\ For a teacher of Russian language and literature

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Public lesson according to the story of L. N. Tolstoy " Prisoner of the Caucasus».

An open lesson in literature provided: Natalia Kharlova, email: [email protected]

Moral lessons of L. N. Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

Abstract with the development of a lesson on Russian literature at school

Objectives of the lesson of Russian literature:

1) Educational:

  • consider the main characters of the story and their actions.

2) Developing:

  • develop the ability to analyze text artwork;
  • develop the ability to express one's thoughts, evaluate the actions of heroes - to generalize, draw conclusions;
  • to form an idea of ​​the heroes of the work on the basis of a comparison of verbal and graphic images;
  • learn to concisely state the narrative text;
  • develop communication skills, enrich vocabulary;
  • to continue work on the development of the culture of speech of schoolchildren.

3) Educational:

  • education of universal values;
  • ability to work in a group: respect the opinion of a friend, the development of a sense of mutual assistance, support.

Russian Literature Lesson Plan

1. Organizational moment (greeting the teacher and students, preparing for work), slide - screensaver number 1.

2. introduction teachers (message of the topic and setting the objectives of the lesson to students).

3. Oral work on questions (slide number 2).

The theme of the artwork;

The idea of ​​a work of art;

Composition of a work of art (slide number 3).

(Each drawing is a separate episode of the story. Arrange them (drawings) in the correct sequence, according to the plot).

(slide number 4 Caucasus)

5. Quiz

6. Physical Minute.

7. Group work

(slide collage No. 5 Caucasus)

  • why true?
  • story language (slide number 6).

9. Checking homework

(slide number 7 main characters and their interactions).

Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin (students filled out the table at home).

(slide number 8 comparison of characters).

Oral work on questions.

10. Crossword.

(slides No. 9,10).

11. The result of the lesson (conclusions). Teacher's word.

  • What problems does L. N. Tolstoy raise in the story? ( slide number 11 moral)
  • What is the meaning of the story's title? (slide number 12 about friendship).

12. Estimates (commentary).

During the classes

1. Organizational moment (greeting the teacher and students, preparing for work).

(slide - screensaver number 1)

2. Introductory speech of the teacher. (message of the topic and setting the goal of the lesson to the students.)

For several lessons, we read the story of L. N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and got acquainted with the characters, the plot, and the wonderful nature of the Caucasus. Today we will visit the expanses of the Caucasus again, plunge into the life, traditions of that time and answer important questions that concern everyone who has read this work.

And here are the questions that we will try to answer today.

(slide number 2)

  • story composition

Subject - this is a circle of life phenomena depicted in the work. The circle of events that form the life basis of the work.

Idea - This the main idea works. And the author wanted to show that perseverance and courage always win. To teach people not to give up even in the most difficult circumstances, to persevere in achieving their goal. Condemns hostility between peoples. Condemns betrayal. Shows that war is a senseless enmity of people.

Composition - this is the construction of a work, the arrangement of parts and episodes in a meaningful sequence. We list these parts (exposition, plot, development of the action, climax, denouement, epilogue). The composition can be called direct. She follows the story.

(slide number 3)

exposition - the action takes place in the 19th century in the Caucasus. There is a war between Russians and highlanders. Initial acquaintance with the characters, Zhilin and Kostylin. Tolstoy's exposition and epilogue are swift, they fit in a few lines.

tie - Zhilin receives a letter from home and decides to go on vacation.

Development of action - after that, a lot of different episodes take place, which we will talk about during the lesson.

climax - second run.

denouement - Zhilin finds himself in his fortress.

Epilogue - Zhilin remained to serve in the Caucasus, and a month later Kostylin was ransomed for 5 thousand and brought to the fortress barely alive.

4. Exhibition of students' drawings.

(slide Caucasus No. 4)

(Each drawing is a separate episode of the story. Arrange them (drawings) in the correct sequence, according to the plot).

While one student arranges the drawings in the correct sequence, according to the plot, the whole class answers the question:

Why is this true? (slide - true story). In time, you can write down the definition in a notebook.

5. Quiz (small portrait characteristics story characters).

  1. “The man is overweight, fat, all red, and sweat is pouring from him” (Kostylin)
  2. “Although small in stature, he was daring. He pulled out a saber, let the horse go straight at the red Tatar ”(Zhilin)
  3. “A girl came running - thin, thin, about 13 years old. She was dressed in a long shirt, blue, with wide sleeves and without a belt. The eyes are black, bright, and the face is beautiful ”(Dina)
  4. “He was small in stature, he had a white towel wrapped around his hat, his face was wrinkled and red as a brick. The nose is hooked like a hawk, the eyes are gray, angry and there are no teeth, only two fangs, it walks like a wolf looks around ... ”(Hadji)
  5. “Farewell, I will remember you forever. Thanks, smart girl. Who will make dolls for you without me? ... "(Zhilin)
  6. "He doesn't like your brother. He tells you to kill. Yes, I can’t kill you, I paid money for you, yes, Ivan, I fell in love with you ... ”(Abdul)

6. Physical Minute.

7. Group work (discussion of individual issues).

(slide Caucasus - collage No. 5).

Let's remember some episodes of the story. Now you will work in groups. Each team has one question. This issue is discussed by all members of the group. 1-2 minutes for discussion. After reflection and discussion, one representative from each group gives a monologue answer to their question. Submissions from members of other groups are accepted.

I group

Life and customs of the inhabitants of the village.

  • describe the village
  • highlander clothes
  • talk about their habits

II group

How did the highlanders treat the captives and the captives towards the highlanders?

III group

Tell about Dean:

  • appearance
  • why did you help Zhilin?
  • How do you rate Dean's performance?

IV group

Why did the first run fail?

8. Oral work on the questions:

  • why true?
  • story language

(slide number 6)

Why did L. N. Tolstoy call his work come true? What is true?

Answer. True story - a story about a true life history, the story of what really happened.

I want to draw your attention to the language of the story.

Answer. The narrative is lively and emotional, reminiscent of the story of an eyewitness of events, an experienced person. The language of the Caucasian prisoner is close to the language of the people, fairy tales and true stories. It is simple, strict, concise, expressive, close to the lively folk dialect, with the colloquial language ("dogs wandered", "roasts a horse").

So, let's list the main characters of the story again. All of them are interconnected How exactly, now let's look and draw some conclusions.

(slide number 7)

9. Checking homework.

  • Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin (students filled out the table at home).
  • In the last lesson, we titled each part of the story, and this is what came of it (I show the table on sheet A-4). The work is done in groups. Group 1 reads the title of the chapter and does comparative characteristic Zh. and K., etc. (work in groups).

So let's draw conclusions together.

(slide number 8)

What is the meaning of the story's title?

Answer. Already in the title is the opposition of the two heroes Zhilin and Kostylin. Both officers are captured, but only one of them was "captured" by circumstances. Zhilin managed to survive, take root in a hostile environment, managed to win over even his enemies, solved his problems himself, without shifting it onto the shoulders of others, was strong, “wiry”. Zhilin is a hero. It is about him in this story. Zhilin, who was going to leave these places forever, remains in the Caucasus. Having truly learned from the inside the life of the highlanders, the hero with all his heart becomes a “captive” of the beautiful Caucasus.

Kostylin, from the very beginning, is a slave of his flesh, a slave of the situation. He was never free in spirit, free in his choice. He does not stand the test that Zhilin overcomes. He is forever in captivity of his own weakness, inertia and his egoism.

10. The result of the lesson (conclusions). Teacher's word.

What problems does L. N. Tolstoy raise in the story?

(slide number 9)

Answer. L. N. Tolstoy raises important moral issues: about comradely duty, kindness and responsiveness, about fidelity, friendship, about courage and steadfastness. He glorifies strong-willed people who are ready to overcome any obstacles. Tolstoy tells about the power of friendship, which brings together people of different nationalities.

Tolstoy sharply poses the problem of "peace and war" in the human soul. The author is convinced that evil in response gives birth only to evil, violence, destruction. Evil is based on intolerance, the desire for profit, national prejudices. Evil can be resisted by love for people, kindness, care for one's neighbor. Evil gives rise to war in the souls of people, and kindness to peace. But the victory of "peace" does not come immediately and not to everyone. She will not come to the old man Hajja, who hates everyone and everything. And for Dina and those like her, it's not too late. The friendship of Zhilin and Dina is the key to the universal victory of the "peace", in which the author wants to believe.

Guys, you did a good job and now we will have a little rest and answer the crossword questions.

11. Crossword.

(crossword slides No. 10,11)

The key word of our crossword puzzle is friendship. All the work of Leo Tolstoy is permeated with the ideas of friendship between people and between peoples. Reading the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus", we felt and understood how wonderful it is to be friends, to love friends, to live for others. Little Dina understood this, although Zhilin was older than her and a stranger by blood.

Let's end our conversation about this story with the words famous poet N. Rubtsova:

“We will respond to all kindness with kindness,

We will answer all love with love.

(slide number 12)

12. Estimates (commentary).


Tolstoy thought a lot and painfully about the war. What is war? Does humanity need it? These questions arose before the writer at the very beginning of his literary career (the stories "The Raid", 1852; "Cutting the Forest", 1855) and occupied him throughout his life. “War has always interested me. But the war is not in the sense of combinations of great commanders, - he wrote in the story "The Raid", my imagination refused to follow such huge actions: I did not understand them, but I was interested in the very fact of the war - murder. It is more interesting for me to know how and under the influence of what feeling one soldier killed another than the disposition of troops at Austerlitz or Borodino. IN Caucasian stories Tolstoy uncompromisingly condemns war as a phenomenon contrary to the humane nature of man. “Is it really crowded for people to live in this beautiful world, under this immeasurable starry sky? ... Everything unkind in a person’s heart should, it seems, disappear in contact with nature - this most direct expression of beauty and goodness.”

Tolstoy is interested in the moral traits of a Russian person, which determine his behavior in the war. In "Cutting the Forest" the writer gave a deep psychological description of the Russian soldier. “In a Russian, a real Russian soldier, you will never notice boasting, arrogance, a desire to be fooled, get excited in time of danger: on the contrary, modesty, simplicity and the ability to see in danger quite different from danger constitute distinctive features his character."

At the same time, the writer revealed individual character traits in each soldier. "Bombardier Antonov ... with one gun, he fired back from a strong enemy and, with two bullets in his thigh, continued to walk near the gun and load it." Chikin in any conditions: “whether in a bitter frost, knee-deep in mud, not eaten for two days ...” - he loved a joke. Velenchuk - "... simple-hearted, kind, extremely diligent ... and extremely honest." Zhdanov "never drank, did not smoke, did not play cards, did not swear with a bad word ... Zhdanov's only joy and even passion were songs." Artistic originality Tolstoy's Caucasian military stories phase was seen in literary circles; contemporary critics called them "a true and happy innovation in the description of military scenes ...". In the besieged Sevastopol, in the autumn of 1853, the war began.

Russia with Turkey and its allies - England and France. When the ships of the enemy flag approached the Crimea, L. N. Tolstoy began to fuss about transferring him to serve in the army. He was allowed to go first to the Danube army, and then, at his own request, he transferred to Sevastopol. Once in the besieged city, Tolstoy was shocked by the heroic spirit of the troops and the population. “The spirit in the troops is beyond any description,” he wrote in a letter to his brother Sergei Nikolaevich. - At the time ancient greece there was not so much heroism. Kornilov, circling the troops, instead of "Great, guys!" -said: “You need to die, guys, will you die?” - and the troops shouted: "We will die, Your Excellency, hurrah!"

The young second lieutenant found a response to his thoughts and feelings in wide circles of officers and soldiers as a writer of satirical Sevastopol songs ridiculing the military "prince-counts" who undertook rash and poorly prepared battles.

* Like the fourth number
* It was not easy to carry us
* Mountains to select.
* Gathered for advice
* All large epaulettes,
* Even the Beckok parade ground.
* Thought for a long time guessing

* Topographers all wrote
* On a large sheet.
* Cleanly inscribed in the papers,
* Yes, we forgot about the ravines,
* How to walk on them.
* To Fedyukin Heights
* There were only three companies of us,
* And the shelves went

Expressing the national mood, the song was easy to remember and became so widespread that it began to be considered folk. L. N. Tolstoy also took part in the composition of another song - “Like the Eighth of September”, which, according to contemporaries, “circled all over Russia”. Only officers close to Tolstoy knew that he was the author of popular soldiers' songs. Both songs were published in 1857 by Herzen in the Polar Star. Tolstoy stayed in Sevastopol until the end of the siege, took a direct part in the defense of the city, for bravery and courage he was awarded the Order of Anna with the inscription "For Bravery", medals "For the Defense of Sevastopol", "In memory of the Eastern War of 1853-1856".

In August 1855, Sevastopol fell. Russia lost the war. Tolstoy was sent to Petersburg with a report on the last battle. L. N. Tolstoy began to write his first story about the heroic defense of the besieged city - "Sevastopol in the month of December" (1854). It was followed by two other stories: "Sevastopol in May" (1855) and "Sevastopol in August 1855". In his stories about the three stages of the Crimean epic, Tolstoy showed the war "not in the correct, beautiful and brilliant order, with music and drumming, with waving banners and prancing generals ... but in its real expression - in blood, in suffering, in death ..." . The story "Sevastopol in the month of December" is filled with a patriotic spirit and a feeling of admiration for the defenders of the motherland. Showing the Crimean War without embellishment, Tolstoy, however, in this story has not yet condemned it. He was interested in the moral high spirit of the people. The people fought "not for the city, but for the motherland," and that is why it was impossible "to shake the strength of the Russian people anywhere."

In the story "Sevastopol in May" the writer shows the life of the defended city six months after the start of the siege. There are crowds of wounded in the city. War brings torment above all ordinary people. Here is a ten-year-old boy in his father's old cap picking flowers in a valley strewn with corpses. The image of a child becomes a symbol of universal grief, it contains a condemnation of war, an eternal reproach to those who order people to go to their death. Revealing the suffering of people in the war, the writer, as in the first story, develops the idea of ​​the heroism of Russian soldiers, real defenders of the motherland. However, if the first story reflects the spirit of patriotism, the author's firm confidence in the victory of the Russians, then the second story reveals the vices of the army, which threatened Russia with defeat. “How many stars are put on, how many are taken off, how many Annas, Vladimirs, how many pink coffins and linen covers! And all the same sounds are heard from the bastions ... And the issue that has not been resolved by diplomats is even less resolved by gunpowder and grapeshot.

Tolstoy was deeply disillusioned with the officer environment and portrayed it sharply satirically. The officers are heterogeneous; on the one hand, aristocrats like Galtsin and Kalugin stand out, vain and frivolous, dreaming only of awards; on the other hand, simple and timid army men, like Mikhailov. But both of them are far from the soldiers, deprived of the people's feeling of love for the motherland. Their official patriotism "for the faith, the king and the fatherland" is false.

The failure of feudal Russia in waging war was revealed to the writer, and he ends the second story with questions denouncing both the government and the entire state order. “Where is the expression of the evil that must be avoided? Where is the expression of the good that should be imitated in this story? Who is the villain, who is her hero? Is everyone good and everyone is bad?.. But the hero of my story, whom I love with all the strength of my soul, whom I tried to reproduce in all its beauty and who has always been, is and will be beautiful, is true.

The theme of war in the great epic novel "War and Peace" begins with the image of the war of 1805 by L.N. Tolstoy shows both the careerism of staff officers and the heroism of ordinary soldiers, modest army officers, such as Captain Tushin. Tushin's battery took upon itself the brunt of the blow of the French artillery, but these people did not flinch, did not abandon the battlefield even when the order to retreat was given to them - they still took care not to leave the guns to the enemy. And the courageous captain Tushin is timidly silent, afraid to object to the senior officer in response to his unfair reproaches, afraid to let another boss down, does not reveal the true state of affairs and does not justify himself. L.N. Tolstoy admires the heroism of the modest artillery captain and his fighters, but he shows his attitude to the war by drawing the first battle of Nikolai Rostov, then a novice in the hussar regiment. There is a crossing over the Enns near its confluence with the Danube, and the author depicts a landscape of remarkable beauty: “mountains blue beyond the Danube, a monastery, mysterious gorges flooded to the tops with fog pine forests". In contrast to this, what happens later on the bridge is drawn: shelling, groans of the wounded, stretchers ... Nikolai Rostov sees this through the eyes of a man for whom war has not yet become a profession, and he is horrified by how easily the idyll and beauty of nature are destroyed. And when for the first time he meets the French in open battle, the first reaction of an inexperienced person is bewilderment and fear. “The enemy’s intention to kill him seemed impossible,” and Rostov, frightened, “grabbed a pistol and, instead of firing from it, threw it at the Frenchman and ran to the bushes with all his strength.” “One inseparable feeling of fear for my young, happy life dominated his entire being. And the reader does not condemn Nikolai Rostov for cowardice, sympathizing with the young man. The anti-militarist position of the writer manifested itself in the way L.N. Tolstoy's attitude to the war of soldiers: they do not know what and with whom they are fighting, the goals and objectives of the war are incomprehensible to the people. This was especially evident in the depiction of the war of 1807, which, as a result of complex political intrigues, ended with the Peace of Tilsit. Nikolai Rostov, who visited the hospital with his friend Denisov, saw with his own eyes the terrible situation of the wounded in hospitals, filth, disease, and the lack of the most necessary care for the wounded. And when he arrived in Tilsit, he saw the fraternization of Napoleon and Alexander I, the ostentatious rewarding of heroes from both sides. Rostov cannot get out of his head thoughts about Denisov and the hospital, about Bonaparte, "who was now the emperor, whom Emperor Alexander loves and respects."
And Rostov is frightened by the naturally arising question: “What are the torn off arms, legs, killed people for?” Rostov does not allow himself to go further in his reflections, but the reader understands the author's position: condemnation of the senselessness of war, violence, pettiness of political intrigues. War of 1805-1807 he assesses it as a crime of the ruling circles against the people.
The beginning of the war of 1812 is shown by JI.H. Tolstoy as the beginning of a war that is no different from the others. “An event contrary to human reason and all human nature has taken place,” the author writes, discussing the causes of the war and not considering them in any way justified. It is incomprehensible to us that millions of Christian people kill and torture each other "due to political circumstances." “It is impossible to understand what connection these circumstances have with the very fact of murder and violence,” the writer says, confirming his idea with numerous facts.
The nature of the war of 1812 has changed since the siege of Smolensk: it has become popular. This is convincingly confirmed by the scenes of the Smolensk fire. The merchant Ferapontov and a man in a frieze overcoat, who set fire to barns with bread with their own hands, the manager of Prince Bolkonsky Alpatych, the inhabitants of the city - all these people, watching the fire with “briskly joyful and exhausted faces”, are embraced by a single patriotic impulse, the desire to resist the enemy. The best of the nobles experience the same feelings - they are one with their people. Prince Andrei, who once refused to serve in the Russian army after deep personal experiences, explains his changed point of view in this way: “The French have ruined my house and are going to ruin Moscow, and insult and insult me ​​every second. They are my enemies, they are all criminals, according to my concepts. And Timokhin and the whole army think the same way. This unified patriotic impulse is especially vividly shown by Tolstoy in the prayer scene on the eve of the Battle of Borodino: soldiers and militia “monotonously greedily” look at the icon taken from Smolensk, and this feeling is understandable to any Russian person, as Pierre Bezukhov, who went around the positions near the Borodino field, understood him. The same feeling of patriotism forced the people to leave Moscow. “They went because for the Russian people there could be no question whether it would be good or bad under the control of the French in Moscow. It was impossible to be under the control of the French: it was the worst of all, ”writes L.N. Tolstoy. Having a very extraordinary view of the event of that time, the author believed that it was the people who were the driving force of history, since their hidden patriotism is not expressed in phrases and “unnatural actions”, but is expressed “imperceptibly, simply, organically and therefore always produces the strongest results” . People left their property, like the Rostov family, they gave all the carts to the wounded, and it seemed shameful to them to do otherwise. "Are we any Germans?" - Natasha is indignant, and the countess-mother asks forgiveness from her husband for the recent reproaches that he wants to ruin the children, not caring about the property left in the house. People burn houses with all the goods so that the enemy does not get it, so that the enemy does not triumph - and achieve their goal. Napoleon tries to rule the capital, but his orders are sabotaged, he is completely out of control of the situation and, according to the author, "is like a child who, holding on to the ribbons tied inside the carriage, imagines that he rules." From the point of view of the writer, the role of the individual in history is determined by the extent to which this individual understands his correspondence to the course of the current moment. It is precisely by the fact that Kutuzov feels the mood of people, the spirit of the army and monitors its change, corresponding to him with his orders, explains L.N. Tolstoy's success as a Russian commander. No one, except Kuguzov, understands this need to follow the natural course of events; Yermolov, Miloradovich, Platov and others - all want to hasten the defeat of the French. When the regiments went on the attack near Vyazma, they "beaten and lost thousands of people", but "no one was cut off or knocked over." Only Kutuzov, with his senile wisdom, understands the uselessness of this offensive: “Why all this, when one third of this army melted from Moscow to Vyazma without a fight?” "The club of the people's war rose with all its formidable and majestic strength," and the whole course of subsequent events confirmed this. Partisan detachments united officer Vasily Denisov, demoted militiaman Dolokhov, peasant Tikhon Shcherbaty - people of different classes. But it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the great common cause that united them - the destruction of the "Great Army" of Napoleon.
It should be noted not only the courage and heroism of the partisans, but also their generosity and mercy. The Russian people, destroying the army of the enemy, were able to pick up and feed the drummer boy Vincent (whose name they changed to Spring or Visenya), warm Morel and Rambal, an officer and a batman, by the fire. About the same - about mercy for the vanquished - Kutuzov's speech under Krasnoy: “While they were strong, we did not spare ourselves, but now you can feel sorry for them. They are people too." But Kutuzov has already played his role - after the expulsion of the French from Russia, the sovereign did not need him. Feeling that "his calling is fulfilled," the old military leader retired. Now the former political intrigues of those in power begin: the sovereign, the grand duke. Politics requires the continuation of the European campaign, which Kutuzov did not approve of, for which he was dismissed. In the assessment of L.N. Tolstoy's foreign campaign was possible only without Kutuzov: “There was nothing left for the representative of the people's war but death. And he died."
appreciating people's war, uniting people "for the salvation and glory of Russia", J1.H. Tolstoy condemns the war of European significance, considering the interests of politics unworthy of the destiny of man on earth, and the manifestation of violence as inhumane and unnatural to human nature.

L. N. denied the war, considered it an event "against the human mind and all human nature."

We can see the author's attitude to the war very clearly in the episode of Nikolai Rostov's visit to the hospital. As soon as Nikolai drove up to the medical institution, he was struck by the fact that in the middle of the summer, “when it was so good in the field,” the place where the hospital was located appeared as a gloomy sight: filthy streets, ragged residents, drunken or sick soldiers.

As soon as Rostov entered the door of the hospital, he was "covered by the smell of a rotting body and the hospital." He was especially struck by the appearance of the soldiers' chambers, where people lay both on the floor and on the beds; the wounded in battle were in the same room with those who were ill with typhus. And when Nikolai heard the request of one of the soldiers to remove the corpse that had been lying next to him in the morning, goosebumps ran through Rostov's body. “After all, they are also people, not dogs!” - these words of the wounded do not denounce the war, which doomed them not only to torment and death, but also to humiliation?

I find a similar image of the war in the works of writers of the twentieth century: Konstantin Simonov “Soldiers are not born” and Viktor Astafiev “Cursed and killed”. Each line of these novels is reminiscent of Tolstoy's attitude towards war and its condemnation.

“I don’t know anyone who would write about the war better than Tolstoy”

Ernest Hemingway

Many writers use real historical events for the subjects of their works. One of the most frequently described events is war - civil, domestic, world. The Patriotic War of 1812 deserves special attention: the Battle of Borodino, the burning of Moscow, the exile of the French Emperor Napoleon. In Russian literature, a detailed depiction of the war is presented in the novel "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy. The writer describes specific military battles, allows the reader to see real historical figures, gives his own assessment of the events that took place.

Causes of war in the novel "War and Peace"

L.N. Tolstoy in the epilogue tells us about “this man”, “without convictions, without habits, without traditions, without a name, not even a Frenchman ...”, who is Napoleon Bonaparte, who wanted to conquer the whole world. The main enemy on his way was Russia - huge, strong. By various deceitful ways, cruel battles, seizures of territories, Napoleon moved slowly from his goal. Neither the Peace of Tilsit, nor Russia's allies, nor Kutuzov could stop him. Although Tolstoy says that “the more we try to reasonably explain these phenomena in nature, the more unreasonable, incomprehensible they become for us,” nevertheless, in the novel War and Peace, the cause of the war is Napoleon. Standing in power in France, subjugating part of Europe, he lacked the great Russia. But Napoleon was mistaken, he did not calculate the strength and lost this war.

War in the novel "War and Peace"

Tolstoy himself presents this concept as follows: “Millions of people committed against each other such an innumerable number of atrocities ... that for whole centuries the chronicle of all the courts of the world will not collect and which, during this period of time, the people who committed them did not look like crimes” . Through the description of the war in the novel War and Peace, Tolstoy makes us understand that he himself hates war for its cruelty, murder, betrayal, and senselessness. He puts judgments about war into the mouths of his heroes. So Andrei Bolkonsky says to Bezukhov: "War is not a courtesy, but the most disgusting thing in life, and you need to understand this and not play war." We see that there is no pleasure, pleasure, satisfaction of one's desires from bloody actions against another people. In the novel, it is definitely clear that the war in Tolstoy's image is "an event that is contrary to the human mind and all human nature."

Major battle of the War of 1812

Even in the I and II volumes of the novel, Tolstoy tells about the military campaigns of 1805-1807. Shengraben, Austerlitz battles pass through the prism of the writer's reflections and conclusions. But in the war of 1812, the writer puts the Battle of Borodino at the forefront. Although he immediately asks himself and his readers the question: “Why was the Battle of Borodino given?

Neither for the French nor for the Russians it made the slightest sense. But it was the battle of Borodino that became the starting point until the victory of the Russian army. LN Tolstoy gives a detailed idea of ​​the course of the war in War and Peace. He describes every action of the Russian army, physical and state of mind soldier. According to the writer's own assessment, neither Napoleon, nor Kutuzov, and even more so Alexander I did not expect such an outcome of this war. For everyone, the Battle of Borodino was unplanned and unforeseen. What is the concept of the war of 1812, the heroes of the novel do not understand, just as Tolstoy does not understand, just as the reader does not understand.

Heroes of the novel "War and Peace"

Tolstoy gives the reader the opportunity to look at his characters from the outside, to see them in action in certain circumstances. Shows us Napoleon before leaving for Moscow, who was aware of all the disastrous situation of the army, but went forward to his goal. He comments on his ideas, thoughts, actions.

We can observe Kutuzov, the main executor of the people's will, who preferred "patience and time" to the offensive.

Before us is Bolkonsky, reborn, morally grown and loving his people. Pierre Bezukhov in a new understanding of all the "causes of human troubles", who arrived in Moscow with the aim of killing Napoleon.

Militia men "with crosses on their hats and in white shirts, who, with a loud voice and laughter, are lively and sweaty," ready at any moment to die for their homeland.

Before us is Emperor Alexander I, who finally gave the "reins of control of the war" into the hands of the "all-knowing" Kutuzov, but still does not fully understand the true position of Russia in this war.

Natasha Rostova, who abandoned all family property and gave wagons to the wounded soldiers so that they could leave the destroyed city. She takes care of the wounded Bolkonsky, giving him all her time and affection.

Petya Rostov, who died so absurdly without a real participation in the war, without a feat, without a battle, who secretly "signed up for the hussars" from everyone. And many more heroes who we meet in several episodes, but deserve respect and recognition in true patriotism.

Reasons for winning the War of 1812

In the novel, L.N. Tolstoy expresses thoughts about the reasons for Russia's victory in Patriotic war: “No one will argue that the reason for the death of Napoleon’s French troops was, on the one hand, their entry at a later time without preparation for a winter campaign deep into Russia, and on the other hand, the character that the war took on from the burning of Russian cities and inciting hatred for enemy in the Russian people. For the Russian people, the victory in the Patriotic War was the victory of the Russian spirit, Russian strength, Russian faith in any circumstances. The consequences of the war of 1812 for the French side, namely for Napoleon, were heavy. It was the collapse of his empire, the collapse of his hopes, the collapse of his greatness. Napoleon not only did not take possession of the whole world, he could not stay in Moscow, but fled ahead of his army, retreating in disgrace and the failure of the entire military campaign.

My essay on the topic “The depiction of war in the novel War and Peace” tells very briefly about the war in Tolstoy’s novel. Only after a careful reading of the entire novel, you can appreciate all the skill of the writer and discover interesting pages military history Russia.

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