To date, there are a fairly large number of entrepreneurial ideas. Making fridge magnets is one of the most inexpensive and easy-to-plan ways to start your own small home business.

Why magnets? Decorating kitchen surfaces with souvenirs, brought from some places as a keepsake, or simply magnets that are interesting from a design point of view, is a very popular, if not universal, hobby. In some families it even takes the form of collecting. Without a doubt, this product is and will be in demand.

Based on the foregoing, we can say that the production of fridge magnets can bring quite a good profit. Let's take a look at some of the specifics of this case.

The production of photomagnets is the most profitable occupation

Photomagnets are the most common today. Their whole idea is that almost any image can be placed on the surface of such products, from a beautiful landscape to photographs of various events. In addition, it is precisely this production of fridge magnets that is the easiest to implement. You do not need any special knowledge and skills. In addition, it should be noted that the entrepreneur can easily provide such a service as the creation of magnets to order.

What can be magnetic vinyl?

Photomagnets owe their appearance to special vinyl (magnetic paper). It is a rubber-like elastic material that combines the qualities of both elastic rubber and a permanent magnet. It has these properties due to its main components - magnetic powder and polymeric substances. The basis for fridge magnets can be:

1. Self-adhesive, i.e. with adhesive layer.

2. Without adhesive layer.

3. With a special coating for quality inkjet printing.

4. With a special coating that allows printing with UV curable inks and solvent inks

The production process of photomagnets is simplified

Don't know how to make a fridge magnet? With the advent of this product on the free market, the production of decorative magnets at home, namely photo magnets, has become a very simple process, including only two operations.

1. Search and print out the desired image on the printer (the future front of the magnet).

2. Sticking the printout or finished drawing on self-adhesive vinyl paper.

This is where the whole production of fridge magnets ends. Products are ready, it remains to find a consumer.

What will be required to organize a more serious entrepreneurial business?

Of course, the simplest and most budget option is presented. If you are aiming to create a more serious business at home that brings a substantial income, and not entertainment with a pleasant bonus in the form of payment for your work, you will need to purchase some tools. For example, a plotter for cutting the desired shapes from rolled vinyl will not be out of place, and a professional printer designed to apply a picture directly to vinyl is a must.

What is needed to start a magnet production business?

The following list contains everything, including equipment for making refrigerator magnets, which an aspiring entrepreneur will need:

1. A small office where orders will be taken.

2. Printer for printing (regular inkjet or professional, depending on the scale of the intended activity).

3. Consumables for printing (paper, toner, color, cartridge, etc.).

4. Tools for image processing (scissors, stationery knives).

5. Plotter - if possible, as it will simplify and speed up the process of cutting molds for magnets.

6. Personal computer with installed programs for processing and editing images. This will greatly simplify the process of searching for and processing the images that interest you or the customer.

7. Books, magazines, design blogs - in general, everything that will help you in the formation of your own style and artistic taste.

8. Other consumables such as the vinyl paper itself.

Creativity is the first step to success

Problems with the acquisition of blanks should not arise. And the production itself usually does not raise questions. All problems arise at the moment when it is necessary to sell the manufactured products. Most people who want to get busy entrepreneurial activity, first of all, they rely on the production of large products, believing that the profit from this will be higher. However, do not forget about the amount of initial capital. We should talk in more detail on this topic.

The experience of most entrepreneurs demonstrates that creativity and a well-built sales system can minimize advertising costs. In addition, this same experience shows that the production and sale of smaller items is the most profitable business.

Magnets with funny inscriptions and messages for loved ones will always delight people. But it should be understood that anything can be used to create images.

When developing a design, it is required to take into account such a factor as seasonality. During the holidays, those elements that correspond to a certain theme will become especially popular.

For example, during the winter holidays, you can start making magnetic boards with Christmas calendars on them. IN Lately they became very popular.

Need to find professionals

A magnet business will be most successful if you hire professionals. At the moment when the idea is picked up, you need a designer who is able to implement it. The cost of professional services starts from a thousand rubles. Everything will depend on the complexity of the idea. After a professional is found, it will be necessary to determine the shape of the future product. For example, inscriptions will look great on flat magnets.

Production of magnets: business development potential on magnets + how to issue an IP + 6 types of souvenirs for a refrigerator + technology for the production of neodymium magnets + purchase of equipment for the production of vinyl magnets + where to sell souvenirs + payback period.

Not all areas of business are boring and devoid of creativity. For example, the production of magnets is not only a profitable idea that pays off quickly, but also room for creativity.

These products can be made with your own hands by purchasing blanks for this, and the design of products depends only on your imagination. Also, the process can be scaled by expanding the range and using professional equipment.

We will tell you in detail about what types of these souvenirs exist, and how you can earn money on them, below.

Risk or profit in the production of magnets: is there a demand?

Today, on the refrigerator of each person you can see souvenirs - magnets. They are bought on excursions, given as gifts for the holidays, or simply purchased for beauty, creating a unique kitchen interior.

The variety of designs of these products today is simply amazing, especially since modern technology makes it possible to realize the most ambitious ideas. We can safely say: the demand for products will be unequivocal, the main thing is to present your idea to the consumer in an interesting way, surprise him with something new and follow current trends.

How to register your business?

Having indicated what your business will be like, you can proceed to register your business with the Tax Service of Russia.

The production of souvenirs is not a large-scale project, so registration in the status of an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) is enough.

What you need to apply for IP:

In 5 days you will receive documents about, an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. If necessary, open a bank account and order a print.

Do not forget about tax deductions and submission of reports to the tax office as needed.

The production of fridge magnets - technological features ...

Today there are many ways to produce souvenirs. Each option has its own characteristics and requires the purchase of special equipment and material.

Consider what popular types of magnets exist, how they are produced.

1. Vinyl fridge magnets.

This is the easiest option for the production of souvenirs, which, moreover, does not require large financial investments.

What is vinyl? This is a polymer that is elastic in its structure, but at the same time, has the properties of a magnet. It is available for sale both wholesale and retail. Sold in rolls or sheets. The cost depends on the quality, thickness and size.

What are the types of vinyl?

  • With adhesive layer.
  • Without adhesive layer.
  • With a special coating for printing with a string printer or with UV ink.

Consider all stages of the production of vinyl magnets:

  1. We print any image on a color printer.
  2. Cut out vinyl sheets.
  3. The next step is laminating the printed image.
  4. The last step is to glue the image onto the adhesive side of the vinyl.
  5. That's it, the goods are ready to go to the shops.

2. Wooden souvenir.

The wooden magnet looks very nice, while you can depict anything on it. The cost of such a product will be higher than that of a vinyl souvenir. You will have to purchase a machine that will apply a pattern to the wood and engrave the goods at the end.

You can also apply pictures or photographs to a wooden base. To do this, you still have to buy a press. We will talk more about the main equipment below.

3. Acrylic magnet.

Another option is how you can souvenirs even at home. It's about about acrylic fridge magnets. All you need to make them is to print the image to size, and then insert it into the acrylic blank. One such blank has a price of about 5-7 rubles for bulk purchases.

Even a schoolboy can arrange such a business, because all that is needed is to purchase acrylic magnets, paper, a printer with the ability to print in color.

4. Sunset magnets.

Sunset magnets are reminiscent of round badges that are usually hung on clothes or bags. They have a metal base, so the production technology will be more complicated than in previous versions. You will need to purchase a special press that will roll the edges of the metal blank.

Stages of production of sunset magnets:

  1. An acrylic insert and a metal base are purchased.
  2. You need to place an image in an acrylic insert.
  3. The insert, in turn, is placed in a metal blank.
  4. Vinyl must be attached to the back of the magnet. He will hold the magnet on the refrigerator.
  5. To prevent our product from falling apart, it must be rolled with a press.

If you have the funds to purchase a press, then you can expand the boundaries of your business - to produce not only fridge magnets, but also badges on a hairpin.

5. Gypsum magnets.

Another interesting way to produce magnets is using a gypsum base.

Production technology:

  1. You need to decide what form the souvenir will have. It should be embossed on one side only, a vinyl magnet will be glued on the other.
  2. Care must be taken to ensure that molds for casting plaster are available. The best material is latex.
  3. Once the gypsum is cast into a mold, it must fall into a special vacuum. There the figurine is processed, during which all air bubbles are removed.
  4. You need to wait until the plaster cools down, and then decorate it according to your sketches. For this, polyurethane paints are used, which are ways to protect the material from harmful external influences.
  5. Once the paint is dry, you can stick a magnet (vinyl plate) on the back.

This direction is more suitable for artists or designers who can draw beautifully and can depict an original picture. Materials for production are inexpensive, they can be ordered via the Internet at wholesale prices.

6. Phosphor magnets.

We bring to your attention original idea, which few people still use in their work on the Russian market. Take up the production of magnets that glow in the dark.

Think for yourself how beautiful such a souvenir will look in any room of your house at night!

How are phosphor magnets made? A picture or even a plaster relief needs to be coated with a powder called phosphor. It is he who glows in the dark due to the fact that he is "charged" with light from a lamp or natural lighting in the room.

The effect of such a mysterious and beautiful light can last about 20 hours.

Read more about the production of neodymium magnets...

Neodymium magnet It is a strong permanent magnet. It consists of such rare earth chemical elements as boron, iron and neodymium. The main feature of a neodymium magnet is its resistance to demagnetization and powerful attraction.

These are no longer souvenir products, and it is impossible to make them at home.

How is the production of neodymium (sintered) magnets at the factory?

  1. At the first stage, you will need a crucible furnace. Boron, iron and neodymium will be fused in it in an atmosphere of inert gases. The furnace functions on the basis of the activity of eddy currents, while the chemical elements do not burn, but only melt. At the output, we get solid ingots.
  2. Ingots must be processed by centrifugal atomization, and then crushed. The powder granules are very small.
  3. At the third stage, the powder must be poured into a special form. With the help of a press, the magnet comes out even and smooth. At the same stage, domains and polarity are aligned, after which it will not be possible to change the power of the magnet.
  4. The production of neodymium magnets will not do without sintering at a temperature of 1200o above Celsius. If the temperature is low, then the product will not have a strong shrinkage, and this will reduce the density of the magnet.
  5. Although the ingots from the impact of the press have an even shape, nevertheless, it is necessary to grind the product.
  6. As soon as the blanks are ready, they are sent to the equipment - a pulsed magnetic field. As you understand, here the product receives its main properties - magnetism.
  7. At the last stage, a special coating is applied to the magnet, which protects the product from corrosion. To do this, use copper, zinc or nickel.

Neodymium magnets vary in power, which is indicated by the license plate on the product itself.

By and large, if you want to seriously engage in the production of souvenirs, then you should rent a room and purchase equipment, as well as raw materials for the production of neodymium magnets.

Approximate expense item - 15 thousand dollars:

You will also have to hire an experienced laboratory assistant who knows the features of the data. chemical substances, able to combine them, to distinguish. An employee must control all technological processes, be responsible for the purchase of raw materials.

In addition to the cost of equipment, raw materials and wages for employees, you will have to rent a room with an area of ​​40-50 m2. This is another expense item to which do not forget to add utility bills. Thus, to open such a production, you will need at least 300,000 rubles.

We advise aspiring entrepreneurs at the first stages of organizing a business to limit themselves to the purchase of vinyl blanks. Although neodymium magnets are in demand, they are not essential goods, so it makes no sense to produce them in large quantities, more precisely, it will be difficult to sell them in bulk.

Vinyl magnet production equipment

are always complex, require a lot of investment. But the production of fridge magnets is a great chance to try yourself as an entrepreneur, while not having a huge cash capital.

We propose to consider how to start the production of vinyl magnets at home, what is needed for this.

Equipment for the production of vinyl magnets:

EquipmentPrice, rub.)
TOTAL: 89 000 rubles
1. Laptop.
20 000
2. Color cartridge.
1 500
3. Photo paper.
4. Inkjet photo printer.
30 000
5. Vinyl magnet (roll: thickness 0.4 mm, length - 30 meters, width - 62 cm).
6 000
6. Vinyl cutting machine.
30 000
7. Film for lamination.
1 000

As for the premises for the production of fridge magnets, you can make souvenirs at home. The press for cutting blanks will take no more than a square meter. Place the computer and printer on a table that can be found in every home.

You can also refuse employees, and take on the production of magnets on your own. If desired, you can connect relatives and friends to speed up the process, and divide the profit into two.

Sales and advertising strategy

To be in demand for magnets, you need to go to this issue on the creative side, i.e., come up with an original presentation.

What are some interesting ideas for the production of fridge magnets:

  1. Have a great demand, especially on New Year's Eve, magnetic calendars for the refrigerator. They can be made detachable or simply in the form of a small poster of 10 * 10 cm format.
  2. You can produce notebooks on the refrigerator according to the same principle. In them, people will write notes or draw up a daily routine.
  3. Offer your customers the production of custom-made fridge magnets with a photo or in the form of a photo frame.
  4. Magnets in the form of letters, numbers and animals for children are in great demand. Such products can be hung not only on the refrigerator, but also on special magnetic boards.
  5. A good idea is volumetric magnets (animals, zodiac signs, etc.)
  6. Make a unique party with a themed design every holiday.

In general, it all depends on your creativity and creativity. The more interesting the presentation, the faster the goods will be bought from the store counter.

Now let's talk about how to tell people about yourself, and where to sell fridge magnets.

In this case, you can save a lot on advertising. , add to the public all the inhabitants of your locality. Update the information about the product on the page as often as possible, post photos with prices, indicate the addresses of stores where you can buy your magnets.

If you make them to order, ask your friends to write reviews on the page about good quality product. Thanks to this, new people will be more confident about the new project.

Magnets can be sold via the Internet by sending goods by mail. You can also personally visit all the souvenir shops and bookstores of the city, arrange small deliveries. If the owners like the design of your products and prices, then the contract for the supply of products is in your pocket.

Making souvenir magnets.

How to make a vinyl magnet? Small business at home.

How soon will the production of magnets pay off?

So, we took up the production of vinyl magnets for sale as souvenirs.

To find out when the business will pay off, you need to compare all expenses and possible profit:

  1. Registration of an individual entrepreneur is inexpensive, only 800 rubles. Let's round this amount up to 1 thousand, because the bank will require a commission for paying the state duty. You may also need to make copies of some documents.
  2. We will spend a total of 89,000 rubles on equipment and blanks.
  3. From a roll of vinyl (30 meters long and 62 cm wide) we can cut 2040 blanks. A minimum of 8 images can be made from one photo sheet. We need half a pack - 255 sheets.
  4. The cost of one product is approximately 5 rubles. We will sell them to stores for at least 15 rubles.
  5. For a month, it will be enough to produce 20 thousand pieces for trade. With the demand for products and the full sale of all products, the monthly profit will be 300,000 rubles.
  6. Subtract from this amount monthly expenses (100 thousand rubles) and taxes (25 thousand rubles)
  7. The net profit in the production of magnets will be 175 thousand rubles, i.e., the business pays off already in 1-2 months of successful work.

Production of magnets is, at first glance, a simple business that does not require capital investments and pays off in record time. But we want to warn you that souvenir products are not essential goods. It is seasonal, so it will be difficult to sell everything.

On the other hand, if you approach the matter from a creative side, come up with an original presentation, agree on deliveries with many stores, then you can have a stable, albeit small, income.

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New business ideas always cause a surge of interest both among entrepreneurs who want to get the maximum profit, and among consumers who love everything unusual and original. The manufacture of photomagnets is a relatively new direction in the field of printing. This business does not require large financial investments, it quickly pays off and is in great demand.

The production of photomagnets takes place according to a simple technology that anyone can master. Work can be done both at home and in the office, if available. In fact, a photo magnet is a photograph provided by the customer, processed in a photo editor (optional) and printed on magnetic paper. Alternatively, you can print the finished image and insert it into special frames with a magnetic strip on the back. By the same principle, you can make a magnet clock and other interior decorations.

Photomagnets are made on special vinyl, which is a material that combines the properties of a magnet and tight rubber. It owes these properties to its constituent components - polymeric substances and magnetic powder. The basis for magnets is:

  • with an adhesive layer - the most convenient and low-cost option;
  • coated for inkjet printing;
  • without adhesive layer;
  • coated for laser printing.

Making your own magnet is easy. The technology of printing on photomagnets is as follows:

  1. In the photo editor, the image is prepared, the desired size is set.
  2. The photo is printed on the printer.
  3. The top layer is removed from the magnetic paper.
  4. The image is glued and cut around the edges.
  5. The photo magnet is ready!

The presented option is the most budgetary. If you are planning to open a large-scale and serious business, you will need to purchase a special printer that prints on vinyl, and a plotter with which you can cut out photos of various shapes from the material.

What is required for business?

First of all, you should legalize the enterprise - register an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the tax office. Then it is worth deciding on the taxation system, as a rule, entrepreneurs choose UTII. When the documents are submitted to the tax office, you can begin to search for premises.

For a small photomagnet manufacturing company, a minimal space is suitable, which can be a separate office or an “island” in a shopping center. The main thing is that the patency of potential customers at the location of the point is maximum. So, good places are:

  • shopping centers;
  • large stores;
  • first floors of buildings located close to busy bus stops.

After an agreement is concluded with the landlord, it is necessary to make repairs in the premises, its design should be carefully considered. Equipment and furniture can be brought into the finished office:

  • table;
  • a sofa for those who are waiting;
  • chairs for employees and clients;
  • printers (laser, inkjet);
  • computers;
  • plotter (or scissors, if a small amount of work is expected);
  • wardrobe;
  • racks for equipment and product samples;
  • Consumables.

You should know that for work you will need to purchase a license software. If “pirated” programs are installed on computers, then the entrepreneur faces a serious punishment - a large fine or even criminal liability. From the software you need:

  • operating system, such as Windows;
  • photo editing and processing program (Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw or other).

An entrepreneur can work independently in an office or hire employees. As a rule, it is enough to hire one employee, and on weekends the owner himself can replace him. The main thing is for the employee to be a professional - to be able to work with equipment and work with photo editors.

To save money, you should take care in advance to find suppliers who will bring consumables at a low price. Subject to this algorithm of business organization, it will generate income in the shortest possible time.

Costs and profits

Before starting your own business, you need to calculate the amount of initial investment. These include:

  • rent and repair of premises - from 20,000;
  • purchase of equipment and furniture - from 50,000;
  • purchase of software - from 20,000;
  • purchase of consumables - from 10,000.

In addition, a “financial cushion” is needed for the first time, until the photomagnet business begins to make a profit. Monthly costs include:

  • payment of rent, utility bills and taxes - depending on the region, from 12,000;
  • salary to employees (if any) - from 15,000;
  • purchase of additional consumables - from 2,000.

Separately, it is worth considering the costs of advertising - before opening, they can be 20,000 rubles (PR in the media, creating your own groups in social networks, printing and posting, distributing ads, making a sign, banner). In the future, expenses will be insignificant - up to 2,000 per month (printing business cards and leaflets, advertising in the media and social networks).

Accordingly, the initial costs will amount to 100,000 rubles, and monthly - 31,000. Accordingly, with daily revenue of 5,000 rubles or more, the business will pay for itself in less than 2 years. To increase the flow of customers and profits, you should provide customers with other services - photo printing, photo editing, creating collages and others. This will speed up the payback of the point and increase the income received from it.

Business does not have to be based on the production of any large-scale products or global services. Sometimes even small and relatively cheap products can bring a very good profit. A prime example a profitable business built on the manufacture of not the most dimensional products is the production of souvenir magnets.

Is there a demand?

Coming to visit, you probably paid attention to the collections of similar products that proudly took their place on refrigerators.

Almost every person has at least a couple of magnets at home, because they allow you to remind yourself and inform guests about where you managed to visit, and also simply help to decorate the interior of the kitchen. Demotivator magnets are also very common, especially for those who are losing weight.

As you can see, the idea of ​​producing refrigerator magnets is very interesting, especially if it is implemented correctly. After all, there is definitely a demand for the product!

Refrigerator magnet production equipment

Consider what equipment for making fridge magnets you will need. It should be said right away that there are several varieties of such souvenir products, and almost each of them has its own characteristics. Therefore, we will consider them in order.

Making vinyl magnets

One of the most popular types is a vinyl magnet. It is named after the material on which the desired image is applied.

Magnetic vinyl is very flexible and elastic, because it combines properties of 2 materials at once A: rubber and magnet with permanent poles. It is filled with polymers, as well as magnetic powder, which ensures good fastening on a metal surface.

There are several species vinyl magnets:

The most convenient way to produce vinyl magnets includes the following stages of work:

  • we print the desired image on photo paper;
  • we purchase a vinyl magnet with an adhesive base;
  • laminating the resulting image;
  • Glue the laminated drawing onto a magnet.

As you can see, the procedure is quite simple. The equipment you will need will be:

  • separate room;
  • computer with Photoshop;
  • the most professional inkjet printer and color ink for it;
  • a cutter for shaping a vinyl magnet;
  • if you want to produce really good magnets that will vary in shape, it's best to get a plotter as well.

Custom photo fridge magnet

You can make a magnet with a photo in the same way as vinyl magnets. The only difference is that paper is used instead of vinyl.

Most often, people order a photo magnet, which depicts either themselves or their second halves, because such a product will become very original gift. Therefore, in order for your photo magnet business to develop to the fullest, in addition to the equipment that we have marked as the main one for the production of vinyl magnets, you also need to add a SLR camera.

Wooden fridge magnets

Wooden fridge magnets are great candidates for the title of exclusive decorative products, as they look very aesthetically pleasing.

They are much more expensive, they are used not only as souvenirs, but also as a gift. An original made magnet of this type will be an excellent present.

But, in order to produce such a product, you will need special equipment, which is not so easy to find. You definitely need engraving machines that will apply the required image or pattern to the wood.

If you want to print photo magnets on a wooden base, and not apply a picture, in fact, on a tree, then you will need a special press machine that can securely fix the image on a wooden base.

Therefore, this type of business will be very costly at the initial stage. It will require not only machines, but also:

  • computer,
  • tree forms,
  • magnetic tape.

In addition, you will need somewhere to remove the remnants of wood, which will inevitably appear after each cycle. Therefore, this business should be developed not at home, but at special enterprises.

Acrylic Fridge Magnets

Acrylic magnets have recently become more and more popular due to their brightness and aesthetics. In addition, their cost is low, so they are easier to sell.

Making acrylic magnets does not take much time and effort. The main thing is that you manage to find a supplier of acrylic molds, because this part will become the body of the future souvenir. They are usually sold with magnetic tape already applied on the back.

So, for acrylic magnets, no special equipment is required, except for a printer, computer and photographic paper.

Production process similar souvenirs is as follows:

  • print on photo paper an image corresponding to the size of the acrylic form;
  • open the form
  • insert the image inside, carefully stretching it so that the picture does not wrinkle;
  • close the top of the form so that the picture does not move.

Nothing complicated!

Implementation Methods

In order for the business (refrigerator magnets) to be truly profitable, you must be able to sell your products. In the case of souvenir magnets, this is quite simple. To do this, you can use several methods:

  • open own point or even just a place in the market in resort towns so that tourists can purchase your product. As practice shows, this method of implementation is very good;
  • seasonal trading just as good, because souvenirs are great for buying for all kinds of holidays;
  • a good option would be implementation through retail chains, but it is difficult to break into such an industry;
  • own online store magnetic products will be a great way to sell similar souvenirs.

Magnets on order

But if you want to organize the production of magnets to order, then we are ready to offer the following development option:

The most difficult thing in this business is precisely attracting a customer, so all forces must be thrown precisely at this. Good promotional tools are social media groups, small signs at magnet retailers.

Concerning costs, then for any of the models of doing a souvenir business with magnets, except for the manufacture of wooden products, you will need about 2 thousand dollars. This should be enough for equipment and advertising.

Depending on the success of the trade, profit can be from 400 to 1000 dollars per month. As a rule, over time, the number of orders, and with it the profit, increases.

Case will pay off in 2-6 months, after which you will receive a good profit, especially if you manage to expand your network in resort towns. Over time, the number of customers will only grow, which also plays into your hands.

Decided to make original gifts to your loved ones? Do you want to make an interesting magnet? Or are you planning to open your own small souvenir business? This does not require any supernatural skills and knowledge. The presence of some materials, equipment + a little patience and - voila! Bright emotions are imprinted on high-quality magnetic products!

In the production of vinyl magnets, various printing methods are used, such as digital and offset printing, silkscreen printing, and even simple inkjet printing.

So, first you need to prepare the vinyl for work. The material is cut and cut in almost any way. Here you can start with scissors and finish with more advanced options, such as a cutting plotter or a crucible press (option for business).

Next, you should go directly to the transfer of images to the material. This is done either by direct printing or by printing on another adhesive material, which is then transferred to magnetic vinyl.

You just have to choose a method for making a magnet:

For inkjet printing, you need to choose the right material. A vinyl magnet should have a “paper” layer on one side with a glossy or matte finish. The density of such material should not exceed the capacity of your printer (250-300 g/m2).

And now about the features of the printer - it must be with the top media feed. Due to the flexibility of the material, magnetic sheet pickup problems can often occur. You can put a regular sheet of office paper in the paper feed tray, so the printer will not “jam” the material. The corners of the finished print, if desired, can be made round using a special rounder.

2. Magnetic material without adhesive layer and drawing on self-adhesive paper.

The main task in such printing is to decide on the type of self-adhesive paper. Like regular photo paper, it comes in glossy and matte finishes. After printing the image, the “self-adhesive” must be glued onto magnetic vinyl, and then, using a knife or a special device, give it the desired shape.

3. Magnetic material with an adhesive layer and drawing on photo paper

The beauty is that you can use absolutely any material for printing: photo paper, film or cardboard. After printing, you simply need to overlay the image on the adhesive layer of magnetic vinyl.

4. Printing on magnetic vinyl sublimation blanks

Using a printer that supports sublimation printing, as well as a thermal press, images are transferred to magnet blanks. They can be of any size and shape. First, print the picture with sublimation ink on special paper. Next, cut out the image and glue it to the magnetic blank with thermal tape. Finish the magnet with a heat press.

To create a three-dimensional label, it is necessary, using special equipment, to apply polyurethane resin to the finished magnet. And you can also laminate the whole thing to give more shine and durability.