What is the Motherland in the fate and life of a person? Motherland cannot be defined, just like the word "happiness", in one word or even a phrase. Usually, this is the country where a person was born and raised. Motherland is the place where he spent the best years of his life, childhood; this is his destiny, in which he feels his involvement.

It is from childhood that adults teach little man love and be proud of the Motherland, whatever it may be. They teach to respect, admire, be content and develop a sense of patriotism for their country. Learning the world from adults, the child learns the traditions, religion and culture of his family, and, consequently, his state. In this period of life, he "absorbs everything like a sponge", remembering even the smallest details.

F. Bekkon said: "Love for the Motherland begins with the family." And if there is harmony, love and order in the family, then all this will be reflected in the character of the individual. Love for the Motherland begins with love for parents. Appreciating his relatives, a person will also appreciate his native country and empathize with it in every possible way. The second thing with which the Motherland begins is love for the faith of the ancestors and, in general, for the memory of the ancestors. The history of each country is individual and full of its curious moments. I believe that a resident of a particular country should know the history of those lands where he grew up and lives to this day. It will be hard for a person who does not know the history of his people.

Russia is a country with a great past, an incomprehensible present and a very vague future. The country was formed over a millennium, but Russian culture itself originated much earlier. Well, how can a Russian person not be proud of their country, if it has endured so much, defended so much.

I am very proud of the past of my Motherland. Of course, there were losses and gains. But there were more victories. The question is: what is success? Success is not in physical strength, not in equipment ... Success is in our Russian spirit, in bold deeds, in the intellects of rulers, in the hands of a simple peasant! Our value is people. A Russian man, he was brought up on Russian soil, which has always been, is and will be ours. All strength is in love for the family, for the fatherland, for nature.

Another important point is faith. Faith in the future, in the best. Those who fought in the Second World War, they did not spare themselves, they did not think that they would die ... They fought with the thought that they would die for the sake of future generations, for the sake of their children and grandchildren, for the sake of Russia, which was, is and will be. They went into battle with patriotism, and this spirit, this faith helped the fighters achieve success. When these thoughts arise in my head, it seems to me that God himself was on our side, and justice has prevailed. The memory of the heroes of our Motherland makes it clear that there is someone to take an example from. Heroes, like their exploits, they will live forever in the hearts of Russian people. Our strength is in the memory of the exploits of our heroes.

Faith breeds conscience. A person without a conscience cannot love the Motherland, he can only use it, and sometimes even, unfortunately, sell it.

Loving the motherland is an implicit art. It's hidden in the depths human soul. For some it is hidden, for some it is active. Each person loves his country in his own way. Even those people who say that there is nothing good in the state, that everything is collapsing, that people are being robbed by the government, they are also patriots. Their words are sad, but if you look at it, they think and worry about their state, raise questions that interest them, try to find answers to them for themselves, and substantiate their point of view. All the thoughts of these people are still about the Motherland: which means that they are worried about it; therefore, they want to make the country a little better; it means that they wish their state and their people well.

Loving your country does not mean that you need to join all charitable foundations. First you need to start with yourself, with self-education in yourself and in strengthening the feeling of patriotism. To start with yourself is the beginning of the beginning. It's quite simple not to litter, not to be rude to others ... Even small good deeds can change a person's worldview. By doing good to other people, a person is spiritually re-educated, and he himself becomes pleased to do good to his neighbor. Politeness, decency and a smile will always win over negativity and grumpiness in society. Of course, there is no warrior alone in the field, so each person should think about the problem of self-organization of their actions and views.

Each person evaluates the concept of "Motherland" according to his life views. For someone it whole country, for someone city, village, village. The place where he was born or where he grew up. But it can also be a non-native place, which a person fell in love with very much, and it became native to him from the time of his stay. And for some, the Motherland is limited to the walls of the apartment ...

Homeland is the place where a person feels at home, where he is pleased to be, where after a long departure he wants to return again and again. This may be the place of life of his predecessors, this may be the place where he was born, grew up ... But it may happen that a person lives in the place where he was born and raised, but he does not appreciate the Motherland, does not accept it as it is . It is sad to know that such people exist, but they do exist... Can one who does not protect the natural resources of the country, does not value historical deeds, does not appreciate monuments and cultural heritage, be a patriot and love his country with all his heart? If this person does exactly that, but speaks in a completely different way, then he contradicts himself.

It is very disappointing to see in the news reports that some individuals, for selfish purposes, deceiving the last surviving veterans of the Great Patriotic War, steal the most precious thing from them, these are orders and medals. These elderly people fought for our lives, risking their lives. They are worthy of the highest awards, and it so happens that those for whom they did not spare their lives are now shamelessly using it ... this is very outrageous. These impudent people do not know what war is, they have not seen life as its veterans have seen it, but at the same time scoundrels still commit their insidious atrocity.

I myself was born and raised in Russia, in Moscow. In childhood, it is still difficult to realize the borders and limits of Russia, but over time it succeeds. Reminds me of my family and friends. These childhood memories are very precious, every person has them and everyone has their own. Some people had a difficult childhood, others an easy one. Analyzing my childhood years, I can say that I had a “golden mean”. I remember both good and not very pleasant moments, but there are still more good ones. With the change of the season, Moscow has always seemed different to me. She is warm, with ducks in the ponds, with blooming lilacs and green maple leaves. And autumn, with multi-colored leaf fall, rain, wind and puddles. Winter, cold, with crisp snow underfoot, sledding down hills, and fluffy snowflakes in the sky. All this is naturally repeated from year to year, but every year has its own zest, something new, not similar. In winter, it was especially interesting to watch people as they prepare for the New Year, buying Christmas trees and gifts for loved ones.

Moscow is the largest city in Russia. I am proud that I was born in the capital of our state. After all, many people dream of coming here. The centuries-old history of the city is very interesting. The city center has preserved many cultural and architectural monuments. I can go for a walk along the Old Arbat or Red Square at any time. Every time I go there, I discover something interesting and new. This is the busiest corner of our capital - the center. The beauties of Moscow are numerous. I love my hometown very much.

I can't say enough about the place that also became my home. From my childhood I remember life there even more than life in Moscow.

This place is not far from Moscow, in the suburbs, in the northeast. This is the dacha where my grandparents have been living for more than fifteen years. A lot of interesting things happened there. Remembering my childhood life in that place, I want to smile, because it was there that I learned and understood a lot, it is there that I feel peace, connection with nature, knowledge of the world. If a child in childhood tries to unravel the secrets of nature for himself, he learns a lot for the future, especially if there are such good mentors nearby as grandparents.

My grandparents keep several goats, a cat and a dog. And there are also nearby big forest, there is a pond, even further away and a river. Nature surrounds. And a person who lives in Moscow simply needs to at least sometimes be in nature, among peace and tranquility. Watching animals is very interesting, their habits and habits are recognized. They are the same separate personalities, I remember well that each of the goats had its own character. It was like their own society, with a leader and subordinates. Goats, as in ordinary society, have conflicts, respect and mutual assistance. Their milk is very useful, even if not everyone loves it, but there is just a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. In my family, I was taught to drink it since childhood, and now I love it very much. I have noticed with cats that their purring is very soothing. It was interesting for me to watch how the cat came from the street and lay down on my grandfather's stomach, grandfather stroked his head, and he purred. It feels like cats are healing. Even if a person is healthy, they treat nerves, relieve tension. I also really enjoyed watching insects. Oddly enough, I liked worms. I took them out of the ground and tried to see them. I planted them in a jar of earth and tried to observe their way of life. It was the same with cabbage caterpillars. I planted them in a jar and fed them with cabbage leaves. Over time, by autumn, they turned into cocoons. This is the first discovery that I myself knew, not yet studying at school and not knowing the laws of nature. Watching the garden and animals seemed very interesting and exciting to me. Every day I discovered something new. Of course, my grandfather, grandmother and parents helped me, answering questions that I could not find answers to. I liked to be charged with the energy of nature, tranquility and solitude. I liked to play alone or with my parents. I remember going to the baths. I did not like to be in the steam room for a long time, but my grandfather forced me, spanked me with a broom, and now I remember all this with warmth in my soul. If my grandparents needed anything, I willingly helped them. I also loved going mushroom picking with my dad. There are so many things to see in the forest!

I can remember and remember, and I go there with joy again and again. The best years of my childhood passed there, I really liked this time, sometimes I even nostalgically want to return to the past, but you can’t change the time and you have to move forward with life, you have to believe in the best.

I think it's good when a person has something to remember pleasant and close to the heart from his childhood. Immediately, the soul becomes peaceful and very light.

Let not everyone have a place where he can come (arrive) and feel at home, feeling calm, peace and joy of the soul. But everyone can find the very place that will become dear, close and soothing to this person. Homeland is a broad concept. It is quite bad if a person cannot find himself anywhere; it’s good when there is a place that, like the love of a lifetime, attracts him and mentally calls.

This is a very valuable feeling - to feel the Motherland, native place. This is what you perceive as it is, with its "pluses" and "minuses"; where you want to return again and again, and while living or being in that native place, you feel joy, pride and want to rejoice that you are exactly in your ever-desired native place; where you like to be in any circumstances, in any weather.

We have a lot of people in Russia, but also a large territory, with great history. I think that patriotism for our country should be brought up from an early age and throughout life to gray hair. We Russians, if we want, we can do anything. The main thing is to believe and not give up, try not to pay attention to gossip and rumors, it is clear to everyone that this is a provocation from enemies and envious people. We are strong, strong. We can do everything. And people, the main thing is not to lose heart. If each person tries to make themselves better at least a little, then this will be a big plus. motherland patriotism society

Russia is one of the most multinational countries in the world. There were even more peoples, but the collapse of the Soviet Union led to the fact that some allied countries separated from us. In general, our country is very friendly, so many nationalities live in one state, get along with each other, live in peace. We are united by the fact that we have one Motherland, one history, we live in a single great power, and we are all proud of it together.

I compare past years with the present, and in truth, we have really begun to grow a sense of patriotism. Celebration of the "Day of the Great Victory", organization of the "65th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow", departure of schoolchildren to hero cities.

Let there be no pioneers and Komsomol members now, but schoolchildren are still involved in various marches, processions, flower laying at monuments, school organizations visit veterans to help, orphanages, and various events. I myself was in such an organization. And I don’t see anything wrong with getting together in a group and going to visit disabled children in Orphanage, because they are the same as us, they just have health problems, they lack communication and positive emotions, and these kids would be so useful.

I remember how this summer the whole country was worried about our participants in the Olympiad. This was talked about in the news, written in newspapers, various propaganda posters hung on the streets in order to support our participants in the Olympics. I was very pleased to see such an active population.

“They love the Motherland not because it is great, but because it is their own” (Seneca Lucius Annei (the Younger)). That's what anyone can say true patriot. Motherland, it should not be special, always victorious, it should be its own! By what is yours. What are you talking about and thinking about. The fact that you will never betray, will not leave you in trouble. And do not be angry, if something in life did not work out, at the country, blaming it for your problems. First of all, you need to look at yourself and your environment, adjust your life institutions. Consider the problem in more detail from different angles, perhaps it is solved in a jiffy, but there is no need to offend the Motherland. She gave birth to you, she supports you, she will accept you.

Liberal point of view: "Motherland is freedom." There is an option: "Homeland is where a person finds himself." (Sergey Dovlatov). I like S. Dovlatov's version. Not everyone can find themselves, but if you have found yourself, realized that this is close and dear to you, then do not let him go! Motherland - it is in the person himself, in his feelings, soul and worldview.

Homeland is not just to live and belong to a certain state of the world, you need to love the traditions, customs, know the culture and art of this country. Treasure and protect nature and architectural monuments in order to preserve them for future generations as they are, beautiful, mysterious and pleasing to the eyes of a Russian person and not only.

Home is where you are loved and expected. Where you come and you can't find where it ends. When you feel your insignificance in front of the greatness and significance of the Motherland. After all, if you love, then - do not betray. Not for nothing, there are so many sayings famous people about the Motherland, duty to the Motherland and love for her.

I think that every person should understand for himself, realize that for him there is a Motherland, in what light he sees it, and whether he is ready for anything for her sake.

Unfortunately, in our modern world everything is much more complicated, there are people who will do anything for their country, and there are traitors who sell it ...

My Motherland is Russia. This is the place where I return and she is always glad to see me. She gave birth to me and raised me. And I am very grateful to fate that I was born a Russian person, in this proud sense of the word.

Outline of the lesson on the world around 2nd grade " Primary School 21st century"

Topic: What is homeland?

Lesson type: Lesson learning new educational material.

Forms of work: group, individual, frontal.

Target: bring children to an understanding of the concept of the Motherland, reveal some possible forms of manifestation of love for the Motherland, form children's interest in their "small" Motherland, create an emotionally positive basis for the development of patriotic feelings: love and devotion to the Motherland, remember the symbolism Russian state, identify existing knowledge about the country in which they live and expand it.


Regulatory: to cultivate the ability to work in a group and independently, to help a friend, the ability to conduct self-assessment.

Communicative: to form the ability to generalize, draw conclusions, find patterns.

Cognitive: develop memory, logical thinking and speech in the language of the subject, develop cognitive interest.

Personal: emotionally aware of oneself as a Russian citizen big country, which has a rich and diverse culture, a unique nature.

Equipment : textbook “The World Around” by N.F. Vinogradov, 2nd grade, workbook No. 1, media projector, marker board, map, cards with a physical map, tablets with the words FATHERLAND, NATIVE SIDE, NATIVE COUNTRY, FATHERLAND, tape recorder, tape audio recording of the song by V. Basner to the verses of M. Matusovsky “Where the Motherland Begins”, song"Red Sun" by I. Shaferan, AedonitskyperformedL. Zykina, rectangular blanks, 18 x 6 cm in size, colored stripes, 18 x 2 cm in size, pencil or stick,self-assessment sheets.

During the classes

Organizing time

The bell rang loudly.

The lesson starts.

Our ears are on top,

The eyes are wide open.

We listen, we remember

We don't waste a minute.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson

The song “Where the Motherland Begins” sounds. Authors: V. Basner, M. Matusovsky.

I bring to your attention an excerpt from the song, after listening to which you will have to answer the question: “What will the lesson be about today?” (slide 1)

Who guessed what we will talk about today in the lesson?

We will check the correctness of your reasoning by guessing the crossword puzzle, if you solve it correctly, you will find out what the topic of our lesson is.


1 Fields, woods and meadows
She runs between the shores
Winding from cliff to shallow,
Here - quickly, somewhere - barely.
It's been flowing for centuries
Here is a full-fledged ...

2. fluffy horse,
Or maybe a hippopotamus
Or maybe just fluff
Floats above us.

3. Who is in a bright red beret,
In a black satin jacket?
He doesn't look at me
Everything knocks, knocks, knocks.

4. Z drilled the earth

Left the box

Himself came into the world

He covered himself with a hat(Mushroom.)

5 . Like the branches of his horns!
He is noble. He is spotty.
Bypasses juicy meadows,
In the heat, he goes into the shady forest.

6. Standing on a white leg
Earrings on branches
You give us juice.
You will always know.

What was the keyword?(Motherland.) (slide 2)

Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Dialogue of 2 students

Ilya: Today I heard the proverb "On the native side, spring is red." And I don't understand what it says?

Sofia: How about what? About the native side.

Ilya: And what is the native side?

Sofia: Let's ask Olga Vladimirovna.

Ilya: Olga Vladimirovna, what is the native side?

Really, guys, what is the native side? How else can you say?

native sideotherwise called the Motherland.

We are starting to study the large section "Russia is your Motherland". And we begin our section with a study of the topic "Motherland - what does it mean." Today in the lesson we will talk about what the Motherland is, how people express their love for native land what does homeland mean to a person.

Formulation of the problem

Think guys, and try to answer the question:
- What is the Motherland?

There can be many answers to this question:

Motherland is the country in which we were born and live.
– Our Motherland is Russian forests, fields, seas and rivers.
This is the land where our ancestors lived and worked.
- The land that our ancestors defended from enemies.
- Motherland is our region, city, village.

What do you think will be useful to us in the future knowledge on this topic?

Why do we need them? (to know your history, the traditions of your people)

What do we call motherland?

The guys will answer this question with the words of a poem (prepared children read), which is called"What do we call Motherland?"

"What do we call Motherland"

What do we call motherland?
The land where you and I grow
And the birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.
What do we call motherland?
The sun is in the blue sky.
And fragrant, golden
Bread at the festive table.
What do we call motherland?
The house where we live
And starlings of spring songs
Behind the open window.

Learning new material

Scene "What dad said (Annex 1)

Conversation about the Motherland

What was dad happy about when he came from America?
- Why?
- Have you ever had such stories when you missed home?
Why does a person miss home?

Conclusion: a person gets used to his native home, where he is always comfortable and well, here he is expected and missed. Motherland is also the native home of people, therefore a person cannot live without his Motherland.

You have probably heard this proverb:

"Everyone has their own side"

Game "Compose proverbs and sayings" Work in pairs

On the desks in rows are split cards with proverbs. Children discuss in groups and make up proverbs

"Houses and walls help." "The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother." "A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song."

"Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her."
Motherland is more beautiful than the sun, more precious than gold.”

"In a foreign land, my native land is dreaming in a dream."

Listen to the story of K. D. Ushinsky "Our Fatherland" and think about what synonyms for the word Motherland can you choose?

Our fatherland, our motherland is Mother Russia. We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial.

We call it Motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us; and mother, because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, taught us her language; like a mother, she protects and protects us from all enemies ...
There are many good states and lands in the world, and besides Russia, but a person has one mother - he has one and his homeland.

(posted on the boardtablets with the words FATHERLAND, NATIVE SIDE, NATIVE COUNTRY, FATHERLAND)

Do you think these words are similar or different in meaning?
All these words have a common meaning. They all denote the place where a person was born, where he lives, works. Learns where his family and friends live.
MOTHERLAND, FATHERLAND, FATHERLAND. With these words we call our country - Motherland.

Where did the word "homeland" come from? Let's listen to the children who found words in the dictionaries that are close in meaning to this word.

The word "RODINA" comes from the ancient word "ROD", which denotes a group of people united by blood relationship. Each of us is a descendant of some ancient family.

Rod is the god of Slavic-Russian mythology, the ancestor of life, the spirit of ancestors. Protector of family and home. Named after this god main city the Ross tribe - Roden.

We live in Russia. This is our Motherland. So who are we? We are Russians.

Working with the map

Russia is the largest country on Earth (map). On the map, the border of our Motherland is shown in red. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Russia occupies a ninth of all land. It is located in two parts of the world at once: in Europe and in Asia. Its territory is so large that it takes almost a week to travel by train from west to east.

Work in pairs

You have cards with a physical card on your desks. First, a neighbor on the desk shows the border of our Motherland, the capital, the other checks. Then we'll switch roles.

Russia is called a rich country.
Dictionary Ozhegova explains:
" Rich is the same as plentiful, containing a lot of something valuable.
- How rich is Russia?

minerals (oil, diamonds, peat, coal, granite, sand and clay, iron ore);
monuments of architecture;
people who become famous.

Physical education minute

Zhura - Zhura - Crane!

He flew over a hundred lands.

Flew, circled

Wings, legs worked hard.

We asked the crane:

Where is the best land? - He answered, flying:

Better not native land!

Related work

Name the capital of our country. (slide3)
Who is the president of our state?
(Slide 4)
- Each state has its own symbols.
- Let's remember the symbols of our state.

One of the main symbols of the country is the national anthem. The words of the anthem reflect the history of the country, people's love and patriotism.

Guys, do you know how to behave when the Russian anthem is played?
- Listen with respect.

When is the anthem played?

On solemn occasions: during national holidays, the raising of the State flag, solemn meetings, during military rituals and sports competitions. The hymn must be heard standing up.

The well-being of our country is taken care of by the President of our country - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Coat of arms - a distinctive sign of the state, city, family, depicted on flags, coins and other official documents. The word coat of arms means "inheritance". It reflects history. Let's look at our coat of arms. What is shown on it?( slide 5 )

What does each color of the flag mean?

Whitefaith, moral purity, perfection,blue - heaven, nobility, fidelity,red - heroism, courage and courage.

In today's lesson, together, together, helping each other, we will make a model of the Russian flag. And to make it look like a real flag, you must follow the manufacturing algorithm.

Guys, what is an algorithm? (children's answers)

That's right, guys, it's a sequence in action.

Algorithm for making a flag layout

    On a light rectangular blank, 18 x 6 cm in size, place the colored stripes in the correct order, 18 x 2 cm in size. Compare with the flag of Russia, and if everything is correct, then carefully stick them.

    While the "panel" dries, let's make a stand for the "pole". To do this, fill the cork from a plastic bottle with plasticine.

    The dried “panel” must be bent in half so that it turns out to be double-sided, 9 x 6 cm in size and smeared with glue.

    Glue the halves, after inserting a "shaft" between the two sides (you can use a pencil, a stick).

    Insert the flag into the stand.

Practical work

How can a person convey his feelings for the Motherland? (in pictures, poems, songs)

How does a poet, artist, composer convey his love for the Motherland?

The poet conveys his love for the Motherland with words, the composer with a melody, and the artist with paints.

Work with the heading "Picture Gallery" (p. 102)

look at the pictureI. I. Levitan "Evening ringing". (Slide 6)
- Let's imagine that we are sitting on the banks of this river, listening to the melodic bell ringing. It's evening. Peace and quiet all around. This is how the artist I.I. Levitan imagined his homeland.
- Now listen to the song.
"Red Sun", Sl. I. Shaferan, Music. Aedonitsky performedL. Zykina .

How can you express love for your country? (Protect and love nature, do good deeds, help the elderly)

With their deeds, deeds: to help the elderly, to take part in the protection of nature.

Even the smallest contribution of each person can bring great results.

Consolidation of acquired knowledge

We will complete the next task in a notebook onp.5 No. 20 . There is a text with missing words. They are written after the text. You will need to insert the right words according to the meaning.
Every person _________ their homeland. He tries to make his country _____________, so it's good ________________. Citizen _____________ his homeland from enemies.
(Words for reference: loves, rich, works, protects).

Let's read what we got.


ro din, homeland, female

1. Fatherland; the country in which a person was born and of which he is a citizen. "We love our language and our homeland..." Lenin. Protect the homeland. The entire Soviet people love their socialist homeland and protect it with their breasts against all encroachments. Soviet Union- the second homeland of the working people and the oppressed of the whole world.

| “You prepared honest sons for your homeland.” Nekrasov. “Oh, holy homeland, what heart does not tremble, blessing you?” Zhukovsky. Homesickness.

| Someone's place of birth. Lomonosov's birthplace is the village of Denisovka near Kholmogory.

| trans. The place of origin, the origin of something. The homeland of the potato is America.

2. trans. The place where something originated. The Soviet Union is the birthplace of the socialist revolution.

Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language

Tatar female names. Dictionary of values

Philosophical Dictionary (Comte-Sponville)


♦ Patrie

The country in which you were born and where you live - at least this is true of most people - or a country about which, more than about any other, you can say that it is yours. These signs do not always coincide, so there are people who have several "homelands" at once, and there are people who do not have any. But most often we call homeland the country in which we were born and raised, the country that accepted us at birth or later, the country of our fathers or our teachers, and finally, just our country - our own, not because it belongs to us, but because we we belong to it, even if not entirely, but with some part of ourselves - with heart or fidelity. It is the place from which we came into the world or which we have chosen for ourselves, the place where we feel at home, the place we love more than anyone else, although we readily admit that there are more interesting and admirable places. The concept of homeland is not objective, like the concept of a nation, but subjective and emotional. Personally, for a long time it seemed to me that I had no homeland. France was indifferent to me, and I convinced others that people of intellectual labor were still more than the proletarians have no homeland. However, I have changed, and now France is becoming more and more dear to me. In addition, many years ago, visiting Castile, Tuscany, Amsterdam, Venice and Prague, I discovered that I definitely have a homeland, and it is called Europe. Of course, I'm not going to be proud of it. But I don't really like it when they reproach me for it.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)

s, and.

1. The country in which the person was born and of which he is considered a citizen; fatherland, fatherland.

* My beautiful home. *

2. The place of origin, origin, origin of something.

* Russia is the birthplace of cosmonautics. *

encyclopedic Dictionary

  1. place, country where a person was born; where ethnos first emerged.
  2. The place of origin, discovery or invention of something.

Ozhegov's dictionary

R ABOUT DINA, s, and.

1. Fatherland, Mother country. Love to motherland. Homeland defense.

2. Place of birth, origin of someone-chegon., occurrence of something. Moscow his r. India r. chess.

I'll start right away with the terminology: the words "Russian", "Russians", "Russian" for me have nothing to do with the composition of the blood, the shape of the skull and other Nazi nonsense. Russian is wider than nationality, wider than the concept of a nation. This is a way of thinking, a way of understanding the environment, a special system of values. Look at the map of Russia - well, how can this bulk be squeezed into the European understanding of the nation? Of course not.

There is no simple, monosyllabic definition of “Russianness”. For me, “Russianness” is the worldview of a just life order, plus the Russian language, mastered and assimilated to the degree of a native. A test to check whether you are Russian or not is not blood donation to search for haplogroups. Find a quiet, peaceful place - someone is a sofa, someone is a forest, someone is a sea or river shore, and try to answer a few simple questions for yourself.

The materialistic values ​​of the West - can be for you personally the only meaning of your existence? Can the achievements of the East in the field of abstract spirituality be the meaning of your life? What is more important for you personally - the above or the search for the Truth? If “no” in the first two cases and True in the last, everything is clear with you: you are Russian. And what is your skin color, eye shape - not a problem worthy of attention.

Why is the Russian language also important? Imagery, an abundance of synonyms, the accuracy of metaphors - yes, this is interesting, but this is not the main thing. In our language, it seems to me, there are certain words, certain concepts that, relatively speaking, program us. After all, the language arose before our Russian Christianity - its roots go back centuries, to the time of the formation of the Russian people as a separate civilization.

One of the main words for us - Motherland. Words with roots "genus" we hear from the cradle - from parents, from relatives, from the mother who gave birth to each of us, from grandparents - our grandparents. Whoever adheres to any ideology among us, no matter what times are in the yard - Motherland stays with us. At the same time, it is imperial, socialist or democratic - it does not matter, these words will always remain adjectives, and Motherland- a noun. Motherland- this and genus, the family of each of us. Motherland is also the place where we were born and raised, where we made friends, where we were taught wisdom, where we realized that we are part of the people. Motherland is also the country in which we were born. And we Russians are people of this code. I am not a linguist, of course, I can only compare the situation with European languages. I don't see any where the words Motherland, parents, clan, people, parent have one root. English: Motherland - motherland, parents - parents, give birth - give birth, gender - family. French: Homeland - lieu de naissanse, parents - parents, people - personnes ... Check - suddenly I didn't see something.

Why do the Russian people have so many words that have the same root as Motherland and clan? Our language is ancient Orthodoxy, much older. There are many studies by historians of different schools and trends on the beliefs of pre-Christian Rus'. The topic is not simple, as there was no consensus among scientists, and there is no. Among researchers, the books of Boris Alexandrovich Rybakov are quite well known - "Paganism of the Ancient Slavs" and "Paganism ancient Rus'". Rybakov did not claim to be the ultimate truth, he has plenty of critics, but the classification of the pantheon of pagan gods he proposed, in my opinion, looks completely logical. According to Rybakov, in the pantheon of our pagan gods, the supreme was ... Genus. Initially, the god Rod was inside the World Egg, and, having been born from it, he created the world as we know it. And in order to have order in this world, Rod created all the other gods - Lada, Lelya, Svarog, Perun and others. At the same time, Rod was the only Slavic god who was never idolized, since Rod has no appearance, because he is everything that exists. He was not materialized - and this saved him for us, since it was impossible for Prince Vladimir to overthrow the idols of the Family after the baptism of Rus'. To dump the idols of Perun, Yarila, Svarog and others in the Dnieper - no problem. And Rod had no idols. And Rod - has not gone away, it has become part of our language, a word-code. Whether we are Christians or atheists, whether we are monarchists or communists, our Motherland remains a kind of absolute for us. Motherland is in proverbs and sayings, Motherland is in our culture and literature... And this absolutization of the concept of Motherland as the highest value is one of the main features of our culture, our civilization. We are those who are born by parents in the Motherland in order to continue the family line and become part of the people.

Have you ever wondered why the word Motherland is feminine? God Rod is sort of like a masculine gender, although it does not have a visualization. And the Motherland is female, and that's it. And this is another meaning of this amazing word: Motherland as a place of origin, origin, growth of something. Motherland is like a mother who gave birth to us. And childbirth is the business of a woman, and a bunch of words Motherland also appeared a long time ago, and not on a military poster from the time of the Great Patriotic War. And our ancestors were much closer to nature than you and I, and they knew for sure that the main mother in childbirth is the earth. It was the earth that gave birth to plants, without which animals and man himself cannot live. It was the earth that fed everyone she gave birth to with water, just as a mother feeds her baby with milk. Motherland and mother earth are so close concepts that we don’t even distinguish between them. And we, Russians, treat the Motherland, the damp mother earth, exactly as a mother. We are born by parents in the Motherland so that we become part and continuation of the family, live next to relatives and be part of the people. So it happened, so we were coded. And our uniqueness lies in the fact that the offense of the Motherland for us is tantamount to the offense of our mother. And, seeing the offense of the Motherland, we forget all the petty disagreements in order to stand up for her defense, even if this defense will cost us our lives. And all the conquerors - and they are innumerable - who came with fire and sword to our Motherland, were amazed and could not understand why we are fighting like this. Not sparing his health, his life, going to certain death.

Imagine a villain who is trying to kill your mother (God forbid!). Will you be interested in the fact that he is physically healthier than you, and that he has a knife, a club, a pistol in his hand? Throw headlong and strike wherever you hit, even bleeding. You will close your chest, even realizing that this blow will be the last in your life. Our ancestors fought just like that, and the names of Gastello, Matrosov are not an empty phrase for us. And in the same way we will fight for our children: we ourselves can die, but we must protect and preserve our family. Homeland, family, parents - words with which we are practically born and with them we go into oblivion, looking into our native eyes ...

Perhaps I am wrong, mistaken, confused. But the fact that for thousands of years no one can defeat the people for whom the Motherland is the mother, for whom the continuation of the family, the interests of the people are more important than their own lives, is a medical fact. As well as the fact that no one is able to repeat this way of fighting. We cannot give up, even when we are in a hopeless situation - it is impossible to give up and calmly watch how they will mock their mother. We didn’t let it down either in Brest or in Stalingrad… And the sanctity of the words Motherland and clan distinguishes Russians from both Europeans and Asians, makes Russian civilization different from all others in this best of worlds.

I would like to note the peculiarity of Russian Orthodox Christianity. If you carefully read the Gospels, it is easy to see that not much space is allotted to the mother of Christ: she is a very important and significant character, but she did not have an outstanding influence on the formation of the Church. But remember: how many icons depicting the Mother of God are in our churches, on home iconostases, how many prayers are dedicated to her. Remember how the Virgin Mary is called in these prayers? She is both the “intercessor of heaven”, and the “queen of heaven”, “Theotokos”, “Mother of God”, “protector of the Christian race”, “Most Holy”, “Most Pure”.

Why such incredible veneration, which is not even mentioned in either Catholicism or Protestantism? Rybakov's version looks the most logical in this case too. In my opinion, he quite rightly believes that such an attitude towards the Virgin Mary is rooted in the same pre-Christian times. In the image of the Virgin Mary, one can easily find almost all the myths, legends and tales dedicated to the goddesses Lada, Zhiva and Lely. The peasant people of Rus', without delving into the most difficult disputes of Christian theologians about who exactly the Virgin Mary gave birth to (God or only the human nature of Christ), calmly transferred to her everything that he believed in before Christianity. The pagan goddesses of the gods of the Slavic pantheon gave birth - why not accept the Mother of God? Lada was the patroness of marriage, love. Zhiva was "responsible" for the prosperity of nature, woke her up every spring - makes living things alive. Lelya "secured" the harvests and was always ready to help anyone who needed her. And all three goddesses were united by the word Rozhanitsy, since they were the main assistants of the Family in everything related to women's health during childbirth and not only during them. Here is the Maslenitsa holiday, beloved by all of us - in honor of the Sun, whose symbol is a pancake. An absolutely pagan festival, but somehow there are no signs of anathema, right?

Orthodox Christianity “handed over” all these functions and attributes to the Theotokos, which balanced the denial of the sacred feminine inherent in Protestantism. And it was a very wise approach: Rus' did without wars with the pagans, no one needed to be "baptized with a sword and fire." Why fight against Orthodoxy, if it has nothing against Perun being called the prophet Elijah and continuing to revere him? God Veles became Vlasiy, Nikola - Saint Nicholas the saint ... This list can go on and on, I just don’t want to take up much space: there was a saint for every pagan god in Orthodoxy. Well, brownies, kikimoras, mermaids and goblin didn’t disappear at all - we “know” them from childhood, and the Orthodox Church neatly “does not notice” this cheerful pagan disgrace of ours. This retreat from the rigid dogmas of Christianity saved Russia not only from religious strife within the country. Orthodoxy's refusal to fight the feminine principle of the pagan religion fenced off Russian civilization from the Inquisition, which destroyed, according to quite moderate estimates, at least 5 million women in Europe. Once again I have to repeat: I am not saying that Russian civilization is higher, better than the civilization of Europe. It's just that these two civilizations are fundamentally different in their very foundations, no matter how many words liberals spend on proving the opposite.

The "Hammer of the Witches" in Europe was an instruction for action, and it was first translated into Russian only in 1930 by professional historians. Feminism in Europe and America has a very militant, uncompromising form - women seem to take revenge for hundreds of years of their oppression. And for Russia, feminism in this form is an overseas curiosity that does not take root on our soil. Europe carried Christ with the help of fire and sword, Orthodoxy - with the desire to accustom to the wisdom of mutually respectful coexistence. Russia sold Alaska a couple of hundred years ago - Orthodox churches operate for the Eskimos and Indians to this day. There is fire, blood, intolerance. In Russia, the readiness to accept, understand and teach, but to teach not through force, not through coercion. Russian civilization did not destroy the peoples defeated in skirmishes during the expansion of the empire, over and over again using a fail-safe method: to show new subjects the standard of living of the metropolis not in order to break their will, but in order to make it clear - and you can rise to such a level if we can work out the rules of a common life.

Nostalgia for the times of the USSR in last years, especially after the Russian spring, becomes an "epidemic disease", Runet talks about it tirelessly. Remember how many hundreds and thousands of appeals we see and hear on the topic “Putin, bring in troops”, “It is necessary to bomb not Syria, but Ukraine”, “We must immediately defeat the Benderites”. Putin has already been accused millions of times of betrayal, of "serving the West" and of other mortal sins. Of course, it is bitter and painful to look at the bleeding Donbass, at the murdered idea of ​​a new city of Kitezh - Novorossiya. But violence is not the way of Russia, it is not the way of Russian civilization. In order for the USSR-2 to appear to the world, Russia needs two components.

The standard of living, which will be strikingly higher than that of the neighbors;

An idea, and an Idea with a capital letter.

During the years of the Empire, Orthodoxy was such an idea, during the years of the USSR, socialist methods of governing the country. Now the Russian Federation constitutionally forbade itself a state ideology, and the standard of living - such as the market-liberal leadership could provide. This means that while the situation is as it is: talk about the USSR-2 objectively cannot leave the confines of our kitchens. It's a shame, but it's a fact. I don’t know if Putin understands what he is NOT doing in this case, but objectively he is right, no matter how bitter it is to realize it. Forced submission is outside the boundaries of Russian civilization, and Russia is simply not ready for a unification that would be traditional for it. There is neither a high standard of living nor an Idea.

But the features of the pre-Christian period and Orthodoxy are far from all that distinguishes Russian civilization from European. The Russian people have formed into a single whole in territories where the climate makes even simple survival a feat. Frosts for half a year, the scarcity of soil fertility forced us to live century after century differently than all other peoples. There is no such second people - it's just a fact. Look at Canada - a country more or less similar to ours in terms of climate. In the south - a city within a city, everything is urbanized, inhabited, and a little further north - just empty. There are no bad six months to drown at home and walk in padded jackets! In Alaska, large cities can be counted on the fingers, and Siberia and our Russian North are places that are quite habitable, developed. The fact that the Russian people have been mastering these incredible, impossible territories since ancient times has had another amazing effect: in the pantheon of pre-Christian gods, the Russians simply do not have a god of war. The Greeks, Romans, Scandinavians, and even the Western Slavs had gods of war, while the Eastern Slavs did not. Innate peacefulness? No, everything is more utilitarian: life, the struggle for existence were so intense that it was simply not up to these same wars.

Frost and sun, wonderful day!

You are still dozing, my lovely friend, -

It's time, beauty, wake up:

Open eyes closed by bliss

Towards the northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north!

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,

In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;

The moon is like a pale spot

Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,

And you sat sad -

And now ... look out the window:

Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

A.S. Pushkin, Winter morning (excerpt)

The low fertility of our lands with rather primitive agriculture did not allow too many people to physically feed themselves in one region - and the clan sent scouts in search of new habitats. It is desirable, of course, not too far away, so as not to cut off contact with those who remained in the old place. This habitation of new places also had its own characteristics, dictated by the same climate.

I will turn to the Russian language again. It contains the word "peace", which also has many meanings. This is everything that surrounds us, and the “state without war”, but also the entire population of a particular village, town, village. Why three meanings for one word? Yes, our ancestors lived in their own world, which surrounded them, and in which there were no wars. What kind of wars? You imagine yourself in the place of those people who decided to master a new place. In a short summer period, it is necessary to have time to provide yourself with housing, and free future fields from the forest. Can such work be done alone, with only saws and axes? No, only the whole world. Can this work NOT be done? Can. Once. To give oak in winter. If you want to survive, know how to work in a team, know how to work from dawn to dusk, using every warm and bright day. Do you recognize anything in this description? In bulk, in a break of strength, and lived, all together, without a break, to do what everyone needs and earn the right to a partial rest for six months. A breakthrough is relaxation, a breakthrough is relaxation, but during the breakthrough we manage to do as much work, if not more, than “civilized Europeans” do in a year. Hundreds and even thousands of years have passed, but this is how we live ... Here's just one more thing: a Russian person will not work at the limit of his strength for his own sake. For the sake of relatives, children, parents, the team (and this is still the same "world", only in a new way) - yes. For your own sake, no. I will not give examples: rummaging through the biography, any of us will find them.

And in this mode, our ancestors lived for more than a thousand years. Even after the new territory was fully developed, the need to work as a whole did not disappear - the climate did not change. Everything is the same - 2-3 weeks for sowing, 2-3 weeks for harvesting. Everything is the same - for the warm season to have time to build huts for young people, outbuildings. Common work, in peace - on earth, which belongs to the whole family, to everyone and - to no one. How can a mother belong to only one of her children?.. This was our way of life, way of existence, way of building relationships with people.

With such a mode of life-survival - did our ancestors have wars before?

And this initial lack of aggressiveness gave another amazing result. With all the wars that have fallen to the lot of Russia, with all the expansion of the territory, Russia has not been engaged in the robbery of these territories, the destruction of the peoples who inhabited them. Russia time after time used the "anti-European" method, which I have already mentioned above. Let's talk about it, but in a little more detail. Russia tried to do everything to raise the standard of living in the new lands to the level of life in the metropolis. She carried the methods of agriculture, metalworking, building cities, even carried the alphabet to those who did not have their own written language. And over and over again she poured the elites of new territories into the elite of the metropolis. Go through the names of the most famous noble families of Russia in your memory - how many surnames of Armenian, Tatar, Polish, Georgian will you find? The local elite was taken to the royal court, sprinkled with favors - as if they were conducting a tour over and over again: “Look, to what level you can grow! Not a yurt made of the most expensive skins, but such palaces…”. And it worked time after time, if they did not forget, in addition to the carrot, about the stick, harshly suppressing any revolts against the central government. We know the results: not a single “trampled” civilization, not a single disappeared people, and the constant enrichment of not only the culture of newly annexed or acceded peoples, but also the culture of the Russian people themselves with the cultures of all those who were annexed ...

Each person has a Motherland - this is the place where he was born and raised. Motherland, like parents, cannot be chosen - it is given once and for all at birth. We learn what a homeland is and how important love for it is.

Definition of homeland

The word "motherland" comes from the ancient word "kind". It refers to a group of people who are united by blood relationship. Each person is a distant descendant of some ancient family.

Motherland unites people who live in the same territory, speak the same language, have the same passports, and celebrate public holidays together. If necessary, people stand up to defend their homeland.

Our Motherland, our Fatherland is Russia. It is called Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived and worked in it from time immemorial. Very often, the Motherland is compared with a mother, and this is not surprising, because she feeds and waters us, carefully raises us, protecting and protecting us. There are many beautiful and interesting countries in the world, but for each person, his native country will be the best. Each person also has a small homeland - his native village or city in which he was born and raised.

Russia is the largest state in the world. It occupies a huge area and has water and land borders with 18 countries. The length of Russia is so great that while on one side of it people are just about to go to work, on the other they are already going to bed.

TOP 4 articleswho read along with this

Rice. 1. Russia on the map.

Russia is inhabited by many peoples: Russians, Tatars, Buryats, Udmurts, Yakuts, Chechens, Dargins, Nenets, Ossetians and others. The capital of our country is the city of Moscow.

During the reign of Peter the Great, St. Petersburg was the capital of the Russian state. This city is famous for its beautiful palaces, drawbridges and white nights.

State symbols of Russia

Each state has its own symbols that distinguish it from other countries. All of them are unique and inimitable.

  • Coat of arms of Russia

In translation, the word "coat of arms" means "inheritance." This is the official symbol of the state, its identification mark. Coats of arms are decorated with seals, documents, coins, flags.

The State Emblem of the Russian Federation is an image of a double-headed golden eagle on a red square shield. The wings of the eagle are raised up, its heads are crowned with small crowns, and above them is one large crown - these are symbols of the independence of our state.

In the right paw the eagle holds a scepter - a symbol of the law, and in its left paw - a power - a symbol of the unification of the Russian people.

On the chest of the eagle on a red shield is a rider piercing a defeated dragon with a spear.

Rice. 2. Emblem of Russia

The national flag is an important identification of each state, its symbol. It performs the same function as the coat of arms - together they complement each other. With the help of the flag, you can immediately find out which state it is. That is why the flag, which can be distinguished from a long distance, is set on large objects: ships, structures, territories.

The national flag of the Russian Federation is a rectangular canvas consisting of three stripes of the same width. White is placed on top, blue in the middle, and red on the bottom.

It does not matter which shade will be chosen on the flag: light blue or dark red. The main thing is that the three colors - white, blue and red - are clearly visible. But more importantly, the colors should be in the right order. If, by inattention, the Russian flag is set upside down, the white stripe will be at the bottom, and the red one at the top. This is a very gross mistake, a manifestation of disrespect for the country.

Rice. 3. Flag of Russia.

  • Russian anthem

The national anthem is a solemn song, a piece of music, which is one of the symbols of the state. The anthem performs the same function as the coat of arms and the flag - it distinguishes the country from other states.

The music for the anthem of the Russian Federation was written by the composer A.V. Aleksandrov, and the words - by S.V. Mikhalkov. The anthem can sound both with words and without them - any performance will be considered correct.

The hymn sounds on the most important, solemn occasions. But it can also be performed when such a need arises, when you want to emphasize belonging to your country.

What have we learned?

When studying the topic "What is the Motherland?" According to the program of the 1st class of the world around us, we learned what the Motherland is and what significance it has for every person. We also found out what a small homeland is. We learned which state symbols belong to Russia. This topic It is very important not only for first graders, but also for children of other ages.

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