
Prokhanov's ancestors, the Molokans, were exiled to Transcaucasia during the time of Catherine II. His grandfather, brother of Ivan Stepanovich Prokhanov, leader of the Russian Baptist movement, founder and leader of the All-Russian Union of Evangelical Christians (1908-1928) and vice-president of the World Baptist Alliance (1911). Uncle A. A. Prokhanov, a botanist, remained in the USSR after the emigration of I. S. Prokhanov, was repressed, but then released due to the refusal of a significant fortune inherited after the death of I. S. Prokhanov in Berlin in favor of the state.

Married, has two sons and a daughter. One of the sons is a publicist Andrey Fefelov.


Alexander Prokhanov was born on February 26, 1938 in Tbilisi. In 1960 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, worked as an engineer at a scientific research institute. In the last year of high school he began to write poetry and prose.

In 1962-1964 he worked as a forester in Karelia, took tourists to the Khibiny, took part in a geological party in Tuva. During these years, Prokhanov discovered A.P. Platonov, was carried away by V.V. Nabokov.

In 1968 he began working for "Literary newspaper".

Since 1970, he worked as a correspondent for Literaturnaya Gazeta in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Cambodia, Angola and other places. One of the first in 1969, he described in his reportage the events on Damansky Island during the Soviet-Chinese border conflict.

In 1972, Alexander Prokhanov became a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

Since 1986, he has been actively published in the magazines Molodaya Gvardiya, Our Contemporary, and Literaturnaya Gazeta.

From 1989 to 1991, Prokhanov worked as the editor-in-chief of the Soviet Literature magazine.

He was never a member of the CPSU.

In 1990, he signed the Letter of the 74's.

In December 1990 he creates his own newspaper "Day", where he also becomes editor-in-chief.

On July 15, 1991, the newspaper published an "anti-perestroika" appeal, Word to the People. The newspaper became one of the most radical opposition publications in Russia in the early 1990s and was published regularly until the October events of 1993, after which it was closed by the authorities.

In 1991, during the presidential elections in the RSFSR, Prokhanov was a confidant of the candidate General Alberta Makashova. Supports during the August putsch GKChP.

In September 1993, he spoke in his newspaper against what he considered to be unconstitutional actions Yeltsin, calling them a coup d'état and supported the RF Armed Forces. After the shooting of the parliament, the newspaper Den was banned by the Ministry of Justice. The editorial office of the newspaper was destroyed by riot police, its employees were beaten, property and archives were destroyed. Two issues of the newspaper, already banned by that time, were clandestinely printed in Minsk as special editions of the communist newspaper We and Time.

On November 5, 1993, the son-in-law of the writer A. A. Khudorozhkov established and registered the newspaper "Tomorrow", whose editor-in-chief was Prokhanov. Some organizations accuse the newspaper of publishing anti-Semitic material.

During the presidential elections in 1996, Alexander Prokhanov does not hide his preferences - he strongly supports the candidacy, the leader. Subsequently, he was attacked several times, and the identity of the attackers was never established, as well as the reason for the attacks themselves.

In 1997 he became a co-founder Agencies of patriotic information.

In 1999, after a series of explosions in residential buildings, Prokhanov describes his version of what happened in art style, blaming the Russian special services for the incident. His thoughts are set out in literary work "Mr Hexogen", for which Prokhanov received the National Bestseller award in 2002.

From 2007 to January 2014 - a regular guest of the radio program "Special Opinion" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow". He explained his termination of cooperation with the radio station as follows: " I work here as a journalist… I am not a journalist. I want to talk with the world, with my friends as an artist, as a writer, as a philosopher, as a preacher and confessor, because I have lived a gigantic life and I would like to tell my listeners about this life".

Since September 2009 - on the radio station "Russian News Service" on Mondays at 21:05 he takes part in the program "Soldier of the Empire", and from January 2014 on Mondays at 20:05 he participates in the program "No Questions".

2003-2009 - one of the regular participants in Vladimir Solovyov's television talk show "To the Barrier!".

Since 2010 - one of the regular participants in Vladimir Solovyov's TV talk show "Duel".

2013-2014 - one of the leading headings "Replica" on the TV channel "Russia 24".

November 2014 - The court ordered Prokhanov to pay 500 thousand rubles for lying in an article in the Izvestia newspaper, which claimed that Makarevich gave a concert in Slavyansk, " and this music was heard by captive militias languishing in the basements, whose hands were crushed with bats and their eyes gouged out with knives". Makarevich assured (and was able to prove in court) that the case was not in Slavyansk, but in Svyatogorsk, and he sang not in front of the "punishers", but in front of refugees. Prokhanov claims that representing the musician in the process put pressure on the court.

Prokhanov is an extremely prolific writer: his novel is published almost every year. Prokhanov's style is considered by many critics to be original, colorful, emphatically individual. " Prokhanov's language is replete with vivid metaphors, original, flowery epithets, the characters are written convexly, visually, with an abundance of details, the description itself has a pronounced emotional and even passionate coloring, the author's attitude to this or that character is clearly traced". At the same time, there is another point of view among literary critics who find his style "banal", " style of writing - sugary, based on shameless lies and oversaturated with cheap embellishing epithets".

Prokhanov is fond of drawing in the style of primitivism. Collects butterflies (there are more than 3 thousand copies in the collection).

Scandals, rumors

Prokhanov is credited with very close contacts with Berezovsky during his London exile. In particular, BAB's interview with the editor-in-chief of the Zavtra newspaper was the reason for the exclusion of Boris Abramovich from the party. "Liberal Russia".

During the tragedy in Nord-Ost, Boris Berezovsky, State Duma deputy Viktor Alksnis and the editor-in-chief of the Zavtra newspaper, Alexander Prokhanov, criticized the actions of the Russian authorities to free the hostages.

They set out their position on this issue in a joint statement adopted following the meetings held in London on 25 and 26 October 2002. In their opinion " the terrorist attack would have been impossible without the blatant connivance and, possibly, complicity of certain representatives of the authorities". "The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, from the very first hours of the tragedy, abstained from participating in the settlement of the crisis. Neither he nor his representatives offered a single solution to the problem and did not take any part in the fate of the hostages", - note Berezovsky, Prokhanov and Alksnis. " The most dramatic episode in V. Putin's less than three years in power showed that today there is no leader in the Kremlin capable of protecting the citizens of Russia"- emphasized in the statement of Berezovsky, Prokhanov and Alksnis.

Alexander Prokhanov is said to have received $300,000 from Berezovsky in 2002 "for the development of his publication," luring the exile with vague promises of becoming an opposition presidential candidate. No "development of the publication" happened: to "develop" A.A. Prokhanov decided his own dacha.

In 2003, the Lenta.Ru editors received a statement from businessman Boris Berezovsky and Alexander Prokhanov about the murder of a State Duma deputy Sergei Yushenkov. The authors of the letter claim that the responsibility for the murder of Yushenkov lies with the Russian authorities, and also promise that the opposition will win the elections and "prevent the death of the country coming from the Kremlin."

From the cycle: conversations with famous people.

Soviet and Russian writer, screenwriter, publicist, public figure.

Member of the secretariat of the Writers' Union of Russia. Chief editor of the newspaper "Tomorrow". Winner of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1982). Cavalier of the Orders of the Red Banner, the Red Banner of Labor (1984), the Badge of Honor and the Red Star.

Born on February 26, 1938, in Tbilisi. Ancestors, Molokans, who came from the Tambov region to Transcaucasia.

His grandfather was the brother of Ivan Stepanovich Prokhanov, the leader of the Russian Baptist movement, the founder and head of the All-Russian Union of Evangelical Christians (1908-1928) and vice-president of the World Baptist Alliance (1911), who emigrated from Russia in 1928.

His son, Yaroslav Ivanovich, a well-known botanist, was arrested in 1938 under articles 58-10 and 58-11 (counter-revolutionary activities), but managed to negotiate the transfer of a very large inheritance that Ivan Stepanovich, who died in 1935, left him abroad.

* And then it was possible to agree. What is there. It would be for what.

And thus, in 1939, he was released, all charges were dropped from him, although the persecution continued in the future due to the fact that he, being a student of N. I. Vavilov, continued to promote classical genetics.

Alexander Andreevich graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1960, but already in the last year of the institute he began to write poetry and prose. After working as an engineer at a scientific research institute for two years after graduation, he became a forest ranger in Karelia, took tourists to the Khibiny, and participated in a geological expedition in Tuva.

*So to speak, I was gaining worldly and writing experience. Everywhere a little.

In 1968, he began working at Literaturnaya Gazeta and was the first to describe in his report the events on Damansky Island during the Soviet-Chinese conflict in 1969. Since 1970, he has been broadcasting reports, being a correspondent in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Cambodia, Angola. In 1972 he became a member of the USSR Writers' Union (he was 34 years old) and continued to publish in the Literaturnaya Gazeta, in the magazines Young Guard and Our Contemporary. In addition, for two years he worked as the editor-in-chief of the journal "Soviet Literature" (1989-1991).

He did not join the CPSU.

In December 1990, he created his own newspaper, The Day, where he became editor-in-chief. On July 15, 1991, the newspaper published an "anti-perestroika" appeal, "Word to the People." The newspaper became one of the most radical opposition publications in Russia in the early 1990s and was published regularly until the October events of 1993, after which it was closed by the authorities.

In 1991, during the presidential elections in the RSFSR, Prokhanov was a confidant of candidate General Albert Makashov. During the August putsch, Prokhanov supported the State Emergency Committee.

In September 1993, he spoke in his newspaper against Yeltsin's anti-constitutional actions, calling them a coup d'état, and supported the RF Armed Forces. After the tank shooting of the Parliament, the newspaper Den was banned by the Ministry of Justice. The editorial office of the newspaper was destroyed by riot police, its employees were beaten, property and archives were destroyed. Two issues of the newspaper, already banned by that time, were clandestinely printed in Minsk as special editions of the communist newspaper We and Time.

*As you can see, Prokhanov's experience of political struggle was already great.

On November 5, 1993, the son-in-law of the writer A. A. Khudorozhkov established and registered the newspaper Zavtra, of which Prokhanov became the editor-in-chief. A number of organizations accuse the newspaper of publishing anti-Semitic materials.

In the 1996 presidential election, Prokhanov supported the candidacy of the Communist Party candidate Gennady Zyuganov. In 1997, he became a co-founder of the Patriotic Information Agency. Twice - in 1997 and 1999 he was attacked by unknown persons.

In 2002, Prokhanov's novel "Mr. Hexogen", where he artistically depicted the version of the organization of explosions of residential buildings in Russia in 1999 by the Russian special services, received the National Bestseller award.

He is fond of drawing in the style of primitivism. Collects butterflies (there are more than 3 thousand copies in the collection).

Married, has two sons and a daughter. One of the sons is a publicist Andrey Fefelov.

* So briefly about the biography of A. A. Prokhanov, in which the genes of relatives, the character of the journalist himself and his life are traced in all three periods of time that took place before our eyes.

And now, in fact, the interview itself with Alexander Andreevich. My notes are in italics.

“The USSR was a unique project. The Soviet can be copied, but it is still better to build something of your own.”

A. A. Prokhanov

Reflections of A. Prokhanov on the pages of "AiF" No. 15 2014. Recorded by Vitaly Tseplyaev.

About Russian power.

If Russian statehood continues to grow, then our geopolitical space will expand. And we don't have to include some new lands, like Crimea. The unification of the Russian world can be done without tank columns and without special forces units.

For example, the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

Kudrin (former finance minister) talks about $150-160 billion that could leak out of the country in 2014. This is due to the annexation of the Crimea.

But the price we paid for the presence of "curly" in our politics is estimated in trillions of dollars.

* It will not be possible to create some kind of separate "Slavic world" Alexander Andreevich. If the "Slavic Bazaar" I would agree. And with the title too. Well, look how many nationalities and confessions exist side by side on the territory of the Russian Federation. And how many non-Slavs entering the Russian Federation for a while, for permanent residence, unofficially

For example, Armenians in their state are Christians, but they are 99.9% Armenians. Azerbaijan, having separated and become a Muslim country, seems to be tolerant of the Russian-speaking population. But let an Armenian, at least in the singular, or someone else, of a different nationality and in droves, try to come there to work ...

And now, after the examples, estimate how many subjects of these nations live on the territory of the Russian Federation. Officially, unofficially, temporarily, permanently…

As for types like “curly”, I agree. There were so many of them that one salary that they were given would be worth many millions.

About "Serdyukovism".

"Serdyukovism" has become a household term, like Dostoevsky's "Smerdyakovism".

* Everyone is outraged, everyone understands the destructiveness of the "Serdyukovism" existing in Russia, but they cannot do anything on the basis of the law. This means that there are forces in the state that are above the law. And these are only those who invent them and those who approve them.

About points of development.

“The first thing to do is defense…

The modernization of the defense industry (defence-industrial complex) will entail the modernization of entire spheres of life, the entire environment.

“The second super project is connected with the land. Perhaps now we will stop buying modified Western products, we will plow our Russian arable land and start our own cattle.

And Russia will become a flourishing ultra-modern agrarian power.

* With these two most important directions, I agree entirely. I will only add that all borders: land, sea and air must again be locked up. At least temporarily, but for unwanted individuals and companies, perhaps forever.

Otherwise, our constant laxity, friendliness, laziness and "short memory" inherent in the genes can lead to the constant penetration of alien elements, pests into the country's territory, and not only illegally.

And as for plowing, one should not forget the experience of the virgin lands of the 50s of the last century. In order not to get, after the grandiose successes of the first years of virgin lands, a drop in crops and the restoration of land to an arable state within a decade and a half.

On the symbols of the USSR.

The return of the TRP, SSO, the title of Heroes of Labor, VDNH is cosmetics, copying samples. The Soviet style is unique, it is impossible to reproduce it!

We are going through a period of powerful historical creativity, when the state of Russia is being re-created. Since 1991, it has essentially not been.

“Instead of the state, there was a sticky, vile, disgusting puddle in which a drunken monster sat. In the place of this puddle, nothing should ever have grown.”

And we are growing again!

And each facet of the newly growing crystal must have a new name. History cannot move backward.

*History does not move backwards. She repeats herself. Well, when several generations have passed, or even in the memory of one generation.

About our mission.

Everyone got the golden calf with its hegemony of money, with the primacy of vile banking mathematics. People want to take off, they want a miracle ...

And Russia, albeit sometimes in harsh forms, brings people's hopes closer.

Putin reproached the West that it is becoming more and more like Sodom, trampling on Christian values.

At the same time, despite the fact that in Russia there is a wild stratification, there is a forgiven Serdyukov, there is a robbery of the country by bribe-taking officials, there are so many bitches, the place for which is on bitches, Putin took on the mission of preserving Christian values.

And this huge ideological movement inspires hope that everything will be all right with Russia.

* The revival of values, this is what many Russians, Alexander Andreevich, welcome. Only that's why some Christian. And it would not have happened that under the guise of Christianity would begin to occupy an increasingly important place in the politics of the Russian state. At the same time getting rich, impudent, using their influence on the minds. And this is also dangerous. Not everything is so good with Orthodoxy, as one would like to see those who are more and more inclined towards faith.

And, the last.

“My books are a laboratory where I formed my ideas about Russian history and Russian messianism. All these novels are about the Russian state. I traveled to construction sites and factories, oil fields, wrote about the campaigns of nuclear boats. I was delighted with the victories of my state and felt anguish when it suddenly fell and broke.

But today I see that my state is being revived, and I am writing about it again.

The novel that I am completing describes everything that preceded the Crimean events. Such a "pre-Crimea" ...

*Does it feel like nostalgia? This is not a breakdown, and not a disappointment at the end of the road. This is a truthful presentation of their thoughts without a hint of "PR". Why should he, for a long time famous writer Do you need PR?


In addition to the above, I want to show you a little information about how a lawsuit was filed against Prokhanov for the article “Singers and scoundrels” in the Izvestia newspaper dated August 17, 2014 and against the newspaper itself.

MOSCOW, October 28 - RIA Novosti. The leader of the rock group "Time Machine" Andrei Makarevich (b. 1953), if he wins the trial against Izvestia and the writer Alexander Prokhanov, plans to spend the money on charity.

“... Andrey Vadimovich filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. The defendants are the Izvestia newspaper and the writer Alexander Prokhanov, whose comments were especially outrageous,” said Chernin (Makarevich's secretary). According to him, the lawsuit was preceded by correspondence with the editor-in-chief. “We demanded a retraction, the newspaper refused to publish it, and then we had to file a lawsuit,” the spokesman added.

“The publication claims that Makarevich gave a concert in Slavyansk in the Ukrainian military unit, but in fact he performed in a refugee camp in the city of Svyatogorsk,” Chernin specified.

According to Chernin, if the musician wins the case, he will transfer all the money to refugee children who suffered from military operations in Ukraine.

* By the way, Makarevich demanded money for his honor, dignity and business reputation in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles.

He won back 500,000 rubles in court, but the writer filed an appeal with the Moscow City Court against the decision of the Savelovsky Court of Moscow.

So I have a question for readers who have read this issue of Conversations with Famous People to the end:

Don't you think that such a "bazaar" among the creative intelligentsia absolutely does not lead to the "Slavic World" and the world in general?

But they act negatively on the “brains” of the masses, showing who is who ?!

My conclusions.

I tend to think that genes, a person's knowledge of his relatives from childhood, reflections, eventually give the development of a personality in which there are features of his great-great-grandparents. But here's how the person uses all this in the future, it's up to each individual. For the benefit of others or only for ourselves, what do we, those around us, get from such personalities in the end - is this a question?

In this case, I cannot say that Prokhanov's personality, his biography and work can negatively affect the minds environment. And he still occupies a worthy place among part of the creative intelligentsia, whose words can be heeded ...

Or at least take it to mind.


With. Altai

Taken from Sergei Fomin


"Bathing the Red Coble"(continuation)

"You can't wash a black dog white."
Russian proverb

In one of the previous posts, we tried to understand the hidden meanings of A.A. Prokhanov, promising to pair it with some features of the writer's biography.
The ancestors of Alexander Andreevich, in his own words, were Molokans who fled from the Tambov province to the Transcaucasus.
This sect was considered “especially harmful” in the Russian Empire, and was strictly persecuted until the liberal decrees of Emperor Alexander I. It was not without reason: the Molokans “rejected the Orthodox cult”, honored the Sabbath. Due to a noticeable rapprochement with Judaism, they were even called "subbotniks", "Jewish", "new Jews". You can read about them in detail in any Jewish encyclopedia.

At the same time, it is worth noting that all this is by no means “a matter of bygone days”, evidence of which is the confession of Alexander Andreevich’s son, Andrei Fefelov, deputy editor of the Zavtra newspaper, made by him on August 13, 2014 in an interview:
“Part of my ancestors come from Russian sectarianism. Both the Prokhanovs, and the Fefelovs, and the Mazayevs were once peasants and belonged to the Molokan milieu. Their descendants, having become merchants, gave their children education, sent their children to study in Europe. […] …Questions of faith, church, eschatology accompanied me from early childhood. […] The tradition is gone, but the connections exist. Once a whole delegation of Molokans came to the newspaper “Tomorrow”. Such solid neat bearded people with calm faces. It turns out that Yuri Luzhkov at that time for some reason oppressed the Molokan community, deprived it of a prayer house. And then, knowing about our origin, they came to us for information support. We did not refuse them and even sheltered them for a while. Several times in a row on Sundays, meetings of Molokans were held in the editorial office of Zavtra and psalms composed by my great-grandfathers were sung.
And indeed, the ancestors of Alexander Andreevich are far from ordinary sectarians.
Much was tied to the great-uncle of Alexander Andreevich - Ivan Stepanovich Prokhanov (1869-1935). He was also a root Molokan, but in 1875 his father and in 1886 he himself joined the Baptists.
This transition was natural. At one time, the historian N.I. Kostomarov emphasized the connection between the emergence of the Molokan sect and the “development of rational minds in the Russian people.”

With a biography of I.S. Prokhanov, this “Russian Luther”, anyone can get acquainted with by looking at the Internet. All the facts are there, but their true meaning remains, as it were, behind the scenes. Therefore, let us turn to an old, written in May 2005 post from LiveJournal by the famous Russian philosopher, writer and publicist D.E. Galkovsky (albeit straightening some angles and somewhat categorical, but noticing a lot): ..
“Yes, this is understandable,” Dmitry Evgenievich said during a discussion of one of the topics, “Who else will they put in the “chief Russian nationalist”, and in addition they will give a large print organ. It doesn't have to be a "verified person". It should be "itself".
Prokhanov's grandfather was one of the most active members of the English residency in the Russian Empire, Ivan Stepanovich Prokhanov. Mr. Prokhanov was also a publisher of newspapers and magazines, and was exiled to his native England for his systematic anti-state and anti-church activities. There he graduated from the theological college in Bristol. In 1898, Prokhanov returned to Russia, right off the bat he launched a large-scale subversive work. Prokhanov's leader was Lenin (through Bonch-Bruyevich). […] Soon Prokhanov became the head of the Russian Baptists and one of the 6 vice-chairmen of the World Union of Baptists. In 1914, as direct accomplices of Germany, members of socialist subversive organizations and German spies, Prokhanov and his comrades were pressed a little. With the consent, approval and direct advice of England."
Let us add to this that at the time described, I.S. Prokhanov, contacts were established with such iconic figures as S.Yu. Vite and P.N. Milyukov. It is also known that Ivan Stepanovich ran for the State Duma - a well-known hotbed of Russian unrest.

But let's continue the quotation from D.E. Galkovsky: “What Prokhanov did in 1917 and beyond, I think there is no need to explain. Subsequently, the scoundrels invented “repressions” for themselves and tearfully sobbed something like this: “The VI All-Russian Congress of Christian Youth with the participation of Ivan Prokhanov gathered in 1921 in Tver. As soon as the participants started the planned program, on May 5, on the denunciation of the priest of the local Orthodox parish Vinogradov, who made his way to Tverskaya Gubchek as an investigator, 42 participants of the congress were arrested. 30 people were soon released, and 12 (including Prokhanov) were transferred to a forced labor camp for a period of one to three years. But three months later, the central authorities released them too.”
Check it out. “The priest made his way into the valiant Cheka and slandered the faithful Leninists”; “They were subjected to monstrous persecution, in 1921 they spent three months in prison.” Horror.
In the 1920s, Prokhanov actively corrupted the Russian Church, collaborating with the “living churchmen”. Quietly traveled around Europe and the Americas. In 1928, while in Canada, Prokhanov decided not to return to the USSR, while quietly continuing to be one of the most active and influential Soviet Baptists.
In his FOREIGN memoirs, Prokhanov, the first president of the All-Russian SECB, wrote: “At the heart of the Bolshevik policy towards religious organizations was freedom for everyone, with the exception of those groups and the priesthood who participated in the political opposition to the new regime. One of the first steps of the Soviet government was a decree on the separation of church and state. In accordance with the proclaimed decree, the Orthodox Church was losing the financial support of the state ... Millions of rubles were withdrawn from church funds and this undermined the livelihood of the Holy Synod, the Theological Academy and other church institutions. Most of the priests were removed from service... Thus, the overthrow of the Orthodox Church was a significant achievement, the main basis of religious freedom...””.
And by the way, compare this passage of Prokhanov-grandfather with the text of the “Letter of the Mahatmas” of 1926, written by N.K. Roerich, in terms of poetics, as we have already noted, very similar to the writings of Prokhanov the grandson: “In the Himalayas We know what you are doing. You have abolished the church, which has become a hotbed of lies and superstitions. You have destroyed philistinism, which has become a conductor of prejudices. You have destroyed the prison of education. You have destroyed the family of hypocrisy. You burned an army of slaves."
Direct call!

“This Prokhanov-gate is me,” one of the readers of the post we cited, D.E., wrote in a comment. Galkovsky, - not only discouraging, how much the amazing continuity of generations is simply incomprehensible. Perhaps it can be explained only by the fact that all this time since the good old era there has been a living environment (a club, a sect or something like that), a “dukhobor” grandfather’s pad.
Another, no less amazing consonance, is prompted by this characteristic of I.S. Prokhanov from the book of the scientist L.N. Mitrokhin "Baptism: history and modernity" (St. Petersburg, 1997):
“In his determination, confidence in the success of his missionary vocation, in his organizational acumen, he was a unique figure. He was not attracted to ordinary preaching activities. Russia, he repeated, is "a spiritual cemetery or a valley of dry bones." But the Russian people are on the eve of an uprising - "it will be a true Sunday, spiritual renewal and reformation." […]
Prokhanov's energy was truly inexhaustible. He was cramped within a small association. He constantly created new unions, organizations, publications of courses and schools, published at least 10 collections of spiritual hymns, over a thousand (!) of them he wrote himself (“poetry flew from my pen like a living flower”) compiled the ECB religion, wrote hundreds of articles , appeals, projects. […] His authoritarian methods, not always predictable actions, confused and annoyed more sedate and balanced colleagues, giving rise to additional friction between unions, despite constant assurances of mutual love.
Doesn't this remind you of anything? After reading this, I, for example, realized that the "passionarity" of Alexander Andreevich Prokhanov is a generic trait.

All this background of the writer President V.V. Putin, by the nature of his former occupations, probably knows very well. Therefore, apparently, he does not make contact with A.A. Prokhanov, who literally imposes himself (remember at least the President's answers during the "straight line" to Alexander Andreevich's questions). At the same time, Vladimir Vladimirovich, as you know, willingly communicated with V.G. Rasputin, A.I. Solzhenitsyn, N.S. Mikhalkov.
(Forewarning a possible objection, I note that the reason for such a distance is not at all in the labels once hung. After all, V. G. Rasputin was once called “red-brown”.)

As for Valentin Grigorievich, he hardly knew the ins and outs of Alexander Andreevich, but he definitely felt it well.
What kind of yeast roam there is not difficult to find out. Here, for example, is a look at the Russian history of the son of A.A. Prokhanov - Andrey Fefelov:
“It is interesting that the Romanov family - this cohort of sovereigns and empresses - stands between two pillars of Russian history: Ivan IV Rurikovich and Joseph Stalin. […] The figure of Peter the Great stands apart. He is a great destroyer and a great builder at the same time. In some ways it is similar to Patriarch Nikon and Lenin. […]
Even the demons of Russian history, such as, say, Leon Trotsky, must be carefully examined and read in a single grandiose, sacred context. It would seem that he is the enemy of the entire Russian people! But, nevertheless, it is “our” enemy, “our” unique demon. And no other story has produced such a figure. By the way, speaking objectively, Trotsky is known as the creator of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, which became the striking force of gathering the territories of the Russian Empire, which collapsed in February 1917.
Needless to say, all this (in all likelihood, family, Prokhanov's) historiosophy was deeply alien to Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.

In vain at one time Viktor Astafyev worried about his brother: Valentin Rasputin was not influenced, patriots like Prokhanov, who were disliked by Viktor Petrovich, in his words, “for glorifying revolutions,” did not spoil him. Couldn't influence.
Being in the same room, eating from the same bowl does not mean being like-minded people.
It has long been said: “They went out from us, but were not ours: for if they were ours, they would have remained with us; but they went out, and through that it was revealed that not all of ours " (1 John 2:19).
And now, after the death of Valentin Grigorievich, this incompatibility, due to the extreme delicacy of the writer, which almost did not manifest itself in public (except that “non-communication” testified to this), has become completely undeniable.

However, another "fear" of V.P. Astafieva was not so empty. In a letter to V.Ya. Kurbatov, sent in February 1994, he complained that "comrades Zyuganov and Prokhanov are proudly shaking your minds and spiritual thoughts" folk theme"reminders".
All this now seems to be confirmed. In the article-manifesto we are analyzing, A.A. Prokhanov, before throwing a shadow on the wattle fence, writes so directly: “It was not without reason that Valentin Grigorievich signed the “Word to the People” during the years of perestroika, it was not without reason that after that he was close to the communists, to Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov.
But could it have been avoided? Then? The interests of the people and the country for such as V.G. Rasputin, were above their own ambitions and purity of robes ...

In the article “Rasputin: Empire and People” that we are reviewing, A.A. Prokhanov commemorates, in fact, one work - the story of 1976 "Farewell to Matyora."
But here's how he twists its content: "... Russians, tearing themselves up at construction sites, leaving and letting their villages under water, like the legendary city of Kitezh ..."
That is, THEMSELVES (and not the state at all) voluntarily let their huts, cemeteries, fields under water!
In addition to open mockery of the pain of the Russian writer and his people (here I categorically disagree with those who write that Prokhanov did not “understand” Farewell to Matyora), such a reading, no longer of Rasputin’s text, but of “Tales of the City Kitezh”, testifies to some kind of spiritual damage to the one who issued such a pen.

Frame from the film "Farewell" based on the novel by V.G. Rasputin. Directed by Larisa Shepitko and Elem Klimov. 1981

You have to be a profoundly non-Russian person to pervert one of the archetypes of our consciousness so subtly.
The Russian messianic city “with white-stone walls, golden-domed churches, with honest monasteries” disappeared under the water “wonderfully, by God’s command, when the godless Tsar Batu”, having ruined Rus', approached him.
“Its inhabitants were not even going to defend themselves and only prayed.” It was for those prayers that "the Lord did not allow the infidel reproach over the Christian shrine."
As for our Matyora, the Soviet authorities let them go under the water: local - at the direction of the central ones. And from there, from the water behind the looking glass, no one can get that old Russia. Until she herself (not lured by the "red" or any other spellcasters, namely herself, of her own free will) does not come out of there.
It will certainly come out when the time comes - “The Deadline”.
“And until now that city stands invisible, it will open before the terrible Judgment Seat of Christ.”

Frame from the film "Farewell". 1981
It is difficult to understand this for those who grew up on asphalt. It is not even enough to be a forester for two years and go to geological parties. And why such sacrifices? It's not about the city itself. It's about the soul. “Where is your heart, brother?.. Where is your soul, sister?..”
It is difficult to become a Russian without believing in what the people of whose son you consider yourself believe.
And before you teach others, become a student yourself. Sit with Mary at the feet of Christ and listen.
The same Valentin Rasputin did not consider it shameful for himself to do this at the age of 44, for which he was boorishly ridiculed by Vladimir Bushin, a regular contributor to the Zavtra newspaper.

But some people don't listen well...
Here is the latest issue of the Zavtra newspaper, dated April 2. As usual, the editorial of A.A. Prokhanov. It tells about his recent trip to Serbia, and at the end - about "the service in the Cathedral of St. Sava ... the largest cathedral in Belgrade" (hereinafter we keep the original author's spelling): lords of wine and bread, suddenly experienced such a surge of light, love and beauty.
It turns out that for Prokhanov the Body and Blood of Christ is simply “wine and bread”, and besides, he receives them “from the hands of the master”, and not from the spoon from the Eucharistic cup? Any church person does not even need to explain what such word usage is talking about ...

It is interesting that another subverter V.G. Rasputin (but from the side of the liberals) Dmitry Gubin, whom we wrote about in one of our previous posts, synchronously (in the broadcast of April 3) spoke essentially the same thing, but in an extremely unacceptable form. (It is very painful for me to quote these words, but without doing this, we will hardly understand what we are dealing with.)
To justify the insulting production of Tannhäuser in Novosibirsk, Gubin, who had studied in England, found no less blasphemous expressions: “Any parent who takes his children to the first communion, he takes the child to eat the body of a 33-year-old Jew and drink the blood of a 33-year-old Jew. Because the sacrament consists in the fact that wine and bread are transformed (any clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church will tell you this) into the real and authentic body and blood of Christ. But we do not run to the prosecutor's office with a demand to stop corpse-eating. We understand: the church lives this way, it is arranged this way, this is their territory, they do not interfere with those who are outraged by cannibalism in any other place ... "

But let us return to Alexander Andreevich, who, as we remember, described his Communion in the Belgrade Cathedral. (After Gubin, it even looks pious.)
Literally on the back of the page on which this revelation is printed, his own article is published under a very symbolic, fraught with many meanings title: "The True Aryan." It is about the recent death of a passenger plane in France and about a German pilot, who is now considered the culprit of the tragedy.
“... In my opinion,” writes A.A. Prokhanov, - we are talking about the psychiatry of an entire people - the German people, a people that today is in such a state that a single German, being part of this people, is able to commit such suicide actions. […] He showed that Germany, which is being destroyed in this way, will take the rest of humanity along with it to the underworld, to Valhalla. [...] ... This mysterious and terrible death can be interpreted as a psychiatric diagnosis of the current state of the German nation.

All these arguments in themselves, of course, are monstrous and outrageous, but, we admit, they fit, nevertheless, into a certain system of values.
Moreover, this first blow to the nerves mixes, as it seems to us, main point, for which, in fact, apparently, this text was created:
“... The act of suicide itself does not mean at all that it is an act of suffering and a desire to break with life. Perhaps this act should be interpreted as an act of rebellion. Perhaps the German or Germany, who are in terrible humiliation, in an effort to escape from control, resort to the last resort - to death, which saves a person from this control.
Moreover, this death is not an ordinary death, an individual death. She is the death associated with the impulse to other, future Germanic dimensions. And this death is of a ritual nature, so the pilot dragged 150 people into this death. It was not just the death of a loner. It was self-immolation in front of the whole world, self-immolation or suicide in spite of this world.”
The phrases: "an act of rebellion", "the desire to break out of control", "the last resort", given the worldview of the author, of course, carry positive meanings.
They are organically complemented by others: "ritual character", "drawing 150 people into this death."
And the final chord: “It was self-immolation in front of the whole world […] in spite of this world.”
This is the apotheosis of death as a "creative act." Schismatic fires! Holy suicide!
Sectarian leaven - where can you get away from you?
No wonder, apparently, the poet Alexei Shiropaev, who communicated with Alexander Andreevich for some time, called him the “Red Shaman”.
With a rattling tambourine, cries-spells, spinning and jumps ...

It is noteworthy that some ambiguity did not hide, however, from "their" main nerve.
“In my opinion,” responded one of the regular commentators on the website of the newspaper “Zavtra”, “hiding all the time for God, referring to God, talking about God, hoping for God, is even more cowardice than suicide. It is also depriving oneself of the freedom of independent choice, depriving oneself of responsibility for the fate of one's country and one's people - they say everything is in the hands of God.
These are the real chicks of Prokhanov's nest.

But what then is the meaning of all these sequins, tinsel, Prokhanov's "Orthodox" rhetoric, his trips to monasteries-sketes-starets?
Is it an attempt to stretch before - still remaining in the core of its Orthodox - the Russian people a sheep's skin? Is this exploitation of the authority of Orthodox ascetics honored by the Russian world for their political projects?
Let's not guess. The main thing for us is the indisputable fact that behind all this is deceit and lies. Even if, as some believe, "for good." With good intentions, our ancestors firmly knew, the road to hell is paved.
And one more thing (no less important): convincing himself and others that he is going on a pilgrimage, in fact, Alexander Andreevich is engaged in two things: “agitation run” or “Orthodox tourism”. He never opened his soul before God, Who Himself would have done Good there.
Sometimes, the thought even visits: he wants to, but ... he cannot.
And here is the place to repeat the words of the critic V.Ya. Kurbatov, addressed by him to V.P. Astafiev: “This comes from disbelief, from irreligion. I am afraid that now he is even at odds with his people, who have turned to God. It seems to him hypocrisy, and it seems that he does not see salvation there. […] There is no rest, there is no Rod.” (With a small, nevertheless, correction: not from "irreligion" or atheism, but - in this case - from spirituality distorted by sectarianism.)

However, look what an interesting alignment comes out. On the one hand - it just happened! - Our Lord Jesus Christ, our Orthodox Faith, our Russian writer Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin. And according to another - they seem to be different in their worldview and their political position - the patriot writer A.A. Prokhanov and liberal journalist D.P. Gubin, who is regularly aired by the pro-presidential radio Komsomolskaya Pravda.
Isn't there something to think about?

In these difficult reflections, in the face of the upcoming difficult choice, Valentin Rasputin acts as our assistant, voluntarily or involuntarily. He is one of those touchstones on which a lot (and many) are tested in one way or another: for a break, for loyalty, for ideals.
Death made clear.
And then the headline of an old review of one of latest stories writer: ""Fire" highlighted.
If not for this sad departure, I thought, many of us, having read or listened to the words we cited, once again would have passed by, except muttering under our breath: “Again he is weird.”
The death of Valentin Grigorievich, who during his lifetime was called the “conscience of the people,” reminded us of our duty, made us stricter towards ourselves and others ...

Alexander Prokhanov is a well-known Russian writer and politician. Known as the chief editor of the newspaper "Tomorrow", in 1982 he was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize. Already in 2002, he received the National Bestseller Award for his novel Mr. Hexogen, which tells about a conspiracy by the secret services to change power in Russia.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Prokhanov was born in 1938. He was born in Tbilisi. His ancestors were Molokans. They were forced to move from the Saratov and Tambov provinces to the Transcaucasus. The grandfather of the hero of our article was a prominent Molokan theologian, the brother of Stepan Prokhanov, who founded the All-Russian Union of Evangelical Christians.

Alexander Prokhanov received his higher education in Moscow. In 1960 he graduated from the Aviation Institute, worked as an engineer at a research institute. He became interested in literature in the last year of high school, actively began to write poetry and prose.

Labor activity

At the same time, at first, Alexander Prokhanov did not think about professionally engaging in writing. Therefore, he worked as a forester in Karelia, as a guide in the Khibiny, participated in a geological party on the territory of Tuva. In these years of wandering around Soviet Union he was especially fond of Vladimir Nabokov and Andrei Platonov.

In 1968, he takes a job at the Literary Gazette, deciding to devote more time to his own writing opportunities. Mostly he is sent on foreign business trips. Alexander Prokhanov, whose photo is in this article, writes reports from Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia. They began to talk about him after he was one of the first to describe the armed border conflict between Russia and China on Damansky Island in 1969.

Member of the Writers' Union

Very soon, the talent of the writer Alexander Prokhanov was officially recognized. In 1972 he was accepted into the Writers' Union of the USSR.

The heyday of his journalistic talent came in the time of perestroika. In 1986, he began to actively publish in the magazines "Our Contemporary" and "Young Guard", continuing his cooperation with " literary newspaper". From 1989 to 1991, he headed the magazine "Soviet Literature" as the editor-in-chief. He was constantly a member of the editorial board of the Soviet Warrior magazine. At the same time, he never became a member of the Communist Party, which is surprising for a person who managed to build such a career in the Soviet Union.

He is one of the first to understand that society needs a new platform where thoughts and ideas can be expressed in a fundamentally new language, without fear of censorship and any restrictions. Therefore, at the very end of 1990, he created a newspaper called The Day. Automatically becomes the chief editor in it.

"Word to the People"

In the middle of the summer of 1991, it published the famous "anti-perestroika" appeal, known as "Word to the people." First of all, it was addressed to the army. In it, Soviet political scientists and cultural figures criticized the policies pursued by Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. They called to stop the collapse of the USSR, to create an influential opposition movement. Now, many see the "Word to the People" as an ideological platform for the August coup, which took place exactly four weeks later.

The newspaper The Day was regarded as one of the most oppositional and radical publications in Russia in the early 1990s. It was published regularly until October 1993. After the shooting of the White House and the Yeltsin coup, the publication was banned. But it immediately began to be published under the name "Tomorrow", in this form it has been preserved to this day. Its editor-in-chief is still the writer Alexander Prokhanov.

Participation in the political life of the country

In the early 90s, Alexander Prokhanov, whose biography is given in this article, was directly involved in political life countries not only through their newspaper. In 1991, in the presidential elections of the RSFSR, he was a confidant of General Albert Makashov. Makashov, who represented the CPSU in these elections, took fifth place, gaining less than 4% of the vote. During the August coup, Prokhanov took the side of the State Emergency Committee.

In September 1993, the hero of our article on the pages of his newspaper The Day called to speak out against the anti-constitutional actions of Boris Yeltsin, arguing that a coup d'état had actually taken place in the country. Makashov, who took part in armed clashes in Moscow, became an active participant in the October events.

After the ban on the newspaper by the Ministry of Justice, according to some reports, the editorial office was destroyed by OMON officers, the workers were beaten, and all archives and property were destroyed.

The newspaper Zavtra was founded by Alexander Prokhanov on November 5th. It still has a radical position, often the materials that are published in it are accused of being pro-fascist, imperial, anti-Semitic.

At the same time, Prokhanov remains true to himself, supporting Gennady Zyuganov in the 1996 presidential election. However, even those elections for the leader of the communists ended in defeat. As you know, he lost to Boris Yeltsin in the second round.

At the same time, now the hero of our article is a member of the Public Television Council, established in 2012.

Style Features

Many are familiar with Alexander Andreevich Prokhanov from books. His style is considered very colorful, original and individual. On the pages of the novels of the hero of our article, you can find a large number of metaphors, flowery epithets, interesting characters, a wide variety of details.

In his artistic creativity and journalism, one can often find sympathy for the Christian religion, primordially Russian traditions, while he regularly criticizes liberalism and capitalism. He has repeatedly stated that he still considers himself a Soviet person.

According to a number of critics, as a writer, Prokhanov is a postmodernist, and from an ideological point of view, an imperial author.

Early works

The first works of Prokhanov were published in the newspaper "Literary Russia", then published in the magazines "Family and School", "Krugozor", "Deer", "Rural Youth". From his early works, one can single out the story "The Wedding", which was published in 1967.

His first book was called "I'm going on my way", it was published in 1971 with a foreword by Yuri Trifonov. This is a collection of stories in which the author depicts a real Russian village with its patriarchal ethics, rituals and traditions, original landscapes and characters. Following this, in 1972, he wrote the essay "The Burning Color", where he talks about the problems faced by the Soviet village.

Of his stories published in the 70s, one should single out “Two”, “Tin Bird”, “Trans-Siberian Engineer”, “Milk 1220”, “Fiery Font”, “Red Juice in the Snow”. In 1974, his second collection, entitled "The Grass Turns Yellow," was published.

The following year, his first novel appears in print, which is called The Wandering Rose. It is written in a semi-essay style and is based on the author's impressions from business trips to the Far East, Siberia and Central Asia. In it he refers to topical issues contemporary Soviet society. They also disturb Prokhanov in three subsequent novels: "The Place of Action", "The Time is Noon" and "The Eternal City".

Military-political novel

The style of the writer changed dramatically in the 80s. He begins to create in the genre of a military-political novel. The works are based on his business trips to different countries of the world.

During this period, his whole tetralogy “Burning Gardens” was published, which includes the novels “A Tree in the Center of Kabul”, “A Hunter in the Islands ...”, “Africanist”, “And Here Comes the Wind”.

He again turns to the Afghan theme in the 1986 novel Drawings of the Battalist. Its main character is the artist Veretenov, who, on the instructions of his editorial office, travels to Afghanistan to make a series of drawings of Soviet military personnel. At the same time, he also has a personal interest in seeing his son.

Soldiers returning from Afghanistan are described in Alexander Prokhanov's 1988 book Six Hundred Years After the Battle.


The series of novels "Septateuch" becomes popular. She is united main character General Beloseltsev, who stands out for his unique experience of contemplation and vision.

This cycle includes "Dream of Kabul", "And Here Comes the Wind", "Hunter in the Islands", "Africanist", "The Last Soldier of the Empire", "Red-Brown", "Mr. Hexogen".

The last novel on this list has become especially popular. Prokhanov published it in 2002. The book describes the events of 1999 in Russia. In particular, a series of explosions in residential buildings, which led to numerous casualties, is presented as a conspiracy of power to transfer power from the incumbent president to his successor.

The conspirators, including representatives of the special services, use intrigues, murders and all kinds of provocations in Prokhanov's novel. The author himself noted that he initially perceived Putin as a follower of Yeltsin, but then revised his attitude towards him, saying that he stopped the collapse of Russia, removed the oligarchs from the leadership of the country.

In this novel, a favorite writer's technique is clearly traced, when real events coexist with absolutely fantastic things. For example, the oligarch, in whom Berezovsky is guessed, literally melts in the hospital under a dropper and disappears into thin air. The chosen one, in whom a hint of Putin is guessed, asks to fly the plane alone and also disappears, turning into a rainbow.

"Tread of the Russian Victory"

In 2012, Prokhanov released a new book called "The Walk of Russian Victory", in a very unusual genre for himself. It talks about ideology. modern Russia, and its history is conditionally divided into four time periods. These are Kievo-Novgorod Rus, Muscovy, the Russian Empire of the Romanovs and the Stalinist Empire.

The entire book consists of four parts. The first contains the main theses on the idea of ​​the "Fifth Empire", it is called "Hymns of the Russian Victory". In the second part, attention is paid to industrial enterprises, primarily defense plants, its name is “March of Russian Victory”. The third part, "Psalms of the Russian Victory", tells about Russian parishes and monasteries, and the final "Codes of the Russian Victory" - about the Eurasian Union, which should serve as the forerunner of the "Fifth Empire".

Film and television

Several of Prokhanov's works were filmed or staged on the theater stage at once:

  • In 1972, the film "Fatherland" was released according to his script.
  • In 1983, Anatoly Granik filmed the melodrama Scene of Action based on novel of the same name the hero of our article.
  • In 1988, Alexei Saltykov's drama "Paid for Everything" was released, for which Prokhanov wrote the script.
  • In 2012, a project was launched on the Russia-1 TV channel. Cycle documentaries"Soldier of the Empire" tells in detail about the personality of Alexander Prokhanov himself.
  • “Passion for the State” is a 2018 documentary in which the author analyzes the latest corruption scandals, explosions in the St. Petersburg metro, the demonization of the country itself and its leaders in the West, and the liberal public.

Public life

Prokhanov often participates in all kinds of political talk shows, expresses his opinion about the events taking place in the country. He is a regular guest of Vladimir Solovyov in his talk show "To the Barrier" and the new project "Duel". It is one of the leading headings "Replica", which airs on the channel "Russia 24".

Alexander Prokhanov expressed his opinion about the pension reform. He noted that Putin's address to the nation was irreproachable, the president gave convincing arguments. Therefore, he himself supports this reform.

Writer's wife

We can say that the personal life of Alexander Prokhanov was successful. All his life he lived in marriage with Lyudmila Konstantinova, who after the wedding took his last name.

They had three children - a daughter and two sons. One of them, Andrei Fefelov, became a publicist. Now, together with his father, he works as an editor of the Den Internet channel. Vasily Prokhanov became a singer-songwriter and photographer.

In 2011, Lyudmila Prokhanova passed away.

It is known that in free time the hero of our article collects butterflies and draws.

"We saw how punitive detachments began to enter Donetsk, surrounded on all sides. They began to move to train stations and other parts of the city, fighting broke out, sniper fire, and the city was instantly deserted. I remember the ominous sunset over Donetsk, the yellow and thickening city , as if internal energy is leaving from there, it becomes dead - windows close, entrances close, transport stops running, and you understand that city battles will begin now. About his trip to the junta-occupied Donbass On the eve.RU told Andrei Fefelov, editor-in-chief of the Den Internet channel, journalist, son of the writer Alexander Prokhanov.

Question: You have recently arrived from the Donbass, what is the most vivid impression of the trip left?

Andrey Fefelov: When we arrived in Novorossiya, this new union state was just announced before our very eyes. On this day and at this hour, the format of a new country, Novorossiya, was born, and everyone was very inspired by this. Although, it is completely incomprehensible why, because no one even says what Novorossiya is, no one knows what will be under this sign, but for some reason everyone imagines some kind of utopian picture. The theme of Novorossiya has not yet been formulated, has not yet been declared, but it already represents a kind of space for myth, and each one fills this space with its own content.

Communists believe that it will be a promised country of general equality, people of the Orthodox worldview say that it will be a country of Orthodox orders, where there will be no place for debauchery, abortion and mass media culture, people who dream of scientific and technological progress say that Novorossia will be a great testing ground for honing new amazing technologies. This is how this myth is formed from fragments of our consciousness, the most beautiful, best aspirations. So, Novorossiya is a dream space.

Question: What is happening on the city streets? Do children play in the streets or do they all hide in their homes?

Andrey Fefelov: Now this is not a total war - this is not Stalingrad. And in Damascus, during the crisis, they drank coffee in the city center, and there were battles in the neighboring quarter - and this is normal, it happens. So the center of Donetsk, if you do not go beyond a certain zone, looks like an ordinary southern city, and there usual life. Another thing is that there are days and hours when everything changes. We saw how punitive detachments began to enter Donetsk, which was surrounded on all sides. They began to move to railway stations and other parts of the city, fighting began to arise, sniper fire began, and the city was instantly deserted. I remember an ominous sunset over Donetsk, a yellow and thickening city, as if internal energy is leaving from there, it becomes dead - windows close, entrances close, transport stops running, and you understand that city battles will begin now.

As for the administration building, it is indeed lined with bags and coils of barbed wire, but these are mainly revolutionary decorations. I do not think that in real combat conditions these bags will allow you to protect administrative buildings. However, the symbolism of resistance, flags, roadblocks - this is also very important, they have, if not military, but some kind of political, symbolic meaning.

Question: What is the distance between the militias and the Ukrainian military? As far as we know, conscripts are the same Donbass people.

Andrey Fefelov: There is a difference between the Ukrainian army and the terrorist units that are introduced into the territory of Donbass by the "Right Sector" and the National Guard. The militias say that the Ukrainian army is our children, conscripts, and when the barracks are captured, these conscripts are not taken prisoner, they are not enlisted in the defense forces, but they are put on a train and sent home. I don’t know what happens to them next, but I suspect that they will be mobilized again and thrown back into the Donbass.

On the other hand, we see the massacre of the wounded in the hospital in Krasny Liman. This degree of hatred and mutual claims is growing. Unfortunately this is logic. civil war. No matter what events take place, no matter what Putin concludes agreements, no matter whom Patriarch Kirill congratulates, the situation will continue - too much strength is contained in it, blood and tears are shed.

Question: And how are the fronts distributed? Are there many more territories captured by the junta?

Andrey Fefelov: There is now no such thing as fronts. The entire Donbass is under attack. There is a patchwork there - here are units of the "Right Sector", there are some parts of the Ukrainian army, it is not known whose order is being carried out, planes fly here. And as soon as the militia encroaches on certain structures - the financial system, the border, the transport system, the communication line, the junta immediately takes very violent steps to block these efforts. And everything is still ahead of us, because there are still a couple of days before the inauguration, and fantastic things can happen during this time, since the new president made a statement that the inauguration will take place in Donetsk. This statement is amazing! He put his chocolate reputation on the line - if he fails to do this, then who is he? And if he does it through bombardments, victims and destruction, including the civilian population, then what will he, the head of a tribe of savages, celebrate his inauguration on the bloody streets among skulls, among stakes in order to establish himself as the president of a new united Ukraine? What are they thinking about in Kyiv?

Question: The day before, representatives of the DPR came to visit the State Duma, where they announced the need to switch the economy of the republic to the Russian ruble ...

Andrey Fefelov: The demarche in the State Duma is connected with the recognition of these republics by Russia, and so far, in my opinion, this recognition is impossible. However, in the DPR, I think, a separate financial system will be created, as it was once created in Transnistria. The example of Transnistria is not inspiring for the inhabitants of Donbass, it is an example of people who are in a kind of blockade, but Donbass will have Russia. Roughly speaking, Transnistria will turn out of Donbass, but with much better starting conditions.

Question: How do you assess the fact that Putin has not yet recognized the DNR?

Andrey Fefelov: It is very difficult for me to talk about Putin's strategy, because it includes other factors that I may not be aware of. For example, he will soon have a meeting with representatives of the Western powers and, obviously, some kind of secret ultimatum will be presented to him. How will he react to this ultimatum, to these threats? This is his personal choice as a politician, and I think he will have enough experience and courage to make the right choice. It is philistine to argue that the president should do this or that, here it is a matter of his personal fate, because what he decides now in Ukraine concerns not only our entire society, but also his personal fate. However, I am sure that Russia will be more and more involved in this process.

Question: How do residents of Donbass react to the silence of official Moscow?

Andrey Fefelov: Of course, this creates a background of uncertainty, since there was a huge amount of hope that Russia, as in the case of Crimea, would take and take the territories for itself, take them for maintenance, ensure security, expel the Right Sector from there, create conditions for normal life. But that didn't happen, so people are worried. However, the DNR and LNR authorities are hinting that Russian support will come, and this is part of the ideological background. However, if the independence of the republics is recognized, they will also have close interaction with Russia, and here it is also necessary to explain to people that "for now you will be in limbo, but this will not last forever. After all, Russia will recognize you, but for now you will use Russian passports to travel abroad, like most residents of Transnistria."

Question: As for the media, one can often hear that our television allegedly exaggerates when talking about what is happening in the Donbass.

Andrey Fefelov: Television is always a kind of magnifying glass, because it considers one local event, and all the world's attention is focused on it. And I was always amazed that some local event on the next street may not even be heard, but the whole world can discuss it. This is fine. However, I can say that the general tone Russian channels corresponds to the ideas of the population, it does not enter into dissonance with the ideas of people. There, Ukrainian channels also work for days, but the local population, of course, has a completely different attitude towards them.

Question: From here it seems to us that everyone in Donetsk has given up work and joined the militia. Is it so?

Andrey Fefelov: Donetsk is a millionth city, and about 4 thousand people went to the militia. Of course, if all the men went to fight, then they would take Kyiv and Ivano-Frankivsk. But this does not happen, because there are ordinary people, people of a different type, there is no involvement at the level of the future "if we do not come today, tomorrow they will kill us." People are not yet fully aware of what is happening. The time of total war, as in the days of Hitler, has not yet come, thank God. Yes, and we must understand that during the Great Patriotic War not everyone went to the partisans.