The organizers of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students, which will be held in Russia in October, plan to approve the lists of Russian participants during August. This was stated on Tuesday at the forum "Territory of Meanings" by the chairman of the National Preparatory Committee of the festival Grigory Petushkov .

Participants of the 137th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, as well as the Ministers of Happiness of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, were invited to the World Festival of Youth and Students, the head of the presidential department for public projects, the head of the working group of the organizing committee of the festival on the development and organization of scientific and educational and discussion programs Sergey Novikov .

“In the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, there is such a position, which is called: the Minister of Happiness. By the way, we invited them to the festival and we hope that they will come,” Sergey Novikov said, addressing the forum participants.

Sergey Novikov also noted that the main motto for young people at the festival is “Russia is a country of opportunities”, and the festival program should be interesting to the maximum number of people.

As previously reported IA REGNUM, The World Festival of Youth and Students will be held in Russia from 14 to 22 October 2017. On the first day, an international parade-carnival of students will take place in Moscow, and the main events will be held in the Sochi Olympic Park from October 15 to 22.

More than 20,000 young people will take part in the forum, including representatives of various public organizations, teachers and politicians, while half of all participants will be foreigners. Applications for participation in the festival came from almost 190 countries around the world.

As the organizers emphasize, the festival is designed to consolidate the youth world community around the idea of ​​justice, strengthen international ties, and "develop interethnic and intercultural interaction."

The Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi has ended: 30,000 young people from all over the world gathered for a week in our country. Lectures, seminars, joint projects. Discussion of the future - here and technology, and politics, and what society will be like. They developed a common vision.

But something else is even more important. The youth festival is such a diplomacy on top of official structures. Today these guys are studying or just starting to work, and tomorrow, the day after tomorrow they will take serious positions in their countries - in business, in politics. And these guys do not receive instructions from Washington. At least for now.

There will be trouble without cooperation, Vladimir Putin said in his speech at a meeting of the Valdai Club. Western politicians are in captivity of stereotypes. But this youth will destroy stereotypes. These young people understand that justice is needed, huge inequalities need to be overcome. We need to work together. Don't scare each other.

They were sure that something extraordinary was waiting for them in Russia. But it turned out to be beyond expectations. The whole week - on the breath! Sochi-2017.

The final point in a marathon of ideas, discoveries, music, sports, cinema, dating and talking about everything in the world. The Closing Ceremony is like a youth manifesto: let's go and change this world!

It gets louder in the stands - this week has rallied them so much. At the closing ceremony there are no longer delegations, countries and continents. Everything is mixed up - there are just a lot of new friends here, with whom you really don't want to part after the hot festival days.

Participants of the festival in a joint photo with the President of Russia. To fit everything, they did it on the medal square, from the airship. In super high quality. You can see everyone who was in the Olympic Park.

“I know that an unusual, absolutely unusual energy reigned at the festival, just as it reigns today in this square. This is the energy of the young! I am sure that when you leave Russia, you will leave a piece of your heart here. But Russia will always remain in your heart. We believe in you! Future starts here and now. future is you. All the best, dear friends. All the best. Thank you,” the President of Russia addressed the participants of the Festival.

25 thousand people from 188 countries. If you look for them all on the globe - your head is spinning.

Hello from Jamaica! I am from India! I'm from Liberia! I came from Libya.

So different, and this is the first surprise of the festival. It seems to be not the middle of the last century, each phone has long been a whole world. But it's quite another thing to see it live. And look into the eyes - a reflection of peoples and civilizations.

"As you know, we there is a war, but we want to show that it will end soon and everything will be fine with us. We were received very warmly. Russia and Syria are friends!” - says the participant of the Festival from Syria Zeyna Nabil Rustum.

It turned out that they had the same feelings inside. The same dreams. How to get through to them if getting off the ground is a problem - said Australian Nick Vuychich. The writer, philanthropist and speaker worked with the audience to break. He was listened to with bated breath, he spoke about what is close to everyone.

“I want to ask you, who are you today and who do you want to become? Go to your goal step by step. If you fall, get up. Don't look for excuses and dream big, even if your parents don't believe in you. My people thought I was crazy when I said that I wanted to be a public speaker. And today I have traveled the whole world, and I believe that the future belongs to your generation. With the permission of the person sitting next to you, give him a hug or shake his hand. I want to see love spread throughout the hall!” - said the writer, philanthropist Nick Vuychich.

The stars came to the festival for a frank conversation. What is the strength and who is the hero of our time? Writer Frederic Begbeder could be an anti-example. Fashionista, cynic, bon vivant, even spent two days in a Paris prison for drug use. He spoke just about the line between freedom and responsibility.

“When you're 20, it's good, you're sensitive. All my deepest emotions I experienced in my youth, before 25. You feel emotions, beauty, sadness, madness, humor, anger. You are young, you are attractive, so do not waste time - do not listen to the advice of some French old man, ”says writer Frederic Begbeder.

Listened. Authoritative experts - in art, sports, science, politics. Ministers and Olympic champions, heads of large corporations and astronauts, Nobel laureates, actors... It would seem, who can you lure to a lecture at a resort?! But the halls are filled to capacity.

They also received new knowledge about Russia. Not lectures - practice. For the first time at the festival trips to 15 regions of the country. From Kaliningrad to Vladivostok!

“I was in Siberia, in Krasnoyarsk. It was so great! I was greeted so friendly!” - said the participant of the Festival from Australia Natalie Buckman.

Superfest - that's what they called it. The air here was saturated with the idea: young people are welcome everywhere. Hundreds of projects from volunteering to nuclear energy were presented in Sochi. We prepared the ground for joint work - building the future. What the world will be like depends on them. Therefore, at a seminar on technologies of the future, the president addressed the youth. With an important note.

“Regardless of what we do or will do in the future, do you know what it is? This is the moral component of our business. Anyone. That's genetic engineering, because it's so good. But there is another part of this process. What does it mean? This means that a person gets the opportunity to get into the genetic code created either by nature, or people with religious views say - by the Lord God. What are the practical implications of this? This means that it is already possible to imagine, even not very theoretically, but it is already possible to practically imagine that a person can create a person with given characteristics. It may be a brilliant mathematician, it may be a brilliant musician, but it may also be a military man. A person who can fight without fear and without a sense of compassion, regret and pain. And what I have just said can be worse than a nuclear bomb. When we do something and whatever we do, I want to repeat this idea once again: we should never forget about the moral, ethical foundations of our work. Everything we do should benefit people, strengthen people, not destroy them,” the President of Russia stressed.

We talked not only about projects - we shared our impressions.

“This has been a great week for me. But the question from all of us is how to continue this work? And today with us is one of those people who make decisions, the President of Russia. Mr. President, I really hope that you will hear the voices of the entire festival and I hope that you and your colleagues, leaders of other states, will reflect on the changes that need to be achieved,” said Fraser Dixon (Canada).

Our love has run out of batteries!

In fact, they have more than enough energy. And then suddenly an additional charge of emotions.

Before me is the President of the Russian Federation! I don't believe!

Pinch me!

For many, this festival week is truly like a waking dream!

Tanzania thanks for the festival, for the forum where young people from all over the world meet!

I want to thank the organizers! First-class world event, young people gathered here, we are discussing the future.

“This is very important for us, because this is the result we expected. We expected young people from all over the world to come. They will communicate with each other, establish direct contacts. They will disperse and take with them the memory that these contacts took place in Russia, they will take away good memories of our country,” Vladimir Putin said.

After a personal meeting, it is easier to answer the question: who are you, Mr. Putin?!

“He's like a pop star - that's how it seemed to me at first. But then I realized that this is a simple person who came to talk with us, just like us. I think Vladimir Putin is a president who cares about his people. He cares about peace and cooperation with other countries,” says the participant of the Festival from Brazil, Marcio Tavares de Souza.

"He is very clever man, perhaps, he is the last leader of the free world. He put Russia back on the map of world power, world superpower, to be precise,” said festival participant Bojan Novak from Slovenia.

“Thanks to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for such a platform. Indeed, he is an example for many politicians in the world, he is a patriot of his country,” said Mohamad Tamirn Ekhlas, a participant of the Festival from Afghanistan.

Only without the iron curtain! Foreigners did not bring jeans and chewing gum to this festival, as in 1957. On the contrary, they studied with pleasure our own.

I see meat, but what is this ...? - Buckwheat! - Buckwheat?

This is my first ever snow! He is amazing! And delicious too!

This is no longer a thaw - a turbulent world flow, and in it the Russian youth is like a fish in water. Incredible meetings took place in this whirlpool of events. After 60 years, the Italian and Russian participant of the 1957 Festival met!

If there was internet in their time, they wouldn't have to wait so long. Today, addresses are exchanged not by mail, but by electronic ones, and instead of paper photo albums - memories that do not fade with time.

And where without love stories?! The delegate from Kenya made a marriage proposal right at the entrance to the hotel. She said yes.

And someone else has a trip to friends ahead, and not only!

Veronica, come to see me in China, in Beijing!

I would like to invite my girlfriend to Zimbabwe. Will you go?

Everything can be.

From Russia with love. This festival has preserved the best traditions of the Moscow meetings of 1957 and 1985, but turned the idea of ​​the forum upside down, showing what kind of global platform the World Festival of Youth and Students can be.

“Because I spent the whole week here at the festival, I had many opportunities to talk with both Russian participants and foreign participants. I understand for sure that they left with such a good charge of optimism and energy. As for foreign participants, I am absolutely sure that for 99% of them today they understand what Russia is differently. Guys from different countries talk about what they thought about Russia, primarily due to what their media shows and writes in the country, and how much what they saw is radically different,” said the First Deputy Head of the Kremlin Administration , head of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding in 2017 of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students Sergey Kiriyenko.

Through the years, through distances and through prejudices - this is the meaning of the festival! Saying goodbye is not the end result. And only the beginning of their new line of life ...

XIX World Festival of Youth and Students will be held in Russia in 2017.

Such a decision was taken February 7, 2016 World Federation of Democratic Youth and international student organizations at an international consultative meeting on the issue of holding the XIX Festival. The application of youth organizations to host the Festival was submitted by Rosmolodezh on behalf of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in November 2015.

For the entire history of the festival movement in Russia, for the third time, it will host the largest international event in the field of youth interaction. It is especially important for us that 2017 is an anniversary year not only for the festival itself (the first was held in 1947), but also for Russian history. We first opened our doors to the youth of the entire planet 60 years ago. The Moscow scope then amazed the world and in many ways became a reference point and a high bar for the future capitals of the festival.

Keeping all the best festival traditions and synthesizing them with important modern trends, Russia will again become a hospitable host for representatives of all continents!

Festival infrastructure

All the main events of the festival will unfold on the territory of the modern Olympic Park, which was built in the Imeretinskaya lowland in Sochi. The infrastructure has been created in such a way that, in essence, it is a “city within a city”: participants will live in comfortable hotels, and discussion platforms, work centers and leisure places will be within walking distance. Well-established flights connect Sochi with Moscow and dozens of other cities, and with the help of modern rail transport it will be easy to get to the city center or to Rosa Khutor, in the so-called Mountain Cluster.

All facilities were specially built for the XXII Winter Olympic and XI Paralympic Games. In 2014, Sochi struck the whole world. The festival pursues an ambitious task - to fully comply with the level set during sports competitions.

Red Square, Moscow

The center and heart of not only Moscow, but the whole of Russia. It is difficult to list all those significant events that took place here or are associated with the history of Red Square. There is much debate about the origin of its name, but most historians agree: Red from the word Beautiful.

Here is the starting point of all tourist routes - both for Russians and for guests of our country - and right there the starting point of all highways - "Kilometer Zero". St. Basil's Cathedral and the red-brick walls of the Kremlin, the Gothic facade of the Main Department Store and the building of the Historical Museum (by the way, it was here that the world-famous and oldest Russian University, Moscow, was originally located).

It is especially symbolic that here, near the first building of the University October 14, 2017 and the Student Parade will begin, which will serve as the start of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students.

Sparrow Hills, Moscow

Years passed… Moscow University became bigger and bigger. In the beginning, he occupied several buildings on Mokhovaya Street, which is opposite the Kremlin, and in the mid-fifties of the 20th century (just on the eve of the first youth festival for our country) he got a new house, which to this day is one of the visiting cards not only of Moscow , but of all Russian students, youth.

The famous skyscraper for half a century secured the title of the tallest building in Europe. Today's university is even larger and occupies all the surroundings of Sparrow Hills. The population of this “microcity”, together with all the students, teachers and employees, is approaching a hundred thousand. The vast area in front of the University is formed by the intersection of several streets and a large park.

This is a favorite walking place not only for students, but for all Muscovites and tourists. Still, from the observation deck on the Vorobyovs - the whole city, at a glance! October 14, 2016 it was here that the most large-scale festive events “The year before the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students!” took place. Its participants started the countdown, the clock in the form of a festival chamomile throughout the year became another decoration of Sparrow Hills!

Olympic Park, Sochi

Before the Olympics in Sochi, the world wondered: how can winter competitions be held in a subtropical climate? Everything is simple! Directly by the sea, among the palm trees, the Olympic Park was built with indoor stadiums and facilities, inside which their own microclimate was created.

The real winter - in the mountains - is only half an hour away, but more on that later. The compactness and logistical alignment of the Olympic Park will allow the festival to be held conveniently and safely. The warm Black Sea breeze will be a constant companion of the participants.

Navigation between hotels and objects is clear and logical. October in Sochi is the end of the so-called "velvet season". Guests from the south will not be cool, and our northern colleagues will not feel the sweltering heat. No wonder Sochi is crossed by the central 45th parallel.

Rosa Khutor, Sochi

30 minutes by train from the Olympic Park or the airport and you are in the very center of Krasnaya Polyana. Welcome to the mountain resort Rosa Khutor! The main ski resort in Russia and the CIS actually knows how to impress at any time of the year. It is here that the participants of the festival are waiting for numerous sports activities, emotions and impressions from which will remain in memory for a long time!

Date and venue

Welcome to Russia! We are waiting in Sochi! See you at the festival!


Rosa Khutor

Date and time of the festival / event

From October 14 to October 21, 2017, the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students will be held in Russia.

The "World Festival of Youth and Students 2017" will be held in the Olympic Sochi, and the solemn parade of delegations - in Moscow.

More than 20,000 young people from 150 countries aged 18 to 35 will participate in the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students 2017. Young leaders from various fields will gather at one site: representatives of youth public organizations, young journalists, creative and sports youth, young engineers and IT specialists, leaders of youth organizations of political parties, young entrepreneurs, leaders of student self-government, young scientists and university professors, and also compatriots and foreigners who study Russian and are interested in Russian culture.

Live broadcast of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017

Watch the live broadcast of the Opening Ceremony of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students online at ALLfest at the link!

A live broadcast from Luzhniki of a concert in support of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017 can be watched online on our portal HERE.

Participants of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students

Everything important for the participants of the "World Festival of Youth and Students 2017" can be downloaded from the link, namely: information about food, medical care, rules of stay and checkpoints, festival venues, transport and call center, as well as about what things you need to have with you to the participants of the festival.

Anthem of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017

You can listen to the anthem of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017, which would be written and performed by pop artist Alexei Vorobyov and presented on the eve of the opening of the Festival, at ALLfest on.

Program of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017

The festival kicks off on October 14 with a solemn meeting of the guests of the festival in Moscow at the carnival parade. After the carnival, a grandiose concert "Music of the First in Luzhniki" will take place, in which the stars of the national pop scene will take part.

The presentation of the Opening Ceremony will be built around real stories people who change lives for the better: Afroz Shah from India, who removed 5.4 tons of garbage from the Mumbai beach in 86 weeks, Roman Gek from Russia, who built a school in Nepal in 2 years, the founders of a charity fund to support children with features of the development of "I am!" Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova and others. Popular music stars will perform at the opening ceremony: Dima Bilan, Nyusha, Polina Gagarina, Sergey Lazarev, Alexander Panayotov, Quest Pistols Show, Tina Kuznetsova, Guru Groove Foundation, Lena Katina, Morandi. The headliner of the ceremony is OneRepublic!

Throughout the festival, its guests will enjoy a rich discussion program, a diverse cultural program, an active sports program, a powerful scientific and educational program (the speakers of which, in particular, will be motivational speaker Nick Vuychich, WWF CEO Marco Lambertini, Google Foreign Policy Director Avni Doron, writer Frederic Begbekder, FIFA Secretary General Samuru Fatmu).

For the first time in the history of the festival movement, the entire country will be involved in a grandiose youth celebration. Within the framework of the festival, from October 14 to 17, 2017, a regional program is planned for more than 1,500 foreign participants who came to WFYS 2017.

On October 21, the Closing Ceremony of the festival will take place at the Bolshoi Ice Palace in Sochi. One of the key elements of the Ceremony will be the message "Let's change the world", which will be composed by the participants. The closing ceremony will feature world-famous artists, including 25-year-old Rochelle Perts, the most popular R'n'B artist in Holland.

  • The full program of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students is available at ALLfest at the link. You can also download the program in pdf format.
  • The discussion program of the Festival - download from the link.
  • Cultural program of the Festival - download from the link.
  • Festival program by day - download.

Registration for the festival of youth and students

Anyone can register for the festival of youth and students 2017 on the official website of the festival - As of October 1, 2016, more than 1,000 young people have already applied to participate in the festival.

On October 1, the international stage of recruiting participants started on the English version of the festival website. Citizens of most countries of the world will be able to apply for participation. In addition to Russian and English, the official website of the festival of youth and students will soon be launched in all working languages ​​of the festival: Spanish, French, Chinese and Arabic. Thus, the audience of the whole planet will be able to get acquainted not only with the program of the festival of youth and students in 2017, but also get information about the history of the festival movement, learn more about the host country and, of course, stay up to date with all the latest news.

Foreign participants of the festival will be provided with visa-free entry to Russia.

Who can become a member

A young person between the ages of 18 and 35 who has an active life position, has a job he loves, respects the interests of his country, considers himself part of the global community and belongs to one of the categories of participants:

  1. youth NGO leaders
  2. young journalists
  3. creative youth (musicians, writers, artists, directors, etc.)
  4. sports club leaders
  5. young engineers
  6. leaders of youth organizations of political parties
  7. young university professors
  8. student government leaders
  9. young scientists (social, humanitarian and economic, natural, technical sciences)
  10. young entrepreneurs
  11. foreigners studying Russian, interested in Russian culture

What awaits the participants

  • visa-free entry to Russia for foreign participants
  • a unique educational and discussion program with the participation of world-class professionals
  • real applied skills in workshops and creative workshops
  • variety of faces Russian culture: ballet, ice show, Film Festival, jazz festival, circus show
  • Life-style program: street dancing, healthy lifestyle, jogging, passing TRP standards, extreme park, musical subcultures
  • acquaintance with like-minded people and colleagues from 150 countries of the world
  • participation in a grandiose youth event of international scale

And also - at the expense of the host:

  • nutrition
  • hotel accommodation
  • access to all educational, cultural and sports grounds

The purpose of the festival of youth and students

The future festival in Sochi is designed to increase interest in Russia and show its best side.

Main news of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students - preparation for the festival

Official outfit #WFYS2017

The official uniform of the festival was designed by designer Igor Chapurin. He set himself the task of creating a complete picture of all the people who will be present at #WFYS2017: participants, volunteers, organizers and guests.
The form is made in the official colors of the festival. In the manufacture of equipment, the most sophisticated modern technologies of the clothing industry were used: waterproof zippers, 3D logo printing, a combination of applications and embroidery.

The form was presented by well-known Russian actors, TV presenters, athletes, musicians, including special correspondent of the Evening Urgant show Alla Mikheeva, TV presenter Aurora, actresses Ekaterina Varnava and Nadezhda Sysoeva, Miss World 2008 title holder Ksenia Sukhinova, creative producer #VFMS2017 Ilya Bachurin and singer Mitya Fomin. Below on this page are some video presentations of the equipment of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017. Details - at ALLfest at the link.

Opening ceremony headliner set

From 11 to 17 July by popular vote Ellie Goulding, Rita Ora, OneRepublic and The Black Eyed Peas were selected to headline the #WFYS2017 Opening Ceremony. On July 18, it became known that according to the results of the popular vote, the OneRepublic group becomes the winner and headliner of the World Festival of Youth and Students.

Folk Festival Museum

June 6, the project starts " People's Museum Festival", timed to coincide with the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students (WFYS). Within a month, an exhibition will be formed, which will open on July 7 at the Museum of Moscow. Anyone can bring souvenirs left after the Moscow festivals of 1957 to the collection point that opened in the museum and 1985. In October, the exhibition will be presented at WFYS-2017 in Sochi.

Choosing the mascot of the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017

The photo gallery on this page presents the 10 best competition works selected by an expert jury, which included famous Russian artists, designers, representatives of the Union of Artists, Public Ambassadors of the festival. Until April 28, on the festival website and in the VKontakte community, you can vote for your favorite #WFYS2017 mascot. On April 28, the results will be summed up and we will know the name of the winner and the winning concept of the festival mascot! The best drawing will be finalized by professionals.

On April 28, the popular vote on the choice of the mascot of the Youth and Student Festival ended. About a hundred thousand users from different countries took part in an open vote. As a result, the robot "Romashka", the ferret Shurik and "Mishanya" became the winning entries! Very soon we will introduce you to the authors and learn everything about the mascots.

On October 14, 2016, festive events were held in Moscow, Sochi and other cities of Russia, timed to coincide with the launch of the countdown - the Year to the World Festival of Youth and Students 2017. World Festival of Youth and Students".

On January 19, 2017, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the Decree "On the preparation and holding of the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students". The Decree formed the Organizing Committee #WFYS2017. Sergei Kiriyenko, First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, has been appointed its Chairman.

On January 30 and 31, 2017, a presentation of the upcoming XIX World Festival of Youth and Students was held in New York as part of the Youth Forum of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) that opened at the UN Headquarters. The Russian delegation was headed by Alexei Palamarchuk, head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. During his speech, he invited forum participants to take part in thematic side events on the sidelines of #ECOSOC on January 30 and 31 and spoke about #WFYS2017. "The festival will host completely different youth from different countries, different continents with different cultures, with different views, but they are all united in their impulse to make our world a better place!" Palamarchuk emphasized. Ahmad al-Khendawi, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Youth, spoke at the end of the presentation of the Youth Festival. According to TASS, he said that the festival will help the peoples of the world unite and overcome the problems facing humanity: "We stand for bringing people together, for bringing young people together. At a time when there are so many difficulties and difficulties in world politics, I hope that people can come together and try to chart a new path forward based on mutual understanding, recognition of each other, and the ability of people to act as peacemakers and promote (socio-economic) development," he said.

On February 8, Moscow hosted the 1st meeting of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students. Under the chairmanship of First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko, the participants of the meeting discussed the course of preparations for the Festival and formulated the tasks of the organizing committee for the future.

February 6 Sergei Kiriyenko approved the composition of the Organizing Committee. The National Preparatory Committee is represented by its chairman Grigory Petushkov. On behalf of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee Sergei Kiriyenko, specific tasks will be worked out and formulated in a short time for the joint work of the preparatory structures of the Festival and federal executive authorities. "It is necessary to formulate precise and specific tasks for joint development. I propose to do this within two weeks. The main coordinator and organizer will be federal agency Youth Affairs," the Chairman of the Organizing Committee emphasized.

Hashtags: #WFYS2017 #WFYS2017 #Rosmolodezh

50,000 participants from 180 countries came to the World Festival of Youth and Students in Russia

On Sunday, the World Festival of Youth and Students was launched in Sochi. Instead of the declared 20 thousand participants, the organizers expect 50 thousand young people from 180 countries of the world to come to Russia.

The solemn opening ceremony of the festival was held at the Bolshoi Ice Palace. President Vladimir Putin opened the festival and then drank tea with the participants.

"Seven decades ago, the first festival took place. Then the same young guys and girls like you were united by the power of dreams, the belief that young people, their sincerity, kindness can melt the ice of distrust, help rid the world of injustice, wars and conflicts", - said the president. Then the youth proved that "barriers are powerless before true friendship, and the warmth of human communication does not depend on political, national, religious, cultural and any other differences," he recalled.

The President of Russia called on young people to strive to change the world, to make it better

"Our country is proud that it has already hosted the World Youth Day twice," Putin continued. "Sochi is a city of Olympic brotherhood and hope. Five rings, like the five petals of the festival chamomile, have become a symbol of solidarity on all continents," he said.

"I am convinced that you - the youth of different countries, nationalities, religions - are united by common feelings, values ​​and goals, the desire for freedom, happiness, peace and harmony on the planet, the desire to create, to achieve more," Putin said. "And we will do Everything for your success." "The energy and talent of youth have amazing power. The younger generation always brings innovative ideas to the world. You tend to experiment, argue, tend to disagree with the usual way of things. Go ahead. Create your future. Strive to change this world, make it better. Everything is in your strength. The main thing is to persevere only forward," the head of state advised.

Good luck! he wished the youth.

After the opening ceremony, Vladimir Putin met with rally participants from various countries over a cup of tea. “When you work and live for the benefit of others, it always comes back a hundredfold,” the head of state said. “It always helps you, lifts you up, develops you.” "I would really like you to have new ideas that would allow you to go forward," he added. Putin noted that Russia is "a real fusion of cultures, history, religion, living together within the framework of a single state." And she has always been very tolerant.

Young people from different countries were invited to the meeting. The youngest were born in 1994, the oldest, an ecologist from India, was born in 1975. "I collect garbage from the ocean," he said. Used to be a child I put my hand into the ocean and did not see it: the water was so dirty! .. I want my whole country to be clean," he worried.

We have very warm relations with India. And I have very good relations with the Prime Minister of India... You will definitely find an ally in his person," Putin assured. According to him, switching to environmentally friendly technologies is not always easy - far from all developing countries have the means to do so. “Besides, we need to force the industry to switch to these new technologies,” the president said. - Ultimately, the future, of course, lies in progress, - the head of state concluded. Putin agreed that plastic in the ocean - a big problem. Here, perhaps, a legal solution is needed, he did not rule out: preferential terms for ocean cleanup.

The President has already met the Russian scientist Artem Oganov. “I thought I would live in the West all my life, the West was kind to me,” he began. But then he came to Russia on mega-grants for several months, and so he stayed here, and even became a father of many children. "Colleagues in the West ask how it is in Russia?... Maybe I should return too?" he relayed the conversation. "It's great that you found yourself. It's not so easy," Putin commented. “Russia is interested in the return of those who really took off and can really work here effectively, not all in a row,” he said. “From the point of view of the civil component, we are interested in all our citizens coming here. those who can move it forward."

The conversation turned to geopolitics. Nicolas Charras, a political scientist from France, spoke about the prejudices in the West towards Russia. "In the US, there are more and more immigrants and the white Christian population is already in the minority. Already less than 50 percent," Putin noted. "Very serious global changes are taking place in the world." The President urged not to divide according to national apartments, but to look at how to build a common future.

"We need to stop looking at each other as rivals ... We need to strive to look at each other as partners," the head of state said, speaking to a teacher from the United States, who, it must be said, thought in a similar way. "And instead of cooperating, we spend resources on secondary things, on rivalry," - with regret. "This can be a utopia, of course - all nature is permeated with the spirit of rivalry and the whole society - but, in any case, we must strive so that it does not go into a hot stage, enmity, and even more so war," he concluded.

The President considers it important to maintain cultural and linguistic unity Russian state which will benefit not only the country itself, but the world as a whole. "Russia is a Eurasian space, but from the point of view of culture, language, history of the people living on this territory, it is a European space, it is inhabited by the bearers of this culture," Putin explained. "In order for us to remain as a significant center in the world, we need to preserve all this," the president is convinced.

Our country hosted the festival twice - in 1957 and 1985. But in Soviet times, all events were held exclusively in Moscow. This time the participants were met in 15 regions of Russia - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. In Moscow, a carnival procession of 35,000 Russian and foreign students started on Saturday from Vasilyevsky Spusk. Multi-colored columns stretching for 8 kilometers along the Kremlin, Prechistenskaya, Frunzenskaya and Luzhnetskaya embankments were welcomed by Muscovites. On the way, young foreigners confessed to journalists that they had already fallen in love with Moscow and Russia, and they perceive the procession as a bright event in their lives.

In the train-museum of the Novosibirsk metro for the opening of the Sochi festival, an exposition "We live in a dream of peace" was assembled. On the walls of the carriage there is the entire history of the festival movement for 70 years: photographs, notes, documents, memoirs of participants and other materials dedicated to previous festivals of youth and students.

About 100 people from South America, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia arrived in Rostov-on-Don for the festival. Among them are teachers, engineers, doctors, teachers and even the Prince of Bahrain - Ahmed Ali Abdullah Mohammed Ali.

During the flight from Moscow, Khayem Makhmudov, a cardiologist surgeon from Tajikistan, distinguished himself by providing first aid to an elderly passenger who lost consciousness, who became ill in flight, and the flight attendants hesitated. Then a young doctor came to the rescue.

Festival participants visited 15 regions of Russia - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok

“The patient has diabetes. I assume that his blood sugar level dropped, because of this, his blood pressure dropped sharply. The flight attendants and I gave the passenger first aid, brought him back to consciousness, stabilized his pressure, and then provided psychological support until the landing itself” Hayem said.

50 young people from Germany, Indonesia, Great Britain, Australia and other countries arrived in Sevastopol to participate in the regional program of the festival of youth and students. Most of them are for the first time in Russia. “We hear a lot of different stories about Crimea and Russia from the media,” James Wark from Newcastle, UK, a Cambridge student and future engineer, told RG. “But I know that the points of view of Russia and the West are different, so I came to see everything with my own eyes. I really like Crimea, I feel protected. The people here are nice, friendly."

“I was very surprised by this beautiful city by the sea, with a rich history,” says a student from Paris, Emily Emiro. “I see people living peacefully here, I don’t feel a conflict. There are absolutely no negative things that people say about Crimea in France.”