The workbook on the subject Literary reading in the second grade (authors Boykina M.V., Vinogradskaya L.A.) has something in common with the textbook and makes up a set for the Russian school program. Unlike textbooks, a workbook does not have a first or second part. The first part of the textbook corresponds to the topics up to the middle of the workbook, the second - after the middle.

Often literary reading, or rather, assignments on this subject, confuse second-grade students, because in order to answer correctly, one must not only read the work, but also be able to reason. Unfortunately, not all teachers teach to do this in the classroom, but you need to do homework and it remains only to use ready-made homework - GDZ. It would be nice if, in addition to cheating, the child still tried to reason on his own, this will come in handy in older grades, not only in literary reading lessons.

So, 7 gurus have prepared for you the answers to the tasks of the workbook for the second grade, the authors of this Boykina, Vinogadskaya. All answers are checked by the teacher, you can safely write off.

GDZ to the workbook literary reading for grade 2

E. Charushin - Tomka got scared.

Answers to page 6

  • Restore the sequence of events in the text. Put the numbers in the right order.

1 I took him hunting with me.
2 Tomka chases butterflies, chases dragonflies.
3 Only can't catch anyone.
4 I ran closer, but the cow is no longer the size of a sparrow - it seems to be as tall as a cat

  • Did you like the hero or not? Describe Tomka.

I liked Tomka. He is still a small, cute, unintelligent, shy puppy.

  • Ask yourself questions about the text you read. Start them with the words:

Who took Tomka hunting?
Who woke up Tomka?

Why was Tomka afraid of the cow?
Why did the cow seem small to Tomka?

  • Retell the text in detail. First, underline the words in the text that you will
    use, describe the events that took place.

When Tomka was quite small puppy, I took him with myself hunting. Let it get used to.

Here we go with him. Tomka chases butterflies, chases dragonflies. Catching grasshoppers. Barks at birds. Only can't catch anyone. Everyone is flying away. He ran ran - so tired that stuck his nose in a bump and asleep. Still small. And I feel sorry for waking him up.

Half an hour passed. A bumblebee has arrived. Bunchit, flies over Tomkin's ear. Tomka woke up. Twisted awake looked who it is such interferes with sleep? He did not notice the bumblebee, but he saw a cow and ran to her. And the cow was grazing far away-far And must be seemed to Tomka very small, no more sparrow.

Tomka runs to bite the cow, lifted the tail up - he has never seen a cow before. I ran closer, and the cow not with a sparrow - looks like a cat. There is a little Tomka here quietly ran, and the cow not like a cat, but grew up with a goat. Tom was scared. He did not come close and sniffs: what kind of animal is this?

At that time the cow moved She must have been bitten by someone. And Tomka ran away from her!

Since then he and close not suitable for cows.

  • Define the main idea.

This beautiful world is fraught with many discoveries for the curious.

  • Make a plan.

1. First hunt.
2. Tomka fell asleep.
3. Annoying bumblebee.
4. The transformation of a cow.
5. Tomka's plan failed.

GDZ site to pages 7-11 The greatest miracle in the world

Page 7-9

It is filled in according to the works read, each has its own answer.

Answers to pages 10 - 11 Our projects. Why am I interested in going to the library

  • Make a plan for a story about books that were in antiquity. Use the materials
    textbook on pages 8-9.

The first book in the history of mankind - cave paintings.
However, even drawings are not easy to make, and over time, people began to simplify them to letters.
The first books were not at all like the ones we read today.
In the Middle Ages, books were made from wooden boards covered in leather or fabric. Some of them even had clasps.
The Sumerians were the first to create schools where they made books from clay. The lesson began with kneading the clay for the tablets. Then, until the clay hardened, the text was written on it with wooden sticks.
In addition, ancient people wrote on fragile papyri. Papyrus is a reed from which paper rolled into scrolls was obtained.
Then people learned to make thin parchment from leather. They also wrote on birch bark.
Now books are made from paper, but few people know that paper first appeared in China, and the Chinese have kept it a secret for centuries. Was
introduced even the death penalty for disclosure of secrets.
With the acquisition of paper, the creation of a book became no less time-consuming. Line by line, the scribe wrote it out by hand. Books were very expensive and in libraries they were chained to a shelf.
Only with the advent of printing did books become accessible and inexpensive. Ivan Fedorov was the first book printer in Rus'.
Now paper books are often replaced by e-books. But we will treat printed books with care.

  • Ask friends, parents, acquaintances: do they go to the library? Put your survey data in a table. Specify the total number of people with whom you spoke.

Visit the library (number of people) 15
Do not visit the library (number of people) 3

  • Discuss with friends why going to the library is fun.
  • Choose the appropriate answers:

No home library can hold as many books as a children's library;
+ in the library you can meet friends, classmates, acquaintances;
+ the library hosts children's holidays, meetings with writers and poets;
+ in the library you can independently learn how to bind books, repair them;
+ There are interesting magazines and newspapers in the library.

Do you know how to behave in the reading room? Choose an answer:
+ quietly ask questions to the librarian, consult with him;
+ look for a book on a themed shelf.

GDZ to pp. 12-29 Oral folk art

Page 12-13

  • Indicate which of the books are oral folk art.

∨ Vladimir Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people
∨ Dawn-lightning. Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, riddles,
∨ Russian folk rhymes, jokes,
∨ Rainbow-arc.

  • Make a list of books with a friend that can be placed in the exhibition "Oral Folk Art". Use the thematic directory.

Russian folk tales. Proverbs and sayings. Puzzles. Jokes and jokes.
Folk lyric songs. Legends. Epics. Spiritual verses. Ballads. Jokes.
Chastushki. Fables. Tongue Twisters. Lullaby songs.

  • Collect proverbs

What works, such and fruits.
You have to bend down to drink from the stream.
A small deed is better than a big idleness.
If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.
Patience and hard work will grind everything.
People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the acquired craft.
While iron is at work, even rust does not take it.

  • Write down your favorite proverb about work, diligence. Explain its meaning.

Patience and hard work will grind everything. Meaning: patience and perseverance will overcome all obstacles and obstacles. They say when they want to encourage someone in the face of difficulties,
Remind yourself that nothing happens all of a sudden. We must not retreat and not give up, but continue to stubbornly achieve our goal.

Page 14

  • In what sources of information could you find other proverbs about labor? Choose

∨ on the Internet;
∨ in the collection “Proverbs of the Russian people”;
∨ mother or grandmother;
∨ in explanatory dictionary(as an example)

  • Read Russian folk songs in the textbook "Literary Reading" on page 16.
    Underline the words that describe birch.

My birch, birch,
My birch white,
Birch curly!
standing you birch,
In the middle of the valley;
On you, birch,
Leaves are green;
Under you, birch,
Silky grass...

  • Read a poem by F. Prokofiev about a birch. Underline the words that help to represent the birch.

I love Russian birch
That light, That sad,
In a white dress,
With handkerchiefs in pockets
With beautiful clasps
With green earrings.
Love her elegant,
That clear, seething,
That sad, weeping.
I love Russian birch
She is always with her friends
Bent low under the wind
AND bends but doesn't break!

A. Prokofiev.

  • Describe a birch.

White birch, weeping, curly, clear, ebullient, sad, light.

Page 15

  • Discuss with a friend why the birch is the symbol of Russia.

Birch is a tree of truly Russian nature. Her beauty is so striking that people, thinking about Russia, immediately imagine a white birch.

  • What words are often used in lullabies? Add.

Bayu-bayu-bai, sleep, the sun rises, the calm will take you, tired toys sleep, bayu-bayu, do not lie down on the edge, a gray top will come, it's time to sleep, close your eyes, good night, the moon looks clear.

  • Try writing your own lullaby. Don't forget the words that
    lullabies are often used. The endings of the words must match in sound,
    rhyme. Lullabies sound soft, melodious.

The gulls have arrived
Sit down, sit down
The song was sung:
"Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie on the edge.
You will sleep very soundly -
We'll come back often."

  • Find information about nursery rhymes and jokes in various sources.
    Try to use the Internet.
    In any search engine (Rambler, Yandex, Mail) type the words you are interested in

JOY, JOY. Read about these works of oral folk art.
ROYAL WORD - a small poem or song that allows you to encourage a child to act in a playful way, while simultaneously performing massage, physical exercises. ("Magpie-crow").

JESUS ​​- a poetic short funny story that a mother tells her baby ("Owl is a big head").

Page 16

  • Come up with your own nursery rhymes about a puppy ABOUT, SLEEPING, PLAYING.

playful puppy

My puppy is playing with me
Loudly, joyfully he barks.
He is looking for friends
Play with him soon!

sleeping puppy

Here the puppy is tired of playing -
Rest is important for all of us!
He lay down, buried his nose in his paws.
- Sleep, my friend, shaggy.

snooty puppy

My cheeky puppy
Twisted like a top.
Loudly, joyfully barked,
He made everyone play with him.

  • First, choose words that will help you see, for example, a playful puppy.

Playful: Cheerful, lively, looking for friends, barks happily.
Sleeper: Tired, it is important to rest, buried in his paws, sleep, my friend.
Cocky: Spinning around like a top, barking, forced to play.

  • Remember the purpose for which nursery rhymes are composed.
    Start a nursery rhyme, for example, with the words "A cheerful puppy gnaws a bone loudly." Pick up to last word rhyme.

A cheerful puppy gnaws a bone loudly,
He gnaws the bone loudly, but does not give it to the kitten.
You, puppy, do not be stingy
And share with your friends.

  • Find information about fiction. What didn't you know before? What sources helped you find interesting facts?
    Discuss with a friend where the word FABULOUS comes from.

Fable - a genre of oral folk art, a prose or poetic narrative, as a rule, of comic content, based on the plot of which
there is an absurdity.
Before, I didn't know that "fairy tales" are called "fabulous" in a different way.
Interesting Facts help to find dictionaries, reference books, the Internet.
The word "fiction" comes from the word "fiction", something that was not, could not happen in reality.

  • Read Y. Entin's poem. Is the poem false? Bring

Page 17

I bought a talking cat from the bird market
But he didn’t know yet what would happen to him a solid maeta.
My cat ran away from home and came to kindergarten,
He sang the song "Chunga-Changa" for thirty-three hours in a row!

Fables, Fables
Crossing all boundaries!
So what? So what?
Reality and fiction are so similar!

On Sunday at half past one the Martian flew in,
Phoned and wanted to meet.
I was filming a movie and couldn't go to it.
We, famous artists, do not need Martians!

Fables, Fables
Crossing all boundaries!
So what? So what?
Reality and fiction are so similar!

I recently invented an apparatus for picking cranberries,
Everyone shook my hand and shouted: “You are an eagle!”
I then flew up into the sky and sat on the edge.
I wrote this song for you and now I sing it!

Fables, Fables
Crossing all boundaries!
So what? So what?
Reality and fiction are so similar!

Y. Entin's poem is a fiction, because it speaks of absolutely impossible events in life: a talking cat, a Martian, the author takes off into the sky and sits on the edge.

Answers to pages 18 - 23 Game. We compose a fiction

Page 18

  • The lines of the poem are divided into two parts. The first words of each line are written
    on the left and continued on the right. The task of the players is to connect the first and second parts so that
    to make it a lie.

An angry boar sat on a branch,
The steamer languished in a cage,
The nightingale sharpened its fangs,
The porcupine was honking.
The cat taught physics
Masha caught her tail.
Pinocchio sewed his pants,
The tailor ate all the pancakes.
The hedgehog was covered for dinner,
Chizh moved his mustache,
Cancer flew under the clouds
The table was chasing mice.
The kettle jumped in the yard,
The boy gurgled on the fire.

  • Continue to make up tall tales with a friend.

The song played chess
The girl was loud.
An elephant flew in the sky
The jungle goose ran away.

Page 19

  • Read riddles. Guess them. In riddles, underline the words that help to guess what or who is being discussed.

In the summer wanders without a road
Between pines and birches
A winter He sleeping in a den,
Hiding your nose from the cold.

Him big ears,
He is obedient to his master.
And although it is small,
But drives like a truck.

He has four paws
A pair of sensitive ears
He - thunderstorm mice.

  • Find a collection of riddles at home or in the library. Write down some of your favorite puzzles.

A notebook in a school bag
And what kind of notebook is a mystery.
The student will receive an assessment in it,
And in the evening she will show her mother ... (diary)

On the page of the Primer
Thirty-three heroes.
Wise men-bogatyrs
Every literate knows.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won't get into the house
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.

Oh don't touch me
I'll burn without fire.

  • Organize a competition "Who knows more riddles" with your friends.

Page 20-21

  • Read proverbs and sayings. What do they talk about, what is the theme of each of them?
    Can we say that all these proverbs and sayings are about the seasons? Divide them into groups by topic. Complete your groups with proverbs and sayings from the textbook "Literary Reading" (pages 26 - 27). In what other source of information can proverbs and sayings be found?

1. About spring:

1) The swallow begins spring, the nightingale ends.
1) Whoever does not lie down in the spring will be full all year.
1) Whoever sleeps in the spring freezes in the winter.
1) Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.
1) March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.
1) New Year- to the spring turn.
1) Spring is red and hungry; autumn is rainy, but full.
1) Spring and autumn - eight weather days.
1) Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July.

2) In winter, without a fur coat, it’s not shameful, but cold; and in a fur coat without bread - and warm, but hungry.
2) You can’t store in the summer, you won’t bring it in the winter.
2) What is born in the summer will come in handy in the winter.
2) Whoever sleeps in the spring freezes in the winter.
2) In the summer you will work up, in the winter you will get hungry.
2) There will be winter - there will be summer.
2) December is the hat of winter, July is the crown of summer.
2) New Year - turn towards spring.
2) January - the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.
2) In November, winter fights with autumn.
2) Summer is a store, winter is a trap.
2) December ends the year, and winter begins.
2) The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

3. About autumn:

3) Autumn will come, he will ask for everything.
3) Chickens are counted in the fall.
3) There is no turn from autumn to summer.
3) Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.
3) November - September's grandson, October's son, winter's brother.
3) Spring is red and hungry; autumn is rainy, but full.
3) Spring and autumn - eight weather days.
3) In November, winter fights with autumn.

4) There is no summer twice a year.
4) You can’t store in the summer, you won’t bring it in the winter.
4) What is born in the summer will come in handy in the winter.
4) In the summer you will work up, in the winter you will get hungry.
4) There is no turn from autumn to summer.
4) There will be winter - there will be summer.
4) December is the hat of winter, July is the crown of summer.
4) Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July.
4) Summer is a store, winter is a trap.

All proverbs (except for the proverb "Do not shine like a month, but everything is not the sun", which must be attributed to the time of day) tell about the seasons.

Proverbs and sayings can be found in various collections with the same name, on the Internet, learn from elders.

  • What proverb or saying did you like the most? Explain its meaning.

I liked the proverb "There is no summer twice a year". Its meaning is that summer happens only once a year. Figurative meaning: One should not wait for something that has already been and has passed.

  • What proverb do you not understand?

New Year - to spring turn.

Page 22

  • Learn fairy tales. Write the names of Russian folk tales.

"Baba Yaga", "By the Pike's Command", "The Frog Princess", "Sivka Burka".

Page 23

  • Find the collection "Tales of Russian Writers" in the home or school library. What fairy tales have you read? Write down their names and surnames of authors. Are there among them the fairy tale of V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower"?, Which of the heroes says the words: "Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east ..."?

I found a collection of "Tales of Russian writers. Primary School. Grade 1-4". Publishing house "Dragonfly", 2016. I read the following works from this collection: D. Mamin-Sibiryak "The Gray Neck", P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof", V. Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik".

The words "Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east ..." belong to the girl Zhenya from the fairy tale by V.P. Kataeva "Flower-seven-flower", in whose hands a magic flower with multi-colored petals fell.

  • Discuss with a friend what important folk tales teach.

Fairy tales are meant to be more than just entertainment. She talks about the extremely important in life, teaches to be kind and fair, sensitive and sympathetic; protect the weak; find a way out of the most difficult situations, overcome difficulties, resist evil, come to the aid of a friend; be patient, persistent, brave; respect the elders, do not offend the younger ones; love your country.

  • Compose small message on the topic "What fairy tales teach."
    Start with the words: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!"

"A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!" - says in "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by A. S. Pushkin. And this statement is true. Fairy tales help us to believe in ourselves and our strengths, overcome difficulties, cultivate fortitude, courage and courage. They teach children kindness and patience, compassion and forgiveness; help adults look at themselves. Fairy tales are ours best friends and advisers in the most difficult situations. Fairy-tale heroes by their actions they teach us to distinguish truth from lies, good from evil. The meaning of a fairy tale never lies on the surface, but its "hints" contain the age-old wisdom of the people.

Answers to page 24 Fear has big eyes

  • Look carefully at the illustration on page 36 of the textbook. Who is depicted on it?
    What text matches the illustration? Write it down.

The illustration depicts an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a chick hen, a mouse and a bunny.

Words from the text to the illustration: "A hare jumped, and right under our water carriers' feet.
They were frightened, they threw the buckets and ran home.

  • What could happen before the events depicted in the figure, what could happen after

Before the event depicted in the figure, the water carriers returned home, each with their own bucket, but the wind came up, shook the apple tree, and the apple fell on the forehead of the bunny sitting under the tree, which frightened him, he jumped out and right under the feet of the water carriers, which frightened them.

After what is depicted in the illustration, the following events took place: the water carriers who had abandoned their buckets ran home, and out of fear, the grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind her back, the hen flew onto the stove, and the mouse hid under the stove.

  • Divide the text into parts, title them.

Water carriers.
For water.
Meeting with a bunny.
"Fear has big eyes".

  • Restore the sequence of events in the story.

For water
Oh, trouble, trouble!
Hurry home!
The timid and the shadow are frightening.

  • From each part, write out the key words that will help restore the text as a whole.

Part one: Once upon a time.
Part two: We went for water, buckets, took water.
Part three: They are going back, they got water, the bunny was sitting under the apple tree, the breeze, the bunny jumped under their feet, they got scared, they threw the buckets.
Part Four: A bear, a terrible wolf, a fox crept up, a mustachioed cat, here are passions, fear has large eyes: what is not there, they see it.

  • Retell the story using illustrations and supporting words.

Once upon a time there lived a grandmother, a granddaughter, a chicken and a mouse.

Every day they fetched water, each with their own bucket.

They go back home, they collected water, through the garden in which the apple tree grew. And under the apple tree, the bunny sat. A breeze flew up, shook the tree, the apple and bounced off the bunny in the forehead. The hare jumped right under the feet of the water carriers. They were frightened, they threw the buckets and ran home.

Out of fear, the grandmother imagined the bear, the granddaughter - the wolf, the hen - the fox, and the mouse - the mustachioed cat. And for a hare in the forest - four hunters with dogs. That's passion! Fear has big eyes: what is not there, they see it.

Answers site to page 25 Fox and crane

Fox and crane

The fox and the crane became friends.
So the fox decided to treat the crane, went to invite him to visit her:
- Come, kumanek, come, dear! I'll feed you!
The crane went to the invited feast. And the fox boiled semolina porridge and spread it on a plate.
Served and regales:
- Eat, my dear kumanek, - she cooked herself.
The crane knock-knock with his nose on the plate, knocked, knocked - nothing hits!
And the fox licks herself and licks the porridge, so she ate everything herself.
She ate porridge and says:
- Do not blame me, kumanek! There is nothing more to eat.
The crane answers her:
The next day, the fox comes to the crane, and he prepared okroshka, put it in a jug of
narrow neck, put it on the table and says:
The fox began to spin around the jug. And so he will come in, and so on, and lick him, and
sniffs something, - he can’t get it in any way: his head won’t fit into the jug.
And the crane pecks at itself and pecks until it has eaten everything.
- Well, do not blame me, godfather! Nothing else to eat!
Annoyance took the fox. I thought that I would eat for a whole week, but I went home - not salty
slurped. As backfired, so it responded!
Since then, the friendship between the fox and the crane has been apart.

  • Identify and connect with an arrow the words that most accurately speak about the characters.

Fox ⇒ cunning, Crane ⇒ smart.

  • Write a plan for a story about a fox and a crane.

1. The fox and the crane became friends.
2. An invited feast at the fox.
3. Return visit.
4. Friendship ends.

  • Can a fox and a crane be friends? Discuss with a friend. Write down the answer and explain
    his words from the text.

The fox and the crane cannot be called friends, because they did not make concessions, did not want to know each other's habits and compromise.

"As it backfired, so it responded!"

  • What is the main idea of ​​the tale? Pick an answer.

How you treat is how you will be treated.

Answers to page 26 Geese-swans

  • Restore the sequence of events in the story. What is missing? Add.

Lived once...
Geese-swans flew in, picked up the boy.
The girl rushed to catch up with the swan geese.
Eat my rye pie - I'll tell you.
Eat my forest apple - I'll tell you.
Eat my simple jelly with milk - I'll tell you.
In the hut, the old Baba Yaga is spinning a tow.
Baba Yaga gave the girl a spindle, and she left.
The girl took her brother and ran.
Geese-swans, fly in pursuit!
River, mother, hide me!
Apple tree, mother, hide me!
Stove, mother, hide me!
And then my father and mother came.

  • Write a story about a girl. Answer the questions. What else would you like to ask?

Tell us what we learned about the girl at the beginning of the story.
Tell me what happened to her.
- Explain why she refused to fulfill the requests of the stove, river, apple tree.
- Tell us what heroes of the fairy tale the girl met.
- Tell me who came to her aid.
- Explain the meaning of the proverb "The beginning is not expensive, but the end is expensive." Can this proverb
correlate with the actions of the girl in the fairy tale?

At the beginning of the tale, the girl disobeyed her parents, who strictly forbade her to leave the yard. The girl began to play and carelessly forgot that she should take care of her brother. The swan geese took her brother away. The girl rushed in pursuit, meeting wonderful helpers on the way: a stove, an apple tree, a milky river, but fastidiously refused their requests.

Friends come to her aid when she respects them: she yields to the requests of the river, apple tree and stove - she drinks jelly, eats an apple, a pie and says "thank you" to them for the treats.

The proverb "The beginning is not expensive, but the end is expensive" can be correlated with the girl's actions. At first she played too much and did not keep track of her brother. Rushing to save him, she did not fulfill the requests of the stove, apple tree and milk river, offending those who came to her aid in trouble. As a result, the girl saved her brother from Baba Yaga, accepted treats, protection and help from friends and returned to her parents.

I would also ask:

What did the girl understand for herself, having passed all the tests.

Answers to page 27 Literary quiz. Learn the fairy tale!

  • Using the key words, restore the sequence of events in each fairy tale. Write down the names of the stories.

1. Once upon a time there was a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel pecked and pecked at the bean seeds and choked.
The hen rushed to the hostess to ask for butter, she sent her to the cow for milk for butter. The cow told the chicken to go to the owner for fresh grass, he said to run to the blacksmith for a scythe. The hen complied with all the requests, greased the cockerel's neck with oil. A bean seed slipped through, and the cockerel sang: "Ku-ka-river!"

Cockerel and bean seed

There lived a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel was in a hurry, but in a hurry, and the hen, know for yourself, says:
- Petya, don't rush. Petya, don't rush.
Once a cockerel was pecking at bean seeds, and in a hurry he choked. He choked, did not breathe, did not hear, lies not to move. The chicken was frightened, rushed to the hostess, shouting:
- Oh, hostess, let's quickly grease the cockerel's neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.
The hostess says:
- Run quickly to the cow, ask her for milk, and I'll beat the butter.
The chicken rushed to the cow:
- Cow, my dear, give milk as soon as possible, the hostess will knock butter out of milk, I will smear the cockerel neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.
- Go quickly to the owner, let him bring me fresh grass.
The chicken runs to the owner:
-Master! Master! Give the cow fresh grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will knock butter out of the milk, I will grease the cockerel's neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.
- Run quickly to the blacksmith for a scythe, - says the owner.
The hen rushed with all its might to the blacksmith:
- Blacksmith, blacksmith, give the owner a good scythe as soon as possible. The owner will give grass to the cow, the cow will give milk, the hostess will give me butter, I will grease the neck of the cockerel: the cockerel choked on a bean seed.
The blacksmith gave the owner a new scythe, the owner gave the cow fresh grass, the cow gave milk, the hostess churned butter, gave butter to the hen. The chicken smeared the neck of the cockerel. The bean seed slipped through. The cockerel jumped up alive and sang at the top of its voice:
- Ku-ka-river!

2. Once upon a time there was an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a chicken-klokhtushka, a mouse-norushka.
They took water: grandmothers with large buckets from a well, a granddaughter - with smaller buckets from a deck, a chicken - with a cucumber - from a puddle, a mouse - from a thimble - from a hoof. They went for water, they got it, they go past the apple tree. And under the apple tree, the bunny sat. A breeze flew into the apple tree, the apple bounced off the forehead of the bunny. The bunny jumped under the feet of the water carriers.
They were frightened, they threw the buckets, ran home. From fear, the grandmother dreamed of a bear, the granddaughter - a wolf, the chicken - a fox, the mouse - a cat, and the hare under a bush - four hunters with dogs. "Here are the passions! Fear has big eyes."

Fear has big eyes

Once upon a time there lived an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a chicken-klokhtushka and a little mouse.
Every day they went for water. The grandmother had large buckets, the granddaughter had smaller ones, the chicken had the size of a cucumber, the mouse had the size of a thimble.
The grandmother took water from the well, the granddaughter - from the deck, the hen - from the puddle, and the mouse - from the trace of the pig's hoof.
They’re going back, grandmother’s water is three-e-x, plyo-e-x! My granddaughter has three! bad! The chicken has three or three! plop-plop! The mouse - three-three-three! puff puff puff!
That time our water carriers went for water. They collected water, they go home through the garden.
And in the garden an apple tree grew, and apples hung on it. And under the apple tree, the bunny sat.
A breeze flew into the apple tree, shook the apple tree, the apple clap - and the bunny in the forehead!
A hare jumped, and right under our water carriers' feet.
They were frightened, they threw the buckets and ran home. The grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind the grandmother, the hen flew up on the stove, and the mouse hid under the stove. Grandma groans:
- Oh! The bear nearly ran over me!
Granddaughter is crying
- Grandmother, what a terrible wolf ran into me!
The hen on the stove cackles:
- Ko-ko-ko! The fox crept up to me, almost grabbed me!
And the mouse squeaks from under the stove:
- What a mustachioed cat! That's the fear I've had!
And the hare ran into the forest, lay down under a bush and thinks:
"That's passion! Four hunters were chasing me, all with dogs; as soon as my legs carried me away!
It is rightly said: “Fear has big eyes: what is not there, they see it.”

3. A black grouse sat on a tree. The fox turned to him: "You, Teterevochek, my friend, would go down to the grass for a walk, talk with me, now the decree has been announced so that there will be peace throughout the earth." The black grouse stayed on the tree and told the fox that the dogs were running, but she had nothing to be afraid of. The fox pricked up her ears and ran away, answering: "Perhaps they did not hear the decree."

Fox and black grouse

The black grouse was sitting on a tree. The fox came up to him and said:
- Hello, Teterevochek, my friend! As soon as I heard your voice, I came to visit you.
- Thank you for your kind words, - said Teterev.
The fox pretended not to hear and said:
- What are you saying? I can not hear. You, Teterevochek, my friend, would go down to the grass for a walk, talk to me, otherwise I won’t hear from the tree.
Teterev said:
- I'm afraid to go to the grass. It is dangerous for us birds to walk on the ground.
Or are you afraid of me? - said the Fox.
- Not you, I'm afraid of other animals, - said the Grouse. - There are all kinds of animals.
- No, Teterevochek, my friend, today the decree has been announced so that there will be peace throughout the earth.
Now the animals do not touch each other.
“That’s good,” said the black grouse, “otherwise the dogs are running; if it were the old way, you would have to leave, but now you have nothing to fear.
The fox heard about the dogs, pricked up her ears and wanted to run.
- Where are you? - said the grouse. - After all, now the decree, the dogs will not be touched.
- Who knows! - said the fox. Maybe they didn't hear the order.
And she ran away.

4. The fox and the crane became friends. The fox called the crane to visit: "Come, kumanyok. I'll treat you!" She herself smeared semolina on a plate, served and regales. The next day, the crane prepared okroshka, poured it into a jug with a narrow neck, and invited the fox. The fox returned home unsalted slurping. As backfired, so it responded!

Fox and crane

The fox made friends with the crane. So the fox decided to treat the crane and went to invite him to visit her:
- Come, kumanek, come, dear! I'll feed you!
The crane went to the banquet, and the fox boiled semolina and spread it on a plate.
Served and regales:
- Eat, kumanyok, - she cooked herself.
Crane knock-knock with his nose on a plate. Knocked, knocked - nothing hits. And the fox licks herself and licks the porridge, so she ate everything herself. She ate porridge and says:
- Do not blame me, kumanek! There is nothing more to eat!
The crane answers her:
- Thank you, godfather, and on this! Come to visit me.
The next day, the fox comes to the crane, and he prepared okroshka, poured it into a jug with a narrow neck, put it on the table and said:
- Eat, gossip! Right, there is nothing more to regale.
The fox began to spin around the jug. And so he goes in, and that way, and licks him, and sniffs something - he can’t get it in any way: his head won’t fit into the jug.
And the crane pecks at itself and pecks until it has eaten everything.
- Well, do not blame me, godfather! There is nothing else to feed.
Annoyance took the fox. I thought that I would eat for a whole week, but I went home without salty slurping.
As backfired, so it responded!
Since then, the friendship between the fox and the crane has been apart.

Answers site to page 28 Learning to compose a fairy tale

  • We need to identify the main characters. For example, it will be a dog and a cat. They rarely become friends. Try to explain why.

Mouse and hamster. Friends.

  • Define: what is the hero?

∨ kind
∨ smart

  • What event can be discussed in your fairy tale? Pick an answer.

∨ We visited each other.

  • Come up with a name for your fairy tale, for example, "How the cat quarreled with the dog."
    Make a plan.

"Mouse and Hamster"

Friendship of a mouse and a hamster.
The mouse is hungry.
The hamster feeds the mouse.
Hungry winter.
Friend is known in trouble.

Fairy tale
Mouse and hamster

Once a mouse and a hamster became friends. The mouse lived in the house, and the hamster lived in the field. In the summer, the owners went to the country, and the mouse was left without food. The hamster took pity on her and began to treat her with grain from his reserves every day.
But then came the cold winter. The owners returned home. The house became warm and the mouse had food again. The mouse remembered the good hamster and decided to visit him. And the hamster was running out of grain.
The mouse invited him to spend the winter in his house. The hamster dug a mink in the basement, ate mouse cheese and thought: "A true friend is known in trouble."

Answers to page 29 Let's test ourselves and evaluate our achievements

  • What works of oral folk art did you get acquainted with in this section?

Folk songs, nursery rhymes and jokes, rhymes and fables, riddles, proverbs and sayings, fairy tales.

∨ In a fairy tale, magical transformations and other miracles take place.
∨ Good triumphs over evil.
∨ The fairy tale begins, then the events of the fairy tale are repeated three times, then the fairy tale ends.

I can distinguish between types of oral folk art.
+ I learned to solve riddles and make them up myself.
+ I'm good at determining the sequence of events in a work.

Answers to pages 30-34 I love Russian nature. Autumn

The theme of the exhibition is "Poems by Russian poets about autumn".

What books would you add to the exhibition? Make a list.

1. "Autumn poems". Great poetry for young children.
2. "Already the sky was breathing in autumn ..." Collection of poems. Seasons.

  • Write down as many words as possible that help you imagine autumn nature.

Rain, gray sky, leaf fall, yellow leaves, birds fly away, harvesting, slush underfoot, puddles, golden season, crimson, purple, mowed fields, fallen leaves, bad weather, dull time.

Answers to pages 31 - 33 A. Pleshcheev. Autumn has come...

  • Restore the poem

Autumn has come
dried flowers,
And look sad
Bare bushes.

Wither and turn yellow
Grass in the meadows
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.

  • Underline the words that help to present a picture of autumn nature.

Dried up, naked, flowers, fades, turns yellow, does not shine, drizzles, the wind is howling, to warm climes, rustled, the winter turns green.

  • Compose with a friend an unrhymed poem on the theme "Autumn" of five lines, which are built according to certain rules.
    In the first line, the topic is named with one word (usually a noun).
    The second line is a description of the topic in two words (two adjectives).
    The third line is a description of the action within the topic in three words.
    The fourth line is a phrase of three or four words, showing the attitude to the topic, the mood.
    The last line repeats the meaning of the third line, but consists of one word.

Amber, yellow
It delights, enchants, pleases.
Unrolled a colorful carpet.

Gloomy, rainy
Came, sad, sorry.
The sky turned lead!
Not in the mood!

cheerful, festive
Invigorates, pleases, laughs.
Multi-colored carpet under your feet!

  • What mood do these works reflect? Prove your opinion.

The first proposed non-rhyming poem reflects melancholy, despondency, causes a feeling of regret. This can be determined by the words used

The second causes a joyful, enthusiastic, festive mood. The author uses such words as "cheerful, festive", "invigorates, pleases, laughs", "holiday".

  • Imagine the picture that the poet I. Bunin describes in the poem "Today is so
    light all around..." Tell in your own words what the poet saw, heard and felt.
    Use key words: forest, silence, peace, rustling of leaves, sadness.

Today it's so bright all around
Such a dead silence
In the forest and in the blue sky
What is possible in this silence
Hear the rustle of a leaf.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin in this poem describes his spellbound feeling that he experienced while standing in the forest. There he felt peace, peace, which even the air is saturated with. There is such silence around that you can hear the quietest sound, elusive in Everyday life, for example, the rustling of leaves.

  • Think of a story or poem. First, decide what you would like to write about:
    rain. about autumn, leaves, birds.

Autumn has come to us

A round dance of leaves is spinning in the air,
The thin wind viciously tears the cobweb.
A cloud poured gloomy rain on the ground,
Look out the window - autumn has come to us.

  • Find the words you need to describe the chosen subject.

Round dance of leaves, wind, cloud, autumn has come to us.

  • Define your mood, feelings with the help of one word.

Answers to p. 33 I. Tokmakova. Empty birdhouse...

  • Try to write questions for the poem yourself. Remember that there are questions that require a detailed, thoughtful answer. They cannot be answered in one word.

Empty birdhouse -
The birds have flown
Leaves on the trees
It also doesn't fit.

All day today
Everything is flying, flying...
Apparently, also in Africa
They want to fly.

(I. Tokmakova)

Explain why the birdhouse was empty?
Why do you think birds fly to warmer climes?
Why do you think that the leaves will not be able to fly to Africa?
What is the difference between birds and leaves?
Imagine what will happen if the birds do not fly to warm countries for the winter?

There are questions that do not require detailed explanations.

Who wrote the poem "The birdhouse is empty ..."?
When do birds fly to warmer climes?

Answers to page 34 Let's test ourselves and evaluate our achievements

  • What is the difference between a poem and a prose work? Prove your opinion.
    What words can be used in response? Complete the list.

It reflects the mood, tells about the hero, is written in prose, magic words are used, the work has rhyme, rhythm, content and sound of words carry certain meaning, a poem can be sung, the poetic form involves writing rows in a column, poetry uses more lively images, more emotional words, bright pathos and subtle lyrics are more often used in poetry.

  • Define what it means to read a poem with expression. Add your thoughts:

read aloud;
read, highlighting some words with your voice;
read, highlighting punctuation marks with your voice;
read, clearly pronouncing all the sounds;
read in whole words;
read, conveying the mood of the author; read at a pace (speeding up or slowing down
it, depending on the content); read with proper breath distribution.

  • Note that you have learned the "+" well.

I watch the poet use rhyme and rhythm.
+ I learned to read poetry, conveying the mood of the poet with the help of my voice.

Answers to pages 35 - 41 Russian writers

The theme of the exhibition is "Russian writers". What books in the exhibition correspond to this theme?

The Lion and the Dog The Tale of the Dead Princess

M. Prishvin "Fox bread", V. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories", A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

  • Write down the name of your favorite Pushkin fairy tale.

The Tale of Tsar Saltan, his glorious and mighty son, Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and the beautiful Princess Swan.

A. S. Pushkin "Here is the north, catching up the clouds ..."

  • Read the poem again. Write down words that talk about winter.

Here is the north, catching up the clouds,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
The magical winter is coming.
Came, crumbled; shreds
Hung on the branches of oaks;
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills;
A shore with a motionless river
Leveled with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
Leprosy mother winter.

(From the novel "Eugene Onegin")

There is a sorceress winter, came, crumbled; hung in tufts on the boughs of oaks; lay down in wavy carpets among the fields, around the hills; she leveled the banks with the motionless river with a plump veil; We rejoice at the pranks of Mother Winter...

  • What miracles does the winter sorceress do?

She came, enchanted all living things, leveled the banks with a motionless river, lay down with wavy carpets, hung in tufts on the boughs of oaks, pleases with leprosy.

Page 36

  • Underline personifications.

Snowflakes are flying, snowflakes are spinning in the air, the wind howls, the wind scratches under the roof, the blizzard howls, winter has come.

  • Using the chosen words, come up with a story "Here comes winter ..."

And here is the winter-queen

It got cold. The wind is scratching under the roof, catching up clouds from the north. Fog spreads across the ground. The trees part in the forest before the queen-winter. Dreaming under the ice of lakes and rivers, how snowflakes swirl in the air. Winter is surely taking over.
The trees crack, the blizzard howls, the wind howls, welcoming the Snow Queen.

Answers to pages 36 - 37 A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

  • Consider illustrations. Determine the sequence of events. Put in the numbers you want.

2. An old man with a goldfish.
3. An old woman sits at the table as a queen.
4. There is a black storm at sea.

Page 37

  • What episodes are missing? Write it down in the correct order.

1. The old man threw a net into the sea.
2. An old man with a goldfish.
3. The old woman has a new trough.
4. In front of the old man is a hut with a lamp.
5. An old woman is standing on the porch of a high tower.
6. An old woman sits at the table as a queen.
7. There is a black storm on the sea.
8. An old woman in front of a broken trough.

  • Come up with a story on the topic "Stay with nothing." First define:
    - what will you write about (on the topic of school life; friendship, family relationships);
    - who will be your main character;
    - what event will underlie your story.

Stay with a broken trough

There was an excellent student in one class. Once he played with the guys in the yard and did not learn his lessons. The next day he got his first B in his life. At home, he was not scolded much, because a four, if you think carefully, is not a five, of course, but still ... This is not such a bad mark. Everything would be fine, you can survive the four.

But the next day, there were many more unlearned lessons. And in the diary there was already a red three. Our excellent student blushed, but began to reassure himself that there are children who study mountain-a-azdo worse.

And then one day on the control he got a fat deuce, and all the children studied and got fours and fives. Then our excellent student realized that he needed to study a lot, learn lessons, do additional tasks so as not to be left with nothing at the next test.

  • Remember how folk tales usually end. Compare them with the tales of A. S. Pushkin. Draw your own conclusion using key words.
    Good conquers evil, and I was there, drinking honey, drinking beer, and so it has been since then, they began to live and live and make good, with an honest feast and for a wedding.

In the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin and in folk tales, good always triumphs over evil. The tales of A. S. Pushkin were based on folk tales, which were told to him in childhood by his nanny Arina Rodionovna. Folk tales usually end with: “it has been the custom since then, they began to live and live and make good” (“White Duck”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise”), “this is where the fairy tale ends, but who listened - well done!" ("Masha and the Bear", "Morozko", "Gingerbread Man"), "an honest feast and for the wedding" ("Sivka-burka"). Pushkin's fairy tales end: "I was there, drinking honey, drinking beer, Yes, I just wet my mustache." ("The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan") or edification: "And Balda used to say with reproach:" You would not chase cheapness, priest. "(" The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balde").

Answers to pages 38 - 39 I. A. Krylov. Swan, Cancer and Pike

The fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike" consists of two parts: a picture of life, which is based on a certain event, and the conclusion of the fable (morality, moralizing).

  • What event is being told?

One Day Swan, Cancer and Pike
Carried with luggage, a cart came from
And together the three all harnessed to it ...

  • Find in the text the words that are moral (moral). Explain their meaning.

When there is no agreement among comrades,
Their business will not go well,
And nothing will come out of it, only flour.

The meaning of morality is that a common cause must be done together, amicably, in agreement with each other, by combining common efforts, otherwise instead of an excellent result, no matter how someone tries to climb out of his skin on his own, you will get one torment.

  • Compare fable and fairy tale about animals. Enter the data in a table.
Animal Tale Fable
Heroes Animals. In fairy tales, animals personify certain traits of people (mind, kindness, cunning). Animals. In fables, animals act like humans.
Events Ordinary or fictional. satirical and humorous. Ordinary or fictional, moralizing and satirical. Illustration
to a certain worldly or moral rule
conclusions Instructions and teachings in an allegorical, veiled form. Glorification of fellowship and glorification of victory. Direct morality. A conclusion of an instructive nature, containing advice to the reader to act in one way or another, or an aphoristic judgment, worldly wisdom. Morality aims to encourage skills that are useful in life.
  • What is the reason for the failure of the Swan, Cancer and Pike? Answer with the words of a fable.

The swan breaks into the clouds
Cancer moves back, and Pike pulls into the water.

  • Discuss with a friend whether the conditions for working together were fulfilled in the fable. What needs to be done so that it does not work out like the Swan, Cancer and Pike?
    Negotiate with comrades; listen to everyone, then start work; distribute responsibilities.

In the fable, the conditions for joint work were not met. For a successful outcome of the case and so that it does not work out like the heroes of the fable, you must first listen to everyone, agree with your comrades, then distribute responsibilities, and only then start work.

Answers to pages 39 - 40 LN Tolstoy. Kitty

  • Look carefully at the illustrations for the story. What do they show?

The illustrations depict scenes from Leo Tolstoy's story "Kitten". 1. Children found a cat with kittens and feed her milk. 2. They go for a walk with the kitten. 3. A hunter with dogs rushes towards a kitten. 4. Vasya rushes to the kitten to protect him from the dogs.

  • Write captions for the pictures using the words from the story.

Does the plan correctly reflect the sequence of events? Put in the numbers you want.

1. Katya ran home, got milk and brought it to the cat.
3. Suddenly they heard someone shouting loudly: "Back, back!" - and they saw that the hunter was galloping, and in front of him two dogs saw a kitten and wanted to grab him.
2. The wind stirred the straw on the road, and the kitten played with the straw, and the children rejoiced at him.
4. And Vasya, with all his might, set off to the kitten and at the same time with the dogs ran up to him.

  • For each paragraph of the plan, write out the key words from the text.

Part one: Brother and sister - Vasya and Katya, the cat disappeared, they searched everywhere, meows in thin voices, a cat was found, kittens, Katya brought milk.
Part two: The children chose a kitten, went to play on the road, took a kitten, played with straw, went to collect sorrel, forgot about the kitten.
Part three: A hunter jumps, two dogs want to grab a kitten.
Part four: Katya ran away, Vasya ran to the kitten, fell on his stomach, closed it, brought it home, did not take it with him anymore.

  • Decide with your friends who will tell which episode according to the plan.
    Choose a jury that will evaluate your performances in accordance with the requirements.

Fully consistent with the content.
Emotional story.
Expressed their attitude to what is happening.
Logic is not broken.

Answers to page 41 Check yourself and evaluate your achievements

  • What works did you get acquainted with in this section? Emphasize.

Fairy tales, poems, fables, stories.

What do folk tales and Pushkin's fairy tales have in common? Write down using key words: characters, events, conclusion in a fairy tale, language, prose or poetic form. All the heroes of A. S. Pushkin are fictional characters of folk tales, there are negative and goodies. We noticed similarities in fairy tales and events. Pushkin's fairy tales are written in the folk language, there are many common expressions (simple, fool). There is a conclusion, a similar ending. Folk tales are presented in prose form, the tales of Alexander Sergeevich - in verse.

  • What figurative expressions do you know and can you explain their meaning? Look in the dictionary or find on the Internet where, from which works these catchphrases come from.

And Vaska listens and eats. Words from I. A. Krylov's fable "The Cat and the Cook".
And the casket just opened. Words from the fable of I. A. Krylov "Cabin".
I carry everything with me. Aphorism of the ancient Greek sage Biant.
Business - time, fun - hour. Words from the collection of falconry rules.

  • Mark what you learned well, "+".

I learned to distinguish a poem from a story.
+ I can identify key (important for understanding the meaning) words.
+ With the help of a teacher, I can draw up a plan for a work.

Answers to pages 42 - 50 About our smaller brothers

  • Complement the exhibition with books that fit the theme. Write down their titles and authors.

E. Blyton "The famous duckling Tim", S. Ya. Marshak "Mustache-striped", L. N. Tolstoy
"Bulka", K. Ushinsky "Bishka", L. E. Kern "Listen, elephant ...", M. M. Prishvin "Hedgehog"

  • Think of a story about the adventures of a little bird or animal. Start talking like this:
    One day, a mother hen, walking along the shore of a small shallow pond, saw a defenseless yellow duck in the coastal reeds. He was lost and very scared.

cowardly duckling

One day, a mother hen, walking along the shore of a small shallow pond, saw a defenseless yellow duck in the coastal reeds. He was lost and very scared. Of course, the mother hen did not abandon the little duckling and took him with her to the chicken coop. But the adopted child was very afraid of the new home and hid in the nest behind the mother chicken.
That's why they called him Coward.
Once, when the duckling grew up, the mother hen again took her family to the pond.
Coward was the last to go and looked around all the time. Suddenly, one chicken fell from the shore into the water and went to the bottom. Mother chicken rushed to save the baby, but Cowardly, like a yellow lightning, rushed past her, jumped into the water and threw the chicken ashore with a wide beak. All the chickens squealed happily, and the duckling flapped its wings on the water and grunted loudly. Since then, no one in the chicken coop has called him Cowardly.

  • Take a book by G.-Kh. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling". Read it. Is this fairy tale similar to the one you came up with yourself? Record the comparison data in a table.
"The Ugly Duckling", G.-H. Andersen Self-written story
Genre (fairy tale, short story, poem) fairy tale fairy tale
Heroes Ugly duckling, mother duck, ducklings, poultry yard, old woman, chicken, cat, swans Coward, mother chicken, chicks
Events The mother duck hatched an ugly duckling, which everyone showered with ridicule,
until he decided to leave the poultry yard. Soon he saw in his own reflection
beautiful swan.
The mother hen found the duckling and brought it to her chicken coop. He
bore the nickname Coward until one day he saved a chicken.
How does the work end? The transformation of the ugly duckling into a beautiful swan The transformation of Cowardly into a brave and brave duckling
  • Consider the cover of the book. What information does it contain?
  • Prove that the work of M. Prishvin "Guys and ducklings" is a story. Use words and phrases.
    Rhyme, based on an event, rhythm, written in prose, the heroes of the work act, heroes are positive and negative (good and evil), different tempers characters doing different things.

The work of M. Prishvin "Children and ducklings" is a story, since it is of a small volume, one event is based on, it is written in prose, the characters first do a bad, then a good deed, one main conflict is resolved.

  • Read different versions of the plan for M. Prishvin's story. Which one did you like the most? Explain your position. Make up your plan.

I liked the third option because it's a quotation plan.
My plan:

  1. Jumping ducks and ducklings to the lake, to freedom.
  2. Unexpected attack guys.
  3. The author stands up for ducklings
  4. The guys return the ducklings to the duck.
  5. The family continues the journey.
  6. Goodbye, ducklings!

Answers to p. 45 E. Charushin. scary story

  • Explain why the story is called that. Start your explanation with words.

The story is called scary because the children heard unfamiliar sounds, the imagination drew scary pictures, the boys were very scared.

Choose possible variant response.

The boys were very scared.
The hedgehog was very scary.
The events of the story were terrible.
The boys were cowardly and afraid of everything.

  • Make up a story plan using the underlined words in the text.
  1. The boys Shura and Petya were left alone.
  2. The children went to bed.
  3. Someone is stomping outside the door.
  4. The boys covered themselves with a blanket.
  5. Mom and dad came.
  6. Yes, it's a hedgehog!
  7. The hedgehog lived with the guys in the country.
  • Complete these words with other words. Make up related phrases. Make suggestions based on them.
    Write down the resulting story.
    Ask a friend to edit, correct (if necessary) your work.

The boys Shura and Petya were left alone. When it got dark, they went to bed. Suddenly they hear someone stamping their feet outside the door. The boys covered themselves with a blanket. But then Mom and Dad came. It turned out that a hedgehog got into their house. This hedgehog lived with the guys in the country all summer.

Answers to pages 46 - 47 B. Zhitkov. Brave duck

  • Underline the words that are close in meaning to the word courageous:

selfless, kind, responsible, ready to help, brave, curious, smart, evil.

  • What was the duckling? Describe it. Find evidence in the text.

"Little duckling Alyosha", "brave Alyosha", Alyosha was not afraid", "brave Alyosha". Alyosha outwardly was an ordinary "little duckling", but in character it was an amazing duckling: "brave, brave", fearless, courageous, rushed to defend one fearful ducklings.

  • Imagine that the boy Alyosha was in the place of the chicken. What event would then form the basis of the story?
    - An adult boy offends the little ones: every time he takes away sweets from them.
    - As soon as the children start playing, a terrible angry dog ​​comes running.
  • Think of the beginning of your story. Start with the words that are in the text of the work.

One for all and all for one

Every morning the guys gathered near the school and went to play at the school stadium. When they dispersed, some to the horizontal bar, some to the treadmill, some to the football field, a hooligan truant came out of the school. He approached each boy in turn and took away sweets and other sweets. The guys got tired of it, and they decided not to go to the stadium anymore.
The boy Alyosha found out about this and, having gathered the children in the yard, he asked everyone to take more sweets and come to school in the morning. He said he would teach the bully a lesson.
In the morning the bully skipped classes again and left the school. On the threshold he was met by guys with sweets in their hands and began to shout loudly: "Eat! Eat! Eat candy!" The teacher looked out of the window and looked sternly at the truant. The hooligan was frightened and wanted to run away, but the guys surrounded him from all sides and held out sweets. The frightened truant put candies in his mouth and swallowed them without chewing.

Angry dog

Every morning the children went out into the yard and played in the sandbox. And from the entrance opposite, a tall uncle came out to walk his dog. She ran without a muzzle and a leash, stopping near the sandbox and barking loudly. With this she scared the guys, especially the girls.
One morning Alyosha went out into the yard with a new shovel - it was a heavy garden shovel with a comfortable handle and a wide ladle. His work went well and soon a new beautiful castle grew in the sandbox. The children gathered around and admired the castle when a dog appeared near the sandbox. Alyosha was the first to see her and realized that his castle was about to be trampled. Grabbing the scoop, he ran up to the dog, which was about to bark at the guys.
Suddenly Alyosha hit her on the nose with a shovel. She gasped in surprise and ran away.
Since then, she has not approached the sandbox. And the brave Alyosha became the most famous builder of castles in the yard.

  • Consider the drawings. Tell me what they show. Make a plan.

Picture 1:

  1. The children got together.
  2. The bully took the candy.
  3. Alyosha's plan.
  4. The guys taught the bully a lesson.

Figure 2:

  1. The children gathered in the sandbox.
  2. Angry dog.
  3. Alyosha's arrival.
  4. Alyosha taught the dog a lesson.
  • Summarize, draw a conclusion.

Since then, the bully has not taken candy from anyone.
And the boy Alyosha began to go to the stadium with the guys.

Since then, the dog has not approached the sandbox.
And the boy Alyosha became the most famous builder in the yard.

We are writing an article for the school newspaper. Tips for little students.

Answers to pages 48 - 49 How to make a wall newspaper?

Determine in the group what topic the wall newspaper will be devoted to (how to help animals in winter, save birds, or something else).
Decide what materials you will put in the newspaper: poems, short stories, scientific and educational articles, reference materials.
Distribute who will do what work on the creation of the newspaper.

Illustrator - makes drawings for the wall newspaper.
Photographer - takes pictures for the wall newspaper, selects the necessary photos.
The author writes articles for the newspaper.
Editor - assembles the collected material, corrects errors.
Determine if you have enough information to write the article "How to help animals in the winter."
What other sources of information will you use? Write it down.

Internet, reference books, magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, textbook.

  • Determine the sequence of the facts, plan your article, choose the words that can be used. Write down the story.

Winter, hungry and cold time, it is difficult for animals, there is nothing to save, salt for moose, hay, bird feeders, lard for titmouse, everyone can help.

  1. Winter is a hungry and cold season.
  2. Bird feeders.
  3. Caring for forest animals.
  4. Compassion for homeless animals.
  5. Don't forget about pets.
  6. Everyone can help!

Our wall newspaper "How to help animals in winter".
Animals need help!

According to statistics, nine out of ten tits die of starvation in the winter season.

We saw off the sad eyes of migratory birds, but there are those who will delight our eyes all winter.
Animals and birds spend winter in different ways. In the cold and hungry season, caring for our smaller brothers will save the lives of many animals. If you arrange a lesson at home with dad, you can make a bird feeder. Finding it, the tits will have a chance to live until spring. Tits should be fed unsalted bacon - salt is toxic to them. Suitable food for rooks, pigeons, sparrows is bread and grain.

Let the toys rest.
We are on a frosty winter day
Let's make a feeder with my brother
And hang it outside the window.
It is not easy for birds in winter,
They have a lot of trouble in the cold.
We are waiting for you, dear tits,
Fly in for lunch.
We will pour wheat for you
And something else.
Come to us, tits,
It's very good with you!

V. Gvozdev

In the forest, deer and elk have a particularly hard time when crust forms on the snow - during this period they injure their legs on the hard, sharp edge of the crust and cannot quickly run away from predators. So, if you have to walk in the winter forest, do not forget to take a treat for the animals: grain, bread and pour salt on the stumps along the way. Forest dwellers will definitely appreciate your treat.

But we should not forget about the city's homeless animals who are looking for food so as not to die of hunger. You can put bowls for them near the entrance or in the courtyard of the house. And remember: you can’t drive pets that bother you out of the house in winter!

It is also necessary to prepare hay for rural animals from the summer: cows, rabbits, sheep, horses.

People can make life much easier for our smaller brothers. Everyone can help!

Answers to pages 49 - 50 Let's check ourselves and evaluate our achievements

Scary story → E. Charushin
Cat puppy → V. Berestov
Guys and ducklings → M. Prishvin
Brave duckling → B. Zhitkov
Musician → V. Bianchi
Owl → V. Bianchi

  • Check your textbook content. Decide how you will do it, determine the algorithm of actions.

1. I will open the textbook on the last page where the content is located.
2. Find the right section.
3. In the content of the section I will find the necessary names of the authors.
4. Correlate the author and the title of the work.

  • What piece did you like the most in this section? Write down its name.

The poem "Once upon a time there was a dog ..."

The Story of the Brave Duck

  • Check the contents of the textbook, whether you wrote down the titles of the works you have chosen correctly.
  • What qualities should a person have to take care of our smaller brothers?

Kindness, responsibility, pity, love, understanding.

  • Mark what you learned well, "+".

I learned to talk about the hero of the work.
+ I see the difference between artistic and scientific-educational stories.

Answers to pages 51-54 From children's magazines

The theme of the exhibition is "Magazines for children". What mistakes did the one who organized the exhibition make?

BUGS: In Volina. Riddles from A to Z, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak. Alyonushka's fairy tales,
Why. Information desk for children. Encyclopedia for the curious.

  • Write down the names of magazines that you know and read.

"Fidget", "Far Far Far Away", "Sasha and Masha", "Class magazine", "PonyMashka", "Drawing by dots with the Golden Antelope", "Little Academicians", "Paper Zoo", "Development", "Hedgehog "," Sanka in the land of fairy tales.

Answers to pages 52 - 53 Our projects. Project "Children's Magazine"

  • Choose the magazine you would like to talk about. For example, children's magazine"Murzilka".
  • Find information about the creation of the magazine, about its name.
  • What sources of information will you use? Write it down.

Murzilka magazine, Internet.

  • Take notes (briefly write down what you learned).

The journal was founded in 1924. It has been published since May 16, 1924.
Named after the fabulous creature yellow and fluffy Murzilka.
The image changed in 1937, thanks to the artist Aminadav Kanevsky.
Murzilka is a fluffy magical hero, yellow as a dandelion, in a red beret and scarf, with a camera over his shoulder.

  • What section of the magazine did you find interesting? Why?

I like the "Murzilka Art Gallery" section, because it tells about modern masters of book illustration, and also presents the illustrations of the artists themselves. This is very interesting for me, because I myself draw illustrations for books that I read and love.

  • What part of the section did you like? Who is its author? What is it called?

I really liked the story of I. Antonova "Experiment" (magazine "Murzilka", No. 2, 1999)

  • Write down the names of the works that made you smile, laugh.

I. Antonova "Experiment", Ya. Akim. "There is a student in our class", L. Panteleev "Letter" you ".

I like to read the magazine "Murzilka" because "Murzilka" is a mirror of our children's literature. He is the link between readers and writers. For many children living on the periphery, the magazine still serves as an addition to literature textbooks. The permanent sections of the magazine are full of interesting, educational materials, there are games, puzzles, rebuses, crosswords, coloring and homemade.


Murzilka is a popular children's literary and art magazine.
Published since May 16, 1924 and addressed to the children of the younger school age. For 90 years of existence of the beloved children's magazine, its release has never been interrupted. In 2012, the magazine was included in the Guinness Book of RecordsTM: "Murzilka" is a children's magazine with the longest publication period.
It is named after the fabulous creature yellow and fluffy Murzilka.
The main difference between the magazine for children "Murzilka" is high-quality children's literature. Over the years, Agniya Barto, Korney Chukovsky, S. Marshak, Mikhail Prishvin, Konstantin Paustovsky, Valentin Berestov, Yuri Korinets, Sergey Mikhalkov, Irina Tokmakova, Eduard Uspensky, A. Mityaev, Andrey Usachev, Marina Moskvina, Viktor Lunin, Leonid Yakhnin, Mikhail Yasnov. Currently, the magazine also publishes works by contemporary children's writers. Murzilka publishes children's fairy tales, fairy tales, children's stories, plays, children's poems.
Artists such as Evgeny Charushin, Yuri Vasnetsov, Aminadav Kanevsky, Tatyana Mavrina, Viktor Chizhikov, Nikolai Ustinov, Galina Makaveeva, Georgy Yudin, Maxim Mitrofanov have worked and continue to work in the magazine.
"Murzilka" is a mirror of our children's literature. He is the link between readers and writers. For many children living on the periphery, the magazine still serves as an addition to literature textbooks. The permanent sections of the magazine are full of interesting, educational materials, there are games, puzzles, rebuses, crosswords, coloring and homemade.

Answers to page 54 A. Vvedensky. Scientist Petya

  • Remember who we call scientists. Choose words that are close in meaning to this word.
    Write them down.

Scientist - knows a lot, expert, researches, writes scientific works, educated, erudite, well-read.

  • What feelings does the phrase "scientist Petya" evoke?

Doubt, surprise, grin.

  • Determine the character of Petya. Underline the correct words.

Wise, with a sense of humor, Kind, dreamer, smart, stupid, naive, educated, arrogant.

  • Have you met people like Petya? Write.

I have not met people like Petya.

  • Come up with a similar story. What questions could be asked to such a "scientist"?
    Write it down.

My history
Petya Zaznaikin

Lived in the village of Petya Zaznaikin. He was a veterinarian who treated animals. And somehow Petya thought that he could heal people. And he hung a sign on his door: "Peter Ivanovich Zaznaikin is a local doctor."
A boy came to him and cut his finger. Petya took out a plaster, iodine and brilliant green, but he doesn’t know what to do. So the boy left with nothing. And then an uncle comes in with a toothache. Petya wrapped a bandage around his head and told him to go home and lie down. And the aunt, who had a headache, smeared green on her forehead. He ordered a girl with a temperature to be treated with sweets.
Then Petya decided to write prescriptions and distribute them at random to his patients.
Suddenly the door swung open, and a crowd of angry yesterday's visitors rushed in to Petya. They put him on a train with his things and sent him to the city to study as a real doctor.

Answers to pages 55 - 57 I love Russian nature. Winter

∨ winter-winter
∨Winter poems

  • Mark which of the books relate to the topic "Poems of Russian poets about winter." Make your list of books for the exhibition.

Poems about winter. Poetic class;
New Year's carnival. Collection of New Year's poems;
Seasons. Poems of Russian poets about nature;
I. Surikov. Childhood. "Here is my village...";
Weird time. The best poems of Russian poets about nature.

  • Think of and write down as many words for the word winter as you can.

Shroud, snow, sorceress-winter, cold, frost, ice, skates, snowman, hoarfrost, ice rink, blizzard, snowflakes, winter fun, pattern on glass, Christmas tree, cold, powder, traces in the snow, hibernation, snowballs, enchantress.

  • What words-signs (answering the question which ones?) are suitable for them.

Thick, fluffy, fabulous, chilling, fierce, sparkling, new, big, silvery, smooth, evil, fragile, funny, beautiful, elegant, icy, snowy, deep, winter, sticky, kind.

Page 56

  • Compose a text on the topic "I love Russian nature. Winter."

In winter, the forest turns into a fairy tale book. Animals and birds write stories with their footprints on its white edges. Hare tracks are winding, and behind them there is an even line of fox paw prints. A fir cone lies near the tree, and bullfinches drew patterns around it. Yes, and the trees themselves are elegant in white fur coats. Spruces and pines are the most beautiful trees in winter - frost on needles shimmers in the sunlight.

But a curious squirrel looked out from behind a stump and instantly flew up to the top of a pine tree, scaring away the titmouse. Filled up right away winter forest chirping forty, the woodpecker drummed, and in the dark thicket the wolf howled. No, nature does not fall asleep in winter - it lives its fabulous life.

Answers to p. 56 Ya. Akim. Cat in the morning...

Yakov Akim
First snow

morning cat
Brought on paws
First snow!
First snow!
He has
Taste and smell
First snow!
First snow!
He's spinning
The guys over their heads
He managed
Down scarf
spread out
On the pavement
He turns white
Along the fence
I crouched on the lantern -
So, soon
Very soon
The sleigh will fly
From the hills
So it will be possible
build a fortress
In the courtyard!

  • Read the poem. Write out words from it that help to represent snow. Make up your own words.

It has a taste and smell, spins, light, new, spread a downy scarf, turns white, crouched on the lantern.

It suddenly became lighter all around, early, tender, clean, wet, like swan fluff, unexpected, gently lays on the ground, calls to the street, white-white, spreads a shawl, cautious, timid, covered the roads.

  • Write down the text-description "First snow".

First snow

In winter, nature falls asleep in a serene sleep. Trees without leaves look gloomy. But when the first snow falls, the most fabulous and magical time of the year comes. The trees are dressed in a snow coat, the bushes sparkle with silver frost. Chains-patterns of animal tracks appear on the snow. Beautiful winter forest, trimmed with snow fringe!

Answers to page 57 Let's test ourselves and evaluate our achievements

  • Write down the title of the piece you like the most.

S. Mikhalkov. New Year's story

  • What feeling does it give you? Emphasize.

Curiosity, surprise joy, sadness, sadness, fear.

  • Define the features of the poetic text.

Rhyme, rhythmic organization of speech, musicality of sound, emotionality.

  • Mark what you learned well, "+".

I can draw verbal pictures of winter nature.
+ I can compare works of different poets on the same topic.
+ I define my attitude to what is happening in poetry and try to convey it using the correct intonation.
+ I learned how to make logical stresses, highlighting main idea in verse text.
+ I use my voice to convey the mood of the poet.

Answers to pages 58-65 Writers for children

The theme of the exhibition is "Writers for Children". What books are related to this topic?

N. Nosov. Living hat.
K. Chukovsky. Cockroach.
S. Mikhalkov. Uncle Styopa is a policeman.
A. Barto. Vovka is a kind soul.

  • What is the best way to organize this exhibition? Make recommendations. Suggest a list of books.

The exhibition is best organized in the school library during children's book week. It is necessary to arrange the library correctly so that on this day it becomes colorful and updated for the eyes of children. You need to place books written by writers for children on the shelves, hang portraits of children's authors and illustrations of students for their favorite works on the walls. The topic of conversation can be the work of children's writers.

It is desirable to carry out interesting contests for book connoisseurs. You can also arrange a meeting with a writer, book characters, or simply invite interesting person, who will talk about his attitude to books, literature, reading, reading habits.

List of books for the exhibition:

1. T. Aleksandrova. Brownie Kuzka.
2. A. Volkov. The Wizard of Oz.
3. V. Medvedev. Barankin, be a man!
4. A. Tolstoy. The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.
5. V. Oseeva. Stories.
6. J. Rodari. Adventures of Cipollino.
7. N. Nosov. Adventures of Dunno and his friends.
8. V. Gubarev. Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors.

Answers to p. 59 K. Chukovsky. Joy

  • Prove that this is a poem.

This work is a poem, because the text is written in a column, in quatrains, couplets, there is a rhyme: birch-roses, aspens-oranges, hail-vines, fields-nightingales, earth-flowed, peacocks-curly, that (c) bridge, me - the river, the meadows - the arc, the clouds - skates.

  • Think of pairs of words with repeated sounds at the end.


Answers to pages 60 - 61 S. Mikhalkov. My puppy

  • Determine which of the headings corresponds to the theme of the poem (what the poem tells about), the main idea, the heroes of the work.

Missing puppy ← topic
Puppy and girl ← heroes
How I love my puppy! ← main idea

  • Write out from the text of the poem what pranks the puppy made on a walk.

He began to walk around the rooms, jump, bark, wake everyone up; he pulled off the blanket, turned the jug with honey over, tore daddy's poems, fell down the stairs to the floor, got into the glue with his front paw, and disappeared somewhere.

  • Determine the nature of the puppy. Underline the words that help to introduce it.

Curious, mischievous, mischievous, hooligan, naughty, kind angry.

  • Write a story about a missing puppy. Start talking like this:

One day we had a great grief: our favorite puppy, Bobik, disappeared. Where to look for it? We started from our country house and climbed it from the basement to the attic. Then we looked at the garden. Bobby was nowhere to be found. But in the dust behind the gate we saw the prints of his small paws. He ran down the street and turned towards the river. The tracks led us to the water. We wondered: did the puppy swim to the other side of the river? Suddenly, a bunch of algae around us stirred and crawled forward with a hiss. We got scared and backed away. But the hiss turned into yelping and joyful barking. It was our Bobik!

Page 61

  • Create an advertisement for a missing puppy.


Lost puppy. Red, with white spots on the back and on the ears. Curious, kind. Loves small children. He responds to the nickname Bobik. Please return the finder to ________________.

Answers to p. 61 A. Barto. Vovka - a kind soul

  • What kind of person do we call a good soul? Underline the correct words.

Always ready to help, conscientious, responsible, curious, selfless, courageous.

  • Write what Vovka's actions indicate that he has a kind soul.

Vovka greeted passers-by affably and gave everyone a smile and a good mood.
To the entire collection: helped grandmothers calm their grandchildren; became the girl Katya, who had no one to protect, an older brother; helped the dog Malyutka to be on duty at the gate; took care of the turtle; caused the wind to remove the leaves from the football field; in the heat, he brought water from a ladle to passers-by and made fans; rescued a chick rescued the boy Petya.

  • A. Barto's book "Vovka - a kind soul" is a collection. Find a book in the library.
    Read your favorite poems.
  • Write down how you looked for a book in the library, which catalog you used.

In the library, you can find a book in an alphabetical catalog or on a themed shelf.
You need to find in the alphabetical catalog the letter with which the surname of the author of the book begins, then find the books of this author and the desired book among them. You can ask the librarian for help.

  • Tell us about the book by A. Barto "Vovka - a kind soul." Write a story about the book using key words.

Agnia Barto's book "Vovka - a kind soul" - these are kind, instructive poems under one cover. They are fun and easy to read because Agniya Barto wrote about children and for children. The collection "Vovka - a kind soul" is one of the most widely read in the library, because it is read by both adults and children; read, laugh and learn life from a book.

Answers to pages 62 - 63 Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov

  • What works did N. Nosov write? Check your answer using the content
    textbooks, library catalogues, the Internet.
  • Make a list of N. Nosov's works.

"The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Steps", "Vitya Maleev at School and at Home",
"The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn", "Telephone", "Knock-Knock-Knock", "Live Hat", "Entertainers",
"Mishkina porridge", "Patch", "Friend", "On the hill", "Gardeners".

  • What work of N. Nosov did you like the most?

Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn.

  • Who is it main character? Describe his appearance, behavior, actions.

The protagonist of the story is the pioneer and excellent student Kolya Sinitsyn, a member of the circle of young
naturalists. Kolya considers himself a handsome boy ("his nose turns up, like
comma", "ears stick out like samovar handles"). Kolya is diligent, responsible,
conscientious, observant, brings the work begun to the end.

  • Write a review about this product. Explain why you liked it.

The story is a diary of a schoolboy Kolya Sinitsyn. During the summer holidays he
makes notes about "various interesting incidents" from his life. Guys at the meeting
decide to come up with some work for the summer and do it with the whole link, because
pioneers "do not stop their work even for the summer." Then Grisha Yakushkin offers
make a hive and breed bees. And now the question arises before the guys: "Where to get
bees?" To do this, the young naturalists go to the dacha to Seryozha, and then the real
adventures that do not end with the return of the guys home. Necessarily
read this book.

Answers to p. 64 N. Nosov. On the hill

  • Restore the sequence of events in N. Nosov's story "On the Hill".

1) Friendly work guys.
2) Oh, and slippery!
3) But you can’t ride down the hill!
4) The situation must be saved.

  • Consider whether this plan needs to be supplemented. Write down your suggestions.
    Retell the text according to the plan.

1) Friendly work guys.
2) Kotka went out for a ride.
3) Oh, and slippery!
4) Kotka sprinkles sand on the hill.
5) The guys came running.
6) But you can’t ride down the hill!
7) The situation must be saved.
8) Kotka makes steps.

Answers to page 65 Let's test ourselves and evaluate our achievements

  • Match authors and titles

K. Chukovsky ⇒ Fedorino grief
N. Nosov ⇒ Entertainers
S. Mikhalkov ⇒ My puppy
S. Marshak ⇒ The Cat and the Loafers
A. Barto ⇒ We did not notice the beetle

What kind of work can be called humorous?

S. Mikhalkov "My puppy"

  • Which plan corresponds to which work?

1. Let's play three little pigs!
2. Did a real wolf appear in the house?
3. No more playing three little pigs. ("Entertainers")

1. The puppy is missing.
2. Puppy pranks.
3. Finally returned home. ("My puppy")

1. Dishes ran away.
2. You can't catch up, Fedor!
3. Fedora's holiday. ("Fedorino grief")

  • Mark what you learned well, "+".

I understand the meaning of the work, I determine the attitude of the author to his characters.
+ I learned to express my opinion.

Answers to pages 66 - 71 Me and my friends

  • The theme of the exhibition is "Me and my friends".
    What other books could you add to the exhibition?

E. Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat", A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City", N.
Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends", N. Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home", N.
Nosov "The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn", V. Oseeva "Blue Leaves", N. Artyukhova "Girlfriends".

  • What works have you read? Which ones would you like to read? How to find these in the library

N. Nosov "Dunno on the Moon", E. Uspensky "Holidays in Prostokvashino", V. Oseeva
"Magic Word", V. Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik", E. Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, dog and
cat", A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City", N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and his
friends", N. Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home", N. Nosov "Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn", V.
Oseeva "Blue Leaves", N. Artyukhova "Girlfriends".

  • Which title fits the series of drawings on page 73 of the textbook?

- Friends.
+ In the forest.
- Reconciled.

Page 67

Describe the situations shown in the pictures. Title them. Make a plan.

1. Let's go to the forest.
2. In the clearing.
3. Fight for the mushroom.
4. The boys made up.

Once two friends Vova and Petya went to the forest. In the forest clearing they saw a mushroom
boletus. Each of the guys wanted to put a mushroom in their basket, because of which they
there was a quarrel. The boys crushed the mushroom in a fight. Seeing what they've done guys
regretted what had happened. Vova and Petya decided not to quarrel anymore and reconciled.

Answers to p. 67 E. Moshkovskaya. I went into my offense ... V. Berestov. I look from above at the insult ...

  • Discuss the word resentment with a friend.

Resentment is a person's reaction to unfairly caused grief.

  • Name the words that are close in meaning:

Anger, annoyance, bitterness, sting.

  • Do you get offended when someone unfairly upsets you? Choose the words that
    you will need when answering. Write down the text.
    Resentment, offended, unfair, bad at heart, want to cry, heart breaks
    from pain, be able to forgive, forget, ask for forgiveness, smile, a random sign,
    quickly forgotten, long remembered.

From unfair resentment it always becomes bad at heart, I want to cry. Resentment
grows, and the heart is torn from pain. But it's worth someone to smile, take a step
meet, ask for forgiveness, and the insult is forgotten, the world becomes kinder and

Answers to p. 68 N. Bulgakov. Anna, don't be sad!

  • Can Anya be called a true friend? Justify your opinion.

Yes, because she ran for help when Katya fell. Anya visited Katya in
hospital, brought her gifts. She supported her friend in difficult times, wrote

  • What kind of person was Anya? Tell. Underline the words you need.

Good, responsible, pitiful, loyal, ready to help smart, brave,
selfless, affectionate, curious.

Anya was kind, responsible, loyal, ready to help her friend.

  • Think of a continuation of the story. Imagine that Katya was discharged from the hospital. Anya her
    met. What could happen next? Plan your story. Write it down.

1. Continuation of the conversation.
2. Discharge from the hospital.
3. A joyful meeting of friends.

The next day, Anya came to visit Katya, and they again exchanged notes.
A few weeks later Katya was discharged from the hospital. Anya met her and gave her
coloring book, postcard and orange.
Joyful girlfriends ran home.

Page 69 Valentina Aleksandrova Oseeva

  • Make a list of books by V. Oseeva with a friend. What sources of information will you
    to use (library directories, Internet)?
    To compile a list of books by V. Oseeva, we will use the home library,
    catalog of the city library and the Internet.

"Dinka", "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades", "Blue Leaves" (stories), "Magic
word", " kind hostess"," Magic needle ".

Answers to p. 69 V. Oseeva. Magic word

  • Read all the magic words. Divide them into groups. What is the basis for division
    you chose? Explain your answer.

Spell Words:
+ Crex, fex, pex.
+ Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back,
making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground - in my opinion they led.
+ Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand before me like a leaf before grass.
+ Kara-baras!

Polite words:
∨ Thank you.
∨ Please.
∨ Thank you.

  • What magic words were discussed in the story of V. Oseeva?

About polite (please).

  • Make a plan for the story "Magic Word".

1. Resentment Pavlik.
2. Magic word.
3. Please, please, please.

Answers to page 70 Composing a story

  • Make up your own story on the topic "There is no better friend than your own mother." Start like this:

One such incident happened to me.

I have a wonderful mom. Very kind and smart. I think it's the most amazing
light. She has many talents. I love to draw and my mom is always ready to help me
advice because she has good taste. If I don't know something, she will explain and
prompt. I learn from her and she learns from me. Mom and I are best friends!

Answers to page 71 Let's test ourselves and evaluate our achievements

  • Write a short review about the work from this section that you like the most.
    Specify the title and author of this work.
    Describe the hero of the story. What is he?
    Why did you like this piece?
    Would you like to be like the hero of the work?

I liked the work of N. Bulgakov "Anna, do not be sad!", Which tells about
true friendship between two friends.
The author told us about the importance of moral support, expressed in complicity and
empathy. I want to be like Anya, because this little girl has
huge heart. Anya helped Katya get through her trouble together, extended a helping hand. IN
life is very important empathy, complicity and compassion.

  • What qualities would you like to cultivate in yourself?

I would like to cultivate in myself willpower, self-confidence.

  • Mark what you learned well, "+".

I learned to correlate the main idea of ​​the work with the proverb.
+ I learned to divide the text into parts and make a plan.
+ I can retell the text.
+ I make up my own stories.

Answers to pages 72-75 I love Russian nature. Spring

The theme of the exhibition is "Poems of Russian poets about spring". What other books could you
to complement the exhibition?

1. Spring poems. Great poetry for young children.
2. Poems about spring. Poetry class.
3. Seasons. Poems of Russian poets about nature.
4. F. Tyutchev. Spring waters.

  • Think of and write down as many words as possible for the word spring.
    Murmurs, gentle sun, ringing drops, the first snowdrops,

renewal of nature
freshness, swallow, song of the lark, awakening time, streams run, warm days,
the first thawed patches, buds on trees, drops, flowers, loose snow, tenderness, smell,
beauty, green grass, spring mood, bird twitter, Fresh air.

  • Make up your own mind about spring.

The sun shines warmer
The snow is melting in the meadow,
The streams run faster
A leaf is hidden in a bud.

We hide the sled in the pantry.
The weather is getting warmer every day.
We see grass in the meadow -
What time of year is this?

Answers to pages 73 - 74 Spring Riddles

  • Write an answer. Underline the words that help you guess what the story is about.

I I open my kidneys
into green leaves.
Trees dress up,
I water the crops.
Full of movement
My name is Spring.

She will spin the blizzard
Bring a drop,
In an instant, icicles will knock down from the roofs,
Snow everywhere will remove,
streams murmur,
brighter the sun will shine.
Both capricious and red
Long-awaited Spring.

She will come after winter,
Warmly will give us with you
Wake the earth from sleep.
And what is her name? Spring.

Loose snow in the sun melts,
The wind plays in the branches
Ringing bird voices,
So Spring has come to us.

Page 74

  • Write, what spring? What is she doing?

Spring is long-awaited, red, capricious. She opens the buds, clothes the trees,
waters the crops, fills everything around with movement, a blizzard circles, brings drops,
knocks icicles off the roofs, removes snow, murmurs in streams, shines with the sun, comes
behind the winter, gives warmth, awakens nature from sleep.

  • Based on these words, come up with your own riddle about spring.

Cheerful and loud
Came after winter.
And the plants are happy with her
Both birds and bugs!

  • Write down the words that reflect the spring mood:

the sun shines, the soul is joyful, the grass turns green, nature comes to life, the trees bloom.

  • Make up a story "I'm glad for spring!". First determine what should underlie your
    - a story about a spring event;
    - about spring mood;
    - thinking about how everyone is waiting for spring.
  • Write down a story.

The beginning of spring is not very joyful: there are mud and many puddles on the roads. But the brighter and warmer
The sun starts to shine, the happier I become. The earth dries up and somewhere
you can see the green grass. You can hear a woodpecker knocking on a tree. He's looking for insects
timidly crawl out to bask in the spring sun. Nature comes alive and every day I
I notice a new leaf on a tree, a flower in a meadow, a bug on the road.

Answers to page 75 Let's test ourselves and evaluate our achievements

  • What spring story do you like the most? Why?

I liked the poem by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev "Winter is angry for a reason." For
me this is a fabulous story. The poet vividly and dynamically showed the images of the main characters -
the "evil witch of Winter" and the "beautiful child" of Spring, their rivalry and triumph of victory.

  • Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the selected work.

Theme: "It's time for me to smolder, for you to bloom." Main thought: Spring will definitely come, and
everyone will get a chance to look at the world in a new way.

  • Make up your own story on the theme "I love spring". Write down his plan.

I always look forward to spring. Spring is not only a season, it is a state of
The world is filled with music: the sonorous chirping of birds is replaced by the sounds of drops, chimes
larks in the sky alternate with the mysterious whisper of young leaves.
Spring is a wonderful time for the transformation and transformation of nature. Reaching for the warm sun
any blade of grass that appears in the meadow, any petal.
The scent of spring flowers fills the fresh air. Pastel shades of the infinite
the sky is replaced by the bright colors of the spring meadow.
I love to feel part of this incomprehensible wonder of nature.

1. The arrival of spring.
2. Music of spring.
3. Spring is the time for transformation.
4. Aroma of spring.
5. Colors of spring.
6. I am part of the universe.

  • Mark what you learned well, "+".

I can find words in a poem that help to introduce characters.
+ I learned to compare poems of different poets about spring.

Answers to pages 76 - 86 Both in jest and in earnest

  • The theme of the exhibition is "Funny stories and poems for children."
    How to find books for an exhibition in the library? Make a list of them.

Books can be searched in the library on the shelves in the sections: humor, children's writers.

  • What books have you read? What books would you like to read?

1. N. Nosov "Dreamers".
2. V. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear."
3. K. Chukovsky "Twisted Song".
4. E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, dog and cat".
5. M. Zoshchenko. Stories.
6. B. Zakhoder. Poetry.
7. L. Panteleev "How a pig learned to speak."

  • Look carefully at the pictures on page 127 of your textbook. Which heading fits

+ Scary story.
For mushrooms.
About the boy Vitya and the girl Masha.
On the hunt.
About the hedgehog.

Page 77

  • Restore the sequence of events.

1. To the forest for berries and mushrooms.
2. Save us!
3. Running from the monster.
4. Meeting with the hunter.
5. Trouble, or who scared us so much.
6. Ah, this hedgehog.

"Forest monster"

Once, my sister Masha and I went early in the morning to the forest for mushrooms and berries. We collected
strawberries in a clearing and suddenly saw a large porcini mushroom near an oak. Masha already
bent down to cut it, when suddenly leaves rustled in the hollow near the roots and someone loudly
snorted. Beside ourselves with fear, we took to our heels and ran past the surprised
- Save! - we shouted in one voice, pointing to a large oak tree.
The hunter told us to hold on to him and the first one cautiously approached the hollow. In the dark
the eyes of the monster gleamed. Masha and I jumped back, and the hunter loudly
laughed. He cut off a piece of an apple, threw it near the hollow, and we were all together.
moved away from the oak. A hedgehog immediately crawled out of the hollow! He ate an apple and a mushroom
pulled it out of the ground and dragged it to its burrow. We laughed for a long time at the "terrible
hedgehog", picking berries. And on the way back home they put a handful of raspberries near the hollow,
to appease the "monster".

Answers to pages 77 - 78 B. Zakhoder. What is the most beautiful thing?

  • Answer the question without reading the poem.

The most beautiful thing is the soul and actions of a person.

  • Read the poem by B. Zakhoder "What is the most beautiful thing?" Write down the answers of the characters.

Sunlight, night darkness, forests, skies, sea, peacock tail, flower, moth,
fields, polar ice, mountains, steppe, twinkling stars...

  • Conclusion: what is the most beautiful? Write down the conclusion.

The most beautiful thing is that which is dearest to everyone. That which has the greatest
value to him.

Answers site to pages 78 - 81 E. Uspensky. Cheburashka

  • Find additional information about the writer E. Uspensky. Tell me how you will
    look for this information on the Internet.

(To find the information you need, you need to type "" Eduard
Uspensky", "Biography of Eduard Uspensky".)

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born in the town of Yegorievsk near Moscow on December 22
1937. The parents of the future writer had absolutely nothing to do with
literature, so Edward became a "pioneer" in the writer's path. In the house
there were always many animals for the future creator, since the writer's father was a cynologist in
hunting department of the Central Committee of the CPSU. When his father died, Edik was only ten. So they
they lived together with their mother - in an apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt as beggars.
As a child, Edik had an unusual toy with big ears and a button tail:
either a dog or a hare. As a result, the miracle beast subsequently appeared on the pages
Ouspensky's books under the name of Cheburashka. Little Edik was a mischievous tomboy, and in
got bad grades in school. Financial problems affected Ouspensky's behavior:
everyone in the class had sandwiches, but he didn't. Scandalousness and pugnacity have become
constant "fellow travelers" of a teenager. But Edik masterfully knew how to cut deuces from
diary with a blade.
With all this, in the future, plan to become a minister or an academician. somehow
the boy broke his leg and ended up in the hospital: this is where it happened crucial moment!
Eduard asked his parents to bring him textbooks to study. so small
the boy began to move towards his goal. Soon his academic performance skyrocketed, and
Mathematics was especially good. Graduation from school was marked by a number of awards for
victories in regional, city and all-Union Olympiads.
After school, Edward entered the Aviation Institute and received the profession of engineer.
Thanks to an excellent sense of humor, the student was noticed even in the Ministry of Culture.
The future aviation engineer wrote pop feuilletons already at that time. For every feuilleton
the author received a huge fee in the amount of four scholarships - at that time these were
big money.
For three years Ouspensky worked in his specialty until he realized what he was doing.
completely out of business. After graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute, Eduard led a group on the Second
Moscow Instrument Plant. But a creative person could not stay at the machine for a long time,
so he retrained children's writer- comedian! For the first time Uspensky
He took up writing while still in high school.
After leaving engineering, Ouspensky has been writing scripts, theater
scenes and poetry. The test of the pen in the humor department did not give the proper results:
Almost all works were censored. Not without scandals
for example, Sergei Mikhalkov and Agniya Barto categorically did not want to accept a beginner
author to the Writers' Union.
Together with Arkady Arkanov, Eduard Nikolaevich released several humorous
publications. In 1966, the book "Four under one cover" was published, which included
works by Grigory Gorin, Felix Kamov, Arkady Arkanov and Eduard Uspensky.
Ouspensky's children's poems appeared in " Literary newspaper» under the heading «Club
twelve chairs" and sounded in the radio program "C Good morning! So Edward
Ouspensky went into children's literature.
Once Ouspensky went to work in a pioneer camp as a counselor. Before going to bed, like
It was customary for children to read fairy tales. Soon interesting books were read, and
no one wanted to listen to boring. So Eduard Nikolaevich first showed himself, starting
tell your own story. In 1965, Uspensky and Kamov headed the author's
a group of the MAI student theater called "TV".
For the best children's book, Uspensky was awarded the Ogonyok magazine prize in 1997. IN
nomination "For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children's literature"
Eduard Nikolayevich was awarded the K.I. Chukovsky in 2010. The same year was marked for the writer by a prize in the field of culture from the Government of the Russian Federation. The favorite of children and adults even has the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree: the author received the award in 1997.

  • What works by E. Uspensky have you already read? Mark them with "+". What works would you like to read? Mark them with "!".

Uncle Fedor, dog and cat;
+ Winter in Prostokvashino;
+ Uncle Fyodor's favorite girl;
+ Holidays in Prostokvashino;
+ New life in Prostokvashino;
+ Spring in Prostokvashino;
+ Crocodile Gena and his friends;
! Vacation of the crocodile Gena;
! Crocodile Gena - police lieutenant;
! The kidnapping of Cheburashka;
! Cheburashka goes to the people;
! Mushrooms for Cheburashka;
! Ivan the Tsar's son and the gray wolf;
! Underwater berets;
! School of clowns;
+ About Vera and Anfisa;
! Zhab Zhabych Skovorodkin;
! The investigation is conducted by koloboks;
! Down the magical river;
! Everything is fine;
! Kolobok follows the trail;
! 25 professions of Masha Filipenko;
! Fur boarding school;
! Lectures by Professor Chainikov.

  • Tell us how you will look for the right book in the thematic catalog.

I'll find the "Children's Writers" section, find the author's name, and choose the right book.

  • Read the text about Cheburashka E. Uspensky. Write out a sentence from the story that helps to understand why Cheburashka was called that.

He sat, sat, looked around, and then he took it and cheburahnulsya from the table to the chair.

  • Restore the sequence of events using questions.
    1. Where did Cheburashka live?
    2. How did Cheburashka end up in a box of oranges?
    3. How did the funny animal get its name?
    4. What does it mean?
    5. Why was Cheburashka not admitted to the zoo?
    6. How did he end up in the discount store?
    7. What important work did Cheburashka do in the store?
  • Mark up the text, prepare the script.

A small storage room in a store. In the corner are boxes of various sizes.
In the middle is a desk with a chair. There are a lot of randomly arranged papers on the table.

Store manager (strictly, confidently, loudly):
- Well, I like this animal. It looks like a broken toy. I'll take him to work with me. Will you come to me?

Cheburashka (happily):
- I'll go! (thoughtfully, uncertainly):
- What should I do?

Director (strictly, confidently):
- It will be necessary to stand in the window and attract the attention of passers-by. It's clear?

Cheburashka (loudly): - I see.
(questioningly): - And where will I live?

Director (thoughtfully, looking around): - To live? ...

The director leaves the store with Cheburashka. Store entrance. Nearby is an old telephone booth. The director points to the booth.

Director (confidently, loudly): - Yes, even here! This will be your home!

  • Remember what cartoons are based on the books of E. Uspensky. Write it down.

Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, Shapoklyak, Cheburashka goes to school, Three from Prostokvashino, Vacations in Prostokvashino, Winter in Prostokvashino.

Answers to pages 81 - 82 E. Uspensky. If I were a girl...

Edward Uspensky

If I were a girl
If I were a girl
I wouldn't waste my time!

I wouldn't jump on the street
I would wash my shirts

I would wash the floor in the kitchen,
I would sweep the room

I would wash cups, spoons,
I'd peel the potatoes myself

All my own toys
I would put it in place!

Why am I not a girl?
I would love to help my mom!
Mom would have said:
"Well done, son!"

  • Read the poem. Write down what a boy would do if he were a girl.

He would not waste time in vain, but would help his mother: he would not jump on the street, wash shirts, wash the floor in the kitchen, sweep the room, wash cups, spoons, peel potatoes himself, put his toys in their places.

  • Determine which boy. Underline the correct words.

Bouncer, lazy, funny, hardworking, loving mother, caring for mom, smart, cunning, angry, whiny.

  • Consider the drawings carefully. Find out what things you can do together. Write a story about one of the pictures.

You can clean the room together, share heavy bags equally, harvest the crops together, or paint and repair an old bench in the yard.

Together the work is arguing

There was a Saturday at school. Misha was the last to come running and immediately began looking in the workshop for a hammer and nails. But the labor teacher said that all the tools were dismantled and only a jar remained green paint and a brush.
Misha took the paint and went to paint a bench near the school porch. "Girl's work," Misha thought with annoyance.
- Paint the seat, and I'll nail the board to the back, - a voice came from behind.
Misha turned around, and this was Masha with a hammer and nails.
While Misha was painting, Masha nailed the board.
"If I were a girl, I would definitely be friends with Masha," thought Misha, and the mood became joyful. Together, the work is arguing.

Answers to p. 83 V. Berestov. tassel

  • List the study supplies:

Diary, pencil case, eraser, pen, ruler, compasses, notebook, pencil, sharpener, textbook.

  • What words help to represent this or that subject. Write it down.

The brush is light, thin, airy.
The pen is blue, solid, ballpoint.
The eraser is smooth, soft, magical.

The brush dances, spins, flies.
The pen runs, spins, signs.
The eraser bends, polishes, turns.

  • Come up with a story that could happen to the study supplies. Read the plan. Supplement it if necessary.

Colored pencils pushed and almost jumped out of the pencil case. They really wanted to brag.
- And we painted such a beautiful picture today! they shouted at last, all at once.
“A river flowed through the entire canvas,” said the blue pencil.
- And it reflected the sky - picked up a blue pencil.
- And poppies in the meadow! added red.
- And the trees in the forest - brown and green did not lag behind.
- And all this was illuminated by the bright sun! shouted yellow.
“Yeah, I created this picture,” said the ballpoint pen.
- Like this? - Colored pencils were surprised in one voice.
- And so! There was a Russian lesson before the drawing lesson. And I wrote an essay on the topic "How did you spend your summer." There you still have a cow in black and white, - the pen stated authoritatively.
- They didn’t have time for the cow - the bell rang, - the pencils answered embarrassedly and no longer boasted.

1. Dispute of pencils.
2. Painting.
3. Ballpoint pen.

Answers to page 84 Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky

  • Make a list of V. Dragunsky's books for the exhibition.

Paul's Englishman, “Where is it seen, where is it heard...”, Twenty years under the bed,
Girl on the ball, Childhood friend, Enchanted letter, He is alive and glowing, From top to bottom, obliquely, Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky, The secret becomes clear, Cunning way.

  • Consider the drawings for the story of V. Dragunsky "The secret becomes clear." Restore the sequence of events. Retell the text.

Retelling plan:

1. A mysterious phrase.
2. Without sleep.
3. Breakfast.
4. Dreams of the Kremlin.
5. Alone with porridge.
6. Exit found.
7. Policeman.
8. Uncle in a hat.
9. "The secret becomes clear."

Answers to pages 85 - 86 Let's check ourselves and evaluate our achievements

  • The works that you read in this section can be called:

Scientific and educational;
- adventure;
+ humorous.

  • Match the titles of the works with their authors. If necessary, seek help from the contents of the textbook.

B. Zakhoder ⇒ Comrades for children
I. Tokmakova ⇒ Plym
V. Berestov ⇒ Tassel
G. Oster ⇒ Let's get to know each other
V. Dragunsky ⇒ The secret becomes clear

  • Remember the authors of the following works: "If I were a girl ...", "Good."
    Are the guys the writers told about similar? Write down their names. Explain how they are similar.

The author of the poem "If I were a girl ..." Eduard Uspensky, the story "Good" was written by Valentina Oseeva. The boy Yura from the story "Good" and the hero-narrator from the poem "If I were a girl ..." are similar in that both dream of doing something good, but in reality their dreams remain dreams.

  • Write down the mood created by the works read in this section.

The works of the section "Joking and Seriously" create a good mood, amuse, entertain, make you smile.

  • Complete a creative challenge. Come up with a noisy song. Remember how Winnie the Pooh "designed" it.
    Why would she be called that? What words are needed to create it? Write a noisemaker.

We run to school in the morning,
Time to recharge!
We'll line up now
(One two three four five!)
And let's go to class!
(One two three four five!)

  • Mark what you learned well, "+".

I know what humor is
+ I learned to retell funny stories.
+ I can think of funny stories.

Answers to pages 87-91 Literature of foreign countries

  • The theme of the exhibition is "Literature foreign countries". What other books could you
    complement the exhibition?

James Barry "Peter Pan", Lyman Frank Barry "The Wizard of Oz", Wilhelm Hauff "Caliph the Stork", Antoine de Saint-Exupery " A little prince", Gianni Rodari "Journey of the Blue Arrow", Charles Perrault "Riquet with a Tuft".

  • What books have you read? What books would you like to read? How can I find these books in the library?

I read H. H. Andersen's "The Flint", "The Princess and the Pea", "The Swineherd", C. Perrault "Cinderella".
I would like to read Annie Hogarth's "Muffin and his Merry Friends".

The library has a special section "Literature foreign writers". You need to go to the shelves of this section and find the name of the desired writer (in alphabetical order).

Answers to pages 88 - 89 Charles Perrault. Fairy tales

  • Find in the library in the alphabetical catalog the fairy tales of Charles Perrault. What fairy tale by Perrault would you like to read in the near future?

Donkey skin, fairy gifts, gingerbread house, blue beard, Rike with a tuft.

  • Write your own review of one of the...

I really like Perrault's Cinderella. The heroes of this work are a stepmother, her three daughters, a good fairy, Cinderella, a prince, a king. This story teaches kindness and love. It tells how the stepdaughter Cinderella constantly looked after her stepmother and her daughters. Once the stepmother and her daughters went to the ball, but Cinderella was left behind. Cinderella had to go through many difficult obstacles, but her kind fairy godmother flies to her and helps her get to the ball. When Cinderella comes to the ball, everything becomes beautiful and magical! And even after she had to leave the ball, the prince in love finds Cinderella and takes her to the palace, and the evil relatives are left with nothing. Good always triumphs over evil.

  • Underline the names of the heroes of Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

...Puss in Boots, Giant Ogre, Marquis de Carabas, King, Beautiful Princess...brothers.

  • Ask questions about the content of the story.

1. What did each of the brothers inherit?
2. What gifts did the cat bring to the king?
3. Who did the ogre turn into?
4. How did the cat outsmart the ogre?

  • Change the sequence of events in the story...

The fairy tale will cease to be Charles Perrault's fairy tale. Get a new fairy tale.

Answers to page 90 Annie Hogarth. Muffin and spider

  • Break the text of the fairy tale into semantic parts. Determine the main idea of ​​each section. Come up with headlines.

1. New acquaintance. Muffin meets a spider. The main idea: you can regret anyone.

2. General meeting. Muffin calls friends. Main idea: One for all and all for one.

3. New friend. Mafin's friends try to escape after learning that they have to get acquainted with the spider. Main thought: The power of stereotypes is very strong.

4. Meet the Fairy! Muffin introduces everyone to the spider, and he becomes a fairy. Main thought: Good is rewarded.

  • Find a book by E. Hogarth in the library. What is it called? Write a review for this book.

"Mafin and his merry friends".

The protagonist of the stories of the book is a cheerful and kind donkey Mafin. He lives in the countryside with his friends. Mafin always strives for justice, strives to be good friend and comrade. Together with friends, the donkey Mafin experiences the most exciting adventures, invents entertaining activities and just has fun. The book captivates with the fact that sometimes it is impossible to predict what will happen next.

GDZ to page 91. Tales of the Brothers Grimm

  • Make a list of books for an exhibition on the topic "Tales of the Brothers Grimm"

"Cinderella", "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Bremen Town Musicians", "Lady Blizzard".

About the heroes of what fairy tale do the drawings on page 209 of the textbook tell?

"The Bremen Town Musicians".

  • Read the whole story. Plan her.

1. On the road!
2. Night in the forest
3. The defeat of the robbers

  • Write down questions that you can ask about the content of the tale.

Why did the owners kick out their assistants? What animals are going to become musicians? How did they drive out the robbers?

Page 92-95 Answers to the topic Final test on literary reading

L. Voronkova. What would mom say?

1. Story

2. Sequence of events:

  1. Grinka and Fedya...
  2. Around the collective farm...
  3. Vanya approached Vasyatka...
  4. And went home...
  5. Vanya looked at his father.

3. Write out a sentence from the text that expresses the main idea of ​​the whole work.

She would say: well done my son!

4. Rescuer

5. The work can be placed at exhibitions:

Writers for children.
Stories about children.
Stories by L. Voronkova.

9th ed. - M.:2018 - Part 1 - 224 pages; Part 2 - 224s.

The methodological apparatus of textbooks organizes the orientation of students in the formation of the most important educational actions (read expressively, divide the text into parts, highlight the main idea, title, retell the text, draw up a plan, etc.) and ensure their phased development. Many tasks are focused on the communicative interaction of students, on the development of their ability to cooperate in reading and discussing literary works. The text material of textbooks contributes to the spiritual and moral development of younger students, their awareness of the most important moral and ethical concepts (friendship, kindness, mutual understanding, respect for elders, love for parents, etc.).

Part 1.

Format: pdf(2018, 224p.)

Size: 36 MB

Watch, download: november

Part 2.

Format: pdf(2018, 224p.)

Size: 36 MB

Watch, download:november .2019, links removed at the request of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (see note)

Part 1.

Format: pdf(2013, 224p.)

Size: 40.3 MB

Watch, download: november .2019, links removed at the request of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (see note)

Part 2.

Format: pdf(2012, 224p.)

Size: 12.5 MB

Watch, download: november .2019, links removed at the request of the Prosveshchenie publishing house (see note)

Part 1.
The greatest miracle in the world.
Our projects.
Reader. R. Sef.
Russian folk songs.
Jokes and jokes.
Rhymes and Fables.
Proverbs and sayings.
Fairy tales.
"A fairy tale is walking through the forest." Y. Moritz.
Cockerel and bean seed.
Fear has big eyes.
Fox and black grouse.
Fox and crane.
Porridge from an ax.
How to be good at reading
Swan geese.
Multicolored pages.
Let's check ourselves.
I love Russian nature. Autumn.
"Eat in the original autumn." F. Tyutchev.
"Cowberries ripen."
K. Balmont.
"Autumn has arrived." A. Pleshcheev
"The swallows are gone." A. Fet.
"Autumn. Sprinkled all over our poor
garden." A. Tolstoy.
"Golden foliage swirled."
S. Yesenin.
"Dry leaves." V. Bryusov.
"The birdhouse is empty." I. Tokmakova
Tricky mushrooms. V. Berestov.
Mushrooms (From the encyclopedia).
How to be good at reading
Autumn morning. M. Prishvin.
Multicolored pages.
Let's check ourselves.
Russian writers.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
"At the seaside, there is a green oak."
"Here is the north, catching up the clouds."
"Winter!. Peasant, triumphant.
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.
Ivan Andreevich Krylov.
Swan, Cancer and Pike.
Dragonfly and Ant.
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
Old grandfather and granddaughter.
How to be good at reading
The truth is more precious than anything.
Multicolored pages.
Let's check ourselves.
About our smaller brothers.
They and we. N. Sweet.
Who becomes who? A. Shibaev.
"Crying pussy in the hallway."
B. Zakhoder.
"Once upon a time there was a dog." I. Pivovarova
Cat puppy. V. Berestov.
Guys and ducks. M. Prishvin.
Scary story. E. Charushin.
Brave duck. B. Zhitkov.
How to be good at reading
Musician. W. Bianchi.
Owl. W. Bianchi.
Multicolored pages.
Let's check ourselves.
From children's magazines.
A game. D. Kharms.
"You know?." D. Kharms.
Funny siskins. D. Harms, S.
Marshak What was that? D. Kharms.
Very, very tasty cake.
N. Gernet, D. Kharms.
Freaks. Y. Vladimirov.
Scientist Petya. A. Vvedensky.
Our projects.
How to be good at reading
Horse. A. Vvedensky.
Multicolored pages.
Let's check ourselves.
I love Russian nature. Winter
"It smelled of winter cold." I. Bunin.
"Light fluffy." K. Balmont.
"Morning cat." I am Akim.
"Sorceress Winter." F. Tyutchev.
"Winter sings - calls out." S. Yesenin.
Birch. S. Yesenin.
How to be good at reading
Two Frosts.
New Year's story. S. Mikhalkov
"It was in January." A. Barto.
"The street walks." S. Drozhzhin.
Multicolored pages.
Let's check ourselves
We advise you to read.

Part 2.
Writers - children 3
Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky 4
Confusion 6
Joy 11
Fedorino mountain 13
Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak 24
Cat and quitters 26
Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov 30
My secret 32
Willpower 33
My puppy is 35
Agnia Lvovna Barto 38
Rope 40
We did not notice the beetle 44
To school 45
Vovka - kind soul 46
Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov 48
Entertainers 50
Living hat 54
How to be good at reading
On the hill. N. Nosov 60
Colored Pages 66
Let's check ourselves 68
Me and my friends... 71
Behind the game. V. Berestov 74
"I went into my offense ..."
E. Moshkovskaya 74
“Looking from a height...” V. Berestov 75
Me and Vovka. V. Lunin 77
"Anna, don't be sad!" N. Bulgakov 79
Two cakes. Y. Ermolaev 85
Magic word. V. Oseeva 87
Good. V. Oseeva 93
How to be good at reading
Why? V. Oseeva 96
Colorful Pages 104
Let's check ourselves. . 106
I love Russian nature. Spring 107
“Winter is angry for a reason...” F. Tyutchev 110
Spring waters. F. Tyutchev 111
Spring. A. Pleshcheev 112
Country song. A. Pleshcheev 113
In the meadow A. Block 114
"The snow is no longer the same..."
S. Marshak 115
Mothers. I. Bunin 116
In the storm A. Pleshcheev 117
Let's sit in silence. E. Blaginina.119
"I hurt my mother..."
E. Moshkovskaya 120
White birch. S Vasiliev 122
Our projects 123
Colored Pages 124
Let's check ourselves 126
And jokingly and seriously 127
Comrades children. B. Zakhoder 130
What is the most beautiful thing? B. Zakhoder 131
Songs of Winnie the Pooh. B. Zakhoder 136
Cheburashka. E. Uspensky 139
If I were a girl...
E. Uspensky 144
above our apartment.
E. Uspensky 146
Memory E Uspensky 148
Familiar. V. Berestov 150
Travelers. V. Berestov 151
Tassel. V. Berestov 152
Plim. I. Tokmakova 153
In a wonderful country. I. Tokmakova 154
Let's get acquainted. G. Oster 155
The secret becomes clear.
V. Dragunsky 161
Colored Pages 168
Let's check ourselves 170
Literature of foreign countries 171
Bulldog named Dog - 174
Gloves 176
Braves 177
Braves - 178
Suzon and the Moth 179
Mothers know, children know 181
Puss in Boots. Charles Perrault 182
Little Red Riding Hood. Charles Perrault-194
Princess on the Pea. Hans Christian Andersen 197
How to be good at reading
Mafia and spider. Annie Hogarth 200
Colored Pages 210
Let's check ourselves 212
Dictionary 214
We advise you to read 217
Our projects 219

“Literary reading. Grade 2” is included in the educational and methodological complex “School of Russia”. The textbook has been revised in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The methodological apparatus is supplemented with tasks that form universal educational activities, develop children's ability for creative thinking and cooperation. Particular attention in the textbook is given to project activities. A new sign system has been introduced.

We will meet:
with smart, kind, funny works for children
To I. Chukovsky. S. Ya. Marshak, S. V. Mikhalkov, N. N. Nosova.
We will learn:
understand the meaning of the work.
We will study:
determine the features of the author's text;
talk about the heroes of the works, express their attitude towards them.

Ready tasks

When students enter the second grade, literature introduces them to terms such as rhyme and artistic description. The main themes still have a connection with fairy world, but there are often works about the homeland in which writers express emotions and feelings. Even in Russian you can find excerpts from the works of the classics. And with the solution book on literature Klimanov L.F. for the 2nd grade - the literary world will become even more interesting for the child.

A brief description of the works in the Literature Reshebnik

To make it easier for parents to understand the children's homework, teachers are advised to use the gdz in literature for the 2nd grade. Collections of correct solutions help to find answers to all questions in the textbook in a few minutes. Even if the student does not understand why this answer is correct and not another, the solution contains comments designed to argue the author's thought for young readers. The manual is supplemented with vivid images depicting plot events - so the child will understand what happened in a literary work.

Using workbooks when writing homework, you will save your time in half. It is much easier and easier for a second grader to learn new topics with their parents than with a teacher and a group of classmates. With a competent approach, the student learns to independently check homework, and this will definitely come in handy in further studies.

The ideal time to instill in your child a love of reading books is second grade. There are many exciting and useful aids for him, thanks to which he will learn to read and speak. It is not necessary to remove new textbooks from the program that a second-grader must study.

Such workbooks will not completely engage the student's parents or they will not have free time for this. And in order to check whether the child has read the textbook or not, use a brief literature solution for Klimanov’s 2nd grade, thanks to which parents will discuss the book in detail and help the child refresh the literary work they just read in their memory.

Gdz to a workbook on literature for grade 2 Klimanov comes to the aid of every student. No need to bother with execution homework and suffer from monotonous reading of textbooks, it is enough just to use an online source. Here you can get acquainted with the necessary tasks, and then be content with high marks.

Benefits of using a Literature Resource Book

With a unique viewing experience short description any work from the school list, students will be able to quickly and efficiently do the exercise. Comfortable navigation, a complete list of writers will help with this. There is no need to read boring books, to study the biography of writers.

Not every student can spend a lot of time reading textbooks or learning the Russian language. Sometimes there is not enough time, and this contributes to low academic performance. Today it is easy to solve such a problem with the help of a unique literature solution for Klimanov's 2nd grade.

Advantages of using gdz in literature:

  • The use of GZ saves time. A student can download gdz with ready-made solutions on the site.
  • The opportunity to study a huge number of works, thereby increasing academic performance.
  • The correct presentation of the material in the manual, which contributes to the development of analytical thinking in the student.

Thus, using gdz online or book version is very convenient and efficient. The main thing is to correctly apply a collection of ready-made homework assignments. Then the knowledge will be complete, and the tasks and goals will be achieved at the maximum level.

A workbook for the textbook "Literary Reading Grade 2" by Boykin, Vinogradskaya is a collection of tasks that are developed on the basis of the material from the 2nd grade textbook.

It allows schoolchildren to master a particular topic well, repeat the material covered, learn to draw conclusions from works and analyze them based on different criteria.

Much attention is paid to creativity, the ability to work in pairs, as well as the use of various sources of information.

After each topic is the final work. This allows students to recall the plots of previously completed works in memory.

It is worth noting that the requirements of the Russian school curriculum for grade 2 are quite high.

Therefore, children are not always able to complete all the tasks. Moreover, some questions cause difficulties even for parents.

Because of this, suspicious children often develop nervousness, disappointment in their own abilities, unwillingness to go to school and learn.

In order not to encounter such difficulties, you need to use ready-made answers for literary reading, in particular GDZ workbook literary reading Grade 2 Boykin's answers.

GDZ for a workbook on literary reading Grade 2 (ready-made answers)

The answer to the workbook for grade 2 Boykina and Vinogradskaya is an important need that helps when checking homework in literary reading and helps to cope with unsolved assignments.

So, GDZ workbook literary reading Grade 2 Boykin's answers are a guarantee of correct and timely done homework, as well as an assistant in preparing for lessons and all types of final work.

Especially GDZ (ready-made answers) will be needed by busy parents who are not always able to allocate the necessary time for literature classes after a busy working day.

After all, this subject requires moral relaxation and lack of haste, which are not always present at the end of the day.

Plus, you need to fantasize and perform in-depth analyzes of texts.

Here, certainly, one cannot do without the GDZ.

Ready-made workbook for literary reading Grade 2 (answers to all questions of the workbook) will awaken imagination, inspire, and help answer difficult questions, and will not allow you to make mistakes.

In addition, the literary reading solution (answers to workbook grade 2) from GDZ Gramota is doubly convenient, because you use it online.

Convenient site navigation allows you to find the information you need in a matter of seconds.

All topics in the GDZ workbook literary reading grade 2 Boykin's answers are listed in the same order as in the notebook, and in addition they are also numbered.

Why is it worth choosing answers to a workbook on literary reading from GDZ Gramota?

1. Uniqueness

We do not duplicate other GDZ sites, we develop our own answers. They are comprehensive and accurate.

2. Literacy

Our answers to the class 2 workbook do not contain any type of error. We focus on quality.

3. Clarity

When writing solutions for literary reading, we take into account the age category of students. In order to avoid incomprehensible moments, the maximum available words and simple sentence structures are used.

In addition, our ready-made answers are written in accordance with the GEF 2nd grade.

GDZ Literacy - the key to an easy learning path!

Ready-made homework literary reading Grade 2 Boykin and Vinogradsky's workbook.

GDZ literary reading grade 2 part 2 textbook Klimanov Goretsky (answers from "GDZ Diploma") is an online collection of ready-made answers to the second part of the textbook on literary reading grade 2.

This is a pleasant opportunity to make the learning process much easier and at the same time receive high marks and praise from the teacher.

GDZ for literary reading Grade 2 makes it possible to master a particular topic on time and to the fullest extent, even if for some reason the student was absent from the lesson.

With such an assistant, it is much easier to answer questions from the textbook Literary Reading Klimanov Grade 2.

In addition, after completing homework, there will be time and energy for leisure which is important for second graders.

GDZ grade 2 part 2 textbook Klimanov Goretsky literary reading (ready answers) from "GDZ Diploma" is:

1. Complete uniqueness

All site material is developed individually for GDZ Gramota.

Therefore, you will not find similar answers on other services.

This feature minimizes the likelihood of classmates having similar materials.

2. Literacy

All our ready-made answers for literary reading grade 2 (textbook Klimanov, Goretsky) are written in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

3. Availability

We take into account the age category of second graders, so we do not make confusing sentences and do not use too complicated words.

We are focused on simplicity, accessibility and understanding on the part of schoolchildren.

Therefore, in order to understand the works and certain topics, children do not even have to ask for help from their parents.

GDZ literary reading grade 2 part 2

Answers to the textbook on literary reading for grade 2 (part 2) - GDZ on the tasks of the textbook, which are given after each completed work.

They include solutions to both standard questions for works and creative tasks.

It is worth noting that the textbook Literary reading grade 2 part 2 Klimanov, Goretsky, in addition to elementary tasks, offers to perform such as:

1. Discussion of the plot and idea of ​​the work with a friend;

3. Determination of the character traits of certain heroes, their characteristics;

4. Expression of one's attitude to certain events, heroes;

5. Comparison of texts from different sources.

And this is only a small fraction of what a second grader faces when doing homework.

Agree, not every adult can easily perform such tasks.

Fortunately, to solve such difficulties, you can use the GDZ literary reading (ready-made answers grade 2).

They are both a clear example of completing tasks and a guarantee of avoiding mistakes.

In addition, having hints in the form of GDZ at hand, children perceive difficult questions much more easily.

Due to this, there is no dislike for homework and negative attitude towards literature.

Plus, busy parents will be able to relax after a busy day at work.

After all, now there is no need to spend hours on homework with the child.

The ease and availability of ready-made answers from GDZ Gramota allow students to do their homework completely on their own.

GDZ Literacy - a green signal on the path to knowledge!

Ready-made homework for literary reading grade 2 part 2 Klimanov, Goretsky.