epic novel L.N. Tolstoy.

The novel "War and Peace" was written in 1863-1869. during the life of the writer in Yasnaya Polyana. The first chapters appeared in the journal "Russian Messenger" in 1865 under the title "1805". In 1866, a new version of the name appeared, no longer specifically historical, but philosophical: "All's well that ends well." Then the novel was significantly revised and received the name by which it became world famous - "War and Peace". The novel was first published in full in 1867-1869.
The action of the novel covers the period from 1805 to the 1820s. The last scenes of the epilogue date back to the creation of secret societies. Decembrists. Events unfold in Moscow, V Petersburg, in the provinces, as well as in Europe - on the sites of the famous battles of the era of the Napoleonic wars.
The novel shows all strata of society, people of different generations and beliefs. Actors - about 600: representatives of the capital nobility (cm.), simple peasants (cm.) and soldiers, many real historical characters, among them - the emperor, Napoleon, field marshal M.I. Kutuzov, famous generals of the Russian and French armies.
The main characters of the novel: Andrey Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, - fictional characters, but having real prototypes, whose characters and fates are typical for the nobility of the first quarter of the 19th century. The life of the heroes who find themselves in the center of historical events that largely determined their fate is inextricably linked with the history of the country and is part of it. Turning to history, the writer sought to find answers to the most important questions of social development and the moral state of modern Russia.
All the characters in the epic novel are in moral quest in search of the meaning of life. Tolstoy does not hide his sympathy for the characters who express the so-called idea of ​​"non-resistance to evil by violence", humility and acceptance of life as it is, awareness of oneself as a particle of the Russian people. The main exponent of these philosophical views in the novel is a simple soldier Platon Karataev.
In this novel, according to the memoirs of the writer's wife S.A. Tolstoy, Tolstoy loved "people's thought": the people are depicted in peaceful life and in war as a driving force armies and partisan movement.
The novel ends with an epilogue in two parts. The first part shows the characters of the novel 7 years after the events Patriotic War 1812 The second part is a historical and philosophical treatise, which expresses the writer's understanding of the driving forces of history, the philosophical categories of freedom and necessity. Tolstoy offers the reader his own historical concept, which does not coincide with the official one: believing that the general course of history is led by a higher divine principle, he completely denies the influence on the development of history of individuals and debunks the cult of Napoleon, long years existing in Russia.
The novel "War and Peace" has been included in school ( cm.) programs in literature. Its heroes and events are well known and entered the cultural and historical memory of the people, especially some episodes (the first ball of Natasha Rostova, the thoughts of the wounded Andrei Bolkonsky on the Field of Austerlitz, the meeting of Pierre Bezukhov with Platon Karataev, etc.), as well as Tolstoy's philosophical reasoning about the course stories, about the war, about a man in the war.
Depicted in the novel Battle of Austerlitz 1805, battle of Borodino (cm.), the fire of Moscow in 1812, the expulsion of the remnants of the French army from Russia are the best artistic embodiment of these historical events in Russian literature. Paintings dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 are associated with them: panorama F. Roubaud"Battle of Borodino" (1911), "Episode from the War of 1812" THEM. Pryanishnikova(1874), "Council in Fili" HELL. Kivshenko(1880).
The novel has been filmed several times. One of the best film adaptations is the four-episode film "War and Peace" directed by S.F. Bondarchuk(1968).
Based on the novel "War and Peace", an opera of the same name was written S.S. Prokofiev(1942–1943).
Some quotes from the novel have become catchwords, such as the expression cudgel of the people's war became a figurative name for guerrilla warfare.
"The first ball of Natasha Rostova." Artist L.O. Parsnip. 1893:

"Pierre on the Rayevsky Battery". Artist D.A. Shmarinov. 1953:

Frame from the film "War and Peace". Battle of Borodino:

Frame from the film. Natasha Rostova - L. Savelyeva, Andrey Bolkonsky - V. Tikhonov:

Russia. Large linguo-cultural dictionary. - M .: State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin. AST-Press. T.N. Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostova, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. Vyunov, V.P. Chudnov. 2007 .

See what "WAR AND PEACE" is in other dictionaries:

    War and Peace- War and peace ... Wikipedia

    War and Peace- War and peace Literary album. "War and Peace", a novel by gr. L. N. Tolstoy. Painting by P. O. Kovalsky, engraving. Schübler. Genre: epic romance

    WAR AND PEACE- WAR AND PEACE, USSR, Mosfilm, 1965 67, color, 431 min. Movie novel. Based on the novel of the same name by L.N. Tolstoy. Now, perhaps, not everyone already remembers that the grandiose plan of Sergei Bondarchuk would hardly have been implemented if it were not for the wounded feeling ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    "War and Peace"- WAR and PEACE, the first private. military monthly magazine published in 1906 (since March) and 1907. PC. cap. Alexander. military studied by V. T. Svistun Zhdanovich. According to the program, the magazine set itself the goal of serving each other. acquaintance and rapprochement of the army with ... ... Military Encyclopedia

    "WAR AND PEACE"- Dramatization of the novel of the same name (1863 1869) by Leo Tolstoy (1828 1910). During Bulgakov's lifetime it was not staged or published. For the first time: Bulgakov M. Plays. M .: Soviet Writer, 1986. On the autograph of V. and M. Bulgakov wrote: ... ... Encyclopedia Bulgakov

    War and Peace- Zharg. school Shuttle. iron. 1. School life. Bytic, 1991 2000; ShP, 2002. 2. Noise in the classroom. Maksimov, 67. 3. Behavior of students at recess. Maximov, 67 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    War and Peace (film, 1968)- War and peace Genre historical drama Director Sergei Bondarchuk Scriptwriter Sergei Bondarchuk Vasily Solovyov based on the novel ... Wikipedia

    War and Peace (disambiguation)- War and Peace novel by Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace (opera) Sergei Prokofiev's opera by novel of the same name L. Tolstoy. War and Peace (rock opera) rock opera by Nikolai Rybnikov based on the novel of the same name by L. Tolstoy, 2011. Screen adaptations ... Wikipedia

    War and Peace (book)- War and Peace War and Peace Literary album. "War and Peace", a novel by gr. L. N. Tolstoy. Painting by P. O. Kovalsky, engraving. Schübler. Genre: epic romance

The novel "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy devoted six years of intense and hard work. September 5, 1863 A.E. Bers, the father of Sofya Andreevna, Tolstoy's wife, sent from Moscow to Yasnaya Polyana a letter with the following remark: "Yesterday we talked a lot about 1812 on the occasion of your intention to write a novel relating to this era." It is this letter that researchers consider "the first accurate evidence" dating the beginning of Tolstoy's work on War and Peace. In October of the same year, Tolstoy wrote to his relative: “I have never felt my mental and even all my moral forces so free and so capable of work. And I have this job. This work is a novel from the time of 1810 and the 20s, which has completely occupied me since the autumn ... I am now a writer with all the strength of my soul, and I write and think, as I have never written and thought before.

The manuscripts of "War and Peace" testify to how one of the world's largest creations was created: over 5,200 finely written sheets have been preserved in the writer's archive. From them you can trace the entire history of the creation of the novel.

Initially, Tolstoy conceived a novel about a Decembrist who returned after a 30-year exile in Siberia. The action of the novel began in 1856, shortly before the abolition of serfdom. But then the writer revised his plan and moved on to 1825 - the era of the Decembrist uprising. Soon the writer abandoned this beginning and decided to show the youth of his hero, which coincided with the formidable and glorious times of the Patriotic War of 1812. But Tolstoy did not stop there, and since the war of 1812 was inextricably linked with 1805, he began his entire work from that time. Having moved the beginning of the action of his novel half a century into history, Tolstoy decided to lead not one, but many heroes through the most important events for Russia.

Tolstoy called his idea - to capture in art form the half-century history of the country - "Three pores". The first time is the beginning of the century, its first decade and a half, the youth of the first Decembrists who went through the Patriotic War of 1812. The second time is the 20s with their main event - the uprising on December 14, 1825. The third time is the 50s, the end of the Crimean War, unsuccessful for the Russian army, the sudden death of Nicholas I, the amnesty of the Decembrists, their return from exile and the time of waiting for changes in the life of Russia. However, in the process of working on the work, the writer narrowed the scope of his original idea and focused on the first period, touching only on the beginning of the second period in the epilogue of the novel. But even in this form, the idea of ​​the work remained global in scope and demanded the exertion of all forces from the writer. At the beginning of his work, Tolstoy realized that the usual framework of the novel and historical story would not be able to accommodate all the richness of the content he had conceived, and began to persistently look for a new art form, he wanted to create literary work quite an unusual type. And he succeeded. "War and Peace", according to L.N. Tolstoy is not a novel, not a poem, not a historical chronicle, this is an epic novel, a new genre of prose, which, after Tolstoy, became widespread in Russian and world literature.


“In order for a work to be good, one must love the main main idea in it. So in Anna Karenina I loved family thought, in War and Peace I love folk thought as a result of the war of 1812” (Tolstoy). The war, which solved the issue of national independence, opened before the writer the source of the strength of the nation - the social and spiritual power of the people. The people make history. This thought illuminated all events and faces. "War and Peace" became historical novel, received the majestic form of an epic ...

The appearance of "War and Peace" in the press caused the most contradictory criticism. Radical-democratic magazines of the 60s. met the novel with fierce attacks. In "Iskra" for 1869 appears "Literary and drawing medley" M. Znamensky [V. Kurochkin], parodying the novel. N. Shelgunov speaks of him: "an apology for a well-fed nobility." T. is attacked for the idealization of the lordly environment, for the fact that the position of the serf peasantry turned out to be bypassed. But the novel did not receive recognition in the reactionary-noble camp either. Some of its representatives went so far as to accuse Tolstoy of being anti-patriotic (see P. Vyazemsky, A. Narov, and others). A special place is occupied by N. Strakhov's article, which emphasized the accusatory aspect of War and Peace. A very interesting article by Tolstoy himself “A Few Words on War and Peace” (1868). Tolstoy, as it were, justified himself in some of the accusations when he wrote: “In those days, they also loved, envied, looked for truth, virtue, were carried away by passions; the same was a complex mental and moral life ... "


Roman gr. Tolstoy is interesting for the military in a twofold sense: by describing the scenes of military and military life and by striving to draw some conclusions regarding the theory of military affairs. The first, that is, the scenes, are inimitable and, in our extreme conviction, can constitute one of the most useful additions to any course in the theory of military art; the latter, that is, the conclusions, do not stand up to the most condescending criticism because of their one-sidedness, although they are interesting as a transitional stage in the development of the author's views on military affairs.


Andrei Bolkonsky: “I would not believe someone who would tell me that I can love like that. It's not at all the same feeling I had before. The whole world is divided for me into two halves: one is she and there is all happiness, hope, light; the other half - everything where it is not, there is all despondency and darkness ... I cannot but love the light, I am not to blame for this. And I'm very happy..."

Pierre Bezukhov: “If there is a God and there is a future life, then there is truth, there is virtue; and the highest happiness of man is to strive to achieve them. We must live, we must love, we must believe ... "


Already in the years of Soviet power, Lenin more than once expressed his feeling of great pride in the genius of Tolstoy, he knew and loved his works well. Gorky recalled how, on one of Lenin's visits, he saw a volume of "War and Peace" on his desk. Vladimir Ilyich immediately started talking about Tolstoy: “What a block, huh? What a hardened human being! Here, this, my friend, is an artist ... And, you know, what else is amazing? Prior to this, there was no real muzhik in literature.

Who in Europe can be put next to him?

He answered himself:



On the one side, brilliant artist, which gave not only incomparable pictures of Russian life, but also first-class works of world literature. On the other hand, there is a landowner who is foolish in Christ.

On the one hand, there is a remarkably strong, direct and sincere protest against public lies and falsehood, - on the other hand, a “Tolstoyan”, that is, a worn, hysterical squib, called a Russian intellectual, who, publicly beating his chest, says: “ I am bad, I am ugly, but I am engaged in moral self-improvement; I don’t eat meat anymore and now eat rice cakes.”

On the one hand, merciless criticism of capitalist exploitation, exposure of government violence, the comedy of court and state administration, revealing the depth of the contradictions between the growth of wealth and the conquests of civilization and the growth of poverty, savagery and torment of the working masses; on the other hand, the foolish preaching of "non-resistance to evil" by violence.


“In January 1871, Tolstoy sent a letter to Fet: “How happy I am ... that I will never write verbose rubbish like “War” again”

On December 6, 1908, Tolstoy wrote in his diary: “People love me for those trifles - War and Peace, etc., which seem very important to them”

“In the summer of 1909, one of the visitors to Yasnaya Polyana expressed his delight and gratitude for the creation of War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Tolstoy replied: "It's like someone came to Edison and said:" I respect you very much because you dance the mazurka well. I attribute meaning to very different books of mine."


The Americans declared Leo Tolstoy's four-volume work "War and Peace" the main novel of all times and peoples. Newsweek magazine experts have compiled a list of one hundred books declared by the publication to be the best of all that have ever been written. As a result of the selection, in addition to the novel by Leo Tolstoy, the top ten included: "1984" by George Orwell, "Ulysses" by James Joyce, "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov, "The Sound and the Fury" by William Faulkner, "The Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison, "Na Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf, “Iliad” and “Odyssey” by Homer, “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen and “The Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri.

"War and Peace" is a great work. What is the history of the creation of the epic novel? L. N. Tolstoy himself more than once wondered why in life it happens this way and not otherwise ... Indeed, why, for what and how the creative process of creation proceeded greatest work all times and peoples? After all, it took seven long years to write it ...

The history of the creation of the novel "War and Peace": the first evidence of the beginning of work

In September 1863, a letter arrives in Yasnaya Polyana from the father of Sofya Andreevna Tolstoy - A.E. Bersa. He writes that the day before he and Lev Nikolayevich had a long conversation about people's war against Napoleon and about that era in general - the count intends to start writing a novel dedicated to those great and memorable events in the history of Russia. The mention of this letter is not accidental, since it is considered "the first accurate evidence" of the beginning of the work of the great Russian writer on the novel "War and Peace". This is also confirmed by another document dated the same year a month later: Lev Nikolaevich writes to a relative about his new idea. He was already involved in work on an epic novel about the events of the beginning of the century and up to the 50s. How much moral strength and energy he needs to carry out what he has planned, he says, and how much he already possesses, he already writes and thinks about everything in the way that he "has never written or thought about."

First idea

The history of the creation of Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" indicates that the writer's original intention was to create a book about the difficult fate of a Decembrist who returned to his native land in 1865 (the time of the abolition of serfdom) after many years of exile in Siberia. However, Lev Nikolayevich soon revised his idea and turned to historical events 1825 - time As a result, this idea was also abandoned: the protagonist's youth passed against the backdrop of the Patriotic War of 1912, a formidable and glorious time for the entire Russian people, which, in turn, was another link in the inextricable chain of events of 1805. Tolstoy decided to start telling stories from the very beginning - the beginning of the 19th century - and revived the half-century history of the Russian state with the help of not one main character, but many vivid images.

The history of the creation of the novel "War and Peace" or "Three Pores"

We continue ... Undoubtedly, a vivid idea of ​​the writer's work on the novel is given by his story of creation ("War and Peace"). So, the time and place of the novel are determined. The author conducts the main actors- Decembrists, through three historically significant periods of time, hence the original title of the work "Three Pores".

The first part covers the period from the beginning of the 19th century until 1812, when the youth of the heroes coincided with the war between Russia and Napoleonic France. The second is the 20s, not without including the most important thing - the Decembrist uprising in 1825. And, finally, the third, final part - the 50s - the time of the return of the rebels from exile under the amnesty granted by the emperor against the backdrop of such tragic pages of Russian history as the inglorious defeat and death of Nicholas I.

Well, the novel, in its conception and scope, promised to be global and demanded a different art form, and it was found. According to Lev Nikolayevich himself, “War and Peace” is not historical chronicles, and not a poem, and not even just a novel, but a new genre in fiction - an epic novel, where the fates of many people and an entire nation are associated with grandiose historical events .


Work on the work was very difficult. The history of creation ("War and Peace") suggests that many times Lev Nikolayevich took the first steps and immediately stopped writing. There are fifteen versions of the first chapters of the work in the writer's archive. What hindered? What haunted the Russian genius? The desire to fully express their thoughts, their religious and philosophical ideas, research, their vision of history, to give their assessments of those socio-political processes, the huge role not of emperors, not leaders, but of the whole people in the history of the country. This required a colossal effort of all spiritual forces. More than once he lost and regained hope to fulfill his plan to the end. Hence the idea of ​​the novel, and the names of the early editions: "Three Pores", "All's well that ends well", "1805". They seem to have changed more than once.

Patriotic War of 1812

Thus, the author’s long creative throwing ended in a narrowing of the time frame - Tolstoy focused all his attention on 1812, the war of Russia against the “Great Army” of the French Emperor Napoleon, and only in the epilogue touched on the birth of the Decembrist movement.

The smells and sounds of war... To convey them, it was necessary to study a huge amount of material. This and fiction of that time, and historical documents, memoirs and letters of contemporaries of those events, battle plans, orders and orders of military commanders ... He spared neither time nor effort. From the very beginning, he rejected all those historical chronicles that sought to portray the war as a battlefield between two emperors, extolling first one, then the other. The writer did not belittle their merits and their significance, but put the people and their spirit at the forefront.

As you can see, the work has incredible interesting story creation. "War and Peace" boasts another interesting fact. Between the manuscripts, another small, but nevertheless important document has been preserved - a sheet with the notes of the writer himself, made during his stay on it. On it, he captured the horizon line, indicating exactly where which villages were. Here you can also see the line of movement of the sun during the battle itself. All this, one might say, is bare sketches, sketches of what was later destined, under the pen of a genius, to turn into the real picture, depicting the great full of movement, life, extraordinary colors and sounds. Incredible and amazing, isn't it?

chance and genius

L. Tolstoy on the pages of his novel talked a lot about the laws of history. His conclusions are also applicable to life, they contain much that concerns a great work, in particular the history of creation. "War and Peace" went through many stages to become a real masterpiece.

Science says that chance and genius are to blame: chance suggested with the help of artistic means capture half a century of Russian history, and the genius - Leo Tolstoy - took advantage of it. But from this follow new questions about what this case is, what genius is. On the one hand, these are just words designed to explain what is actually inexplicable, and on the other hand, it is impossible to deny some of their suitability and usefulness, at least they denote "a certain degree of understanding of things."

Where and how the idea itself and the history of the creation of the novel "War and Peace" appeared - it is impossible to find out until the end, there are only bare facts, therefore we say "case". Further - more: we read the novel and cannot imagine that power, that human spirit, or rather superhuman, which managed to clothe the deepest philosophical thoughts and ideas in an amazing form - therefore we say "genius".

The longer the series of “cases” that passes before us, the more the facets of the author’s genius shine, the closer we seem to be to revealing the secret of L. Tolstoy’s genius and some incomprehensible truth contained in the work. But this is an illusion. What to do? Lev Nikolaevich believed in the only possible understanding of the world order - the renunciation of knowledge of the ultimate goal. If we admit that the ultimate goal of creating a novel is inaccessible to us, if we renounce all the reasons, visible and invisible, that prompted the writer to take up writing a work, we will comprehend or at least admire and enjoy to the full its infinite depth, designed to serve common goals, not always accessible to human understanding. As the writer himself said while working on the novel, the ultimate goal of the artist is not the undeniable resolution of issues, but leading and pushing the reader to love life in all its countless manifestations, so that he would cry and laugh along with the main characters.

Test based on the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (volume 1) Option 1
1) Prince Nikolai Andreevich, Andrei, Marya, Nikolenka. Enter the name of this family. 6) How many native children were there in the family of Count Rostov?
a) two b) three c) four d) five
2) In what historical era does the action of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" develop?
a) the era of Catherine II c) the era of Alexander I
b) the reign of Nicholas II d) the era of Alexander II 7) Whose portrait is this? Write the character's first and last name.
"... a massive, fat young man with a cropped head, wearing glasses, light trousers in the fashion of the time, with a high frill and in a brown tailcoat."
3) From what episode does the action of the novel begin?
a) from the author's reflections on the war
b) from a description of the evening at the maid of honor of the Empress
c) with the characteristics of the Rostov family
d) from the description of St. Petersburg 8) Determine the culmination of the 1st volume of the novel.
a) Battle of Austerlitz
b) meeting of emperors in Tilsit
c) name day in the Rostovs' house
d) council in Fili
4) Which of the heroes of the novel "War and Peace" for the first time appears before us like this:
“Black-eyed, with a big mouth, ugly, but lively, with her childish open shoulders, which shrank, moved in her corsage from fast running, with her black curls knocked back, thin bare arms and small legs in lace knickers and open shoes” ? 9) Find out the hero, write his first and last name.
“Why not marry if she is very rich? It never gets in the way, thought ______________.
He shaved, perfumed himself with the thoroughness and panache that had become his habit, and with a good-natured victorious expression innate to him, carrying his beautiful head high, entered the room ...
5) Whose portrait is this? Write the character's first and last name.
"... was of small stature, a very handsome young man with definite and dry features." 10) Who was Natasha Rostova in love with at the moment when the author introduces the readers to the heroes of the work?
Write the character's first and last name.
Test based on the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (volume 1) Option 2
1) Count Ilya Andreevich, Natasha, Nikolai, Petya ...
Enter the name of this family. 6) Write what was the name of the Bolkonsky estate, where did Prince Bolkonsky live with his daughter?
2) The action of the novel "War and Peace" was originally supposed to cover a huge period of Russian history. Which of the dates is not related to the planned plot?
a) 1807 b) 1825 c) 1856 d) 1863 7) Write what goal Prince Vasily Kuragin set for himself after Pierre became rich.
3) The action of the novel "War and Peace" begins
a) January 1812
b) in May 1807
c) in July 1805
d) in April 1801 8) Indicate the name of the battle, after which Prince Andrei became disillusioned with his idol - Napoleon.
a) Shengrabenskoe c) Borodino
b) Friedland d) Austerlitz 4) Who is m-lle Bourienne (Mademoiselle Bourienne)?
a) friend of Julie Karaginoybe) niece of Anna Pavlovna Shererv) companion of Maria Bolkonskaya
d) a guest of the Rostov family 9) Recognize the hero of the novel "War and Peace" by signs and write the name and surname.
The whiteness of the shoulders, the gloss of the hair and diamonds, the unchanging smile, the very open chest and back...

5) Why is Prince Andrei going to serve in the army (volume 1)?
a) this is how an officer's duty is presented to him
b) because of the desire for fame
c) because of the desire to defend the Motherland
d) at the insistence of the father
10) Find out the heroine and write her first and last name.
"She was so bad ... It was not the dress that was bad, but the face and the whole figure ... if you attach a blue ribbon to your hair, combed up, and pull down a blue scarf from a brown dress, etc., then everything will be fine. ... a frightened face and figure it was impossible to change, and ... the face itself remained pitiful and ugly. "

Attached files

"War and Peace" is the central work in Tolstoy's creative heritage, on which the writer worked for 7 years. By the time the final version of the novel was created, its idea and characteristics of the characters had largely changed: initially, the author conceived the work about the Decembrist Peter and his wife Natalya, who returned after the amnesty of 1855, but gradually the original idea changed - the boundaries of the novel’s action in time and space expanded, along with novelistic, in the work of Tolstoy the epic beginning is clearly expressed. The author's task is to understand and comprehend his own modernity through history.

The epic novel is based on events that are especially important for the history of the people; critical, milestone epochs, revealing important patterns of the country's historical development. The subject of Tolstoy's image was history itself, presented as a single stream of life, combining scenes of battles and love dreams of heroes, historical meetings of monarchs or generals and private joys and sufferings. In this movement, the cry of the newborn Nikolenka Bolkonsky, and the groans of the wounded on the Borodino field, and the laughter of Natasha Rostova, and the tears of Kutuzov, who learned that the French had finally left devastated Moscow, turn out to be natural manifestations of life itself. History appears in Tolstoy's novel as alive, moving, being created before our eyes, this single life stream organically includes the author's comments and reflections, and therefore the past seems in the novel not distant from us, but close, modern, revealing a lot in today's life.

The action of the epic novel covers a significant time period and takes place over a vast area, and, as a result, the work of this genre is especially large in volume and complex in construction. The time of action in Tolstoy's work spans 15 years: the novel opens with an evening scene in the house of Anna Pavlovna Scherer in 1805 and ends with a depiction of the private life of Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova, Nikolai Rostov and Marya Bolkonskaya in 1820. The huge historical and vital material of the novel will make up three main layers: 1805-1811 are the complex French-Russian relations of the early 19th century, the main characters' desire for happiness, gains and losses along the way; the culmination of the novel is the war of 1812, in the fire of which different destinies and private lives were united; continuation of the spiritual search for heroes after this national event, which predetermined the further history of the whole country and individuals.

On the pages of the novel, Tolstoy creates a capacious image of the people - a kind of unity of spirit in many different individuals. The whole epic scale of the novel is held together by the “folk idea”, which Tolstoy called “especially beloved”.

The image of the nation's existence in the genre of the epic novel is combined with the disclosure of the depths of an individual soul; in the existence of an individual person, the state of the whole world is manifested in its own way; in private, specific episodes of the life of heroes, deep patterns of history are revealed. The novel beginning in the epic is precisely connected with the depiction of unique destinies and characters, the complex individual spiritual quest of the heroes.