M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in his fairy tales remarkably revealed the main properties of a fairy tale as a folk genre and, skillfully using metaphors, hyperbole, and the sharpness of the grotesque, showed the fairy tale as a satirical genre.

In the fairy tale wild landlord»The author depicted the real life of the landowner. There is a beginning here in which you can not notice anything satirical or grotesque - the landowner is afraid that the peasant will "take all the good" from him. Perhaps this is a confirmation that the main idea of ​​the tale is taken from reality. Saltykov-Shchedrin simply turns reality into a fairy tale by adding grotesque turns, satirical hyperbole, and fantastic episodes to reality. He shows with sharp satire that the landowner cannot live without peasants, although he shows this by describing the life of a landowner without peasants.

The tale also speaks of the occupations of the landowner. He laid out grand solitaire, dreamed of his future deeds and how he would plant a fertile garden without a peasant and what cars he would order from England, that he would become a minister ...

But they were all just dreams. In fact, without a man, he could not do anything, only ran wild.

Saltykov-Shchedrin also uses fairy-tale elements: three times the actor Sadovsky, then the generals, then the police captain come to the landowner. In a similar way, the fantastic episode of the disappearance of the peasants, and the friendship of the landowner with the bear, are shown. The author endows the bear with the ability to speak.

In the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin, the theme of serfdom, the oppression of the peasantry, has always played an important role. Since the writer could not openly express his protest against the existing system, almost all of his works are filled with fairy tale motifs and allegories. The satirical tale "The Wild Landowner" was no exception, the analysis of which will help students in grade 9 better prepare for the literature lesson. Detailed analysis fairy tales will help highlight the main idea of ​​the work, the features of the composition, and will also allow you to better understand what the author teaches in his work.

Brief analysis

Year of writing– 1869

History of creation- Not being able to openly ridicule the vices of autocracy, Saltykov-Shchedrin resorted to an allegorical literary form - a fairy tale.

Subject– In the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Wild Landowner”, the theme of the position of serfs in the conditions of Tsarist Russia, the absurdity of the existence of a class of landowners who cannot and do not want to work independently, is most fully disclosed.

Composition- The plot of the tale is based on a grotesque situation, behind which are hidden real relations between the classes of landowners and serfs. Despite the small size of the work, the composition was created according to the standard plan: the plot, the climax and the denouement.

Genre- A satirical tale.

Direction- Epos.

History of creation

Mikhail Evgrafovich was always extremely sensitive to the plight of the peasants, who were forced to be in lifelong bondage to the landowners. Many of the writer's works, in which this topic was openly touched upon, were criticized and were not allowed to be printed by censors.

However, Saltykov-Shchedrin nevertheless found a way out of this situation, turning his attention to the outwardly quite harmless genre of fairy tales. Thanks to a skillful combination of fantasy and reality, the use of traditional folklore elements, metaphors, and bright aphoristic language, the writer managed to disguise the evil and sharp ridicule of landowner vices under the guise of an ordinary fairy tale.

In an environment of governmental reaction, it was only thanks to fairy tale fiction that it was possible to express one's views on the existing state system. The use of satirical techniques in a folk tale allowed the writer to significantly expand the circle of his readers, to reach out to the masses.

At that time, the magazine was headed by a close friend and associate of the writer - Nikolai Nekrasov, and Saltykov-Shchedrin had no problems with the publication of the work.


Main theme The fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" lies in social inequality, a huge gap between the two classes that existed in Russia: landowners and serfs. The enslavement of the common people, the complex relationship between the exploiters and the exploited - main issue of this work.

In a fabulously allegorical form, Saltykov-Shchedrin wanted to convey to readers a simple idea- it is the peasant who is the salt of the earth, and without him the landowner is only an empty place. Few of the landowners think about this, and therefore the attitude towards the peasant is contemptuous, demanding and often frankly cruel. But it is only thanks to the peasant that the landlord gets the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits that he has in abundance.

In his work, Mikhail Evgrafovich concludes that it is the people who are the drinkers and breadwinners not only of their landlord, but of the entire state. The true bulwark of the state is not the class of helpless and lazy landowners, but the exceptionally simple Russian people.

It is this thought that haunts the writer: he sincerely complains that the peasants are too patient, dark and downtrodden, and do not fully realize all their strength. He criticizes the irresponsibility and patience of the Russian people, who do nothing to improve their situation.


The fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" is a small work, which in "Notes of the Fatherland" took only a few pages. In her in question about a stupid master who endlessly pestered the peasants working for him because of the “slave smell”.

In the eyeballs works main character turned to God with a request to get rid of this dark and hated environment forever. When the landowner's prayers for deliverance from the peasants were heard, he was left completely alone in his large estate.

climax fairy tales fully reveal the helplessness of the master without the peasants, who in his life were the source of all blessings. When they disappeared, the once polished gentleman quickly turned into a wild animal: he stopped washing, taking care of himself, and eating normal human food. The life of the landowner turned into a boring, unremarkable existence, in which there was no place for joy and pleasure. This was the meaning of the name of the tale - the unwillingness to give up one's own principles inevitably leads to "savagery" - civil, intellectual, political.

In the denouement works, the landowner, completely impoverished and run wild, completely loses his mind.

Main characters


From the first lines of The Wild Landowner, it becomes clear that this fairy tale genre. But not good-naturedly instructive, but caustically satirical, in which the author harshly ridiculed the main vices of the social system in tsarist Russia.

In his work, Saltykov-Shchedrin managed to preserve the spirit and general style nationalities. He masterfully used such popular folklore elements as a fabulous beginning, fantastic, hyperbole. However, he was able to tell contemporary issues in society, describe events in Russia.

Thanks to fantastic, fabulous techniques, the writer was able to reveal all the vices of society. The work in its direction is an epic, in which the real relations in society are shown grotesquely.

Artwork test

Analysis Rating

Average rating: 4.1. Total ratings received: 485.

The satirical depiction of reality manifested itself in Saltykov-Shchedrin (along with other genres) in fairy tales. Here, as in folk tales, fantasy and reality are combined. So, often in Saltykov-Shchedrin animals are humanized, they personify the vices of people.
But the writer has a cycle of fairy tales, where people are the heroes. Here Saltykov-Shchedrin chooses other methods for ridiculing vices. It is, as a rule, grotesque, hyperbole, fantasy.

Such is Shchedrin's fairy tale "The Wild Landowner". In it, the stupidity of the landowner is brought to the limit. The writer sneers at the "merits" of the gentleman: "The peasants see: although they have a stupid landowner, he has been given a great mind. He shortened them so that there was nowhere to stick out his nose; wherever they look - everything is impossible, but not allowed, but not yours! The cattle will go to the watering place - the landowner shouts: “My water!” The chicken will come out of the village - the landowner shouts: "My land!" And the earth, and water, and air - everything became his!

The landowner considers himself not a man, but a kind of deity. Or, at least, a person of the highest rank. It is in the order of things for him to enjoy the fruits of someone else's labor and not even think about it.

The peasants of the "wild landowner" are languishing from hard work and severe need. Tormented by oppression, the peasants finally prayed: “Lord! It’s easier for us to disappear even with small children than to suffer like this all our lives!” God heard them, and "there was no peasant in the entire space of the possessions of the stupid landowner."

At first it seemed to the master that now he would live well without the peasants. Yes, and all the noble guests of the landowner approved of his decision: “Oh, how good it is! - the generals praise the landowner, - so now you will not have this servile smell at all? “Not at all,” the landowner replies.

It seems that the hero does not realize the deplorability of his situation. The landowner only indulges in dreams, empty in their essence: “and now he walks, walks around the rooms, then sits down and sits. And everyone thinks. He thinks what kind of cars he will order from England, so that everything is by ferry and steam, but there is not at all a servile spirit; he thinks what a fruitful garden he will plant: here there will be pears, plums ... ”Without his peasants, the“ wild landowner ”was only engaged in the fact that he did not live his“ loose, white, crumbly body ”.

This is where the climax of the story begins. Without his peasants, the landowner, unable to lift a finger without a peasant, begins to run wild. In Shchedrin's fairy tale cycle, full scope is given for the development of the motive of reincarnation. It was the grotesque in describing the process of the landowner's savagery that helped the writer to clearly show how greedy representatives of the "conducting class" can turn into real wild animals.

But if in folk tales the process of transformation itself is not depicted, then Saltykov reproduces it in all details and details. This is the unique artistic invention of the satirist. It can be called a grotesque portrait: the landowner, completely run wild after the fantastic disappearance of the peasants, turns into a primitive man. “All of him, from head to toe, was overgrown with hair, like the ancient Esau ... and his nails became like iron,” Saltykov-Shchedrin slowly narrates. - He stopped blowing his nose a long time ago, walked more and more on all fours and was even surprised how he had not noticed before that this way of walking was the most decent and most convenient. I even lost the ability to utter articulate sounds and learned some special victory cry, the average between whistling, hissing and barking.

Under the new conditions, all the severity of the landowner lost its strength. He became helpless, like a little child. Now even “the little mouse was smart and understood that the landowner without Senka could not do him any harm. He only wagged his tail in response to the landowner's menacing exclamation, and in a moment was peering at him from under the sofa, as if to say: Wait a minute, stupid landowner! it's only the beginning! I will not only eat cards, but I will also eat your robe, how you oil it properly!

Thus, the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" shows the degradation of a person, his impoverishment. spiritual world(and was he even in this case?!), the withering away of all human qualities.
This is explained very simply. In his fairy tales, as in his satires, for all their tragic gloominess and accusatory severity, Saltykov remained a moralist and educator. Showing the horror of human fall and its most sinister vices, he nevertheless believed that in the future there would be a moral revival of society and times of social and spiritual harmony would come.

The fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin, intended for adults, introduce the peculiarities of Russian society better than historical works. The story of the wild landowner is like an ordinary fairy tale, but it combines reality with fiction. The landowner, who has become the hero of the story, often reads the actually existing reactionary newspaper Vest.

Left alone, the landowner at first rejoices that his wish has come true. Later comes the realization of one's own stupidity. The swaggering guests, without embarrassment, tell him about stupidity, realizing that the landowner had only candy left from the treats. This is also the official opinion of the police officer who collects taxes, who understands the inseparability of peasant taxes from the stability of the state.

But the landowner does not heed the voice of reason and does not listen to other people's advice. He maintains a firm spirit and dreams of fantastic foreign cars, designed to replace the peasants. A naive dreamer does not realize that in reality he is not able to wash himself. He is completely helpless because he can't do anything.

The tale ends sadly: the stubborn man becomes overgrown with hair, gets on all fours and starts throwing himself at people. It turned out that the gentleman, noble on the outside, had the essence of the simplest creature. He remained human as long as food was brought to him on a plate and dressed in clean clothes.

The higher authorities decided to return the peasants to the estate so that they would work, pay taxes to the treasury and produce food for their masters.

And the landowner remained wild forever. He was caught, cleaned, but he still gravitates towards the forest life and does not like to wash himself. Such is the hero: the ruler in the serf world, but guarded by the simple peasant Senka.

The author laughs at the mores of Russian society. He sympathizes with the peasants and accuses them of being too patient and submissive. At the same time, the writer demonstrates the impotence of the landlords, who cannot live without servants. The tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin call for respect for the people, who are the foundation supporting the well-being of such landlords.

Option 2

Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote his famous work, which received the name "Wild Landowner", in 1869. There he considers quite topical issues, relevant both at that time and now. For him, the genre of fairy tales is central, which he writes far from for children. The author confronts the tragic with the comic in his work, uses such techniques as the grotesque and hyperbole, as well as Aesopian language. Thus, he ridicules autocracy and serfdom, which still exist on the territory of the country.

In the center of events is an ordinary landowner who has a special pride in the fact that noble blood flows in his veins. His goal is just to pamper the body, relax and be yourself. He actually rests and he can afford such a lifestyle only thanks to the peasants, to whom he treats very cruelly, he cannot even bear the spirit of ordinary men.

And now the desire of the landowner is fulfilled, and he is left alone, while God fulfilled not the desire of the landowner, but the desire of the peasants, who are completely exhausted from constant control and supervision.

Thus, Shchedrin ridicules the share of the Russian people, which is quite difficult. Only after a while the hero realizes that he has committed a real stupidity.

And in the end, the landowner is completely wild, inside the highest being of man, the most ordinary animal is hiding, which lives only for the sake of fulfilling its desires.

The hero was restored in a serf society, and a simple Russian peasant named Senka will take care of him.

The fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" is one of the brilliant works of the writer working in the genre of satire. He has to ridicule the socio-political system, he has to expose the existing mores and types of society in which there is a rather strange morality that is not subject to reflection. It shows how helpless the landlords are, who are constantly looked after by simple serfs. All this is ridiculed by the author, who is forced to live in such a society, it is difficult for him to cope with the existing situation, so he tries to show its absurdity, to condemn what is happening in society.

Analysis of the Wild Landlord

One of the best works Saltykov-Shchedrin was published in 1869 and is called the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner". This work can be attributed to the genre of satire. Why fairy tale? The author chose this genre for a reason, so he bypassed censorship. The characters in the story do not have names. A peculiar hint from the author that the landowner is a composite image and corresponds to many landowners in Rus' in the 19th century. Well, take the rest of the heroes, the peasants and Senka, these are peasants. The author raises very interesting topic. The main thing for the author is that the peasant, honest and hardworking people are always higher in everything than the nobles.

Thanks to the fairy tale genre, the author's work is very simple and full of irony and various artistic details. With the help of details, the author can very clearly convey the images of the characters. For example, he calls the landowner stupid and soft-bodied. Who did not know grief and rejoiced in life.

The main problem with this work is Difficult life common people. In the author's tale, the landowner acts as a soulless and tough monster, he only does what humiliates the poor peasants and tries to take even the last thing from them. The peasants prayed, there was nothing left for them, they wanted to normal life. The landowner wanted to get rid of them, and in the end, God fulfilled the desire of the peasants to live better and the desire of the landowner to get rid of the peasants. After that, it becomes clear that the whole luxurious life of the landowner is provided by the peasants. With the disappearance of the "serfs", life has changed, now the landowner has become like an animal. He changed outwardly, became more terrible, overgrown, stopped eating normally. The men disappeared and life changed bright colors to gray and dull. Even while spending time as before, in entertainment, the landowner feels that all the same, this is not it. The author reveals the real meaning of the work, which refers to real life. The boyars, the landowners oppress the peasants, they do not read them as people. But, in the absence of "serfs" they cannot live a normal life, because it is the peasants and workers who provide everything that is good for them personally and for the country. And the upper strata of society, apart from problems and troubles, do not carry anything else.

The people in this work, namely the peasants, are honest people open and loving work. With the help of their labor, the landowner lived happily ever after. By the way, the author shows the peasants not just as one thoughtless crowd, but as smart and insightful people. In this work, justice is very important for the peasants. They considered such an attitude towards themselves unfair and therefore asked God for help.

Saltykov-Shchedrin directly respects the peasants very much, which he shows in the work. This can be seen, very clearly, when the landowner disappeared and lived without peasants, and at the time when he returned. As a result, it turns out that the author brings the reader to one true opinion. Not high-ranking officials, not officials decide the fate of the country and each of the landowners, namely the peasants. All the well-being and all the benefits of rich people rest on them. That's what it is main idea works.

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  • When analyzing the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner" by Saltykov-Shchedrin, which the author wrote back in 1869, it is worth paying attention to the style of presentation of the work.

    The fairy tale is a series of phantasmagoric images that combine the features of the representatives of the ruling class and people characteristic of Russia.

    The author's story is easy to understand, but it is fraught with many hidden allegories that, unfortunately, have not lost their relevance in our time. The purpose of this analysis is an attempt to take a fresh look at a well-known work.

    The history of the creation of the work "Wild Landowner"

    Keeping the form of a folk tale, weaving fantastic elements into the plot, the writer finds an opportunity to simply talk about complex problems. Even the "strong" censorship of Tsarist Russia finds no reason to forbid the publication of the fairy tale.

    Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin ( real name Saltykov, pseudonym Nikolai Shchedrin, 1826 - 1889) - Russian writer, journalist, editor of the magazine " Domestic notes”, Ryazan and Tver Vice-Governor.

    However, in the literary journal Otechestvennye Zapiski (in which the story is published for the first time), the function of chief editor at that time was performed by a good friend of Mikhail Evgrafovich, Nikolai Nekrasov.

    The year the fairy tale was written is 1869, the work is published after the abolition of serfdom. But the life of a simple peasant (as before dependent on the landowner), entangled in taxes and taxes, did not become much easier.

    Main characters and their characteristics

    Urus Kuchum Kildibaev — main character works. A typical representative of the ruling elite of Russia.

    He is active in his own way and full of plans for the future, but that's bad luck - he is not used to doing without a peasant, but at the same time, the Russian peasant is disgusting to him.

    He dislikes his sight and smell. The landowner comes to a paradoxical conclusion - he does not need simple, "unwashed people".

    It is noteworthy that he turns to God with a request to save him from the village peasant, but his petition was not heard, which is confirmed by the quote: "but God knew that the landowner was stupid, and did not heed his petition." Then the landowner decides to survive the serfs, oppressing and complicating their working life in every possible way.

    The peasant is a collective image of the Russian people. At the time of the writing of the fairy tale, Orthodoxy in Russia had the rank of state ideology. It is not surprising that the people also turn to God for help.

    Exhausted by the harassment of the cruel landowner, people ask to be relieved of their torment. The peasants are disappearing.

    Police Captain- a representative of the regulatory authority. Despite sympathy for the landowner, he puts the state interests at the forefront. No muzhik, no taxes, and in general a mess. Resolution - return the man!

    Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Wild Landowner" - a summary

    One day the landowner felt that the peasant had disappeared from his possessions, and was delighted.

    However, it soon became clear that, along with the peasantry, both food and every opportunity to improve life were gone.

    Interestingly, in order to strengthen stamina, the unlucky “village leader” turns to the state printed organ - a newspaper, in reading which he finds consolation and support for his fanatical stupidity.

    Soon, his friends and buddies turn away from him - actors and generals. The essence of their claims is simple - a reduction in the income of the host. Tables are not laid, but they are not entertained. Nobody and nothing.

    The landowner begins to slowly but surely run wild. As a result, the poor fellow finds a comrade in the face of a forest bear. However, he does not give up his idea even after a visit by the police captain.

    The authorities begin to worry, the peasant miraculously returns. A landowner who has gone wild, having lost his human appearance, can no longer return to normal life. Here the meaning of the title of the work is revealed - "The Wild Landowner".

    Analysis of the work

    Let's analyze the satirical tale of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin.

    Main thought

    It lies in the unwillingness of the ruling elite to take into account the interests of ordinary people, which can lead to the death of both the elite itself and the statehood as a whole.

    The people say more simply - "you can not cut the branch on which you sit."

    The composition of the essay consists of three parts and is a standard plan of a work of art:

    • introduction;
    • main part;
    • conclusion.

    The volume of the work is small. The tale takes only three pages of text.

    Genre and direction

    The story is artificially stylized as a work of oral folk art. Genre - satirical tale, direction - epic.

    "The Wild Landowner" is an example of sharp social satire. This is an original epic that does not lose its relevance today.

    Plot Features

    Using bright satirical devices, the author denounces the vices of our society and poses a number of important questions to the reader, the answers to which he will have to look for himself.

    Unlike folk tales, the work of the writer with the text is visible in the narrative.

    The images and characters of the characters are written capaciously and colorfully. In the work it is easy to find examples of irony not only against the landowner, but also the social structure of tsarist Russia.

    The work makes full use of such means of expression How:

    • irony;
    • grotesque;
    • allegory;
    • comparison;
    • alogism;
    • hyperbola.


    Despite its apparent simplicity, the tale has a lot hidden meanings and poses questions rather than answers them. Thoughtful reading of the text leads to thinking about complex philosophical categories. What is stupidity, human morality, justice and God, the state and the people? What does a fairy tale teach?

    As the ancient prophets said, “a person can turn away from society, but if society turns away from a person, his complete degradation will come.”

    The main theme and idea of ​​the work - attitude of power towards ordinary people which are the foundation of any state.


    Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin - fine example a real Russian writer, in whom the talent and writing gift are as well developed as the feeling of a citizen of his country.