Boris Akunin
Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili
Aliases: Boris Akunin
Date of birth: May 20, 1956
Place of birth: Zestaponi, Georgian SSR, USSR
Citizenship: USSR, Russia Russia
Occupation: novelist, playwright, translator, literary critic
Genre: detective

Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili(born May 20, 1956, Zestaponi, Georgian SSR, USSR) - Russian writer, literary critic, translator, Japaneseist. Their artistic literary works publishes under pseudonyms Boris Akunin, Anna Borisova and Anatoly Brusnikin.
Grigory Chkhartishvili was born in the family of an artillery officer Shalva Chkhartishvili and a teacher of Russian language and literature Berta Isaakovna Brazinskaya (1921-2007). In 1958 the family moved to Moscow. In 1973 he graduated from school number 36 with in-depth study of the English language. He graduated from the historical and philological department of the Institute of Asian and African Countries (MSU), has a diploma in Japanese history.

Grigory Chkhartishvili engaged in literary translation from Japanese and English. Chkhartishvili's translation was published by Japanese authors Mishima Yukio, Kenji Maruyama, Yasushi Inoue, Masahiko Shimada, Kobo Abe, Shinichi Hoshi, Takeshi Kaiko, Shohei Ooka, as well as representatives of the American and English Literature(T. Coragessan Boyle, Malcolm Bradbury, Peter Ustinov, etc.)

Boris Akunin worked as deputy editor-in-chief of the Foreign Literature magazine (1994-2000), editor-in-chief of the 20-volume Anthology of Japanese Literature, chairman of the board of the Pushkin Library megaproject (Soros Foundation).

Since 1998 Grigory Chkhartishvili writes fiction under the pseudonym " B. Akunin". Deciphering "B" as "Boris" appeared a few years later, when the writer began to be interviewed frequently. The Japanese word "akunin" (Japanese 悪人) roughly corresponds to "a villain who is a strong and strong-willed person." More information about this word can be found in one of the books by B. Akunin(G. Chkhartishvili) "The Diamond Chariot". Grigory Chkhartishvili publishes critical and documentary works under his real name.

In addition to the novels and stories from the New Detective series (The Adventures of Erast Fandorin), which brought him fame, Akunin created the series "Provincial Detective" ("The Adventures of Sister Pelagia"), "The Adventures of the Master", "Genres" and was the compiler of the series "The Cure for Boredom".
April 29, 2009 Boris Akunin became a holder of the Order of the Rising Sun, fourth degree. The award ceremony took place on May 20 at the Japanese Embassy in Moscow.
August 10, 2009 for the contribution to the development of cultural relations between Russia and Japan Boris Akunin was awarded the prize of the Japan Foundation operating under the auspices of the government.

Married. First wife of Boris Akunin- a Japanese woman with whom Akunin lived for several years. The second wife, Erika Ernestovna, is a proofreader and translator. Have no children.

Under the pseudonym Boris Akunin
The years in which the book takes place are given in parentheses.
* New detective (the adventures of Erast Fandorin)
1. 1998 - Azazel (1876)
2. 1998 - Turkish Gambit (1877)
3. 1998 - Leviathan (1878)
4. 1998 - Death of Achilles (1882)
5. 1999 - Jack of Spades (compilation " Special Assignments"") (1886)
6. 1999 - Decorator (collection "Special Assignments") (1889)
7. 1999 - State Councilor (1891)
8. 2000 - Coronation, or the Last of the Romanovs (1896)
9. 2001 - Mistress of death (1900)
10. 2001 - Lover of Death (1900)
11. 2003 - Diamond Chariot (1878 and 1905)
12. 2007 - Jade rosary (Remakes of classic detective stories) (1881-1900)
13. 2009 - The whole world theater (1911)
14. 2009 - The Hunt for Odysseus (1914)

* Provincial detective (adventure of Sister Pelagia)
1. 2000 - Pelagia and the white bulldog
2. 2001 - Pelagia and the black monk
3. 2003 - Pelagia and the red rooster

* Adventures of the master (descendants and ancestors of Erast Fandorin act in the cycle)

1. 2000 - Altyn-tolobas (1995, 1675-1676)
2. 2002 - extracurricular reading(2001, 1795)
3. 2006 - F. M. (2006, 1865)
4. 2009 - Falcon and Swallow (2009, 1702)

* Genres (descendants and ancestors of Erast Fandorin sometimes act in the cycle)
1. 2005 - Children's book (future, 2006, 1914, 1605-1606)
2. 2005 - Spy novel (1941)
3. 2005 - Fantasy (1980-1991)
4. 2008 - Quest (1930, 1812)

* Death on brotherhood
1. 2007 - Baby and the devil, Torment of a broken heart (1914)
2. 2008 - Flying Elephant, Children of the Moon (1915)
3. 2009 - Strange man, Thunder of victory, resound! (1915, 1916)
4. 2010 - "Maria", Maria ..., Nothing is sacred (1916)
5. 2011 - Operation Transit, Battalion of Angels (1917)

* Individual books
1. 2000 - Tales for idiots
2. 2000 - Seagull
3. 2002 - Comedy / Tragedy
4. 2006 - Yin and Yang (with the participation of Erast Fandorin)

Under the pseudonym Anatoly Brusnikin
1. 2007 - Ninth Spas
2. 2010 - Hero of another time
3. 2012 - Bellona

Under the pseudonym Anna Borisova
1. 2008 - Creative
2. 2010 - There
3. 2011 - Vremena goda

Under real name
* 1997 - Writer and suicide (M .: New literary review, 1999; 2nd edition - M .: "Zakharov" 2006)
"Joint work of B. Akunin and G. Chkhartishvili"
* 2004 - Cemetery stories (Fandorin acts in one of the stories)

Confirmed authorship of Boris Akunin
On January 11, 2012, Boris Akunin confirmed in his LiveJournal blog that he is the author hiding under the pseudonym Anatoly Brusnikin. In addition, he revealed that he is also the author of novels under the female pseudonym "Anna Borisova" "There ...", "The Creative" and "Vremena goda".
In November 2007, the AST publishing house published the historical adventure novel The Ninth Spas, authored by Anatoly Brusnikin. Despite the fact that Brusnikin was hitherto unknown as an author, the publishing house spent a lot of money on an advertising campaign for the novel, which immediately gave rise to rumors that one of the famous Russian writers was hiding under the pseudonym Brusnikin.

Suspicion also fell on Boris Akunin. The textological and stylistic analysis of the novel allows us to trace some similarities with the language of Akunin and the literary devices used by him. This may mean both that Akunin is the author of the novel, and that he may have taken part in its creation. Moreover, A. O. Brusnikin is an anagram of the name Boris Akunin. AST also published a photo of Brusnikin, the person in which may resemble Boris Akunin in his youth. In an interview in absentia, Brusnikin claims that this is his real name, and that he is a historian - the author of a monograph, however, the monograph of the historian Anatoly Brusnikin does not appear in the catalogs of the RSL.
After the release of the novel, the writer Elena Chudinova accused AST of the fact that The Ninth Spas was an unsuccessful plagiarism from her novel The Casket, which had previously been offered to the publisher, but rejected by them, allegedly due to the commercial futility of the topic (adventurous fantasy novel, the action of which takes place in the 18th century). Elena Chudinova herself believes that The Ninth Spas was written by a team of "literary blacks", and the rumors about Akunin's authorship that appeared in the press are one of the publicity stunts.

Screen adaptations
* 2001 - Azazel (directed by Alexander Adabashyan)
* 2004 - Turkish Gambit (directed by Janik Fayziev)
* 2005 - State Councilor (directed by Philip Yankovsky)
* 2009 - Pelagia and the white bulldog (directed by Yuri Moroz)
* 2012 - Winter Queen (directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk) [screen adaptation of Azazel's novel]
* 2012 - Spy (directed by Alexei Andrianov) [screen adaptation of the work Spy Novel]

* Mishima Yukio "Golden Temple"
* Mishima Yukio "Confessions of a Mask"
*Mishima Yukio "Death in Midsummer"
* Mishima Yukio "Patriotism"
* Mishima Yukio "The Love of the Holy Elder from Shiga Shrine"
* Mishima Yukio "Sea and Sunset"
* Mishima Yukio "My friend Hitler"
* Mishima Yukio "Marquise de Sade"
* Mishima Yukio "Handan Pillow"
* Mishima Yukio Brocade Drum
* Mishima Yukio "Tombstone Komachi"
* Mishima Yukio "Sun and Steel"
* Mishima Yukio "Sounds of Water"

Political views of Boris Akunin
Grigory Chkhartishvili is known for his harsh statements and criticism of the Russian authorities. Thus, in an interview with the Libération newspaper, Chkhartishvili compared Putin to Emperor Caligula, “who preferred to be more feared than loved.”
The writer spoke of the Yukos case as "the most shameful page of the post-Soviet court." After the second sentence was handed down to M. Khodorkovsky and P. Lebedev in December 2010, he proposed a plan to “amputate” Russia.

After the announcement of the results of the elections to the State Duma (2011), Boris Akunin noted:
The main circus awaits us ahead. Now a candidate for life rulers will come to the fore. All rotten tomatoes will fly not to a fake party, but personally to him, dear and beloved. For three months, stupid sycophants from Putin's entourage will stimulate the population to vomit with their propaganda. And pay him, poor thing.
He will travel around the country, meet with voters. Give him a whistle, he loves it. And envy Muscovites. We have a wonderful opportunity to blow all the horns when the national leader races past paralyzed traffic flows. Du-doo, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Do you hear our voices? And then let the press secretary explain that these are the sounds of popular jubilation.

Inevitably, a situation will arise when the lower classes no longer want it, the upper classes have completely decomposed, and the money has run out. A buzz will begin in the country. It will be too late for you to leave in a good way, and you will order to shoot, and blood will be shed, but you will be thrown off anyway. I do not wish you the fate of Muammar Gaddafi, honestly. Would have cut it off while there was still time, huh? A plausible pretext is always found. Health problems, family circumstances, the appearance of the archangel. They would hand over the reins to the successor (you don’t know how otherwise), and he would take care of your calm old age. - Boris Akunin predicts the fate of Gaddafi to Putin, 12/06/2011.
In January 2012, Boris Akunin became one of the founders of the League of Voters, a socio-political organization whose goal is to control the observance of citizens' electoral rights.

Interesting facts about Boris Akunin
* In the book The Jack of Spades, one of the heroines for the duration of the "operation" is called "Princess Chkhartishvili" (Chkhartishvili - real name Akunina).
* Often in books with the participation of E. P. Fandorin, the name "Mobius" flashes. Some minor characters appear under this surname, and sometimes this surname simply appears on a sign with the name of a company (for example, an insurance office). What Mobius has in common is that they are always “behind the scenes”, that is, they either do not have any effect on the plot at all, or we learn about them from the words of other heroes.
* In the novel "Coronation" from the cycle about E. P. Fandorin, there is an English butler named Freyby. If you type his last name in English (while leaving the Russian keyboard layout enabled), you get the pseudonym of the author of the book.
* In most books from the series "The Adventures of Erast Fandorin" published by "Zakharov" (except for "State Counsellor", "Turkish Gambit", "Diamond Chariot") Boris Akunin's portrait is present on the first pages. He is portrayed as secondary characters novels.
* In the vast majority of Akunin's works there are English characters.


His real name is Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili. Russian writer, Japanese scholar, literary critic and translator. Boris Akunin publishes his artistic literary works under the pseudonym.

The writer was born from a Georgian father and a Jewish mother on May 20, 1956 in Georgia. Since 1958 he has been living in Moscow. In 1973 he graduated from English school No. 36. He graduated from the historical and philological department of the Institute of Asian and African Countries (MSU), has a diploma in Japanese history. Engaged in literary translation from Japanese and English. Chkhartishvili's translation was published by Japanese authors Yukio Mishima, Kenji Maruyama, Yasushi Inoue, Masahiko Shimada, Kobo Abe, Shinichi Hoshi, Takeshi Kaiko, Shohei Ooka, as well as representatives of American and English literature (Coragessan Boyle, Malcolm Bradbury, Peter Ustinov, etc.)

From 1994 to 2000, he worked as deputy editor-in-chief of the Foreign Literature magazine, editor-in-chief of the 20-volume Anthology of Japanese Literature, chairman of the board of the Pushkin Library megaproject (Soros Foundation).

Since 1998, Grigory Chkhartishvili has been writing fiction under the pseudonym Boris Akunin. The Japanese word "akunin" does not have an adequate translation into Russian. Roughly it can be translated as " evil person”, “robber”, “a person who does not follow the laws”, but this noble robber. More details about this word can be found in one of the books by B. Akunin (G. Chkhartishvili) "Diamond Chariot". Grigory Chkhartishvili publishes critical and documentary works under his real name.

In addition to the novels and stories from the New Detective series (The Adventures of Erast Fandorin), which brought him fame, Akunin created the Provincial Detective series (The Adventures of Sister Pelagia), The Adventures of the Master, Genres, and was the compiler of a collection of the most striking works of modern Western fiction writers "out of boredom".

Boris Akunin is the pseudonym of the real writer Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili, under which he writes his books. Born Gregory in Georgia in 1956 on May 20. His father is Georgian and his mother is Jewish. In 1958, the family goes to live in Moscow. He went to school (English), which he graduated in 1973. After - graduated from the Moscow State University. He was educated as a Japanese historian. Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili (Boris Akunin) became a Russian writer, literary critic, translator from Japanese and English.

Boris Akunin made translations of English and Japanese works of writers. With his help, translation and printing of such Japanese authors as Yasushi Inoue, Shohei Ooka, Kenji Maruyama and others were carried out. English and American writers did not go unnoticed either. Translated by Peter Ustinov, Coragessan Boyle and others.

From 1994 to 2000, Akunin worked hard at the Foreign Literature magazine as editor-in-chief. Under his leadership, a 20-volume collection of "Anthologies of Japanese Literature" was published. He made a direct contribution to the idea of ​​the "Pushkin Library".

Since 1998, for the first time, the author has published his book of prose under his pseudonym Akunin Boris. The word "Akunin", which the author took for his surname, does not have a normal translation from Japanese. Approximately it is translated as follows: a person who does not follow the laws, an evil person, a robber.

The writer became famous for his novel "The Adventures of Erast Fandorin". Boris is also the author of the series "Provincial Detective", "Genres" and "Adventures of the Master".

Boris Akunin (full real name Georgy Shalvovich Chkhartishvili) is a famous and talented writer, whose name is well known today both in Russia and abroad. His books have been translated into dozens of languages, and many of his novels have already been filmed. Such facts inspire respect.

But what else do we know about the life and work of this bright and interesting writer? How did his literary career start? And at what stage is she now? In order to shed light on all these questions, today we will try to look into the past of the great writer. After all, where, if not there, to look for the truth about this or that person?

Early years, childhood and the family of Boris Akunin

Grigory Chkhartishvili (namely, this is the real name of Boris Akunin) was born into the Georgian-Jewish family of Shalva Chkhartishvili and Berta Isaakovna Brazinskaya. The father of our today's hero was an artillery officer, and my mother devoted almost her entire life to studying and teaching the Russian language and literature.

Despite the fact that the small town of Zestafoni is the hometown of the Georgian writer, he practically did not live in the Caucasus. Already in 1958, when our today's hero was only two years old, his family moved to live in Moscow, where he subsequently spent almost the entire life of the now famous writer.

In the Russian capital, Georgy attended secondary school No. 36, which was distinguished by in-depth study of the English language, and after receiving a diploma, he began to study at the historical and philological department of Moscow State University (Faculty of Asian and African Countries). What caused such an unusual choice is not known for certain today. However, Japanese and Asian notes are easily distinguishable in almost all the works of our today's hero.

Having received a diploma in Japanese history, the future writer began working as a translator on English and Japanese texts. At that time, in the translation of George Chkhartishvili, a whole lot of books by such well-known authors in Japan as Masahiko Shimada, Mishima Yukio, Shohei Ooka, Yasushi Inoue, Kenji Maruyama and many others were published. In addition, our today's hero had a hand in the creation of Russian-language adaptations of novels by Malcolm Bradbury, T. Coragessan Boyle, and Peter Ustinov.

Boris Akunin. About his book History Russian state. Part of Europe"

During this period, "Boris Akunin" studied the writing style of other authors, and also hatched plans to create his own literary works.

However, in the first place during this period, for him, there were still more mundane things. In 1994, our today's hero took over as editor-in-chief of the Foreign Literature publication, and also began working on the twenty-volume (!) Anthology of Japanese Literature. In addition, with the support of the well-known Soros Foundation, Georgy Chkhartishvili began working on the large-scale Pushkin Library project.

Literary creativity of Boris Akunin

In 1998, our today's hero begins to write his own fiction novels. Similar works are published under the pseudonym "B. Akunin. It is quite remarkable that the decoding of "B" as "Boris" will appear much later, when the writer begins to give interviews frequently. In turn, the surname "Akunin" is translated only as "scoundrel." One of the heroes of Giorgi Chkhartishvili speaks about this in the novel "The Diamond Chariot".

It is also quite interesting that the first book written by the author is the project “Writer and Suicide”, which was completed in 1997, but was published only two years later (published under the name of Georgy Chkhartishvili). The first work of the author, published under the pseudonym "Boris Akunin", was the sensational novel "Azazel", which became very popular almost immediately after publication.

Such success allowed the writer to leave his former job and devote himself entirely to literary creativity. Thanks to this, the following year, three new books by Boris Akunin saw the light at once - The Turkish Gambit, Leviathan, and The Death of Achilles. The unifying link of all these works was the personality of the protagonist - Erast Fandorin, who later became one of the permanent characters moving from one book of the writer to another.

Boris Akunin's performance at Bolotnaya

Returning to the topic literary works Akunin, we note that our today's hero managed to demonstrate impressive productivity also in 1999, when three more new novels from the cycle about Erast Fandorin appeared on the shelves of bookstores (“Jack of Spades”, “Decorator”, “State Councilor”) . Giorgi Chkhartishvili was able to somewhat move away from the image of his beloved character only a year later - in 2000. During this period, he began two new cycles of novels - The Adventures of the Master, as well as The Provincial Detective (with the nun Pelagia as the central acting character).

In the subsequent career of the writer, several directions in his work clearly stood out. So, works of art our today's hero wrote under the pseudonym Boris Akunin; and published documentary and critical works exclusively under his own name. In addition, relatively recently, the Georgian writer admitted that it was he who published his novels in the past under the pseudonyms Anatoly Brusnikin and Anna Borisova.

Political views, Boris Akunin today

Grigory Chkhartishvili has repeatedly spoken out critically against operating system Russian authorities. So, in particular, in one of his interviews, he called Vladimir Putin the emperor Caligula, "who prefers to be more afraid than loved." In addition, he repeatedly spoke about his negative attitude towards the idea of ​​an "eternal ruler".

In January 2012, our today's hero became one of the founders of the League of Voters public organization, which was engaged in protecting the rights of citizens to fair and unbiased elections.

Personal life of Boris Akunin

The author's first wife was Japanese by nationality. Her name, as well as an indication of the type of activity, is extremely rare in Russian-language sources. It is only known that the couple lived together for about four years. Currently, George Chkhartishvili is happily married to a woman named Erika Ernestovna. The wife of a famous Georgian-Russian writer works as a proofreader and translator. They don't have children.

MOSCOW, December 22 - RIA Novosti. The new novel by Boris Akunin "The whole world is a theater" comes out on Tuesday, December 22.

The following is a biography of Boris Akunin.

Fictionist, orientalist, literary critic and translator Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili, known under the pseudonym Boris Akunin, was born on May 20, 1956 in the small town of Zestafoni (Georgia) into a family of employees.

In 1958, the family moved to Moscow and since then Chkhartishvili has been living in the capital.

In 1973 he graduated from the English School No. 36, in 1979 - the historical and philological department of the Institute of Asian and African Countries (MGU), where he received a diploma in Japanese history. After graduation, he was engaged in literary translation from Japanese and English.

Chkhartishvili's translation was published by Japanese authors Yukio Mishima, Kenji Maruyama, Yasushi Inoue, Masahiko Shimada, Kobo Abe, Shinichi Hoshi, Takeshi Kaiko, Shohei Ooka, as well as representatives of American and English literature (Coragessan Boyle, Malcolm Bradbury, Peter Ustinov, etc.) .

In 1979 - 1986, Grigory Chkhartishvili worked at the publishing house "Russian Language".

From 1986 to 2000 he worked in the journal "Foreign Literature" - head of the journalism department until 1994, and after - deputy chief editor of the journal "Foreign Literature". In early October 2000, he left the publishing house to deal exclusively with fiction.

Boris Akunin was the editor-in-chief of the 20-volume Anthology of Japanese Literature, chairman of the board of the Pushkin Library megaproject (Soros Foundation). He is one of the compilers of the 100-volume edition, which includes the best works of Russian literature, starting with The Tale of Bygone Years and ending with the works of contemporary authors.

In the late 1990s, Chkhartishvili began a series of novels and short stories "The Adventures of Erast Fandorin" (the first novel "Azazel"), which became a notable phenomenon in Russian fiction at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Since 1998, Grigory Chkhartishvili has been writing fiction under the pseudonym "Boris Akunin". The Japanese word "akunin", according to the writer himself, does not have an adequate translation into Russian. Approximately it can be translated as "an evil person", "a robber", "a person who does not follow the laws." He publishes critical and literary works under his real name.

In addition to the novels and stories from the New Detective series (The Adventures of Erast Fandorin), which brought him fame, Akunin created the Provincial Detective series (The Adventures of Sister Pelagia), The Adventures of the Master, and Genres. He is the author of the criminal-parody continuation of the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Seagull" and the cycle of parody prose "Tales for Idiots", since 2001 he has been leading the book series "The Cure for Boredom" in the publishing house "Foreign Literature", the author of the monograph "The Writer and Suicide".

At the end of 2007, Akunin's book "Death to Brotherhood" was published - the name of a cycle of 10 stories in the experimental genre of "Romance Cinema". In May 2009, the novel "The Falcon and the Swallow" about treasures and pirates went on sale.

A new novel about Erast Fandorin "The whole world is a theater" will be the thirteenth book of Boris Akunin's fandoriana.

Boris Akunin is one of the most widely read authors in contemporary Russia.

Media called Akunin one of the most published authors in Russia, noting that in the first half of 2008 the total circulation of his works amounted to about 1.3 million copies. The media also wrote about the high fees of Chkhartishvili the fiction writer.

According to Forbes magazine, from July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005, Akunin earned $ 2 million, the next year, according to the same Forbes, turned out to be worse - $ 1.2 million.

Akunin's books have been translated into 35 languages ​​and published in Italy, Spain, France, Japan, Germany, Finland, and the Netherlands.

Based on his works, the films "Azazel", "Turkish Gambit", "State Councilor" were shot.

In September 2000, at the Moscow Book Fair, he was named Russian Writer of the Year.

Winner of the Antibooker-2000 award for the best prose work "Coronation".

Winner of the contest "Persons of the Year", organized by the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", in the nomination "Writer of the Year" (2000).

Winner of the national television competition "TEFI-2002" in the nomination "best screenwriter" for the script of the film "Azazel" (ORT).

For his contribution to the development of cultural ties between Russia and Japan, the Japanese Foreign Ministry Foundation awarded Grigory Chkhartishvili the 2009 Prize.

In May 2009, the Government of Japan awarded Grigory Chkhartishvili the state award of the country - the Order of the Rising Sun.

Citizenship (citizenship) Occupation novelist, playwright, translator, literary critic Direction postmodernism Genre detective, historical fiction Language of works Russian Awards Works on the site Files at Wikimedia Commons Quotations on Wikiquote

Boris Akunin(real name Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili, cargo. გრიგორი შალვას ძე ჩხარტიშვილი ; genus. May 20, 1956, Zestaponi, Georgian SSR, USSR) - Russian writer, Japanese scientist, literary critic, translator, public figure. Also published under literary pseudonyms Anna Borisova And Anatoly Brusnikin.


Grigory Chkhartishvili was born into the family of an artillery officer, participant in the Great Patriotic War, holder of the Order of the Red Star Shalva Noevich Chkhartishvili (1919-1997) and a graduate of the philological faculty of Moscow State University, teacher of Russian language and literature Berta Isaakovna Brazinskaya (1921, Moscow - 2007, ibid.) . My father was a native of the village of Tsikhisperdi (now the Ozurgeti municipality), he finished the war with the rank of major; the mother's family came from Tarashcha. In 1958 the family moved to Moscow. In 1973 he graduated from school number 36 with an in-depth study of the English language, and in 1978 - the Faculty of History and Philology (MSU). He was engaged in literary translation from Japanese and English, Japanese authors Mishima Yukio, Kenji Maruyama, Yasushi Inoue, Masahiko Shimada, Kobo Abe, Shinichi Hoshi, Takeshi Kaiko, Shohei Ooka, as well as representatives of American and English literature (T. Koragessan) were published in his translation Boyle, Malcolm Bradbury, Peter Ustinov, etc.).

He worked as deputy editor-in-chief of the Foreign Literature magazine (1994-2000), editor-in-chief of the 20-volume Anthology of Japanese Literature, chairman of the board of the Pushkin Library megaproject (Soros Foundation). Since 1998 he has been writing fiction under the pseudonym "B. Akunin. Deciphering "B" as "Boris" appeared a few years later, when the writer began to be interviewed frequently. The Japanese word "akunin" (jap. 悪人), according to one of literary heroes Chkhartishvili (in the novel "Diamond Chariot"), translated as "scoundrel, villain", but of gigantic proportions, in other words, an outstanding personality standing on the side of evil. He publishes critical and documentary works under his real name.

In addition to the novels and stories from the New Detective series (The Adventures of Erast Fandorin), which brought him fame, Akunin created the Provincial Detective series (The Adventures of Sister Pelagia), The Adventures of the Master, Genres, and was the compiler of the Medicine boredom ". In 2000, Akunin was nominated for the Booker-Smirnoff Award for his novel The Coronation, or The Last of the Novels, but was not among the finalists. At the same time, in the same year he was nominated and became the winner of the Antibooker Prize with the Coronation. In 2003, Azazel was shortlisted by the British Crime Writers Association for the Golden Dagger section.

Works and translations

Series "Genres"

Features of creativity

Boris Akunin in April 2016

Boris Akunin in his books makes interesting references to historical events, recursions and verbal turns:



Akunin's success does not surprise me. Nothing can surprise me anymore. Today, the cinema audience, and indeed the reading public, has changed dramatically. Sixty percent of moviegoers are teenagers. Twenty-five are office dope, thirty-year-old yuppies whose level of development is even lower than that of teenagers. Now they read only what is included in the gentleman's set: Murakami, Coelho, Akunin, Dontsova and so on. Akunin is not historical novels, this is pseudo-history. For me, as a member of the Union of Soviet Readers, as a person who reads a lot and easily navigates even in the current ocean of published literature, it is boring to read.
I know Akunin-Chkhartishvili. He is a 100% Westerner, a 100% globalist and a 100% right-wing liberal. All his novels - I have already written about this and I insist on this now - are ideological through and through. In much more, for example, than Gorky's sentimental "Mother" or Kochetov's naive warning novel "What do you want?" This is all the more curious because to date Akunin is the only really successful "liberal" project.

The main circus awaits us ahead. Now a candidate for life rulers will come to the fore. All rotten tomatoes will fly not to a fake party, but personally to him, dear and beloved. For three months, stupid sycophants from Putin's entourage will stimulate the population to vomit with their propaganda. And pay him, poor thing.

He will travel around the country, meet with voters. Give him a whistle, he loves it. And envy Muscovites. We have a wonderful opportunity to blow all the horns when the national leader races past paralyzed traffic flows. Du-doo, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Do you hear our voices? And then let the press secretary explain that these are the sounds of popular jubilation.

Inevitably, a situation will arise when the lower classes no longer want it, the upper classes have completely decomposed, and the money has run out. The country will begin to booze. It will be too late for you to leave in a good way, and you will order to shoot, and blood will be shed, but you will still be thrown off. I do not wish you the fate of Muammar Gaddafi, honestly. Would have cut it off while there was still time, huh? A plausible pretext is always found. Health problems, family circumstances, the appearance of the archangel. They would hand over the reins to the successor (you don’t know how otherwise), and he would take care of your calm old age.

In January 2012, Grigory Chkhartishvili became one of the founders of the socio-political organization League of Voters, the purpose of which is to control the observance of the electoral rights of citizens. In the same year, he acted as a commentator on the political situation in the film Swamp Fever.


  1. open data platform - 2011.
  2. Boris Akunin
  3. Award list of Sh. N. Chkhartishvili (1943)
  4. B. I. Brazinskaya (1921-2007)
  5. O. A. Sukhorukova "Family Chronicles": Mother's parents - participant in the Civil War Isaak Solomonovich Faingold (1891-1975) and teacher Tsilya Grigoryevna Brazinskaya (1899-?). B. I. Brazinskaya was in her first marriage married to the poet Yuri Abramovich Okunev (1919-1988).
  6. Boris Akunin "Family Gathering"
  7. Who are you, Mr. Akunin?
  8. Akunin: Erast Fandorin may soon become the hero of a British television series. // © Yle Uutiset = Yle News Service. = Website of the TV and radio company Yleisradio Oy ( October 24, 2015. (Retrieved April 15, 2016)
  9. Boris Akunin: "I have never written spy novels in the 'calm down, Dunkel' genre", Izvestia (December 23, 2004). Retrieved April 15, 2012.