The heart in people is blind.

A. Platonov

Problems of morality in the literature of the XX century. From the first lines of Andrey Platonov's story "Yushka" we get acquainted with its main character. The author describes it in detail. Yushka is small and thin, he has sparse gray hair, a wrinkled face, “his eyes were white, like those of a blind man, and there was always moisture in them, like never-cooling tears.” This quiet, meek man, the blacksmith's assistant, is actually called Yefim, but everyone calls him Yushka. And it seems that Yushka, who did not see well, was weak, did not drink tea and did not buy sugar, long years wearing the same clothes should evoke sympathy. But people treat him differently. Children picked up branches, pebbles from the ground, threw them at Yushka. They did not understand why he was not angry with them, not angry, and tried to hurt him. What explains this behavior of children? As you know, children very often repeat the actions of their elders. The adults, on the other hand, took out their insults and anger on the innocent Yushka, became even more embittered, seeing that he meekly endures all this, that he is so different from them: “And after the conversation, during which Yushka was silent, the adult was convinced that that Yushka was to blame for everything, and immediately beat him. From the meekness of Yushka, an adult man came to bitterness and beat him more than he wanted at first, and in this evil he forgot his grief for a while.

A. Platonov appreciated the work of F. M. Dostoevsky, in the works of these writers one can find a lot in common. Dostoevsky believed in the awakening of the Divine in man, in the possibility of life according to the precepts of the Savior. A. Platonov accepted the idea of ​​the classic. In his work, images of heroes appear who can be called saviors. Yushka does not belong to such heroes, but he is endowed with features that make him related to Christ. First of all, it is meekness. She was so striking, was so extraordinary that the children even doubted: was this a living person? Yushka is a person who loves people like Christ, who believes that love lives in their hearts too. Yushka lives very hard, the people who torment him do not understand his humility and love. But it still happens that Yushka breathes more freely, that not only his sore chest, but also his soul is resting. It happens in nature. Only here, "where it was completely deserted, Yushka no longer hid his love for living beings." With warmth, he treats not only people, but also butterflies, beetles and even flowers. “He bowed to the ground and kissed the flowers, trying not to breathe on them, so that they would not deteriorate from his breath, he stroked the bark on the trees and raised butterflies and beetles that had fallen dead from the path ...”

Once something happened to Yushka that never happened to him - Yushka "got angry." It was “angry”, and not indignant, not angry, not angry, not angry, not furious. I think that this word speaks very accurately about the character of the protagonist, once again emphasizes his meekness and kindness.

Why are the nameless heroes of the dissidents so cruel? Why did the passer-by push Yushka and calmly “went home to drink tea”, leaving the dying man? The answer to this question is given by Yushka himself: "The heart of people is sometimes blind." These two words - "blind heart" - perfectly characterize the heroes of the story. If a person has a blind heart, it means that he does not want to understand another, does not feel pity or sympathy, does not sacrifice himself, does not create dnPro himself and does not notice when others do good.

Yushka sincerely believed that the people loved him. Mon and I think he was wrong. A blind heart is unable to love. Yushka did not know joy, living among people. The only thing he had to hold on to was life. And Yushka held on to her with all his might. Dasha, the daughter of the owner of the forge, felt sorry for Yushka, but she also remarked: “It would be better if you died, Yushka. Why do you live? And Yushka realized the value of every person in the world and his own value, did not understand why he needed to die, because he was born to live. “Why am I to you, why am I bothering you! .. I was put to live by my parents, I was born according to the law, the whole world needs me, like you, without me, too, it means it’s impossible! ..” - he exclaims, “angry ". But Yushka was also deprived of the only thing he had in the world of people - life. Yushka died, becoming a victim of human blindness. If before everyone was irritated by the irresponsibility, humility of Yushka, now the passer-by did not like that Yushka “spoke”. "Don't be wise to me! - shouted a passerby. - I'm smarter than you. Look, I’m talking, I’ll teach you the mind! ” The passer-by was outraged that Yushka considers himself equal to him. Indeed, they are not equal. But not because Yushka is a "wretched fool", "God's scarecrow", but because he is immeasurably richer spiritually. All those who "made fun of him and tormented him during his lifetime" came to say goodbye to Yushka. But, having buried Yushka, people forgot about him.

Without the quiet, uncomplaining Yushka, life has become worse for people. There was no longer a person on whom evil could be vented with impunity, who would dutifully endure all bullying and ridicule: “Now all anger and mockery remained among people and wasted among them ...” It turns out that the meaning of Yushka’s life was to accept on human ill will? And there was not a single person who would love Yushka?

One day, on a bad day, a girl came to the forge. She was looking for Yefim Dmitrievich, that is, Yushka. The girl turned out to be his adopted daughter. It was he who went to her every summer, brought money so that she could live and study. Yushka did not eat sugar so that this girl would eat it. And the girl truly loved Yushka - “she loved with all the warmth and light of her heart ...”

Despite the tragic ending - the death of Yushka, the writer speaks of the triumph of goodness and humanity. Yushka's love found a response in another soul. The fact that the girl became a doctor, that she alleviates the suffering of the sick and consoles them, is the merit of Yushka. In the city, Yushka was forgotten, and yet he seems to continue to live. He was right when he said: "The whole world needs me too." It can be said that Yushkin beautiful soul continues to live in his adopted daughter. The doctor is called "the daughter of the good Yushka, having long forgotten Yushka himself and the fact that she was not his daughter." Probably, for such a modest, inconspicuous person as Yushka, it didn’t matter whether they would remember him in the city. Much more necessary than memory after death, for him were warmth and participation during life.


With different literary heroes we have already met in the lessons of Russian and foreign literature- brave and timid, honest and treacherous, kind-hearted and cruel. But there was not one among them who looked like Yushka - the main character of the story of A.P. Platonov.

Yushka was an amazing person. While all the people around were spending their hard-earned money on eating well and tasty food, dressing smartly, and furnishing their home, Yushka behaved strangely and incomprehensibly. From morning to evening, working as an assistant in the forge and receiving a monthly salary, this man wore the same patched, dilapidated clothes from year to year, did not even buy tea and sugar - he drank water. It turns out that the kind and unpretentious Yushka took the money saved over the year to a strange orphan girl in another city, where he arranged for her to study and live.

Patient, gentle, trusting Yushka was unknown to pride and pride. His huge heart contained boundless love for the whole world. But the people living next to him and busy with daily household trifles and problems, it was not clear, as well as why Yushka - the way he is - lives in the world. It often happened that “from the meekness of Yushka, an adult person came to bitterness and beat him ... and in this evil forgot his grief for a while.” Taking out their anger and bitterness on the main character of the story, people felt relieved, while Yushka, who was weak and ill with consumption, recovered for a long time in the dust on the road. Children, seeing the attitude of their parents towards a person unlike the rest, also laughed at him and tormented him. But what about Yushka? And Yushka was sure that both adults and children “love him, that they need him, only they don’t know how to love a person and don’t know what to do for love, and therefore they torment him.” Yushka knows for sure that a person cannot live without love, it’s just that “the heart in people is blind.”

I am sure that if this extraordinary man had not been so modest and silent, he would have been able to tell us a lot about true love when you think not about yourself, but about something else, and for the sake of someone else's happiness and joy, you are ready to sacrifice your own without hesitation and hesitation. Thank you, kind, unsophisticated and selfless Yushka!

In his works, A.P. Platonov always depicts real life which, unfortunately, is not perfect. And the author most clearly reveals this imperfection with the help of his characters. Often these are “mental poor”, as the writer himself called them: their emotional experiences are fraught with knowledge about life that concerns everyone, but is not accessible to many. In Platonov's stories, we see the world seen through the eyes of a man suffering unbearably, "wounded by death." The images created by the writer make our hearts beat anxiously, instill a desire to somehow change, improve this world.

Reading the story "Yushka", we are constantly confronted with cruelty, callousness and injustice of people who mercilessly mock the unfortunate sick person, beat and humiliate him. The hero of the story is only forty years old, but he suffers from an incurable disease and therefore aged ahead of time. Small in stature, thin, with a shriveled face and eyes like a blind man, in which "there was always moisture, like never-cooling tears", he does not see well, his hands are very weak. Children laughed at him, adults took out their rage on him when they "had an evil grief or resentment, or they were drunk." The poor holy fool never responded to his offenders, but this only aroused even greater fury: “a person became bitter and beat him more than he wanted at first, and in this evil he forgot his grief for a while.” Parents, reproaching their children for disobedience, said that they would become like Yushka when they grew up: “You will walk barefoot in summer, and in thin felt boots in winter, and everyone will torment you, and you won’t drink tea with sugar, but only water.”

But in spite of everything, kind Yushka loved people, forgave insults and insults, because he sincerely believed that they also loved him in their own way. He believed that children were needed, "only they do not know how to love a person and do not know what to do for love, and therefore they torment him." When the master's daughter Dasha found him, beaten, lying unconscious in the dust on the road, with blood on his cheek or a torn ear, he still claimed that the people loved him. “He loves me without a clue,” said the unfortunate man. “The heart in people is blind.”

To survive in such cruel conditions, the hero is helped only by his firm conviction that each creature is unique and

"according to need" is equal to all others. Yushka is sure that people need it, they just don’t understand it themselves, they don’t know it. And he forgives them this ignorance. And he continues to live despite his suffering. Because he knows that he was born according to the law, which means that “the whole world needs ... without me, too, it means it’s impossible.” For these beliefs, he dies, because he cannot bear the fact that someone dares to declare that his existence is worthless and unnecessary. Hearing this from a passerby, Yushka "got angry for the first time", became indignant, for which he received a fatal blow to the chest.

But after his death, it turned out that he was not mistaken. Indeed, people cannot do without it, they need it to take their hearts away from anger and rage, from the bitterness of life. Needed as an inconspicuous worker, whose fruits of life are not immediately noticeable. Yushka left his mark on the earth - he raised one orphan, taught her, gave her the warmth and kindness of his heart. And now she is trying to spread this warmth, the light of her soul to all people. Perhaps she will be able to heal their hearts from injustice, cruelty and "blindness", instill in them goodness and the ability to true love. After all, it was for this that Yushka lived.

M. Gorky wrote: "Then I think that someday people will conquer death, I have only one reason - a person dies, and it's so simple, so unnecessary." In the works of Platonov, there is not only a rejection of this idea of ​​a person's powerlessness before a cruel world, his powerlessness before death. In the writer's stories, we see a firm belief in overcoming this state of affairs, in the triumph of his famous "idea of ​​life."

The direction "Honor and dishonor" is based on polar concepts related to the moral choice of a person: to be true to the voice of conscience, follow moral principles or follow the path of betrayal, lies and hypocrisy. Many writers focused on depicting various manifestations of a person: from loyalty to moral rules to various forms of compromise with conscience, up to a deep moral decline.

For inspiration!

Everything in the world depends

From heavenly heights.

But our honor, but our honor

It depends on us alone.

Song from the movie "Musketeers. 20 years later"

Muses. M. Dunayevsky, lyrics by Leonid Derbenev

Possible essay topics

Possible essay topics(selection by Irina Anatolyevna Suyazova)

1. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Honest eyes do not look sideways”?

2. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Honor goes along the road, and dishonor is on the sidelines”?

3. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Death is better than dishonor”?

4. How do you understand the meaning of F.M. Dostoevsky’s statement “You won’t get rich by trading in honor”? 5. A work about honor and dishonor that excited you ...

6. It is easy to be called a man, it is more difficult to be a man (proverb).

7. How are the words "honor", "honesty", "purity" similar?

8. Why was honor valued at all times?

9. Is it appropriate to talk about honor and conscience in our time?

10. How do you understand what “honor” and “disgrace” are?

11. People want wealth and fame for themselves; if both cannot be obtained honestly, they should be avoided. (Confucius)

12. When the guilty pleads guilty, he saves the only thing worth saving - his honor (Victor Hugo)

13. Whoever loses honor cannot lose anything more than that. (Publius Sir)

14. Honor is like a precious stone: the slightest speck deprives it of its brilliance and robs it of all its value. (Pierre Boschin, French writer)

15. Is the Russian proverb true: “Take care of honor from a young age”?

16. Trade in honor, you will not get rich. (F.M. Dostoevsky, the great Russian writer)

17. An honest person can be persecuted, but not dishonored. (F. Voltaire)

18. Honor can only be lost once. (E.M.Kapiev, Dagestan Soviet prose writer)

19. Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost. (A.P. Chekhov)

20. Honor, decency, conscience - qualities that need to be cherished (according to the works of Russian literature XIX century)

21. Your attitude to the relevance of the topic of honor (Why is the topic of honor still relevant today?)

22. What kind of person can be called a man of honor?

23. How do you understand what “honor” and “disgrace” are?

24. Betrayal and dishonor: how are these concepts related?

25. Honor and conscience are the leading concepts that characterize the human personality

26. The concept of honor close to me in spirit ...

27. Can love or conscience revive the previously lost concept of honor? (As an example-argument: Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov, the heroes of F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment") 28. Can a person who won a duel be considered a man of honor?

29. Do you agree with the statement of F. M. Dostoevsky “In everything there is a line beyond which it is dangerous to cross; for once you step over, it is impossible to turn back”?

30. What is true honor and what is imaginary?

31. What can be done for the sake of protection human honor? 32. A work about a man of honor that shocked me ...

33. What does it mean to walk the path of honor?

M.A. Sholokhov, story "The Fate of a Man";

A.S. Griboyedov, comedy "Woe from Wit";

DI. Fonvizin, comedy "Undergrowth";

A.S. Pushkin, story "The Captain's Daughter";

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign";

ON THE. Nekrasov's poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'"

M.Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time"

L.N. Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace"

I.S. Turgenev novel "Fathers and Sons"

F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

M.A. Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita

A.I. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"

N.M. Karamzin, story "Poor Lisa"

A.N. Ostrovsky, drama "Thunderstorm"

A.I. Solzhenitsyn, story "Matryonin Dvor"

A.I. Kuprin, stories " Garnet bracelet"," Olesya "

M. Gorky, story "Old Woman Izergil"

Tolstoy L.N., the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Paustovsky K. G., fairy tale "Warm bread"

Stephenson R., ballad "Heather Honey"

M.Yu.Lermontov. "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich ...".

N.V. Gogol. , the story "Taras Bulba"

F. Cooper, novel "The Last of the Mohicans"

A.P. Platonov., the story "Yushka"

W. Scott. , the novel "Ivanhoe"

Pushkin A.S. , the novel "Dubrovsky"

Green A.S. , extravaganza "Scarlet Sails"

Merime P., short story "Matteo Falcone"

L.N.Andreev, the story "Judas Iscariot"

N.S. Leskov, "Dumb Artist", "The Enchanted Wanderer"

G. de Maupassant, "Necklace"

Materials for the introductory part of the essay

Honor is that high spiritual force that keeps a person from meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice. This is the core that strengthens the individual in choosing an act, when conscience is the judge. Life often tests people, putting them before a choice - to act honorably and take a hit on themselves, or to be cowardly and go against conscience in order to gain benefits and get away from troubles, possibly death. A person always has a choice, and how he will act depends on his moral principles. The path of honor is difficult, but the retreat from it, the loss of honor, is even more painful. Being a social, rational and conscious being, a person cannot but think about how others treat him, what they think about him, what assessments are given to his actions and his whole life. At the same time, he cannot help thinking about his place among other people. This spiritual connection of a person with society is expressed in the concepts of Honor and Dignity. “Honor is my life,” Shakespeare wrote, “they have grown together into one, and to lose honor is equal to the loss of life for me.” Moral decay, the fall of moral principles leads to the collapse of both the individual and the whole nation. Therefore, the importance of the great Russian classical literature which is the moral foundation for many generations of people.

Materials for the main part of the essay

holy host

Conscience, Nobility and Dignity - Here it is, our holy host.
Give him your hand
for him it’s not scary even into the fire.

His face is high and amazing.
Dedicate your short life to him.
Maybe you won't win
but you will die like a man.


Bella Akhmadulina

Self-esteem is a mysterious tool:

it is created for centuries, and is lost at the moment

whether under the accordion, under the bombardment, under the beautiful chatter,

dried up, destroyed, crushed at the root.

Self-respect is the mysterious path

on which it is easy to break, but you can’t turn back,

because without delay, inspirational, pure, alive,

dissolve, your human image will turn into dust.

Self-esteem is just a portrait of love.

I love you, my comrades - pain and tenderness in my blood.

No matter what darkness and evil prophesied, nothing but this

humanity did not invent for its own salvation.

So do not waste, brother, do not turn off, spit on the absurd fuss -

you will lose your divine face, primordial beauty.

Well, why risk so much in vain? Aren't there enough other worries?

Get up, go, soldier, only straight ahead, only forward.

Yuri Levitansky

Everyone chooses for himself

Woman, religion, road.

Serve the devil or the prophet -

Everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for themselves

A word for love and for prayer.

A sword for a duel, a sword for battle -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for himself:

Shield and armor. Staff and patches.

The measure of final retribution

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for himself.

I also choose as best I can.

I have no complaints against anyone

Everyone chooses for himself.

The day will come and the hour will strike,
When the mind and honor On the whole earth will come the turn To stand in the first place.
Robert Burns

This wonderful text from the collection of texts for USE essays can be used both in the main part, and in the introduction and conclusion. Read it, write out quotes, key words.

(1) In a letter to his wife on May 18, 1836, Pushkin was surprised: where did these prudent young people come from, “who are spit in the eyes, but they wipe themselves off” instead of defending their honor? (2) Sometimes it seems that we came out of the overcoats of precisely these meek people. (3) The ringing of elastic steel is no longer heard in the word honor.

The story of A.P. Platonov “Yushka” is the story of the life of a person who knew how to sincerely and disinterestedly love the whole world, forgetting himself in this love. It is also the story of a cruel and wrong world that does not know how to understand: how is it to love "just like that"? This is a story of mistakes and discoveries, compassion and inhumanity, cruelty and simple human happiness. Yushka - main character story - at first it makes us feel sorry. This is an old-looking (although in fact he is forty years old), a poorly seeing, sick person who works as an assistant to the main blacksmith. He works tirelessly from morning to evening, doing the most menial hard work. He received a small salary and lived poorly: he drank water instead of tea, and did not change his clothes for many years. Yushka did not even have his own housing - he spent the night in the apartment of the owner of the forge. The children teased Yushka, viciously pushed him, mocked him, attracting attention and trying to irritate him, but Yushka did not touch them and did not respond to ridicule. He believed that the children loved him, just no one taught them to show their feelings differently. Adults, too, often took out their sorrows and insults on the silent Yushka, and they beat the “blissful” for his dissimilarity much more fiercely than the kids. And Yushka never answered them with force or even reproach. He was silent, taking into himself other people's troubles, failures, evil emotions. He was sure that the people loved him, but "without a clue." “The heart in people is blind,” says Yushka. Every summer, for a month, Yushka went on foot to some remote village. No one knew exactly who this strange man was visiting. It was assumed that Yushkin's daughter lives there. Yushka rested his soul and body during the journey through the fields and forests. The disease let go of him, no one and nothing more could prevent the expression of love for all living beings. Yushka kissed flowers, stroked the bark of trees, inhaled the aromas of herbs, listened to the birds singing. On the road, the man, exhausted by consumption, felt vigorous and healthy. When Yushka returned back to the city, his life began to flow as before. In the meantime, the disease developed, and Yushka felt worse and weaker every year. Last summer he was so bad that he didn't go anywhere, as usual, but stayed in the city. One evening, on the way home from work, Yushka met a passer-by who, as usual, began to mock him. For the first time in his life, Yushka could not stand the insult, angrily answered a passerby: “The whole world needs me, just like you, without me, too, so it’s impossible.” The stranger was so angry that the "wretched fool" equates himself with him that he beat Yushka to death. After burying Yushka, people forgot about him, but the life of people in the city became worse, because now there was no one to throw out their anger, resentment, bitterness. In the deep autumn, a young girl came to the forge and asked for Yefim Dmitrievich, that is, Yushka. It turned out that Yushka had been helping this orphan for a long time, sent her, still small, to school, every year brought her money for life and education. The girl grew up and trained as a doctor, but she did not have time to cure the one who loved her more than anyone in the world. The girl was taken to the grave, and then she remained forever in this city. She devoted her whole life to the treatment and comfort of sick people, without taking any payment from anyone. Everyone called her "the daughter of the good Yushka", although people have long forgotten who Yushka is. I think that A. Platonov wants to lead us to the idea that kindness, love, compassion, living in the human heart, can defeat cruelty, stupidity and misunderstanding of the world around. You need to do good and easily let go of it from yourself, as a weak body did, but endlessly strong soul and the heart of Yushka is Efim Dmitrievich.