Many are wondering how to draw an iPhone, because this is one of the most popular phones these days, which almost everyone loves and admires. In fact, it will not be difficult to draw a device, it will not require special drawing skills. Just a little free time and your patience. Remember, everything will definitely work out, the main thing is not to rush and follow exactly according to our instructions. Drawing an iPhone with a pencil will be interesting to all owners of this gadget or those who are just going to buy it. The drawing lesson turned out to be quite simple, if desired, everyone can handle it.

As you noticed, today we will draw iPhone - one of the most recognizable phones of our time, produced by an American company. It is not for nothing that many people want to draw it, because this is a device with a very interesting design, high quality and thought out to the smallest detail. To draw an iPhone with a pencil, you will have to carefully work with small details, ideally repeat the corners and shape of the gadget. Our article will teach you how to draw beautifully, showing attention to detail, as they do in the company itself. Let's start the lesson and teach you how to draw iPhone with a pencil.

Step 1

You should start with the contours of the rectangle. It is easiest to draw it on a flat surface using a ruler. The shape of this device is rectangular despite the fact that all its corners are smoothed and rounded. We will return to this later, but for now we draw a long, elongated rectangle. In the example, we have chosen a rather complex angle. You can draw in a frontal position (without the slightest turn). It will be much easier this way, especially if you are just learning the drawing technique. It should also be noted that in our view, the sides of the rectangle are beveled, but the opposite sides are mutually parallel with respect to each other.

Draw an iPhone: the central vertical line

Step 2

Having finished drawing the rectangle, we move on. Now you need to round the corners, which is easy enough to do. Do not forget that the left side of us is closer to us, and therefore the slope of the rounding is more pronounced here than on the right side, located on the side of the device farthest from us. This is a very simple lesson, so for sure you will not have any difficulties when drawing an iPhone.

Step 3

It will be easier to draw an iPhone with a pencil, having an eraser on hand and immediately correcting all the flaws in the drawing. Next, draw a thin border on the left. To do this, you need to navigate along the lines made in the previous two steps. It should run parallel to our left edge. It is important that the rounding occurs in the same plane.

Rectangle in the center

Step 4

In the center of the main figure you need to draw a standard rectangle. On the lateral, vertical sides, it passes close to the ends of the device, but we leave a greater distance horizontally. As you already understood, this is how the display appears.

Step 5

Everyone can draw a smartphone with a pencil, and the drawing will look even more beautiful if You will underline the interface elements on it. Do not forget to draw a branded round key under the display, a speaker mesh at the top, as well as the outlines of the keys from the correct angle on the side face. Draw all the elements carefully and take your time, even if it takes more time, but the iPhone will turn out really beautiful. If you drew the phone completely from the front, then you should get something like this:

As you can see, drawing an iPhone with a pencil is a simple task that a ruler, a pencil and an ordinary eraser will help you with. All you need is concentration and a little time. Follow the updates of our site, because we try to please you as often as possible with new materials related to "apple" technology.

Hello, dear artists and art lovers! Today we have prepared new lesson which will certainly appeal to lovers of high-tech gadgets. The drawing lesson itself will be very simple, provided that the steps are followed accurately and carefully.

As you have already seen, today we will draw an iPhone, a legendary smartphone manufactured by Apple with the participation of a genius.

We decided to take this gadget as a model for a simple reason - we consider its design to be very, very thoughtful and of high quality. Smoothed corners, perfect shape - indeed, smartphones in this company clearly know how to do. But we are trying to make you able to draw, and be able to do it coolly, with high quality and with the same attention to detail that the leader of Apple, Steve Jobs, had. Let's start this lesson and learn how to draw an iPhone!

Step 1

First, let's draw the outlines of the rectangle. Yet the shape of this device is rectangular, despite the fact that all corners are smoothed and rounded. But more on that later, for now, draw a long, elongated rectangle.

Note that we took a rather complicated angle, but you can draw in the full face position, that is, without the slightest turn. Another point - in our perspective, the sides of the rectangle are beveled, but the opposite sides are mutually parallel to each other.

Step 2

Now gently, as in our sample, smooth, that is, round the corners. Please note that the left side of us is closer to us, and the slope of the rounding is more pronounced here than on the right side, farthest from us. If this tutorial seems too simple for you, try using our tips.

Step 3

Draw, focusing on the lines of the first two steps, a thin border on the left. It should be parallel to our left edge, and the rounding should occur in the same plane.

Step 4

Now let's draw a regular rectangle in the center of the main shape. On the lateral, vertical sides, it is located very close to the contours of the device, but on the horizontal sides, a considerable distance is maintained.

Step 5

Now let's apply interface elements to the iPhone case. Let's not forget about the famous round button at the bottom, the speaker at the top and dashes on the side end visible to us from this angle.

If you drew the iPhone completely in front, then you should have got something like this:

This was the lesson in which we told you . The lesson for you was drawn and prepared by the artists of the site drawingforall. Join our VKontakte community, keep in touch with us and we will always be happy to offer you a fresh lesson step by step drawing. All the best!

On iOS 9, you can now draw. This expands the capabilities of the program and allows you to use it not only for text entries, but also for sketches. In this article, we will analyze the new feature in detail.

To switch to drawing mode, click on the corresponding button in the drop-down menu "+". Ready! Now we can go directly to drawing.


At the bottom are the drawing tools and the palette. Let's analyze each of them in order.

The first tool is like capillary pen with a relatively thin clear contour. It is best suited for drawing shapes with clear boundaries.

The second tool is a regular one. marker. It has a wide trail and a fuzzy outline, making it great for drawing objects that don't require detail, as well as for painting areas.

The third tool is pencil. In terms of properties, it is very similar to the most ordinary pencil - clear and very thin lines. It is perfect for drawing small objects, for hatching and finishing.

Ruler will help you draw a perfect straight line with any tool. To change the position of the ruler, simply click on it and drag it across the screen. The angle is adjusted with a pinch gesture.

Pro eraser there is nothing special to say - it simply removes fragments of sketches.

Palette represented by 22 colors, 8 of which are shades of gray from white to black. Another 6 are primary colors like blue, red and green. Another 8 are shades of primary colors. Unfortunately, in Notes you cannot create such a palette as in the same Paper (there it works like a real one), but these colors will be enough for most users.

Top panel

On the left, next to the "Done" button, it is possible to move to different stages of creating a drawing using the "forward" and "back" buttons.


Of course, you can’t call the drawing tool in Notes a full-fledged tool for serious tasks. However, its capabilities will be more than enough to create simple sketches, and this is exactly what ordinary people will use.

We hope that our instructions will help you understand the new features of the application. Happy drawings!

A modern artist can easily do without an easel and without paints: special software for Android and iOS tablets allows you to create digital works of any complexity. The advantage of a mobile studio lies in its compactness: dragging a heavy canvas around is absurd, but the muse never warns of a visit in advance. "Grab her by the tail" - to make a sketch - the artist can anywhere: in line at a supermarket or in a minibus.

This article provides drawing apps that will be useful for both the professional illustrator and the self-taught amateur.

Price: Free

Art flow is a canvas application: more than 70 brushes and other creative tools are available to the artist. A novice creator will definitely be captivated by the extensive functionality from the first minutes of using the program, a more sophisticated user will be impressed by the following advantages Art flow:

  1. All digital calculations within the application are made on the video card built into the gadget. This technology is called GPU acceleration and guarantees excellent performance and "zero" brakes - even professional PC programs cannot boast of this.
  2. You can export the "masterpiece" not only in JPEG format, but also in PNG and PSD (if further processing in Photoshop is required).
  3. The artist is able to work with canvases of considerable size (for example, 4096 by 4096).
  4. Art flow includes mode NVIDIA direct stylus, which allows you to draw without using a pen or digital pen at all. In addition, the application is absolutely compatible with styluses. SPEN, which makes the program "number one" for all Galaxy Note owners.

Art flow – « shareware" application for drawing on Android: even the basic version pleasantly surprises with functionality, while the paid one (worth about $ 5) makes it possible to use even more advanced options.

sketch book

Price: Free

Sketch Book is a family of user-friendly applications from the developer Autodesk, the company that gave the world the famous AutoCAD. Unlike the main Autodesk product Sketch Book suitable not only for experienced designers, but also for beginners and even children. Three versions of the program are available for download:

  1. Sketch Book Express a free version that offers the artist 15 different brushes, 3 layers, and the ability to enlarge the picture by 2500%! An additional advantage is the synchronization with dropbox, through which to exchange sketches and exhibit finished paintings"to the general court" is much easier.
  2. Sketch Book Pro. This program's brush library alone has over 100 brush names and customizable presets. But the rich toolkit is not the only advantage of the Pro version: the application allows you to experiment with layers, create large canvases, upload files from photoshop. Such functionality will cost the user only $5.
  3. Sketch Book ink the latest graphics application from Autodesk. Key features are ascetic interface and simplicity. Minimum settings: you can’t edit layers and adjust brushes. Important advantage Sketch Book ink the ability to get a high-resolution image output (up to 101 megapixels when exporting to iTunes). Application ink on Android, just like the Pro version, it is paid.

There is also a program Sketch Book Mobile, "sharpened" specifically for a small one: it is pointless to describe its functionality in detail, since the application is identical Express.

Pro Create

Price: 749 rubles +

Due to the minimalist design, it may seem that the functionality of the application Pro Create for the poor compared to Sketch Book And Art flow, however, this would be misleading. Developers Pro Create are of the opinion that a huge number of buttons on the screen distracts the artist from the creative process. Therefore, the application is partially controlled by gestures.

At Pro Create there are other unique "chips":

  1. Tools for more realistic drawing - one of these tools is the "wet brush". It is curious that all available brushes are user Pro Create can correct - a special editor with a lot of settings is provided.
  2. Many ways to export - the image is "displayed" not only in iTunes: directly from the program it can be sent by e-mail or to Twitter.
  3. Silica - 64-bit engine for iOS ensures that even when using all 16 possible layers, the program will not slow down.
  4. Quick Line is a simple but no less useful tool whose function is to straighten lines.

More recently, the AppStore has a "revolutionary" Pro Create 3: despite the cost, which "bites" (459 rubles), it is this application that is recommended to be bought by every artist - an abundance of various functions and adjustable parameters of the program can shock even a battered designer.

Price: Free

Application Sketch Master for smartphones on Android is not able to boast of wide functionality and an abundance of various tools - there are only 7 brushes. However, this program has other advantages that more than compensate for the poor settings:

  1. Unlimited number of layers that can be adjusted in visibility, transparency, copy and merge.
  2. Ability to import photos from the gadget's library.
  3. Ultra-zoom - the image is enlarged by 3000%!
  4. Availability - the application can be downloaded for free.

The "fly in the ointment" is that the program Sketch Master does not support the Russian language, however, judging by the huge number positive feedback on Google Play, this is not a big problem.

Hello everyone, in today's lesson we will learn how to make a copy of the iPhone "a. Why a copy? Because we will not create an exact copy like in real photos, but what you see below ↓ this drawing is completely created in the Paint.Net program .

Before you start, you need to download the plugin. After installing the plugin, we can start drawing :)

1. First we need to prepare the Background for our iPhone "a. You can make the Background whatever you like, but I recommend using the tool "Gradient". For example like this:

2. Create a new layer. This layer will be dedicated to the base of our smartphone. We need to create a rounded rectangle and fill it with black. For this we use the tool .

3. We make a stroke for our base. Go to "Effects → Object → Outline Object".
We need to perform this procedure 3 times! Options for First times: . For Second times: Radius: 2 strength: 5; Color: R:81, G:81, B:81(515151). For Third times: Radius: 1 strength: 5; Color: R:173, G:173, B:173(ADADAD)

3. Create a new layer. Now we will create the display. For this we use the tool "Rectangle". you need to set it a little lighter than the base of our iPhone "a. The display should not touch the sides of the smartphone!

4. Go to "Effects → Object → Outline Object", options:

5. Create a new layer. Now we need to draw the speaker. To do this, use the "Rounded Rectangle" tool, but we still need to enable the option -
Stroke only(shown in the figure) ! In the upper central part of the smartphone, draw a rectangle of this color - 252525. Then go to "Effects → Object → Outline Object", options: Radius: 1 strength: 1; Color: R:96, G:96, B:96(606060):

6. We need to Fill the area with the speaker with a pattern. The color is something like this - 121212. After filling, apply for this area "Motion Blur", parameter Distance- 1. You also need to slightly reduce the volume of our speaker. To do this, go to the speaker layer and select the tool "Move Selected Pixels".

7. Create a new layer. Let's draw a button. Choosing a tool "Elipse", we clamp cl. Shift and draw a perfectly round black button under the display.

8. Select the area with the button using the "Magic Wand". Fill this area from top to bottom with a linear "Gradient", the main color is black; secondary - C0C0C0. To create the white effect, we need to paint the bottom of our button sloppily. "Paintbrush" and apply "Gaussian Blur", Radius parameter - 10.