formed.
  • Transitivity(management of the unprepositional form of a noun, which is in the accusative case). Example: the transitive verb "taste" - to taste the early glory, tasting the early glory, tasting the early glory. The intransitive verb "to fall in love" is to fall in love with beauties, falling in love with beauties, falling in love with beauties.

How is a participle different from a participle?

By no means all verbal features are inherent in both morphological units.

Verbal features characteristic of the participle:

  1. Pledge(real and passive). Example: the verb "to tell", from it the real participle "telling", the passive participle "told" are formed.
  2. Time category. Example: the verb “to love”, participles are formed from it “loving” (present tense / what are you doing?), “loving” (past tense / what were you doing?).

Verbal features characteristic of the participle:

  • Pledge. Participles can only be in the active voice. Some scholars - linguists also distinguish an average recurrent voice, which, in fact, is such a verb feature as reflexivity.

Signs of an adjective characteristic of the participle:

  1. Genus. Example: the verb "buy" - "bought tie", "bought shirt", "bought dress".
  2. Number. Example: the verb “feed” is “feeding cat, “feeding cats”.
  3. Form(completeness and brevity, only passive participles change). Example: the verb "fry" - "roasted chestnuts", "roasted chestnuts".
  4. case(only participles in full form can change by case). Example: the verb "confuse", the participle "embarrassed" is formed from it.
  • I.p. (who? / what?) - an embarrassed young man.
  • R.p. (whom? / what?) - an embarrassed young man.
  • D. p. (to whom? / What?) - to an embarrassed young man.
  • V. p. (whom? / What?) - an embarrassed young man.
  • T. p. (by whom / what?) - a confused young man.
  • P. p. (about whom? / About what?) - about a confused young man.

syntax function- definition, adjacent to the subject or object. Example: A tear-stained woman watched a departing train. Woman (what?) - tearful. A similar function is performed by participial phrases, being separate definitions (if it is not in the absolute beginning of the sentence; it is separated by commas). The streaks of rain lashing against the windows shimmered in the dim lantern light. Jets of rain (what?) - whipping on the windows.

Answers the questions asked to the adjective: “what?”, “what?”, “what?” etc. The gerund has no signs of an adjective, but it has the signs of an adverb.

Signs of the adverb, characteristic of the participle:

  1. immutability. Participles cannot change by tense, gender, cases, numbers, like participles.
  2. syntax function- circumstance (isolated, separated by commas). Example: Blushing, he confessed to his mother that he skipped classes at a music school. He confessed to his mother (how?) - blushing. A similar function is performed by the adverbial turnover (a separate circumstance, separated by commas). After asking for directions from an old man passing by, she finally found the house where she had been expected for a long time. She found a house (how?) - asking for directions from an old man passing by.
  3. Answers the questions asked to the adverb “how?”, “when?”, “why?” etc.


The key difference between these morphological units is the syntactic role they play. They also have different characteristics.

Participle and participle are special parts of speech that combine the morphological features of several parts of speech. This is what makes them different from the rest. By the way, many linguists classify participles and gerunds as verbal forms, and do not distinguish them as a separate part of speech. In this article we will talk about them as independent ones.

Communion concept

Participle and participle in the Russian language are united by the fact that both of these parts of speech contain some morphological features of the verb: the categories of aspect, reflexivity and tense.

However, the participle tends to adjectives and expresses a sign of an object or phenomenon by its action: reading, listening, building, reading. This part of speech answers the questions what is he doing? who did what? From the adjective, the participle "inherited" gender, number and case - thus they agree with the noun to which they refer: written book - written books (plural) - about a written book (prepositional case) - written novel (masculine) .

Also, the participle can be used in full and short forms. Awarded Diploma - Awarded. Unlike adjectives, in short participles, only one letter n is written. Foggy lowland - the lowland is foggy (short adjective); sown field - the field is sown (short participle).

Participles, depending on the meaning, can be real (denoting a sign created directly by an action - building) or passive (denoting a sign of an action experienced from the outside - building).

The concept of participle

The participle gravitates according to grammatical features to the adverb: from it the part of speech has adopted immutability, but from the verb the gerund participle has a form (listening - listening) and reflexivity (washing - washing).

The participle denotes an additional, additional action, it can easily be replaced by a homogeneous predicate.

  • I walked down the street, enjoying the spring sun. - I walked down the street and rejoiced in the spring sun.

The additive action indicates how the main verb acts. She walked rejoicing - the gerund "rejoicing" means an additional sign, an emotion with which the main action "walked" is performed.

Real participles: education, suffixes

Participles and gerunds are formed from verbs with the help of specific suffixes. As for the real participles of the present tense, their generating stem is the verb of the same tense. In the latter, the ending is simply swept aside and a characteristic participle suffix is ​​attached: - yy-/-yy- And - ash-/-box-.

It should be remembered here that the first suffixes are characteristic of participles formed from verbs of the first conjugation, - ash-/-box- are used in participles from verbs of II conjugation.

  • Sunbathe - I sunbathe (present tense verb, I conjugation) - sunbathing (real participle of the present tense).
  • To glue - to glue (verb of the present tense, II conjugation) - gluing (real participle of the present tense).

The same past participles are formed from the stem of the verb of the same tense with the help of suffixes -vsh-, -sh-.

  • Carry - carried - carried, crawl - crawled - crawled.

The unstressed vowel before the suffix is ​​also checked (the word is put in the past tense) winnow - winnow - winnow.

Passive participles: education, suffixes

Suffering participles of the present tense must be formed from the stem of the verb I or II conjugation using suffixes -em-/-im- respectively.

  • Decide - decide - solved; wear - wear - wearable.

Suffixes - enn-, -nn-, -t- are used to form the passive participles of the past tense. The generating stem is an infinitive verb: decide - decided; wash - washed; read - read. It should be remembered that in the suffix - enn- only the letter e is always written after the hissing ones. For example, burned, resolved.

In addition, two letters are always written in the same suffix n. This participle differs from verbal adjectives. The latter do not have prefixes and dependent words - they are written with one letter n. Sauerkraut (verbal adjective) - mother's sauerkraut (participle, there is a dependent word) - sauerkraut (participle, there is a prefix)

Participles: education, suffixes

The participle and the participle are similar in that for both, the derived basis is the verb.

If we talk about imperfect participles, then the stem of the present tense verb is taken and the suffix is ​​attached to it - A- or - I-.

  • Guard - watchman; shine - shining; move - moving; breathe - breathe.

There are a number of verbs from which the formation of a gerund is not possible: plow, bake, sew, dance.

If we talk about gerunds of the perfect form, then they should be formed from the stem of the infinitive. The suffixes involved -in-, -lice-, -shi-. For example, write - writing, writing; bring - bring.

Thus, the spelling of suffixes of participles and gerunds depends on the type of the verb of the generating stem, its conjugation. Also, sometimes you should take into account the type (this is especially true for adverbs). Suffixes of participles and gerunds of various meanings should be known by heart, then their correct spelling will not cause difficulties.

Spelling not with participles and gerunds

It should be said about one more spelling, often causing difficulties. How to write a particle Not, communion and participle. The rules regarding the latter are quite simple: with the gerund, this particle is written separately, except for words that are not used without it. For example: not doing, not thinking, not grasping, not bringing, but indignant, hating.

The participle will be written with not separately in the following cases:

  1. It has dependent words. In other words, if there is not a single communion, but a sacramental turnover (Flowers that were not plucked yesterday have blossomed in all their glory).
  2. The sentence has an opposition built with the help of the union A ( These were not wilted, but quite fresh flowers).

Slitno Not with participles will be written outside of participial revolutions: an incessant downpour, an unplowed field, an unread book.

Also spelled together with Not participles that are not used without this particle: indignant, hating.

The opinions of linguists about what a gerund is are divided. Some believe that it refers to a special form of the verb, others suggest that it is an independent part of speech. We will support the second option.

The participle is an independent part of speech. It contains the signs of an adverb and a verb, shows when, why and how the action is performed by the verb-predicate, and has an additional effect. If the gerund in the sentence is not alone, but has words that depend on it, then this set of words is called a gerund. The article will tell about how and when the separation of gerunds in a sentence is made.

What is isolation?

In Russian, the concept of isolation is a way of clarifying and highlighting a certain set of words in a sentence. Only members of the proposal that are secondary can be isolated, and this is how they differ from non-isolated members. Separations are necessary so that the reader can more accurately understand the described picture of the ongoing action. Not only lonely standing participles can be isolated, but also

Examples of single gerunds

If an isolated circumstance does not have dependent words in the sentence, then it is called a single gerund. When writing a sentence, this part of speech is always distinguished by commas on both sides.

The location of the participle in the sentence can be any. Here are examples of the correct selection of single gerunds with commas:

  1. As she stared, she couldn't utter a word.
  2. When I returned, I found my sister at home.
  3. Without training, you can not achieve success in sports.

Accordingly, the following gerunds were allocated with a comma:

  • staring;
  • returning;
  • without exercising.

There are several repeated participles in the letter. They are called homogeneous. At the same time, they are separated by commas among themselves and separated by this punctuation mark as separate parts of speech. Examples of such proposals:

  1. Laughing, singing and spinning, Natasha hurried to her first date.
  2. Laughing and winking, Pasha closed the door.
  3. She was silent, angry, but cowardly.

Homogeneous participles in a sentence can refer to different predicates. For example: Playing and laughing, she, inspired, rushed towards her dreams.

Separation by commas of single gerunds

Separation of single gerunds occurs in the following cases:

  1. If the gerund plays the role of the second predicate in the sentence. Stores the meaning of the verb. Indicates the condition, cause, or time of an action, but not its image. Having escaped, Marina lost her purse. After the holiday, the guests departed without calming down.
  2. If you can check the sentence in your mind by replacing the gerund with a verb, or make a complex sentence out of a simple one. When Marina ran away, she rubbed her purse. The guests after the holiday, though not calmed down, but dispersed.

Separation of single gerunds does not occur if:

  1. A single gerund has lost its verbal meaning or has a close connection with the predicate. Masha ran into the room without knocking. Zhenya got down from the tree silently and slowly.
  2. If gerunds are circumstances of the mode of action and they cannot be replaced by verbs. Zhenya tears silently and in no hurry.
  3. If a single participle can be replaced by a noun. Masha ran into the room without knocking.

Isolation of single gerunds depending on their location in the sentence

Separation of gerunds may not occur if they are at the beginning or end of a sentence, but in the middle they are separated by commas. Let's compare two sentences:

  1. Tanya tried on slippers slowly.
  2. On the way, slowly, Tanya admired the flowers.

In the first sentence, the separation of the participle with commas is not done, since it is represented by the circumstance of the mode of action. It can be replaced by the word - "slowly".

In the second sentence, the participle is the circumstance of the reason ("because I was in no hurry").

How is an adverbial turnover formed?

If the sentence contains a part of speech that answers the questions “what are you doing?”, “what are you doing?” and called a gerund, with dependent words, then this set of words is usually called a gerund participle.

In a sentence, this turnover always performs the function of a circumstance and refers to the verb, as it denotes an additional action. Additional actions are performed by the same person, phenomenon or object that performs the main actions.

Examples of adverbial phrases

The separation of participles and participles occurs regardless of where they stand in relation to the verb-predicate. For example:

  1. All day dark clouds were moving across the sky, now opening the sun, then closing it again.
  2. Walking next to his mother, the baby looked at her with surprise and fascination.
  3. Joy, bringing happiness to some people, gave others inescapable grief.
  4. I watched the sunrise without taking my eyes off it.
  5. The kid, following his mother's hand, made the same movements.

What should be remembered when using the gerund and participle in a sentence?

The basic rules for using adverbial phrases when writing a text are as follows:

  1. Expressed by the verb-predicate, the main action and the additional action, expressed by the adverbial turnover, must refer to the same person, object or phenomenon.
  2. Most often, the isolation of circumstances expressed by gerunds and participles is used when writing a one-part, definitely personal sentence, as well as with a verb in the imperative mood.
  3. If the sentence is impersonal in the infinitive, then it is also possible to use the adverbial turnover.
  4. The isolation of gerunds and the isolation of circumstances are one and the same, since the gerund expresses a sign of a circumstance in a sentence.

In what cases are gerunds and participles not separated by commas?

Separation of circumstances expressed by gerunds and participles is not carried out if:

  1. Circumstances are connected by the union "and" with a non-isolated circumstance or predicate. She hated him and accepted his attentions. Dasha played noisily and screamed with joy.
  2. Circumstances converge with adverbs. They lose their added value and acquire the value of a sign of action. This:
  • gerunds, which have become phraseological turns (without closing your eyes, rolling up your sleeves, headlong, opening your mouth, and others). For example: Petya worked carelessly. But: rolling up her sleeves, she washed her hands in the tub. It should be remembered that phraseological introductory phrases (apparently, in other words, in fact, others) are separated by a comma.
  • gerunds that carry the main semantic load. Without them, the predicate does not fully express the thought. This part of speech usually comes after the predicate. The "adverb" of these gerunds is obvious in sentences where there is a group of homogeneous members - gerunds and adverbs. For example: He answered me without embarrassment and frankly. without embarrassment is a gerund, and frankly- adverb.

Commas do not distinguish gerunds in the composition having the dependent word "which" in all its variations. He wanted to get rid of the letter, reading which he recalled his recent grief.

What should be distinguished from verbal participles

Separating the participles, many do not think that these can be adverbs or prepositions.

The following adverbs are distinguished:

  • clover;
  • sneak;
  • joking;
  • silently;
  • sitting;
  • standing;
  • lying and others.

The gerunds identical with these words retain an additional effect. This happens during the formation and connection with other gerunds. Anya rode standing all the way. He will do the job jokingly (easy). These sentences use adverbs.

Standing at the top, Anya looked down. All the way, having fun and playing, Yana did not close her mouth. In these sentences, commas separate the participle in the first sentence and the homogeneous participles in the second sentence.

From the prepositions they distinguish: starting with, based on. Commas are not put, since the adverbial part can be removed from the sentence and its meaning will not change. It's snowing since the night (it's coming from the night)

Separation of participles and participles: what is the difference?

Participial and participle turnovers perform different functions in a sentence and have their own following morphological differences:

  1. The participial turnover or single participle refers to the word being defined (noun or pronoun). The participle or participle turnover is closely related to the verb-predicate. At the same time, the participle changes in numbers, genders, cases, has a full and short forms, and the participle is an invariable word form.
  2. The participial turnover and the participle perform the function of definition in the sentence, and the gerund and participle turnovers act as different circumstances.
  3. Participles and participles are different with suffixes. Participles have such suffixes as -usch-(-yusch-), -ashch-(-yashch)- -vsh-, -sh- of real participles and -om-(-em-), -im-- -enn-, -nn-, -t- in the suffering. While gerunds have the following suffixes: -a-, -ya-, -uchi-, -yuchi-, -v-, -lice-, -shi-.

  1. If in a sentence there is a union next to the adverbial phrase, then they are separated by a comma. Unions and are not included in circulation. For example: He smiled at his friend and, jumping over a puddle, ran home. An exception is the union "a", which stands before the adverbial turnover. In this case, it is included in the turnover. For example: A person needs to understand what is the meaning of life, and having understood this, he will tell others.
  2. If the sentence consists of several participial phrases or single participles, then commas are placed between them as when listing homogeneous members of the sentence. For example: She approached, staggering and holding her friend by the shoulder with one hand, and kept the other on her belt.
  3. If in one sentence there are several adverbial phrases relating to different predicates, then each of them is separated by commas. For example: Pushing the gate with his foot, he ran out onto the road and, paying no attention to the people, rushed away.
  4. The adverbial phrase is always separated by commas on both sides.

The isolation of gerunds will not cause problems if you learn how to correctly identify this part of speech in any sentence.

How can you help your child consolidate what they have learned?

After the child has studied the theoretical material, he should be invited to consolidate it with practical exercises.

Initially, children must work orally with sentences and learn to find adverbial phrases and single adverbs in them. After that, students should be asked to write sentences and arrange them. In addition, the child must explain his choice in the arrangement of commas.

After the children have mastered simple sentences, you can give them sentences with conjunctions and allied words. At the same time, before finding a participle or a single participle, one should highlight the grammatical basis.

They complicate the task with complex compound sentences that have several grammatical bases and homogeneous adverbial phrases.

1) Arrange punctuation marks, graphically highlight the adverbial and participial phrases (sign over them: adverb or adverb)

1. Having rested from the evil chase, feeling their homeland, the Don horses already drink the Arpchai stream.
2. An eagle from a distant rising peak soars motionless with me on a par.
3. I sat down in a chair and, while relaxing, watched how he fell silent as he went out.
4. The clerk sitting there gave one of the soldiers paper soaked in tobacco smoke.
5. The house surrounded by an old garden looked like a country palace.
6. The low-hanging sun was crushed in the foliage of trees.
7. The city shrouded in mist makes a quiet noise.
8. He worked tirelessly.
2) Choose the correct answer - a grammatically correct sentence with a participial phrase:
1. Seeing me .... was fun. friend smiled.
4. the walls of the houses seemed familiar to me.

1) Write down the sentences. Mark the boundaries of participial revolutions, underline them as definitions. Specify the defined words. Pattern: Cloud x,

hanging over the tops of the poplars / was already pouring rain. - // the participial turnover is highlighted, x is the main word.

1. The park descended to the river, overgrown with green reeds. 2. The thick fog that descended on the sea broke for a few minutes. 3. Large electric bulbs hanging from the ceiling in the center of the long hall went out one by one. 4. Not large bright eyes, burning with an alarming fire, were serious.

2) Change two_three sentences so that the participial phrase comes before the word being defined. Do I need to put a comma in this case?

Sample: / Hanging over the tops of poplars / cloud x was already pouring rain. - // the participial turnover is highlighted, x is the main word.

Insert the missing letters. Break out the commas. Underline the definition expressed by the participial phrase.

I know Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin as a person in love ... with every flower, every bush, every tree .. in our Russian forest and field rivers .. vniny.

Task number 4
Make 5 sentences with participles or participles.

1) Find the definition of participial turnover.

a) two or more participles in a sentence,
b) participle with dependent words,
c) participle with a defined word.
2) What is the participial turnover in the sentence?
a) subject, b) definition, c) addition.
3) Find a sentence in which the participial turnover is not separated by commas:
a) I listened to the murmur of water flowing in the banks overgrown with sedge.
b) Suddenly I noticed two birds flying straight towards the waterfall.
c) The detachment was built on the edge of the forest approaching the school site.
d) Surrounded by a gray mist, the birds went astray.
a) The conversation started, interrupted too early, was not resumed.
b) In some places, ice floes sparkling in the sun swayed smoothly on the waves.
c) From the recently awakened valleys, fragrant freshness blew.
d) A small wooden house, painted with pink paint, stood in the middle of the garden.
a) Two scouts / paving the way for the infantry / went to the nearest approaches to the Vistula.
b) Volodya caught with a spoon / a steaming potato /.
c) The sky was all in the stars / emitting an even quiet light /.
d) / Strawberries covered from above / with needles are difficult to notice at first glance.
a) Alexei is lying on a striped mattress stuffed with straw.
b) As an old friend, who found the pilot in the forest, Sanka walked solidly behind the stretcher.
c) Fedka looks greedily at the pieces of sugar whitening on the table, and noisily sucks in his saliva.
d) Grandfather looked at the shore, flooded with sun and poorly bordered by rare bushes.
a) Motherland! I see her vast fields rippling with harvest.
b) The country that gave birth to us is vast and diverse, rivers are inexhaustible and full-flowing, mountains are high.
c) The sultry steppes are wide, the Siberian taiga is impassable, stretching out over the ocean, the cities scattered in our country are crowded.
d) Many languages ​​are spoken by the people who inhabited this majestic country, spacious blue distances, calls and wonderful songs of the people living in it.
Behind their house was a rather large garden (1) ending in a grove (2) long abandoned (3) and heavily overgrown.
a) 1, b) 1.2, c) 2.3 d) 1.3.
Test "participial turnover".
Option number 2.
1) Indicate the correct condition for the separation of participial turnover:
a) comes before the word being defined
b) comes after the word being defined,
c) always, regardless of the place in the sentence.
2) What is a short participle in a sentence?
a) subject, b) definition, c) predicate.
3) Find a sentence in which the participial turnover is separated by commas:
a) Through the eyes of my father, I saw the majestic world of my native nature opening before me.
b) In the withered grass, yellowed from rain and wind, a fox carefully made its way.
c) The heavy door of the yurt upholstered with horseskin lifted up in the wall.
d) The smoke that corrodes eyes and nostrils still hung over the deciduous trees uprooted from the ground.
4) Find a sentence with a punctuation error.
a) Human life can be compared to a stream that originates in the bowels of the earth.
b) A flock of guys stood at the fence, knocked together from signs.
c) A tall geologist walked in front in a sun-bleached suit.
d) Once the shepherds noticed crows slowly circling over the ravine.
5) Indicate in which sentences the boundaries of participle turnover are incorrectly indicated (punctuation marks are not placed):
a) Ivan suggested climbing a clay mound / overgrown with bushes / and looking at the river.
b) /Brightly blazing sparks/ looked like big stars.
c) Occasionally, night rustles / sounds muffled by the forest / were heard.
d) The instinct / developed in him during the days of forest life / alarmed him.
6) Indicate the sentences in which punctuation marks are correctly placed:
a) The plane was standing behind the forest on the ice of a forest lake, melted from the edges, but still strong.
b) The light reflected by the snow blinded Alexei.
c) Near the stretcher, he saw a restrained smiling face of the commander.
d) The forest, having finally shaken off the remnants of the night darkness, stood up in all its grandeur.
7) Indicate sentences with a punctuation error:
a) They say that there is no tastier than our bread, especially Moscow pastries just brought from bakeries.
b) Tasty hot pastries breathing unique flavors.
c) Here are different rolls, sprinkled with poppy seeds, challah, rye bread, bagels, snapped up instantly.
d) The road turned to the right, and a path leading into the distance appeared to the left.
8) Indicate the numbers in place of which you need to put commas.
The sun was bright and high above the bay (1) playing with (2) standing ships and (3) moving sails.
a) 1, b) 1.2, c) 2.3 d) 1.3.

The answer to the question of how the participial turnover differs from the participle, lies in the terminology. It is enough to remember what their forming parts of speech are:

  • participle - an unconjugated form of the verb, which also has the features of an adjective, expressing the procedural attribute of the subject;
  • gerund - an unconjugated form of the verb, which also has the features of an adverb, expressing the procedural sign of an action (more often it means an additional one).

The combination of participles and gerunds with grammatically dependent words is called turnovers.


The considered syntactic constructions inherit all the properties and features of their fundamental parts of speech. The participial turnover denotes the temporal attribute of an object as an action that it produces or undergoes. Peter, head of the land gentry cadet corps, proved to be a worthy successor to the work of Munnich. The adverbial turnover denotes an additional action that characterizes another action. Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst, having arrived in Russia, tried to become Ekaterina Alekseevna as soon as possible.

The difference between the participial turnover and the participial is easy to notice from the questions asked: the first one answers “what did / did / does?” or, more generally, "what?"; the second - “what are you doing/having done?” or “how/how?”.

The participial turnover is associated with a noun, numeral or pronoun, the participle - with a verb-predicate. It always refers to the person performing the main action. Berlioz able to speak verbosely, but meaningfully, a conversation with a supposedly foreigner was easy. Poet Homeless, forced to act as a listener I fully shared his point of view.

The adverbial turnover does not change, unlike the participle, which is declined by gender, number and case. A boy who bought chocolate, a girl who bought chocolate, first-graders who bought chocolate, a client who bought chocolate as a gift, a client who bought chocolate. The boy (girl, first-graders), having bought chocolate, went (-slid, - were) to the exit.

In the sentence, the participial turnover acts as an agreed-upon isolated definition (and is underlined by a wavy line during syntactic analysis), the participial - as a separate circumstance (graphically indicated by dots with a dash).

What is the difference between participle and participle in terms of punctuation? For the first, its location relative to the word being defined is important: when it comes in front of the sentence, the construction is highlighted with commas, when vice versa, no punctuation marks are placed between them. The participial turnover is isolated in any case if it refers to a personal pronoun, has an additional causal, conditional or clarifying meaning, and also if there are other members of the sentence between it and the word being defined.

The adverbial turnover is always distinguished by commas, if it is not part of a stable combination (slipshod, headlong). The exception is when it enters the semantic center of the statement. The students who were waiting for Kedrov, rather nervous and reverent in advance, dispersed in bewilderment. In addition, if he acts as a member of a sentence, homogeneous with a non-isolated circumstance, then he is not punctuated. Members of the institute commission studied the girl with the surname Brushtein suspiciously and frowning.


Participial Participial turnover
Formed by a participle with dependent words (has signs of an adjective)Formed by a gerund with dependent words (has signs of an adverb)
Denotes a sign of an object, answers the questions “what did / did?”Indicates an additional action, answers the questions “what by doing / having done?”
Refers to noun, pronoun, numeralRefers to the verb-predicate
Changes in numbers, genders and casesDoesn't change
Acts as a stand-alone definitionActs as a separate circumstance
For isolation, the location relative to the word being defined is importantIs isolated regardless of the place in the sentence