Afanasyeva Anastasia

This scientific work provides evidence that the story of L.N. Tolstoy" Prisoner of the Caucasus"It can be safely called the" book of life ".



Municipal educational institution

"Lyceum No. 4"

Section "My main books of life"

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" L. N. Tolstoy -

my main book life

5th grade student

MOU "Lyceum No. 4", Saratov

Scientific adviser: Abakumenko S. V.,

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Saratov, 2010

Introduction ……………………………………………………………….2

Chapter I “The Prisoner of the Caucasus” by L. N. Tolstoy is a book of life……...3

  1. "People's Thought" in the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" ... ..3
  2. Features of human relations in the story………4





In the history of Russian culture there are many names of outstanding figures, scientists, thinkers, artists, writers who make up the glory and pride of the nation. Among them, one of the most honorable places rightfully belongs to Leo Tolstoy, the great creator who created immortal images and characters that remain relevant today. This is also the image of the “Caucasian prisoner” – a man of high morality.

In general, in the 19th century, the Caucasus was an emblematic space of freedom, an unrestricted spiritual movement as opposed to the world of “civilization” fettered by conventions. We noticed that in Tolstoy's prose, the Caucasus began to acquire details of everyday life, details of relationships, and the little things of everyday life.

So, in the story “The Prisoner of the Caucasus”, Tolstoy wants to tell the main thing - the truth, the truth about a person and about this person’s place in society, and in a society alien to him, completely alien. This theme does not lose its relevance for several centuries now.

Goal of the work consist in tracking and explaining the reasons for the formation and development of the characters of the heroes of the story, their morality.

We have the following tasks:

1. to analyze the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus";

2. highlight distinctive features each of the heroes

3. to determine what is the moral value of the "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

object research is the character of the hero, as the bearer of morality, moral values.

Subject research becomes directly the artistic text itself - "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

Chapter 1

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" L. N. Tolstoy- the book of life

  1. "People's Thought" in the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" - last work in "Russian book for reading". In a letter to N. N. Strakhov, the writer called this story his best work, because, in his opinion, it was here that he managed to most naturally use the best artistic means folk poetry.

Leo Tolstoy worked on it in 1872, stubbornly striving for simplicity, naturalness of the narrative, the work was written during the writer's sharp thoughts about life, the search for its meaning. Here, as in his great epic, the separation and enmity of people, "war" is opposed to what binds them together - "peace". And here there is its own “folk thought” - the assertion that simple people different nationalities can find mutual understanding, because the universal moral values ​​are the same - love for work, respect for a person, friendship, honesty, mutual assistance. And vice versa, evil, hostility, selfishness, self-interest are inherently anti-people and anti-human. Tolstoy is convinced that “the most beautiful thing in a person is love for people, which makes it possible to live a full life. Love is hindered by all sorts of social foundations, ossified national barriers, protected by the state and generating false values: the desire for rank, wealth, career - everything that people think is familiar and normal " .

Therefore, Tolstoy addresses children who have not yet been "spoiled" by social and national abnormal relations. He wants to tell them the truth, to teach them to distinguish good from evil, to help them follow the good. He creates a work where the beautiful is clearly distinguished from the ugly, the work is extremely simple and clear, and at the same time deep and significant, like a parable. “Tolstoy is proud of this story. This is beautiful prose - calm, there are no decorations in it, and there is not even what is called psychological analysis. Human interests collide, and we sympathize with Zhilin - a good person, and what we know about him is enough for us, and he himself does not want to know much about himself " .

The plot of the story is simple and clear. The Russian officer Zhilin, who served in the Caucasus, where the war was going on at that time, goes on vacation and on the way is captured by the Tatars. He escapes from captivity, but unsuccessfully. The secondary escape succeeds. Zhilin, pursued by the Tatars, escapes and returns to military unit. The content of the story is the impressions and experiences of the hero. This makes the story emotional and exciting. The life of the Tatars, the nature of the Caucasus are revealed by the author realistically, through the perception of Zhilin. Tatars in the view of Zhilin are divided into kind, warm-hearted and those who are offended by the Russians and take revenge on them for the murder of relatives and the ruin of auls (old Tatar). Customs, way of life, mores are depicted as the hero perceives them.

  1. Features of human relations in the story

It must be said that Tolstoy's detailed, "everyday" description of events does not obscure the ugliness of human relations. There is no romantic intensity in his narrative.

Tolstoy's "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is a true story. Zhilin is captured by the Gentiles on completely legal grounds. He is an adversary, a warrior, according to the customs of the highlanders, he can be captured and ransomed for him. The character of the protagonist corresponds to the surname, he is strong, persistent, sinewy. He has golden hands, in captivity he helped the highlanders, repaired something, they even came to him for treatment. The author does not indicate the name, only that he is called Ivan, but that was the name of all Russian captives. Kostylin - as if on crutches, props. But pay attention: in fact, Tolstoy has one prisoner, as the title speaks eloquently, although there are two heroes in the story. Zhilin managed to escape from captivity, and Kostylin remained not only and not so much in Tatar captivity, but in captivity of his weakness, his selfishness.

Let us remember how helpless, how physically weak Kostylin turns out to be, how he only hopes for a ransom that his mother will send.

Zhilin, on the contrary, does not count on his mother, does not want to shift his difficulties onto her shoulders. He is included in the life of the Tatars, the aul, he is constantly doing something, he knows how to win over even his enemies - he is strong in spirit. It is this idea that the author wants to convey to the readers first of all.

The main device of the story is opposition; the prisoners Zhilin and Kostylin are shown in contrast. Even their appearance is depicted in contrast. Zhilin is outwardly energetic and mobile. "There was a master for every needlework" , “Although small in stature, but he was daring” , - emphasizes the author. And in the guise of Kostylin, L. Tolstoy brings to the fore unpleasant features: “a man is heavy, plump, sweaty” . Not only Zhilin and Kostylin are shown in contrast, but also the life, customs, and people of the village. Residents are depicted as Zhilin sees them. In the guise of an old Tatar, cruelty, hatred, malice are emphasized: “the nose is hooked like a hawk, and the eyes are gray, angry and there are no teeth - only two fangs” .

Kostylin - is in double captivity, as we said above. Writer drawing this image, says that, without getting out of the internal captivity, it is impossible to get out of the external captivity.

But L.N. Tolstoy - an artist and a man - wanted Kostylin to arouse in the reader not anger and contempt, but pity and compassion. The author has similar feelings for him, who sees every person as a person, and the main way to change life is in self-improvement, and not in revolutions. So in this story favorite thoughts of L. N. Tolstoy are affirmed, his knowledge of human psychology and the ability to portray inner world, experience; the ability to clearly and simply draw a portrait of a hero, a landscape, an environment in which the heroes live.

The image of the Tatar girl Dina evokes the warmest sympathy. In Dean, traits of sincerity and spontaneity are noticed. She squatted down, began to turn the stone: “Yes, the little hands are thin, like twigs, there is nothing to be strong. Threw a stone, cried " . This little girl, obviously deprived of affection, constantly left unattended, reached out to the kind, paternal attitude towards her Zhilin.

“The Prisoner of the Caucasus” is a realistic work in which the life of the highlanders is vividly and vividly described, the nature of the Caucasus is depicted. It is written in accessible language, close to fabulous. The story is told from the point of view of the narrator.

By the time the story was written, Tolstoy finally affirmed the need to learn from the people of their morality, their views on the world, simplicity and wisdom, the ability to "take root" in any situation, survive in any situation, without grumbling and without shifting their troubles onto other people's shoulders. The writer at that time was completely occupied with public education, he wrote the ABC for peasant children, all the literary texts in which are simple, entertaining, instructive. "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is published in the 4th book of "Russian Children's Books for Reading", that is, the story was written by Tolstoy specifically for children, and therefore it is so instructive.

Also, we conducted a survey among 5-7 classes (60 people) of our lyceum. The results of the survey are presented in the appendix.


So, reading the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" captivates the reader. Everyone sympathizes with Zhilin, despise Kostylin, admire Dina. Emotional perception, the ability to empathize, up to identifying yourself with your favorite characters, faith in the reality of what is happening in the story - these are the features of perception literary work, but the reader must also develop, enrich perception, learn to penetrate the thoughts of the writer, experience aesthetic pleasure from reading. Attracts attention moral issues story to realize Tolstoy's ideal of a beautiful person.

In the story “The Prisoner of the Caucasus”, L. Tolstoy solves the following problem: can people live in peace and friendship, what separates them and what connects them, is it possible to overcome the eternal enmity of people with each other? This leads to the second problem: are there qualities in a person that make it possible for people to unite? Which people have these qualities, and which do not, and why?

Both of these problems are not only quite accessible to readers, but are also deeply relevant, because relationships of friendship and comradeship occupy an ever greater place in life.


  1. Afanasyeva T.M., Tolstoy and childhood, M., 1978
  2. Bulanov A.M., Philosophical and ethical searches in Russian literature 2 half of XIX century, M., 1991
  3. Voinova N.M., Russian literature XIX century, M., 2004
  4. Lomukov K.N. L. Tolstoy. Essay on life and creativity, M., 1984.
  5. Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich//Short literary encyclopedia.-vol.7.-M., 1972.
  6. Khrapchenko M.B., Tolstoy as an artist, M., 2000
  7. Shklovsky V. Leo Tolstoy.-M., 1963 - (ZhZL).


  1. Are you familiar with the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"?

“Yes, I am familiar” - 54 people.

“I heard something” - 5 people.

“Difficult to answer” – 1 person.

  1. Do you remember who the main character of the story is?

“Yes, I remember” - 54 people.

“Difficult to answer” – 6 people.

  1. What, in your opinion, character traits does the main character, Zhilin, have?

"Courage, Courage" - 45 people.

"Honesty, devotion, gratitude" - 31 people.

"Caring, benevolence" - 22 people.

"Caution, foresight" - 14 people.

  1. In your opinion, is the image of the protagonist a "national character"?

“Yes, I think” – 48 people.

“Rather no than yes” - 8 people.

"No that's not " folk character" - 4 people.

  1. Do you consider the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" a kind of book of life?

“Yes, I think” – 40 people.

“Rather no than yes” – 16 people.

"No" - 4 people.

Zhuravlev V.P., Korovina V.Ya., Korovin V.I. Literature. Grade 5 In 2 parts. Part 1. Enlightenment, 2007

Zhuravlev V.P., Korovina V.Ya., Korovin V.I. Literature. Grade 5 In 2 parts. Part 1. Enlightenment, 2007

1. What events prompted L.N. Tolstoy the idea of ​​creating the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"? Why is it called "Prisoner of the Caucasus" and not "Prisoners of the Caucasus"? What is the idea of ​​the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"?
2. How did Zhilin and Kostylin end up on a dangerous road?
3. How did the Tatar village appear to the hero? What did Zhilin see in the house? What customs of the Tatars did he observe? Tell about it in detail, close to the text.
4. How did Zhilin and Kostylin meet? How did they behave in captivity? Why did Dina help Zhilin? What does the writer want to tell us by talking about this friendship? Why did the first run fail? How did the Tatars treat Zhilin? What is the meaning of the story?
Help me please! Beg! Urgent need!

who read the Caucasian prisoner help!!!

1. What did L.N. Tolstoy, his main task in Yasnaya Polyana?
2. What events suggested to L.N. Tolstoy the idea of ​​​​creating the story Prisoner of the Caucasus? Why is he called the Caucasian prisoner and not the Caucasian captives?
3. How did Zhilin and Kostylin end up on a dangerous road? Thanks in advance!

1. The action of the story takes place:

a) summer, b) spring, c) autumn.

2. Zhilin went home:

A) get married, b) get medical treatment, c) visit an old mother.

3. Zhilin went:

A) alone, b) with a convoy, c) together with Kostylin.

4. The officers were alone because:

A) they went together, b) they killed everyone else, c) the train was moving slowly, they did not want to wait.

5. At Zhilin:

A) there was a gun, b) there was no gun, c) he lost the gun.

7. Kostylin:

A) poor, b) rich, c) this is not mentioned in the story.

8. Kostylin was captured:

A) together with Zhilin, b) separately from him, c) he was not captured.

A) 10 years old b) 17 years old c) 13 years old

10. Prisoners were held:

A) in a barn, b) in a house, c) in a mosque.

11. Zhilin sculpted dolls:

A) from bread, b) from clay, c) from plasticine.

12. Zhilin cured the Tatar:

A) because I was a doctor, b) I remembered the method of treatment, oh .. I read c) it happened by chance.

13. Prisoners ordered to kill:

A) a red Tatar, b) an old man, c) a black Tatar.

14. The officers were in captivity:

A) a week, b) less than a month, c) more than a month.

15. Zhilin again decides to escape, because

A) Kostylin felt better b) the blocks were removed from him c) he found out that they wanted to kill him

16. Kostylin could not escape from captivity because:

A) was frightened, b) fell ill, c) hoped and waited that he would be redeemed.

17. Zhilin was helped to escape:

A) Dina, b) Red Tatar c) Kostylin.

18. Zhilin:

A) immediately ran away, b) ran twice, c) stayed with the Tatars until the ransom.

19. Zhilin returned to the fortress:

A) on a horse, b) in stocks on foot, c) the Tatars brought him.

20. Which proverb is applicable to the content of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus":

A) Friendship is strife, but at least drop another.

B) Famously remembered, but the good will not be forgotten.

C) Two swords in one scabbard cannot get along.

how did the Russian officers react to the proposal to ransom Zhilin and Kostylin? how does this characterize them? how do Zhilin and Kostylin behave in captivity? which of them

Almost every classical writer of the 19th century wrote about the Caucasus. This region, engulfed in almost endless war (1817-1864), attracted authors with its beauty, rebelliousness and exoticism. L.N. Tolstoy was no exception and wrote a simple and life story"Prisoner of the Caucasus".

L. N. Tolstoy, who became famous all over the world after the novels "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina" and others, in the 70s of the 19th century renounced his past work, because his worldview had changed. The writer developed his neo-Christian teaching, according to which he decided to remake himself by "simplifying" life and his future works. And earlier literary works were written incomprehensibly for the people, who were the measure of morality and the producer of all blessings.

Deciding to write in a new way, Tolstoy created the "ABC" (1871-1872) and "New ABC" (1874-1875), distinguished by simplicity, clarity and power of language. The first book also included The Prisoner of the Caucasus, based on the impressions of the author himself, who was almost captured by the highlanders in 1853. In 1872, the story was published in the Zarya magazine. The writer highly appreciated his work, classifying the “Prisoner of the Caucasus” as “an art that conveys the simplest everyday feelings, those that are accessible to all people of all peace, art world wide."

Essence of the story

A poor officer Zhilin, who serves in the Caucasus, is going home to see his mother and, possibly, get married. The road was dangerous, because the hero went along with the convoy, slowly dragging under the protection of the soldiers. Unable to bear the heat, stuffiness and slow movement, the rider rode forward. Directly towards the highlanders, who captured him together with his colleague Kostylin, who met him.

The heroes live in a barn, chained in stocks during the day. Zhilin makes toys for local children, which especially attracts Dina, the daughter of their "master". The girl takes pity on the craftsman, brings him cakes. Zhilin cannot hope for a ransom, he decides to escape through a tunnel. Taking Kostylin with him, he heads for freedom, but his comrade, clumsy and obese, ruined the whole plan, the prisoners were returned. Conditions became worse, they were transferred to the pit and the blocks were no longer removed for the night. With the help of Dina, Zhilin runs again, but his friend categorically refuses. The fugitive, in spite of his legs shackled with blocks, got to his own, and his friend was later ransomed.

Characteristics of the main characters

  1. Zhilin is an officer from poor nobles, in life he is used to relying only on himself, he knows how to do everything with his own hands. The hero understands that no one will save him from captivity: his mother is too poor, he himself has not saved anything for his service. But he does not lose heart, but is seized with activity: he digs a tunnel, makes toys. He is observant, resourceful, persistent and patient - these are the qualities that helped him to free himself. The man is not devoid of nobility: he cannot leave his fellow worker, Kostylin. Although the latter abandoned him during the attack of the highlanders, because of him the first escape failed, Zhilin does not hold a grudge against his “cellmate”.
  2. Kostylin is a noble and wealthy officer, he hopes for money and influence, therefore, in an extreme situation, he turns out to be incapable of anything. He is a pampered, weak in spirit and body, an inert person. Meanness is inherent in this hero, he left Zhilin to the mercy of fate both during the attack, and when he could not run because of his worn legs (the wound was not at all big), and when he did not run a second time (probably thinking about the hopelessness of the enterprise). That is why this coward rotted for a long time in a pit in a mountain village and was bought out barely alive.
  3. the main idea

    The work is really written simply and even its meaning lies on the surface. The main idea of ​​the story “The Prisoner of the Caucasus” is that one should never give up in the face of difficulties, one must overcome them, and not wait for help from others, and no matter what conditions, a way out can always be found. At least try.

    It would seem, who is more likely to escape from captivity: poor Zhilin or rich Kostylin? Of course, the latter. However, the first one has courage and willpower, so he does not wait for mercy, ransom, divine intervention, but simply acts as best he can. At the same time, he does not go over the heads, believing that the end justifies the means, he remains a person even in a difficult situation. Main character close to the people, which, according to the author, still have decency and nobility in the soul, and not in the pedigree. That is why he conquered all hostile circumstances.


  • Many questions are raised in the story. The theme of friendship, sincere and real on the part of Zhilin and "friendship on occasion" from Kostylin. If the first defended the second as himself, then the latter threw his comrade to death.
  • The theme of the feat is also revealed in the story. The language and description of events are natural and everyday, because the work is for children, so Zhilin's exploits are described in a completely ordinary way, but in reality, who will protect his comrade in any situation? Who will be ready to give everything to be free? Who voluntarily refuses to disturb the old mother with a ransom that is too much for her? Certainly, real hero. For him, a feat is a natural state, therefore he is not proud of it, but simply lives like that.
  • The theme of mercy and sympathy is revealed in the image of Dina. Unlike the "Prisoner of the Caucasus" A.S. Pushkin, heroine L.N. Tolstoy saved the prisoner not out of love, she was guided by higher feelings, she took pity on such a kind and skillful person, she was imbued with purely friendly sympathy and respect for him.
  • Issues

    • The Caucasian war lasted for almost half a century, many Russians died in it. And for what? L.N. Tolstoy raises the problem of a senseless and cruel war. It is beneficial only to the highest circles, ordinary people are completely unnecessary and alien. Zhilin, a native of the people, feels like a stranger in the mountain village, but does not feel hostility, because the mountaineers simply lived quietly until they were conquered and began to try to subjugate them. The author shows in positive character"master" Zhilin Abdullah, who likes the main character, and his compassionate and kind daughter Dina. They are not beasts, not monsters, they are the same as their opponents.
    • The problem of betrayal fully confronts Zhilin. Comrade Kostylin betrays him, because of him they are in captivity, because of him they did not immediately escape. The hero is a man with a broad soul, he generously forgives his colleague, realizing that not every person is capable of being strong.
    • What does the story teach?

      The main lesson that the reader can take away from the "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is that you should never give up. Even if everyone is against you, even if it seems that there is no hope, then someday everything will change for the better if you direct all efforts to achieve your goal. And although, fortunately, few are familiar with such an extreme situation as Zhilin's, he should learn stamina from him.

      Another important thing that the story teaches is that war and national strife are meaningless. These phenomena can be beneficial to immoral people in power, but a normal person should try not to allow this for himself, not to be a chauvinist and a nationalist, because, despite some differences in values ​​and lifestyles, each of us always and everywhere strives for one - Tranquility, happiness and peace.

      The story of L.N. Tolstoy, after almost 150 years, has not lost its relevance. It is written simply and clearly, but this does not at all affect its deep meaning. Therefore, this book is a must-read.

      Interesting? Save it on your wall!

The story of L. N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is reliable. It is based on real facts, because the author himself served in the Caucasian army and was an eyewitness to military events, he almost got captured, but his friend, the Chechen Sado, rescued him. LN Tolstoy wrote his story for children. His observations of the customs, customs and way of life of the peoples of the Caucasus make the work informative.

In his story, Tolstoy shows that the life and culture of different peoples is different. It depends on the natural conditions in which people live. So the Russians are accustomed to space, we have large villages and spacious houses. In the mountains, everything is different. The villages of the highlanders are small auls, "there are ten houses and their church with a turret." Houses are called sacks. They are not high, “the walls are smoothly smeared with clay”, there is almost no furniture, instead of it there are carpets and pillows. Around the houses grow gardens with cherry, apricot trees, stone fences.

Customs are strictly respected in the Caucasus: all people wear national clothes. Here you will not find European costumes, as in Russia. So men wear beshmets and ram's hats on their heads, and women wear trousers under a long shirt. From the clothes that Tolstoy describes her, one can understand that in the mountains, as in Russia, people live with different incomes. The clothes of richer men are beautifully decorated, and women wear jewelry made from captured Russian coins. Rich people have two pairs of shoes, and those who are poorer have only boots.

It is felt that the highlanders treat weapons with special respect: they are hung on the walls on the carpets in the house, and the men have a dagger attached to their belts.

Among themselves, the highlanders live amicably, sacredly observe the customs of faith, profess Islam. Every Muslim should visit Mecca during their lifetime. It's very honorable. Such a person is treated with great respect. “Whoever was in Mecca is called a haji and puts on a turban.”

L. N. Tolstoy describes in detail the Muslim burial rite. It also differs from Christian customs. “They wrapped the dead man in a cloth… They brought him to the pit. The pit was not dug simple, but dug under the ground, like a basement. They took the dead man under the armpits and under the straps, slipped him under the ground ... ”The deceased is commemorated for three days.

L. N. Tolstoy makes it clear that among the highlanders, as well as among people of any other nationalities, there are “good” and “bad”. Highlanders have different attitudes towards the infidel. Although children in the Caucasus are brought up from childhood in the spirit of hostility towards the Russians, they immediately feel Zhilin's kindness, and many adult residents of the village respect his skill. In the customs of the highlanders, listen to the opinion of the elders. So Tolstoy shows an old man who fiercely hates all Russians and demands their death.

Objectively describing the life and customs of the highlanders, L. N. Tolstoy in his story calls for respect for the traditions and culture of people of all nationalities. He argues that there are no "bad" and "good" peoples, there are "bad" and "good" people, regardless of how they look and where they live. LN Tolstoy condemns the war. He shows that it is not faith that makes people enemies, but war, which does not allow peoples to live in friendship and harmony.

All-Russian Competition of student essays "Krugozor"

http://planeta. tspu. en/

“The image of a Caucasian prisoner in the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

Work completed:

student of 5 "B" class

MBOU lyceum №1

Vakhrusheva Sofia

Project Manager:


Introduction ………………………………………………………………………..3

Chapter 1. History of the creation of the story …………………………………………. 4

1.1 Features of human relations in the story……………….8

Chapter 2. The genre of the work is a story……………………………………….10

2.1. Story - the definition of the term in literary criticism Composition - what is it? .............................................. .................................10

Chapter 3. Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin………..12

Chapter 4. Analysis of minor characters……………………………………. .13




In the history of Russian culture there are many names of outstanding figures, scientists, thinkers, artists, writers who make up the glory and pride of the nation. Among them, one of the most honorable places rightfully belongs to Leo Tolstoy, the great creator who created immortal images and characters that remain relevant today. This is also the image of the “Caucasian prisoner” – a man of high morality.

In the 19th century, the Caucasus was an emblematic space of freedom, an unrestricted spiritual movement as opposed to the conventional world of "civilization."

In the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Tolstoy wants to tell the main thing - the truth about a person and about this person's place in society, and in a society that is alien to him, completely alien. This theme does not lose its relevance for several centuries now.

Goal of the work consist in tracking and explaining the reasons for the formation and development of the characters of the heroes of the story, their morality.

We have the following tasks:

1. to analyze the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus";

2. highlight the distinctive features of each of the characters;

3. to determine what is the moral value of the "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

object research advocates the character of the hero as a carrier of morality, moral values.

Subject research becomes directly the artistic text itself - "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

Relevance my research is that the topic of the Caucasus has been and remains very relevant. And it depends on the attitude of us young people to this problem whether this problem will ever be solved, whether we will be able to answer in the affirmative the question posed in one of the works under study: “Will beauty save the world”? And I decided to find out how the image of the Caucasian prisoner is interpreted in the work, the problems of relationships between people of different nationalities are solved.

Leo Tolstoy served in the Caucasus in almost the same places as. But they saw the warlike highlanders in different ways. Rather, they saw the same thing, but perceived it differently. It should be noted that in prose the Caucasus began to acquire the details of everyday life, the details of relationships, the little things of everyday life. But the constant component Caucasian theme is a description of nature.

"The Prisoner of the Caucasus" is a true story, the material for which was the events from the life of the writer and the stories he heard in the service.

Zhilin is captured by the Gentiles on completely legal grounds. He is an adversary, a warrior, according to the customs of the highlanders, he can be captured and ransomed for him. The main character is Zhilin, his character corresponds to his surname. Therefore, we conclude: it is strong, resistant, sinewy. He has golden hands, in captivity he helped the highlanders, repaired something, they even came to him for treatment. The author does not indicate the name, only that he is called Ivan, but that was the name of all Russian captives.

An analysis of the critical literature on this work allows us to conclude that, by the time the work on the story began, he himself finally affirmed the need to learn from the people their morality, their views on the world, simplicity and wisdom, the ability to "take root" in any situation, survive in any situations, without grumbling and without shifting their troubles onto other people's shoulders.

Chapter 1. The history of the creation of the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

"The Prisoner of the Caucasus" is the last work in the "Russian Book for Reading". In a letter to the writer, he called this story his best work, because, in his opinion, it was here that he managed to most naturally use the best artistic means of folk poetics.

Leo Tolstoy worked on it in 1872, stubbornly striving for simplicity, naturalness of the narrative, the work was written during the writer's sharp thoughts about life, the search for its meaning. Here, as in his great epic, the separation and enmity of people, "war" is opposed to what binds them together - "peace". And here there is a “people's thought” - the assertion that ordinary people of different nationalities can find mutual understanding, because universal human moral values ​​are the same - love for work, respect for a person, friendship, honesty, mutual assistance. And vice versa, evil, hostility, selfishness, self-interest are inherently anti-people and anti-human. Tolstoy is convinced that “the most beautiful thing in a person is love for people, which makes it possible to live a full life. Love is hindered by all sorts of social foundations, ossified national barriers, protected by the state and giving rise to false values: the desire for rank, wealth, career - all that seems familiar and normal to people.

Therefore, Tolstoy addresses children who have not yet been "spoiled" by social and national abnormal relations. He wants to tell them the truth, to teach them to distinguish good from evil, to help them follow the good. He creates a work where the beautiful is clearly distinguished from the ugly, the work is extremely simple and clear, and at the same time deep and significant, like a parable. “Tolstoy is proud of this story. This is beautiful prose - calm, there are no decorations in it, and there is not even what is called psychological analysis. Human interests collide, and we sympathize with Zhilin - a good person, and what we know about him is enough for us, and he himself does not want to know much about himself.

The plot of the story is simple and clear. The Russian officer Zhilin, who served in the Caucasus, where the war was going on at that time, goes on vacation and on the way is captured by the Tatars. He escapes from captivity, but unsuccessfully. The secondary escape succeeds. Zhilin, pursued by the Tatars, escapes and returns to the military unit. The content of the story is the impressions and experiences of the hero. This makes the story emotional and exciting. The life of the Tatars, the nature of the Caucasus are revealed by the author realistically, through the perception of Zhilin. Tatars in the view of Zhilin are divided into kind, warm-hearted and those who are offended by the Russians and take revenge on them for the murder of relatives and the ruin of auls (old Tatar). Customs, way of life, mores are depicted as the hero perceives them.

What does this story teach?

First of all, let's compare the two heroes, let's think about their names: Zhilin - because he managed to survive, "take root", "get used" to someone else's and alien to him life; Kostylin - as if on crutches, props. But pay attention: in fact, Tolstoy has one prisoner, as the title speaks eloquently, although there are two heroes in the story. Zhilin managed to escape from captivity, and Kostylin remained not only and not so much in Tatar captivity, but in

captivity of their weakness, their selfishness. Let us remember how helpless, how physically weak Kostylin turns out to be, how he only hopes for a ransom that his mother will send. Zhilin, on the contrary, does not count on his mother, does not want to shift his difficulties onto her shoulders. He is included in the life of the Tatars, the aul, he is constantly doing something, he knows how to win over even his enemies - he is strong in spirit. It is this idea, first of all, that the author wants to convey to the readers. Kostylin - is in double captivity, as I mentioned above. The writer, drawing this image, says that without getting out of the internal captivity, it is impossible to get out of the external captivity. But - an artist and a man - he wanted Kostylin to evoke in us not anger and contempt, but pity and compassion. The author has similar feelings for him, who sees every person as a person, and the main way to change life is in self-improvement. So in this story, Tolstoy's favorite thoughts are affirmed, his knowledge of human psychology and the ability to depict the inner world, experience are manifested; the ability to clearly and simply draw a portrait of a hero, a landscape, an environment in which the heroes live.

But nevertheless, the hope was strengthened in my soul that the world would not collapse because of the war, but would be reborn thanks to beauty. And above all, thanks to the beauty of human souls, their morality, kindness, responsiveness, mercy, responsibility for their actions, because everything begins with a person, his thoughts and actions from the point of view of morality, which are brought up in people, first of all by literature, starting from childhood years.

The novelty of my research lies in the fact that I not only analyzed the content of the studied works, studied critical literature, but also tried to identify the author's position on the problems raised in the works.

The study allowed me to answer a number of questions, but in the course of my work, new questions arose concerning the structure of the world in general and school life in particular; can people live in peace and friendship, what separates them and what connects them, is it possible to overcome the age-old enmity of people with each other? Are there qualities in a person that make it possible for people to unite? Which people have these qualities, and which do not, and why? These questions will constantly arise before people sooner or later. They are also relevant for us, schoolchildren, because friendship and comradeship relations are beginning to take an increasing place in our lives, a code of moral values ​​plays an increasingly important role, the most important of which are camaraderie, equality, honesty, courage, the desire to have true friends, what qualities one must possess to be a good companion.

1.1. Features of human relations in the story

It must be said that Tolstoy's detailed, "everyday" description of events does not obscure the ugliness of human relations. There is no romantic intensity in his narrative.

Tolstoy's "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is a true story. Zhilin is captured by the Gentiles on completely legal grounds. He is an adversary, a warrior, according to the customs of the highlanders, he can be captured and ransomed for him. The character of the protagonist corresponds to the surname, he is strong, persistent, sinewy. He has golden hands, in captivity he helped the highlanders, repaired something, they even came to him for treatment. The author does not indicate the name, only that he is called Ivan, but that was the name of all Russian captives. Kostylin - as if on crutches, props. But pay attention: in fact, Tolstoy has one prisoner, as the title speaks eloquently, although there are two heroes in the story. Zhilin managed to escape from captivity, and Kostylin remained not only and not so much in Tatar captivity, but in captivity of his weakness, his selfishness.

Let us remember how helpless, how physically weak Kostylin turns out to be, how he only hopes for a ransom that his mother will send.

Zhilin, on the contrary, does not count on his mother, does not want to shift his difficulties onto her shoulders. He is included in the life of the Tatars, the aul, he is constantly doing something, he knows how to win over even his enemies - he is strong in spirit. It is this idea that the author wants to convey to the readers first of all.

The main device of the story is opposition; the prisoners Zhilin and Kostylin are shown in contrast. Even their appearance is depicted in contrast. Zhilin is outwardly energetic and mobile. “There was a master for every kind of needlework”, “Although he was small in stature, he was daring,” the author emphasizes. And in the guise of Kostylin, L. Tolstoy brings to the fore unpleasant features: “the man is heavy, plump, sweaty.” Not only Zhilin and Kostylin are shown in contrast, but also the life, customs, and people of the village. Residents are depicted as Zhilin sees them. In the guise of an old Tatar, cruelty, hatred, malice are emphasized: "the nose is hooked, like a hawk, and the eyes are gray, angry and there are no teeth - only two fangs."

Kostylin - is in double captivity, as we said above. The writer, drawing this image, says that without getting out of the internal captivity, it is impossible to get out of the external captivity.

But - an artist and a man - he wanted Kostylin to arouse in the reader not anger and contempt, but pity and compassion. The author has similar feelings for him, who sees every person as a person, and the main way to change life is in self-improvement, and not in revolutions. So in this story, favorite thoughts are affirmed, his knowledge of human psychology and the ability to depict the inner world, experience are manifested; the ability to clearly and simply draw a portrait of a hero, a landscape, an environment in which the heroes live.

The image of the Tatar girl Dina evokes the warmest sympathy. In Dean, traits of sincerity and spontaneity are noticed. She squatted down, began to turn the stone: “Yes, the little hands are thin, like twigs, there is nothing to be strong. She threw a stone and cried. This little girl, obviously deprived of affection, constantly left unattended, reached out to the kind, paternal attitude towards her Zhilin.

“The Prisoner of the Caucasus” is a realistic work in which the life of the highlanders is vividly and vividly described, the nature of the Caucasus is depicted. It is written in accessible language, close to fabulous. The story is told from the point of view of the narrator.

By the time the story was written, Tolstoy finally affirmed the need to learn from the people of their morality, their views on the world, simplicity and wisdom, the ability to "take root" in any situation, survive in any situation, without grumbling and without shifting their troubles onto other people's shoulders.

Chapter 2. The genre of the work is a story.Composition - what is it?

A story is a definition of a term in literary criticism. We have heard the word “story” many times, but what is it? What is the definition of this term? I was looking for answers to this question in explanatory dictionaries Russian language and here are the results:

1. Story - a small form of epic prose, narrative work small size. (Dictionary)

2. The story is a small artistic narrative work in prose. (Dictionary)

3. Story - a small form of epic prose. It goes back to folklore genres (fairy tale, parable). How did the genre separate itself in written literature. (Encyclopedic Dictionary)

4. A fictional narrative work of small size, usually in prose. (Dictionary)

Composition is an important component concerning the organization of artistic, literary, pictorial, three-dimensional form. The composition gives the work integrity and unity, subordinates its elements to each other and correlates with the general intention of the artist or author.

Chapter 3

In the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Leo Tolstoy introduces us to two Russian officers - Zhilin and Kostylin. The author builds his work on the opposition of these heroes. By showing us how they behave in the same situations, Tolstoy expresses his idea of ​​what a person should be like. At the beginning of the story, the writer brings these characters together. We learn that Zhilin decides on a dangerous act, because he is in a hurry to his mother, and Kostylin - only because "I want to eat, and it's hot." The author describes Zhilin as follows: "... although he is small in stature, he was daring." “And Kostylin is a heavy, fat man, all red, and the sweat is pouring from him.” Such a difference in the external description is further enhanced by the meaning of the names of the characters. After all, the surname Zhilin echoes the word "lived", and the hero can be called a wiry person, that is, strong, strong and hardy. And in the name Kostylin the word “crutch” sounds: indeed, he needs support and support, but he himself can’t do anything. The writer depicts Zhilin as a decisive, but at the same time very prudent person: “We must go to the mountain, have a look ...”. He knows how to assess the danger and calculate his strength. Unlike him, Kostylin is very frivolous: “What to watch? let's go ahead." Frightened by the Tatars, he behaved like a coward. Even the horses are treated differently by the characters. Zhilin calls her "mother", and Kostylin mercilessly "fries" her with a whip. But most clearly, the difference in the characters of the heroes manifests itself when they both find themselves in Tatar captivity. Once captured, Zhilin immediately manifests himself as a courageous, strong man, refusing to pay "three thousand coins": "... with them what is shy is worse." Moreover, pitying his mother, he deliberately writes the address “wrongly” so that the letter does not reach. And Kostylin, on the contrary, writes home several times and asks to send money for ransom. Zhilin set himself a goal: "I will leave." He does not waste time in vain, he observes the life, way of life and habits of the Tatars. The hero learned to "understand in their language", began to needlework, make toys, and heal people. By this he managed to win them over and even won the love of the owner. It is especially touching to read about Zhilin's friendship with Dina, who saved him in the end. On the example of this friendship, Tolstoy shows us his rejection of self-interest and enmity between peoples. And Kostylin “sits in the barn for whole days and counts the days when the letter arrives, or sleeps.” Thanks to his intelligence and ingenuity, Zhilin was able to organize an escape and, as a friend, took Kostylin with him. We see that Zhilin courageously endures pain, and "Kostylin is still lagging behind and groaning." But Zhilin does not leave him, but carries him. Being captured for the second time, Zhilin still does not give up and runs. But Kostylin is passively waiting for money and is not at all looking for a way out. At the end of the story, both heroes escaped. But the actions of Kostylin, his cowardice, weakness, betrayal in relation to Zhilin cause condemnation. Only Zhilin deserves respect, because he got out of captivity thanks to his human qualities. Tolstoy has a special sympathy for him, admires his perseverance, fearlessness and sense of humor: “So I went home, got married!”

We can say that the writer dedicated his story to Zhilin, because he called him “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, and not “Prisoners of the Caucasus”.

Chapter 4

In the story "The Prisoner of the Caucasus", Dina appears before us as a faithful, devoted friend, always ready to help, to sacrifice herself. This is a person who will not leave a friend in trouble, she does not think about herself, but thinks more about others. She is brave, sensitive, decisive, prudent.
All these character traits of Dina are manifested where Tolstoy describes the story of friendship between the Tatar girl Dina and the Russian officer Zhilin. When good man Zhilin is captured by the Tatars, he is in danger, Dina helps him escape from captivity. This brave girl saved Zhilin's life without thinking about herself, without fear of punishment.
Dina's kind heart. She felt sorry for the captive officer, secretly fed him from everyone.
Dina is lonely, because she is an orphan. She needs affection, care, understanding. This becomes clear from the episode where Dina shakes the doll in her arms.
The author describes Dina to us: “The eyes are shining”, “Like a goat jumps”.

I think that Dina is an example of loyalty and devotion. Dina and Zhilin are somewhat similar to each other. Zhilin is a disinterested, kind, sympathetic officer, and Dina is a small, shy, timid, modest, kind orphan. I wish there were more people like this on earth.


So, reading the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" captivates the reader. Everyone sympathizes with Zhilin, despise Kostylin, admire Dina. The emotionality of perception, the ability to empathize, up to identifying yourself with your favorite characters, faith in the reality of what is happening in the story - these are the features of the perception of a literary work, but the reader must also develop, enrich perception, learn to penetrate the thoughts of the writer, experience aesthetic pleasure from reading. The moral issues of the story are noteworthy in order to realize Tolstoy's ideal of a beautiful person.

In the story “The Prisoner of the Caucasus”, L. Tolstoy solves the following problem: can people live in peace and friendship, what separates them and what connects them, is it possible to overcome the eternal enmity of people with each other? This leads to the second problem: are there qualities in a person that make it possible for people to unite? Which people have these qualities, and which do not, and why?

Both of these problems are not only quite accessible to readers, but are also deeply relevant, because relationships of friendship and comradeship occupy an ever greater place in life.

List of sources used

2. Diaries of Tolstoy.

3. http://resoch. en

4. http://books.

5.http://www. liters en

6.http://www. liters. en

7. https://ru. wikipedia. org

8. http://tolstoj. ru - letters, articles and diaries

(with comments by psychologist A. Shubnikov)

9. http://www. ollelukoe. en


11. http://dic. academic. en

12. http://www. rvb. ru/tolstoy

13. http://lib. en/LITRA/LERMONTOW

14. http://az. lib. ru/p/pushkin_a_s

15. http://bigreferat. en

16.http://www. allsoch. en

17. http://www. liters en

18. http://renavigator. en