Lesson on extracurricular activities within the framework of

creative project in Russian in 6 "A" class

"My name, my surname, my family"

Didactic goals of the project:
- formation of competence in the field of independent cognitive activity;
- improvement of research skills;
- acquisition of skills independent work with different sources of information;

Formation of teamwork skills.

Problems of independent research:
Where did my first and last name come from?
What does my family tree look like?

How do I see the coat of arms of my family?

Research results:
Presentation of students of grade 6a "Anthroponymy", creative work on the topic: "Family legends and stories. Relics of our family”, “Meaning of the name”, drawings on the topic: “The coat of arms of my family”, an exhibition of photographs from the family album “The History of my family”

Stages of work:

Formation of research topics;
- conducting research;
- creative work on the task;
- preparing a presentation;
- protection of the project;
- collective discussion, evaluation results.

Research results:
Reports “The Origin of Russian Surnames”, “The Origin of Russian Names”, creative works “The Meaning of My Name”, “The Origin of My Surname”, drawings “The Coat of Arms of My Family”, an exhibition of photographs from the family album, family relics.

Methods and forms of education:

Method of projects;

collective interaction;

ICT technologies;

explanatory and illustrative.

Planned educational results:


    Learn to talk about the origin of the surname, name;

    will receive opportunity to learn select photographs of family members from the family archive;

    learn how to interview family members;

    assess the value of family albums in strengthening family relationships;

    create an exhibition display.


    to master the ability to understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

    generalize your own view;

    gain experience in public speaking.

    form a willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue,

    evaluate their achievements in the course of work on the task;

    relate the concepts learned to real-life examples.


    formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world;

    formation moral values family and lifestyle, the presence of motivation for creative work, work for results, respect for material and spiritual values;

    development of motives learning activities and personal meaning of the doctrine;

    mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, readiness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, express one's opinion and argue one's point of view and assessment of events.

Universal learning activities, UUD:

Cognitive: general educational - independently identify and formulate cognitive goals ; brain teaser search for the necessary information (from the materials of the textbook, etymological, spelling dictionaries, the teacher's story, by recalling in memory), compare, compare.

Regulatory: orientation in the textbook, dictionaries, other sources of information; accept and save the learning task; evaluate the result of their actions; predict the results of the level of assimilation of the studied material.

Personal: awareness of their capabilities in learning; the ability to adequately judge the reasons for one's success or failure in learning, linking success with effort; creative expression of your vision.

Communicative: learn to exchange opinions, listen to another student - a communication partner and a teacher; coordinate their actions with a partner; enter into collective educational cooperation, accepting its terms and conditions; construct speech statements orally and in writing.

Form of the lesson: oral journal.

Form of organization: participants are seated in groups.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, exhibition of students' creative works "The meaning of my name", "The origin of my surname", drawings "The coat of arms of my family", an exhibition of photographs from the family album, family heirlooms.

Lesson progress:

    organizational stage.


- Good afternoon, dear guests and guys! We welcome you to the presentation of our oral journal of the Russian language club “My name, my surname, my family”. The issue is dedicated important topic that concerns each of us. Interest in this topic arose from the study of proper names, gradually led to the study of one's own surname and name. In the course of research, a family album was also opened for you, where portraits of your parents, grandparents, the ancestors of your family name were preserved. Your stories about family photographs and family heirlooms, creative works will complement the idea of ​​the world of names and surnames, the connection of times and generations.

    Presentation of works.

1. So, we open the first page of the magazine "What is in my name to you ...".

Teacher: A child is born, and parents give him a name. How did it happen in Rus'?

(Report by student Retukova D. on the topic “Origin of Russian names”)


That the name is a sound dropped by chance,
In which there is no meaning, no meaning,
Of course not.
And there is a mystery in the names
And the sacrament is the name of the name.

(Students' speeches about the meaning of their names).

Teacher: In our class there are carriers of rare names - Love, Dana, Eva. What do they know about their names? (performance girls).

2. The game "Where did the names come from."

Teacher: Now we will play the game in teams. The tasks are given on the cards, you need to answer the questions and fill in the table.

Command presentation. The end of the game.

Teacher: We open the second page of the magazine "Where do we come from." The tradition in Rus' is to give names in honor of ancestors.

Who was your great-grandfather in Rus'?

Ask for your last name.

They sound like music, like poetry

Surnames are simple.

Look closely and you will see them

History of Russia.

(G. Graubin)

Your parents gave you your first name, and your patronymic was given by your father's name. How did the surname come about? It passed to your father from his father. But who was the first and how did the surname come about?

3. Speech by student Guseva L. with a presentation "Where did the names come from."

Teacher: Every person in our country has a surname. It is written in the birth certificate, in the passport, it accompanies us all our lives. Scientists have counted several ways of forming Russian surnames:

Firstly, from ancient Russian and Slavic names (Egorov, Petrov, Zhdanov, Lyubomirov, etc.).

Secondly, the surname arose from ancient nicknames (Fighters, Belov)

Thirdly, from the profession of ancestors. This is how the Goncharovs, Kuznetsovs, Rybakovs and others appeared.

Also, surnames were formed from the names of the village, city, area (Novgorodtsev, Moskvichev, Muromov).

Do you know what your last name means? Tell us about your findings.

4. Speeches of students with the presentation of their own coat of arms. (stories by Popova A., Kortsov S., Leontyeva L., Kochina L.)

Teacher: The third page of the magazine "My genealogical tree". You can pay tribute to the memory of your ancestors by compiling your family tree. Parents and you are the top of the tree, in the future it will grow up, and your children and grandchildren will be proud of you. There are guys in our class who learned how to draw up their family tree.

5. Student performances with creative works.

6. Music dynamic pause.

One - get up, get up
Two - bend, unbend
Three - three claps in the hands, three nods with the head.
Four feet wider.
Five - wave your hands
Six - sit quietly at the table.

Teacher: In every family there are things that keep stories related to our ancestors. By carefully preserving them, passing them from generation to generation, we can feel the connection of times and events.

7. The fourth page of our magazine “Family Traditions and Stories. Relics of our family.

Speech by Torokhin A. with a story about family heirloomChristmas decorations from past.

Teacher: And now the story will be about a man whose hobby became the meaning of life and grew into a profession. Popova Agata will talk about her great-grandmother Ageenkova Antonina Vasilievna and her passion, the memory of which she kept in an album with photographs and newspaper clippings about club activities in the countryside.

Teacher: As we all want warmth and kindness in our difficult times. And what could be better than a family hearth, the fire of which warms us. Take a look at family photos from over the years.

Family photos in a shabby album.
Worn-out, bound sheets.
Family photos from the last century
Collected with love in the album we are forever.

8. Photos from the family album.

Tell us about your findings.

Agatha Popova's story about an old photograph of the 20-30s of the XX century

Photos of the times of the Great Patriotic War- special. They are carefully kept in their families by descendants. (Stories about photos from the front Lieberman Eva and Domnitskaya Ira).

Happy faces, both old and young in the photo. Who is this? (Story Kononov Viti).


Teacher: Guys, today in the lesson you talked about your family, about the coat of arms of your family, on which you depicted the characteristic features of your last name, we heard stories about memorable photographs. We will tell each other about our assessments at the next stage, summing up the results of the project. Thank you for your work, for interesting finds, for respect for your family! The last page of the magazine is parting words to you.

What could be more precious than a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love,
And escorted on the road with good!

Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not bored at all,
And five of them are interesting.

The kid is like a pet for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything,
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest, relatives.

Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family
What could be more precious
In this fabulous land

Annex 1

Questions and tasks for the team:

1. Remember the plants in the names of which there is a feminine or male name.

2. Form names from word combinations:

own everything

Loving the world

Holy praise

3. Distribute ancient Russian names according to their "characteristics"

Malek, Curly, Dobrynya, Peasant, Tretiak, Umnik, Molchan, Zhdan.


Place in the family



How to name a person so that he always stands out from the crowd, the parents of our heroes know firsthand. They found the names of their children in books, films and their own dreams. Amurlenta learned about the ways of surviving children with unusual names in ordinary reality.

Aina Tsiritis, 25 years old

When I was born, my father took me in his arms (he was present at the birth) and immediately said that I was Aina! He is Latvian and named me after my grandmother, and my mother is Russian. As a child, I did not yet understand that my name was not like everyone else. And at the age of 12 I got tired of people constantly asking me what my name was, changing the accent, distorting it. I even wanted to change my name, and I constantly asked my parents why they called me that. It was hard, but it didn't last long. I grew up, began to relate more simply to what others say and fell in love with my name - I felt in it some kind of mystery, mystery, tenderness.

When meeting people in 90 percent of cases, people are surprised, ask questions, somehow laugh it off stupidly (which I don’t like). From the first seconds I adore those who calmly say: “Beautiful name!” - and continues communication, not focusing on its exclusivity!

The name seems to be so short, but those close to it came up with many derivatives - Aichka, Ainulya, Aya, Hayka-Zayka. In social networks, I am Ainochka - for me this is the closest and most tender sound.

Damir Sergeev, 14 years old

My mother named me Damir. I know that she took this matter very seriously when she was waiting for me. Studied books with names. Another option was to call me Ratimir. Good thing they didn't name it! I like my name much better. Mom also settled on him, because it is characterized as self-confident, persistent, loving parents, leader. Dad also approved. I like that it's loud and doesn't lean in any way. Only my grandmother can still call me Damirka, and everyone else can only call me Damir, both at home and at school.

People always pay attention to my name and often ask why Russian parents have a child called like that. Mom thinks that the letter D in the name has great importance, gives a strong character. If I have a sister, she will be called Diana.

I like the fact that there are few people like me, they will not be confused with anyone. This is a plus. We also have Joseph in the class, everyone else has the usual names.

Lyucina Balbukova, 23 years old

Once my mother was watching a movie on TV, and in the credits she liked an unusual name - Lucina. That was the name of either the director or the operator. She immediately decided that she would name her daughter. As long as I can remember, I loved my name very much and could not imagine that they could call me otherwise!

Although at one time I even thought about taking a simple pseudonym for myself. When I came to work as a school teacher primary school I was afraid the children would not pronounce my name. But the kids were smart, someone just called me a teacher, someone Uchita Vitalievna. For the third, I was Lyudmila Vitalievna at all!

People around me have different reactions to my name, someone immediately remembers my name, and someone can ask again for months. And still they will call Luchita or Lucita! Some associate my name with a butterfly, others with a flower. Some jokingly tried to make contact with Lucifer!

Andrian Avram, 36 years old

In general, Andrian is Andrei, only in Moldavian. When I was 3 years old, my parents moved from Moldova to the Amur Region. But the homeland, of course, remained in their hearts, so they called their children national names. My younger brother and sister's names are Ruslan and Yuliana.

My name is not so unusual, in my childhood everyone called me Andryushka. Although the nickname Adriano Celentano was also there. When he grew up, he became just Andrian for everyone. And they never confused me with anyone, I was like that alone. As long as I live, I have not met Andrianov anywhere else.

I often confuse my first name with my last name - this really pisses me off! At school, a physical education teacher up to grade 11 wrote me in the magazine Andrianov Avram, until I accidentally saw it! Well, now, when you introduce yourself, they often take the surname for the name. Soon our son Platon will be born in our family. The wife specially chose the name so that it would go well with the surname and patronymic. But he is unlikely to escape the name-surname confusion!

Venera Slastina, 47 years old

My grandmother, who was a Chuvash, called me that. This name was popular in Tatarstan, but not in the Amur region, where my family and I moved when I was 2 years old.

In my youth, I was very modest and shy of my unusual name. When she called him when meeting, the guys often answered, “Can I be your Jupiter or Saturn ?!” I didn't like these jokes, I was embarrassed. And then she just began to introduce herself as Vera! But the deception was revealed if on the street I did not respond to a fictitious name.

When I entered the Pedagogical Institute, the guys from the physical education department lived next to us, they always occupied places in the dining room with my girlfriend. And then one day they decided to play a trick on me. “Venus, give me salt,” one of them said. And we immediately grabbed the salt shaker with the guy opposite. It turned out that in their company there was a young man named Vener! Such a cackle rose, I was ready to fall through the ground.

Many years passed before I came to terms with my real name. And then sometimes someone will turn to me, Venera Petrovna, as much as hearing cuts. But the niece's little daughter rearranged the letters as she liked, and calls me Never! Sounds funny.

Eli Galios, age 5

(says mom Eva)

When I was not pregnant yet and did not even plan to become a mother, I had a dream in which my son was and his name was Lime. A couple of months later, I found out that I was expecting a baby. I immediately said that the dream was not without reason - let's call Lime! But no one supported me. Started thinking of another name. They were specifically looking for something unusual, because Sash and Dim already have so many. Decided to be Leonard. But then they changed their minds. And closer to the birth, the name Eli appeared. And it has nothing to do with the movie ("The Book of Eli" - ed.)! The second child was also named in an original way - Leon. Then somehow my husband and I noticed that the names of our children are similar to lemon and lime. Now sometimes they are called so jokingly. Eli himself has been pronouncing his name perfectly since the age of two, and so are his friends. And in general, against the background of Paramonov, Saveliev and Mironov, we do not stand out in the sandbox. I don’t worry that my child will be teased in the yard, if Anton is not teased, then Eli will definitely not be!

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I Organization for the lesson:


I I Pedigree

We are all branches and leaves

Huge and twisted

of the human tree."

(sl.2) - solve the crossword puzzle

4. Husband's sister. (sister-in-law)

8. Husband's mother. (mother-in-law)

9. Brother of the wife. (brother-in-law)

10. Wife's mother. (mother-in-law)

What about a family tree? (Yes).

(root on leaf)

Four men.

Grandpa lives in an apartment

Both dad and great-grandfather

And Micha, father's son,

beauty still lives

Inseparable from relatives.

One of them is calling her

His beloved granddaughter,

Dear daughter

Another one calls her

And the third - sweet Masha

And our mistress

And calls me mom

The youngest man.

III. My name.

Greek origin:

Alexander is a protector of people.

Anton - entering the battle.

Eugene is noble.

Irina - peace, tranquility.

Oksana is a foreigner.

Peter is a rock, a stone.

Vladislav is nice.

Elijah - God's help.

Roman origin:

Maxim is the greatest.

Rima is a Roman.

Julia is curly.

Grandfather tried for his granddaughter,

Picked up from different places

A number of names that sound loud:

Tobius… Mucius… Aries… Orestes…

The son-in-law decided in the course of the debate

Turn the question around:

Let's call it more modern -

Helium… Atom… Cosmodrome…

Daughter caught in a dispute

Noisy climbs on rampage

With a whole import set:

Grandma to know non-Christians

She does not want to

Dog... Sysoy... Kuzma... Foma...

Wise writing

Worked out on Thursday.

The night was bet, and in the morning

The boy was named Peter.

III Surnames

IV Summary of the lesson

Wife's brother (brother-in-law).

Husband's brother (brother-in-law).

Wife's sister (sister-in-law).

Husband's sister (sister-in-law).

Wife's mother (mother-in-law).

Husband's mother (mother-in-law).

I wish you from the bottom of my heart

For things to be good


to introduce students to the concept of "pedigree", to teach how to draw up a pedigree, to give a brief encyclopedic reference to the names of students and relatives, to consolidate and test students' knowledge of the state symbols of the Krasnodar Territory;

build basic skills research work in younger students;

develop interest in the past and present of your family, family traditions;

to cultivate a sense of love for one's family and pride in it, a sense of respect for parents, pride and love for one's native land.

I Organization for the lesson:


- checking the organization of the workplace: textbook, notebook, sheets for individual work, pen,

-message of the topic of the lesson, goals (sl.1)

I I Pedigree

“None of us fell off the moon.

We are all branches and leaves

Huge and twisted

of the human tree."

Today I invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of family life with its way of life, traditions, holidays. Lesson name: “My family tree. My name. My last name". All of us are united by one word that will sound in this program - the word "family". This word is clear to everyone, like the words "bread" and "water". Family from the first moments of life next to each of us. A family is a house, it's dad and mom, it's grandfather and grandmother ..

(sl.2) - solve the crossword puzzle

1. What is the name of the ancient predecessor by genus? (ancestor)

2. A number of generations originating from one ancestor. (genus)

3. Brother of the father or mother. (uncle)

4. Husband's sister. (sister-in-law)

5. Mothers of the wife and husband. (matchmakers)

6. Daughter of a brother or sister. (niece)

7. Husbands of two sisters. (in-laws)

8. Husband's mother. (mother-in-law)

9. Brother of the wife. (brother-in-law)

10. Wife's mother. (mother-in-law)

11. A group of relatives living together. (family)

In this lesson, we will get acquainted with the concept of "pedigree", learn how to draw up a pedigree.

What is a pedigree? This is a list of generations of the same genus.

A genus is a series of generations descended from the same ancestor.

An ancestor is an ancient predecessor in the genus.

In the Middle Ages, every knight who wanted to enter into a knightly union had to prove his noble origin. The evidence was a knightly family tree. (sl.3)

At the bottom of the trunk is the coat of arms of the knight, then the trunk was divided into two conditional branches: the coat of arms of the father was drawn on the right, and the coat of arms of the mother was drawn on the left. Each of these branches, in turn, was also divided into two smaller branches, on which the coats of arms of the grandfather and grandmother were placed on the paternal and maternal sides. And in order to compile such a family tree, one had to know one's ancestors well.

(sl.4) A glorious thing is a family tree. But if you look closely at it, you can see one inconsistency. Mom and dad grow out of the child, and from them grandfathers and grandmothers. It's a strange picture. How to fix this oddity? ... Very simple. Let's turn the picture upside down. Then the tree will turn into a root, into a large branched root, from which this man grew.

And not without reason, when they want to praise a person, they say: "He has strong roots." This means that such a person was born in a friendly good family, and the family raised him.

So it’s more correct to talk about a family tree root when it comes to ancestors, and if we are talking about descendants of a person, then this is really a family tree. Here we draw as many branches as this person has children, and each branch branches into smaller branches: these will be grandchildren, and then great-grandchildren.

Is it possible to draw a family tree for any person? (No).

What about a family tree? (Yes).

By the way, an interesting thing turns out. Each person has two parents - a mother and a father, but there are twice as many grandparents - 4, great-grandparents and twice as many - 8. And so on. That's how many ancestors a person has. By the way, many peoples of the world respect the person who knows his ancestors up to the seventh generation. We will complete three links in the lesson, and you can continue this work at home.

Now we will start researching our family tree root.

(root on leaf)

You must answer the question that will sound before reading the poem.

Who lives in a big apartment?

Four men.

Grandpa lives in an apartment

Both dad and great-grandfather

And Micha, father's son,

beauty still lives

Inseparable from relatives.

One of them is calling her

To my beloved granddaughter,

Dear daughter

Another one calls her

And the third - sweet Masha

And our mistress

And calls me mom

The youngest man.

How many people live in this apartment? (5). Name them.

(students call: husband's father, wife's grandfather, Misha - husband's son, husband and wife)

III. My name.

A name is a personal name given to a person during his lifetime. every name has its own history.

The word "surname" is of Latin origin. Among the Romans, it originally did not refer to spouses and children, but only to slaves. Familia - a collection of slaves belonging to one person. But throughout Europe, this word has spread precisely in the meaning of "family", "spouses". And in Russia, the word surname at first was used in the meaning of family. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, the word "nickname" still existed: it was in those days that it denoted, called the surname. And only in the 19th century did the word surname acquire its own second meaning, which became prevalent: "hereditary family naming added to a personal name."

Our ancestors gave these names:

- in appearance: small, white, oblique, pockmarked, milava, ugly;

- according to character traits: kind, brave, silent, clever, fool, not laughing;

-according to the place in the family: the first, the smallest, the eldest, the other.

It's hard to believe now. After the baptism of Rus', many names came from other languages:

Personal names are the names that are assigned at birth to people and by which they are known in society. Do you know that people of 120 nationalities live in the Kuban? Most of them are Russians, there are many Ukrainians, Circassians, Armenians, Greeks, which is why the surnames and names of our ancestors - countrymen are so diverse.

Some have names of Russian origin: Svetlana, Yaroslav; others - Greek and Roman: Andrei, Marina; someone came from Ukraine: Ostap. There are names of Turkish origin: Asker; Persian: Rustam; Arabic: Yunus, Farida; Adyghe: Pago, Shumaf.

Guys, are you curious to know what your names mean, where do they come from? Then listen:

Greek origin:

Alexander is a protector of people.

Alexey is an intercessor, reflecting, preventing.

Anton - entering the battle.

Eugene is noble.

Irina - peace, tranquility.

Nikolai is the winner, the conqueror of peoples.

Oksana is a foreigner.

Peter is a rock, a stone.

Ekaterina - purity, decency.

Old Slavic origin:

Vladislav is nice.

Hebrew origin:

Elijah - God's help.

Roman origin:

Maxim is the greatest.

Rima is a Roman.

Julia is curly.

Grandfather tried for his granddaughter,

Picked up from different places

A number of names that sound loud:

Tobius… Mucius… Aries… Orestes…

The son-in-law decided in the course of the debate

Turn the question around:

Let's call it more modern -

Helium… Atom… Cosmodrome…

Daughter caught in a dispute

Noisy climbs on rampage

With a whole import set:

Edwin... Melvin... Selvin... John...

Grandma to know non-Christians

She does not want to

Contributes, looking at the holy calendar:

Dog... Sysoy... Kuzma... Foma...

Wise writing

Worked out on Thursday.

The night was bet, and in the morning

The boy was named Peter.

-You have learned a new stream of names. Why do you think they chose not one of the named names?

There is a saying about this: “Where you were born, it came in handy there.” The parents acted wisely: they chose a name that would not be too extravagant, the child would not be teased, and he would definitely come in handy in this world.

And every person named by an Orthodox name has an angel's day - the day of the saint, whose name you bear and is considered your guardian angel.

III Surnames

Under Peter the Great, by the Senate Decree of June 18, 1719, in connection with the introduction of the poll tax and recruitment duty, the earliest police records were officially introduced - travel letters (passports). The passport contained information: name, surname (or nickname), where he left, where he was going, place of residence, characteristics of his type of activity, information about family members who traveled with him, sometimes information about his father and parents.

Instructive stories about the past deeds of the ancestors were told at night to the young successors of the family. Many of the worldly ones were proper names (Gorazd, Zhdan, Lyubim), others arose as nicknames, but then became names (Nekras, Dur, Chertan, Malice, Neustroy). Here it should be noted that in old Russian system names, it was also customary to call babies protective names, amulets - names with a negative content - for protection, scaring away evil forces or for the reverse action of the name. This is how it is still customary to scold those who pass the exam, or wish the hunter "no fluff, no feather." It was believed that Dur would grow up smart, Nekras handsome, and Hunger would always be full. Security names then became accustomed nicknames, and then a surname.

The first census of 1897 showed that up to 75% of the population did not have a surname (however, this applied more to residents of the national outskirts than native Russia). Finally, the surnames of the entire population of the USSR appeared only in the 30s of the 20th century, in the era of universal passportization.

IV Summary of the lesson

How do you remember the names of family ties:

Wife's brother (brother-in-law).

Husband's brother (brother-in-law).

Wife's sister (sister-in-law).

Husband's sister (sister-in-law).

Wife's mother (mother-in-law).

Husband's mother (mother-in-law).

Daughter of a brother or sister (niece).

Father's or mother's sister (aunt).

Where did Cuban surnames come from?

I wish you from the bottom of my heart

For things to be good

So that trouble does not knock on the house,

To never be sad.

Senators Egor and Arina, Rybin Denis, Sudakova Elizaveta, Ismailova Maryam, Cherednichenko Victoria, Tyunyakov Andrey, Lebedeva Polina, Dzyubenko Diana and others.

Research work of students in grade 2a, dedicated to the history of the family, the meaning of names and surnames, the creation of a family tree.



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Slides captions:

Project "My family" My family. My ancestry. Surnames and names.

Project goals: 1. development of interest in the history of one's family and its traditions; 2. fostering a sense of love for one's family and pride in it; 3. cultivate a sense of respect for elders and care for each other.

The surname in translation from Latin is a family. The hereditary generic name of a person, indicating the origin of a person from a certain genus. The origin of this or that surname is connected with the professions of our ancestors; with the regions where they lived; their way of life, customs, nicknames, characters and appearances. About surnames and names.

My last name and first name. Lebedev. In the old days, the so-called "bird names" were known, which are formed from the names of birds. The name Lebed determines the meaning of the surname Lebedev. The Lebedevs are in 2nd place among " bird names", and in the frequency list of all Russian surnames in 13th place. Pauline - female name. The colloquial form of the name Appolinaria, which means "sunny". It comes from the name of the ancient Greek god of the sun Apollo. Pauline is usually baptized under the names of Pelageya and Appolinaria.

My last name and first name. Cherednichenko. The surname comes from the word "cherednik", which means "regular; who has a deadline in a matter." In the southern Russian dialects and in the Ukrainian language, a shepherd is called a “row” and the herd he grazes is called a “line”. Since the Ukrainian suffix - enko - is present in the surname Cherednichenko, the basis of the surname should also be taken as Ukrainian, i.e. Cherednichenko is a descendant of a shepherd. Victoria is a female name. Derived from Latin, translated means "victory". A little slow, but calm, balanced, more silent than a talker.

My last name and first name. Mishulin. Once upon a time, surnames denoted who was someone's son. Surname Mikhailov - to be the son of Mikhail. This surname several centuries ago was one of the most common and famous people with such a surname has become very much. Therefore, many other similar surnames were formed from the surname Mikhailov: Mikhalkov, Mishin, Mishutin, Mishakov ... And also the surname Mishulin. Polina is a female name, derived from the name of Appolinaria. Polyushka, Polina is a rare name today. Among the children, Polina is like an expensive bead: sympathetic, flexible, friendly. Where there is grief, there is Polenka. She will always console, calm, sympathize. In joy - he will never envy, he will rejoice with you. At school - the first assistant. In business, it is thorough and reliable.

My last name and first name. Ponomarev. The sexton is a watchman, a minister of the Orthodox Church, who is obliged to ring the bells, sing on the kliros and serve during the service. There are no sextons in the modern Russian Orthodox Church. And the surname formed from the profession "sexton" has been preserved. The surname Ponomarev takes 49th place in terms of prevalence in Russia. Ivan is a male name. An old form of the name John. Hebrew origin, means: Yahweh (God) had mercy, had mercy (gift of God). Ivan - common Russian name. It can be carried by a smart, calm boy or a noisy bully. Broad nature. He is rooted in his family and sacredly honors family traditions.

My last name and first name. Voevodin. Voivode - a major military leader, later - a local administrator appointed by the government. The possessive adjective from the word "governor" could refer to the son of the governor, as well as to the peasant who was in the service of the governor. Dmitry is a male name. This name comes from the ancient Greek word "demetriss" - belonging to Demeter (in ancient mythology Demeter is the goddess of earth and fertility). Very willful. Smart, persistent, inventive, not afraid of work.

My last name and first name. Ufimtsev. My surname came to us from my great-great-grandfather, who moved from Ufa to Chelyabinsk and opened a pimokat factory there, where felt boots were made (felted). Valenki were called "Ufimtsy" here. Later this name passed to the owners of the factory. They began to be called the Ufimtsevs. Mary is a female given name of Hebrew origin. According to one version - bitter, according to another - beloved, according to the third - stubborn. Mashenka is known as a kind, gentle and calm girl. She has enough firmness and dignity to stand up for herself. Hardworking and able to empathize.

A family is a group of close relatives who live together. The family is small and large. There are families in which two, three and even four generations live together. A family with three or more children is considered to have many children. Let me tell you about my family...

Large families of our class: 1. Ivanovskaya Lilia 2. Ismailova Maryam 3. Ufimtseva Maria 4. Chergesbieva Ali

I'll tell you about my family... Polina Mishulina. There are 5 people in our family: father, mother, grandmother, my sister Masha and me. I live with my mother and sister Masha, while my father and grandmother live separately. Dad comes to us on weekends, and my grandmother lives nearby and takes me to school. And the cat Timosha lives with us. He is all black and has big green eyes. He is already 14 years old, and he weighs 10 kg! I love him so much. I consider our family happy.

I'll tell you about my family... Maria Ufimtseva. My dad and mom work together - at gas stations. I have two sisters. The older sister Lera is already studying at the institute, sister Dasha is a student of the 8th grade of our school. The cat Dymka also lives in our house. Dymka is 8 years old, she loves to eat well and sleep well. A snail (a big one) also lives with us! They called her Figovinka. She loves cabbage and water procedures very much. Together we are one big and friendly family.

I'll tell you about my family... Denis Rybin. There are 4 people in my family: dad, mom, me and my little brother Dmitry. He was born very recently. I also have a grandmother - Zinaida Alekseevna. Our surname is Rybin, but the origin of our surname is unknown to me. My name is Denis. (Denis in translation means “God of fun”) And my mother called me that because she wanted me to be a cheerful person.

I'll tell you about my family... Senators Egor and Arina. Our family consists of 4 people: dad, mom and two of us. Our dad is a sales manager. He works at a dairy plant. Our mother is a housewife. She keeps the apartment clean, and also prepares delicious lunches and dinners. We are in 2nd grade. We have grandparents. We often visit them. We love all our family and friends.

I'll tell you about my family... Victoria Mazikina. There are two of us in the family: my mother and me. Together with mom we love to draw, play, tell funny stories. I also have a beloved grandmother. I visit her for the summer. Grandmother teaches me and my sister to cook and sew. I also have cousins ​​and sisters, uncles and aunts. We have many relatives and friends with my mother. We maintain good relations with everyone and try to live amicably.

I'll tell you about my family... Daniel Nikolaev. There are four of us in the family: my mother is Svetlana Evgenievna, my father is Alexei Sergeevich, I am Daniil and my younger sister is Liza. I do taekwondo and swimming, I am fond of "super racing" and I want to collect "supercars". My mother is an accountant by profession, and my father is an engineer. On weekends, my father and I play football and badminton, and with my mother we play board games. We often play chess with dad in the evenings. My sister Lisa loves to play railroad with me. I have household chores: water the flowers and take out the trash. We have a real one at home. gold fish which we call the Sun. We care for her, love to watch. I love and appreciate my family very much.

I'll tell you about my family... Nikita Blinov. I have a good family. There are three of us in the family: mother - Marina Ivanovna, father - Mikhail Vyacheslavovich and I - Nikita, a student of the 2nd grade. My mother is a lawyer, she loves to drive. Dad is also a lawyer, he likes to go to the country. My grandparents live in the village of Bezobrazovo. Grandma likes to grow flowers, and Grandpa likes to read books about the war. I like to play war, read books and watch cartoons. We have a friendly family. Every day when my parents leave for work, I wish them good luck.

In every family there are relatives that I want to talk about especially, because it’s impossible not to talk about them. I want to tell about…

Ismailova Maryam. I want to tell you about my grandfather - Magomed Magomedovich Mutalipov. He is very kind, sympathetic, everyone respects him. For 40 years, grandfather has been working at the Medical Academy of Dagestan. He has taught many students who have become good doctors and are now rushing to help those who are sick. And, although my grandfather has a long work experience, he continues to read a lot, writes articles, takes care of us - grandchildren. Every birthday is fun. Many guests gather: relatives and friends, work colleagues, former students. Coming to Dagestan in the summer, grandfather constantly shows care and attention to us - grandchildren. And we all love him very much.

Kudryavtseva Vera. I have a grandfather. His name is Boris Pavlovich. He is an inventor. My grandfather studied a lot and for a long time. He graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute and went to work at the Almaz design bureau. In this bureau, he developed air defense systems to protect our country from the air. He has been working at this enterprise for more than 40 years and is a labor veteran. My grandfather was also awarded the honorary title "Honored Designer of the Russian Federation", has the academic title of "senior researcher" and twice received diplomas of the Laureate of the Prize. Academician Raspletin (in 2009 and 2010) My grandfather works a lot even now: he writes scientific articles for magazines, he has 10 inventions of his own! I'm proud of my grandfather! We often communicate with my grandfather: we play, ski, go hiking, he teaches me a lot, helps me. I love my wonderful grandfather.

Lebedeva Polina. Like many, I have a grandmother, my mother's mother. Her name is Valentina Panteleymonovna. I visit her often. My grandmother had a difficult childhood: she was born just before the war in May 1941, she was the fourth child in the family and went through all the hardships of the war. But despite all the difficulties, she finished 10 classes and entered the institute. She moved with her husband to Moscow and became a kindergarten teacher. She devoted many years to this amazing profession. She often fondly recalls her work, her graduates, who have already become adults, she remembers many by name. My grandmother and I often play, read different books, she tells us amazing stories. I'm always interested in her. I think that my grandmother had and still has a wonderful profession. It's nice to know that your work is useful to people.

The genealogical tree of mankind has always been studied. Each person should know and understand where he comes from, who his relatives and friends are. What is a pedigree? A pedigree is a list of generations of the same clan (“up to the seventh generation”) What is a clan? A genus is a series of generations descended from a single ancestor. Who is an ancestor? An ancestor is an ancient relative. My pedigree

Genus, kindred, relatives, generic family - all these are words of the same root. It is interesting and important for every person to know his pedigree. Love for loved ones, loyalty to family traditions, the memory of those who are no longer with us fill our life with high meaning. After all, we were born thanks to the older generation. We learn everything good from them: kindness, courage, honesty, mutual assistance. Respect for elders, caring for each other make our lives happier.

Competition "Who is it?" 1. Wife's brother (brother-in-law) 2. Husband's brother (brother-in-law) 3. Husband's sister (sister-in-law) 4. Wife's sister (sister-in-law) 5. Wife's mother (mother-in-law) 6. Wife's father (father-in-law) 7. Husband's mother (mother-in-law) 8 Husband's father (father-in-law) 9. Brother's or sister's daughter (niece) 10. Father's or mother's sister (aunt) 11. Father's or mother's brother (uncle) 12. Wives of two brothers (sister-in-law) 13. Husbands of two sisters (in-laws) 14 Mothers of the wife and husband (matchmakers)

Proverb competition. (explain the meaning of proverbs) The whole family is together, and the soul is in place. The apple never falls far from the tree. A consonant family and grief does not take. A friendly family turns the earth into gold. We wish from the bottom of our hearts that things are good, that trouble does not knock on the house, that sadness never comes. We wish you happiness and kindness, We wish you bright warm days, Health, which is most important!

The family is the basis of human society. This is a group of close relatives living together. Families maintain family traditions. Building your family tree

Dzyubenko Diana

Nikolaev Daniel

Bogdanov Maxim

Sudakova Elizabeth

Tyunyakov Andrey

Ivanovskaya Lily