Many peoples believed, and some still consider it to this day, that the name definitely affects the fate of a person, and therefore it must be chosen carefully. It is customary for Christians to name children after the saints on whose day they were born using the church naming calendar. But in our time, parents often prefer to give the child several names: one according to the passport, the second - at baptism.

Fashion names 2018 for girls

If we take into account the now fashionable Chinese calendar, then we can say that a sorceress has appeared in the family, who will grow up kind, sweet, devoted, fair. She will be a peacemaker for many, her future family is definitely a cozy, happy nest, where each of its inhabitants will bathe in love and care. This is because the Mistress of 2018 is the Earthy Yellow Dog, which will give the newborn the above qualities. So, a new universe has appeared in your house - a little princess who you want to call the best, happiest name. What is this name? Let's sort through the options.

Fashionable names of winter girls

These babies always delight their parents with good health. They are very hardy and have strong character, which often prevents them from establishing relationships with others. Parents do not get enough of their December girl because of her success in school, but this passionate nature can direct her interests not at all towards obtaining knowledge.

Fashionable and most beautiful names for girls born in winter 2017-2018

January princesses early childhood they try to test their parents for strength, and male character traits often prevent February women from building a happy family life. As already mentioned, these features will help adjust the gentle and melodic name. In 2018, the best fashionable names for winter girls are:

Nicole - "winner of the nations." Mysterious, even strange, emotional, active, intelligent, sociable and inquisitive. Easy to communicate, but very distrustful. She is waiting for the position of the head, with which she will cope perfectly.

Pauline - "liberating". Although Polya is a choleric, she is charming and everyone around her is in love with her. Active, proud, impregnable, assertive, achieves success in everything. She is also kind, compassionate, patient and selfless. Polinas are excellent advertising agents, journalists, TV presenters.

Snezhana - "snowy". Vulnerable, sensitive, with a fine mental organization, benevolent, always ready to help, while she herself is in great need of love and care. She is waiting for success as an engineer, designer, economist, designer.

Agnia - this ancient Greek name is interpreted as “pure”, which is also reflected in the character of the baby. Agnes are carefree and open to the outside world, ready to have fun and rejoice around the clock, deafening the house with a sonorous and contagious laugh. Mom and dad will have to instill caution in Agnia at home and on walks. Such babies grasp new knowledge on the fly and often graduate with honors, they are excellent speakers and are interested in art from an early age. Agnia is very attached to her family, always friendly at work, and can show the makings of a leader. However, complete dedication and even sacrifice in family and professional affairs often negatively affects her personal life.

Diana - the name that bears the interpretation of "divine" came to us from ancient Roman legends. Despite the meaning of the name, Diana does not suffer from megalomania at all. These are very obedient and soft-hearted girls. The latter, however, is not always good for parents - be prepared for the fact that all kittens and puppies found on the street will be brought into the house. These babies have developed intuition, which is useful in difficult life situations. However, these artistic natures often use the released talent to achieve their goals. Parents will have to try not to become a victim of the manipulation of the young actress.

Eve - a name meaning "life" and associated, according to the Bible, with the progenitor of all earthly women. It endows its owner with kindness and affection. These are principled natures who tend to commit impulsive acts. However, the parents of such a baby will undoubtedly rejoice at her compliance and willingness to make a reasonable compromise, so you are unlikely to face tantrums in the toy store. In addition, these girls become interested in housework very early, helping their mother in the kitchen with pleasure. Evas are very mobile, so you will immediately have to think about the dance section so that your child releases the accumulated energy there. Otherwise, you will have to face bad mood and whims.

Ksenia - the meaning of this name is “hospitable”, therefore, from early childhood, parents will have to get used to the hubbub of neighboring children and classmates, whom the baby will bring into the house. Ksenia has more than enough friends, because she will always come to the aid of the offended and protect the weak. Ksyusha is rather fickle and can do unpredictable things, so mom and dad will have to try to be able to overcome their innate stubbornness and extinguish outbursts of emotions. However, these character traits are not so bad if directed in the right direction. Xenia does not suffer defeat! In studies and sports, she will show due diligence to climb the podium.

Vitalina - "full of life" Decisive, charming, courageous, a woman to her fingertips with an amazing fate. Her profile is law, economics and finance, business. In these areas, she will achieve boundless heights.

Valeria - "strong, influential, powerful." Unpredictable, but cheerful and carefree, however, if offended, then this is for a long time. Valery has “seven Fridays a week” and learning to live with her is not very easy, but very interesting. As in everything, she is driven by impulses in her work, but she often achieves success in her career in leadership positions.

Lada - a laconic, but very beautiful Slavic name, meaning "sweetheart." The ancient goddess of marriage endowed its bearers with many glorious qualities. Frets are very gentle and sensual, often attractive and distinguished by great charm. They are not alien to narcissism and self-confidence, so you will have to pull your daughter up more than once so that she does not do stupid things. The exact sciences are not at all her forte, but this creative and at the same time decisive nature will certainly do well in life. After all, if Lada wants something, be sure that she will get what she wants in any way. These babies are touchy and somewhat vindictive, so moms and dads need to be sure to explain the reasons for prohibitions and restrictions.

Vasilisa - a beautiful name for a girl, which was once very common in Rus'. It is of Greek origin, and it can be translated into Russian as “royal”. It is also a female version of the male name Vasily. Sometimes it is shortened to Vasya or another variant, Vasilena, is used.

Girls with this name most often turn out to be very virtuous and sometimes consider their own and other people's problems with the same zeal and desire to help their neighbor. They are charming and good-looking, they know how to be there in time, if we are talking about difficult situations. Usually, the inability to recognize their weaknesses and excessive stubbornness are attributed to the shortcomings of these women. However, women with the rare name Vasilisa are quite soft in communication, which makes them very pleasant.

Sofia or Sofia is considered a Russian Orthodox name, which means "wisdom" and everything connected with it. Women with a beautiful name Sophia have a deep inner world, which helps them cope with any problem and supports them in difficult times. They bring light, goodness and love into the world, and this is what attracts others to them and charges them with positive. Such women are always open to communication and ready to lend their shoulder. Despite their strong inner core, they are very gentle and passionate natures.

Fashionable names for spring babies

Spring endows newborns with indecision of temper and sensual nature. These girls never climb into the lead and always try to play it safe ten times before taking a step. Abrupt changes in life unbalance them, because natural caution makes the children of spring plan everything in advance and avoid risks as much as possible.

Beautiful names for girls born in spring 2018

March girls will be curious and assiduous, April babies will be calm and balanced, and May princesses will be smart and charming. Distinctive feature spring women - lack of firmness of character, so the chosen name must necessarily strengthen this character trait. Here is a list of trendy names for babies born in the spring of 2018:

Alexandra - a name that means “protector” in translation, so Sasha can definitely be called a child who from birth has expressed feeling justice. An assertive and lively disposition can lead Sashenka to unpredictable consequences, and the desire to dominate can turn her into a little dictator. The parents of this baby should immediately show who is in charge in the house. Alexandra, of course, is charming and not devoid of grace, but for relatives they are capable of real feats and are sincerely attached to them. It is worth carefully monitoring the health of the girl, because in the pursuit of high results, she can reach complete exhaustion.

glad - the name, which translates as "cheerful", endows its owner with an inexhaustible supply of optimism. This child will never be upset by a scratched knee or a lost toy if the parents can quickly switch her attention to another object. They are modest and even a little shy, and also very polite - parents will never have to blush for their daughter in public. It is worth taking Rada to some section that requires public speaking in order to gradually correct her desire to be in the shadows. Such babies are naturally pragmatic and know how to make the right decisions. Rada will never get involved in bad company and will not do anything reckless.

Marina - so spring children are called infrequently, and in vain! This strong name can add energy to indecisive girls, which will allow them to become leaders in life. These girls are as magnetic as the sea and as mysterious as the depths of the ocean. They value personal freedom and can be quite capricious, so it's good to pull them up gently on occasion. Marina will be in the center of attention of others, because she is not just charming, but very talented and attractive. You will not have any problems with the lessons - these dutiful girls do not need constant monitoring, and their natural mind and incredible intuition give them the opportunity to reach dizzying heights.

Ruslana - a name that has been gaining momentum for several years now. These babies are very energetic and have high communication skills, easily joining any team. The parents of this child have only to be surprised by the stories of others that their girls fight and cry when they are taken to kindergarten or school - Ruslana will never cause such problems. The owners of this name are extremely honest and open, but not without temper and harshness of temper. In no case do not try to make amends until Rusya herself is ready to accept an apology. However, she is quick-witted and knows how to admit her guilt.

Veronica - the name, which is interpreted as "carrying victory", endows its owners with ease of temper and incredible sociability. A large circle of friends and acquaintances always gathers around Veronica, and she herself is an indispensable participant in any matinees, concerts and other events. Nika is not at all afraid of the public, so she will gladly recite poems, sing a song or dance even for strangers. Being the central figure of any public meeting is her calling, so don't worry about the baby's future career: she will be able to win her place in the sun. Nika hardly allows herself to be driven into some kind of framework, so parents will have to take the time to instill in her a sense of responsibility and the ability to show perseverance during the lessons.

Anita - "cute, graceful." However, this girl is not so cute. She is the undisputed leader, she has her own opinion on everything. Since childhood, she is purposeful, knows what she wants and how to achieve it. Anita will achieve significant success in journalism and similar professions: teacher, tour guide. Communication with people is “her forte”.

Alice - "noble". Strong-willed, stable, a wonderful friend and universal favorite. But at the same time, Alice is very prudent and assertive, which is also not bad and helps her a lot in her career. Many male professions are ideal for her.

summer girls

It has been noted, for example, that children born in the summer are distinguished by leadership qualities, an active life position and purposefulness. IN kindergarten, at school, such ringleaders are in good standing, both in terms of achievements and behavior. They are up to any business. Among peers, modern girls who were born in the summer months stand out for their dreaminess, sensitivity and romance. They are kind and condescending to others, but they are always dissatisfied with themselves, therefore they are easily amenable to other people's influence. A stable, calm name will help smooth out this shortcoming - Tatyana, Masha, Irina, Olga, Oksana.

fashionable female names summer in 2018

Alira - "prominent bride". Cautious, a little closed, calm, sensitive, benevolent clever girl. But due to isolation and frequent closeness in their own world, people sometimes cannot consider its fragility, vulnerability and good heart. Nevertheless, Alira will arrange her life perfectly. Also, in order to achieve good success in her career, any area is subject to her, the main thing for her is not to spread herself into several areas.

Dominica - "belonging to God." Bright, active, positive, emotional, with excellent intellectual abilities, hardworking, disciplined. In the future, she is a great statesman and politician.

Of all the children born in the summer, June girls are the most kind and sensitive, July ones are temperamental and artistic, and girls who were born in August are very kind, but too picky. Fashionable names for them in 2018 will be:

Beatrice - a name that brings good luck to its bearer, because it is not for nothing that it is translated as "bringing happiness." From the first years of life, these girls begin to demonstrate practicality, a lively mind and exceptional decisiveness of character. At the same time, such seemingly masculine character traits get along well with their feminine charm and attractive appearance. These little coquettes are able to twist ropes from educators and teachers, which they quite successfully use in order to simplify their lives. Beatrice is by nature the owner - with such a jealous girl, it will not be easy for you to have another child. Since childhood, Beatrice has been watching with interest their mother's actions in the kitchen, so you will get an excellent assistant.

Alla - the name, which translates as "column of light", gives its owner the ability to attract the views of others from early childhood. These are girls who always amaze with energy, assertiveness, eccentricity of views and activity, they are very cheerful and burst into laughter for almost any reason. Alla literally lives by attention and requires her parents to give her every minute of free time. If they forget about her, Alla is quite capable of making a scandal or simulating an illness. Such babies are diligent in their studies and easily achieve their intended career goals, but can be somewhat tyrannical with friends.

Julia - a gentle and beautiful name, which for a long time was undeservedly forgotten by young parents. It sounds very soft, but at the same time it gives its wearer truly leadership qualities. Yulechki are very sociable since childhood, they hate quarrels and are always the first to reconcile. Such girls take great pleasure in music, drawing or dancing, and they can achieve great success in this area. Among Yulia, there are often indecisive natures, so mom and dad will sometimes have to push their baby to decisive actions.

Larisa - a name that has the interpretation of "pleasant", gives girls an incredible emotional attraction. They are impressionable and very receptive to any manifestations of art. Larisa is a bright and bright child, without whom parents get very bored, so mothers will always take her with them on a shopping trip or to meet friends, especially since this baby never rolls up scandals. Larissas have a strong temper, which can sometimes result in excessive aggression. At school and university, these babies demonstrate high success, because they are amazingly hardworking and never give in to difficulties.

Dana - an ancient Slavic name that endows its owner with incredible perseverance and leadership qualities. It is not always easy for parents with this baby - she is convinced that she is right, she really does not like criticism and is always determined to win. At the same time, such girls are incredibly caring and will certainly come to the aid of those in need. They are alien to any tricks and female tricks, they are devoted to their parents and can make any sacrifices for the benefit of loved ones. Defeat is not able to knock Dana out of the saddle for a long time, because this baby has a huge supply of vitality and optimism.

autumn babes affectionate, obedient, modest and accurate. Responsible for assignments, study well, willingly help with the housework. They love animals. Beautiful Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius are rarely capricious, they avoid public conflicts, and when faced with injustice or a serious problem, they “hide in a hole”, withdraw into themselves. And they are waiting for someone to rescue him from voluntary captivity, "to spread his hands out of the clouds." Modern boys spoiled by their mothers rarely claim the laurels of Don Quixote, therefore, so that their beloved daughter, who celebrates her birthday in the fall, does not remain without suitors, it is advisable to give her a sonorous, strong name. For example: Hope, Vera, Elena, Lyuba, Alexandra.

Autumn names of girls 2018

Yesenia - "autumn". Kind, sweet, affectionate, disposes to herself, caring, touching, sensitive. Always help everyone and everything. But at the same time she is smart, practical and resourceful. In her work, she is a leader and an excellent organizer.

Camille - "impeccable origin". Skeptical, proud, but at the same time vulnerable, sensitive, curious, smart, original, unusual, subtly feels people. Professions that require precision and fast analytical solutions are Camilla's professions.

Lei - "graceful deer". Eccentric, active, curious, restless, but at the same time, if circumstances require, very patient. In the future, she is a great amazing actress, artist, writer or scientist.

September girls are the biggest coquettes, October ones are scrupulous and kind-hearted, and November girls have the playfulness of a kitten and, moreover, incredible patience for a child. Babies born at this time need to strengthen their character, so among the fashionable names of 2018, they can recommend the following:

Zlata - a "golden" name that gives the girl ingenuity and a sharp mind. She is developed beyond her years and from early childhood surprises her parents with bold and wise statements. Such babies are very calm and almost never give their parents a reason for scandals. It cannot be said that nature endows Zlata with pronounced talents, but perseverance and thoroughness bear fruit when studying at school. Zlatochki have an incredible innate tact, so they will never offend a person in word or deed. In work, such women are not careerists, but often achieve professional heights due to good relationships with others.

Inga - the name, which is often translated as "winter", makes its owner a favorite of her father. She will always be around somewhere when dad is at home. Such a baby is very trusting and does not know how to intuitively distinguish good from evil, so parents should make sure that Inga does not get in touch with bad company. Girls with this name love to read and are very good at learning. foreign languages. The baby may be offended over trifles, so any punishment should be accompanied by an explanation from the parents.

Clara - a “bright” name that endows girls with complaisance and goodwill. Klarochki are thoughtful, patient and very serious, so parents should make it a rule to treat them like adults. These babes have so much energy that it seems as if they are able to spend the whole day running around. Natural sociability allows you to easily join a new team and make friends. Clara hates quiet work, so do not be surprised if her daughter eventually announces that she is going to study as a journalist-reporter or documentary cameraman.

margarita - girls who bear a name interpreted as a "pearl" are gentle and dreamy. These babies are incredibly honest and distinguished by selfless actions. With all the external simplicity, there is a mystery in them, which attracts the surrounding people to Margaritas. A charming and graceful girl can literally turn into a sharp fury in just one minute if she sees some kind of injustice, so her friends appreciate her, and her ill-wishers are afraid and respect her. From early childhood, Margo strikes with independence, is rarely inclined to compromise and does not want to adapt to the needs of others at all. Parents need to teach her tolerance so as not to get a lot of problems when she reaches adolescence.

Victoria - the name, which translates as "victory", brings many incredible achievements to the life of its owners. Mobile babies can drain the energy of even the youngest and most active moms and dads. Vikulya is quite stubborn and can cheat to get what she wants. However, if you stop this feature of character in time, your daughter is unlikely to cause you many problems. Vik is distinguished by natural kindness and attentiveness to close people, so you can not worry if you decide to have another child - she will become a wonderful older sister. Vika is an assertive girl and does not suffer defeat. Parents will have to teach her to be a little more patient so that the baby does not lower her nose and does not quit the work she has begun.

Fashionable female names in 2018

In 2018, beautiful, but already fed up Western names are still under a fashion ban. Among the smallest visitors to playgrounds, Milana, Elisabeth and Gabriella are less and less common. In addition, several years of the frenzied popularity of old Russian names led to the fact that parents were fed up with them too. Moreover, now every second girl of five years old is named Avdotya, Pelageya, Vasilisa or Praskovya.

Do you want an extraordinary name? Oddly enough, this category includes Yulia, Natasha or Lena, who are now very rare. Among the female names that are only gaining popularity in 2018, there are many unusual and beautiful, concise and spectacular, so it’s worth looking into this issue in more detail.

The main selection criteria can be summarized as follows:

  • The name should be harmoniously combined primarily with the patronymic, since the girl in the future is likely to change her surname after marriage.
  • It is undesirable to name the child by the name of the mother;
  • It is not recommended to combine names and surnames with a similar sound (for example, Leonia Leonova).
  • The name can be either short (Eve) or long (Evangelina), the main thing is to think about how you plan to name the child in the future. If the mother categorically does not like Gel's abbreviation, it is better not to name her daughter Angelina - the generally accepted diminutive Gel will haunt the girl all her life.
  • Before the final choice, you should imagine the life of the child in stages. Imagine what his classmates call him, how they call him to the blackboard at school; how a colleague, boss, best friend, husband, and then the younger generations will address the girl. If “Baba Slava (Yara, Yaroslava)” sounds good in your opinion, then you can safely dwell on the chosen name.

According to one of the polls, here are the most beautiful female names according to the worldwide poll: Anastasia, Alexandra, Angelina, Bella, Daria, Victoria, Elena, Elizabeth, Zhanna, Milena, Ekaterina, Diana, Maria, Olga, Snezhana, Karina, Polina, Carolina, Natalia, Elvira, Christina, Eva, Nika, Rose, Stella, Natalia, Maria, Inessa, Alina.

The most beautiful female names in the United States include the following:
Britney, Gina, Kimberly, Angelina, Jessica, Pamela, Haley, Tiffany, Charlotte Marilyn.

The most beautiful female names belonging to the French representatives: Aurora, Avril, Adelais, Adelphine, Aselina, Agatha, Agnes, Aglaya, Albertina, Agreppina, Amelie, Amber, Angelica, Anette, Armel, Aurelia, Beatrice, Bernadette, Berta, Bianca, Blanche, Victoria, Verena, Viviana, Henrietta, Gabriella, Delfina, Daniela, Jolie, Didiana, Julian, Jacqueline, Jasmine, Georgette, Giselle, Zoe, Iolanta Yu Ines, Irene, Capuchinna, Camilla, Catelina, Claire, Clemens, Corneli, Claudina, Lia, Liana, Lucene, Lucinda, Lucrezia , Madeleine, Magdalene, Megan, Martina, Melissa, Michelle, Medea, Mirabella, Morgana, Nadine, Nicole, Noemi, Natalie, Olivia, Orabella, Oceana, Oriana, Odile, Penelope, Rebecca, Reina, Roberta, Rosina, Roxanne, Riva , Rochelle, Cecile, Sadina, Selina, Sophie, Stephanie, Sibylla, Suzanne, Fabien, Felicia, Fleurette, Florence, Chloe, Charlotte, Elenine, Emelli, Emmy, Edith, Estelle, Evelina.

The most beautiful female names in different countries: Agostina, Adriana, Azzerra, Alessa, Allegra, Albertina, Allegria, Alda, Amedea, Amber, Amerenta, Beatrice, Benigna, Bernadette, Bella, Benigna, Bonfilia, Brunilda, Bridgetta, Bianca, Velia, Violetta, Vitalia, Gemma, Gabriella, Grace, Delfina, Gemma, Gina, Giosetta, Giovanna, Gioconda, Giorgia, Giofredda, Gissela, Elena, Gilda, Genevra, Zita, Imelda, Ileria, Isabella, Immacoelta, Ines, Italia, Caprice, Calvina, Carmela, Katerina, Carlota, Carmela, Kinzia, Clairta, Cosima, Letizia, Lauretta, Leonora, Lia, Ludovik, Lorenza, Luigina, Luciana, Maddalena, Marzia, Margherita, Martha, Marayatta, Maura, Mimi, Nanziatella, Nanzia, Nicolleta, Nilda, Nicolina, Noemi, Noelia, Norma, Orlanda, Orsina, Orebella, Orsolla, Ottavia, Paola, Palmyra, Patricia, Perlita, Pira, Pina, Pasquelina, Raymonda, Renata, Riccarda, Rachel, Rosetta, Roselva, Sandra, Celeste, Santa, Serafina, Simonetta.

For the fair sex in Russia, the following most beautiful female names can be noted:

A- Angelia, Alvina, Avdotya, August, Aurora, Aurelius, Agafya, Agata, Agladia, Agnes, Agnia, Agrippina, Agapia, Ala, Adele, Adiya, Adelaide, Azalea, Agrefena, Aza, Aida, Afsylu, Isadora, Akulina, Adina , Aksinya, Alexandra, Alevtina, Arcadia, Arsiana, Asel, Artemia, Alena, Afanasia, Astrid, Aphrodite, Aella, Aelita.

B- Bazhen, Beatrice, Beata, Bella, Bellatrix, Bogdan, Boleslav, Bozhena, Borislav, Bronslava, Bridget.

IN- Valentina, Wanda, Valeria, Vasilina, Barbara, Vasilisa, Vaclav, Vassa, Vevey, Venus, Veloria, Vesta, Veronica, Quiz, Veselina, Vladimir, Vladlen, Vladislav, Vseslav.

G- Gali, Gaia, Galina, Gayana, Ganna, Helena, Gwyneth, Gella, Helium, Henrietta, Glafira, Gertrude, Glykeria, Glafira, Gorislava, Gloria, Golub, Gulnara, Gulchatai.

D- Daina, Dazdraperma, Dana, Darina, Daria, Daryana, Darena, Ginevra, Diana, Juliet, Delia, Diodora, Domna, Dionisichya, Dilfuza, Diniya, Dobrava, Domnica, Donara, Dorothea, Dorothea.

E- Eugenia, Evlavia, Eupraxia, Evdokia, Euphalia, Evstoli, Catherine, Elena, Euphroxinia, Elekonida, Hermione, Elizabeth, Euphemia.

AND- Zhdana, Jasmine, Zhanna.

W- Zaira, Zabava, Zarai, Zarema, Zarifa, Zarnigar, Zarbike, Zarbanu, Zarina, Zaure, Zemfira, Zvenislav, Zargishi, Zinaida, Zozan, Zlata, Zoya.

AND- Ida, Ivanna, Iliana, Inga, Ilaria, Ilona, ​​Inessa, John, Hypatia, Irada, Hippolyta, Irene, Iriad, Heraclius, Isidora, Irina, Iphigenia, Iskra.

TO- Kalisa, Kaleria, Karina, Kapitolina, Katerina, Carolina, Cyril, Claudius, Koarisa, Cleopatra, Clara, Constance, Concordia, Christina.

L- Lana, Leila, Lada, Laura, Larisa, Lenina, Leniana, Leonty, Leonila, Lukina, Lyubov, Lyra, Lyalya, Lilia.

M- Magdalene, Mavra, Madeleine, Malvina, Mariana, Margarita, Marika, Marietta, Marina, Marlene, Maria, Martha, Matryona, Martha, Melitina, Marianna, Maria, Marlena, Matilda, Melitina.

H- Nadezhda, Nada, Naina, Nadia, Nastasya, Natalia, Nelly, Nika, Neonila, Nina, Nora.

ABOUT- Octavia, Oksana, Oktyabrina, Olivia, Olympia, Olga, Olympics.

P- Peacock, Paul, Patitia, Platonides, Pelageya, Polyxena, Pravdin, Penelope, Praskovya.

R- Rada, Raisa, Radmila, Revmira, Renata, Rayalla, Regina, Rogneda, Rosalina, Rozana.

WITH- Sabina, Salome, Saida, Sania, Stefania, Saltanat, Suzanne, Sania, Sussana.

T- Taisia, Taira, Taliana, Tatyana, Tmila, Tekusa, Theresia, Traktorina.

At— Ustinya, Ulyana.

F- Feoktista, Theodosius, Flavia, Philadelphia, Florentina, Flyura, Fotina, Thekla, Frosya, Florence.

X- Khatuna, Khionia, Harita, Helga, Christina, Chloe, Helena.

C- Cecera, Cecilia, Tsvetana, Tsiala.

H— Cheslava.

W— Shahmir.

I- Yana, Janika, Jadwiga, Yaroslav, Jaromir.

Many names have long been forgotten by us, some are quite new, but the beauty of their sound, hidden meaning and mystery attract many.

As you know, a name for a person is his way either to a happy future or to a negative unknown. It is for this reason that choosing a name for a newborn baby is not an easy task. Parents must certainly study the characteristic features of a child who will be born in a particular month, and then choose the name that is most appropriate in this case. The choice of a name for those born in February 2018 should definitely be based on the fact that, first of all, the coming time is a leap year. And secondly, children born in the winter months have strong and stubborn character traits, but the chosen name must necessarily mitigate these qualities.

Having children in a leap year

From the most ancient periods, people firmly believed that the leap year is not favorable and fruitful. At this time, they did not plan important tasks, did not implement responsible plans. As for the birth of children, people were very apprehensive about the leap period in time.

Folk thinkers advised, if possible, to postpone the birth of children to a different period than to replenish their family in a leap year. But over time, these statements turned out to be unproven, not only scientists, but the practice of life itself proved that a leap year is in no way different from any other period of time.

The names of boys and girls born in February can be selected taking into account the fact that leap time does not affect the future fate of the little man.

The nature of children born in February

Of great importance in choosing a name for a baby is the fact that the baby is endowed with character traits. Children born in February 2018 (the year of the Dog) belong to two zodiac constellations - representatives of Aquarius or Pisces. If Aquarians are extraordinary personalities who do a lot in their lives to the best of their ability, then Pisces prefer to go with the flow and enjoy the trials and well-being that fate itself has prepared for them.

Various women's and male names children born in February must be selected, taking into account the dominant qualities of the character of the baby.

February children are purposeful and determined individuals. If they set themselves the goal they need, then they try by all means to achieve its positive resolution. Stubbornness and determination in the character of children will be noticeable from the earliest infancy. Parents have to understand that their child himself knows what he wants exactly, and does not like it when someone else's opinion is imposed on him.

Assertiveness and stubbornness will not always serve the kids well. Certain difficulties that may arise due to these qualities will be observed in communication and in solving collective problems.

It is necessary to choose a name for a child in February 2018, taking into account the fact that such children are destined for a not very simple fate. On them life path there will be difficulties and troubles, which will most often manifest themselves due to the fact that the Februarys have a certain authority and cruelty. Some difficulties for the guys are outlined in communicating with peers or people who are older than them. This is because February people like to impose their own opinion on everyone around them, but they are not at all going to understand the desires of others. Throughout their lives, people who were born in February will have more enemies and enemies than true comrades and reliable friends.

In children born in the last month of the frosty period, there is some nervousness and impatience. In some cases, they are too emotional about what is happening around the event, which surprises and disappoints others.

Parents should remember that February children need to be instilled with decency and a sense of discipline from their very early age. If they are not taught in a timely manner to monitor their appearance, then in the future the Februarys will become inveterate sluts. The same applies to communication, by nature, rudeness and insolence are embedded in children, if these negative qualities are not destroyed in childhood, then in adolescence the child will become rude and call names.

February babies are very touchy. Often it seems to them that the whole round world is directed against them, and they themselves are the most unfortunate kids. A sense of resentment can overwhelm them to such an extent that serious health problems will be revealed.

The positive qualities of the character of the February people can be called courage and curiosity. At school, they will show excellent zeal for learning. You can always rely on such a child that in the face of danger he will not step back, but will always enter into a verbal battle with the enemy.

Names for February babies

Given all the qualities of character described above, you can pick up names born in February.

The main circumstance that is simply important to consider when choosing a name for a baby who was born in the last frosty month is that such children have strong and stubborn character traits. All this means that the chosen names should soften the temper of the Februarys, and not burden it.

What names are suitable for February boys?

  • Alexander
  • Hermann
  • Anton
  • Fedor
  • Zakhar
  • Valentine
  • Kirill
  • Nicholas
  • Paul
  • Vitaly
  • Stepan
  • Savva
  • Timothy
  • Makar
  • Novel
  • Maksim
  • Zakhar

For February girls, the following names are most preferable:

  • Evdokia
  • Svetlana
  • Agnia
  • Paul
  • Rimma
  • Martha
  • Valentine
  • Maria
  • Christina
  • Anastasia
  • Euphrosyne
  • Veronica

If we take into account the statistics of last year's time, then parents chose the following names for their children:

  • Boys - Nikolai, Maxim, Roman, Timofey, Anton, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Alexander, Danil.
  • Girls - Veronica, Christina, Maria, Anastasia, Angelina, Victoria, Daria, Elizabeth.

Name for a child born in February, according to Orthodoxy

Believers prefer to give a name to a newborn baby only after approval has been received from the clergyman for this action. The Orthodox calendar of names for February 2018 has its own preferences in what name to bestow on a newborn.

It is important to remember that the name given to the baby according to the Orthodox calendar carries responsibility and important benefits. Christians are confident that the name given to the child in honor of his guardian angel has magical effects. Throughout the life of the child, it is obliged to protect him from misfortunes, blows and hardships, bestowing happiness and success in life.

What does the Orthodox calendar advise parents? How is it recommended to name a February child, if you consult Orthodox rules?

  • Boys - Alexei, Yakov, Gerasim, Nikita, Elisha, Efim, Valery, Konstantin.
  • Girls - Evdokia, Ksenia, Veronika, Anna, Avdotya, Angelina, Khristina.

For each child to be lucky, giving him the right name is not enough. It is important for parents to provide constant and sincere love and care for their child. Only a baby who lives in a happy family will become the most successful and lucky in life.

Most parents, long before the happy birth of the baby, begin to come up with a suitable name for him. It is imperative to take into account all the negative and negative aspects of the future naming, as it will accompany the grown-up little man in life. It is not surprising that the further prosperous fate of this or that person depends on the correctly chosen name. The same can be indicated if the names do not match, if the name that the parents originally chose for him does not suit the baby, then there is a real risk that the grown-up baby will receive a negative and unhappy fate. The choice of a name for those born in April 2018 in many aspects depends on characteristic features person.

Characteristics of children born in April

With the advent of the spring season, everything around begins to wake up. Nature rejoices in the warm sun, and all living things flourish and acquire extraordinary elegance. Approximately the same qualities are possessed by children who were born in the spring. Such children are characterized by complacency of character, they are always tuned to positive and active. But spring babies can be overly sensitive and impressionable, so for the people around them they seem airy and a little unearthly. The names of girls and boys born in April must have solid sounds. This combination of sound qualities and character will help a person gain strength of mind and have greater confidence in personal strengths.

What are the main character traits of children born in April 2018 (the year of the Dog)? Initially, it must be indicated that the Dog - the hostess of the specified year has mischievous character traits, she is very inconsistent and has an excessive craving for fun. For children born in the year of the Dog, a bright future is prophesied, because they are quite purposeful, independent and quite decisive. As for the children who were happily born in April, their main character traits are slightly different from other children born in other months of the year.

April children have strong qualities, they are a determined and purposeful person. Children often become clear witnesses or participants in unusual situations, as they are bold and mobile. Aprils love to know everything, they are tormented by the fact that they do not know something. Spring children have strong-willed notes in character, this can put a little pressure on the people around them, but in life this quality will help them become successful.

The female and male names of those born in April must necessarily mitigate the characteristic negative and enhance the positive aspects of character. Aprils have gambling features, they are interested in many things and informative. Children are easy to study, because they strive to learn and understand everything. Energy and enterprise will help the children to reach certain heights in the future. From adolescence, such children may show qualities of self-doubt, but this is only a temporary phenomenon. After the age limits, such a discrepancy in the nature of active and determined children will pass by itself.

Among several negative traits, selfishness can be pointed out. Children will often put only personal interests and desires ahead of their own goals, while not paying much attention to the needs of other people. It is optimal to choose soft and very sonorous names for April, as it will become an assistant in the good deeds of a grown child. Softness in the name will be a good softener of selfishness and stubbornness, so the choice in the name should fall in the appropriate direction.

April kids love to have everything in its proper place, they are very eager for stability and consistency. Many people will consider such qualities as negative, but they will bring certain success to the person himself in his own life. Leadership inclinations in the character of the baby will help him achieve all the goals and objectives that they had previously conceived.

April baby names

It seems that choosing a name for a child in April 2018 is quite simple.. But it is important to remember that an incorrectly chosen combination of character and name can negatively affect the future fate of the baby. What aspects, when choosing a name, must be observed in order to help your child, and not harm in any way?

  • You can not call the baby an exotic or unusual name. Names such as Isolde or Martin can significantly impair the child's communication with others, which will cause indecision and isolation in the baby's character.
  • Orthodox do not recommend naming children with double names, for example, Anna-Maria. Such a combination brings confusion into the inclinations of the fate of the child.
  • The naming must necessarily be in harmony with the surname, as well as the patronymic. It will look very ugly and funny if the child is called Petrov Isidor Filippovich.

What are the names of those born in April that suit the kids the most? The first thing that is important to pay special attention to is the fact that the baby's name is sonorous. With the help of sonorous sounds, you can strengthen the positive qualities of the children in character.

  • Such names as Maria, Anastasia, Arina, Larisa, Lilia, Julia, Uliana, Daria, Svetlana are ideal for girls.
  • Names are great for boys - Cyril, Alexander, Foma, Andrey, Sergey, Leonid, Maxim, Artem.

If we make statistics of last year's periods of the same time, then parents most often gave the following names to their newborn children:

  • Girls - Elizabeth, Ulyana, Alena, Anastasia, Anna.
  • Boys - Roman, Alexander, Dmitry, Matvey.

The Orthodox calendar of names for April 2018 has its own reasons for choosing names for newborn babies. It is believed that the right name will give the baby an angel who will constantly take care of fate and later life child.

  • Names for girls according to the calendar - Martha, Jeanne, Theodosia, Maria, Julia, Pelagia, Taisia.
  • Orthodox names for boys - Plato, Rodion, Andrey, Kondrat, Vadim, Stepan.