"Eugene Onegin" is a work about love. Pushkin's love is a lofty, free feeling. A person is free in his choice and happy with it, but not in this novel. Although Tatyana loved Onegin, she was not happy with him, she did not even receive reciprocal love. You can trace the theme of love through two meetings between Tatyana and Evgeny.

In the person of Tatyana Pushkin reproduced the type of Russian woman in a realistic work.

The poet gives his heroine a simple name. Tatyana is a simple provincial girl, not a beauty. Thoughtfulness and daydreaming distinguish her among the local inhabitants, she feels lonely among people who are not able to understand her spiritual needs:

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a doe forest is timid.

She is in her family

Seemed like a stranger girl.

Tatyana's only pleasure and entertainment were novels:

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything.

She fell in love with deceptions

Both Richardson and Rousseau.

When meeting with Onegin, who looked special among her acquaintances, she sees her long-awaited hero in him.

She knows no lies

And he believes in his chosen dream.

Following a heartfelt impulse, she decides to confess to Onegin in a letter, which is a revelation, a declaration of love. This letter is imbued with sincerity, romantic faith in the reciprocity of feelings.

But Onegin could not appreciate the depth and passion of Tatyana's loving nature. He reads her a harsh rebuke, which leads the girl into complete frustration and mental confusion.

Having killed Lensky in a duel, the only singer of love among the people around him, Onegin kills his love. From that moment on, a turning point is made in Tatyana's life. She changes outwardly, her inner world closed to prying eyes. She is getting married.

In Moscow, Onegin is met by a cold secular lady, the mistress of the famous salon. In her, Eugene hardly recognizes the former timid Tatyana and falls in love with her. He sees what he wanted to see in that Tatyana: luxury, beauty, coldness.

But Tatyana does not believe in the sincerity of Onegin's feelings, since she cannot forget her dreams of possible happiness. In Tatyana, hurt feelings speak, it is her turn to reprimand Onegin for not being able to discern his love in her in time. Tatyana is unhappy in her marriage, fame and fortune do not bring her pleasure:

And to me, Onegin, this splendor,

Hateful tinsel life, my success in a whirlwind of light,

My fashion house and evenings.

This explanation reveals Tatyana's main character trait - a sense of duty, which is the main thing for her in life. The images of the main characters are revealed to the end in the final meeting. Tatyana answers Onegin to his confessions with the words: “But I am given to another and I will be faithful to him for a century!” This phrase clearly outlines the soul of an ideal Russian woman. With these words, Tatyana leaves Onegin no hope. In the first meeting of the heroes, the author gives Onegin a chance to change his life, filling it with meaning, the personification of which is Tatyana. And in the second meeting, Pushkin punishes the protagonist by leaving Tatyana absolutely inaccessible to him.

He opened the door. What is it

Striking with such force?

The princess is in front of him, alone,

Sitting, not cleaned, pale,

Now I wouldn't recognize the princess!

In anguish of insane regrets

Eugene fell at her feet;

She shuddered and is silent;

And looks at Onegin

No surprise, no anger...

His sick, fading gaze,

A pleading look, a silent reproach,

She understands everything. simple maiden,

With dreams, the heart of the old days,

And now - God! - the blood freezes

As soon as I remember the cold look

And this sermon... But you

I do not blame: in that terrible hour

You have acted nobly

You were right before me:

Then, isn't it? - in a desert,

Far from the vain rumors,

You didn't like me... Well now

Are you following me?

Why do you have me in mind?

Now I must appear;

That I am rich and noble

That the husband is mutilated in battles,

What is it that the yard caresses us for?

Is it because my shame

Now everyone would notice

And could bring in society

You seductive honor?

I cry... if your Tanya

You haven't forgotten so far

Then know: the causticity of your abuse,

Cold, strict conversation

The second meeting of Onegin with Tatyana", "Hide")"> Video: Eugene Onegin The second meeting of Onegin with Tatyana

Eugene Onegin The second meeting of Onegin with Tatyana

No description.

If only I had power,

I would prefer hurtful passion

And these letters and tears.

To my baby dreams

Then you had at least pity,

At least respect for years ...

And now! - what's on my feet

Has it brought you? what a little!

How is it with your heart and mind

To be the feelings of a petty slave?

And to me, Onegin, this splendor,

My progress in a whirlwind of light

My fashion house and evenings

What's in them? Now I'm happy to give

All this rags of masquerade

All this brilliance, and noise, and fumes

For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,

For our poor home

For those places where for the first time,

Onegin, I saw you

Yes, for a humble cemetery,

Where is now the cross and the shadow of the branches

Over my poor nanny...

And happiness was so possible

So close!.. But my fate

Already decided. Carelessly

Perhaps I did:

Me with tears of spell

Mother prayed; for poor Tanya

All the lots were equal...

I got married. You must,

I ask you to leave me;

I know that there is in your heart

And pride and direct honor.

I love you (why lie?),

But I am given to another;

I will be faithful to him forever.

She left. Worth Eugene,

As if struck by thunder.

In what a storm of sensations

Now he is immersed in his heart!


Anna Karenina and Vronsky met by chance. We met to never part. Beloved is near and everything is fine. Only happiness lies ahead.Anna Karenina and Vronsky met by chance. Met so as not to leave ever. Loved by and everything is fine. Leading the way - just luck.

    The protagonist of A.S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" is a nobleman, an aristocrat. It is directly connected with the present, with the real circumstances of Russian reality and with the people of the 1820s. Onegin is familiar with the Author and with some of his friends....

    The basis of the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" is the relationship between the two main characters - Eugene and Tatiana. If you follow this storyline throughout the entire work, two parts can be conditionally distinguished: Tatyana and Onegin; Onegin and Tatyana. Defining...

    You can call him an egoist involuntarily. VG Belinsky Tatyana - "true ideal". AS Pushkin Every writer in his works asks the age-old question: what is the meaning of life, and tries to answer it. A. S. Pushkin in his novel "Eugene ...

    The novel "Eugene Onegin" was created by Pushkin for 8 years (from 1823 to 1831). If the first chapters of the novel were written by a young poet, almost a youth, then the final chapters were already written by a person with considerable life experience. This "growing up" of the poet is reflected in...

    In the images of Olga and Tatyana, A. S. Pushkin embodied the two most common types of female national characters. The poet artistically expressively emphasizes the dissimilarity, difference of the Larin sisters, by no means, however, opposing them to each other: ...

    "Eugene Onegin" and " Captain's daughter” are outstanding works of A. S. Pushkin, in which he acted as an innovator in many respects, using various techniques and means artistic expressiveness. In particular, he applied one of the common...

"Eugene Onegin" is a work about love. Pushkin's love is a lofty, free feeling. A person is free in his choice and happy with it, but not in this novel. Although Tatyana loved Onegin, she was not happy with him, she did not even receive reciprocal love. You can trace the theme of love through two meetings between Tatyana and Evgeny.

In the person of Tatyana Pushkin reproduced the type of Russian woman in a realistic work.

The poet gives his heroine a simple name. Tatyana is a simple provincial girl, not a beauty. Thoughtfulness and daydreaming distinguish her among the local inhabitants, she feels lonely among people who are not able to understand her spiritual needs:

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a doe forest is timid.

She is in her family

Seemed like a stranger girl.

Tatyana's only pleasure and entertainment were novels:

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything.

She fell in love with deceptions

Both Richardson and Rousseau.

When meeting with Onegin, who looked special among her acquaintances, she sees her long-awaited hero in him.

She knows no lies

And he believes in his chosen dream.

Following a heartfelt impulse, she decides to confess to Onegin in a letter, which is a revelation, a declaration of love. This letter is imbued with sincerity, romantic faith in the reciprocity of feelings.

But Onegin could not appreciate the depth and passion of Tatyana's loving nature. He reads her a harsh rebuke, which leads the girl into complete frustration and mental confusion.

Having killed Lensky in a duel, the only singer of love among the people around him, Onegin kills his love. From that moment on, a turning point is made in Tatyana's life. She changes outwardly, her inner world is closed to prying eyes. She is getting married.

In Moscow, Onegin is met by a cold secular lady, the mistress of the famous salon. In her, Eugene hardly recognizes the former timid Tatyana and falls in love with her. He sees what he wanted to see in that Tatyana: luxury, beauty, coldness.

But Tatyana does not believe in the sincerity of Onegin's feelings, since she cannot forget her dreams of possible happiness. In Tatyana, hurt feelings speak, it is her turn to reprimand Onegin for not being able to discern his love in her in time. Tatyana is unhappy in her marriage, fame and fortune do not bring her pleasure:

And to me, Onegin, this splendor,

Hateful tinsel life, my success in a whirlwind of light,

My fashion house and evenings.

This explanation reveals Tatyana's main character trait - a sense of duty, which is the main thing for her in life. The images of the main characters are revealed to the end in the final meeting. Tatyana answers Onegin to his confessions with the words: “But I am given to another and I will be faithful to him for a century!” This phrase clearly outlines the soul of an ideal Russian woman. With these words, Tatyana leaves Onegin no hope. In the first meeting of the heroes, the author gives Onegin a chance to change his life, filling it with meaning, the personification of which is Tatyana. And in the second meeting, Pushkin punishes the protagonist by leaving Tatyana absolutely inaccessible to him.

What was the first date of Onegin and Tatyana? and got the best answer

Answer from Dima Valeev[expert]
In Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin" main character meets Tatyana for the first time when he meets the Larin family. Tatyana, having read English sentimental novels, immediately falls in love with this dandy from the capital, because he did not at all look like the rural inhabitants whom Tatyana was used to seeing. In addition, even before the meeting, there were many rumors about Onegin (“he is a freemason, he drinks red wine by a glass”, etc.), which surrounded his person with an aura of mystery. Having fallen in love with Onegin, Tatyana confesses her feelings to him, but for Eugene, who is more carried away by Olga, the girl’s confessions seem naive and in his response letter he gives her a very cynical rebuke and asks her to forget him. What, in fact, he will repent of at the moment of the second meeting with Tatyana - after a while, at a social event, when Tatyana will already be "given to another and will be faithful to him for a century." In general, this is it.

Answer from Vil Tsvetkova[active]
A. S. Pushkin shows two meetings of the main characters, which mirror each other. The first meeting of Onegin with Tatyana takes place in the village, where he comes to meet the Larin family. Young Tatyana, who has read novels, has already formed the image of her lover. You could say she lived in anticipation of him. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that she fell in love with Onegin. Tatyana cannot restrain her feelings and decides to write a letter to her lover. But for Eugene, who is more interested in Olga, the girl's confessions seem naive, and in his response letter he gives her a very cynical rebuke and asks her to forget him. But as if the first date is still considered when the meeting takes place alone. This happened in the garden where Onegin found Tatyana to explain to her, after receiving a letter with a declaration of love. I am writing to you, what more, what else can I say, now I know in your will to punish me with contempt. . . But Eugene does not intend to bind his fate with anyone and with Tatyana too. When would I be a father, a spouse Pleasant lot commanded; If I were captivated by the family picture, even for a single moment, - That would be true, except for you alone, I would not look for another bride. and gives her advice not to trust her feelings so blindly next time: Love you again: but. . . Learn to control yourself; Not everyone will understand you like me; Inexperience leads to trouble."

Answer from Artem Kutyavin[active]
According to the plot of the poem "Eugene Onegin", Onegin comes to the village to his uncle. There he meets his neighbor Lensky. Lensky has a fiancee Olga Larina. When Lensky goes to the estate to his fiancee Olga Larina, he takes Eugene Onegin with him, where he meets Olga's sister Tatyana. It was their first date.

Answer from Oksana Schukina[expert]
The first date is considered when the meeting takes place in private. It happened in the garden when Onegin found Tatyana to explain himself to her. Until that moment, she had written him a letter declaring her love. I am writing to you, what more, what else can I say, now I know in your will to punish me with contempt - this is how her letter begins. She asks "who are you, a guardian angel or an insidious tempter", and is looking forward to Onegin's answer, but Eugene does not intend to tie his fate to anyone and Tatiana, too, he gently explained to her that he was not worthy of her. If I were to be a father, a spouse, A pleasant lot commanded - If I were captivated by a family picture, even for a single moment, - It would be true, except for you alone, I would not look for another bride. and gives her advice not to trust her feelings so blindly next time: Love you again: but. . Learn to control yourself - Not everyone will understand you, like me - Inexperience leads to trouble. "And he leaves.