The ability to be friends is the ability to be a disinterested, open and sympathetic person. Friendship is a manifestation of care, attention and mutual assistance. Friendship reveals in a person those qualities that the person himself may not have known about.

Friendship appears when people have common interests, when one person is interested in another. True friends like to do some common thing, relax and work together. Friendship makes life more joyful and positive, relieves boredom, blues and bad mood.

Friendship is able to reveal in a person such qualities as disinterestedness, activity, complacency. Friends show concern when a person is in a difficult life situation, is sick, or needs help. Generosity allows you to help out a friend, even if he was wrong or offended a friend. Friendship can work wonders. It makes people kinder, more tolerant and resilient. Friendship is able to develop a strong-willed character, wisdom and delicacy in a person. It can be nice for a person to take care of a friend.

For example, enmity will never cause such feelings. Enmity, on the contrary, can lead to anger, hatred, malice, lies and deceit. Friendship, on the contrary, teaches people to forgive, show gallantry, respect and sincerity. A person without friends is a lonely creature on this planet, so friendship can work wonders and make this world kinder and better. Friendship teaches us to be courteous, merciful, and witty. Friendship teaches us to make thoughtful decisions, to be open, resourceful and gentle.

It gives me more pleasure to be friends. I try to become better and more interesting. I notice that I am learning not to get angry, to take a different point of view, to listen carefully to people and respect other people's opinions, and for all this I thank my friends.

Composition No. 2 Brief

For me, friendship is very important in life. When you have friends in your world happy man. It is so nice to spend my time with my beloved friends, because a friend is not just a person, he knows your interests and hobbies, joint leisure time is a great joy and fun. A friend will always support you in difficult times, give you advice, and will not let you lose heart, this is also very important for me. In my opinion, friendship in a person reveals only all positive feelings and character traits, such as the ability to love, to be able to share, it will also teach you to give gifts and a good mood, to make others happy. Friendship is the brightest and kindest that a person has.

Composition No. 3 What qualities friendship reveals in a person

Already since early childhood we all learn to be friends. Our social world is built from relationships, first we build them with mom and dad, then with relatives, and later our circle expands and we find friends, bring them into our lives. We ourselves begin to choose those who are initially attractive to us, with whom we are interested, it is very good when all this becomes mutual and a friend appears.

You are lucky if you have childhood friends, most likely they are actually real, because time has not lost you and you are still together, you trust each other, and how important this feeling is for a person. Life always goes forward and our circles of communication are expanding, various areas of activity are changing, and in all this we meet new people, get to know each other, make friends. I believe that when friendship is real, it is the greatest gift, a gift of fate. Friendship should be valued and cherished, as they say, give warmth and you will turn back with warmth.

Friendly relations bring people together, help each other to adapt perfectly in life. When I am with friends, we are strength, and when I am alone, this strength gives me support and I know that despite any life situation, I have people who will always listen, support or just have fun and give a good mood. In general, friendly relations are very important for everyone, because they help to reveal in a person good qualities. For example, in my life, friendship helped me to discover in myself such feelings as sincerity, openness, trust, it teaches me to listen to other people and try to help and empathize with them.

Having friends, I learned to give people kindness, giving gifts, helping in various difficult situations. I know how to share and do it with joy. I wish everyone and everyone that in your life there must be Good friends when they are with you you will never be alone, and this is so important in our big world.

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Love... This is a bright, wonderful feeling. It is multifaceted in its manifestations. One of them is patriotism. In the difficult conditions of wartime, this feeling motivates a person to accomplish feats, reveals in him such qualities as courage and devotion to his homeland.

The idea of ​​this sounds in the works of many Russian writers. Let's remember "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy. It is dedicated to the feat of the pilot Alexei Meresyev, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. During the next sortie, his plane was shot down by the Germans and fell into the territory occupied by the enemy. Meresyev survived, but seriously injured both legs. Not wanting to surrender to the enemy, the pilot decided to get to his own, despite the injuries. Driven by memories of home, mother, beloved girl, the desire to once again raise the fighting vehicle into the air in order to fight to the last drop of blood against the invaders and liberate the Motherland from the enemy, Meresyev crawled through the snow “to his own” for eighteen days without food and water. The exhausted fighter, who was in a semi-conscious state, was found by the village boys. In a military hospital, the shins of both legs affected by gangrene were amputated. Meresyev did not want to come to terms with the idea that he would remain an invalid, that he would never again be able to take to the skies and destroy Nazi aircraft. The desire to return to the ranks again, fight the enemy, protect home country helped this man not only learn to walk on prostheses, but also dance on them. At the cost of incredible physical effort, after long training, Alexei Meresyev fulfilled his dream - without legs, on prostheses, he raised the combat vehicle into the sky and again began to shoot down Nazi aircraft. In 1943 he was awarded the title of hero Soviet Union. Thus, for example life history pilot Alexei Meresyev, it can be concluded that love for the Motherland reveals to a person such qualities as courage and heroism, gives determination and makes him fight to the end.

Like Alexei Meresyev, love for the Motherland helps Prince Andrei, the hero of L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". During the battle of Austerlitz, Bolkonsky sees that a mass exodus of soldiers from the battlefield has begun. He understands that this manifestation of cowardice undermines the honor of the Russian army. Forgetting everything, driven by a sense of patriotism, Prince Andrei, under a hail of bullets and shells, raises the banner and goes on the attack alone. As he expected, his act helped raise the morale of the cowardly soldiers and resume the offensive. It was love for the Motherland that inspired Prince Andrei to commit such a heroic deed, revealed in him such qualities as courage and valor.

The fact that love for the Motherland gives people the strength to overcome all the horrors of wartime and often contributes to the manifestation of the best human qualities is also said in the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Being captured by the Germans, a soldier of the Soviet army, Andrei Sokolov, ends up in a concentration camp and is sentenced to death for too free statements about his superiors. The commandant of the concentration camp, Müller, wants to shoot the impudent Soviet prisoner himself. However, before the execution, he wants to conduct a kind of psychological experiment: he invites Andrei Sokolov to drink a glass of vodka for the victory of German weapons for courage. The protagonist of the story, being true patriot, cannot betray the Motherland even in words, therefore he agrees to drink only for his own death. Muller, admiring the courage and loyalty of the Soviet soldier to his country, leaves Andrei Sokolov alive and even gives bread and bacon with him. Thus, if a soldier loves his homeland, he will refuse to betray it even in words, and in an extreme life situation he will show incredible courage.

Summing up my reflections, I would like to recall the words of J. Rousseau, who repeatedly repeated: "The greatest feats of virtue are committed out of love for the Fatherland." And indeed, patriotism raises the fighting spirit of soldiers, reveals in them such qualities as courage, courage and loyalty to the Motherland. Therefore, love for the Fatherland is a feeling that plays an important role in wartime, since without it it is impossible to defeat the enemy.

5 essays on the topics of the "Final essay 2015/16".

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tula, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Rostov, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Ufa, Crimea and others.

When do you want to stop a moment?

Usually people want to stop the moment at the moment when they realize with horror that it, like the billions that follow, will never return. You also want to freeze reality at the moment when you manage to see something very beautiful and bewitching: a mountain landscape, for example, or a sunset. However, it seems to me that most often the desire to stop a moment appears when this very moment is the happiest in a long time. For example, when you are next to the person you love.
The heroine of M.A. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita", having found her love and her meaning of life in the face of the Master, enjoyed every moment spent with him. However, in those days when a difficult period began in their relationship, when the Master began to be overcome by mental illness, Margarita ceased to appreciate these minutes and began to spend more time outside the house. After the beloved disappeared, the girl had time to think about her feelings, and later, following the thread of events, we see what difficulties Margarita was ready to go through in order to return her beloved again. In order to see the Master again, the girl sold her soul to the devil, went to a ball with Satan and endured terrible torment, and the moment when the hero was again in her arms was probably the most long-awaited in her entire life. I think that the moment in which the girl met her beloved again and realized that no one would ever be able to separate them again, the heroine would like to stop forever. And, it seems, Woland gave her such an opportunity.

Pechorin from the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time", judging by all the signs, was not capable of love. But I am inclined to believe that Grigory Alexandrovich simply suppressed this feeling in himself, and in fact he was ready to stop time forever in order to stay with a girl whose life he managed to pretty much cripple. Judging by the way of thinking of the hero and the cynical attitude towards life, it is difficult to say that such a thought could have entered his mind, however, from the episode with the chase on a horse, we learn the true feelings of the hero. His excitement, which makes Pechorin furiously drive his horse, sharp, convulsive and to some extent desperate movements show that if he nevertheless caught up with the carriage with Vera and had time to see this girl for at least a moment, he would wish to stretch this moment for for the rest of my life. But, unfortunately, this moment did not come, and the hero preferred to drown out his former desire in himself and never felt anything like it again.

It is impossible to stop a moment - time leaves without a trace, this is confirmed both by the examples given above and by simple life experience. However, each of us can bring a moment closer and try to squeeze the most out of it. Therefore, it is important to appreciate the time given to us and enjoy every moment of our lives, because this is all we have.

What can a house tell about its owner?

It has been known since ancient times that a house, from the moment of construction, begins to accumulate the energy of its owner and, over time, seems to form a mold of his soul. By the size of housing, by its external and internal appearance, by small and large speaking details of life, one can determine the character of the owner, his mindset, way of life, and even state of mind. It is no coincidence that the house is one of the key details with which the writers reveal the image of the character.

For example, in the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" the image of Ilya Ilyich's room is not just identical in essence to the main character. The apartment with all the talking details very brightly complements the image of its owner. In its description, the author uses the phrase “at first glance” - “... at first glance it seemed beautifully cleaned ...”, and later, following the plot, we understand that Oblomov himself is only active at first glance - his entire existence, described in the very the beginning of the work, only an imitation of life. Many details speak of the laziness of the owner and his servant: cobwebs and dust everywhere, a settled sofa, wood peeling off furniture, stains and stale food leftovers, and much more. About his inactivity - dusty pages of books, last year's newspapers and a dried inkwell. All this perfectly characterizes the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and describes him like nothing else. internal state, his character and way of life in general.
N.V. Gogol in the novel Dead Souls» very accurately uses the reception artistic detail to fully convey the images of the landowners. So, with the help of the description of Sobakevich's house, the author introduced us to the hero even before he appeared in the plot. Reading the description of the estate, we see a village dumbfounded by its size and strong, solid, built to last. The house itself was made “for convenience”, and its walls were made by N.V. Gogol even characterizes them as "wild". All buildings, including the house itself, seem unsightly and crooked, but very rough, durable and full-bodied. The author describes the same thing inside the house: each element of the decor resembles the owner of the house in its size, appearance and strength, and later, getting acquainted with Sobakevich himself, we are convinced of this. N.V. Gogol emphasizes that the hero looks like "a medium-sized bear" and in all his qualities is not inferior to his estate. And even in the way Sobakevich conducts business, the hero manifests himself as a strong master, “a man is a fist”: he knows all the names and dignity of his serfs, does not miss a single opportunity to deceive, and even enters his wife into the list of sold souls. The estate and house of Sobakevich are a detail that fully expresses and complements the image of Sobakevich as a fat, rough, strong, unshakable, unsightly person and more like an animal than a person.

Thus, it is easy to conclude that a dwelling, both from the inside and outside, can fully reveal the image of its owner: both from the good side and from the bad side. The house reveals all the traits of our character, and even those that we carefully tried to hide.

What qualities does love reveal in a person?

Love is that feeling that, like a litmus test, brings out all the qualities of a person and all the facets of his character. In fiction, there is even such a technique as “testing by love” - one of the signs of a worthy character with a pure soul unspoiled by contradictions. It is in the course of such a “test” that many qualities are often revealed that are not noticeable to the reader at first glance.
For example, in the work of M.A. Bulgakov's Master and Margarita, the author shows us what gradation of changes goes through main character. We get to know her at the moment when she walks alone around the city with yellow flowers in her hands - already from this fact the conclusion itself arises that the woman was not particularly attached to her husband, moreover, the Master himself was struck her "extraordinary, unseen loneliness in her eyes." Then, following the plot of the novel, paying attention to the background of each character, we understand that Margarita did not experience much passion in marriage, she did not have affection and awe towards her husband, in her behavior one could even notice shades of pride, in free time she preferred to be alone. But with the advent of the Master in her life, with the advent of true, sincere, passionate, deep love, all Margarita's previous prejudices seemed to have vanished - there was no loneliness in her eyes, no shades of pride, the girl spends absolutely all her time with her beloved, sympathizing and empathizing with him, she literally lives by his creativity, and later even sells her soul to the devil in order to be forever near the Master. Love revealed devotion and sacrifice in the main character, the degree of which, probably, even the heroine herself without love for the Master could not imagine.

Sometimes love radically changes the character of a person and even contributes to the maturation of a person. This happened to the hero of the novel A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter» Petr Grinev. We meet him when he just crosses the threshold of growing up, but still remains a slightly spoiled chick, just taken off from under the cozy wing of a loving mother and a slightly indifferent father. Then, having met Maria, the hero falls in love, and this at first makes him act recklessly, wasting time on useless duels, thereby putting his own life at risk. However, this act was already worthy of respect, because in this way Peter defended the honor of his beloved, which is already a feat that Grinev had not even thought of before. And over time, the hero’s feelings are more and more intensified, solid heroism and self-esteem appear in him, so the hero is not afraid of either Pugachev or death, and even pities the once hated, and now terribly miserable Shvabrin. Love inspired him and supported him in difficult moments, of which there were many, giving impetus to action. She revealed in him incredible courage and heroism, as well as self-esteem.

Once having felt love, a person launches a mechanism for changing his character, which begins to work harder with increased feelings. Due to this, a person often discovers new qualities in himself, hitherto unknown to him.

Do you agree with the idea that the path of life is a permanent choice?

It is impossible to deny the fact that life is a series of events and all kinds of decisions. Everything that happens in our destiny is a consequence of our actions, so it is important to consciously approach any choice and be able to give up our beliefs in time, or make sure in time that they are exceptionally correct.

life path Gregory, the main character of the epic novel by M.A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don”, was full of situations in which serious decisions had to be made. Speaking about the moral choice of the hero, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether in all situations his decisions were correct and correct. But Gregory throughout the novel is guided only by his own convictions and principles, he always thinks about his loved ones and tries with all his might to please everyone, while sometimes he himself ends up with nothing. First, the Hero rushes from Natalia to Aksinya, later, in the war, his soul is tormented by contradictions - his good nature is against bloodshed, but the murder of the Austrian took place, and his blood will forever remain in the hands of Gregory. The hero also tries several times to make a choice, to be on the side of the Reds or on the side of the Whites, but no matter what he does, no matter what throwing he is subjected to and no matter what choice he makes, Gregory always returned home, because his heart only wanted family happiness and peace .

Often life gives a person a choice for the purpose of the so-called "test": tests of love, friendship, family. The hero of the novel A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" had to go through such a "test" more than once, more than once had to make a choice that had logical consequences. Eugene rushed between urban and rural society, simultaneously expressing disdain for both categories. Initially, he made a choice in favor of loneliness and denied Tatyana feelings, simultaneously having a moralizing conversation with her. But the inconsistency of the hero played a cruel joke on him: at the moment when it was necessary to choose in favor of friendship, the hero was frightened of public opinion. opinions of the same secular society whom he seemed to dislike. Eugene agreed to a duel and killed a wonderful poet, later getting what he deserved. It is impossible to judge, however, it seems to me that if the hero tried to make a choice based on his conscience, then the story would take on a completely different direction.

Of course, life is a constant choice. And it is always important to remember that our every action, every choice we make can affect the future and change it. And how correct the decision will be, how correct the message will be from the point of view of morality - our future will be so bright.

Reading a literary work - work or rest?

It is no longer a secret for anyone that reading contributes to the mental, spiritual and physical development of a person and a significant gradation of his abilities and attitude in general. However, even with all these advantages, reading is not in such demand among people as, for example, television or computer games. There is a special layer of people who fundamentally do not read books, there are also those who simply cannot do this for some reason. Others read either to increase their mental abilities, or to eliminate stress or a slight detachment from reality - in other words, for relaxation. And it is impossible to say exactly what reading is for a person: the situations can be different, and the variations in their use are also numerous.

For example, for the character from Daniel Keyes' novel "Flowers for Algernon" since childhood, reading was just a verb that did not have any meaning behind it, and the book was a subject that he could accidentally hear from his parents. At 30, Charlie had the level of development of a child, and only after an operation and a long and painful therapy, he was able to pick up a book and try to read it. It certainly couldn't be called a vacation. To link together the letters, and even more so the words, Charlie had to try very hard, and at first he did not go beyond one page. However, the hero's perseverance helped him overcome his pain and, over time, increase the quantity and quality of the text he read. Truly, reading was part of Charlie's work—long and painful work on himself.
Reading was completely different. fiction the heroine of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Tatyana, unlike her sisters and other family members, preferred reading to gossip. works of art. She really enjoyed books and literally lived them. The girl imagined herself as one of the heroines of her favorite novels and, plunging into this world of “seductive deception”, created ideal images in her mind. Tatyana, being an outstanding personality, tried to fence herself off from the narrow-mindedness and vulgarity of the reality surrounding her, and books helped her in this: they became her outlet.

For some, books can cause nervous breakdowns; for others, they can be a daily brain stimulant. For some, they could bring happiness and relaxation, and for some, they could serve as a punishment. There is no consensus: to read or not to read is the choice of everyone. However, this in no way can detract from the merits of works of art.

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings a person can experience. It awakens a reciprocal feeling, heals the soul, can save a life. The one who loves reveals in himself such qualities as kindness, courage, bravery, mercy.

We can observe this in the work of Mikhail Afanasiev Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". The power of goodness, the human power that Yeshua embodies in himself, is that he sees the soul of another, understands him and tries to help him. This is precisely what the prisoner strikes Pilate with. Yeshua performed the greatest miracle: he gave a place in his soul to a person who threatens his life. – He fell in love with him, and something turned in Pilate's soul. And from that moment begins his reincarnation.

But love reveals not only positive traits, but also negative. For example, jealousy. Jealousy is a destructive force that can destroy even the strongest bonds, bright feelings between people. It can take a person to the extreme. In the work of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don", jealousy corrodes the soul of Natalya Melekhova. In her jealousy, she comes to hatred, and in one tragic moment, Natalya asks God for the death of her husband, the father of her children! What a terrible sin!

As a result, I want to answer the question of what qualities love reveals in a person. In my opinion, love reveals both positive and negative qualities of a person.

This paper does not meet requirement #1 (contains 195 words) and is not evaluated on the five criteria. A “failure” is given for the essay, despite the fact that the essay is written on the chosen topic, and from the references to the text it is obvious that the student is guided by the content of the work he is writing about.


In accordance with requirement No. 2, the final essay is performed independently. It is not allowed to copy an essay (fragments of an essay) from any source or reproduce someone else's text from memory (the work of another participant, a text published in paper and / or electronic form, etc.). Direct or indirect quoting is allowed with a mandatory reference to the source (the link is given in free form). The volume of citation should not exceed the volume of the participant's own text. If the essay is recognized as non-independent, then a “failure” is given for failure to comply with requirement No. 2 and a “failure” for the work as a whole (such an essay is not checked according to the evaluation criteria).

Most students write essays on their own. At the same time, there are cases of writing off the text of works from ready-made sources. Most often, in non-independent essays, borrowed material is used fragmentarily, in different proportions and combinations (more often in the introduction to the work or in the characterization literary works). In addition to various collections of "golden essays", there is a huge network resource, replete with "constructors" of essays and ready-made matrices, pushing students to outright forgery instead of the necessary work to create an independent text.

The essay below on the topic “What can a house tell about its owner?” partially scrapped ( Also, let's pay attention to the fact that the graduate, using someone else's text, does not go to the discussion on the proposed topic, replacing the concept of "home" with the concept of "family".

Home ... Father's house. For each of us, it is of great importance. Indeed, in the father's house, a person is not only born, but also receives those moral qualities that he will need throughout his life. It all starts from childhood, and the formation of character depends on the spiritual atmosphere that reigned in the house.

Consider the estate of the nobles Prostakovs in the comedy "Undergrowth" by D.I. Fonvizin. What is this house? It is dominated by Mrs. Prostakova, and she builds relationships in the house, from a position of strength. The atmosphere in the house is heavy. The landowner is lying, cunning, rude, and no one can appease her. It would seem that her husband could appease her, but he only indulges her in everything. Prostakova is despotic towards her husband. Perhaps the author wants to say by this that despotism destroys everything human in a person. But let's not forget that Prostakova is a mother. And she loves her son - Mitrofanushka. But in such a homely atmosphere, Mitrofan could not learn anything good. The comedy ends with the fact that Prostakova loses not only her home, but what is more terrible, Mitrofan betrays her - he refuses his mother. On the example of this work, in the image of Prostakova's house, we can understand what kind of woman this woman is in essence.

Consider another house. House - Count Ilya Nikolaevich Rostov in the novel "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy. The house is located on Povarskaya street, the doors are open to everyone. The family is musical, artistic. People love singing and dancing in the house. Count - Ilya Nikolaevich Rostov trusts his children. Tolstoy emphasizes that the gift of education is also inherent in Countess Rostova. She is generous in dealing with children, sincere. And the moral qualities that the Rostov children could endure are worthy of respect. For example, such as - patriotism, honesty, kindness, mercy. Natasha gives carts for the wounded, Nikolai saves Marya Bolkonskaya during a peasant riot, and Petya goes to the front and dies there. Calm reigns in the Rostovs' house, respect for each other, honesty, mutual understanding. And judging by this, we can conclude that the owner of the house is Count Rostov, strong personality and he skillfully leads his house to prosperity.

Thus, in these two examples, we can see how a house can tell about its owner, about his character, about his moral values and life beliefs.

It is notable that the websites that students use contain inaccurate or false information. There is a gross factual error in the work cited: the student writes that Count Rostov is a strong personality and skillfully led his house to prosperity, while Count Rostov is a kind and gentle person, but he entrusted the management of his estate to an unscrupulous manager and contributed to the ruin of his family. In addition, the name of the hero of Tolstoy's novel is Ilya Andreevich Rostov, and in the Internet source he is mistakenly called Ilya Nikolaevich.

An analysis of a large number of works allows us to distinguish several types of essays written not independently.

1) The work has been written off in its entirety. In one of these essays on a topic related to the open direction "Home", the graduate sincerely added at the end : “I want to finish the essay in my own words: Home is warm. Home is joy. Home is life, Home is everything. A test for independence showed that this is the only phrase in the entire composition that the participant actually wrote himself.

2) Ready-made elements are inserted into the essay, which can be partially paraphrased, but are still easily recognizable and replicated in many works. The links between the parts of the essay are usually formulated by the graduate himself, which is clearly felt by the sharply increasing number of errors of various types. Such, for example, are many essays with arguments for thinking about the house on the example of the Rostov family (the novel "War and Peace") and the house of Prostakova (the comedy "Undergrowth"). The presence of these two arguments in one work can be considered an unconditional indication of a certain degree of its lack of independence.

3) The graduate uses a voluminous source and shortens it, partially retelling. Below is a relevant example.

“Following the thoughts of a great man is the most entertaining science” (A.S. Pushkin.) Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin once wrote: “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands, A folk path will not grow to it ... Mentally I lay a bouquet at the foot of this monument, composed of quivering ... love and great gratitude. My acquaintance with the work of a genius happened in childhood, when, having barely learned to read, I enthusiastically plunged into the world of his fairy tales, following the thoughts of a great man. They were presented in beautiful, easy-to-understand verse. Already in my school years, I learned that poetry and prose were combined in Pushkin's work. His poems, fairy tales, tragedies and stories are harmonious and cheerful ... " etc.

This essay has been copied

Love is an amazing feeling that gives you a feeling of butterflies in your stomach, an emotional explosion and an absolute feeling of happiness. Being in the so-called euphoria, a person is capable of unexpected actions, as well as his soul opens up new facets. In my essay, I will discuss what qualities love reveals in a person.

The first thing I want to say is that when a person loves, he is ready to change. Each of you is familiar with a very principled person, with his own opinion on any situation and stubbornness, which does not give up under any circumstances. However, if this person truly falls in love, then he will be able to deviate from the usual rules and begin to reckon with another opinion, namely with the opinion of his soul mate. In most cases, love has a positive effect on people, they become kinder, softer and happier.

The strongest love, in my opinion, is maternal. Here it is in all its manifestations shows that a mother is capable of anything for the love of her child. Such love is pure, selfless and the strongest. A mother will do everything, even the most impossible, to protect her child. She is always by his side. Supports, sympathizes, helps and protects. Mother's love reveals a huge range of qualities in a woman and makes her connection with the child so strong and strong that no one can break it.

If we return to the question of love between a man and a woman, then love reveals fidelity. If a person loves, then he will never betray or hurt a loved one. Likewise, a person in love becomes generous. He wants to surprise, delight and give gifts to his soul mate.

Love also reveals romance in a person. Not all people show their emotions, enjoy the little things and do romantic things. However, if he falls in love, then romance covers him with a wave of the ocean. He wants to do nice things, arrange dates, walk in parks, enjoy the view of the stars together. Love pushes a person to romantic exploits and reveals the creative principle in him.

Love has a positive effect on the sense of responsibility. This is especially true for men, because if he creates a family in which children appear, then he does everything to support her and create favorable conditions. He realizes his responsibility for his family, grows up, becomes more serious.

Each of us love reveals certain qualities. The main thing is that it be mutual and bring happiness.


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