The main character of the story is a boy, without a name and surname. If we talk about the main theme of the text - this is the kindness shown towards him by the teacher. Lydia Mikhailovna "French Lessons" is the personification of high morality, the ideal of teaching, a real teacher and a person with a capital letter.

French teacher

Starting with the subject of teaching, the author draws attention to the school of the post-war years. Why does the writer choose French for main character? Literature based on the education of the soul seems more correct. But here is a different approach. The author shows that the girl knew exactly who she would be. French was difficult for her at school. She has proven to herself and others that she can master it, and will help those like her to achieve success in mastering it. The perseverance of the young teacher is captivating.

It is impossible to doubt that she chose the right path. Lidia Mikhailovna is not going to teach at her place in the Kuban, where there is sun and apples, but in Siberia, where there is cold and hunger. She herself is not yet fully aware of the significance of the act: "... but for some reason she came here ...".

The teacher brought up such a level of moral qualities that the reader is convinced of her amazing character. The characteristic of the teacher is hidden behind her actions.

Head teacher

The other teacher next to her is the principal. All the details in the description of Vasily Andreevich are opposed to the main character. Both teachers live in the teacher's house, but the director has a "big half". Vasily Andreevich is a serious person, but the girl does not believe that this is the main quality of a teacher.

Sometimes, in her opinion, you need to forget about the profession. Constant training can make a person "bad and buggy", it will be boring for living people to communicate with him. Lydia understands that "she can teach very little." The rest is self-evident. The director does not accept the act of a young girl. He does not delve into the reasons, remains indifferent to the fate of children and teachers. The author shows how the director "suffocates" from indignation. For him, kindness remains beyond understanding, a wall stands between him and the problems of children.

The nature of the teacher

The description of Lidia Mikhailovna clearly highlights two qualities - attentiveness and kindness. The teacher is still very young. The author says she is about 25 years old. There is no experience of working and communicating with children in comparison with the director. The narrator suggests that Lydia "managed to be married." There is a certain amount of humor in this phrase. The woman felt courage and confidence. Already in the teaching methodology one can feel an attentive person. Lidia Mikhailovna entered the class, greeted the children and examined each student. She made remarks, they were joking, but they were obligatory. The students also treated the teacher carefully. The children knew exactly where the slanting eyes were looking. The boy felt the gaze of attentive eyes. All his "... troubles and absurdities ... swell and fill up with ... bad power ...".

A portrait of a frightened child rises before my eyes. Nothing could be hidden from the teacher.

Another quality of character is perseverance. Having already completed her studies, Lidia Mikhailovna continues to study French: she listens to records on records. The woman stubbornly helps the boy. She sends a parcel with pasta, then, already from the Kuban, with apples. There is no resentment in the teacher. She does not connect the dismissal with the child, for the sake of which she went to tricks.

The story raises various issues. Not all of them are associated with the school. Most of the topics are related to morality, kindness and decency of a person. It will be easier to write an essay "Lydia Mikhailovna" using the proposed material.

Artwork test

In the story "French Lessons" Valentin Rasputin raises the theme of nobility and generosity. One of the main characters of the work is a teacher. The characterization of Lidia Mikhailovna in "French Lessons" is positive from all sides. The author describes her as a talented mentor and good man. She not only notices that the student is starving, but also finds a way to help the boy without hurting his pride.

School work

Lidia Mikhailovna works at a school located in the regional center of Siberia. She acts not only as a French teacher, but also concurrently holds the position of class teacher of fifth graders.

Entering the classroom, a young woman always greets her students and carefully examines them. She has a habit of making joking, but at the same time, obligatory remarks. To characterize Lidia Mikhailovna from the story "French Lessons" you can use the following words:

  • responsive;
  • good;
  • generous;
  • purposeful;
  • persistent;
  • responsible.


Judging by the description of the author, the teacher Lidia Mikhailovna - young girl. She looks no more than 25 years old, she has an attractive appearance and has a neat appearance. Her black hair is cut short and her eyes are slightly slanted. The woman dresses beautifully and wears pleasant perfume.

The correct features of the teacher's face and narrowed eyes to hide the pigtail, do not leave indifferent the people around her. The homeroom teacher rarely fully reveals herself in a smile, but this does not make her expression hard. The girl's gait is soft, courage and self-confidence are read in her.

Character features

The main character of the story is a fifth grade student - a skinny boy who came from the countryside. For him, Lidia Mikhailovna becomes an extraordinary person. Her sensitivity and attentiveness to the wards fascinate him. Even the French language that she teaches seems somehow fabulous to the boy.

The young teacher not only teaches children, but is also interested in their fate. She has a kind and generous heart. The teacher considers it her duty to delve into the lives of students and help them as much as possible.

Once, during class, the teacher saw traces of beatings on the face of the protagonist. Being a sympathetic person, she could not stand aside and asked what happened. The teacher learned from the boy's story that he was gambling to buy milk. She does not chastise him for this and does not give him to the director, but decides to help a hungry student.

A woman collects a parcel of groceries and sends it to the main character. He is flattered, but because of his pride refuses help. Then the sympathetic teacher decides to go for a trick and invites the boy to his home for additional classes.

Her determination and girlish easy-going nature help the boy from the village to master the French language. During one of the classes, she invites him to play a game for money with her. The student agrees, thanks to this he has the opportunity to buy food for himself.

Unfortunately teacher's noble intentions don't end well. The principal catches her playing with a student and fires her. Lidia Mikhailovna, being a responsible person, takes all the blame, shields the boy and thus gives him the opportunity to continue his studies at school.

The teacher leaves for her homeland, but does not forget about the main character. From the Kuban, she sends him a parcel with red apples, which the boy could only see in pictures.

V. G. Rasputin was always worried about fate ordinary people. big feelings and big problems touched upon in his works. And the real hero in each of them is life itself, such as it is, as it is seen by the writer himself. It is no accident that the image of Lydia Mikhailovna occupies an important place in his story "French Lessons". WITH female images throughout his entire work, the author connected his ideas about everything beautiful and humane. In the story, the teacher saves her student, helping him survive and maintain spiritual purity.

Before us appear an ordinary rural boy and a teacher of a district school. Hard fate and hunger force the hero to get in touch with local boys and start playing "chika" for money. However, in terms of the purity of his soul, intelligence, honesty, he is not at all like other guys. Therefore, he does not agree to put up with the injustice and deception that teenagers use. The older boys begin to mercilessly beat and humiliate the boy, stopping his attempts to uphold justice. It was at this moment that the school teacher Lidia Mikhailovna came to the aid of the hero.

Upon learning that the students are gambling, she decides to talk to the boy and find out why he is doing this. After the conversation, she realizes that the boy is not playing for the sake of the money itself and not out of excitement. He needs a ruble for milk. He is malnourished and has no other way to get the money he needs. The hero is imbued with confidence in his teacher, the boy is unable to deceive this woman. He opens his soul to her, talks about the difficulties of his life. Lidia Mikhailovna invites her student to study French additionally, but this, by and large, is just a pretext. In fact, she is deeply concerned about his fate, she seeks to somehow help him. But the proud boy does not agree to accept this help just like that. He refuses to dine with his teacher, indignantly returns her a parcel of groceries. And then the woman finds a way out. She invites him to play with her - first just like that, then for money. The boy agrees. But he strictly ensures that the game is fair, so that the teacher does not succumb to him. Fairly won money he agrees to accept.

Lidia Mikhailovna found a successful way out, and now the hero has money again, he can again buy milk for himself. Nor did he associate with a dubious company of slackers. So the teacher, risking losing her job, saved her student, helped him survive and not lose himself, his individuality, his dignity.

Answer left Guest

Lidia Mikhailovna

Lidia Mikhailovna is the heroine of V. Rasputin's story "French Lessons", a French teacher and fifth grade class teacher in a Siberian town. She was kind and generous person by nature. Outwardly, this is a young woman of about twenty-five, with regular features and slanting eyes. She tried to hide this flaw by narrowing her eyes slightly. She had already been married, and now she taught French at the school of the district center. In Lydia Mikhailovna's class, there was one boy from the outback who was not given French. In general, he was smart and received only fives in other subjects.

Soon she noticed that he had bruises on his face and began to wonder where they were from. As it turned out, the boy played for money with the elders in order to afford at least a glass of milk. Upon learning this, she tried to help him in every possible way: she invited him to her house under the pretext of additional classes to feed him dinner, sent him parcels with food supposedly from the village from her mother, and even began to play with him for money, deliberately giving in. When the director of the school, who lived next door, caught her in this, he immediately fired her. Lidia Mikhailovna had to return home to the Kuban, from where she sent the boy another parcel with pasta and apples.

see also: Characteristics of the main characters of the work French Lessons, Rasputin
Summary French lessons, Rasputin
Compositions based on the work French Lessons, Rasputin
Brief biography of Valentin Rasputin

Answer left zhanna2006

Lydia Mikhailovna is the main character's French teacher. She is also the class teacher: "... The first lesson, as luck would have it, was French. Lidia Mikhailovna, by right of the class teacher, was interested in us more than other teachers, and it was difficult to hide anything from her ..." Lidia Mikhailovna is good, indifferent person. She not only teaches her subject. She also follows the life of her students: "... She came in, greeted, but before seating the class, she had the habit of carefully examining almost each of us, making supposedly playful, but obligatory remarks ..."
Lidia Mikhailovna is an attentive person. She notices everything that happens to her students: "... I felt with my skin how, at the glance of her squinting attentive eyes, all my troubles and absurdities really swell and fill with their bad strength..." "... But, how No matter how I hid it, no matter how I bit it, Lidia Mikhailovna saw it ... " Lidia Mikhailovna lives in the district center next to the school, in the teachers' houses. Her neighbor is the director of the school: "... She lived next to the school, in teachers' houses. On the other, larger half of Lidia Mikhailovna's house, the director himself lived ..." "... Yes, Vasily Andreevich lives behind the wall. He is a very serious person ..." Lidia Mikhailovna's apartment looks like this: "... There were a lot of books in the room, there was a large beautiful radio on the bedside table by the window; with a player - a rare miracle for those times, but for me it was an unprecedented miracle. Lidia Mikhailovna put on records, and the dexterous male voice again taught French ... " Lidia Mikhailovna is a stubborn girl. At school, she had problems with French. She entered the French faculty and proved to herself that she could master the French language: “... she went to the French faculty only because this language was not given to her at school either and she decided to prove to herself that she could master it no worse than others .. ." Lidia Mikhailovna is a city person. She is used to living in the city: "... I'm a city person ..." Lidia Mikhailovna was born in the Kuban. She came to Siberia to work as a teacher: "... And we have apples in the Kuban. Oh, how many apples there are now. I wanted to go to the Kuban today, but for some reason I came here ..." "... I'll go to her in the Kuban, she said, saying goodbye ... " Lidia Mikhailovna believes that a teacher should not be boring and too serious: "... Sometimes it is useful to forget that you are a teacher - otherwise you will become such a bad and beep, that living people will get bored with you. Perhaps the most important thing for a teacher is not to take himself seriously, to understand that he can teach very little ... " Lidia Mikhailovna is a child in her soul. As a child, she was a desperate, mischievous girl. As an adult, she still wants to jump and jump: "... And as a child I was a desperate girl, my parents suffered with me. Even now I still often want to jump, jump, rush somewhere, do something not according to program, not according to the schedule, but at will. I sometimes jump here and jump. A person grows old not when he lives to old age, but when he ceases to be a child. I would love to jump every day ... "

Answer left Guest

Lydia Mikhailovna is the main character's French teacher. She is also a class teacher: "... The first lesson, as luck would have it, was French. Lidia Mikhailovna, by right of a class teacher, was interested in us more than other teachers, and it was difficult to hide anything from her ..." Lidia Mikhailovna is good, indifferent person. She not only teaches her subject. She also follows the life of her students: "... She came in, greeted, but before seating the class, she had the habit of carefully examining almost each of us, making supposedly playful, but obligatory remarks ..." Lidia Mikhailovna's age is about 25 years old: "... Lidia Mikhailovna was probably twenty-five or so then..." Lidia Mikhailovna's appearance in quotes: "... Lidia Mikhailovna raised her eyes to me again. She has them mowed and looked as if past, but by that time we had already learned to recognize where they were looking ... "... She sat in front of me neat, all smart and beautiful, beautiful both in clothes and in her female young pore, which I vaguely felt, the smell of perfume from her reached me ... ""... I remember well her correct and therefore not too lively face with her eyes screwed up to hide her pigtail in them; a tight smile that rarely opens to the end and very black, short hair, but with all this, there was no hardness in her face<...> but there was some kind of cautious, cunning, bewilderment, referring to herself and as if saying: I wonder how I ended up here and what I'm doing here? Now I think that by that time she had managed to be married; in her voice, in her walk - soft, but confident, free, in her whole behavior one could feel courage and experience in her ... "... Lidia Mikhailovna, in a simple home dress, in soft felt shoes, walked around the room ..." Lydia Mikhailovna is an attentive person... She notices everything that happens to her students: "... I felt with my skin how, at the glance of her squinting attentive eyes, all my troubles and absurdities just swell and fill with their bad strength ...". ..But no matter how I hid it, no matter how I bit it, Lidia Mikhailovna saw it ... " Lidia Mikhailovna lives in the district center next to the school, in teachers' houses. Her neighbor is the director of the school: "... She lived next to the school in teachers' houses. On the other, larger half of Lidia Mikhailovna's house, the director himself lived..." "... yes, Vasily Andreevich lives behind the wall. He is a very serious person..." Lidia Mikhailovna's apartment looks like this: "... There were a lot of books in the room; with a player - rare for those times, but for me it was an unprecedented miracle. Lidia Mikhailovna put on records, and a deft male voice again taught French ... " Lidia Mikhailovna is a stubborn girl. At school she had problems with the French language. She entered the French faculty and proved to herself that she could master the French language: "... I went to the French faculty only because this language was not given to her at school either, and she decided to prove to herself that she could master it no worse than others ..." Lidia Mikhailovna is a city person. She is used to living in a city: " ... I'm a city person ... " Lidia Mikhailovna was born in the Kuban. She came to Siberia to work as a teacher: "... And we have apples in the Kuban. Oh, how many apples are there now. Today I wanted to go to the Kuban, but for some reason I came here ... "... I'll go to my place in the Kuban," she said, saying goodbye ... Lidia Mikhailovna believes that a teacher should not be boring and too serious: "... Sometimes it's useful to forget that you're a teacher - otherwise you'll become so mean and bewitchy that living people will get bored with you. For a teacher, perhaps the most important thing is not to take oneself seriously, to understand that he can teach very little ... " Lidia Mikhailovna is a child at heart. As a child, she was a desperate, mischievous girl. As an adult, she still wants to jump and jump: "... And as a child I was a desperate girl, my parents suffered with me. Even now I still often want to jump, jump, rush somewhere, do something not according to program, not according to the schedule, but at will. I sometimes jump here and jump. A person grows old not when he lives to old age, but when he ceases to be a child. I would love to jump every day ... "