Pelsh Valdis Eizhenovich is the permanent host of the programs “Guess the melody” and “Rally”. Born in an international family: mother - Jewish of Russian origin, father - Latvian. IN hometown Riga graduated from high school in 1983 and, together with a school friend, decided to apply to the most prestigious university in the country. The biography of Valdis Pelsh shows that after passing the entrance exams, he became a student at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. During his studies, he takes an active part in creative life university. He played in the plays of modern playwrights, and after that he became a member of the Moscow State University team and participated in several KVN games.

Musical career of Valdis Pelsh

While still a student, Valdis and his friend Alexei Kortnev founded the Accident group, which quickly gained popularity among students. The first hit "Vegetable Tango" convinces the guys to continue creative way after graduation. Instead of working in the places inherited after distribution, the team shoots its advertising clip and sends it to television. Then, for five long years, the musicians write their first album Trody Pludov. Until now, this collection of original and stylish songs is considered the most successful in the history of the group.

Encouraged by the popularity and success of the first album, the friends quickly record a second album, which is radically different from the debut. The band's new brainchild is a radio play featuring eclectic songs. Mein Lieber Tanz became the most expensive album in the history of Russian rock and roll. In 1997, Valdis Pelsh "Accident" leaves, unable to combine work on television and concert tours. At the moment, he only participates in the group's anniversary concerts.

Debut of Valdis on television

As the biography of Valdis Pelsh tells, the first steps on television as a presenter did not bring him tangible success. A number of programs that were closed after the first releases, and work as a director in the "Oba-na" project - that's the entire track record by 1995. Valdis Pelsh became the creator of four television projects, but his ideas seemed too progressive for that time and were postponed until better times. But this was enough for Vlad Listyev to pay attention to him and make an offer to become the host of a new musical program.

"Guess the melody"

The project, as they say, shot, and the image of the presenter played a big role in this. Lively and emotional Valdis Pelsh makes his program not just a musical quiz, but a real show. Incredible costumes and a live orchestra, coupled with the incendiary dances of the presenter, bring all-Russian love to the program and put it on the first line of the entertainment programs rating. The interest of viewers is explained by the fact that ordinary people - teachers, engineers, salesmen - become participants in the Guess the Melody program. Only on holidays famous people and popular show business stars are invited to fight for the knowledge of musical compositions. The famous hand passes performed by Pelsh became his hallmark for a long time and were happily beaten by many parodists.


On September 20, 2003, the first episode of the "Raffle" program goes on the air. Presenters - Valdis Pelsh and Tatyana Arno. This is a comedy show, the main characters of which are popular stars. The main goal is to play famous person with his help close people and colleagues. Over the nine years of the existence of the program, more than a hundred stars fell for the bait and experienced unforgettable moments in their lives. After the first issues in the program, they began to use the eyeliners of the presenters: Valdis and Tatyana told how the preparations for the draw went. To achieve entertainment, the creators of the program sometimes went to the most risky draws, and several "victims" were banned from broadcasting programs with their participation. There were also legal proceedings demanding compensation for moral damages. But in general, the show was kind, and the audience enjoyed watching the behavior of their idols in an unusual situation.

"King of Ring"

In 2007, the spectacular and exciting show "King of the Ring" was aired on Channel One. One of the participants is Valdis Pelsh. Tall and athletic - he could easily become the winner of a TV project, but already in the first fight with rival Pierre Narcisse, he gets seriously injured. Dislocation of the shoulder, damage to the arm bone and rupture of the bag of the shoulder joint put an end to the boxing career. The resulting injuries affected the health of the singer, and inflammation of the joint provoked an exacerbation of pancreatic necrosis and liver dystrophy.

"Alone at home"

In 2009, a new show called "Home Alone" was launched on the STS channel. The main idea of ​​Valdis Pelsh's program is to show how fathers of families cope with domestic problems in the absence of wives. Presenter Valdis Pelsh comes to visit popular people and “puts out” mothers from the house. He invites fathers to pass a test on the knowledge of cooking, wants to know their ability to clean the apartment, but at the same time that they provide the child with a normal pastime.

Other showman projects

Valdis Pelsh, whose biography is full of interesting facts, over the years of work on television, he managed to try himself as the host of several programs. On the "Field of Miracles" in the anniversary edition of the program, he coped with the role of host no worse than Yakubovich, and in comedy club proved that, along with other comedians, he can make the audience laugh. He had a chance to participate in the intellectual program “What? Where? When? ”, where he was the captain of the MTS team. For a long time he took a place in the jury of KVN, where he often became the target for jokes by young comedians. From 1996 to 1999 he was the host of the Golden Gramophone music ceremony.

Movie roles

The popular presenter has several small but notable film roles to his credit. The debut was the role of Pyzhikov in the musical "In a Busy Place". Then the role of Donna Rosa in "Old songs about the main thing." In several films, he played himself. The most famous: "Brother 2", "Faster than rabbits", "". There were roles in serious films (Demchenko in the Turkish Gambit).

Valdis Eizhenovich Pelsh himself does not consider his shooting in films to be something significant and does not claim to be a great actor of our time. For him, this is more entertainment than a serious activity.

He also treats his vocal abilities with irony, and although he has a baritone bass, he tries not to sing. The only exception is the performance of songs in the shower. In any other cases, he pities the children, as they ask him not to sing, because it is terrible.

Valdis Pelsh: family

Acquaintance with his first wife Olga happened at the university. A young student from the Faculty of Law, like Valdis, took part in the theatrical life of the educational institution. Young people quickly became close and played a modest wedding in their last year. In 1992, Valdis becomes a happy father. The girl was named after her grandfather nice name Eugene. The first marriage lasted 17 years and ended in divorce in 2005.

A significant role in the separation was played by the presence of a second family on the side. For several years, Valdis had a relationship with another woman who managed to become the mother of his daughter Ilva. Olga turned a blind eye to this fact for a long time and did not file for divorce. But life for two families and constant employment on television greatly tired Valdis, and he was the first to go to court with a request for divorce. How did the personal life of Valdis Pelsh develop further?

On December 19, 2006, the marriage with Svetlana Akimova was registered. The girl began her career by tailoring outfits for show business stars. Now the wife of Valdis Pelsha owns her own recruiting agency MajorDom, which is engaged in the selection of service personnel. In 2009, Valdis becomes a father for the third time. Svetlana gives birth to his first son, who is given the sonorous and strong name Einer. In 2012, the second son, Ivar, is born.

For some time, Valdis had problems in his relationship with his first wife. She even forbade him to see her daughter, but, fortunately, all problems were resolved safely, and now he maintains a warm relationship with Olga and regularly sees Eugene.


The biography of Valdis Pelsh is full of intrigues and rumors. The famous showman never advertised his personal life. However, rumors about his novels kept popping up on the pages of printed publications. He was credited love relationship with a young singer Izolda from the Lyceum group. From the first releases of the Raffle program, rumors spread about his connection with Tatyana Arno. Valdis himself never confirmed such information, but did not refute it either. As you know, for popularity, any PR will do.

The most interesting was the rumor about the marriage of the presenter to the Circassian girl Zaire. A lot of interviews with this mysterious person appeared on the Internet, but no one managed to prove the veracity of the story. Zaira herself says that in 1996, Valdis Pelsh paid her family one hundred dollars as a bride price and rode her on a white horse around the neighborhood. This was enough for her marriage to be considered legal in her homeland. To this day, this story periodically pops up, but Valdis refuses to comment, which adds even more mystery to this rumor.

Political path

In 2006, Valdis Pelsh became a member of the Supervisory Board of the Free Russia party. According to the novice politician himself, he was attracted by new interesting ideas and views of the head of the party, Mikhail Borshevsky. However, he did not intend to join the party, but only wanted to express his support in this way. In 2007, he plans to attract the electorate to the party with the help of his popularity and charisma. The party is renamed "Civil Force", but a year later it is dissolved, and Valdis leaves politics. At the moment, he adheres to his own opinion and speaks rather sharply about the current government in Russia and matters relating to the annexation of Crimea. However, with his speeches, he does not call for any action, but simply supports the position of his old friend Andrei Makarevich.


The main hobby of Valdis Pelsh is technical diving, which consists in diving to a depth of more than 50 meters. This is a very dangerous and exciting type of recreation, associated with a risk to life. In addition, he is professionally engaged in parachuting and has a category "C". The hard work of aerial acrobatics allows him to remain in great shape in his 50s.

Of great interest is his collection of military helmets, which he has been collecting for many years. Various helmets from World War I and World War II make up the bulk of the collection. But there are also separate copies of rare things, raised from the bottom during its dives to great depths.

Another hobby is target shooting. At the same time, the TV presenter is not at all interested in hunting, and prefers to ask hunters he knows for trophy meat.

  • In 1997, the Guinness Book of Records recorded that the Guess the Melody program was watched by 132 million people in one evening. Previously, Oprah Winfrey held the record with 69 million viewers.
  • Eugene's eldest daughter is also a record holder. At the age of 14, she made a dive in Antarctica. The former record holder was considered a 20-year-old guy.
  • Despite the fact that he is a citizen of the Russian Federation, the showman calls himself a Latvian.
  • The biggest mistake in life Valdis Pelsh considers the decision to start smoking.
  • The main woman in his life considers his eldest daughter.
  • To relieve tension, he swears in his own car when no one is around.
  • The daughters of Valdis bear the surname Pelshe.
  • Participated in the Smak program 10 times.
  • Valdis Pelsh is a Catholic. The showman's children are baptized according to the Catholic rite.

Valdis Pelsh is a famous TV presenter. He became famous for his programs “Guess the melody” and “Rally”. Throughout his life, the showman received a large number of prizes and awards. In his student years, he, together with Alexei Kortnev, organized the Accident group, in which he sometimes performs.

The star of television is fond of diving and parachuting. He dreams of sinking to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

The man was in a relationship twice. The first marriage lasted more than 17 years and brought him a daughter. The second wife gave the TV presenter two sons and a daughter. He is incredibly happy that he met Svetlana in his life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Valdis Pelsh

Valdis Pelsh, whose photo in his youth and now can be viewed in the archive of the First Television Channel, strikes with youth and enthusiasm. He has been involved in sports since a young age. The man is especially distinguished by the art of scuba diving. He also brings his children to him. The showman absolutely does not eat fatty foods and flour products. Our hero has dozens of parachute jumps. He says that during the jump one feels an incredible delight that you will not feel anywhere else.

Already from the appearance on the television screen of the first issue of the show program, Valdis has become incredibly in demand. Many television lovers began to wonder how tall he was, how old he was. How old Valdis Pelsh was able to find out many at the last concert of the "Accident" group. The showman sang and danced with youthful enthusiasm, although he had already crossed the 50-year mark. This is how he celebrated his 51st birthday.

Has Jewish roots. Now lives in the Russian Federation. But he calls himself a Latvian, despite the lack of Latvian citizenship. With a height of 187 cm, Pelsh weighs 80 kg.

Biography and personal life of Valdis Pelsh

The biography and personal life of Valdis Pelsh have begun to interest many television viewers since the late 90s. It was at this time that our hero began to lead the musical show program “Guess the Melody”.

The boy was born back in 1967. The Latvian capital became the motherland. Father - Pelsh Eugenijs (Eugene) led programs on Riga television. Mother - Pelsh Ella was engaged in the economic component of various projects.

Valdis was brought up with his older brother Alexander, who was born in their mother's first marriage, and his younger sister Sabina.

Our hero studied at one of the best schools in Riga, where he learned to speak French. Currently, the man knows several more languages. He can speak English and German.

Having received a school certificate, the future television star is sent to Moscow, where on the first attempt he passes the crucible of difficult examination tests at the state university and becomes his student. The guy decided to comprehend philosophical sciences.

At this time, the acquaintance of Valdis and Alexei Kortnev took place. They organized the "Accident" group. Within a few weeks, their quartet became incredibly popular among the youth.

In his student years he played in KVN. After that, he began working on the country's main television channel. During his work here, our hero has released several interesting show programs. Especially the audience fell in love with his “Guess the melody” and “Rally”, the first of which is still being released.

Valdis is considered one of the best presenters. He is passionate about hosting various events. Since the mid-90s, he was trusted to conduct various musical concerts. During creative activity was awarded a large number of prizes and awards.

The showman also acted in films. He played one of the roles in "In a busy place", "Old songs about the main thing", "Turkish Gambit" and some others. Pelsh is passionate about documentary films. He made films about pilots who flew from Soviet Union to the United States of America. For his work, our hero was awarded at one of the film festivals in Cannes.

Since the beginning of the new millennium, he has regularly judged the games of the Major League of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club.

The showman's personal life began in his student years. He married and became the father of a daughter, Eugene. Now Valdis is married with a second marriage. With his wife, our hero brings up a daughter and two sons.

Family and children of Valdis Pelsh

The family and children of Valdis Pelsh mean a lot in the life of a popular TV presenter. The man is a father of many children. He does not exclude that he will become a dad again. Our hero introduces his children to sports. He believes that it will be better for the guys themselves.

The dad of the Guess the Melody star was Latvian. He was born near the Latvian capital. For a long time, the man worked on one of the Riga TV channels, feeling pride in his eldest son. In 2015, the TV presenter's father died. He is buried in one of the Riga cemeteries.

The mother of our hero was born in the Soviet capital. Received an economic education. After meeting her husband, she moved to Riga, where her son Valdis and daughter Sabina were born. In the 90s, a woman divorces her husband and leaves for permanent residence in Israel.

Valdis is friendly with his older brother Alexander, who was born in their mother's first marriage. The man worked for several years at one of the Russian channels. In 2010, he opened his own company, which is based on holding various festive events. Alexander is married and has two sons.

The Pelsh family in the 80s was replenished with a baby daughter, who was named Sabina. At the beginning of the new millennium, the girl moved to permanent residence in the United States of America. She is married and has a daughter and a son.

Sons of Valdis Pelsh - Einer, Ivar

The sons of Valdis Pelsh - Einer, Ivar became a real gift for the famous TV presenter. He is incredibly proud of this fact. Who his sons will become in the future is still unknown. The star himself says that they resemble him as a child. He assumes that they will follow in his footsteps and begin working on television.

The first of the sons was born in 2009. He became the third child for Valdis. The boy plays music, plays hockey, visits the swimming pool. Einer studies in one of the capital's schools. He especially likes history. The guy became interested in the Great Patriotic War about which his father tells him. Einer speaks fluent Latvian and English.

Our hero gave the name Ivar to the youngest son in honor of the famous Soviet film actor Ivar Kalnysh. The boy recently celebrated his 4th birthday. He began to visit the section of martial arts.

Daughters of Valdis Pelsh - Eizhena and Ilva

The daughters of Valdis Pelsh - Eizhena and Ilva appeared in different marital unions of our hero. Girls often meet, despite a significant difference in age.

For the first time became a father of a celebrity in the early 90s. It was at this time that he only began to work on television. He named his daughter Eizhena, which means “beauty” in Latvian. The girl spent a lot of time with her dad. She began to play sports. The showman taught his baby to dive to great depths. She became the youngest diver, entering the Guinness Book of Records. The girl studied well at school. After receiving a certificate, she received an education in one of the capital's universities. Now Eizhena works in one of the prestigious metropolitan companies. Valdis recently said that he would soon become a grandfather.

Nothing is known about the second daughter of the famous host of the Guess the Melody show. Even the year of her birth is hidden from the attention of others. It is known that the name of the girl is Ilva. Maybe she is still small, just recently born, or already old enough to go to school. These issues cannot yet be resolved, since there is no information on this issue in official sources.

Ex-wife of Valdis Pelsh - Olga Pelsh

The showman and Olga met in the mid-80s. The girl often came to the concerts of the "Accident" group, in which our hero played and sang. They were introduced by a mutual friend. Since that time, they began to meet regularly. Officially married in the late 80s.

The ex-wife of Valdis Pelsh, Olga Pelsh, received a law degree. She studied at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. After the birth of her daughter, the girl spent a long time raising her.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Olga began working in one of the capital's law firms. Currently, it is its own law firm. WITH ex-husband the woman kept friendly relations. She says that it is impossible to be angry with him for a long time.

Valdis Pelsh's wife - Svetlana Pelsh

At the beginning of the new millennium, Svetlana and Valdis accidentally met. He was bound by marriage, so he tried to curb his feelings. But a few years later, the man talked to his wife Olga and filed for divorce. After that, he began to actively look after Sveta Akimova. The girl agreed to become his wife. The marriage was officially registered in 2006.

Valdis Pelsh's wife, Svetlana Pelsh, took care of the house for a long time. She gave her husband three children, whom she pays great attention to.

The woman is very successful in business. She runs her own agency, which helps Muscovites find the necessary housekeeping staff. Svetlana designed clothes that servants should wear according to the norms.

Valdis incredibly loves his wife. He often surprises her. On New Year the married couple will go to the Pacific coast to spend time with benefit.

Wikipedia and Instagram Valdis Pelsh

Wikipedia and Instagram of Valdis Pelsh contain data not only about the man's television career, but also about his hobby.

Wikipedia is the most comprehensive official source. Here you can read where he was born and raised, how he began to engage in creativity, when he began to lead his Guessing Game. The page contains information about wives, children, parents, brother and sister.

In social networks, the star works fruitfully. He often replenishes his page on Instagram. Here you can see pictures of the showman with friends, as well as photos of his wife Svetlana and daughter Eugena. Valdis protects his younger children from the attention of others. He does not post their photos on the page. On Instagram, you can view videos made by Pelsh during the dive in Red and mediterranean seas as well as in the Pacific Ocean.

Svetlana is the second wife of Valdis Pelsh, and, according to rumors, for some time the charming Baltic man, not at all embarrassed, met her, being married to another. But be that as it may, today Svetlana Pelsh is the happy legal wife of a famous presenter, which means that the StarWives review simply cannot ignore her.

Is Pelsh's wife an insidious homemaker?

It is known for certain that Valdis and Svetlana met 8 years ago - at that time he was married and quite happy with his first wife, with whom they raised their daughter Eugene together. Sveta was the best friend of her own sister Pelsh, and therefore they managed to communicate for quite a long time in the same company of friends and acquaintances, without arousing any suspicion in anyone. But, as you know, everything secret always becomes clear, so the moment came when Valdis faced the problem of choice. Judging by the fact that for several years the star actually lived in two houses, it was not so easy for him to solve this problem.

One way or another, today Valdis and Svetlana Pelsh are a real family. Together they make plans for the future and raise their daughter Ilva.

Svetlana Pelsh - successful businesswoman

True, this transformation happened almost by accident.

Svetlana is a fashion designer by profession; even before meeting Valdis, she sewed a lot to order - mainly for stellar and near-star parties, as well as for Rublev's wives. But after her marriage and the birth of her daughter, the vector of her professional activity changed dramatically, and this was connected, first of all, with a change in status.

Zhene Pelsha- like any caring and loving mother - it turned out to be extremely difficult to find a suitable nanny for her daughter. But a nanny was needed, and so the idea arose to open a recruitment agency that would guarantee the exceptional qualifications and competence of its employees.

And Mrs. Pelsh, without thinking twice, creates such an agency in Moscow, and herself becomes at its helm. Here they not only find people for certain vacancies, but also teach them the intricacies, subtleties and nuances of the profession, conduct special trainings and courses - Pelsha's wife makes up the programs for many of them personally.

They say that many employers also attend these classes, however, under the guise of applicants - here they are looking at the contingent, and the most diligent and attentive often get the desired position or an interesting offer already on the agency's courses.

Among the wives of celebrities, business women are far from uncommon. Manage your own business successfully , and others, but Svetlana Pelsh managed to find such a niche for her professional activity that she not only does not take it away from the family, but also brings specific practical benefits to this very family - thanks to the well-functioning work of her agency, Pelsh finally found their Mary Poppins, and peace and comfort reigned in their house.

Valdis Eizhenovich (Evgenievich) Pelsh is a popular TV presenter, artist, musician, singer, showman and producer. Perhaps there is not a single person who would not remember the famous program “Guess the Melody”. And not only this entertaining show was hosted by the Host. Also in his arsenal is "Joke". Valdis Pelsh has become a co-host of many other television projects, he is often invited to various TV shows as a guest or participant. Today he is the director of Channel One. He was remembered for his incredible charisma and unprecedented fuse. The artist has become a national favorite, whom everyone knows and adores.

Valdis Pelsh, originally from Latvia, received the citizenship of the Russian Federation, who gave the country his incredible talent. It has a stable political position. A happy father who has become a reliable support for his wife and children. Among other things, the artist is seriously interested in diving, skydiving. Valdis Pelsh is one of the founders of the rock group "Accident".

Valdis Pelsh is a rather versatile person. His biography is rich interesting facts, full of many challenges and twists.

Valdis Pelsh is a well-known personality and has been constantly discussed since the early nineties. So it has to look very good. He is an idol for many viewers. Fans want to know everything about the artist, including his height, weight, age. How old is Valdis Pelsh - a frequently asked question on the Internet. Also often searched for is "Valdis Pelsh - a photo in his youth and now."

The famous showman goes in for sports, so at the age of 50 he looks just fine. He is fit and athletic. The growth of the artist is not small - 183 centimeters. The weight of Valdis Pelsh is 83 kilograms. According to the sign of the zodiac, the TV presenter is Gemini, according to the eastern calendar - Goat. This is probably why Valdis Pelsh is a versatile person who is always in high spirits.

Biography and personal life of Valdis Pelsh

The biography and personal life of Valdis Pelsh began in the capital of Latvia - Riga. The famous showman was born on June 5, 1967 in unusual family. Father - Eugene (Eugene) Pelsh, journalist, radio presenter. He is Latvian by nationality, has Latgalian roots. Mother - Ella Pelsh, engineer. She is Russian by nationality, but has Jewish roots. Valdis Pelsh himself considers himself more Latvian than Russian, despite the fact that he lived most of the time in Moscow. The family spoke two languages ​​- Russian and Latvian.

Valdis Pelshe has an older brother, Alexander, a son from his mother's first marriage. A cameraman by profession, he now has a business in Moscow and collaborates with Valdis Pelsh. There is also a younger sister - Sabina. She currently resides in the USA.

The popular showman had a good ability to learn languages ​​since childhood. Valdis Pelsh's parents tried to comprehensively develop the boy. In 1983 he graduated from a comprehensive school with an in-depth study of the French language. Later he entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Philosophy. Valdis Pelsh actively participated in the public life of the university. In 1987, Valdis Pelsh became interested in playing KVN and got into the Moscow State University team.

He attended the Moscow State University Student Theater, where he once met Alexei Kortnev. Subsequently, friends founded the rock group "Accident". Valdis Pelsh sang, wrote songs, and also participated in various organizational moments of the group until 1997. Further, he participates only in the most important events of the group.

In 1987, Valdis Pelsh first tries himself as a TV presenter. Then he launched his own project "Oba-na", which was later criticized and closed. Soon he was offered to become the host of the new show "Guess the Melody", after which Valdis Pelsh gained wide popularity and popularity. He became the highlight of this show, managed to raise its ratings to the impossible. Then there were other projects, although less successful.

Valdis Pelsh repeatedly judged KVN games, was a member of the jury of the TV show "Surprise Me". From 1990 to 1999 he was the host of the Golden Gramophone music awards ceremonies. He acted in advertisements and in some films (“Old songs about the main thing-3”, “What else do men talk about”, etc.).

Family and children of Valdis Pelsh

Little is known about the personal life of Valdis Pelsh, his wife and children. The showman tries in every possible way to isolate his relatives and friends from intrusive reporters and journalists. Therefore, family life is presented only in general facts, which he himself shared in his interviews.

The family and children of Valdis Pelsh are the main support for the popular TV presenter, his pride and happiness. They occupy a leading place in the life of an artist. It is known that Valdis Pelsh was married twice. Now he has four children.

The son of Valdis Pelsh - Einer

The son of Valdis Pelsh, Einer, was born in 2009. The boy appeared in the marriage of Valdis Pelshe with Svetlana Akimova. Einer became the third child of the popular TV presenter. Since Valdis Pelsh does not cover family topics, very little is known about his son.

Einer is now ten years old. This is a pretty capable and developed boy. Einer studies well, there are no complaints from teachers. Valdis Pelsh from childhood instills in him a love for sports, and also teaches him to a healthy lifestyle. He wishes him a good future.

The son of Valdis Pelsh - Evar

The son of Valdis Pelsh is Evar, the fourth and youngest child of the famous showman. The boy was born on December 8, 2014 in the second marriage of Valdis Pelshe with Svetlana Akimova.

Childbirth took place in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. For Svetlana Akimova, Evar became the third child. In her microblog, the second wife of Valdis Pelsha posted a photo of a newborn card, which indicates the height, weight and time of birth of the boy. Now Evar is already four years old, he is well developed, and is also accustomed to a healthy lifestyle.

Daughter of Valdis Pelsh - Eugene

The daughter of Valdis Pelsh - Eizhen, the first child of a popular TV presenter. Born in 1992 when famous TV presenter Valdis Pelsh was married for the first time. Eizheny's mother is Olga Igorevna Pelsh, a lawyer by education.

Valdis Pelsh was always crazy about his little princess and tried to give her as much attention as possible, which was very difficult due to the workload. The girl is also madly in love with her father. After her divorce from Olga, Eizhena lives with her mother. But Valdis Pelsh takes an active part in her upbringing.

Daughter of Valdis Pelsh - Ilva

The daughter of Valdis Pelsh is Ilva, the second child of a popular TV presenter. The girl was born in 2002. Ilva's mother is Svetlana Akimova, the second wife of Valdis Pelsh. This was their first joint daughter.

Thus, Valdis Pelsh has four children: two sons and two daughters. The TV presenter tries to carefully hide information about his children. It is very difficult to find pictures of children on the Internet. In general, the family life of Valdis Pelsh is closed. Having become famous, the TV presenter spoke about his personal life.

The ex-wife of Valdis Pelsh - Olga Pelshe

The ex-wife of Valdis Pelsh, Olga Pelshe, became the first chosen one of the famous showman. By education he is a lawyer. Olga Pelshe is the daughter of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Young people met in their student years. Valdis Pelsh and Olga Pelshe got married in 1988. In marriage, they had a daughter, who was customarily named Eugene. The girl was born in 1992.

Valdis Pelsh and Olga Pelshe have been married for seventeen years, after which they divorced. It happened in 2005.

Wife of Valdis Pelsh - Svetlana Pelshe

Valdis Pelsh's wife is Svetlana Pelshe, the second wife of a popular TV presenter. Maiden name Svetlana - Akimov. Young people started dating when Valdis was married to Olga Pelsha. The result of an extramarital relationship was their daughter Ylva, who was born in 2002.

Three years later, Pelsh divorced and on December 19, 2006 officially registered the marriage with Svetlana Akimova. Later they had two more sons - Einar and Evar.

Now Svetlana has her own business, a recruiting agency for the selection of domestic workers.

Instagram and Wikipedia Valdis Pelsh

Instagram and Wikipedia Valdis Pelsh will be of interest to all admirers of the work of the popular TV presenter. So, a well-known TV presenter is an active participant in social networks. Valdis Pelsh lives full life, travels a lot and has different hobbies. He often posts interesting photos and comments on them. The Instagram page of Valdis Pelsh has thousands of subscribers.

Wikipedia provides extensive information about the biography of Valdis Pelshe, his career and hobbies. The information is reliable and is in the public domain.

Valdis Eizhenovich (Evgenievich) Pelsh is a popular TV presenter, artist, musician, singer, showman and producer. Perhaps there is not a single person who would not remember the famous program “Guess the Melody”. And not only this entertaining show was hosted by the Host. Also in his arsenal is "Joke". Valdis Pelsh has become a co-host of many other television projects, he is often invited to various TV shows as a guest or participant. Today he is the director of Channel One. He was remembered for his incredible charisma and unprecedented fuse. The artist has become a national favorite, whom everyone knows and adores.

Valdis Pelsh, originally from Latvia, received the citizenship of the Russian Federation, who gave the country his incredible talent. He has a strong political position. A happy father who has become a reliable support for his wife and children. Among other things, the artist is seriously interested in diving, skydiving. Valdis Pelsh is one of the founders of the rock group "Accident".

Valdis Pelsh is a rather versatile person. His biography is full of interesting facts, full of many challenges and turns.

Height, weight, age. How old is Valdis Pelsh

Valdis Pelsh is a well-known personality and has been constantly discussed since the early nineties. So it has to look very good. He is an idol for many viewers. Fans want to know everything about the artist, including his height, weight, age. How old is Valdis Pelsh - a frequently asked question on the Internet. Also often searched for is "Valdis Pelsh - a photo in his youth and now."

The famous showman goes in for sports, so at the age of 50 he looks just fine. He is fit and athletic. The growth of the artist is not small - 183 centimeters. The weight of Valdis Pelsh is 83 kilograms. According to the sign of the zodiac, the TV presenter is Gemini, according to the eastern calendar - Goat. This is probably why Valdis Pelsh is a versatile person who is always in high spirits.

Biography and personal life of Valdis Pelsh

The biography and personal life of Valdis Pelsh began in the capital of Latvia - Riga. The famous showman was born on June 5, 1967 in an unusual family. Father - Eugene (Eugene) Pelsh, journalist, radio presenter. He is Latvian by nationality, has Latgalian roots. Mother - Ella Pelsh, engineer. She is Russian by nationality, but has Jewish roots. Valdis Pelsh himself considers himself more Latvian than Russian, despite the fact that he lived most of the time in Moscow. The family spoke two languages ​​- Russian and Latvian.

Valdis Pelshe has an older brother, Alexander, a son from his mother's first marriage. A cameraman by profession, he now has a business in Moscow and collaborates with Valdis Pelsh. There is also a younger sister - Sabina. She currently resides in the USA.

The popular showman had a good ability to learn languages ​​since childhood. Valdis Pelsh's parents tried to comprehensively develop the boy. In 1983 he graduated from a comprehensive school with an in-depth study of the French language. Later he entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Philosophy. Valdis Pelsh actively participated in the public life of the university. In 1987, Valdis Pelsh became interested in playing KVN and got into the Moscow State University team.

He attended the Moscow State University Student Theater, where he once met Alexei Kortnev. Subsequently, friends founded the rock group "Accident". Valdis Pelsh sang, wrote songs, and also participated in various organizational moments of the group until 1997. Further, he participates only in the most important events of the group.

In 1987, Valdis Pelsh first tries himself as a TV presenter. Then he launched his own project "Oba-na", which was later criticized and closed. Soon he was offered to become the host of the new show "Guess the Melody", after which Valdis Pelsh gained wide popularity and popularity. He became the highlight of this show, managed to raise its ratings to the impossible. Then there were other projects, although less successful.

Valdis Pelsh repeatedly judged KVN games, was a member of the jury of the TV show "Surprise Me". From 1990 to 1999 he was the host of the Golden Gramophone music awards ceremonies. He acted in advertisements and in some films (“Old songs about the main thing-3”, “What else do men talk about”, etc.).

Family and children of Valdis Pelsh

Little is known about the personal life of Valdis Pelsh, his wife and children. The showman tries in every possible way to isolate his relatives and friends from intrusive reporters and journalists. Therefore, family life is presented only in general facts, which he himself shared in his interviews.

The family and children of Valdis Pelsh are the main support for the popular TV presenter, his pride and happiness. They occupy a leading place in the life of an artist. It is known that Valdis Pelsh was married twice. Now he has four children.

The son of Valdis Pelsh - Einer

The son of Valdis Pelsh, Einer, was born in 2009. The boy appeared in the marriage of Valdis Pelshe with Svetlana Akimova. Einer became the third child of the popular TV presenter. Since Valdis Pelsh does not cover family topics, very little is known about his son.

Einer is now ten years old. This is a pretty capable and developed boy. Einer studies well, there are no complaints from teachers. Valdis Pelsh from childhood instills in him a love for sports, and also teaches him to a healthy lifestyle. He wishes him a good future.

The son of Valdis Pelsh - Evar

The son of Valdis Pelsh is Evar, the fourth and youngest child of the famous showman. The boy was born on December 8, 2014 in the second marriage of Valdis Pelshe with Svetlana Akimova.

Childbirth took place in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. For Svetlana Akimova, Evar became the third child. In her microblog, the second wife of Valdis Pelsha posted a photo of a newborn card, which indicates the height, weight and time of birth of the boy. Now Evar is already four years old, he is well developed, and is also accustomed to a healthy lifestyle.

Daughter of Valdis Pelsh - Eugene

The daughter of Valdis Pelsh - Eizhen, the first child of a popular TV presenter. She was born in 1992, when the famous TV presenter Valdis Pelsh was first married. Eizheny's mother is Olga Igorevna Pelsh, a lawyer by training.

Valdis Pelsh was always crazy about his little princess and tried to give her as much attention as possible, which was very difficult due to the workload. The girl is also madly in love with her father. After her divorce from Olga, Eizhena lives with her mother. But Valdis Pelsh takes an active part in her upbringing.

Daughter of Valdis Pelsh - Ilva

The daughter of Valdis Pelsh is Ilva, the second child of a popular TV presenter. The girl was born in 2002. Ilva's mother is Svetlana Akimova, the second wife of Valdis Pelsh. This was their first joint daughter.

Thus, Valdis Pelsh has four children: two sons and two daughters. The TV presenter tries to carefully hide information about his children. It is very difficult to find pictures of children on the Internet. In general, the family life of Valdis Pelsh is closed. Having become famous, the TV presenter spoke about his personal life.

The ex-wife of Valdis Pelsh - Olga Pelshe

The ex-wife of Valdis Pelsh, Olga Pelshe, became the first chosen one of the famous showman. By education he is a lawyer. Olga Pelshe is the daughter of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Young people met in their student years. Valdis Pelsh and Olga Pelshe got married in 1988. In marriage, they had a daughter, who was customarily named Eugene. The girl was born in 1992.

Valdis Pelsh and Olga Pelshe have been married for seventeen years, after which they divorced. It happened in 2005.

Wife of Valdis Pelsh - Svetlana Pelshe

Valdis Pelsh's wife is Svetlana Pelshe, the second wife of a popular TV presenter. Svetlana's maiden name is Akimov. Young people started dating when Valdis was married to Olga Pelsha. The result of an extramarital relationship was their daughter Ylva, who was born in 2002.

Three years later, Pelsh divorced and on December 19, 2006 officially registered the marriage with Svetlana Akimova. Later they had two more sons - Einar and Evar.

Now Svetlana has her own business, a recruiting agency for the selection of domestic workers.

Instagram and Wikipedia Valdis Pelsh

Instagram and Wikipedia Valdis Pelsh will be of interest to all admirers of the work of the popular TV presenter. So, a well-known TV presenter is an active participant in social networks. Valdis Pelsh lives a full life, travels a lot and has various hobbies. He often posts interesting photos and comments on them. The Instagram page of Valdis Pelsh has thousands of subscribers.

Wikipedia provides extensive information about the biography of Valdis Pelshe, his career and hobbies. The information is reliable and is in the public domain.