The male ego is a delicate thing. At the same time, no matter how much you inflate it, it, like a good sail, will not burst. Yes, and there is no need for this - it is more prudent to swim under it and swim towards happiness, prosperity and a harmonious life.

However, is any praise to a man pleasant, or is he long years evolution has learned to rank it, distinguishing between subtle flattery, and selfish toadying, and rude admiration? Praise what for a man especially pleasant And what is the most beautiful compliment they have ever heard in their address? With all these questions, as usual, I molested, got out and still could not get rid of our beloved Belarusian men. And the most interesting - they answered with such pleasure!

(At the end of the article, there is a discordant choir of girls claiming that they praise their men, and a psychologist's comment that almost completely refutes this statement.)

The king speaks!

Volodya, 27:

“I love it when they praise me, and I hate it when they saw me. The worst thing, of course, is when, say, in the morning they tell me how wonderful I am, and by the evening they tell me how lousy I am. It is logical that I like it when they tell you that you are the best, and it doesn’t matter what(in a positive sense, of course, because the "most stupid" will not have such an effect). The main thing is that for her most. Compliments follow. appearance and intellect. In short, the same things that we like since childhood, when our mother praised us."

Yuri, 33:

"My two-year-old niece is the most real woman of all the women of our clan. No wonder they say that girls from birth have a full set of hormones. She asks my son Mishka to ride her bike, on the trunk, for example. He's lucky. And she: "Misha, you're so smart!" That is, she already understood this simple principle. Praise your man - he will break into a cake. Because he is loved and appreciated here. That is, from praise in a relationship - some pluses. And then, sometimes, a man paints a fence, walks around, asks everyone: "Well, it's beautiful, right?" That is, begging for praise. And the wife: "It would be better if you nailed a shelf in the house!" It seems that she is satisfied, but she is afraid to overpraise, or something. Keeps in shape, that is. Maybe, of course, there are such spiritual masochists, but it seems to me that sooner or later there will be another who will say: "Oh, you are so smart, you have such a sense of humor, yours is so lucky with you!" And he decides that, well, in fact! Let me go..."

Vadim, 22:

“And I don’t like it at all when they praise me. It pulls me out of the process of self-improvement. Although I don’t like when they saw me either. I like healthy constructive criticism. It’s just compliments are either not true, or what I already know about myself. In the first case, there is nothing to rejoice at all for obvious reasons, and in the second - well, ok, thanks for the captaincy. Well, look: when a woman tells you "oh, how wonderful you are, how wonderful," it means that next time it will be "well, never mind, I thought you were good, you praised you so much, tried so hard, and you behaved like a beast."

Alexey, 30:

“When you are praised, it’s always nice. The question is, was it BEFORE you were praised, then, FOR WHAT you were praised. Personally, in my life I take money only for the work done - that’s why I prefer justified praise / comments. If they praise just like that, from scratch, then the question arises - something is wrong here. Especially when a woman praises. The conclusion suggests itself - she needs something. The nicest compliment for me? When the wife says: "The husband did it!".

Vasily, 26:

"I distinguish between two types of female praise. One is the approval needed to start a conversation or support it. By the way, some kind of request can often follow, but I take it calmly. The second type is praise, behind which there is an interest in me as a man. How do I feel about it? It depends on how I myself look at the development of these relationships. if the compliment is strained - I smile, thank you, but in my head the thought is - "what are you up to?" The coolest compliment I heard was, perhaps, to my ears: on top of them (not inside, but on top) such blond, short and very soft hair grows. The compliment was that it made my ears "very cool and nice to pet". I also remember one, from a girl with whom they were engaged in social work at the university. She said that it was easy and calm with me, as if you were sitting next to me on a cloud. Well, okay :)"

Glory, 29:

“Of course, it’s nice when you are praised, especially if it’s a woman, and especially if you like her. It’s doubly nice when you are praised for a job or an act that you yourself are satisfied with. For if someone is praised for a trifle, it’s not very valuable. masculine essence "real man", "my man", "my hero" etc. Well, and probably it is especially worth highlighting the compliments received for achievements in bed. Unless, of course, they are sincere, otherwise they are like a sickle in the balls.

The queen echoes

Tatiana, 30:

“I always praised all my men, they, one might say, bathed in praise. In a good way. And from experience I can say that they really need it and really like it - they grow stronger and become more confident. However, not everyone knows how to react and accept compliments, because they are “spoiled” / crushed by past relationships or wrong family guidelines. that this is normal, good and very necessary, for both women and men."

Tatiana, 28:

“I praise my husband sometimes 5 times a day, and sometimes even once a week. I praise for specific things (we are currently repairing, and he really does a lot), I praise for creativity - no matter how simple guitar playing may seem (namely, technical training, routine exercises), it still requires effort and in his case - perseverance. Well, besides, this is a significant part of his life (he is a musician), and it is important for me, so his good self-feeling in I cooked breakfast, for example, - well, why not say that he did an awesome job, especially when it's true.

Sometimes I praise prophylactically, how could it be without it when he has PMS :) The husband normally perceives praise, especially when he is down to business, he does not hide behind "oh, what are you." It is important for him that I appreciate him and that he can feel like a support, therefore, when I praise for such moments and situations, he is doubly pleased. But he doesn’t like praise for the sake of praise - I somehow tried it and quickly stopped: I thought it would cheer him up, but Now I understand that there must be a reason for praise. Except when he has PMS :)"

Alesya, 30:

“I rarely praise my husband - usually if I need something from him. I show my love more by actions, deeds. Well, for example, he loves when stuffed peppers suddenly appear on the table or I come to him in purple stockings and with red lipstick on my lips. Well, what else can be a reaction to this, except for wild delight?

About women

A woman rarely forgives jealousy and never forgives her absence.

Women love most when they are spent on them. (Molière)

"Women, like children, love to say no." Men like kids take it seriously"

Women in their thirties are at their best, but men in their thirties are too old to understand.

Honest people love women, deceivers adore them. (Beaumarchais P.)

No matter how badly a man thinks of women, any woman thinks even worse of them. (Chamfort)

Get married no matter what. If you get a good wife, you will be an exception, and if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher. (Socrates)

When a woman doesn't know what she wants, she doesn't want you.

Smart woman compliments serve to assess men, stupid - for self-esteem.

In the company of a man, at least a little, at least for 5 minutes, but he must be more sober than a woman.

I like women who are won by intelligence, not beauty ...

It's one thing to guess, quite another to know. Two very big differences...

It is not enough to pick up a key to a woman. It also needs to be turned at the right time ...

“If a man starts talking about his problems, illnesses, relationships with women, then he is no longer perceived as a being of the opposite sex, but as a friend” (M. Zudina).

“Changing, a woman is looking for the best, and a man is looking for a new one.”

Women compose funny phrases about men to show their superiority over the stronger sex.

A man enters a woman's life and arranges his own in it. (Louise Leblanc)

A woman's maturity comes when a computer becomes more interesting to her than a mirror.

It's easier to send fifteen drunk men home than one drunk girl.

When thoughts are occupied with another man, even with Prince Charles nothing will come of it ...

A man who loves one woman all his life should be sent to the doctor, and maybe even to the gallows.

Have you ever seen a woman who loves the poor?

God created copulation, man created love.

The purpose of love is liberation from love.

Love is based on the delusion that one woman is different from another.

Love never dies of want, but often of indigestion.

Many people think: “I found a girl, you can delete porn from your computer!”
My advice to you - do not rush, get married - you will have to download again ...

True happiness by its nature loves solitude; it is the enemy of noise and luxury and is born chiefly out of self-love.

Cursed love is to blame. Whoever succumbs to it will lose at once Freedom, courage and reason.

When a person falls in love, he is like a sole, which, if you soak it in water, bend it - it will bend.

The lover is blind. But the visible trace of passion Leads him, where there is no way for the sighted.

The moments of meeting and parting are for many the greatest moments in life.

Words of love become numb at parting.

Temporary separation is useful, because constant communication gives rise to the appearance of monotony

Most honest women are hidden treasures that are intact only because no one has yet searched for them.

When a woman ceases to love a man, she forgets everything - even the favors with which she gave him.

The chastity of women is for the most part simply concern for a good name and peace.

Women don't like funny men, and men don't like witty women.

Women's love is superior to men's. The difference that goes to children is huge.

Women's honor is poorly guarded where love or religion is not on guard.

Only when she is completely old can a woman give up her vain desire to live in front of someone.

Women's jewelry flaunts male vanity.

Men behave well because women exist; women behave well because they have nothing else to do.

There is nothing better than a woman if you want to put your money where everyone can see it.

There are many women who scream at the sight of a mouse or a rat, but are capable of poisoning their husband or, even worse, bringing him to the point that he is poisoned.

One can conceive of a humanity consisting only of women, but one cannot imagine a humanity consisting of only men.

Do not trust a woman who managed to be convicted of fidelity. Today she is faithful to you, tomorrow - to another.

If a woman walks in the wrong path, a man follows her in the right direction.

A married woman is a slave who must be able to put on the throne.

Only women know how to love - both God and man.

A woman is dangerous to every paradise. (Paul Claudel)

She was cold as ice cream and melted just as easily. (Emil Krotky)

A lot of money can be invested in an empty woman. (Stanislav Lets)

women live longer than men especially widows. (Georges Clemenceau)

Female beauty and male intelligence are mostly detrimental to their owners ... (Philip Chesterfield)

Flattery is an urgent need handsome men, whose specialty lies in the fact that they are handsome men.

In a woman there is more immediate, momentary strength, which is called enterprise; in a man there is more latent stored power, which is called laziness ...

A man with an effeminate character is the most poisonous libel on a person. (Vissarion Belinsky)

A woman can make a man righteous in only one way: to annoy him so that he loses all interest in life. (Oscar Wilde)

Men would behave much more boldly if they knew what women had in mind; and women would be much more coquettish if they knew men better. (Jean Carr)

No man who has to do something important in this world has the time and money for such a long and expensive hunt as the hunt for a woman. (George Shaw)

Do not say in the presence of your wife all the bad things that you think about women in general, and all the good things that you think about some of them. (Jean Rostand)

Women think that all men are the same, and this is their strength; men think that all women are different - it ruins them.

How strong would a man be if the Lord created him from Eve's rib!

A gentleman takes advantage of a woman's defenseless position only if he puts her in that position himself.

The house is a prison for a man and a workhouse for a woman.

Men have the same exaggerated idea of ​​their rights as women about their lack of rights.

Laughing at the weaker sex in their presence is tantamount to suicide - they will definitely take revenge.

A bachelor knows more about women than a married man. Otherwise, he would also be married.

The road to success is full of women pushing their husbands ahead of them.

Women are sadists; they torture us with the torments we inflict on them.

Feminism is when they no longer count on Prince Charming.

Feminine lust and masculine lust are like an epic and an epigram.

Women guess everything, and if they are wrong, then on purpose.

Women have a flair: they know how not to notice the unpleasant.

A woman will always choose your slavery over her freedom.

In vengeance and love, a woman is more barbarian than a man.

An independent woman is a woman who has not found anyone who would like to depend on her.

The woman reigns, but does not govern.

A frightened woman is the most dangerous. That's why women get scared so easily.

A man proves his love not by how he talks about it, but by how he is silent about it.

A man in love often looks like a fool; a woman in love - never.

To love means to agree to grow old with another person.

The one who is loved the least truly loves.

Love always promises the impossible and makes you believe in the impossible.

A woman can sometimes fall in love with her husband.

Of all the objects of hatred, the most hated is the once beloved woman.

He does not love who trumpets about love to everyone.

The desire to love is not yet love. But the fear of falling in love is already love.

Many of those for whom the day is too long complain that life is too short.

Almost every person, if you take his word for it, adheres to completely different beliefs than they are guided by in life.

Poor things!!! How will you live now, if the most the best man in the world is mine!

The easiest way to find the girl of your dreams is for people with a weak imagination.

Any love that is not caused by the freedom of the spirit, but by something else, easily turns into hatred.

Usually love fizzles out quickly, especially when it has to go uphill, from children to parents.

Life is endless improvement. To consider yourself perfect is to kill yourself.

To live means to be loved. He lived or she lived - it means only one thing: he or she was loved a lot.

In the old age of love, as in the old age of years, people still live for sorrows, but no longer live for pleasures.

We cannot rip a single page out of our lives, but we can throw an entire book into the fire.

Women give to friendship only what they borrow from love.

Life is never fair. For most of us, it's probably better that way.

Love is a game in which both deceive.

Life is what people strive to preserve most of all and cherish least of all.

A seducer who prides himself on revealing the secrets of love to a woman is like a foreigner who comes to the railway station and undertakes to show the local guide all the sights of the city.

Life is just a bad quarter of an hour of wonderful seconds.

On the stage, the leading roles are played by the best performers. Life is different.

In love, as in the Roman Catholic religion, there is a preliminary purgatory in which one gets used to being fried before falling into a real eternal hell.

Beautiful phrases about love and life: A blind person should not portray love, but narcissism.

Covetousness makes a person the same miracles as love.

Love, even the most sublime, gives you the power of your own passions, and marriage - the power of your wife's passions: ambition, vanity and everything else.

Nature has given us the ability not to think about death, because if we thought about it, the world would be in immobility and stupor.

Constancy in love is of two kinds: we are constant either because we constantly find in the person we love new qualities worthy of love, or because we consider constancy a duty of honor.

To live means not only to change, but also to remain oneself.

Oaths of love prove her fickleness: true friendship does not pronounce them.

The first love is so fragrant because it forgets the difference between the sexes, because it is a passionate friendship.

They do not live twice, and there are many who cannot live even once.

We are devout enough to hate each other, but not devout enough to love each other.

Do you love life? Then don't waste your time; for time is the fabric of which life is made.

We are fascinated by everything in which our ideal, goal and object of our desires and our love is manifested.

"You need to live in such a way that you are remembered even by bastards."

If a woman's wings are cut off, she begins to fly on a broomstick.

Nothing adorns a woman like a well-chosen man.

Happiness is when you smile without thinking.

Happiness is when your desires are shocked by your possibilities...

Learn to forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.

When fate puts sticks in our wheels, only worthless spokes break.

If you are spat in the back, do not be upset - it means you are ahead.

In their troubles, people tend to blame fate, the gods, and everything else, but not themselves.

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first!

There are actually few fools, but they are so cleverly placed that every now and then you stumble upon them. (Faina Ranevskaya)

If you don't know what you want, you end up with a bunch of things you didn't want.

If a woman is silent, it is better not to interrupt her.

When there is, I would kill, when not, I would buy (this is about my husband)

“So what if I'm sleeping, when she says she wants me to hear, she wakes me up. But I don't interrupt her."

When my husband’s arguments run out, he always “wings” me: “As you wish, think so ...”

“Nothing will stop from the disappearance of one single woman in the world ... except the heart of a single man” (Shakespeare)

“I like how beautiful and proud women leave, arrogantly and swiftly, tapping their heels and slamming the door.
Maybe they then slide down its reverse side and cry bitterly, but they leave wonderfully ... "...

Equality is the strongest foundation of love. (Lessing)

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. (Karamzin N. M.)

Love is characteristic only of a sane person. (Epictetus)

Teaching a fool, joking with a fool, and arguing with a woman is like drawing water with a sieve! God deliver us from these three. (W. Shakespeare.)

You don't have to be perfect to be loved.

Women are made to be loved, not understood! (Oscar Wilde)

Never run after a bus and a man - one will leave, another will come ...

If a woman is ready to do anything for a man, then she gave birth to him.

Don't be the bitch in me! she doesn't get enough sleep anyway...

I would send you, but I see you are already from there ...

"I never felt for my former men such hatred to give back the jewels they gave!”

Marriage is like being in the military: everyone complains, but you'd be surprised how many people want to go there.

I didn't say he was getting married. I only said that he was going to get married. It's far from the same. For example, I clearly remember that I got married, but I don’t remember at all that I was going to get married. And I tend to think that I never had such an intention. (Oscar Wilde)

“When a man retreats, he simply retreats. When a woman retreats, she does so in order to take a run. (Zaza Gabor.)

Men who do not forgive women for their little flaws will never enjoy their great virtues.
(Jubran X.)

In general, I have a golden rule: do not lend money, drive a car and go to the movies with your husband

Never marry a woman you can live with!
Marry the one you can't live without!

Happy is he whose house is adorned with the humble fidelity of his wife.

If you feel wings behind your shoulders, then you have a good mother-in-law.

If I sometimes blush, then, only from pleasure!

women will never understand what men want ... and how can they be understood if men want women and women want men))))

Good advice in my life was given to me by my mother: "Always watch your posture, the world does not lie on your shoulders, it is under your feet"


A woman's thoughts are cleaner - she changes them more often.

There are 2 ways to command a woman - but no one knows them!

Everything I know, I owe to my mother.
1) Mom taught me to RESPECT OTHER WORK:
"If you are going to kill each other - go outside, I just washed the floors"
2) Mom taught me to BELIEVE IN GOD:
"Pray that this muck was washed off"
3) Mom taught me to THINK LOGICALLY:
"Because I said so, that's why"
"If you fall out of the window now - I won't take you with me to the store!"
5) Mom explained the CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONS to me:
"If you don't stop crying now, I'll spank you"
"Shut Your Mouth and Eat Your Soup"
7) Mom taught me RESISTANCE:
"Don't leave the table until you finish your meal"
Mom taught me NOT to envy:
"Yes, there are millions of children in the world who are not as lucky with their parents as you are"
9) Mom taught me to BOLDLY LOOK INTO THE FUTURE:
"Just wait, I'll talk to you at home"
10) Mom taught me the BASICS of SELF-HEALING:
"If you don't stop squinting your eyes, you'll stay like that for the rest of your life"
11) Mom taught me extrasensory perception:
"Put on a sweater - I know you're cold!"
12) Mom taught me HOW TO BECOME ADULT:
"If you don't eat vegetables, you'll never grow up"
13) Mom taught me the BASICS OF GENETICS:
"It's all from your father!"
14) Mom taught me HIGHER JUSTICE:
"May your children be just like you!"

Well, why do many people care about the question, do I have a husband? If only someone would ask if I have an appetite, mink coat? Have I been to Cyprus?

To avoid calling my exes, I deleted their numbers from my phone. Then I threw out the pages from the old notebook ... And then I just stopped drinking. And then it helped.

Those who do not love me - calm down, I do not love you either.

Send you to hell, so he will return back ...

And what is between you now? - We remember each other.

Sometimes you are so sorry that you said expensive words to cheap people.

Every woman dreams O harmonious relationship with people of the opposite sex. After all, it is men who give women love and care, they can make her truly happy.

What motto in a relationship with a man should a woman choose for herself in order to find peace and confidence in the future in a relationship?

Let's try to answer this question.

One of the poets of antiquity compared a woman with a flower, he described that, going out into the spring field, you can see how different flowers grow: beautiful freedom-loving poppies, and gentle blue bells, and bold and bold tulips.

Also women. All of them are very different, so they are looking for different men and choose a motto for themselves in a relationship with a man, depending on life circumstances.

Let's try to consider the mottos of different representatives of the fair sex.

I go ahead, if you want, be there»

With such a woman to a man very difficult to handle. After all, in front of him is a modern emancipated representative of the fair sex, she does everything herself, decides everything herself, takes responsibility and without illusions looks to the future.

It is difficult to surprise such a woman with something, because she expects little from her partner and is not afraid to lose him.

A man caring for such a lady of the heart must either come to terms with the role of a cute domestic "henpecked", or accept a situation of constant domestic conflict and struggle in the family for the right to decide how to live and what to do.

Such a woman, as a rule, chooses some profitable and serious profession for herself: she becomes a successful lawyer or economist, opens her own business for the production or trade of certain goods, aspire to be a leader middle or upper level.

A female leader always takes care of herself, her appearance, clothes and hairstyle. Although this is manifested, as a rule, in the fact that she wears a business suit without a hint of femininity and a short haircut.

The lady leader does not like to emphasize her belonging to the weaker sex, she does not wear jewelry, considering them to be trinkets. You can't make her cry over the melodrama in the cinema.

Such a woman pays some attention to the family, however Career growth means a lot to her too., so she will rather give up her husband than her career. Sometimes such women become devoted mothers, but they behave too authoritatively in relation to their own children, shamelessly interfering in their lives and leading them.

Thus, the chosen motto in relations with a man allows a woman leader to assert herself and gain life force within yourself.

I live for you"

The opposite of the emancipated type of modern woman is the traditional and already fading type of housewife mother, of course. devoted to her husband and children, resigned and outwardly very weak.

Such women are called create comfort around you. They take care of their children and their husband as the most precious thing in their life. Such women are able to get up at five o'clock in the morning to cook a delicious and healthy breakfast for their husband, set the table for him and wake up dearly spouse at the appointed time.

Women dedicate themselves to children, buy them expensive toys, not at all caring that they themselves dress more than modestly.

As a rule, men who choose such a woman as their wife and take care of her can to find family happiness and peace with her.

However, if a man eventually gets bored with such a woman, it will be difficult for him to break off relations with her, because for such a woman a breakup will be a real tragedy.

This type of woman can't handle betrayal, she falls into depression, having lost the meaning of life with the loss of a significant man.

Let's love each other as equals»

Such a woman is a “golden mean” between a leader woman for whom a man is only an accompaniment to her life, and a housewife woman who dissolves in her husband and children.

reasonable and emotional. She will not go into conflict with her husband over trifles, but nevertheless she is able to defend her position and point of view in front of him. However, such a woman will do it gently, without pressure on the husband.

Such a woman will allow a man feel like a leader while earning the respect of her husband and children.

A woman of this type has a good profession, which allows her to simultaneously build a career and be a wife and mother. Although the family is still more important for such a woman, therefore, she will not sacrifice her family for the sake of achieving professional success.

Such a woman calm and welcoming, she appreciates and loves her husband, but divorce will not become an insurmountable tragedy for her: she is strong and weak at the same time. She allows herself to be taken care of and takes care of herself with pleasure.

A man who lives next to such a woman can find true happiness, because she respects him and respects herself, and this is very important. The chosen motto in relations with a man allows such a woman to love and to be loved while remaining unique and inimitable.

The motto in a relationship with a man is every woman's right to choose, only we choose our destiny and are responsible for our choice!