We visited the play "Her Friends" with the child. An 11-year-old boy is no longer a baby, but not yet a teenager. Children's performances have outgrown, they have not matured to teenage ones. What to show, where to reduce - the whole problem. And this time we hit the mark!
The performance was based on the play by the famous playwright Viktor Rozov. A kind and bright story of 10th grader Lyudmila and her school friends in the post-war years. Lyudmila gets into trouble, and friends help the desperate girl, support her in the misfortune that has fallen on her. Thanks to them, she finds the courage to fight, overcome all difficulties and emerge victorious.
Like all Rozov's plays, a little naive, sentimental, but touching with its sincerity. Love and friendship here are not abstract concepts, but are being tested for strength. 10th graders not only pass the final exams, they successfully pass the main exam for honesty, loyalty and stamina.
Great actors! They perfectly reincarnated as their heroes, recreated the atmosphere of the 50s. All paraphernalia is selected very high quality: school aprons, bows, baggy trousers and jackets, leather briefcases and horn-rimmed glasses..
The great merit of the actors is in the ability to hold the hall. Can you imagine the size of the Moscow Art Theater? And the audience? About a thousand teenagers, many in whole classes (huge buses drove up to the theater!). And these modern cynical teenagers put their gadgets aside and watched and listened to a simple story written more than half a century ago.
The scenery for the performance also made a strong impression. Lately in theaters there is a fashion for minimalism, the scenery is rather conditional. Here Lyudmila's apartment, the hospital reception room, the director's office are presented with great accuracy and reliability. Down to the smallest detail! flowers in pots, books on the shelves .. True, because of such meticulousness and meticulousness, the change of scenery does not happen quickly even with the curtain closed. But this does not strain, does not tear the plot, the atmosphere of that time is not lost under the appropriate music.
The show is long! It's over 2 hours long, plus an intermission. To be honest, I thought the child would get tired, start to spin, get distracted. Nothing like this! The story took over!
A small fly in the ointment. It so happened that we were sitting very far away, in the mezzanine. Unfortunately, there is bad acoustics, and the actors are without microphones, some dialogues could not be heard.
It is necessary to tell about the theater itself. Both during the intermission and before the start of the performance, we examined the interiors of the foyer on each floor. There are so many interesting things here that there was enough time back to back! Photo gallery of theater actors (there are more than 80 people in the troupe!), Tatyana Doronina's anniversary photo exhibition, showcases with costume samples, busts of masters, old posters and photographs of performances, photo exhibition "Stage Masters of the Gorky Moscow Art Theater on the big screen of Russia" ..
In general, summing up: I liked the performance, the theater made an impression! The great thing is that there are other performances for teenagers. So we'll definitely go again.

We visited the play "Her Friends" with the child. An 11-year-old boy is no longer a baby, but not yet a teenager. Children's performances have outgrown, they have not matured to teenage ones. What to show, where to reduce - the whole problem. And this time we hit the mark!
The performance was based on the play by the famous playwright Viktor Rozov. A kind and bright story of 10th grader Lyudmila and her school friends in the post-war years. Lyudmila gets into trouble, and friends help the desperate girl, support her in the misfortune that has fallen on her. Thanks to them, she finds the courage to fight, overcome all difficulties and emerge victorious.
Like all Rozov's plays, a little naive, sentimental, but touching with its sincerity. Love and friendship here are not abstract concepts, but are being tested for strength. 10th graders not only pass the final exams, they successfully pass the main exam for honesty, loyalty and stamina.
Great actors! They perfectly reincarnated as their heroes, recreated the atmosphere of the 50s. All paraphernalia is selected very high quality: school aprons, bows, baggy trousers and jackets, leather briefcases and horn-rimmed glasses..
The great merit of the actors is in the ability to hold the hall. Can you imagine the size of the Moscow Art Theater? And the audience? About a thousand teenagers, many in whole classes (huge buses drove up to the theater!). And these modern cynical teenagers put their gadgets aside and watched and listened to a simple story written more than half a century ago.
The scenery for the performance also made a strong impression. Recently, minimalism has become fashionable in theaters, the scenery is rather conventional. Here Lyudmila's apartment, the hospital reception room, the director's office are presented with great accuracy and reliability. Down to the smallest detail! flowers in pots, books on the shelves .. True, because of such meticulousness and meticulousness, the change of scenery does not happen quickly even with the curtain closed. But this does not strain, does not tear the plot, the atmosphere of that time is not lost under the appropriate music.
The show is long! It's over 2 hours long, plus an intermission. To be honest, I thought the child would get tired, start to spin, get distracted. Nothing like this! The story took over!
A small fly in the ointment. It so happened that we were sitting very far away, in the mezzanine. Unfortunately, there is bad acoustics, and the actors are without microphones, some dialogues could not be heard.
It is necessary to tell about the theater itself. Both during the intermission and before the start of the performance, we examined the interiors of the foyer on each floor. There are so many interesting things here that there was enough time back to back! Photo gallery of theater actors (there are more than 80 people in the troupe!), Tatyana Doronina's anniversary photo exhibition, showcases with costume samples, busts of masters, old posters and photographs of performances, photo exhibition "Stage Masters of the Gorky Moscow Art Theater on the big screen of Russia" ..
In general, summing up: I liked the performance, the theater made an impression! The great thing is that there are other performances for teenagers. So we'll definitely go again.

We visited the Moscow Art Theater with a child. M. Gorky at the play "Her Friends". An 11-year-old boy is no longer a baby, but not yet a teenager. Children's performances have outgrown, they have not matured to teenage ones. What to show, where to reduce - the whole problem. And this time we hit the mark! The performance was based on the play by the famous playwright Viktor Rozov. A kind and bright story of 10th grader Lyudmila and her school friends in the post-war years. Lyudmila gets into trouble, and friends help the desperate girl, support her in the misfortune that has fallen on her. Thanks to them, she finds the courage to fight, overcome all difficulties and emerge victorious. Like all Rozov's plays, a little naive, sentimental, but touching with its sincerity. Love and friendship here are not abstract concepts, and they are tested for strength. 10th graders not only pass the final exams, they successfully pass the main exam for honesty, loyalty and stamina. Great actors! They perfectly reincarnated as their heroes, recreated the atmosphere of the 50s. The great merit of the actors is in the ability to hold the hall. Do you represent the dimensions of the Moscow Art Theater? And the audience? About a thousand teenagers, many in whole classes (huge buses drove up to the theater!). And these modern cynical teenagers put their gadgets aside and watched and listened to a simple story written more than half a century ago. All paraphernalia was selected very high quality: school aprons, bows, baggy trousers and jackets, leather briefcases and horn-rimmed glasses… The scenery for the performance also made a strong impression. Recently, minimalism has become fashionable in theaters, the scenery is rather conventional. Here, with great accuracy and reliability, either Ludmila's apartment, the hospital reception room, or the director's office are presented ... Down to the smallest detail! Flowers in pots, books on the shelves… True, because of such meticulousness and meticulousness, the change of scenery does not happen quickly even with the curtain closed. But this does not strain, does not tear the plot, the atmosphere of that time is not lost under the appropriate music. The show is long! It's over 2 hours long, plus an intermission. To be honest, I thought the child would get tired, start to spin, get distracted. Nothing like this! The story captured him entirely!.. It is necessary to tell about the theater itself. Both during the intermission and before the start of the performance, we examined the interiors of the foyer on each floor. There are so many interesting things here that there was enough time back to back! Photo-gallery of theater actors (there are more than 80 of them in the troupe!). In general, summing up: I liked the performance, the theater made an impression! The great thing is that there are other performances for teenagers. So we'll definitely go again.

Julia, 29 years old, January 19, 2019

Bravo! Went with my 15 year old niece. Both she and I really enjoyed it. Great staging, music, scenery. Top notch acting. More such bright performances. Thanks a lot!

Elena Nikolaevna, 49 years old, January 7, 2019

Today I watched the play "Her Friends" for the third time. I watched it for the first time with my eldest daughter and her class, and I really regretted that I didn’t take my youngest with me (a year younger). So I decided to organize a trip for her class! Everyone was delighted with this performance - from parents to children! Today already watched with the eldest daughter and grandson. And again, just like then many years ago, we got a lot of pleasure from the performance. I think that my daughter also looked at it with slightly different eyes. A low bow and my deep gratitude to the directors and actors of this wonderful performance. Yes, times have really changed.... they tell the truth - they used to live poorer, but people's souls were kinder. A few words about the theater itself: I liked it very much, large, spacious, comfortable seats, no hustle and bustle, clean, everything is neat and tasteful, reasonable prices both for tickets and in the buffet ... yes, yes, this is also important when you go with the kids. Before the performance, the children were entertained by Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and buffoons, creating a festive mood for both children and adults, funny songs, dancing. Thanks again to everyone, everyone, everyone! Be sure to watch this show!

Alexey Illarionov, 43 years old, January 3, 2019

There are no words to express admiration for the performance of the actors in the play based on Rozov's play! I was just happy to plunge once again into the atmosphere and the smell of scenery, so remembered from childhood. And I, and my wife, and my children were at this moment of the game a single whole ... Thank you, my beloved! Prosperity to you! With deepest reverence and respect, Alexey Sergeevich Illarionov, a happy father of many children!

Victoria, 34 years old

I liked the play "Her Friends". Very instructive for the next generation. The era is shown when people lived modestly, but were much richer than we are, as they had a family, real friends and principles in life. People didn't care about each other. I also liked the performance of the actors. Everything was natural and natural, funny scenes surprised. Recommended, were the whole family.

Tatyana K.

We liked the play "Her Friends" very much, a great production, the acting is so well-coordinated and realistic, as if you are watching a very sincere film.

Hope N.

Went today to the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky. We watched the play "Her Friends" - I liked it very much. The action takes place in 1950 at school, before final exams. And laughed and cried! Great show, I recommend it.

What are friends like? Loyal, honest, unselfish. And they, unfortunately, can turn out to be deceitful, cowardly and indifferent. In short, different... Perhaps, I saw the play about ideal friends for the first time. However, not only about friends. The relationship between boys and girls, teachers and students, teachers and parents, parents and children is ideal here ... Very dynamic light action with an interesting plot. Excellent authentic scenery, recreating in detail the life of the middle of the last century. Excellent acting. In a word, if you want to see and show your children an example of the right relationship, to compare times, then this performance is definitely worth watching ... When I asked if such a story could happen in our time, the son replied: “Why couldn’t it? You either have friends or you don't."


A small review of the play "Her Friends" of the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky ... Maybe I'm so sentimental and from the last century, maybe the acting is so good ... or maybe it's just that the plot is so real, sincere, vital ... I slipped through the whole play ... how we want our growing children at least they understood something and were just as sincere, friendly, loyal ... Whoever has not been ... - I strongly recommend it .., especially to teenagers ...

My daughter, almost 14 years old, and I watched the performance “Her Friends” yesterday... For me, the performance looked absolutely harmonious - I liked both its theme and atmosphere. It was like watching a good old Soviet movie. In terms of the style of staging, he filled me with the play “Bengal Lights” of the Shchepenko Theater, which I once watched a long time ago. It seemed to me that the hall, crowded with teenagers, behaved quite respectfully while watching the performance: there was silence, I did not hear whispering and rustling, applause sounded not only at the end. Yes, the opinions of my daughter and I did not turn out to be the same, but I still consider watching this performance very useful, especially with subsequent joint discussions of the themes and scenes of the performance by representatives of different generations. And yet, in my opinion, the vector of values ​​demonstrated in this production has the right direction. And for my generation, there is something to think about and something to learn.

I have long wanted to get to this performance, and then the opportunity turned up. Went with my 14 year old son. The son is a typical contemporary: gadgets, fast food, the Internet. I was surprised by the huge number of schoolchildren - I thought that now there would be fuss and laughter. Wrong! Now about the performance itself. The atmosphere of the 50s is incredibly conveyed: the clothes of the actors, the scenery. The scenery was often changed, by the way, and created the necessary plot. The story itself is very touching. This is a story about true friendship, oh true friends, about people who overcome any life difficulties. In a word, about everything that we lack so much, especially youth. By the way, the schoolchildren watched in one breath, there was silence throughout the performance, despite the rather long dialogues ... And so - I advise everyone to go and plunge into the past.

Tatyana Kalinina

A deep bow and my deep gratitude to the directors and actors of the wonderful performance "Her Friends". We went with our 12-year-old son, who is a true child of his time - he does not come off the smartphone / Internet / games and the like. It is really difficult to draw his attention to something else. They had not been in the theater with him for a thousand years, she led me out of pure stubbornness - not to give up and get to the bottom of those strings of the soul that are hidden deep. He sat quietly, without being distracted, the whole performance. And, by the way, the first act is more than an hour and a half, which is hard even for me. I already thought there would be no intermission. The second branch - more than an hour. “Mom, I really liked it,” he said. Without further questioning, it was clear that he was greatly impressed. There is nothing to say about me, I roared to lilac snot, exhausted all the napkins. At the end, they flew out of the theater, as if on wings. Incredible rise! Thank you!

We, my 12-year-old daughter and I, decided to celebrate the end of the school holidays with a visit to the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky. We watched the play "Her Friends". Before the performance, there was a New Year's greeting with Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and buffoons. It turned out great: the children moved, played and had fun. Then we were all invited into the hall. The performance is kind and bright, with good jokes and very clean relations between guys and girls, about a friendly class and caring people, about the atmosphere of the 50s of the last century. We sat on the second row of the stalls from the left edge, the visibility was excellent, but it wasn’t always good to hear, especially when the characters spoke while sitting or standing with their backs to the audience ... We liked the performance, it’s worth watching. In the hall I saw a lot of children from 8–9 years old, but everyone was sitting quietly, so it’s interesting? Many women had tear-stained faces at the end of the performance.


Yesterday, with my grandmother and son (12.5 years old), we traveled in a time machine to 1950. The performance is just great. Full immersion in the era: costumes, scenery, musical accompaniment, even the faces of the heroes, and those are absolutely Soviet. The actors were just amazing. It's great that all the roles of schoolchildren are played by young people. Still, the age discrepancy is quite a hindrance to viewing. And here - all so young, slender, beautiful. I liked it very much main character Lyudmila (N. Medvedeva) is tender, fragile and at the same time strong. Nikita (R. Titov) was also good - the whole audience laughed with pleasure at his jokes. I also liked the capricious and spoiled Svetlana (E. Kondratiev) ... We sat, as always, in the first row in the center (in fact, in the 4th). Everything was seen and heard just perfect. There were many schoolchildren around, but the children behaved quite decently. In short, a great performance for children 12+. I recommend.

Wonderful performance. Despite the duration, the action is not prolonged - it looks lively, holds attention. The atmosphere of the early fifties is beautifully recreated with the help of interiors characteristic of that time (the recently deceased artist Vladimir Serebrovsky worked on the scenery), costumes of heroes and musical arrangement performance (it uses old Soviet songs). The text of the play, written in 1949, has been carefully preserved: no gag and modernity - good, literate Russian. My young viewer is 12 years old, he followed the events unfolding on the stage very carefully and with interest, the soft, intelligent humor of the author turned out to be close and understandable to him. The story of Lucy Sharova (A. Alekseev) did not leave his son indifferent, but Tanya Kolesnikova, performed by E. Cherevko, especially fascinated. The theme of friendship for teenagers is very important, and it's great that they can learn comradeship from the heroes of Viktor Rozov.


Very good, kind, solid performance for ages 12+. Kids today should definitely watch it! First, there is a complete immersion in the 50s of the XX century. Secondly, the first love is relevant at all times. And thirdly, true friendship, support, dedication to the needy should not die! Now this is so little!

Just got back from the show. My 10-year-old son and I really liked it, the son said: "Shrill". Really very touching, emotional production, a real classic performance. Adults were nostalgic for Soviet times, and although my childhood was not in the 50s, but in the 80s, looking at Lyuba and her friends, it was so nice to remember how my classmates and I were friends, loved, communicated without any gadgets. Art should educate, and this performance is very instructive. It touches not only on the topics of friendship and mutual assistance, but also love, relationships between parents and children, between schoolchildren and teachers, and the search for one's own path in life. We never went to the performance with the whole class, but it was this production that I chose according to the reviews for a cool viewing. The hall was full of school groups ... But my son and I are delighted! In our time, such kind and bright performances are very much needed.


I liked the performance very much. We sat in the front row, which, of course, completely immersed in the performance, allowed us to examine the facial expressions of the actors, the cracks in the props in the smallest detail, to be just next to the characters and empathize with them. An interesting story, a good game, beautiful costumes and scenery, the positive power of the performance - everything made an impression and gave pleasure ... At the exit, I heard one mother say to her children: "There are no such children, friends now." I also had this thought during the performance. But. I hope we still have a lot good people and now, in our time, and friends too, and if not, then who prevents us from becoming better ourselves and being such friends? In general, the performance evokes very pleasant feelings and thoughts, shows that a person has much more strength than he sometimes thinks, creates positive attitude for the future. I definitely recommend watching. I would look again myself.


On March 25, the play "Her Friends" was watched for the son's birthday. The theater struck with its fundamental beauty, warmth and comfort. All the actors acted like it was their graduation performance. After the performance, it was very difficult to switch to "vain" Moscow. Thanks to ALL the staff of this wonderful and much-needed theatre! I hope we will return to your theater again for new performances!

Moscow Art Theater Gorky is a theater not only for adults, but also for young spectators. The troupe's repertoire includes three children's performances - "The Blue Bird", "Peter's Treasures" and "Her Friends".

Performance "Her Friends" staged based on the work of the famous Soviet playwright Viktor Rozov (it is he who owns the script for the film The Cranes Are Flying). "Her Friends" is Rozov's first play. It tells about real, sincere friendship between people.

IN performance "Her Friends" involved the youngest actors of the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky. But they recreate with stunning accuracy the images of the 50s - the time when the war had just ended, and people began to build new life based on the ideals of kindness, friendship and justice.

The plot of the play is very naive and simple. Tenth-grader Lyusya Sharova (Irina Fadina) shortly before graduation begins to lose her eyesight catastrophically. But her friends, despite their own difficulties, do not leave her in trouble and help her get a certificate and go to college. As a result, Lucy's sight returns. And this happens not so much thanks to experienced doctors, but because of the love and care that her friends surrounded the girl with.

Very simple and old-fashioned set up. On the stage - the usual atmosphere of the 50s: a round table, a lamp with a shade. Patriotic songs are heard from the "plate" of the radio.

And, nevertheless, this production evokes a very warm emotional response not only among people who caught those times, but also among young people. The reason for this is nostalgia for

Those times when people tried to help each other and, albeit sincerely and naively, believed in the triumph of goodness and justice.

Tickets for the play "Her Friends" at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky people of all ages buy: from schoolchildren to pensioners. And all the spectators react to the events taking place on the stage very sincerely, sensitively and ingenuously.

Yes, and the actors themselves are very fond of their roles. Maria Yanko as Svetlana, Christina Probst as Tanya, Volodya, played by Maxim Dakhnenko - they all look very natural and organic, although the young actors themselves, of course, did not catch that time.

IN performance "Her Friends" no spectacular gags, no stage tricks - only expressive acting. But it is precisely for this that he loves the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky's biased theatrical audience.

The play "Her Friends" at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky- this is an opportunity to relax your soul, enjoy the classical theatrical game and the filigree embodiment of images. Without unnecessary moralizing, this production raises a very topical issue for today about decency, nobility, sincerity of feelings and true, true friendship.

Tickets for the play "Her Friends" are very popular. Therefore, it is better to purchase them in advance. If you don’t want to go to the theater box office in the hope of finding at least one ticket there, then you can solve this issue easier: just leave an application on the TicketService website, and in the near future tickets for play "Her Friends", as well as any other productions of Moscow theaters will be delivered to you by courier.

The play "Her Friends", which shows the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky, tells about strong friendship and first love among the students of one of Soviet schools in the postwar years. The girl, whose eyesight is rapidly deteriorating, is afraid of being an outcast, but she has no choice but to come to terms with her position. And then tenth grader Lyudmila comes to the aid of both teachers and students. As a result, the girl not only receives a matriculation certificate, but also enters the institute. “Be sure to buy tickets to the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky for the play “Her Friends”, if you have teenage children, because this is one of the few plays in Moscow specifically for teenagers, ”theatrical critics say.

Back to the USSR

The work, written by V. Rozov in 1949, is permeated with the atmosphere of a bygone era, including faith in a brighter future. This is a very touching play, and the older generation will also feel nostalgic for happy, simple times.

An excerpt from the play "Her Friends" at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky is available online, and after getting to know him, you will certainly want to buy a ticket to the auditorium. We will help you watch the production, but first we will introduce you to the reviews of those who have already seen this performance.

“Went with my 12 year old daughter and 10 year old son. Everyone is delighted, and I even cried. It made me laugh that after the curtain closed, my daughter immediately asked to write her down to the optometrist. According to the children, this best performance they have ever watched. Very kind, and although some scenes seemed primitive to them, the overall impression is "5+". I recommend this play to all those whose children are now in a difficult puberty.

“The current generation of online games and social networks knows the value only of money, so the performance of the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky's "Her Friends" will in many ways become a revelation for them. Children will learn what friendship and affection are, how to express their feelings not in smileys and how to have fun without the Internet. Their horizons will noticeably expand, and they will turn into people again from zombified dolls!”

How to get into the auditorium?

To order tickets for the play "Her Friends" at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky, send an application by filling out the form on the website or by calling the phone in Moscow, the number of which you see on the screen. Our office works without breaks and weekends, which means that we are always in touch.

Please note that the site indicates the minimum price for viewing the play "Her Friends" at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky. The final cost will depend on the seats you choose in the auditorium. You can see his diagram online.

The main stage of the theater is designed in such a way that small spectators can clearly see the action unfolding on the stage from any row. However, if you want to enjoy the performance of the actors at a minimum distance, we recommend taking seats on the stalls. And we can arrange it. Organize cultural leisure now, while the best tickets for the production of "Her Friends" at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky is still on sale!