This is the opening of a layer of earth in order to study the monuments of the former places of settlements. Unfortunately, this process leads to partial destruction of the cultural layer of soil. Unlike laboratory experiments, it is not possible to repeat the archaeological excavation of the site. In order to open the ground, in many states a special permit is required. In Russia (and before that in the RSFSR), "open sheets" - this is the name of a documented consent - are drawn up at the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences. Carrying out this kind of work on the territory of the Russian Federation in the absence of this document is an administrative offense.

Basis for excavation

Land cover tends to increase in mass over time, resulting in a gradual hiding of artifacts. It is for the purpose of their discovery that an opening of the earth layer is carried out. An increase in soil thickness can occur for several reasons:


The main goal pursued by scientists, carrying out archaeological excavations, is the study of an ancient monument and the restoration of its significance. For a comprehensive, comprehensive study, it is most preferable when it is fully opened to the full depth. At the same time, even the interests of a particular archaeologist are not taken into account. However, as a rule, only a partial opening of the monument is carried out due to the high labor intensity of the process. Some archaeological excavations, depending on their complexity, can last for years and even decades. Works can be carried out not only for the purpose of studying historical monuments. In addition to archaeological, there is another type of excavation, called "security". In accordance with the legislation, in the Russian Federation they must be carried out before the construction of buildings and various structures. Since otherwise, it is possible that the monuments of antiquity available at the construction site will be lost forever.

Research progress

First of all, the study of a historical object begins with such non-destructive methods as photography, measurement and description. If it becomes necessary to measure the direction and thickness of the cultural layer, sounding is done, trenches or pits are dug. These tools also make it possible to search for an object whose location is known only from written sources. However, the use of such methods is of limited use, since they significantly spoil the cultural layer, which is also of historical interest.

Ground breaking technology

All stages of the research and clearing of historical objects are necessarily accompanied by photographic recording. Conducting archaeological excavations on the territory of the Russian Federation is accompanied by compliance with strict requirements. They are approved in the relevant "Regulations". The document focuses on the need for quality drawings. IN Lately they are increasingly issued in electronic form using new computer technologies.

Archaeological excavations in Russia

Not so long ago, Russian archaeologists published a list of the most important discoveries of 2010. The most significant events in this period were the discovery of a treasure in the city of Torzhok, and archaeological excavations in Jericho. In addition, the age of the city of Yaroslavl was confirmed. Dozens of scientific expeditions are equipped every year under the guidance of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Their research extends throughout the European part of the Russian Federation, in some parts of the Asian region of the country and even abroad, for example, in Mesopotamia, Central Asia and the Svalbard archipelago. According to the Director of the Institute Nikolai Makarov at one of the press conferences, during 2010 the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted a total of 36 expeditions. Moreover, only half of them were carried out on the territory of Russia, and the rest - abroad. It also became known that approximately 50% of the funding comes from the state budget, revenues from the Russian Academy of Sciences and such scientific institutions as the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and while the rest of the resources intended for work related to the preservation of archaeological heritage allocated by investors-developers.

Phanagoria research

According to N. Makarov, in 2010 there was also a significant shift in the study of the monuments of ancient times. This is especially true of Phanagoria - the largest ancient city, found on the territory of Russia, and the second capital of the Bosporus kingdom. During this time, scientists studied the buildings of the acropolis, and found a large building, whose age dates back to the middle of the 4th century BC. e. All archaeological excavations in Phanagoria are conducted under the guidance of Doctor of Historical Sciences Vladimir Kuznetsov. It was he who identified the found building as in which state meetings were once held. A notable feature of this building is the hearth, in which a burning fire was previously maintained daily. It was believed that as long as its flame was shining, the state life of the ancient city would never stop.

Research in Sochi

Another significant event of 2010 was the excavations in the capital of the 2014 Olympics. A group of scientists led by Vladimir Sedov, Doctor of Art History, leading researcher at the Institute of Archeology, conducted research near the construction site of the Russian Railways terminal near the village of Veseloye. Here, later, the remains of a Byzantine temple of the 9th-11th centuries were discovered.

Excavations in the village of Krutik

This is a trade and craft settlement of the 10th century, located in the forests of Belozorye, Vologda Oblast. Archaeological excavations in this area are headed by Sergey Zakharov, Candidate of Historical Sciences. In 2010, 44 coins minted in the Caliphate countries and the Middle East were found here. Traders used them to pay for furs, which were especially valued in the Arab East.

Archaeological excavations. Crimea

The historical veil of this territory is lifted largely due to the often occurring here research work. Some expeditions have been going on for years. Among them: "Kulchuk", "Seagull", "Belyaus", "Kalos-Limen", "Cembalo" and many others. If you want to go to archaeological excavations, you can join a group of volunteers. However, as a rule, volunteers have to pay for their stay in the country on their own. A huge number of expeditions are carried out in the Crimea, but most of them are of a short-term nature. In this case, the group size is small. Research is carried out by experienced workers and professional archaeologists.

It is necessary to do an opening of the earth because the land cover is growing, hiding artifacts. The main reasons for this increase are:

  1. accumulation of garbage as a result of human activity;
  2. transport of soil particles by wind;
  3. natural accumulation of organic matter in the soil (for example, as a result of leaf decay);
  4. deposition of cosmic dust.

Permission to excavate

Excavations by their nature lead to the destruction of the cultural layer. Unlike laboratory experiments, the excavation process is unique. Therefore, in many states, special permission is required for excavations.

Excavations without permission in the Russian Federation are an administrative offense.

The purpose of the excavations

The purpose of the excavations is to study the monument of archeology and reconstruct its role in the historical process. Preferably, the complete opening of the cultural layer to its entire depth, regardless of the interests of a particular archaeologist. However, the excavation process is very time-consuming, so often only a part of the monument is opened; many excavations last for years and decades.

A special type of excavation are the so-called security excavations which, in accordance with the requirements of the law, are carried out before the construction of buildings and structures, since otherwise the archaeological monuments located at the construction site may be irretrievably lost.

archaeological exploration

The study of the object of excavation begins with non-destructive methods, including measurements, photography and description.

Sometimes in the process of exploration, "probes" (pits) or trenches are made to measure the thickness and direction of the cultural layer, as well as to search for an object known from written sources. These methods spoil the cultural layer and therefore their application is limited.

excavation technology

To obtain a complete picture of life in the settlement, it is preferable to open simultaneously a large continuous area. However, technical limitations (observation of layer cuts, removal of earth) impose restrictions on the size of the excavated area, the so-called excavation.

The excavation surface is leveled and divided into squares (usually 2x2 meters). The opening is carried out in layers (usually 20 centimeters each) and squarely using shovels and sometimes knives. If layers are easily traced on the monument, then the opening is carried out in layers, and not in layers. Also, when excavating buildings, archaeologists often find one of the walls and gradually clear the building, following the line of the walls.

Mechanization is used only to remove soil that does not belong to the cultural layer, as well as for large mounds. When things, burials or their traces are found, knives, tweezers and brushes are used instead of shovels. To preserve finds from organic matter, they are preserved right in the excavation, usually by pouring them with gypsum or paraffin. The voids left in the ground from completely destroyed objects are filled with plaster to get a cast of the disappeared thing.

The study of the distant past is necessarily accompanied by a thorough photographic recording of all stages of clearing the archaeological remains. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the requirements for the professional knowledge and skills of a researcher are strictly regulated by the "Regulations on the procedure for conducting archaeological field work and compiling scientific reporting documentation." The report must contain:

  • a complete description of the studied monument of archaeological heritage and its topographic plan, made using geodetic instruments;
  • data on the distribution of mass material on the uncovered site with the application of statistical tables (lists) and drawings of things;
  • a detailed description of the excavation methodology, as well as each studied burial, all identified objects (feasts, altars, cenotaphs, bedding, bedding, bonfires, etc.) indicating the size, depth, shape, structural details and elements, orientation, leveling marks;
  • information about special analyzes performed with the involvement of anthropologists, biologists, geologists, etc.;
  • sections of pits and other recesses with the designation of the features of their filling;
  • stratigraphic profiles of edges and walls;

The greatest importance is attached to the quality of the accompanying drawings, which have recently been increasingly created using modern computer technology. The need for planigraphic observations should also be pointed out.

see also

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Literature from the Historical Encyclopedia:

  • Blavatsky V.D., Ancient field archeology, M., 1967
  • Avdusin D. A., Archaeological exploration and excavations M., 1959
  • Spitsyn A. A., Archaeological excavations, St. Petersburg, 1910
  • Crawford O. G. S., Archeology in the field, L., (1953)
  • Leroi-Gourhan A., Les fouilles préhistoriques (Technique et méthodes), P., 1950
  • Woolley C. L., Digging up the Past, (2 ed.), L., (1954)
  • Wheeler, R. E. M., Archaeology from the Earth, (Harmondsworth, 1956).


  • // Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - St. Petersburg. , 1908-1913.

An excerpt characterizing the excavations

- Crush, guys! - he said, and he himself picked up the guns by the wheels and unscrewed the screws.
In the smoke, deafened by incessant shots that made him shudder every time, Tushin, without letting go of his nose warmer, ran from one gun to another, now aiming, now counting the charges, now ordering the change and harnessing of dead and wounded horses, and shouting to his weak, thin, indecisive voice. His face became more and more animated. Only when people were killed or wounded did he frown and, turning away from the dead, angrily shouted at the people, who, as always, hesitated to pick up the wounded or the body. The soldiers, for the most part handsome fellows (as always in a battery company, two heads taller than their officer and twice as wide as him), all, like children in a difficult situation, looked at their commander, and the expression that was on his face was invariably reflected on their faces.
As a result of this terrible rumble, noise, need for attention and activity, Tushin did not experience the slightest unpleasant feeling of fear, and the thought that they might kill him or hurt him painfully did not occur to him. On the contrary, he became more and more cheerful. It seemed to him that a very long time ago, almost yesterday, there was that moment when he saw the enemy and fired the first shot, and that the patch of field on which he stood was a familiar, kindred place to him for a long time. Despite the fact that he remembered everything, thought everything, did everything that the best officer in his position could do, he was in a state similar to feverish delirium or the state of a drunk person.
Because of the deafening sounds of their guns from all sides, because of the whistle and blows of enemy shells, because of the sight of servants sweating, flushed, hurrying near the guns, because of the blood of people and horses, because of the enemy’s smoke on the other side (after which everyone once a cannonball flew in and hit the ground, a person, a tool or a horse), because of the sight of these objects, his own fantastic world was established in his head, which constituted his pleasure at that moment. The enemy cannons in his imagination were not cannons, but pipes from which an invisible smoker emitted smoke in rare puffs.
“Look, he puffed again,” Tushin said in a whisper to himself, while a cloud of smoke jumped out of the mountain and was blown to the left by the wind, “now wait for the ball - send it back.”
“What do you order, your honor?” asked the fireworker, who stood close to him and heard him mutter something.
“Nothing, a grenade…” he answered.
“Come on, our Matvevna,” he said to himself. Matvevna imagined in his imagination a large extreme, ancient casting cannon. The French appeared to him near their guns as ants. A handsome man and a drunkard, the first number of the second gun in his world was his uncle; Tushin looked at him more often than others and rejoiced at his every move. The sound of the fading, then again intensifying gunfight under the mountain seemed to him someone's breathing. He listened to the fading and rising of these sounds.
“Look, she breathed again, she breathed,” he said to himself.
He himself imagined himself of enormous stature, a powerful man who threw cannonballs at the French with both hands.
- Well, Matvevna, mother, do not betray! - he said, moving away from the gun, as an alien, unfamiliar voice was heard above his head:
- Captain Tushin! Captain!
Tushin looked around frightened. It was the staff officer who kicked him out of Grunt. He shouted to him in a breathless voice:
- What are you, crazy. You've been ordered to retreat twice, and you...
“Well, why are they me? ...” Tushin thought to himself, looking at the boss with fear.
- I ... nothing ... - he said, putting two fingers to the visor. - I…
But the colonel did not finish everything he wanted. A close-flying cannonball made him dive and bend over on his horse. He paused and was just about to say something else when the core stopped him. He turned his horse and galloped away.
- Retreat! Everyone retreat! he shouted from afar. The soldiers laughed. A minute later the adjutant arrived with the same order.
It was Prince Andrew. The first thing he saw, riding out into the space occupied by Tushin's guns, was an unharnessed horse with a broken leg, which was neighing near the harnessed horses. From her leg, as from a key, blood flowed. Between the limbers lay several dead. One shot after another flew over him as he rode up, and he felt a nervous tremor run down his spine. But the very thought that he was afraid lifted him up again. "I can't be afraid," he thought, and slowly dismounted from his horse between the guns. He gave the order and did not leave the battery. He decided that he would remove the guns from the position with him and withdraw them. Together with Tushin, walking over the bodies and under the terrible fire of the French, he took up cleaning the guns.
“And then the authorities were coming now, so it was more likely to fight,” the fireworker said to Prince Andrei, “not like your honor.”
Prince Andrei did not say anything to Tushin. They were both so busy that they didn't seem to see each other. When, having put on the limbers of the two guns that had survived, they moved downhill (one broken gun and a unicorn were left), Prince Andrei drove up to Tushin.
“Well, goodbye,” said Prince Andrei, holding out his hand to Tushin.
- Goodbye, my dear, - said Tushin, - dear soul! Farewell, my dear, - Tushin said with tears that, for some unknown reason, suddenly came into his eyes.

The wind died down, black clouds hung low over the battlefield, merging on the horizon with gunpowder smoke. It was getting dark, and the more clearly the glow of fires was indicated in two places. The cannonade became weaker, but the rattle of guns behind and to the right was heard even more often and closer. As soon as Tushin with his guns, going around and running over the wounded, got out of the fire and went down into the ravine, he was met by his superiors and adjutants, including the staff officer and Zherkov, who was sent twice and never reached Tushin's battery. All of them, interrupting one another, gave and transmitted orders, how and where to go, and made reproaches and remarks to him. Tushin did not order anything and silently, afraid to speak, because at every word he was ready, without knowing why, to cry, he rode behind on his artillery nag. Although the wounded were ordered to be abandoned, many of them dragged along behind the troops and asked for guns. The very dashing infantry officer who, before the battle, jumped out of Tushin's hut, was, with a bullet in his stomach, laid on Matvevna's carriage. Under the mountain, a pale hussar cadet, supporting the other with one hand, approached Tushin and asked him to sit down.

The profession of an archaeologist first of all requires iron nerves and endurance. Conducting research, scientists sometimes get out of the ground things from which the heart stops. In addition to ancient dishes, clothes and scriptures, they find the remains of animals and people. We offer you to learn about the most terrible archaeological excavations.

Screaming mummies

Egypt is full of mysteries and mysteries, many of which have already been solved. Studying the tombs, in 1886, the explorer Gaston Maspero came across an unusual mummy. Unlike the rest of the bodies found earlier, she was simply wrapped in sheepskin. And her face was twisted in a terrible grimace, while the terrible mummy had its mouth open. Scientists put forward different versions, among which was poisoning, the burial of an Egyptian alive. In fact, everything turned out to be quite simple. When wrapping the body, the mouth was also tied with a rope. Apparently, poor fastening led to the fact that the rope fell off, and the jaw, which was not held by anything, fell down. As a result, the body took on such an eerie appearance. And to this day, archaeologists find such mummies, which are still called screaming.

Headless vikings

In 2010, the list of the most terrible archaeological excavations was replenished by scientists who carried out work in the county of Dorset. The group hoped to find the household inventory of their ancestors, their clothes, work tools, in order to supplement the historical data on their way of life. But what they stumbled upon horrified them. Scientists have discovered the remains human bodies but no heads. The skulls were located near the grave. Having carefully studied them, archaeologists came to the conclusion that these are the remains of the Vikings. At the same time, there were not enough skulls. Therefore, we can conclude that the punishers took several heads as a trophy. The burial of 54 Vikings took place in the 8th-9th century.

unknown creature

Amateur scientists, walking through the National Park in New Zealand, stumbled upon a karst cave. Young archaeologists decided to visit her. Walking along the corridors of the cave, the group saw a skeleton that was well preserved, but was an eerie sight. A rather large body had rough skin, a beak, and huge claws. I have absolutely no idea where this monster came from guys in urgently left the cave. Further research showed that these were the remains of an ancient moa bird. Some scientists are sure that she still lives on the planet, just hiding from people.

crystal skull

Archaeologist Frederick Mitchell Hedges made a startling discovery while walking through the jungles of Belize. They found a skull made of rock crystal. The find by weight tightened by 5 kg. The tribes who lived nearby claim that the skull is the heritage of the Mayan tribe. In total, there are 13 of them scattered around the world, and the one who collects the entire collection will have access to the secrets of the universe. Whether this is true or not is unknown, but the mystery of the skull has not been revealed to this day. It is surprising that it is made using a technology that contradicts the chemical and physical laws known to mankind.

There have always been many historical mysteries in the world. Fortunately, the answers to many questions turned out to be practically under our very nose, or rather under our feet. Archeology has opened the way for us to know our origins with the help of found artifacts, documents and much more. Until now, archaeologists tirelessly dig out more and more new imprints of the past, revealing the truth to us.

Some archaeological discoveries simply shocked the world. For example, the Rosetta stone, thanks to which scientists were able to translate many ancient texts. The discovered Dead Sea Scrolls turned out to be extremely important for the world religion, allowing to confirm the texts of the Jewish canon. The same significant finds include the tomb of King Tut and the discovery of Troy. The discovery of traces of the ancient Roman Pompeii has given historians access to the knowledge of the ancient civilization.

Even today, when it would seem that almost all science is looking forward, archaeologists are still finding ancient artifacts that can change our understanding of the planet's past. Here are ten of the most influential discoveries in world history.

10. Mound Hisarlyk (1800s)

Hisarlik is located in Turkey. In fact, the discovery of this hill is evidence of the existence of Troy. For centuries, the Iliad of Homer was nothing more than a myth. In the 50-70s of the 19th century, trial excavations were successful, and it was decided to continue the research. Thus, confirmation of the existence of Troy was found. Excavations continued into the 20th century with a new team of archaeologists.

9. Megalosaurus (1824)

Megalosaurus was the first dinosaur to be explored. Of course, fossil skeletons of dinosaurs were found before, but then science could not explain what kind of creatures they were. Some believe that it was the study of Megalosaurus that was the beginning of many science fiction stories about dragons. However, not only this was the result of such a find, there was a whole boom in the popularity of archeology and humanity's passion for dinosaurs, everyone wanted to find their remains. The found skeletons began to be classified and exhibited in museums for public viewing.

8. Treasures of Sutton Hoo (1939)

Sutton Hoo is considered Britain's most valuable treasure. Sutton Khu is the burial chamber of a King who lived in the 7th century. Various treasures, lyre, wine goblets, swords, helmets, masks and more were buried with him. Surrounding the burial chamber are 19 mounds that are also graves, and excavations at Sutton Hoo continue to this day.

7. Dmanisi (2005)

Ancient man and the creatures that evolved into modern Homo sapiens have been studied for many years. It would seem that today there are no white spots left in the history of our evolution, but a 1.8 million-year-old skull found in the Georgian city of Dmanisi made archaeologists and historians think. It represents the remains of the Homoerectus species, which migrated from Africa, and confirms the hypothesis that this species stands separately in the evolutionary chain.

6. Göbekli Tepe (2008)

For a long time, Stonehenge was considered the oldest religious building in the world. In the 60s of the XX century, this hill in southeastern Turkey was potentially older than Stonehenge, but very soon it was recognized as a medieval cemetery. However, in 2008, Klaus Schmidt discovered 11,000-year-old stones there, which were clearly processed by a prehistoric man who did not yet have either clay or metal tools for this.

5. Headless Vikings of Dorset (2009)

In 2009, road workers accidentally stumbled upon human remains. It turned out that they dug up a mass grave in which more than 50 people with severed heads were buried. Historians immediately looked into the books and realized that once there was a massacre of the Vikings, it happened somewhere between 960 and 1016. The skeletons belong to young people in their twenties, the story suggests that they tried to attack the Anglo-Saxons, but they resisted very zealously, which led to the massacre. Vikings are said to have been stripped and tortured before being beheaded and thrown into a pit. This discovery sheds some light on the historic battle.

4. Petrified Man (2011)

Findings of fossilized human remains are far from new, but this does not make them less terrible and, at the same time, attractive. These beautifully mummified bodies can tell a lot about the past. Recently, a petrified body was found in Ireland, its age is about four thousand years, scientists suggest that this person died a very cruel death. All the bones are broken and his posture is very strange. This is the oldest fossilized man ever found by archaeologists.

3. Richard III (2013)

In August 2012, the University of Leicester, together with the City Council and the Society of Richard III, organized, leading to the discovery of the lost remains of one of the most famous English monarchs. The remains were found under a modern parking lot. The University of Leicester has announced that it will initiate a complete DNA study of Richard III, so the English monarch could be the first historical figure whose DNA will be tested.

2. Jamestown (2013)

Scientists have always talked about cannibalism in the ancient settlements of Jamestown, but neither historians nor archaeologists have ever had direct evidence of this. Of course, history tells us that in ancient times, people in search of the New World and riches often found a terrible and cruel end, especially in the cold winter. Last year, William Kelso and his team discovered the punctured skull of a 14-year-old girl in a pit filled with the remains of horses and other animals that the settlers ate during the famine. Kelso is convinced that the girl was killed to satisfy her hunger, and the skull was pierced to get to the soft tissues and brain.

1. Stonehenge (2013-2014)

For many centuries, Stonehenge remained something mystical for historians and archaeologists. The location of the stones did not allow us to determine what exactly they were used for and how they were arranged in this way. Stonehenge remained a mystery that many struggled with. Recently, archaeologist David Jackis organized excavations that led to the discovery of the remains of bison (in ancient times they were eaten and also used in agriculture). Based on these excavations, scientists were able to conclude that Stonehenge was inhabited in the 8820s BC and was not at all conceived as a separate object. Thus, pre-existing assumptions will be subject to revision.

Permission to excavate

Excavations by their nature lead to the destruction of the cultural layer. Unlike laboratory experiments, the excavation process is unique. Therefore, in many states, special permission is required for excavations.

Excavations without permission in the Russian Federation are an administrative offense.

The purpose of the excavations

The purpose of the excavations is to study the monument of archeology and reconstruct its role in the historical process. Preferably, the complete opening of the cultural layer to its entire depth, regardless of the interests of a particular archaeologist. However, the excavation process is very time-consuming, so often only a part of the monument is opened; many excavations last for years and decades.

archaeological exploration

The study of the object of excavation begins with non-destructive methods, including measurements, photography and description.

Sometimes in the process of exploration, "probes" (pits) or trenches are made to measure the thickness and direction of the cultural layer, as well as to search for an object known from written sources. These methods spoil the cultural layer and therefore their application is limited.

excavation technology

To obtain a complete picture of life in the settlement, it is preferable to open simultaneously a large continuous area. However, technical limitations (observation of layer cuts, removal of earth) impose restrictions on the size of the excavated area, the so-called excavation.

The excavation surface is leveled and divided into squares (usually 2x2 meters). The opening is carried out in layers (usually 20 centimeters each) and squarely using shovels and sometimes knives. If layers are easily traced on the monument, then the opening is carried out in layers, and not in layers. Also, when excavating buildings, archaeologists often find one of the walls and gradually clear the building, following the line of the walls.

Mechanization is used only to remove soil that does not belong to the cultural layer, as well as for large mounds. When things, burials or their traces are found, knives, tweezers and brushes are used instead of shovels. To preserve finds from organic matter, they are preserved right in the excavation, usually by pouring them with gypsum or paraffin. The voids left in the ground from completely destroyed objects are filled with plaster to get a cast of the disappeared thing.

During excavations, stratigraphic drawings of its walls are compiled, as well as profiles of the cultural layer within the excavation everywhere, on the basis of which a planigraphic description is sometimes created.

see also



Literature from the Historical Encyclopedia:

  • Blavatsky V.D., Ancient field archeology, M., 1967
  • Avdusin D. A., Archaeological exploration and excavations M., 1959
  • Spitsyn A. A., Archaeological excavations, St. Petersburg, 1910
  • Crawford O. G. S., Archeology in the field, L., (1953)
  • Leroi-Gourhan A., Les fouilles préhistoriques (Technique et méthodes), P., 1950
  • Woolley C. L., Digging up the Past, (2 ed.), L., (1954)
  • Wheeler, R. E. M., Archaeology from the Earth, (Harmondsworth, 1956).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Cyriacus of Ostia
  • Archeopark

See what "Excavations" is in other dictionaries:

    excavations- digging, digging, opening Dictionary of Russian synonyms. excavation n., number of synonyms: 3 excavation (5) ... Synonym dictionary

    EXCAVATIONS- (archaeological) excavation of earth layers for the study of archaeological sites located in the earth. The purpose of R. is to study this monument, its parts, found things, etc., and to reconstruct the role of the object under study in the historical ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Excavations- Field study of archaeol. memory, foresight performance specific. type of earthwork. Such works are accompanied by the inevitable destruction of all memory. or parts of it. Repeated R. are usually impossible. Therefore, methods of study. must be max. accurate, ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    Excavations- archaeological, see Archaeological excavations ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Excavations- a method of studying ancient settlements, buildings, graves, etc., originating from accidental finds or intentional, in order to obtain material benefits, searches in the ground, in graves, under foundations, etc. Raised into the scientific system of R. ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Excavations- I. DIGGING METHODS R. in the Middle East, Marietta in Egypt (1850-1980), P.E. Botta and O.G. Their goal was to acquire for Europe. museums, if possible, as many as possible ... ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

    Excavations- pl. 1. Works aimed at finding and extracting something hidden in the ground, snow, under ruins, etc. 2. Opening up the layers of the earth in order to extract the ancient monuments located in the earth. 3. The place where the extraction work is being carried out ... ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    excavations- excavation of the hood, until ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Excavations- search, research and preservation of ancient monuments, remains of culture and cultural layers, as well as sketching or photographing the place of R. and finds. R. in order to reveal hidden wealth or loot burials are already found ... ... Dictionary of antiquity

    excavations- pl., R. rasco / pok ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Excavations in Olbia in 1902-1903. , Farmakovsky B.V.. The book is a reprint edition of 1906. Although serious work has been done to restore the original quality of the edition, some pages may…