In the picture famous artist I. I. Shishkin depicted early morning in the forest. The pine forest is awakening from sleep, the sun has not yet fully come out and has not had time to warm the clearing. The tall green pines are shrouded in dense fog.

The she-bear with three brown cubs had already woken up and went out to frolic in the forest clearing. The clumsy bear cubs, still quite small, climbed onto a huge fallen tree. It is uprooted from the ground, apparently after a recent hurricane.

One, the most agile bear cub, climbed to the very top of the broken trunk. He is watching the second bear cub, which sits in the middle of the trunk and looks at the bear. The third, apparently the smallest of them, stands on another broken part of a mighty tree, his gaze is directed deep into the forest.

A large, brown she-bear is closely watching the mischievous cubs. She knows that the forest is fraught with many dangers and is ready to protect her children at any moment.

When you look at the picture, it is as if you are immersed in it. You feel the cool breath of the green forest, you hear forest rustles and the sounds that animals, birds and insects make.

The plot of the picture turned out to be alive and quite realistic. Wild nature delights, and funny, little cubs touch and make you want to be in the clearing and play with them.

Composition based on the painting Morning in a pine forest Shishkin

Before me is the creation of I. Shishkin’s brush “Morning in pine forest” (sometimes called “Morning in pine forest"). This canvas can be called truly the most famous masterpiece, because everyone, both a child and an adult, no doubt knows this beautiful picture.

With unprecedented awe, care and tenderness, the artist skillfully painted every needle of the mighty pines, every root and twig. Inspired by the power and grandeur of nature, he breathed into his creation the unprecedented realism and magic of an ordinary forest morning.

The picture depicts the morning hours in a pine thicket. Nature is just waking up after a cool night, cold dew has fallen on the grass and trees, the air is clean and fresh. The air is still cold, but it is about to warm up, and the smell of rotten grass and pine needles will spread throughout the forest. Surely the day will be hot, and therefore this cool morning is truly wonderful.

There is silence in the gloomy forest, only occasionally the cry of an early bird cuts through the wilderness.

The giant pines, majestically striving into the sky, greet the first rays of the sun, sliding over the tops of the trees, with their bushy branches. Sunrise is an awakening and the beginning of a new day. And all nature is looking forward to his arrival.

Warm golden and yellow hues fascinate, brightly contrasting with the dark palette of a gloomy forest, which creates the image of a mysterious mysterious forest, as if descended from the pages of Russian folk tales. Muted calm tones do not irritate the eyes, but rather delight the eye.
In the center of the picture are the main characters, without whom the canvas would lose its charm.
The she-bear and her three brave cubs, having woken up with the first rays of the sun, are already in full swing in the forest, prowling in search of food.

Naughty kids started a game - they jump and climb a fallen pine trunk, as if they were playing tag. Fluffy animals look completely defenseless, but under the supervision of their vigilant mother, they are safe. Huge fallen trees, like heroes thrown down in battle, lie high, rearing up their clumsy thick roots, showing their former strength and power with all their appearance.

The brown parent grumbles with displeasure, trying to pacify the naughty children, but nimble little hooligans do not take the mother's angry growls seriously.

Looking at the picture, as if inhaling the aroma of the forest, its pine freshness, you feel the forest shady coolness, you hear the rustle of the breeze, the crackling of branches under strong animal paws.

Together with the inspired creator, imbued with the beauty of Russian nature, the viewer will involuntarily hold his breath, amazed by the deep mystery of life and joy that the landscape radiates.

Ask this essay in 2nd, 5th, 3rd, 7th grade.

Composition "Morning in a pine forest" based on the painting by Shishkin Grade 5

Probably, Shishkin’s painting “Morning in a Pine Forest” is familiar from childhood. Even if you are not deeply interested in art, then almost everyone is familiar with this picture, thanks to its image on candy. She-bear with three cubs on the background of a pine forest.

Shishkin's idea was prompted by his friend, also an artist. And he even had a hand in adding bears to the landscape. They turned out so well that the artists both signed the picture. However, Tretyakov, who later acquired this painting, left only Shishkin's signature, smeared out the second signature. Considering that the main style of writing is still closer in spirit to Shishkin.

And, indeed, Shishkin very accurately conveyed the general atmosphere of the waking forest. We can observe the rays of the rising morning sun, which only touches the tops of the trees. In the depths of the picture, the forest is shrouded in morning mist. And with its lightness and airiness, the observer is given freshness, which usually still stands at this time of day.

In the foreground is a whole bear family. A she-bear and three little cubs frolicking on a large fallen tree. It can be assumed that they just got out of the den after a night's sleep. Still not so playful waking up, but the mother does not doze off and monitors the neighborhood and her pets, growling a little at negligent offspring.

The picture is very positive and its motive, and colors. The artist very accurately conveyed the atmosphere of awakening nature.

2nd grade, 5th grade.

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Ivan Shishkin glorified not only his hometown(Elabuga) to the whole country, but also to the entire vast territory of Russia to the whole world. His most famous painting is Morning in a Pine Forest. Why is she so famous and why is she considered practically the standard of painting? Let's try to understand this issue.

Shishkin and landscapes

Ivan Shishkin is a famous landscape painter. His unique style of work has its origins in the Düsseldorf School of Drawing. But, unlike most of his colleagues, the artist passed the main techniques through himself, which allowed him to create a unique style that is not inherent in anyone else. Shishkin admired nature all his life, she inspired him to create numerous masterpieces from a million colors and shades. The artist has always tried to depict the flora as he sees it, without any exaggerations and decorations.

He tried to choose landscapes untouched by human hand. Virgin, like the forests of the taiga. Shishkin's paintings combine realism with a poetic view of nature. Ivan Ivanovich saw poetry in the play of light and shadow, in the power of Mother Earth, in the fragility of one Christmas tree standing in the wind.

The versatility of the artist

It's hard to imagine such brilliant artist the head of the city or the school teacher. But Shishkin combined many talents. Coming from a merchant family, he had to follow in the footsteps of his parent. In addition, Shishkin's good nature quickly attracted people all over the city to him. He was elected to the post of manager and helped to develop his native Yelabuga as best he could. Naturally, this manifested itself in the writing of paintings. Peru Shishkin owns the "History of the city of Yelabuga".

Ivan Ivanovich managed to draw pictures and participate in exciting archaeological excavations. For some time he lived abroad, and even became an academician in Düsseldorf.

Shishkin was an active member of the Wanderers, where he met with other famous Russian artists. He was considered a real authority among other painters. They tried to inherit the style of the master, and the paintings inspired both writers and painters.

After himself, he left a memory of numerous landscapes that have become decorations of museums and private collections around the globe.

After Shishkin, few people managed to depict the whole versatility of Russia's nature so realistically and so beautifully. Whatever happened in the artist's personal life, he did not let his troubles be reflected on the canvases.


The artist treated the forest nature with great trepidation, she literally captivated him with her countless colors, variety of shades, the rays of the sun breaking through the thick pine branches.

The painting "Morning in a Pine Forest" became the embodiment of Shishkin's love for the forest. It gained popularity very quickly, and was soon used in pop culture, on stamps, and even on candy wrappers. To this day, it is carefully kept in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Description: "Morning in a pine forest"

Ivan Shishkin managed to capture one moment from a whole forest life. He conveyed with the help of a drawing the moment of the beginning of the day, when the sun had just begun to rise. An amazing moment of the birth of a new life. The painting “Morning in a Pine Forest” depicts an awakening forest and still sleepy bear cubs who are getting out of a secluded dwelling.

In this picture, as in many others, the artist wanted to emphasize the immensity of nature. To do this, he cut off the tops of the pines at the top of the canvas.

If you look closely, you can see that the roots of the tree on which the cubs frolic have been torn out. Shishkin seemed to emphasize that this forest is so unsociable and deaf that only animals can live in it, and the trees fall by themselves, from old age.

In the morning in a pine forest, Shishkin indicated with the help of the fog that we see between the trees. Thanks to this artistic move, the time of day becomes obvious.


Shishkin was an excellent landscape painter, but rarely took on the images of animals in his works. The painting "Morning in a Pine Forest" was no exception. He created the landscape, but the four cubs were painted by another artist, an animal specialist, Konstantin Savitsky. They say that it was he who suggested the very idea for this picture. Drawing morning in a pine forest, Shishkin took Savitsky as a co-author, and the picture was originally signed by the two of them. However, after the canvas was transferred to the gallery, Tretyakov considered Shishkin's work to be more extensive and erased the name of the second artist.


Shishkin and Savitsky went to nature. This is how the story began. The morning in the pine forest seemed so beautiful to them that it was impossible not to immortalize it on canvas. To search for a prototype, they went to Gordomlya Island, which stands on Lake Seliger. They found this landscape and new inspiration for the painting.

The island, all covered with forests, kept the remains of virgin nature. For many centuries it stood untouched. This could not leave artists indifferent.


The painting was born in 1889. Although initially Savitsky complained to Tretyakov that he erased his name, he soon changed his mind and abandoned this masterpiece in favor of Shishkin.

Pavel Tretyakov justified his decision by saying that the style of the painting is fully consistent with what Ivan Ivanovich did, and even the sketches of the bears originally belonged to him.

Facts and misconceptions

Like any well-known canvas, the painting “Morning in a Pine Forest” is of great interest. Consequently, she has a number of interpretations, she is mentioned in literature and in the cinema. This masterpiece is spoken about both in high society and on the streets.

Over time, some facts have been changed, and general misconceptions are firmly rooted in society:

* One of the common mistakes is the opinion that Vasnetsov created Morning in a Pine Forest together with Shishkin. Viktor Mikhailovich, of course, was familiar with Ivan Ivanovich, since they were together in the club of the Wanderers. However, Vasnetsov could not be the author of such a landscape. If you pay attention to his style, he is not at all like Shishkin, they belong to different art schools. These names are still mentioned together from time to time. Vasnetsov is not that artist. "Morning in a pine forest", without any doubt, drew Shishkin.

* The name of the painting sounds like "Morning in a pine forest." Bor is just a second name that people seemed to find more appropriate and mysterious.

* Unofficially, some Russians still call the painting "Three Bears", which is a gross mistake. The animals in the picture are not three, but four. It is likely that the canvas began to be called that because of the sweets popular in Soviet times called "Clumsy Bear". The wrapper depicted a reproduction of Shishkin's "Morning in a Pine Forest". The people gave the candy the name "Three Bears".

*The picture has its own "first version". Shishkin painted another canvas of the same theme. He called it "Fog in the pine forest." Not many people know about this picture. She is rarely remembered. The canvas is not on the territory of the Russian Federation. To this day it is kept in a private collection in Poland.

*Initially, there were only two bear cubs in the picture. Shishkin later decided that four clubfoot must be present in the image. Thanks to the addition of two more bears, the genre of the picture has changed. She began to be on the "borderline", as some elements of the game scene appeared on the landscape. Bears of discord, or how Shishkin and Savitsky quarreled

Everyone knows this picture, and its author, the great Russian landscape painter Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, is also known. The name of the painting “Morning in a Pine Forest” is remembered worse, more often they say “Three Bears”, although there are actually four of them (however, the painting was originally called “Bear Family in the Forest”). The fact that the bears in the picture were painted by Shishkin's friend, the artist Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky, is known to an even narrower circle of art lovers, but is also not a secret with seven seals. But how the co-authors divided the fee, and why Savitsky's signature in the picture is almost indistinguishable, the story is bashfully silent about this.
The thing went something like this...

They say that Savitsky first saw Shishkin in the Artel of Artists. This Artel was both a workshop and a dining room, and something like a club where the problems of creativity were discussed. And then one day young Savitsky was having dinner at the Artel, and next to him some artist of a heroic physique kept joking, and between jokes he completed the drawing. To Savitsky, this approach to business seemed frivolous. When the artist began to erase the drawing with his rough fingers, Savitsky had no doubts that this strange man would now ruin all his work.

But the drawing is very good. Savitsky, out of excitement, forgot about dinner, and the hero went up to him and rumbled in a friendly bass voice that it was not good to eat badly, and that only someone with an excellent appetite and a cheerful disposition could cope with any work.

So they became friends: the young Savitsky and the already well-known, respected Artel Shishkin. Since then, they have met more than once, went to sketches together. Both were in love with the Russian forest and once started talking about how it would be nice to paint a large-scale canvas with bears. Savitsky allegedly said that he had painted bears for his son more than once and had already figured out how to depict them on a large canvas. And Shishkin seemed to smile slyly:

Why don't you come to me? I pulled off one thing...

The contraption turned out to be Morning in a Pine Forest. Only without bears. Savitsky was delighted. And Shishkin said that now it remains to work on the bears: there is, they say, a place for them on the canvas. And then Savitsky asked: "Let me!" - and soon a bear family settled in the place indicated by Shishkin.

P.M. Tretyakov purchased this painting from I.I. Shishkin for 4 thousand rubles, when the signatures of K.A. Savitsky was not there yet. Having learned about such an impressive amount, Konstantin Apollonovich, who had seven shops, came to Ivan Ivanovich for his share. Shishkin suggested that he first fix his co-authorship by signing the picture, which was done. However, Tretyakov did not like this trick. After the transaction, he rightfully considered the paintings his property and did not allow any of the authors to touch them.

I bought a painting from Shishkin. Why else Savitsky? Give me some turpentine, - said Pavel Mikhailovich and erased Savitsky's signature with his own hand. He also paid money to one Shishkin.

Now Ivan Ivanovich was already offended, who reasonably considered the picture to be a completely independent work even without bears. Indeed, the landscape is charming. This is not just a deaf pine forest, but it is morning in the forest with its fog that has not yet dissipated, with the tops of huge pines that have slightly turned pink, cold shadows in the thickets. In addition, Shishkin drew the sketches of the bear family himself.

How the matter ended and how the artists divided the money is not known for certain, but only since then Shishkin and Savitsky have not painted pictures together.

And “Morning in a Pine Forest” gained wild popularity among the people, all the same, thanks to the figures of a she-bear and three cheerful cubs, so vividly written by Savitsky.

It is difficult to find someone who has not seen a painting by Ivan Shishkin at least once. "Morning in a pine forest", whether it's a reproduction on the wall or an illustration in a school textbook. But most of us know her from the candy wrapper "Clumsy Bear". How it happened that bears appeared in the landscape painter's painting, and the recognized masterpiece began to be associated with sweets - further in the review.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin was considered an eminently master when it was necessary to write out every leaf, every blade of grass, but he did not argue with the image of people or animals. That is why on famous painting“Morning in a pine forest” the bear family was painted by another artist - Konstantin Savitsky.

The picture was signed by both artists, but when it was taken to the customer, Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, he erased Savitsky's name with turpentine, saying that he ordered the canvas from only one painter.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin received 4,000 rubles for the painting. He gave one thousand to Savitsky. Konstantin Apollonovich was indignant that the fee was not divided in half, and in his hearts he even declared that his bears occupy a central place in the picture, and the forest is only the background. These words offended Shishkin very much. The artists no longer painted joint paintings.

Approximately at the same period when the canvas “Morning in a Pine Forest” was presented to the general public, a new kind of sweets was made at the confectionery factory of the “Einem Partnership”: chocolate-covered wafer plates with a layer of almond praline. There was a need to create wrappers for sweets, and then the eye of the owner of the enterprise, Julius Gates, accidentally fell on a reproduction of Shishkin's painting. The solution has been found.

After the October Revolution, the candy factory was nationalized and renamed "Red October", although for a few more years they added "former. "Einem", the trademark was so popular. Candy "Mishka clumsy" has become a favorite sweet of Soviet citizens. Over time, Shishkin's painting became associated with the wrapper, and its name was simplified to "Three Bears", although there are four of them on the canvas.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin was remembered by the descendants not only for the painting “Morning in a Pine Forest”. He, like no one else, managed to convey through his paintings the beauty of the pristine forest, the endless expanses of fields, the cold of a harsh land. so realistic that it seems that the sound of a stream or the rustle of leaves is about to be heard somewhere.

Composition plan:

  1. I.I. Shishkin is a landscape painter.
  2. Early summer morning.
  3. Foreground:
    • forest;
    • a tree broken by a storm;
    • funny bear cubs;
    • caring mother;
  4. Background (fog).
  5. My take on this picture.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin is an outstanding Russian landscape painter. He created many paintings in which he sings of the beauty and poetry of his native expanses. Endless forest distances, birch and oak groves flooded with sunlight, mighty ship pines ....

On his canvases, a diverse plant world is amazingly accurately and realistically depicted, which seems to come to life under the brush of the master, breathes, gives us freshness and coolness, evokes evening sadness or, on the contrary, awakens bright joy from the contemplation of beauty. The painting “Morning in a Pine Forest” has been known and loved by many of us since childhood. No wonder it is considered one of the best works of Shishkin.

The picture shows a large family of bears. In the early summer morning, three little bear cubs and their mother bear went out for a walk. The sun is just rising. It gently illuminates the tops of huge pines. Thick fog shrouds the forest. It will soon dissipate from the sun's rays. In a small clearing where the bears gathered, he had almost melted.

The animals wandered into a coniferous forest and accidentally discovered an old withered tree that had broken during a recent storm. Its trunk broke into two with a crack, and its huge roots even turned the earth upside down.

The cubs depicted in the picture are brown in color. They are not yet quite big, mischievous, clubfoot. Two of them have little white collars around their necks. The bravest of them climbed almost to the very top of the trunk of a broken tree and hung on its very edge, clung to the rough bark with his claws, look that he would fall into the ravine. And the second got only so far to the middle.

He probably also wants to climb higher, but it's scary. Here he is, clumsy, and sat on a tree, looking helplessly at the mother bear, not knowing what to do next. The third, the most cautious, climbed onto the other half of the broken tree, which fell onto the slope of the ravine, but did not roll into it, but caught on the branches of a neighboring pine tree. The little bear cautiously stood up on its hind legs, tilted its head slightly and listened to the sounds of the awakening forest, peering into the thick fog. There, in the fog, tall, green pines sway and rustle.

The bear is large, shaggy, brown. Like any mother, she worries about her mischievous cubs, who are playful and restless. She even growls and probably warns them that they might fall out of the tree and should be careful. Or maybe she noticed some kind of danger and wants to warn her kids about it. It's time to finish the morning walk and go deep into the forest. She rushes from one bear cub to another, the dark green grass trampled under her.

The artist skillfully conveys the atmosphere of early morning in the forest. Soft diffused light falls through the dense crowns of trees and seems golden. In the background, the fog is a veil, through which slender trunks of pines are guessed. Thanks to a slightly blurred background, all the attention of the audience is focused on the bear family.

I really like this picture, because it depicts a fun and lively story, and the cubs are so cute and funny. I just want to play with them, stroke their soft brown fur!