Once Russian, and now Ukrainian TV presenter Yevgeny Kiselev is widely known for his analytical programs and sharp interviews. In the Russian media space, he is last years reminds of itself only with ambiguous statements and controversial assessments of events taking place in the country and the world.


Evgeny Kiselev was born in Moscow on June 15, 1956 into a family of engineers who specialized in metal science. His father was a Soviet scientist and winner of the Stalin Prize. He was engaged in materials for aviation and rocket engineering. All that is known about her mother is that she devoted most of her time to the family and raising children.

Eugene studied well at specialized school No. 123 with an English profile language. He was equally attracted to a wide variety of sciences, he liked such subjects as history, foreign languages, and literature. The boy himself could not make up his mind. priority direction. The father, realizing that his son was better versed in the humanities, offered Evgeny, when he was in high school, to work out at the “School of a Young Orientalist” at Moscow State University.

After school

Yevgeny Kiselev was so carried away by the countries of the East that after graduating from school he entered the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University at the Faculty of History and Philology. During his studies, he was lucky to travel to many Asian countries. He did an internship in Iran in 1977-1978. He graduated from the Institute with honors, becoming a specialist in the Persian language.

After graduating from high school, Evgeny was called up for an urgent military service in the Soviet army and sent to Afghanistan. He served in a group of military advisers as an interpreter, where he participated in negotiations between the Soviet and Afghan military. Finished military service with the rank of captain.

After serving in the army, Yevgeny Kiselev was offered a job at the Higher School of the KGB, where he began to teach Persian until 1984.

At work in journalism

Eugene became interested in journalism, and in 1985 he managed to get a job at the USSR State Radio and Television, in the main editorial office of the countries of the Near and Middle East. Which, probably, was not difficult, given his professional knowledge and the department in which he worked earlier. His duties included editing texts that were then aired for a Middle Eastern audience.

In 1987, he went to work on television in the program "Time", soon Eugene became the host of the morning information program "90 minutes". TV presenter Evgeny Kiselev was the main actor these popular shows.

At the turn of the millennium

In 1993, he took part in the organization of the independent television company NTV, where he moved along with the Itogi program, the first political talk show on Russian television.

TV presenter Evgeny Kiselev made a successful career in the administrative line. He was vice president of the NTV television company, then became one of the shareholders and members of the board of directors. As a result, he took the highest post, becoming the general director of NTV Television Company OJSC.

Many of his programs in those years were a great success with the viewer, in addition to the talk show "Itogi", he also hosted other television programs. In the biography of Evgeny Kiselev, there are practically no frankly failed information projects.

He released about 30 author's documentaries about prominent figures of our time, including Margaret Thatcher, Yuri Andropov, Augusto Pinochet. A fresh look at famous politicians and a good presentation of the material made these films an outstanding phenomenon in the country's media space.

After NTV

After the change of NTV shareholders, Yevgeny Kiselev, together with a large group of employees, left the channel. He moved to work on TV-6 and TNT, and in 2002 he became the editor-in-chief of Channel Six.

After a long period of work on television, he was invited to the newspaper "Moscow News" for the position of editor-in-chief. He worked for the weekly until 2005.

For four years, journalist Yevgeny Kiselyov worked at the main opposition radio station, Ekho Moskvy. He hosted several popular programs and programs, including Our Everything. Today, he often acts as a political analyst on other media resources with sharp criticism of the policies of President Putin V.V. and unconditional support for the "orange revolution" in Ukraine. Kiselev also hosts programs on satellite television and advises a Ukrainian TV channel.

On the other side

In 2008, he moved to Ukraine to host the program "Big Politics with Yevgeny Kiselev" on the main channel of the country "Inter", it was held in the format of a socio-political show. Since 2013, he has headed a company that prepared information programs, including Podrobnosti. The content of the program was significantly changed, and a lot of time was devoted to the analysis of world and Russian politics. Kiselev, as a presenter, managed to make a popular political TV project out of a once weak program.

From 2014 to 2016, Yevgeny Kiselev was the creator and host of Black Mirror, an author's political talk show on the same channel. It became the most popular and rated weekly program. In the last program, the TV presenter announced the end of his work on the channel, as he was about to start an independent journalistic project.

During this Ukrainian period, he makes a series of blunt statements about being ashamed of being a citizen of the Russian Federation because of the country's policy against other states. In collaboration with Mikhail Kasyanov, he publishes the book "Without Putin".

In recent years

In 2016, he released another talk show on the News One TV channel, as usual in the format of Yevgeny Kiselyov's author's program. He has repeatedly spoken publicly in support of Nadezhda Savchenko, which was equated to a call for terrorism and total criticism of Russia's actions against Ukraine.

Once again, there were reports that he had officially asked for political asylum. The first such rumors appeared in 2013, and were refuted by him.

At the beginning of 2017, together with other colleagues, he created a new information channel, where he took the place of the host of two programs.

Evgeny Kiselev writes articles for many international and Russian magazines and newspapers, including Forbes and The New York Times. He also still performs at the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

Personal life

Until recently, Yevgeny Kiselev spoke little about his personal life. He married in September 1973 his classmate Marina Gelievna Shakhova, the daughter of one of the leaders of the Soviet State Radio and Television. Marina, known on television as Masha Shakhova, hosted the educational program "Summer Residents", for which in 2002 she received the prestigious television award "Tefi". She was also a producer of popular programs related to the creation of interiors. As a designer, she presented her collections several times.

In 1983, the couple had a son, Alexei, who is now in business with his wife. The family has its own clothing brand, it is successfully sold in the country. Kiselev Jr. has a son who loves to visit his grandparents.

Eugene rarely rests, he devotes a lot of time to work. In rare hours of rest, he prefers walking, likes to play tennis. He reads a lot, preferring the memoirs of prominent people.

He loves to eat deliciously, so among his acquaintances Evgeny Kiselev is considered an expert in the cuisines of the peoples of the world. Collects a collection of expensive wines, as an expert writes for the specialized magazine "Winemania".

Dmitry Kiselev(born April 26, 1954, Moscow, USSR) - Russian journalist, TV presenter, general director of the Russian international news agency "Russia Today", deputy general director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev
Occupation: TV presenter
Date of birth: April 26, 1954
Place of birth: Moscow
Citizenship: USSR → Russia

Dmitry Kiselev was born on April 26, 1954 in Moscow.
Dmitry Kiselev was brought up in a musical environment (Kiselyov's uncle is composer Yuri Shaporin), he graduated from a music school in the class of classical guitar.
He studied at the Medical School No. 6 in Moscow.
In 1978, Dmitry Kiselev also graduated from the Scandinavian Philology Department of the Philological Faculty of the Leningrad state university named after A. A. Zhdanov.

The work of Dmitry Kiselev on radio and TV

After university Dmitry Kiselev worked at the Central Radio Broadcasting foreign countries Gosteleradio of the USSR in the Norwegian and Polish editions.
From 1988 to 1991, Dmitry Kiselev worked at the USSR Central Television, where he was a correspondent for the Vremya program.
Late 1989 to January 1991 Dmitry Kiselev- host of the information program "Television News Service", which was broadcast on the First Program of Central Television.
From 1991 to the end of 1996 Dmitry Kiselev- the host of the nightly news release of Channel 1, and since March 1995 - the host of the current interview "Rush Hour".

From 2003 to 2006, Dmitry Kiselev was the host of the daily information and analytical program “Vesti +” of the TV company “Russia”, the host of the topical interview “Details with Dmitry Kiselev”, the host of the socio-political talk show “National Interest”.
In 2006-2008, Dmitry Kiselev, co-host of the evening news release (co-hosted with Maria Sittel, while the timing of the news was increased from 30 to 50 minutes), continued to host the National Interest program.
He also collaborated with ARD, RTL, Japanese broadcaster NHK.

Dmitry Kiselev - Host of the Rush Hour program

On March 3, 1995, after the murder of Vladislav Listyev, Dmitry Kiselev was appointed host of the Rush Hour program, which aired on Ostankino Channel One, and from April 3 on the newly created ORT channel. Initially, he led the program alternately with Sergei Shatunov, but after his departure, from April 25 to September 28, 1995, he led the program alone. At the same time, he was the host of the Window to Europe program. From the beginning of October 1995, he led the program alternately with Andrei Razbash. He finally left the program on September 25, 1996.

Dmitry Kiselev From 1997 to 2003

From 1997 to 2003, he hosted the National Interest talk show, which first aired on REN TV, then on the RTR channel from September 1997 to May 1998, then on TVC (as National Interest 2000), and then on the Ukrainian channel ICTV. From 1999 to 2000, he was the host of the night edition of the news program of the television company TVC "Events", the topical interview "In the Center of Events", the socio-political talk show "National Interest".
From 2000 to 2003, he was the presenter of the current interview with the ICTV television company “Detailed with Dmitry Kiselev”, host of the socio-political talk show “National Interest”, editor-in-chief of the information service of the ICTV television company. On November 26, journalists at a meeting with ICTV CEO Alexander Bogutsky expressed no confidence in Dmitry Kiselev, saying that he distorts news releases. 3 days later, the general director announced the removal of Kiselyov from the leadership of the news releases of the television company.
In 2003 he founded the Jazz Koktebel festival.

Work on the TV channel "Russia"

Then he worked on the programs "Morning Conversation", "Authority" and with documentary programs. Since 2005, he has been the host of the Vesti + program. Since 2006, he has been the host of the Vesti program, paired with Maria Sittel. He was also the author and host of the National Interest talk show on the Rossiya channel.
Since July 2008, he has been the Deputy General Director of the VGTRK holding; after the appointment, he left the Vesti program. In March 2012, he replaced Sergei Kurginyan in the Historical Process program; also hosts the author's program "Authority". Since August 2012, he has been the host of the Vesti Nedeli program.
Author of a documentary series about the collapse of the USSR called "USSR: collapse", as well as several documentaries: "Sakharov", "100 days of Gorbachev", "100 days of Yeltsin", "1/6 of the land" and others.

International Information Agency "Russia Today"

On December 9, 2013, it was announced that a new structure would be created on the basis of the liquidated RIA Novosti - the International News Agency Rossiya Segodnya. It was appointed its CEO Dmitry Kiselyov. According to a presidential decree, the main task of the new agency will be "coverage abroad of the state policy of the Russian Federation and the Russian public life”, and according to Kiselev, the mission of his organization is “restoring a fair attitude towards Russia, as an important country in the world with good intentions”

Views - Putin and the opposition

October 7, 2012 (on the day of Putin's 60th birthday) during the program "Vesti Nedeli" Dmitry Kiselyov devoted a comment lasting 12 minutes 41 seconds to this event:
In terms of the scale of activity, Putin the politician of his predecessors of the 20th century is comparable only to Stalin. The methods are fundamentally different. The price of the Stalinist breakthrough is unacceptable, but the scale of the tasks for arranging the country is as follows. After Stalin, each subsequent Kremlin leader lowered the bar of ambition, and by the turn of the millennium, Russia came up bloodless, demoralized, and torn apart.
... As a result, we bend our fingers: the combat capability of the army has been restored, the nuclear balance has been confirmed, territorial integrity has been preserved, the salary of Russians has increased in rubles by 13 times, pensions by 10. At the same time, Russia is freer than ever in its history.
This comment was criticized by some members of the journalistic community, who considered its author a hypocrite and a conformist.
Of particular interest to the host of Vesti Nedeli was the election to the Coordinating Council of the opposition. On October 28, in the plot of the program, he published anonymous statements allegedly on behalf of representatives of the protest movement, who described the event as a "gamble", "star factory", "movement without a goal", "a banal scam organized by opposition thimblers."

Ukraine and the EU

December 1, 2013 Dmitry Kiselyov devoted part of his program to protests against the suspension of association with the EU in Ukraine, where he stated that the coalition of EU members Sweden-Poland-Lithuania was allegedly using Ukraine to foment war with Russia. According to Kiselev, the ultimate goal of the countries that made up this anti-Russian "coalition" is revenge for the Battle of Poltava, won by Peter I in 1709. Also, according to Kiselyov, in Sweden, due to the early onset of sexual activity, there is a “radical increase in child abortions” and impotence at the age of 12. Besides Kiselyov stated that Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt was a CIA agent in his youth. Buzzfeed columnist Max Seddon described the entire broadcast as "the most esoteric interpretation" of events in Ukraine.

Homosexual propaganda and homophobia

In August 2013, a fragment of the recording of the TV program “Historical Trial No. 19 “The State and private life“” dated April 4, 2012 on the channel “Russia-1”, in which Dmitry Kiselev called for “burying or burning” the hearts of gays who died in an accident. The announcement received a backlash in the blogosphere. A group of bloggers sent an appeal to the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation with a request to bring the TV presenter to criminal liability under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (extremism), the maximum punishment for which is 5 years in prison.

In an interview with Ekho Moskvy, Kiselev explained his words:
It's just the world practice. This is done in the United States of America, in the European Union, in Japan, in Arab countries, practically all over the world, except for Russia. Because homosexuals are forbidden to be donors of blood, organs, and so on, that is, they are not considered as donors. And I think that it is necessary to adopt laws that correspond to world practice. That's all... if, for example, a homosexual in America dies, they don't touch him, they don't take his organs.

Of the homophobic killings, he stated:
Our problem with homosexuals is that they behave provocatively, they behave in a victimlike manner, that is, deliberately calling for, provoking situations so that they become victims. Nobody prevents them from loving each other the way they want. They aggressively impose the values ​​of the minority on the majority. Perhaps society will resist this. Naturally, right? In a variety of, including brutal forms.

Criticism of Dmitry Kiselev

Dmitry Kiselev's coverage of the Razvozzhaev case

Covering the case of Leonid Razvozzhaev, Kiselev cited the "memoirs" published by the oppositionist, the basis of which was fictional story Razvozzhaev "How I played the executioner", published in the literary supplement to Nezavisimaya Gazeta in 2003. Having quoted the most cruel moment - the execution of the cat, the TV presenter did not add the end of the story, which radically changes the feeling of the story, which is actually directed against animal cruelty. In addition, as Nezavisimaya Gazeta noted, Kiselev did not provide evidence that this fact took place in real life Leonid.

Dmitry Kiselev's coverage of events related to Euromaidan

The UNIAN news agency accused Dmitry Kiselyov of lies and distortions in describing the events related to the Euromaidan (a story about the latest events in Ukraine, in which clashes under the administration of the President of Ukraine (Ukrainian. contradicts the chronology of events).
On December 8, 2013, Ukrainian journalist Vitaliy Sedyuk, known for his provocative and outrageous acts, broke into the live broadcast of the Rossiya-24 news on the Maidan in Kiev and shouted: “Give the Oscar to the Rossiya TV channel and Dmitry Kiselev for lying and nonsense in relation to Euromaidan! » Appointment as head of the Rossiya Segodnya agency
In connection with the appointment of Kiselyov as the head of the new Rossiya Segodnya news agency, created by Vladimir Putin in December 2013 on the basis of RIA Novosti, a number of leading Western media published materials in which Kiselyov was called a “pro-Kremlin homophobic TV presenter”, and the creation of a new news agency - Putin's attempt to tighten control over the media. For example, The Guardian website published an article under the heading “Putin appointed a homophobic TV presenter as the head of the state news agency.” The publication described Kiselyov as a "conservative news anchor" and "a loyal supporter of Putin, occasionally making provocative statements." The body of the article also claimed that "Kiselyov is often accused of being a mouthpiece for [Kremlin] propaganda" and that he gained notoriety for his "openly anti-gay, anti-American and anti-opposition views." Agence France Presse called the appointment of an "anti-gay TV presenter" head of the new news agency an attempt by the Kremlin to "consolidate state media during a period of increased online criticism of Putin's 13-year rule."

To be honest, after Mr. Kiselyov's scandalous trip to the very lair of gays, I expected something like this. The tender psyche of the Russian journalist, who demanded to burn the hearts of these very "buggers", could not bear what he saw. He saw - and fell in love with all his inherent tenderness.
This journey turned the essence of a respected journalist and he looked at what he was doing with different eyes...

Russian journalist Dmitry Kiselev resigned as director general of the Rossiya Segodnya international news agency.
Kiselev cited excessive propaganda and a complete lack of objectivity in the Russian media as the reason for his dismissal. The journalist wrote about this on his Facebook.
“What the Russian media is now showing is already too much! - Dmitry Kiselev said. - I believe that in the interests of the state, information can and even needs to be presented from the right angle. This is a normal world practice: to show something, but to hush up something. However, when reality is not just distorted, but completely created with the help of news, as it is now happening in the news about Ukraine, this is already too much! I don't participate in this."
In addition, Kiselev apologized to the people of Ukraine for the last three days of his work. “Even I didn’t notice how I crossed the border. I am ashamed of the last three days of work of the media under my control. Forgive me, residents of Ukraine,” the Russian journalist said.
Dmitry Kiselev also said that he would not mind working in Belarus: “Television there also performs the function of propaganda and not of the classical media, but in Belarus the truth is at least distorted, and not completely created”
In conclusion, the ex-general director of Russia today expressed support for the editors of the Lenta.ru publication (which recently changed its editor-in-chief to one controlled by the Kremlin) and called on the journalists who were released to go to Belarus with them.

Dmitry Kiselev: “Now Ukraine is a virtual country, and our portal is real!”

Dmitry Kiselev. Photo: ITAR-TASS / Alexey Maishev

It became funny already while reading the press release. “Dmitry Kiselev will present a new media project of the Ukraina.ru agency at the Rossiya Segodnya press center, which aims to “strengthen Russian-Ukrainian relations”. In recent months, journalist Dmitry Kiselev has been actively strengthening Russian-Ukrainian relations every Sunday on the air of the Rossiya-1 TV channel, where he compared Ukraine with a falling airliner and talked a lot about the fascist residents in the west of this country. For this, Kiselyov is called in Kyiv only “Goebbels” and rumors are spread that he allegedly ended up in the hospital with a heart attack. But now he is not only a presenter, but also the head of the new news agency Rossiya Segodnya, which is assigned the role of the main ideological mouthpiece of the Kremlin in the world - and in Ukraine, respectively, too.

Despite the fact that Kiselev was on the EU sanctions lists, the journalist came to the presentation of the new project as if he had just returned from a vacation, say, from Bruges: a non-business style corduroy jacket, light green trousers and amusing green socks. It was only possible to suspect one of the main sovereign TV presenters of Russia in him, except for the strap on the watch (pictured above), which is painted in the colors of the St. George ribbon. Although a quick search on the Internet yields an even more bizarre remark: watch straps of this type are called Nato Strap.

At the presentation of Ukraina.ru, Kiselyov was accompanied by pro-Russian journalists from Ukraine, who, due to the rampant Maidan, were forced to leave for Moscow and were taken on allowance by the Rossiya Segodnya agency.

I want to say thank you to Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev and your agency for giving us shelter. And I also wish other immigrants who are on the territory of Russia to also have the same good patrons! - journalist Alexander Chalenko thanked for the hospitality, after which he decided to explain the difference between the state of affairs in Russia and Ukraine.

You have no idea how it is for journalists in Ukraine! I see opponents here who support the Maidan and speak on Russian talk shows! I see how they do not agree with the position of Russia, with the referendums that took place in the east of Ukraine. They perform with such fervor and fervor, but I see that they are not afraid of anything here, although they are in opposition to the Russian mainstream. And I was recently named on the TVi channel as an FSB figure! And there they said that it was necessary to crush the fifth column in Ukraine! That's what they said about me: "crush this vermin"! - confessed Chalenko.

Tellingly, half an hour later, the head of the Association of Orthodox Experts, Kirill Frolov, who came to the presentation, pointed a finger at me and explained to the Ukrainian journalist Chalenko: “Yes, this is Slon.ru, our fifth column! We need to close them, I’ve been saying for a long time.” However, noticing that I paid attention to him, the Orthodox expert took a step towards me and confidentially remarked: “But don’t be offended! I'm sincere."

But the main Ukrainian star of the event was the journalist Alena Berezovskaya. As a matter of fact, the main part of the presentation consisted of showing her documentary film about the Ukrainian nation. The film, of course, is outstanding - in a week it will be shown by Rossiya 24, but Berezovskaya herself is no less amazing. Four years ago, Ukrainian publications bypassed her joint photos with Viktor Yanukovych. It was alleged that the journalist is his mistress. But Berezovskaya convincingly refuted these speculations, explaining that she was simply friends with Yanukovych.

Viktor Yanukovych and Alena Berezovskaya

Until the age of 22, she was part of the journalistic pool, and then became the editor-in-chief of the Kyiv Times secular magazine.

Her documentary, also called Ukraina.ru, is based on a fictional quote from German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck: “The power of Russia can only be undermined by the separation of Ukraine from it. It is necessary not only to tear off, but also to oppose Ukraine to Russia, play off the two parts of a single people and watch how brother will kill brother. In this is main idea film: the Ukrainian ethnos was invented by the Germans and introduced on the outskirts of Russia in order to split the territory of the Russian state; Germany was engaged in this both in the First World War and in the Great Patriotic War. And now the vile deed of the Germans, according to the author, the Europeans continue on the Maidan. Berezovskaya herself in the frame periodically reads poetry with the intonation of either a schoolgirl-headman on the last call, or State Duma deputy Irina Yarovaya. Sometimes she poses against the background of strong men in military uniform and promises that the east of Ukraine will still stand up for itself and defeat the Nazis. Artistic composition completes the soundtrack from the songs of the Lyube ensemble.

The screening of the film “on the strengthening of Russian-Ukrainian relations” ended with an attempt by the Orthodox expert Kirill Frolov to applaud and the clumsy cursing of the cameraman, who stumbled between the rows of spectators. Now, finally, it was possible to move on to communication with Dmitry Kiselev. He was extremely diplomatic, not at all like himself on TV, and did without emotional assessments. Kiselyov said that the Ukraina.ru portal would aggregate the most interesting information about this country, “would not carry out a fiery passion” and would allow Ukrainian journalists who, due to recent events, had to leave their homeland to continue their activities. Kiselev's restraint somehow did not correspond to the event, which the Orthodox expert Frolov immediately tried to correct. He took the microphone and nearly fell to his knees.

I support you! It is absolutely impossible and dangerous to save the Ukrainian idea! I wish "Ukraine.ru" to finish with the Ukrainian idea! - the expert announced, after which he tried to tell how it would be necessary to deal with a harmful idea. But Kiselyov interrupted him, gently hinting that he did not have the task of “putting an end to the Ukrainian idea” and the portal would collect various points of view. In order to somehow calm Frolov's ardor, the general director of Rossiya Segodnya invited him and "his experts":

Kirill, we invite you and your experts to publish on our resources. - Kiselev, apparently, did not know that the Association of Orthodox Experts consists of only one person. That is, Kirill Frolov himself.

But will there be any problems with the domain "Ukraine.ru"? After all, the Gleb Pavlovsky Effective Policy Foundation already created the same site ten years ago, - an elderly journalist was worried about the new portal, impressed by the film he had just seen.

Hardly. Our domain seems to be called differently. And what was the spelling of that site? There, like Ukraine, was it written with a “s”? - asked Kiselev.

Spelling what?

I don't understand... - the journalist threw up his hands.

Well, spelling!

What was the spelling of the site name? - I told the journalist.

Ahh," he drawled with understanding. - I do not remember!

In turn, I could not help but ask Dmitry Kiselev whether he liked Alena Berezovskaya as a film professional and how he reacted to the idea that Ukrainian people was invented by the Germans. True, the friends of the expert Frolov immediately stood up for the author of the film and for the idea of ​​the Germans, shouting at me from their seats that there were no Ukrainians a hundred years ago. But they were again judiciously interrupted by the ideologue of Russian television.

To my second question about how he reacted to the fact that Dmitry Steshin, the former editor of the neo-Nazi magazine Russkiy Obraz, was on the lists of Putin’s awards to Russian journalists for covering events in Ukraine, Kiselev also answered flawlessly: “Putin has the right to reward anyone ".

The general director of Rossiya Segodnya could afford a little outrageousness only at the end of the official part of the event, when journalists began to approach him individually.

And how to negotiate so that the Kyiv authorities do not turn off the water supply to the Crimea, if we do not recognize them?

What do we not recognize? Kiselyov replied with mock surprise.

Well, Ukraine, it seems.

Ukraine is not. Now it is a virtual concept, a virtual country. Want to live in a virtual world - please.

How then is it that you do not have Ukraine, but you do have Ukraina.ru?

And Ukraina.ru is a real portal. It is no longer about the country, but about the territory that was under the control of this country. Now this is a failed state (failed state . - elephant), - Kiselev easily retorted, straightened his corduroy jacket and went to give an interview to the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Dmitry Kiselev is one of the best Soviet and later Russian TV journalists, news anchor, political commentator, native Muscovite, born on April 26, 1954.

Childhood and youth

Kiselev's parents are intellectuals in several generations. His close uncle famous composer Yuri Shaporin, who contributed to the fact that the boy received a musical education. Dmitry had good abilities and graduated from a music school with a guitar class.

Having received a general basic education, Dmitry, on the advice of his parents, entered a medical school. It cannot be said that the soul did not lie at all in this profession - there was a lot of heroic and simply human in it to attract a guy. But after completing his studies, he decided not to continue his career in this easier way.

To the great surprise of his parents, Dmitry submits documents to one of the Leningrad universities at the Faculty of Philology, and as a specialization he chooses a very rare direction in those days - Scandinavian philology. In 1978 he received a diploma in this specialty.

Carier start

The career of Dmitry Kiselev began immediately with a prestigious position. Now one can only guess what kind of connections yesterday's university graduate could get into the foreign sector of the news department. Of course, a brilliant knowledge of several foreign languages ​​played an important role in this appointment.

In this position, Dmitry worked ten for long years. The work was extremely responsible - it was their department that provided information about the USSR for foreign television companies at that time. Therefore, each spoken word had to be thought over ten times first. The work taught Dmitry the utmost composure and attention.

In 1998 he was transferred to the Vremya program, where he became one of the leading political observers. However, in 1991, his brilliantly started career ended unexpectedly and scandalously. Kiselev was fired because he refused to voice a negative assessment of the events taking place in the Baltic states on the eve of the collapse of the USSR.

Independent TV

But a specialist of this level cannot remain unclaimed. And after a few months, Kiselev appears again on TV screens, but already as a reporter, and then as the host of the Vesti program. The new format of the program corresponded to the nature of Kiselyov as well as possible, and the management listened to his opinion and suggestions for improving the work.

Soon, Kiselev's author's program "Panorama" will be released on the country's main TV channel, in which he covers and reflects on the main political events in the country. And a year later, he replaces the deceased Vlad Listyev in the infamous Rush Hour show.

To date, Kiselev is considered one of the most respected journalists in Russia. He hosts several popular author's programs on leading TV channels and is not afraid to express his own opinion, assessing what is happening in the country and beyond.

In addition to creating author's political and journalistic programs, Kiselev shoots documentaries about the lives of historically significant personalities, whose heroes have already become Yeltsin, Gorbachev, Sakharov and many other prominent political figures.

There is also a film in which he gave his own analysis of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR. Currently, Kiselev is the head of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency.

Personal life

Kiselev entered his first marriage, while still practically a teenager. At the age of 18, he married his first love, a classmate at a medical school, the beautiful Alena. But such early marriages rarely stand the test of time. Literally a year later, the young spouses fled in different directions and officially filed for divorce.

He also met his second wife on the student bench, this time in Leningrad, while studying at the university. Alas, this marriage did not last even a year. The place of the new legal wife went to a certain Tatyana, who, a couple of years later, was replaced by a colleague at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Agency Elena.

The fourth wife managed to give birth to Kiselev's son, but this did not keep the loving reporter in the bosom of the family. When the baby was one year old, he packed his suitcase and went to another chosen one. In total, Kiselev had eight legal marriages - he honestly married his beloved women and immediately left when feelings disappeared.

With wife Maria

His current wife Masha gave birth to Dmitry two beautiful babies, and so far the marriage seems strong. Who knows, perhaps with age, the famous womanizer will settle down, although they say that the passion for women only becomes stronger over the years.

With wife and daughter

Today the family lives in house near Moscow where children feel great in the bosom of nature. Maria devotes a lot of time to kids, but continues to develop herself, dreaming of a career as a psychoanalyst.

The leading journalist is Dmitry Kiselyov. He impartially sanctifies a variety of news. Kiselev speaks categorically, causing discontent among some Russian and almost all foreign political figures.

The man was included in the list of undesirable persons for entry into the countries of the European Union, Ukraine and America.

For several decades, the man was looking for a woman who would become his wife. He married 7 times before today's wife. But it was with Masha that the journalist became truly happy in his personal life.

The famous journalist, TV presenter began to interest the television audience since the 80s of the last century. They wanted to know everything about this imposing man who was married 8 times, including information they were interested in - what is his height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Kiselev can be found on the VGTRK website.

The man is not young at all. He has already celebrated his 64th birthday. But viewers give Kiselev much less years.

Dmitry Kiselyov, a photo in his youth and now which provokes the wrath of his ill-wishers, weighs about 75 kg with a height of 177 cm. The man does not smoke or drink. But he can’t do sports regularly because of the incredible employment at work.

Last year, in a number of media, one could read that Dmitry Kiselev was appointed Russian ambassador to the United States. But the popular TV presenter himself only laughed at it. He said that the Americans would have complained to the Strasbourg court if that had been the case.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Kiselev

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Kiselev is incredibly rich. The boy was born in the mid-80s of the last century in the metropolitan metropolis. Father and mother were musicians. They worked in an orchestra and dreamed that their son would follow in their footsteps. But already in his childhood, Dima wanted to connect his life with medicine. After the 9th grade of school, the young man studies at a medical college, after which he realized that he would not be a doctor. Dmitry decides to connect his life with philology. He currently speaks four foreign languages: English, French, Norwegian and Swedish, the first two he learned on his own. Having received a diploma, the young man begins to work for the state television and radio of the Soviet Union.

Since 1991, the popular TV presenter began to broadcast news TV programs simultaneously on 3 channels. After the former host of the Rush Hour TV program, Vlad Listyev, tragically died, Dmitry replaced him.

For about ten years, the journalist has been leading the final news, covering what happened in Russia and the world over a weekly period. He is acting director general of the Russia Today news agency.

For the ability to speak freely on any occasion and defend their opinion, the authorities of many countries of the world have included Dmitry Kiselyov in the list of undesirable persons who are denied entry to the EU countries and America. The reason was the journalist's support for the will of the citizens of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol to join the Russian Federation.

In 2013, information appeared that the TV presenter quit and left the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, but this turned out to be only rumors that were refuted by the press service of the television channel.

A popular journalist, in his free time, is engaged in growing grapes at his own dacha, located not far from Koktebel, and winemaking, selling his products.

In 2017, the TV presenter returned from a trip to the Crimea with a broken face. Immediately, the media was flooded with articles that he had been beaten up by activists opposed to his political stance. But Kiselyov himself denied the information. He said that while working at his summer cottage, he tripped and fell on the gravel, as a result of which his face was badly scratched.

The journalist is currently married for the eighth time. According to Dmitry Kiselyov, he has been waiting for his wife all his life.

Family and children of Dmitry Kiselev

The family and children of Dmitry Kiselev always follow the activities of their father and husband very closely. Currently, the TV presenter is married to his beloved woman, who is always waiting for him at home. She provides comfort to a television star. He says that he is incredibly happy that fate connected him with such an intelligent and understanding woman, who is his wife.

Kiselyov has three children. His last wife gave birth to a son and a daughter, and he also has a son from his fourth wife.

The TV presenter is well educated. He can play the violin, guitar and piano. IN free time Dmitry uncovers the guitar and sings, playing along with himself, his favorite songs.

The son of Dmitry Kiselev - Gleb Kiselev

For the first time, a popular journalist became a father in the mid-80s of the last century. Seeing the girl for the first time, the young man immediately confessed his love to her. Soon they registered a marriage, in which the son of Dmitry Kiselev, Gleb Kiselev, was born.

A few months after that, the young dad left the family. For a long time after that, he did not communicate with his firstborn.

Only when the guy was 16 years old, his father began to communicate with Gleb. Elena did not interfere with the communication of her son and father.

Currently, Gleb often comes to visit his father. He is in IT technology. Now the guy lives in a civil marriage with a girl.

The son of Dmitry Kiselev - Konstantin Kiselev

In mid-2007, Dmitry became a father for the second time. He had a son, whom it was decided to name Kostik. The boy is very similar to the wife of the TV presenter. But Dmitry says that his son has a character similar to him. The boy loves animals very much, especially cats and dogs.

In 2018, the son of Dmitry Kiselev, Konstantin Kiselev, will celebrate his 11th birthday. He is an ordinary boy. He studies well at school, likes to drive the ball with his friends. Kostya dreams of becoming a famous football player or artist.

Daughter of Dmitry Kiselev - Varvara Kiselyova

In early 2010, the journalist became a father for the third time. His wife gave him a charming daughter, who was named Varenka. She became a real little princess for dad.

Currently, the girl is already 8 years old. She enjoys going to school, studying music and drawing. The daughter of Dmitry Kiselyov - Varvara Kiselyova dreams of becoming a very famous actress, which would have been awarded an Oscar or a Palme d'Or at Cannes.

Former common-law wife of Dmitry Kiselyov - Alena

Young people met while studying at a medical school. Interestingly, the girl is the same age as Dmitry. They met at a party organized by the school for birthdays. It turned out that they were born on the same day.

Dmitry brought flowers to his beloved. He believed that it was with her that he would live the rest of his life. The lovers decided to get married immediately after the 18th anniversary. The future television star decides to enter Leningrad. The former common-law wife of Dmitry Kiselyov, Alena, remained in Moscow. Soon the guy falls in love again and forgets his former lover.

On the very first day of training at the Philological Institute, a young guy saw a girl. He fell in love with her at first sight. How fair man, the young man first decided to part with ex-lover- Alyona. He directly and openly announced to the girl that he fell in love with another.

After breaking up with his first lover, our hero declares his love to Natalya. She, too, was not indifferent to Dmitry, so they soon decided to get married. But after the wedding, the newlyweds did not live long. A few months after the marriage, the ex-wife of Dmitry Kiselyov, Natalya, was left alone.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Kiselyov - Tatyana

Having divorced his ex-wife, our hero was not alone for long. Soon he became interested in a woman named Tatyana. According to the stories of the TV presenter himself, he won the girl for a long time. At first she did not pay any attention to the man. But after a few weeks of stubbornly following her, Tanya realized that she could not live without him. They started dating and then living together.

After registering the marriage, the lovers did not live together for long. The reason was the new love of the journalist. A year later, the couple divorced.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Kiselyov, Tatyana, maintained a warm relationship with him. They still communicate. The TV presenter says that the woman was able to understand his feelings.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Kiselev - Elena

Having met Elena, Dmitry leaves his third wife. Soon after the divorce, he took his new lover to the registry office. The wedding was attended only by Elena's parents, several friends and ... his ex-wife Tatiana, who came to support her ex-husband.

A few months later, the fourth wife announced that he would soon become a father. The man was happy. For some time he fulfilled all the whims of his wife. But after the birth of his son, everything changed. The TV star packed his things and left the family. For some time he did not communicate with his son.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Kiselyov, Elena, never interfered with communication with her son. But she still does not communicate with her ex-husband.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Kiselyov - Natalya

After leaving the family, the TV presenter did not live alone for long. Once in the corridors of Ostankino he saw a young girl. They were soon introduced by a mutual friend. The girl worked on the NTV channel.

The novel moved quickly. A few weeks later, the lovers began to live together, registering a secret relationship. As witnesses, they invited random passers-by.

A year later, the couple divorced. This time, the ex-wife of Dmitry Kiselyov, Natalya, filed for divorce. She met a new lover. The husband did not interfere with Natalia's happiness and agreed to a divorce.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Kiselev - Kelly Richdale

Literally the next day after the divorce from his ex-wife Natalya, the journalist travels to the United States of America for work. There he fell in love with a charming girl, whom he began to conquer. Her name was Kelly Richdale, she was American.

The girl was so struck by this "Russian bear cub" that she soon agreed to become his wife. But just a few weeks later, the journalist began to be burdened by his wife. He believed that she was looking down, trying to humiliate the Russians. This led to a divorce six months after the marriage was registered.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Kiselev, Kelly Richdale, after the divorce, never saw her ex-husband.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Kiselyov - Olga

At the beginning of the new millennium, a loving journalist meets a girl named Olga. She was a resident of the Crimea. It was on her initiative that Dmitry bought himself a summer cottage in Koktebel. The couple often came here, built a house together.

In 2004, Dmitry Kiselyov's ex-wife, Olga, filed for divorce. She waived all claims to the jointly acquired property. It turned out that the woman passionately fell in love. Currently, she is happy, she is raising her son together with her husband.

Dmitry Kiselyov's wife - Maria Kiselyova

The acquaintance of the future spouses took place in the summer of 2005. A popular journalist came to Koktebel. One day he went for a ride on the sea. Having moored, the man saw a girl who struck him. He suddenly realized that he would like to spend all the remaining years of his life with her. They got to know each other. It turned out that the woman also came here on vacation. Dmitry invited Maria to a restaurant. After that, the future spouses did not part.

Arriving in Moscow, Kiselyov found a woman. Soon they began to live together. In 2006, the lovers officially registered their marriage. Mary's son from his first marriage also began to live with them.

Dmitry Kiselev's wife, Maria Kiselyova, gave her husband two children: a son and a daughter. Currently, she does not work, runs a household and raises children.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Kiselev

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Kiselev often attract the attention of many fans of the journalist.

The Wikipedia page allows you to find out all the most detailed information about the biography and personal life of the presenter. It is here that you can read what Kiselev himself said on this or that occasion.