The Bashkirs retained elements of traditional beliefs: veneration of objects (rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, etc.) and phenomena (winds, snowstorms) of nature, heavenly bodies, animals and birds (bear, wolf, horse, dog, snake, swan, crane, golden eagle, falcon, etc., the cult of rooks was associated with the cult of ancestors, dying and reviving nature). Among the numerous host spirits (eye), a special place is occupied by the brownie (yort eyyakhe) and the water spirit (hyu eyyakhe). The supreme heavenly deity Tenre subsequently merged with Muslim Allah. The forest spirit shurale, brownie are endowed with the features of Muslim shaitans, Iblis, jinn. The demonic characters of beads, albasty are syncretic. The intertwining of traditional and Muslim beliefs is also observed in rituals, especially in native and funeral rites.

Bashkirs occupation of the Bashkirs in the past was nomadic cattle breeding; hunting was widespread; of handicrafts, weaving, felting, production of lint-free carpets, embroidery, leather processing. The Bashkirs knew blacksmithing, smelted cast iron and iron, and in some places developed silver ore; jewelry was made from silver. In 1719 centuries. Bashkirs switched to agriculture and settled life.

Types of Dwellings The traditional type of settlement is an aul, located on the banks of a river or lake. In conditions nomadic life each aul had several places of settlement: winter, spring, summer, autumn. The traditional dwelling of the Bashkirs is a felt yurt with a prefabricated lattice frame, of the Turkic (with a hemispherical top) or Mongolian (with a conical top) type.

The basis of women's clothing was a long dress cut off at the waist with frills, an apron, a camisole, decorated with a braid and silver coins. Young women wore chest ornaments made of coral and coins. The women's headdress is a cap made of coral mesh with silver pendants and coins, with a long blade going down the back, embroidered with beads and cowrie shells; girlish - a helmet-shaped cap, also covered with coins, they also wore caps, handkerchiefs.

Young women wore colorful head coverings. Outerwear - open caftans and chekmens made of colored cloth, trimmed with braid, embroidery, coins. Jewelry - various kinds of earrings, bracelets, rings, braids, clasps - were made of silver, corals, beads, silver coins, with inserts of turquoise, carnelian, colored glass.

Men's clothing - shirts and trousers with a wide step, light dressing gowns (straight back and flared), camisoles, sheepskin coats. Hats - skullcaps, round fur hats, malachai, covering the ears and neck, hats. Women also wore hats made of animal fur. Boots, leather boots, ichigi, shoe covers, and in the Urals - and bast shoes were widely used.

Traditional dishes are finely chopped horse meat or lamb with broth (beshbarmak, kulema), dried sausage from horse meat and fat (goat), various types of cottage cheese, cheese (korot), millet porridge, barley, spelled and wheat groats, oatmeal. Noodles on meat or milk broth, cereal soups are popular. Bread (cakes) was consumed unleavened, sour bread spread over the centuries, potatoes and vegetables were included in the diet. Low-alcohol drinks: koumiss (from mare's milk), buza (from sprouted grains of barley, spelt), ball (a relatively strong drink made from honey and sugar); they also drank diluted sour milk - ayran.

Bashkirs The main folk holidays were celebrated in spring and summer. On the eve of spring field work, and in some places after them, a plow festival (sabantuy, sabantuy) was held, which included a common meal, wrestling, horse racing, competitions in running, archery, competitions with a humorous effect.

Bashkirs Song and musical creativity is developed: epic, lyrical and everyday (ritual, satirical, humorous) songs, ditties (tokmak). Various dance melodies. The dances are characterized by narrative, many ("Cuckoo", "Crow pacer", "Baik", "Perovsky") have a complex structure and contain elements of pantomime.

450 years together. Bashkirs. Sverdlovsk Regional International Library. Information edition. The Bashkirs of the Sverdlovsk region, the indigenous population of the Urals, live in all cities and districts of the region. Most of them are villagers. Places of compact residence - Krasnoufimsky, Mikhailovsky, Nizhneserginsky, Artinsky, Kamensky districts. Together with all the people in 2007, the Ural Bashkirs celebrate the 450th anniversary of the voluntary entry of Bashkiria into Russia - they celebrate it as a holiday of unbreakable friendship and brotherhood of the Bashkir and Russian peoples, all the peoples of our Motherland. Joining Russia was of great progressive importance for Bashkiria, contributed to the awakening of productive and creative forces, familiarization with economic experience, Russian culture and social thought. The friendship of the Russian and Bashkir peoples was strengthened and tempered in the joint struggle for the integrity and independence of Russia. The Bashkirs bravely fought in the militia of Minin and Pozharsky, in the Azov campaigns of Peter 1, in the Northern and Seven Years Wars. IN Patriotic War 1812, Bashkiria fielded 19 cavalry regiments. The recognition of their military merits is that in the Leipzig Museum, next to the names of Russian divisions, the names of the Bashkir units are carved in gold letters. For many centuries our peoples have fought against social and national oppression. An expressive example of the union of working people of different nationalities was the Peasant War led by Emelyan Pugachev, in which the Bashkir people took an active part, putting forward a talented commander, thinker and poet from their midst - the legendary Salavat Yulaev. A bright page in the annals of military commonwealth entered the raid of the South Ural partisans on the rear of the White Guards under the command of V.K. Blucher. Thousands of Bashkirs bravely fought as part of the Red Army, commanded by M.V. Frunze and V.I. Chapaev.

The scenario of the performance of "Bashkirs"

Take a look at the globe:

Here it is - the globe of the earth,

On it Bashkiria

As big as a birch leaf...

Let on the globe you seem like a leaf,

Hot wind blown,

Bashkiria is mine! Your son is simple

I admire your breadth...

Bashkortostan is unusually attractive with a variety of nature. If you look at Bashkortostan from a height, you can see mountains, hills, steep cliffs, and endless grain expanses. The Ural Mountains rise in the east of the republic. They are covered with dense forests.

The republic is located in the southern Urals, on the border of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. About 100 nationalities live here (Russians, Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvashs, Mordovians, etc.)

The flag of Bashkiria is a panel of green, white and blue with an emblem. The blue color means the purity of the thoughts of the peoples of the republic, white - their peacefulness, green - freedom. The kurai flower is a symbol of friendship, its seven petals symbolize the unity of the Bashkir tribes and peoples of Bashkortostan.

The emblem is an image of a monument to Salavat Yulaev (a symbol of the courage of peoples) against the backdrop of the rising sun and its rays.

The capital of the republic - the city of Ufa - is a big, beautiful city.

The working strata of the Bashkir and Russian people live in peace and harmony. They always had to defend Russia's interests together.

We are well aware of the name of the legendary hero of the Bashkir people Salavat Yulaev.

He combined the talent of a poet, the gift of a commander, the fearlessness of a warrior. These qualities reflect the spiritual image of the Bashkirs.

The Bashkir people have always been able to do their best not only to fight and work, but also to have fun. Bashkir folk holiday - Sabantuy (translated as "plow holiday").

This holiday is closely connected with work. After a successful sowing, the grain growers arranged a rest for themselves.

Beautiful Bashkir songs, folk dances, good traditions and customs of the Bashkir people. You will now hear the melodies of kurai - this wonderful national spiritual instrument.

Bashkortostan is a republic of big oil and petrochemistry.

Bashkortostan is a republic of mechanical engineering.

Bashkortostan is a republic of grain fields.

Bashkortostan is a republic of fragrant honey, healing koumiss.

Bashkortostan is a country of singers, a country of poets.

In folk dances, as well as in songs, fairy tales and legends, the best features and aspirations of free, industrious peoples are expressed. Spectators of many republics, regions and territories of our country got acquainted with the Bashkir art of folk dance. Bashkir dancers have visited dozens of countries on all five continents.


Today we talked about Bashkortostan, about its boundless expanses, about countless riches that we should protect and increase. And the greatest wealth of Bashkortostan is its people. And may peace and friendship always flourish on your land, Bashkortostan, may there be enough space for all the peoples inhabiting this amazing land!

In colorful beautiful Bashkir carpets,

In virgin mountain air forests,

Under the golden sun,

Fragrant lindens captivate with flowers,

The bees of Bashkir honey are working,

Healing properties are given by nature.

Soft herbs, in green time

Grasslands hay milk burden.

Mount Iremel is sacred in spirit,

Ufa is energetic, Inzer is full of water.

Ribbon blue adorns Agidel

Bashkortostan is our beloved land,

Kurai exalts the Fatherland with a song:

Bashkortostan, cheerful, take off higher,

Shine a guiding star for people!

Dukhina Anna
Presentation of "Bashkirs"

Bashkirs are a Turkic-speaking people residing in the territory of the Republic Bashkortostan and the historical region of the same name. autochthonous (root) people of the Southern Urals and the Urals. Family life Bashkir in the past it was characterized by calm and peaceful.

Relations between the spouses were built on mutual respect and consent.

The need for mutual understanding in the family is also reflected in folklore, in particular, in proverbs and sayings: "Berganeke beregaile"(In unity there is strength, "Berlekte - bereket, tarkaulykta - 1yuldket" (In unity - strength, in disunity - death).

At the heart of family relationships Bashkir lies the traditional etiquette, which clearly regulates the rules of conduct for each family member. A special place among these norms is occupied by the relationship of spouses.

The father was considered the head of the family. He was the guardian of family foundations, the manager of property, the organizer of economic life and had great authority in the family.

The eldest woman, the wife of the head of the family, enjoyed great honor and respect. She was devoted to all family affairs, disposed of women's work.

With the arrival of the bride (kylen) the mother-in-law was released from housework; they were to be carried out by a young woman. The duties of the kilen included cooking, cleaning the home, caring for livestock, milking cows and mares, and making fabrics and clothes.

The traditional type of settlement is an aul located on the banks of a river or lake. In the conditions of nomadic life, each aul had several places settlements: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Permanent settlements arose with the transition to settled life, as a rule, in the places of winter roads. Initially, the cumulus arrangement of dwellings was common; close relatives settled compactly, often behind a common fence.

relationship with Bashkir along the male and female lines were equally supported, although it is said that “The relatives of the wife are at the hearth, and the relatives of the husband are at the threshold”. In connection with the patrilocal settlement, the spouses communicated with the husband's relatives more often, the wife's relatives, of course, came only to visit.

At Bashkir there is special terminology for determining direct descendants up to the seventh generation, according to which a gap can be established family ties on the eighth generation.

On behavior Bashkir many restrictions were imposed. It is impossible, for example, to dig the earth in winter - it sleeps, to touch a stale stone. Because the left hand was considered unclean, it was recommended, for best results, to start with the right hand.

Since it was believed that harmful magic emanated from a woman, she could not cross the path of a man (even a boy was not recommended to visit mosques (pray at home, visit cemeteries.

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  • "One of the most fertile lands of Russia", "The country of all earthly riches", "The land of wonders and charms" - these were the words of Russian writers LN with admiration about Bashkortostan. Tolstoy, ST. Aksakov, F.D. Nefedov.

  • The Bashkir people in ancient times led a nomadic lifestyle. Men were dexterous hunters and excellent riders, brave warriors, and women were needlewomen, possessed rare musicality and plasticity.

Like every nation, the Bashkirs have musical instrument, absorbing his image and soul. For Bashkortostan, this is kurai. Its magical sound has captivated the hearts of people for centuries.

  • Today, kurai is not only a national musical instrument, but also a kind of calling card of Bashkortostan. The symbol of the flower of the plant of the same name is depicted on the state emblem and the flag of the republic.

    Bashkortostan has long been famous for its honey. The Republic is the only place in Russia where people are still engaged in the ancient craft of beekeeping. This is an ancient form of beekeeping - wild Bashkir honey is collected not in an apiary, but on trees. At the same time, bees are kept in pine hollows, which are called “bort”. Hence the unusual name of the craft "Bortnichestvo". By its healing and taste qualities, as well as by the unique composition of microelements, this honey has no analogues in the world.

    Traditional Bashkir dishes are bishbarmak (boiled horse meat or lamb cut into pieces, seasoned with noodles with meat broth), dried horse meat sausage, short - a special type of marshmallow made from berries, koumiss. Kumis is the national drink of the Bashkirs, the tradition of its production is rooted in the distant past. The ability to make delicious koumiss has long been valued and passed down from generation to generation.

  • Every year in Bashkortostan, the national holiday Sabantuy, the holiday of the plow, is celebrated on a large scale.

It arose back in pagan times, then its meaning was to appease the numerous gods and spirits of nature, on whose mercy people's lives depended. Sabantuy is traditionally celebrated at the beginning of summer.

    On a large clearing there are shopping arcades and concert venues, yurts, carts and other attributes of an old nomadic life are installed. Traditional dishes are prepared, sabantuy is one of the best reasons to get acquainted with the national cuisine of the republic. In addition, all kinds of competitions are held: break a jug with a stick with your eyes closed, walk along a slippery log rearing above the ground, participate in a tug of war, fight with bags while sitting on a log.

  • Among the competitions, there are also original folk entertainments - for example, to climb a high bare pole, smeared with fat. Sabantuy is an occasion for jigits to measure their strength in kuresh wrestling. Horse racing is one of the most spectacular parts of the festival.

In Bashkortostan there are unique natural objects - shikhans. Among them are shikhans - Yuraktau, Kushtau, Shakhtau, Tratau. Their framework consists of myriads of interconnected calcareous stalks of ancient algae and the fossilized bodies of marine invertebrates that became extinct more than 200 million years ago. These are truly unique natural phenomena in the history of the Earth.