Our village was founded in 1866. Previously, it was called Olginsky, in honor of the daughter of the king Olga, who owned the lands of this territory. Near the village of Olginsky, there was the Bogoslovskaya railway station of the North Caucasian Railway, built in 1875. Now Bogoslovskaya station is one of the main attractions of our village. In 1961, our village was renamed Kochubeevskoye, in honor of Ivan Antonovich Kochubey, a red commander, whose name is associated with brilliant military operations during the civil war. The population is 26 thousand people. The village is located on the left bank of the Kuban River, in the steppe zone. In the village of Kochubeevsky there are a House of Culture, a House of Creativity, 4 secondary schools, a music and art school, 6 kindergartens, a district library, a museum, a district hospital, a communication center, pharmacies, a culture park, a stadium, and a swimming pool. The traditions of the Cossacks are being revived in the village. The parish of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin is registered. Oleg Konovalov, Semyon Ostryanov

The history of the creation of the monument is as follows. In 1965, our country was preparing to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany. Fundraising was organized for the construction of the monument. By this time, the remains of the fighters had been reburied from the old square to the park. They ordered an ensemble - a monument to those who died in the civil and Great Patriotic War in the Art Fund of the city of Rostov-on-Don. Then, by special transport, the monument was transported to the village of Kochubeevskoye. The grand opening took place on May 9, 1965. Purgalova Masha, Pletenskaya Nastya

In 1995, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory Patriotic War, work was completed on the book of Memory, which included the names of our fellow countrymen who died and went missing. This is over 5000 people. And then in the village, at the entrance to the park, a memorial of memory was opened, where their names are carved.

The first monument to the legendary hero of the civil war, Ivan Antonovich Kochubey, was erected in 1968 in the park of culture and recreation in the village of Kochubeevsky. It was made of metal by the sculptor F.I. Peretyatko. In September 2001, on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the village of Kochubeevsky, a new monument to I.A. Kochubey was erected on the central square of the village. It is made of marble stone. The architect is a local resident Valery Kaplin. Rylskaya Julia, Frolova Julia

Until 1941, a monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was erected by the workers of the district near the building of the executive committee of the district Council (Libknekhtovsky district, the village of Velikoknyazheskoye). From August 1942 to February 1943 the Germans occupied our village. The Nazis destroyed the monument, threw it into a ravine in parts and buried it with earth. In March 1946, Dzhunev Grigory Ivanovich, who at that time worked as the head of the department of the executive committee of the district council, and projectionist Drozdov Nikolai assembled the sculpture in parts and installed it in its original place (near the building of the district council). In 1951, the regional center from the village of Velikoknyazhesky was transferred to the village of Olginskoye (now Kochubeevskoye). Opposite the department store, a permanent district agricultural exhibition of 12 buildings was installed in the years. The monument to V.I. Lenin was moved and installed on the square of the regional exhibition, which lasted until 1957. Then 12 buildings of the exhibition were dismantled, and the monument to Lenin was moved to the park to the place where it still stands today. Egorkina Nastya, Sigaeva Alena

The regional House of Culture and Recreation in the village of Kochubeevsky was built in 1970 and put into operation on May 1, 1971. Former name The biggest center of culture in our village was the Palace of Culture of the collective farm named after the October Revolution. The chairman of the collective farm, I.A. Sheremetiev, supervised its construction. In Soviet times, Edita Piekha, Valentina Tolkunova and other famous artists performed at the Palace of Culture. Until the beginning of the 80s of the 20th century, a drama theater known to the whole region operated within the walls of the Palace under the direction of Galina Efimovna Gaidukevich, in which our teacher Ivanova I.V. participated. In the history of the Palace of Culture by the 90s of the XX century, there were 4 folk groups: folk brass band, folk choir "Dawns of the Kuban", folk choreographic ensemble "Expression" and vocal and instrumental ensemble "Nostalgia". Today, the House of Culture and Rest is a municipal cultural institution of the Kochubeevsky district, which has become an arena for holding regional holidays and festivals. Bullakh Marina, Tkachenko Philip

On November 7, 1960, the first screening took place at the Sputnik cinema. Its audience was 266 people from our village. For half a century, almost continuously, with the exception of periods of repair and lack of money for people in the dashing 90s of the last century, Sputnik did not close its doors. The chief projectionist is Elena Vasilievna Kolesnikova, who has been working here since 1975. It is recorded in the archives that the first director of the cinema was Ivan Andreevich Liplyansky, then Nikolai Ivanovich Tolstikov. Forty years ago, a young engineer, A.P., entered the film distribution system. Laptev. After 5 years, he was appointed director. Thanks to support from Moscow, as well as the local administration, the Sputnik cinema is changing. Rented modern equipment. In 2012 it is planned to transform the hall. The doors of Sputnik are always open for you! Volkodav Angelina, Karmazina Lisa

The pool has a complicated history. It began to be built 25 years ago. Then the object was "frozen". Construction resumed in 2005. 30 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget. "United Russia", within the framework of the federal project for the construction of a recreation complex, provided 15 million rubles for the purchase of equipment. Kochubeevsky district invested 4 million. The pool has two rooms. One for kids is a splasher. This is a man-made small sea. Sea salt is added to the water, which makes it medicinal. In the large hall of the pool there are 8 lanes of 25 meters. Water is disinfected with ultraviolet light. Inside there are equipped showers and changing rooms. The pool was opened to the villagers on December 19, 2009. Small children learn to swim, those who know how to do it in sections, and any adult can come to the health group. Welcome to our pool! Volkova Milana, Kononova Ira The park of our village is located in its very center. It was created in the early 80s of the last century under the leadership of the first secretary of the district party committee N.T. Vilgotsky and director of the department of culture V.I. Jalilov. All organizations of the Kochubeevsky district were involved in the construction of the main objects of the park. There were many different carousels in the park: "Boats", "Chamomile", "Sun", "Ferris Wheel", "Cars" and Lunopark. Since those times, only a few monuments have survived: Monument to V.I. Lenin, a monument to the soldiers of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. Over time, the Memorial of Memory, a monument to the Chernobyl Heroes, was opened in the park. A playground has been built. Buribaev Rustam

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Project “My Village” The work was completed by: 2nd grade student Maxim Zhiganov Supervisor: Stakhneva N.A.

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My village Fate, I thank you for being in native land, For the fact that in my life I happened to live among my native birches. For the fact that I am the happiest of all In my land. Love you! I love your native space, Your breeze and your peace. Here everything is dear to me: Fields, and rivers, and meadows. It's good that I live here, In the land that I love. And here is only happiness for me. My village is Blagoveshchenka

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The purpose of the project: to learn the history and natural conditions of the village of Blagoveshchenka, Altai Territory, Blagoveshchensk District; learn to work with sources of information (books, Internet). Subject area: the world around. Organization of activity: individual. Implementation period: 2 weeks. End result: to speak to classmates with a story about the village with a presentation.

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Plan of my speech at the presentation. 1) The village where I live 2) The history of the village of Blagoveshchenka 3) General information about the village of Blagoveshchenka 4) How my village lives now 5) I love my Blagoveshchenka.

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History of the village of Blagoveshchenka Blagoveshchenka was founded in 1908 by settlers from the central regions of Russia, in civil war partisan detachments of E.M. were organized here. Mamontov and I.V. Gromov, fierce battles took place. In 1924 the Blagoveshchensk region was formed.

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During the Great Patriotic War, 6814 people were called up to the front, of which 3707 people did not return. In 1954, the first virgin lands arrived in Blagoveshchenka. The following year, construction began on a large sulfate plant on Lake Kuchuk, the only enterprise in the country that produces sodium sulfate. The village has been an urban-type settlement since 1961. In 1993, an Orthodox church was solemnly opened in the village of Blagoveshchenka.

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General information about the village of Blagoveshchenka The working village of Blagoveshchenka is a large cultural and administrative center of the Blagoveshchensk region in the Altai Territory. The village is located in the west of the region on the flat Kulunda plain, 275 km west of Barnaul near the Kulunda and Kuchukskoe lakes.

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The village is located in the west of the region on the flat Kulunda plain, 275 km west of Barnaul near the Kulunda and Kuchukskoe lakes.

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11,540 people live in Blagoveshchenka, there are household and communal services, construction institutions.

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The village has a district library, a recreation center, a district local history museum, a stadium and gyms, two schools, a children's school of arts and a musical, correctional special school, a children's and youth center, a television studio "Shows Blagoveshchenka", a printing house, a large Blagoveshchensk dairy plant and a flour mill.

Project justification

  • In our village there is the following problem: new generations forget history. They are not interested in their roots .... That is why we are interested in this topic.

Objective of the project: get to know our small Motherland - Ostaninka, talk about its past and present, about the people who made its history, get an initial idea of ​​​​your village, about people's lives, introduce classmates into the world of history, the past of our village.


  • If we don't know if

they won't know anything about

our village, then no one

learns about his small homeland.

  • As a result of

this project, we dare

guess what will change:

Our relationship to the past

small motherland

My attitude will change


Enriched knowledge about the native

the village and its people

  • Collect additional historical information about the native village;
  • Get acquainted with the collected materials on the history of the village
  • To instill love for their village among schoolchildren and villagers.

Search method; - archival materials; -interview; -meetings with the villagers.

Why is the village called Ostaninka?

Why the village was named that way, we received an answer from our first teacher.

It turned out that in honor of the name of the first inhabitant of the village - Fyodor Ostanin who came to these parts

in 1906.

Village history

In 1906, and then in March 1909, a group of settlers from the European part (Mogilev volost) of Russia came on horseback to the territory of modern Ostaninka. On the left bank of the Icha River, where the bridge across the river is now located, in the direction of the villages of Icha and Tomilovka, there was a hut with a vestibule in which Ostanin Fyodor lived. His family included a wife and a daughter. He did not have crops, but was engaged in hunting and fishing. When they gathered for the first time at the gathering, they decided to name the settlement - Ostaninka, in honor of the name of the first inhabitant.

At that time, our address was as follows: the village of Ostaninka, Maslovskaya volost, Kainsky district, Tomsk province.

Life was difficult for the peasants of the village. The main source of life for the people of Ostaninka was agriculture.

The first hut-reading room

In 1935, the first reading room was opened in the village of Ostaninka, in the hut of Stepan Vasilievich Makhnytkin.

There were few books, only one shelf - about 80-100 copies. The librarian was a teacher primary school Serafima Nikitichna (no one remembers her last name).

In the middle of the summer of 1937, the library was transferred to a school, the books were placed in one cabinet, and the primary school teacher Vasily Ivanovich Kolmykov worked as a librarian.

In the 1920s, Fedorenko Nikolai Grigorievich and Isaeva Raisa Aleksandrovna worked as a teacher at the Ostaninskaya school. In the 30s Lazarev Vasily Sergeevich, Yakovlev Konstantin Yakovlevich worked.

In 1935 the school was transformed into a seven-year school. Yakubchik Adam Naumovich worked as the first director of the school.

In the 70s, for the first time in Ostaninka, a kindergarten building was built in the center of the village. But the kindergarten did not open for a long time, since this business was new, unfamiliar, and there was no one to head this organization.

And in the summer of 1976, such a person was found - Makhnytkina Ekaterina Ivanovna. She became the first head of the kindergarten.

According to eyewitnesses and the older generation, the first club in the village of Ostaninka began to work in the 30s, and before that, young people gathered in huts.

In 1946 a club was built in the center of the village. Ivanova Valya was in charge of it. Movies have been shown this year. The whole village went to him.

Previously, there was no first-aid post in the village. They treated people and took birth in women, grandmothers-healers.

The first physician is Mikhailova Nina Aleksandrovna. She came to our village after the Great Patriotic War. She lived with her mother and brother in a hut near the first-aid post. She worked diligently.

1936 A telephone line has been laid from Biazy - there is a connection with the North. And then the Ostaninites saw the first tractor.

In the village council, a battery radio began to work in the evenings.

In 1959, a shop building with a utility room and storage rooms was built.

Worked as salespeople: Mikhail Silkov, Putintsev Vladimir, Pinchukov Vladimir

I love my native village

Forever dear to my heart.

I grew up here and loved here

Here I learned the first letters.

I love Icha - my river,

The village is on the coast

Ostaninka it is called.

And from love so the heart beats.

Costs Ostaninka 100 years.

My great-grandfather lived here, my grandfather lived,

Here the father plowed virgin soil,

And I live here at last.

Ostaninka!!! – Sounds nice!

Near the village there is a forest and a cornfield.

The village is my home.

(From someone's poetry)

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The presentation on the topic "My native village" (Grade 2) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: The world. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Project "My native village"

Completed by a student of the 2nd grade of the MKOU "Gorshechenskaya secondary school No. 2" Korovkin Evgeny

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Flora and fauna of our Kursk region

The Kursk region is one of the most beautiful in nature and rich in minerals corners of Russia. Colossal reserves of iron ores lie in the bowels of the region. Chernozem soils are an irreplaceable gift of nature. In the Kursk region, as well as in the entire forest-steppe zone, both forest and steppe species live. In addition, we have many animals (fox, hare, bat) that are adapted to life in forests and open landscapes. Usually they use the steppe as a hunting ground, the forest as a refuge. The fauna of the region is very diverse and includes more than 300 species of vertebrates and several tens of thousands of invertebrates. FOREST ANIMAL WORLD: Of the 57 species of wild mammals, elk, roe deer, wild boar, and European deer are of great interest. In the past, they were widespread, served as an object of hunting and were exterminated by man. The European deer disappeared at the beginning of the 18th century, the wild boar - at the end of the 19th century, the elk and roe deer - at the beginning of the 20th century. In the fifties of the XX century. in our forests from In the forests of our region, representatives of the order of predators live: wolves, foxes, raccoon dogs, badgers, martens. Wolves are found almost everywhere. They arrange their lairs in hard-to-reach places, most often in overgrown ravines, reeds and shrubs of river banks. Wolves cause great harm to livestock and hunting, and sometimes attack people. They are also dangerous as carriers of rabies. The destruction of wolves is allowed at any time of the year. Foxes are well adapted to life both in the forest and in treeless areas. They feed on mouse-like rodents and ground squirrels. One fox per night can kill up to 100 voles. Foxes destroy bird nests and eat eggs and chicks, hunt hares, forest game and attack poultry. They can spread rabies and other animal and human diseases. Fox fur is highly valued, but foxes should not be destroyed in large numbers, especially in field areas. Hunting for foxes is allowed at certain times. On the fur farms of the region, silver-black foxes are bred. The raccoon dog entered our region from neighboring regions and is now distributed throughout the entire forest area. She lives in burrows, where she falls into a shallow sleep for the winter. Since 1952, planned hunting has been allowed. Badgers are found on the territory of the region in small numbers in forests and bushy ravines in complex and deep burrows. They feed on plant roots, mouse-like rodents, frogs, and large insects. In winter, it goes into shallow hibernation. Badger hunting is prohibited. neighboring areas came elk, wild boar, roe deer.

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From the history of my school

On the territory of the state farm before the Great Patriotic War there was an elementary school, which was located in the old office building of the rubber factory. First head elementary school was Ryndina Anna Vasilievna, she taught grades 1-3 in the first shift and grade 4 in the second shift. Until December 1941, Chernykh Viktor Ivanovich worked as a primary school teacher. After his mobilization into the active army, Ryndina Valentina Maksimovna, who also taught classes in the educational program, came to the school to work. In 1978, an extension was made to the school building, which housed training workshops, a gym and a physics room. In 1978, by decision of the Kursk Regional Executive Committee, the school was reorganized into an extended day school. In 1980-1981 academic year at school Sheldunov Yury Grigoryevich - worked as the director of the basic secondary school since 1961. In 1981, in connection with the reorganization of the Gorshechenskaya 8-year-old school into a secondary school, he began to be considered the director of the secondary school. Worked until December 1990. In 1988, Ivashev Yuri Konstantinovich was appointed director of the school. Since 1993 he began his labor activity Bulgakov Mikhail Mitrofanovich as the director of the school. 7 extended day groups worked.

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The history of the settlement of Gorshechnoye

The Gorshechensky district occupies the eastern regional part of the Kursk region, borders on the Belgorod, Voronezh regions, Sovetsky, Manturovsky, Kastorensky, Timsky Districts. The district was formed in 1928. In 1929 It was attached to the Starooskolsky district. In 1930, the districts were abolished, our district became independent, and in 1935 it was included in the Kursk region. Initially, Gorshechnoye did not claim not only the status of a village, but even a village, did not dare to be called. And to become the center of the region, it never dreamed of. There was a potting small village Potted. They noticed her in 1781. This date is considered the year of its foundation. It is believed that the first settlers of these places were exiles and soldiers. 78 years have passed since that time, and in the directory of populated places in the village of Gorshechnaya there were only 38 households and 579 peasant souls. The settlers sowed rye, oats, buckwheat, millet and hemp. They were engaged in sheepskin coats, felting, shoemaking, spinning and weaving and pottery.

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My small Motherland - Kursk region, Gorshechnoye village

I love the motherland, like Lermontov: To pain in the heart, trembling in the soul. It seems to me that there is no such word to express my feelings already. After all, for me, my homeland is my Kursk region, Potted, Where is my father's dear house, Where is the "Old Garden" on the street and the tower, And the nightingale in the spring brings trills outside the window. And I don’t need, friends, a foreign country, I don’t need a wonderful overseas land, I will rush to my homeland, Like a bird from captivity, And here I will find a long-awaited paradise for my heart.

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Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Gorshechnoye village

The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is an Orthodox church of the Shchigrovsky and Manturovsky diocese of the Kursk metropolis. Located in the village of Gorshechnoye, Gorshechensky district, Kursk region. The pottery was first mentioned in 1781. Until 1928, the village was territorially part of the Nizhnedevitsky district of the Voronezh province. In 1848, a wooden Church of the Nativity of Christ was built in Gorshechny, and the village received the status of a village. Archbishop Dmitry (Sambikin) in the documents of the mid-1880s noted: “The church in the village of Gorshechnoye, Nizhnedevitsky district, wooden with a bell tower, was built in 1848. Arable land 33 acres. Parishioners 965 souls. The villages of Bertsovka and Olomi. In the last village (i.e. in Olomi) at the beginning of the 18th century there was a church.” In 1885, there were 196 households in the parish of the church, in which 1471 people lived. In the same year, a parochial school appeared in the village. At the end of the XX century. the number of courtyards was already 274, there were more than 2300 parishioners. In 1896 it was decided to build a new brick church. Funds for the construction were collected by the whole world, so much grain was brought to the construction site that its height reached almost half the height of today's building. Livestock, poultry were also driven here, honey, eggs were brought. All this was exchanged for building materials. It is not known when the temple was renamed Nikolsky. The communists tried to destroy religion and wean the people from the Orthodox faith. Archives were burned, propaganda against the church was carried out. Since 1937, church ceremonies were no longer held in the temple. They removed the bell, destroyed the belfry. Half of the building was given over to a grain warehouse, and the other became known as the "People's House". The temple was not damaged during the war from German shells, but in 1951 its dome was blown up. On May 10, 1991, the church was reopened. The dome has been restored. Although, according to local residents, it is almost 2 times lower than what it was before. Repair work is currently underway. The walls were plastered, windows were replaced, a new iconostasis was installed (which still needs to be decorated with carvings), new icons were purchased, gas heating was installed, and the floor was replaced.

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At the moment, 6924 residents live on the territory of the municipality "Poselok Gorshechnoye". There are 4 schools on the territory of the municipality, the Gorshechenskaya Central District Hospital, government agency"The editorial office of the Mayak newspaper, two houses of culture, the District House of Creativity, MDOU" Kindergarten Gorshechnoye, Children's Art School, Children's Youth sport school, a large number of industrial and food stores.

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Nature is around us. On the territory of the region there are plants that were widely distributed in the past, but are currently preserved in some places in small numbers and are classified as protected plants of the Kursk region. These include plants that grow only in our region and on the Central Russian Upland: pine wolf, Zavadsky's dendrantem, Kozo-Polyansky's prolomnik, as well as plants that are used by humans for various purposes: medicinal (Russian valerian, beautiful centaury), beautifully flowering (water lily white, lush carnation) or plants at the extreme limit of their distribution (northern species: lingonberries, cranberries, spruce; southern species: thin-leaved peony, Tatar chestnut, Ukrainian feather grass). Currently, about 200 species of flora are rare in the region, more than 60 species are protected. Of these, the following species are listed in the Red Book of the USSR (1974): real slipper, upland wolf, Podolsky shiverekia, thin-leaved peony, meadow backache, helmet-bearing orchis, long-leaved pollenhead, Kozo-Polyansky's breakwater.

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.