The most interesting facts about health that everyone should know are collected in this article.

Cardiovascular disease is extremely rare in horses. The English veterinarian S. Littlejohn explains it this way: “Horses do not smoke, do not drink, follow a strict vegetarian diet and do a lot of exercise.”

The only animals that suffer from leprosy, except for humans, are armadillos. A third of the 250 Americans who contract leprosy every year come from armadillos.

Insufficient physical activity worldwide causes the same number of deaths as smoking.

In conditions weightlessness caries develops faster than on Earth. On the teeth of mice launched into space, the microorganisms that cause caries multiplied more actively than usual. It is believed that in weightlessness, saliva is worse distributed over the oral cavity and poorly washes microorganisms from the teeth.

Salt is harmful to the cardiovascular system of the human body. If its amount is reduced by at least 3 grams per day, life expectancy will increase by 5-6 years.

The more educated a person is, the less likely they are to have brain diseases. Intellectual activity causes the production of additional tissue to compensate for the diseased.

Medical research conducted in 2010 showed that someone who has no friends has the same health risks as a smoker who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.

Feeding bread to ducks is extremely harmful to their health and ecosystem. Feeding birds in the warm season, a person brings great harm to birds. .

Their natural instincts to search for food, favorable natural conditions are dulled, and they become almost tame. The stomach of a wild duck does not digest this food well and the bird dies. Especially dangerous is black bread, which can cause severe fermentation in the digestive system of waterfowl.

The number of cases of skin cancer caused by tanning beds far exceeds the number of cases of lung cancer caused by smoking.

74% of men and 64% of women in the US are obese or overweight, according to the National Institutes of Health.

There is a movement called "Movement for the voluntary extinction of mankind", the purpose of which is the gradual destruction of the human race, through the voluntary cessation of reproduction, which will allow the Earth's biosphere to recover.

Have you ever wondered Why do common colds start during a cold snap? And all because human skin is more sensitive to cold. For comparison: on one square centimeter of the skin there are about 12 points sensitive to cold, and only 2 - to heat.

Fruits and vegetables can help the body produce its own aspirin.

McDonalds is suing a wellness company called McWellness, signaling that McDonalds may have a division in the medical field in the near future.

Air fresheners contain numerous chemicals dangerous to our health, such as formaldehyde, which can cause serious breathing problems.

Bananas are radioactive enough that a truck transporting them can cause false positives when testing radioactive materials in US ports, and they are perfectly harmless to humans.

Dogs can smell cancer and low blood sugar.

Sitting upright in a chair is bad for your back. You need to lean back and sit at an angle in 135 degrees.

Smokers are four times more likely than non-smokers to complain of feeling tired in the morning and are 70% more likely to have hearing problems.

The newest and most expensive drugs are not necessarily the best and safest.

If you regularly consume orange or grapefruit juice, you can significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

In a lifetime, a person travels a distance equal to three revolutions around the globe.

People who live on the coast live longer than those on the mainland.

Less than 10% of all people on the planet know how to breathe properly. When breathing, it is necessary to use not only the chest, but also the stomach.

Traditional ideas that people who remain optimistic and calm, work moderately, live longer, turned out to be wrong. Non-standard conclusions are given in a new study.

The data on which scientists from the University of California at Riverside relied began to be collected by the famous psychologist Lewis Terman from Stanford. He and his colleagues have been observing the lives of 1,500 children since 1921: they described the history of the family, relationships in it, recorded the grades of teachers and parents, recorded information about hobbies, the presence of pets, the level of education, military service, career, and a host of other details.

Friedman and Martin began work on The Longevity Project in 1991. Initially, they planned to spend about six months on comparing the results and identifying patterns, but the study stretched over two decades and attracted about a hundred undergraduate and graduate students.

The main conclusions of scientists:

  • marriage may be good for the health of men, but it does not affect women in any way;
  • the longest of all other men live those who are in long-term marriages (live to 70 years or more);
  • less than one-third of divorced men live to be 70 years old;
  • men who have never married live longer than those who re-married, and much longer than those who are divorced;
  • for women's health, divorce is not so detrimental: those of them who divorced and remained single live almost as long as women in a long marriage;
  • the proposal not to work hard does not increase life expectancy: constantly working people of both sexes live longer than their more "relaxed" fellow citizens;
  • early school entry (before 6 years) is a risk factor for early death;
  • the child needs time to play and communicate with classmates;
  • pets do not affect life expectancy in any way, although they can temporarily improve well-being, they are also not suitable as a substitute for friends;
  • participants in hostilities live less, but the reason for this is not psychological stress, but subsequent unhealthy behavior;
  • people who have regained their sense of security in this world, as a rule, also regain their health;
  • a feeling of love and care from others improves well-being, but does not affect life expectancy;
  • the most obvious positive effect on health is being involved in social relationships, helping others;
  • in most cases, a person's healthy/unhealthy lifestyle is determined by his environment.

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Everyone wants to live long and at the same time be healthy and vigorous. There are many interesting facts in history about how a person can live happily ever after without exercising and without dieting. Today we will tell a lot of interesting things from a scientific hypothesis. Lots of interesting medical facts.

Studies have shown that it is very beneficial to cuddle before bed. This helps the body relax and also slows down the thought process, making it easier to fall asleep.

Scientists advise diabetics to laugh more often, as laughter lowers blood sugar levels.

Sprinkling sugar on a wound or cut can greatly reduce pain and speed up the healing process.

Clinical studies of alcoholism, in which 1,824 people took part over 20 years, showed that heavy drinkers live longer than non-drinkers, even when many other variables are taken into account.

More than four hundred and fifty people over the age of one hundred years live on the Japanese island of Okinawa. This island is considered the healthiest place on Earth.

Cherries can cause cancer cells to self-destruct.

Salt is harmful to the cardiovascular system of the human body. If its amount is reduced by at least 3 grams per day, life expectancy will increase by 5-6 years.

People who rarely complain are more likely to suffer from stress, anxiety, and depression.

People who spend a lot of time working on the computer or watching TV often suffer from constant fatigue syndrome.

Scientists from the University of Virginia have found that the human brain begins to age from the age of 27. It is also interesting that the peak of the capabilities of this body falls on 22 years.

There is a device that can replace the heart in the body; a side effect is the absence of a pulse.

Sitting urination contributes to the complete release of the bladder, reduces the likelihood of prostatitis and allows you to live a full sexual life for a long time.

Stress is often considered a "silent killer" - it leads to heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pain and early death.

Apples increase immunity, fill the body with quick energy, improve digestion. The benefit of apples lies in the fact that their regular use contributes to longevity and rejuvenation of the body. Apples reduce the risk of heart attacks and prevent the development of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease. And they even lower the level of cholesterol in the blood: studies have shown that apples are much better than other fruits in this. Also, this fruit is rich in fiber and contributes to rapid satiety. However, apples are low in calories, so they are used in many weight loss diets.

If you have a cat in your house, then your risk of heart disease is reduced by forty percent, and sudden strokes by thirty.

Fish, namely the omega-3 fatty acids contained in it, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. The positive effect will be visible if you use it twice a week.

The word "gym" comes from the Greek word "gymnazein", which means "to exercise naked".

"Season of killers" is a British medical term for the month of August, when freshly graduated doctors arrive at hospitals.

A study by scientists at the University of Cambridge found that regular jogging leads to the growth of new brain cells, which boosts your memory.

When observing, it turned out that people who absolutely do not consume wine and bitter drinkers have exactly the same chances of rattling into a hospital bed with a diagnosis that says a heart attack or stroke. The most optimal amount of red wine that should be drunk daily to protect your heart and body from tumors and other diseases is two hundred to four hundred milliliters. In addition, the substances contained in red wine have the ability to slow down the aging process not only of the skin, but of the body as a whole.

If you sleep less than four hours or more than ten, you are at risk and may die early.

The average American goes to McDonald's over 1,800 times in their lifetime.

A nice morning kiss can help you avoid stress-related illnesses. A kiss in the morning fills us with harmony and helps to deal with external troubles.

Rose hips, currants, sea buckthorn and chokeberries in fresh form improve vascular tone and prevent the occurrence of varicose veins.

You burn more calories while you sleep than when you watch TV.

Banana milkshake is a great hangover cure.

Right-handers live an average of 9 years longer than left-handers.

Coffee beans contain the alkaloid caffeine, which has a psychostimulating effect. Both the benefits and harms of coffee are associated with it. The benefit lies in the stimulation of the nervous system and cardiac activity, thereby increasing efficiency, increasing blood pressure (which is well suited for hypotensive patients).

In a lifetime, a person eats about 27,300 kilograms of food. This is the approximate weight of six elephants.

Scientists from a university in Switzerland have proven the link between stress and tooth loss, tooth decay, and gum problems.

Many viruses are airborne. Colds and flu are caused by different viruses, but both are spread through the air in the form of tiny droplets that form when the sick person coughs, sneezes, or breathes. By sneezing, a person gets rid of infected cells and spreads an average of more than 100,000 virus cells over a distance of up to nine meters.

To slow down the aging of the skin, you need to eat a little dark chocolate every day.

Heels higher than four centimeters can cause a fracture and dislocation of the ankle, knee, and sprain of the spinal muscles. Pointed-toe shoes can lead to the formation of a "bump" and a curvature of the big toe.

The risk of heart problems is much lower in women who regularly eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This is evidenced by the results of a recent Danish study. The study involved women aged 15 to 49 years. It turned out that those representatives of the weaker sex who rarely or never eat fish are 2 times more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases than those who eat fish regularly. In general, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease for women who rarely eat fish is 90% higher than for women who eat fish once a week.

Scientists have long come to the conclusion that there are products that contribute to the rejuvenation of the human body. Among them: dark chocolate, tea, spinach, strawberries, apples, blackcurrants, grapes (red), oranges, pomegranates, bran cereal and others.

A Japanese study of almost 1,300 women found that pregnant women who smoke were twice as likely to have a spontaneous abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy compared to women who did not smoke. The study also showed that smoking can lead to premature birth, low birth weight and stillbirth.

If you eat the kernels of five walnuts every day, life expectancy will increase by 7 years.

A new study has found that young people who have had kidney stones may have an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis (the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels). According to scientists, this does not mean that one is the cause of the other, but both diseases may have a common cause. Diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking, and high blood pressure (hypertension) increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.

Coffee beans, or rather the chlorogenic acid contained in them, protects our brain from destruction.

The use of black tea significantly helps to prevent the development of diabetes. This was found out by scientists from the Scottish University in the town of Dandy (UK). As it turned out, the active polyphenols contained in black tea can play the role of insulin, which is vital for a person with diabetes. In the case of type 2 diabetes (in which the risk of the disease increases with the age of the patient), black tea is most effective.

If you regularly consume orange or grapefruit juice, you can significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Red caviar is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, scientists from the University of Almeria (Spain) are sure. During the study, they studied the chemical composition of the caviar of 15 species of fish and found that the maximum content of omega-3 in the caviar of hake, lumpfish and salmon. According to scientists, caviar can be recommended as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol levels and have pronounced antioxidant properties.

Meat contributes to the production of the male hormone testosterone.

Honey has a positive effect on the intellectual abilities of a person.

Less than 10% of all people on the planet know how to breathe properly. When breathing, it is necessary to use not only the chest, but also the stomach.

In some regions of the world, children are protected from disease by bathing them in beer. This tradition has especially taken root in Malaysia.

Before cabbage rose in popularity as a food item in 2013, the only major consumer was Pizza Hut, which used vegetables not for eating but for decorating its salad bar.

Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.

Studies have shown that hearing loss begins at a sound level of around 85 dB. Thus, listening to loud music for a long time or the noise of a jackhammer or jet engine can cause irreparable hearing damage.

The reaction of motorists who talk on a mobile phone is slower than that of drunk drivers with a blood alcohol level of more than 0.8 ppm.


The most interesting facts about diseases and health updated: January 30, 2017 by: website

The reaction of motorists who talk on a mobile phone is slower than that of drunk drivers with a blood alcohol level of more than 0.8 ppm.

Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.

In some regions of the world, children are protected from disease by bathing them in beer. This tradition has especially taken root in Malaysia.

The word "gym" comes from the Greek word "gymnazein", which means "to exercise naked".

A study by scientists at the University of Cambridge found that regular jogging leads to the growth of new brain cells that boost your memory.

There are over 1,000 chemicals in a cup of coffee. Only 26 were tested, and half of them caused cancer in lab rats.

The average American goes to McDonald's over 1,800 times in their lifetime.

There are more bacteria in the mouth than there are people on the planet.

According to FDA standards, one glass of orange juice can contain 10 fruit fly eggs, but only two larvae.

You burn more calories while you sleep than when you watch TV.

Constant smoking can lead to blindness. So, researchers from the University of Manchester found that smokers suffer from lung cancer and "age-related macular degeneration" four times more often than those who do not smoke. In addition, as a result of research, it became known that more than 17 thousand people lose their eyesight precisely because of such a bad habit as smoking.

Right-handers live an average of 9 years longer than left-handers.

In the morning you are about 1 cm taller than in the evening.

In a lifetime, a person eats about 27,300 kilograms of food. This is the approximate weight of six elephants.

Scary Health Facts:

Diseases are not only spread when a person coughs and sneezes. One bacterial cell can multiply, producing more than 8 million new bacteria in 24 hours. Just imagine what is happening on the handle of the toilet door that you have touched, the faucets and even the hands of other people ...

Flies cannot eat solid food. They first burp a liquid to soften their food before sucking it up with their proboscis. Flies feed on everything from excrement to your dinner. It is worth adding the following about excrement: it can contain up to 100 billion potentially pathogens, some of which remain in the air and on the toilet even after flushing, including when the lid is down. When cleaning, pay special attention to anything that could get bacteria. These are toilet bowls, flush buttons, door handles, washbasins, faucets, floors, tiles, switches, pots, changing mats, etc.

Many viruses are airborne. Colds and flu are caused by different viruses, but both are spread through the air in the form of tiny droplets that form when the sick person coughs, sneezes, or breathes. By sneezing, a person gets rid of infected cells and spreads an average of more than 100,000 virus cells over a distance of up to nine meters. In case you're wondering, people with a cold can infect others as early as two days before the onset of symptoms of the disease and four days after that. Adults catch colds on average two or three times a year. Schoolchildren get sick 12 or more times a year.

The virus that causes warts is highly contagious. After touching a wart, virus cells remain on our skin that can infect other people. In addition, 6-9 million Americans suffer from foot fungus. You can protect yourself if you wash your feet and do not wet them again unnecessarily. When taking a shower, tiny particles of infected skin remain on the floor. Other people can step on them, picking up the infection. Once the disease begins to develop, it quickly spreads through the skin.

Heels higher than four centimeters can cause a fracture and dislocation of the ankle, knee, and sprain of the spinal muscles. Pointed-toe shoes can lead to the formation of a "bump" and a curvature of the big toe.

Take care of your beard. If this is not done, it will smell unpleasant, like a sweaty armpit, since the same bacteria multiply on it. If a person irregularly cares for a beard, then he creates excellent conditions for the appearance of lice.

Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day and use dental floss to avoid plaque. Plaque produces foul-smelling gases and bacteria that cause bad breath and gum disease.

And other health facts

The researchers claim that none of the diseases ever diagnosed has yet been completely defeated.

Dimples appear due to the fact that a person's skin is attached to the muscles.

Nobody knows why people blush.

Every day, approximately 16 Canadians have their appendix removed by mistake.

The Sumerians (5000 BC) believed that the liver produces blood, and the heart is the thinking center.

Men have more blood (5.7 liters) than women (3.3 liters).

The first adhesive plasters were almost 8 cm wide and 46 cm long, so you had to cut pieces to the required size.

The brain stops growing when a person turns 18.

In 1977, a 13-year-old child was found to have a tooth growing from the foot on his left leg.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 18 million courses of antibiotics are prescribed annually in the United States to treat the common cold. Studies show that a variety of viruses cause colds, but they do not need to be treated with antibiotics.

During human speech, 72 muscles interact.

The first known medicine for the heart was discovered in an English garden. In 1799, the physician John Ferriar noted the effect of the dried leaves of a common plant, digitalis purpurea, on the functioning of the heart. Still used in heart preparations, foxglove slows down the pulse and increases the force of heart contractions.

Bonus: 15 facts about human health and arguments in favor of sports

A healthy lifestyle helps us fulfill our goals and objectives, successfully implement our plans, cope with difficulties, and, if necessary, with colossal overloads.
Good health, maintained and strengthened by the person himself, will allow him to live a long and full of joys life. In this article, you will learn how to properly treat your body and keep it in good shape. To a certain extent, these tips will suit every conscious person who decides to take the path of recovery and put his life in order. If you have useful experience in this area, feel free to share your tips in the comments, take part in the discussion. The article contains links to other useful materials that talk about proper nutrition, the benefits of vegetables and fruits, as well as about sports and their importance.

Health is an invaluable wealth of each person individually, and of the whole society as a whole. When meeting and parting with people close to us, we always wish them good health, because this is the main condition for a full and happy life. In our country, more than 30 million people annually suffer from ARVI and the seasonal virus. The reason for this is that more than 80% of the population has a weak immune system. In order for the immune system to work like clockwork, it must be maintained daily, and not just during flu epidemics! How to recharge your immunity? The answer is simple - lead a healthy lifestyle.

A person's immunity is the ability of his body to defend itself against various "enemies", i.e. foreign genetic information. On the one hand, the immune system protects the body, and on the other hand, its condition depends on the general health of a person. If the individual is active, strong, mobile, and cheerful, then his immunity will be in order, and if he is weak and passive, then the immune system will be appropriate.

The immune system protects us from the influence of external negative factors, it is a kind of line of defense against the negative effects of bacteria, fungi, viruses and the like. Without a healthy and effective immune system, the body becomes weak and more likely to suffer from various infections.

The immune system also protects the body from its own cells with a disturbed organization that have lost their normal properties. It detects and destroys such cells, which are possible sources of cancer. It is well known that vitamins are necessary for the formation of immune cells, antibodies and signaling substances involved in the immune response. One of the main aspects of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition.

In addition to proper nutrition, here are fifteen more great ways to charge your immunity, live healthy and live healthy!
1. Go in for sports.

Physical activity improves the general condition of the body and the functioning of the lymphatic system, which removes toxins from the body. According to studies, people who exercise regularly are 25% less likely to get a cold than those who do not lead a healthy lifestyle. However, don't be too zealous. Just 30-60 minutes of exercise a day allows you to become healthier, while more strenuous exercise will make you weaker. Be sure to include push-ups in your program - they contribute to better lung and heart function. Be sure to do exercises on the press - this will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system.
Daily morning exercises are a mandatory minimum of physical activity for the day. It is necessary to make it the same habit as washing your face in the morning.

Jennifer Cassetta, a martial arts instructor from New York, says she never gets sick. “I believe that a global approach to exercise calms the mind and helps to release stress,” says Jeniffer. “And cardio, strength training in general helps boost the immune system.” According to Cassette, her health has changed dramatically since she started practicing martial arts eight years ago. Before that, she was a smoking girl who ate late in the evenings and drank a lot of coffee in the mornings. In my 20s...

2. More vitamins

We all need vitamin D, which is found in salmon, eggs and milk. Research has shown that many people don't get enough vitamin C, says Elizabeth Polity, director of nutrition at the Duke Diet & Fitness Center. Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C. “It's a myth that vitamin C prevents colds,” she says. “But getting the right amount of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables energizes the immune system.”

Zinc is also very important for strengthening the immune system - it has an antiviral and antitoxic effect. You can get it from seafood, from unrefined grains and brewer's yeast. In addition, drink tomato juice - it contains a large amount of vitamin A.

3. Temper yourself!

Hardening of the body can become your assistant in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is best to start from childhood. The easiest way to harden - air baths. Water procedures also play a huge role in the process of hardening - strengthening the nervous system, favorably affecting the heart and blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure and metabolism. First of all, it is recommended to rub the body with a dry towel for several days, and later move on to wet rubdowns. You need to start wiping yourself with warm water (35-36 C), gradually moving to cool water, and then to dousing. In summer, it is better to take water procedures in the fresh air after charging.

4. Eat protein

Protective factors of immunity - antibodies (immunoglobulins) - are built from protein. If you eat little meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, then they simply cannot be formed.
5. Drink tea.

Just 5 cups of hot tea a day will significantly strengthen your body. From ordinary black tea, L-theanine is released, which is broken down by the liver to ethylamine, a substance that increases the activity of blood cells responsible for the body's immunity. It should be noted that all this applies only to high-quality varieties of tea.

6. Have fun!

According to research, people who have a positive emotional style are happy, calm and enthusiastic, and are also less prone to colds. Fun and a healthy lifestyle are inseparable.

Cohen and researchers at Carnegie Mellon University interviewed 193 healthy people for two weeks daily and recorded information about the positive and negative emotions they experienced. After that, they exposed the “guinea pigs” to cold and flu viruses. Those who experienced positive emotions had few cold symptoms and a greater resistance to developing diseases.

7. Meditate

Santa Monica, a yoga therapist, believes in her meditation to improve her physical and emotional health. “Meditation helps calm my nervous system and allows my immune system to function with less interference,” she says. "A calm mind, a calm body." “The greatest change is peace of mind and a sense of relief,” says Santa. “I got sick a lot when I was young. My sleep has improved, and it has become easier for me to cope with constant stress.” In a study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine in 2003, researchers found that volunteers who participated in meditation training for eight weeks had significantly higher flu antibodies than those who did not meditate.

8. Don't be nervous!

Prolonged stress causes a powerful blow to the immune system. By increasing the level of negative hormones, it suppresses the release of hormones that help maintain health. By learning to deal with stress, you will stop the flow of excess hormones that just make you fat, irritable and forgetful.
9. Move away from depression

Apathy and indifference are one of the main enemies of strong immunity. American scientists have found that women suffering from depression experience changes in the functioning of the immune system, and they are more susceptible to viral diseases than those who enjoy life.

10. Minimum alcohol

According to numerous studies, alcohol stops the work of white blood cells that identify and destroy infectious cells and viruses themselves. Remember that alcohol and a healthy lifestyle are incompatible.
11. Sleep

Sound sleep is one of the best ways to stay healthy. People who sleep 7-8 hours are definitely doing the right thing. But more than 8 hours of sleep is not recommended.

A good night's sleep strengthens the immune system. The fact is that during a night's sleep, the level of melatonin increases, which improves the functioning of the immune system.
12. Wash your hands!

When you wash your hands, do it twice. When scientists at Columbia University studied this problem in volunteers, they found that washing their hands once had little to no effect, even if people used antibacterial soap. So wash your hands twice in a row if you want to ward off a cold.

13. Go to the sauna

Go to the sauna once a week. For what? Because, according to a 1990 Austrian study, volunteers who went to the sauna often had half as much cold as those who didn't go to the sauna at all. Most likely, the hot air inhaled by a person destroys the cold virus. Already, most gyms have their own saunas.

14. Gifts of nature

Natural remedies that strengthen the immune system are: echinacea, ginseng and lemongrass. Taking herbal decoctions is worth both for therapeutic purposes and for prevention.

15. Probiotics

It is useful to eat foods that increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the body. They are called probiotics and include onions and leeks, garlic, artichokes, and bananas.

If you want to be healthy, lead a healthy lifestyle. Your new motto: no more lying on the couch, more exercise and fresh air! Stress is the main enemy of immunity, drive away all sorts of experiences and be less nervous. Try to get as many positive emotions as possible and take care of proper nutrition. Go ahead and good luck!!!