"I will sing to you about good and evil..." -

true and false values in the tale of G.Kh. Andersen "The Nightingale"

Teacher: Grigoryeva A.D.

Grade: 5.

Target - development of analytical skills of 5th grade students in a literature lesson:

1) educational:teach analysis artwork on the example of the fairy tale G.Kh. Andersen "The Nightingale";

2) developing: to form the skills of text analysis, independent work with text, drafting comparison table;

3) educating:to form moral and aesthetic ideas of students: a sense of beauty, vision true beauty in nature, love of art, a sense of kindness, the ability to forgive and compassion.

Forms, methods: oral and written collective work, independent work (compilation of a comparative table, essay-cliche).

Lesson type: assimilation of new knowledge.

Technologies: educational, informational.

Equipment: screen, laptop, multimedia projector.

During the classes

Leonid Sukhorukov

Victor Hugo

I. Emotional mood

Today in the lesson we turn to the work of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, whose fairy tales you have known since childhood. What fairy tales of Andersen can you name? ("Thumbelina", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen", "The King's New Dress", "Ole Lukoye", "The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep", "The Princess and the Pea", "The Ugly Duckling", "Wild Swans", "The Little Mermaid", etc.). Andersen comes to you guys in different ways. Then he quietly sneaks into the room and evokes wonderful dreams for you, like the good magician Ole Lukoye. That fairy tale sails along with Thumbelina on a leaf of a water lily. You will forever be captivated by the story of the steadfast tin soldier. But most often, Andersen's fairy tale boldly breaks into the world of your childhood. Snow Queen. And today a fairy tale will fly to our lesson on the wings of a small bird, a nightingale. “It was a long time ago, of course, but that’s why it’s worth listening to this story until it is completely forgotten!” Andersen wrote.

We have to find out why it is so important for the author that this story is not forgotten, what eternal values ​​Andersen speaks about in the fairy tale “The Nightingale”, comparing a real and an artificial nightingale. Let's take you to the world of this amazing fairy tale.

II. Record date, subject

III. Revealing reader perception

Did you like G.Kh. Andersen "The Nightingale"? How do you understand the epigraph of today's lesson?

What particularly excited you about the story? What surprised? What caused confusion?

IV. Fairy tale analysis

a) Conversation and verification of d.z.

Why is the tale called "The Nightingale" and not "The Nightingales"? After all, there are two of them.

What do you know about this bird?(The nightingale is a songbird from the thrush family, with gray plumage, slender build, distinguished by unusually beautiful singing).

Let's listen to how the nightingale sings (phonogram sounds). Isn't it beautiful?

- Let's see how our artists portrayed the nightingale from Andersen's fairy tale. Right?

Where does the story take place?(In China).

And what was the main attraction of the country described in the fairy tale? (Castle).

Let's take a tour of the palace. Today we are visiting travelers who have been to China, one of them will talk about his impressions of visiting the palace (checking dz).(“In the whole world there would be no palace better than the imperial one; it was all made of precious porcelain, but so fragile that it was scary to touch it ...”).

What is opposed to the imperial palace and garden in the fairy tale? (The forest in which the nightingale lives). Traveler 2 will tell about the life of a nightingale in the forest (checking the dz).

Did the emperor know about the existence of the nightingale? How did he know? Find a quote(“A nightingale? But I don’t even know it! How? Such an amazing bird lives in my state and even in my own garden, but I have never heard of it! I had to subtract about it from books!”).

And who in the palace knew about it?(Poor girl-cook: “Lord! How not to know the nightingale! It’s already singing! ... every time I hear the nightingale singing. Tears will flow from my eyes, and my soul will become so joyful, as if my mother is kissing me!. .").

Guys, how did it happen that the whole world knew about the nightingale, they even wrote about it in books, but the emperor did not know? Don't you think that the nightingale and the inhabitants of the palace live in some different worlds? Let's prove it by making a table.

b) Compilation of the table

(The children are offered a table that they will have to fill out using the text of the fairy tale)

Let's summarize. What is the difference the world nightingale from the emperor's world? (Before us is a real and fake world. In the world of the emperor, everything is designed in such a way as to live fake and see fake. Why did scientists describe the palace and garden, and poets composed poems in honor of the nightingale? This is the life of the mind and heart. Everything in the palace obeyed the rules ("cleverly invented", "done") The singing of the nightingale is the life of the heart, it is alive, nature itself, natural and therefore beautiful. That is why everyone said: "But the nightingale is the best", "Lord, how good!").
(The guys fill in one more line in the table)


Natural beauty of wildlife

Artificial beauty of the palace

What is opposition called in literature? (antithesis)

Let us recall what feelings the singing of a living nightingale aroused in the emperor.

V) Expressive reading excerpt - p. 168

Guys, what is the reward for the nightingale?

(The greatest reward for a nightingale is the emperor's tears).

Can tears be a reward? What is the meaning of this phrase?

(This is an allegory - an allegory. For an artist, the viewer's tears can be an indicator of recognition and understanding of his work).

Andersen persistently refers to the image of tears. Tears are different, in the fairy tale "The Nightingale" tears are a symbol of what? (Symbol of purification of the soul).

G) Independent work in pairs - drawing up a table

One day, a large package was delivered to the emperor with the inscription "Nightingale". So another nightingale appears in the tale. It looked like a real one, so the court decided that the birds should sing in duet. But things didn't go well. The living nightingale flew away, the emperor and his courtiers admired the singing of the artificial bird. The author again resorts to antithesis. Let's compare real and artificial nightingale.

real nightingale

artificial nightingale


How does he sing?

What is the effect of singing?

Who listened to the singing?

What benefit did it bring?

On your tables are cards with the characteristics of birds, arrange them in columns.

little gray bird

2) You can’t know in advance what exactly he will sing

Sang like a clockwork hurdy-gurdy

Can't be forced

3) His singing was enough for the heart, and tears appeared in his eyes

4) The fisherman listened to him, forgetting about his worries

5) 25 volumes of the most intricate Chinese words were written about him

Saved the emperor from death

Guys, now let's compare who is more beautiful? Who sings better? Who evokes real feelings in people with their singing? So what is the difference between a live nightingale and an artificial one?

(The guys write the conclusion)

e) Physical Minute

g) Conclusions on the table

Remember in which fairy tale and which author we have already come to a similar conclusion? (A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs").

Remember the epigraph. What proverb would you add? (Not all that glitters is gold.)

So, Andersen, using the antithesis, thinks about the eternal, about the problem of the true and the false, about the relationship to the genuine and the artificial.

Natural and contrived. Can we talk about friendship? Prove it.

Why was the artificial nightingale given such great honors? Why did the whole city know by heart every note in his song? (It was artificial singing. There was no life in it, and therefore there was no variety. It was not difficult to repeat it).

Why did you like this song?("They themselves could now sing along to the bird").

h) Closing conversation

But the tale doesn't end there. It was also important for the author to show the illness of the emperor. Why do you think? (To show what true art is capable of, because the mechanical nightingale broke down and the emperor fell ill. And the living nightingale saved him from death with his song).

Could an artificial nightingale do this? (No, because only the real singing of a living nightingale is able to defeat death and even those evil forces that live in a person’s soul. Real art makes a person better, cleaner, more beautiful).

Why did the nightingale return?

How has the emperor changed? (He allowed the nightingale to live in the forest, allowed him to fly and sing songs only when the nightingale himself wished it).

How do you understand the end of the story? What meaning did the author put into the words of the emperor “Hello! WITH Good morning!»? ( Last words fairy tales are a return to the world of genuine human feelings and relationships).

V. Results - essay-cliché

And so the fairy tale ended. The nightingale saved the emperor from death, promised to fly to him and tell about that real living life that cannot be seen from the walls of the palace and that no flowers with crystal bells can replace. Summing up, let's think again, why did Andersen ask us not to forget this tale?

(The tale of G.Kh. Andersen "The Nightingale" is very interesting and instructive . Through opposition live nightingale and artificial beauty human wildlife, a kind soul, selfless help and empathy is more important than external beauty. Only the present is immortalauthentic, natural).

VI. Homework

2) Draw a cover for the fairy tale "Nightingale".

Reference sheet

May sixteenth


The pinnacle of any art is its naturalness.

L. Sukhorukov

None outer beauty cannot be complete

If it is not enlivened by inner beauty.

V. Hugo

No. 1. Fill in the table

No. 2. Distribute the cards with the characteristics of birds into columns (orally)

No. 3. Comparing 2 birds, write down the conclusion

No. 4. Write down how you understand the proverb "All that glitters is not gold"

No. 5. Insert words that fit the meaning (composition-cliché)

Fairy tale G.Kh. Andersen's Nightingale is very interesting and ____________ . Through opposition _________ nightingale and ________________ The author proves that in life __________ living nature, ________ soul, _____________ help and _____________ is more important than __________ beauty. The present, __________ _, ____________ always immortal.

No. 6. D.z.

2) Draw a cover for the fairy tale "The Nightingale" (optional).


The simplest appearance

All sprinkled with diamonds, rubies and sapphires

little gray bird

His tail shone with gold and silver

It is impossible to know in advance what exactly he will sing

Sang like a clockwork hurdy-gurdy

Can't be forced

33 times sang the same thing and did not get tired

His singing was enough for the heart, and tears appeared in his eyes.

Not bad, but still not the same, something is missing in his singing

The fisherman listened to him, forgetting about his worries

The people listened to him and were pleased, as if they had drunk plenty of tea.

25 volumes of the most sophisticated Chinese words were written about him

Saved the emperor from death

Used Books

Literature lesson summary (grade 5) “The Nightingale” by Hans Christian Andersen. True and Imaginary Values. A lesson in learning new material (analysis of a work). [Electronic resource] /- Access mode:http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:GBJli0z197IJ:obrazbase.ru/attachments/article/1224/%25D0%259A%25D0%25BE%25D0%25BD%25D1%2581%25D0%25BF%25D0 %25B5%25D0%25BA%25D1%2582%2520%25D1%2583%25D1%2580%25D0%25BE%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B0.doc+&cd=1&hl=ru&ct=clnk&gl=ru .

Literature lesson in grade 5

H.K. Andersen. "Nightingale": the instructive meaning of the tale

Lesson Objectives: in the process of textual analysis of Andersen's fairy tale; reveal the main idea of ​​the fairy tale - the idea of ​​the immortality of true art and the impossibility of replacing it with "mechanism"; define artistic features works;

develop the skill of expressive, thoughtful, "slow" reading, selective retelling, literary and creative skills;

to help students, using the example of a work, master the cultural norm-sample (the relationship between art and reality, the purpose of art).

Equipment: portrait of H.K. Andersen, illustrations for the fairy tale by E. Narbut.

Epigraph to the lesson:

No external beauty can be complete,

If it is not enlivened by inner beauty.

Victor Hugo

During the classes

  1. organizational stage.
  2. motivational stage.

Introduction by the teacher.

Today in the lesson we will talk about the interesting and difficult tale of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen "The Nightingale". During the lesson, we will try to understand what is the meaning of this fairy tale, what it can teach us.

- Did you like this story?

- What do you think it is about?

(Students cannot yet accurately answer the question, so they should return to it at the end of the discussion)

III. Analysis of the fairy tale "The Nightingale".The main technique used in the lesson is "reading with stops": repeated slow movement through the text, accompanied by a problematic conversation and commenting on individual details.

1. Read the description of the palace of the Chinese emperor. What do you think, is it convenient, is it good to live in a palace made of the most precious porcelain, so fragile, “that it was scary to touch it”?

- Why were bells tied to the "most wonderful flowers" in the emperor's garden?

(To once again admire the beauty of flowers, the ringing of silver, the radiance of porcelain, in a word, the external splendor, the splendor of the imperial house)

“Why didn’t the emperor know anything about the nightingale?” Why didn't the courtiers hear anything about him?

2. Read carefully the fragment in which the author talks about the place where the nightingale lived.

Why does he live "in the dense forest that begins behind the garden"?

Don't you think that the nightingale and the inhabitants of the palace live in some different worlds? Describe these worlds: what does the nightingale hear and see every day, and what do the courtiers and the emperor see?

What's so funny about the scene of the search for the nightingale by the courtiers? Don't you feel a little sorry for them?

4. With what is the first minister trying to compare the singing of the nightingale? Why is his comparison ridiculous?

5. Why did the nightingale agree to fly to the emperor’s palace, despite the fact that his songs are “much better to listen to in a green forest”?

6. How did the emperor perceive the singing of the nightingale? Reread this scene.

Why did the nightingale refuse the reward - the golden shoe around his neck? Find the answer in the text of the fairy tale.

7. Find in the text the answer to the question: how did the courtiers try to imitate the nightingale? What, in your opinion, is the absurdity of the glory of the nightingale in the city?

Tell us about what happened during the competition between the two nightingales. Where did the real nightingale go?

8. Find in the text the answer to the question: what does the “court supplier of nightingales” see as the advantages of an artificial nightingale? Why does the writer depict him in such detail, and why is the portrait of a natural nightingale so short?

9. Read what the poor fishermen said about the artificial nightingale. What did the courtiers especially like about the artificial nightingale?

10. Retell the episode "Illness of the Emperor" (work with an illustration by the artist E. Narbut).

Why was the emperor left alone during his illness? Why was the emperor so scared?

(It was not death that was terrible, but life, revealed on the Day of Judgment as a scroll of good and evil deeds)

How did the nightingale manage to save the emperor? What did the nightingale sing about? What does he ask the emperor, what promises him?

(The cemetery in the song of the nightingale evokes not fear, but a feeling of humility, it is full of beauty - special, but not cold, like the imperial palace. Salvation is that the nightingale awakened "good feelings" in both death and the emperor, who had good affairs, because he cried when he first listened to the nightingale)

11. What does the nightingale sing about and will it always sing about? Reread this snippet.

IV. How would you now answer what this tale is about?

(Students conclude that the world of the nightingale (nature) and the world of the imperial palace are two completely different worlds. The "mechanism" (the creation of human hands) is opposed in Andersen's fairy tale to nature, its living voice - the voice of the nightingale. The voice of nature would never have reached the limits of the palace (of another world), if not for the nightingale and his songs.

What heroes of Andersen's fairy tale can we attribute to the world of nature and to the world of the palace? Let's call them.

V. Conclusions. The nightingale sang and will sing to the emperor about that real, living life that cannot be seen from the walls of the palace and that no flowers with crystal bells and magnificent gardens can replace.

The nightingale is the image of a free singer, an allegorical image of art that speaks the language of nature itself about everything in the world; only it is able to defeat death and even those evil forces that live in the soul of the person himself; art makes a person better, purer, more beautiful.

Justification and grading.

VI. Homework.

Compose a letter from the Chinese emperor to the Japanese after his recovery or a letter to Andersen about a fairy tale you read (optional).


There are many beautiful and outlandish things in the fairy tale "The Nightingale": a palace made of precious porcelain, wonderful flowers with silver bells, an artificial nightingale, showered with diamonds and rubies. But the best thing is the little bird that lives in the neighboring forest. “This is the best of everything,” overseas travelers said about the singing of the nightingale and considered the small gray bird to be the “main attraction” of the great state of the Chinese emperor. Everyone loved her simple people, only the emperor could not truly appreciate the bird until he himself was convinced of the power of the art of nightingale singing.
When the emperor fell ill, a living nightingale flew to encourage and console him. With his singing, he drove away death itself, and tears appeared in the eyes of the emperor.
A live nightingale, of course, is not as beautiful in appearance as an artificial one. But his singing is beautiful, because it is sung by a living soul that knows how to be sad and rejoice, understand someone else's pain, yearn for freedom and will. She knows how to love selflessly: “I love you for your heart more than for your crown,” the nightingale says to the emperor. Flying away, he promises the emperor to visit him: “I will sing to you about the happy and the unfortunate, about good and evil that lurk around you ... my song will both delight you and make you think.”
That's how much a little gray bird with a wonderful voice and a lively soul can do!

Lesson based on the fairy tale by H.K. Andersen "The Nightingale"

The magical power of art


    to uncover ideological content fairy tales of H.K. Andersen "The Nightingale" and answer the question: "What is the magical power of art?"

    develop the skills and abilities of analysis literary work;

    to cultivate a sense of beauty, a vision of true beauty in nature, a love of art.

Equipment: The lesson is conducted using ICT.

During the classes

Slide 1. Scoring the topic.

Slide 2. Scoring the objectives of the lesson.

Slide 3. Drawing.

Hello dear guys! Today in the lesson we turn to the work of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, whose fairy tales you have known since childhood.
More than a hundred years ago, in a small town in Denmark - Odense, on the island of Funen, extraordinary events took place. Quiet, slightly sleepy streets of Odense were suddenly filled with the sounds of music. A procession of artisans, carrying torches and banners, marched past the brightly lit old town hall, saluting a tall, blue-eyed man who stood by the window. In honor of whom did the inhabitants of Odense light their fires in September 1869?
It was Hans Christian Andersen, elected an honorary citizen hometown. Honoring Andersen, fellow countrymen praised the best storyteller in the world. When the writer passed away on August 4, 1875, national mourning was declared in Denmark. Years passed, and a monument to Andersen was erected in the Royal Garden in Copenhagen with the inscription: "Erected by the Danish people."
More than a hundred years have passed since his death, and the tales and stories of the Danish writer continue to be published in all countries of the world.
Today, a fairy tale will fly to our lesson on the wings of a small bird, a nightingale.
Let's move with you to the world of a fairy tale, which is called “The Nightingale”.

Where does the story take place? Let's read the beginning of the story.
(IN Ancient China, in the wonderful palace of the emperor)

What is the emperor's palace made of? ( from porcelain.)

Fairy-tale rulers often act as owners of some curiosities. But in fairy tales, the royal chambers are built of durable and beautiful materials, symbolizing the stability of power, the wealth of the ruler. Andersen's palace was built of fragile porcelain. Is it by chance?

China is the birthplace of porcelain. It was there that, for the first time in the history of our civilization, products made of white ceramics, the forerunner of porcelain, appeared. Chinese porcelain in medieval Europe was worth its weight in gold. The secret of its manufacture was a state secret.

Porcelain chambers ... Well, after all, a fairy tale! What does not happen in it! The tale is a lie - but there is a hint in it ... What is the author hinting at? Maybe on the skill of human hands. And the weakness, the insignificance of earthly creatures next to the might of the Supreme Creator. Or maybe it was the precarious position of the rulers.

Which of the assumptions is closer to the truth? As the storyteller himself said, "having reached the end of history, we will know more than now."

Around the palace was a beautiful garden. What detail draws attention? What is the author laughing at? Bells are attached to the best flowers so that people notice them. The author laughs at people who are indifferent to the beauty of the world around them.

And what was the most miraculous, miracle of miracles in his domain? Nightingale.

Did the emperor know that a nightingale lives in his domain? No. And who in the palace knew about it? Poor cook girl.

Guys, how did it happen that the whole world knew about the nightingale, they even wrote about it in books, but the emperor did not know? Don't you think that the nightingale and the inhabitants of the palace live in some different worlds?

Slide 4. Empty table: "The world of the imperial palace and the world of the nightingale."

Let's fill in this table using the text of the fairy tale.

Slide 5.

What is the difference between the surrounding world of the nightingale and the world of the emperor?
(Slide 6: Conclusion.

Slide 7: illustration for the episode of the search for the nightingale.

What's funny about this scene? It is funny here not only that the courtiers are mistaken, taking either the mooing of a cow or the croaking of a frog for nightingale trills, but also the fact that, having barely heard the sounds, they are ready to admire them.

Are the nobles able to perceive the wonderful singing of the nightingale? To what do they compare the song of the nightingale? With the sound of glass bells. The court servants understand only the shades of their rattling.

And how did the nobles really react to the nightingale? They are disappointed by the bird, whose plumage turned out to be too plain. But he can become the favorite of the emperor, because the nobles squander flattery.

How did the emperor perceive the singing of the nightingale? Find the answer to the question in the text of the fairy tale.
The emperor was very pleased, he had tears in his eyes.

What did the emperor grant to the nightingale for wonderful singing? Golden shoe around the neck.

Why did the nightingale refuse the reward?
"I saw tears in the emperor's eyes - what more reward would I want!" For a nightingale, the best reward is a lively response to his singing.

- Who else cried from the singing of the nightingale?
Poor girl: “Tears are flowing from my eyes, and my soul becomes so joyful, as if my mother is kissing me.”

Guys, why does the singing of the nightingale cause tears? What is singing?
Real, beautiful singing is an art, it affects a person and evokes various feelings in him. “Tears are a precious reward for the heart of a singer,” says the nightingale.

Remember how the ladies of the court sang, imitating the nightingale (they took water in their mouths so that it gurgled in their throats). Can this kind of singing bring tears?

One day, a large package was delivered to the emperor with the inscription "Nightingale". So another nightingale appears in the tale. What was this bird? Let's give each image a characteristic, and then compare them.

Slide 8. Illustration.

Where did the nightingale live? What did the nightingale look like? Who listened to his singing? What did the poets write in his honor? How did the singing of the nightingale affect people? How did he sing? Is it possible to know in advance what he will sing? (Individual task).

We will display all the key phrases about the living nightingale in the form of a table. Slide 8. Table.

Slide 9. Illustration.

What did the artificial nightingale look like? How did he perform his melodies? What was its main difference from a living bird? What did the fishermen say about his singing? What did the bandmaster (conductor) write about the nightingale?

Let's display this material in the form of a table. slide 9.

Guys, now let's compare who is more beautiful? Who sings better? What feelings does your singing evoke in people? So what is the difference between a live nightingale and an artificial one?

Slide 10. Question.

Slide 10. Conclusion.

The mechanical nightingale broke down and the emperor fell ill. And the living nightingale saved him from death with his song. Slide 11. Illustration for the episode of the emperor's illness.

Could an artificial nightingale do this?
No, only the real singing of a living nightingale is able to defeat death and even those evil forces that live in the human soul. Real art makes a person better, cleaner, more beautiful.

How has the emperor changed? Did he repent of his unworthy treatment of the feathered singer? He allowed the nightingale to live in the forest, allowed him to fly and sing songs only when the nightingale himself wished it. He deeply repented that he had treated the feathered singer unworthily.

And the nightingale opened the eyes of the emperor to what is happening around, how much evil is everywhere. We see the emperor not only alive and healthy, but spiritually renewed. This is the magical power of art, the saving, life-giving power of beauty.

And so the fairy tale ended. The nightingale saved the emperor from death, promised to fly to him and tell about that real living life that cannot be seen from the walls of the palace and that no flowers with crystal bells can replace. And at home, I will ask you to reflect on the topic of the lesson and write an essay on the topic “What is the wondrous power of art?” slide 12.

So why did Andersen ask us not to forget this tale? Because this tale is very interesting and instructive. A nightingale devoid of brilliance turns out to be stronger and freer than the emperor himself. And the main idea of ​​the tale is the immortality of true art and the impossibility of replacing it with a mechanism.

Sections: Literature


  • reveal the ideological content of H.K. Andersen "The Nightingale";
  • develop the skills and abilities of analyzing a literary work;
  • to cultivate a sense of beauty, a vision of true beauty in nature, a love of art.

During the classes


Hello dear guys! Today in the lesson we turn to the work of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, whose fairy tales you have known since childhood.
More than a hundred years ago, in a small town in Denmark - Odense, on the island of Funen, extraordinary events took place. Quiet, slightly sleepy streets of Odense were suddenly filled with the sounds of music. A procession of artisans, carrying torches and banners, marched past the brightly lit old town hall, saluting a tall, blue-eyed man who stood by the window. In honor of whom did the inhabitants of Odense light their fires in September 1869?
It was Hans Christian Andersen, elected an honorary citizen of his native city. Honoring Andersen, fellow countrymen praised the best storyteller in the world. When the writer passed away on August 4, 1875, national mourning was declared in Denmark. Years passed, and a monument to Andersen was erected in the Royal Garden in Copenhagen with the inscription: "Erected by the Danish people."
More than a hundred years have passed since his death, and the tales and stories of the Danish writer continue to be published in all countries of the world.
Andersen comes to you guys in different ways. Then he quietly sneaks into the room and evokes wonderful dreams for you, like the good magician Ole Lukoye. That fairy tale sails along with Thumbelina on a leaf of a water lily. You will forever be captivated by the love of the courageous and gentle Little Mermaid. But most often, Andersen's fairy tale boldly and cheerfully breaks into the world of your childhood: “A soldier was walking along the road: one or two! one or two!"
And today a fairy tale will fly to our lesson on the wings of a small bird, a nightingale.
“It was a long time ago, of course, but that’s why it’s worth listening to this story until it is completely forgotten!” Andersen wrote.

Where does the story take place?
(In ancient China, in the wonderful palace of the emperor)

And what was the most miraculous, miracle of miracles in his domain?

Did the emperor know that a nightingale lives in his domain?

And who in the palace knew about it?
(Poor cook girl)

Guys, how did it happen that the whole world knew about the nightingale, they even wrote about it in books, but the emperor did not know? Don't you think that the nightingale and the inhabitants of the palace live in some different worlds? Let's split into groups. Group 1 will tell us about where the nightingale lives, and group 2 will tell us about the emperor and his courtiers.

(The children are offered a table that they will have to fill out using the text of the fairy tale)

Let's summarize. What is the difference between the surrounding world of the nightingale and the world of the emperor?

Natural beauty of wildlife

Artificial beauty of the palace

So guys, it's not hard to see why only the poor girl knew where the nightingale lived. Let's read the episode of the nightingale's search for roles (From the words "And so everyone went to the forest ..." to the words "He will be a huge success at court")

How did the emperor perceive the singing of the nightingale? Find the answer to the question in the text of the fairy tale.
(The emperor was very pleased, he had tears in his eyes)

Why did the nightingale refuse the reward? Support your answer with the text of the story.
("I saw tears in the emperor's eyes - what more reward could I want!")

Why are tears in the emperor's eyes more precious than any gift? Who else cried from the singing of the nightingale?
(Poor girl: “Tears are flowing from my eyes, and my soul becomes so joyful, as if my mother is kissing me”)

Guys, why does the singing of the nightingale cause tears? What is singing?
(Real, beautiful singing is an art, it affects a person and evokes various feelings in him. “Tears are the most precious reward for a singer’s heart,” says the nightingale)

Remember how the ladies of the court sang, imitating the nightingale (they took water in their mouths so that it gurgled in their throats). Can this kind of singing bring tears?

One day, a large package was delivered to the emperor with the inscription "Nightingale". So another nightingale appears in the tale. What was this bird? Let's give each image a characteristic, and then compare them.
(The teacher himself can prepare cards with the characteristics of birds in advance, which the guys will distribute into columns and draw a conclusion. This can be done at the blackboard)

real nightingale

artificial nightingale

Lived in the branches of trees hanging over the water

All sprinkled with diamonds, rubies and sapphires

The fisherman listened to him, forgetting about his worries

His tail shone with gold and silver

Poets composed the most beautiful poems in honor of him

Around his neck was a ribbon with the inscription

little gray bird

Sang like a clockwork hurdy-gurdy

His singing was enough for the heart, and tears appeared in his eyes.

All shone with jewels

Sang in my own way

33 times sang the same thing and did not get tired

You can never know in advance what exactly he will sing

You can give yourself a full account of his art - everything is known in advance

You can disassemble it and show its internal structure

The people listened to him and were pleased, as if they had drunk plenty of tea.

Not bad, but still not the same, something is missing in his singing

25 volumes of the most sophisticated Chinese words were written about him

Guys, now let's compare who is more beautiful? Who sings better? What feelings does your singing evoke in people? So what is the difference between a live nightingale and an artificial one?
(The guys add another row to the table)

We found out what is real art? Now let's think, what is his strength? What is true art capable of?
(The mechanical nightingale broke down, and the emperor fell ill. And the living nightingale saved him from death with his song)

Could an artificial nightingale do this?
(No, because only the real singing of a living nightingale can defeat death and even those evil forces that live in a person’s soul. Real art makes a person better, cleaner, more beautiful)

How has the emperor changed?
(He allowed the nightingale to live in the forest, allowed him to fly and sing songs only when the nightingale himself wished it)

And so the fairy tale ended. The nightingale saved the emperor from death, promised to fly to him and tell about that real living life that cannot be seen from the walls of the palace and that no flowers with crystal bells can replace. And at home, I will ask you to reflect on the topic of the lesson and write an essay on the topic “What is the wondrous power of art?” Summing up, let's think again, why did Andersen ask us not to forget this tale?

(Because this tale is very interesting and instructive. A nightingale deprived of brilliance turns out to be stronger and freer than the emperor himself. And the main idea of ​​​​the tale is the immortality of true art and the impossibility of replacing it with a mechanism.


1. Andersen H.K. Fairy tales. Stories: Per. from date/Int. Art. K. Paustovsky. Comp., comment. L.Yu. Braude. – M.: Enlightenment, 1988. – 271p.: ill.
2. Kutuzov A.G. How to enter the world of literature. Grade 5: Methodological guide / A.G. Kutuzov, A.G. Gutov, L.V. Colossus; Ed. A.G. Kutuzov. – 6th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2002. – 112p.
3. Moiseev M.V. guide to the world of literature. Grade 5: Method. Benefit. - M .: Bustard, 2004. - 96s.