The birth of a new person is a mystery and magic. So tiny and defenseless, very soon he will start talking and walking, then reading, writing, going to school, and you won’t notice how an adult independent person will form from a tiny creature, with his own tastes and views. So I want his fate to develop, so that he becomes successful and self-sufficient. And it is so interesting to learn about his future inclinations and character. It is believed that the day of the week on which he was born affects the character and taste of a person.

If the baby was born on MONDAY

MONDAY day of the week of birth and character

Monday is the first day of the week. From this day on we promise ourselves to start new life, instill new habits . On this day we go to work. Monday is considered to be a difficult day, however, children born on Monday are often not so difficult at all. On the contrary, they are cheerful and cheerful. They have a kind and easy nature. They easily converge with people and find new friends. At the same time, the word "friends" is not an empty phrase for them. If your friend was born on Monday, you can always rely on him.

Girls born on Monday become good mothers and housewives. And the boys are good family men. They are excellent cooks and love delicious food. Often born on Monday are real gourmets. However, this may affect their figure. Therefore, those who were born on the first day of the week should restrain their addiction to food.

Children born on Monday can become real leaders if they learn to restrain their hot temper and constant mood swings. But the performers from them are bad. This connected with the fact that these children do not know how and really do not like to obey. They become stubborn and willful if they are required to do something that they absolutely do not want to do.

If the baby was born on a Tuesday


But if your baby was born on Tuesday, he is very energetic and strong. At the same time, he not only easily subjugates those around him, but also copes with their own shortcomings. These are real leaders and bosses. They can force you to follow them, correctly distribute work and responsibilities, reserving the right to lead the process. They will not long stand at a crossroads, thinking which way to take. They are able to make quick decisions and often turn out to be right in their choice.

People born on Tuesday can hardly be called romantics, but at the same time they love to travel, adventure and books with exciting stories.

If your baby was born on WEDNESDAY


Children born on Wednesday show their cheerful disposition with early childhood. They always have a lot of friends at their birthday party, fun. This is due to their easy disposition and innate optimism. For such people they say "the soul of the company." But behind the simplicity lies an extraordinary mind and resourcefulness. Such a person is difficult to confuse with words. He will surely find you a decent answer quickly.

All this affects the choice of profession. Children born on Wednesday often prefer professions where you need to constantly work with other people. They often succeed in trading. And their innate optimism does not break in difficult times. After all, even to their own troubles, they treat with a share of humor.

However, their light and cheerful nature does not make them insensitive. On the contrary, they are sentimental. By-present a person born on Wednesday will sympathize and understand you.

If your baby was born on THURSDAY


If your baby was born on Thursday from it, you will surely get a good family man. From childhood, these people love home comfort and cannot stand inconstancy. Remember the tale of the three little pigs? "The pig's house should be a fortress" - this is exactly the attitude these people have towards the house.

But, although they prefer family values ​​​​and home to all joys, these people are sociable, easily converge with strangers, conquering those with their sincere smile and optimism.

People born on Thursday love surprises and always keep up with the times. They will never make a conservative, lamenting "how good it was ...". They are open to the world, they are interested in novelties.

However, such an open character is not always good. Unfortunately, the path to a stable life will not always be easy for them. There are many disappointments ahead, insults that they carry too close to their hearts. All this will pass and be forgotten, because along with optimism, nature rewarded them with stubbornness, which irritated their mother so much in childhood.

They cope with any job, especially if it involves the need to make something with their own hands.

If your child was born on FRIDAY


True connoisseurs of art are born on Friday. These are refined natures who have been drawn to beauty since childhood. A girl born on Friday will never allow herself to look inappropriate. She follows fashion and has an innate sense of style. The boy is neat and pedantic to his appearance.

In their youth, such people often have a large number of admirers. This happens due to their amorousness and love of flirting, which leads to the jealousy of their partner. However, they will not leave flirting even after finding their soul mate. But this flirting does not always involve treason. Often they enjoy the process itself.

They love noisy companies and entertainment. They prefer sweets to all dishes, even in old age.

People born on Friday. They become good journalists, workers of art, culture and television.

If your child was born on SATURDAY


Although Saturday is the first day off, children born on this day of the week are real workaholics. They are serious and always bring everything to the end. These are the people who can succeed even in an area in which they have never worked. They believe that if you wish, you can learn everything and prove their theory in practice.

From childhood, a child born on Saturday will become your real helper in the house. And this quality will remain with him in adulthood. They are wonderful friends.

If your child was born on a SUNDAY


If your child was born on Sunday, you can not worry that his fate will not work out. Life itself favors such people. These are real lucky ones with a cheerful disposition and sunny character.

They are all on time. A joyful childhood full of friends. Cheerful youth and secure old age. These people, as a rule, successfully marry, independently find their niche in life. They are creative and know how to approach the situation with creativity.

Consider what people born on Sunday can expect from life. If a person was born on Sunday, his whole life is controlled by the Sun and he can be called a solar person. Such a person will feel like a creator, he will have many different creative ideas, because the Sun is in charge of the theme of creativity. As a rule, sunny people have more ideas than time to implement them. In addition, the Sun gives organizational skills, so such a person is always looking for those who would embody his ideas, orders the embodiment of his ideas to specialists, but the idea of ​​​​self-embodiment of ideas comes to him last. It is much more pleasant for a sunny person to imagine how ideas become a reality than to get down to business for the sake of implementing their projects. Sometimes they say about such people that they are not of this world, as they live in a beautiful fantasy world.

The greatest thing we can do for a child born on Sunday is to preserve and develop his fantasy and imagination, not to deprive him of the joy of inner creativity. It is useful to read fairy tales with an intricate plot, with unusual characters to such a child and make sure that he imagines what they look like. fairy tale characters. There is no need to show him finished images, let him try to imagine and draw for himself what those about whom in question. It is more useful to include cassettes of fairy tales for him than to give vividly illustrated books. Teach him from an early age to use his imagination, because then he will receive more energy from the Sun and will be happier and healthier.

People born on Sunday, regardless of their chosen profession and abilities, throughout their lives show interest in the work of other people, often looking for ideas in the work of others that they themselves live by. Often they try to draw, they are able to sing and dance well. Not all of them have a developed taste, they just like everything related to creativity. A sunny child from an early age should be taught drawing, singing, dancing, taken to the theater, to art exhibitions, introduced to creative people. Let him not become a great dancer, singer or artist, but learning this will help him in life, allow him to feel more confident, start earlier independent life and achieve more.

The sun gives us a feeling of joy and a feeling of love, and, as a rule, sunny people are optimists throughout their lives, they believe that everything happens for the best, smile often, exude positive energy of kindness and love, and are constantly looking for an object for new love, someone with whom they could exchange the solar energy of joy and love. Life more often pleases such people than upsets them. Answering the question “How are you?”, they can sincerely say that everything is fine with them and even excellent. Such people know how to find joy in life. Sunny children are more cheerful than adults born on Sunday. But if you see that a child born on Sunday is often sad, offended, crying, this is a reason to be wary, because this can mean a breakdown, a loss of connection with the main source of his energy - with the Sun. In any case, from an early age, teach a sunny child to see the good in everything, learn to laugh at difficulties and overcome them with a smile. When talking to him, smile more.

It is desirable that there are yellow objects in the room of a sunny person, because they will warm him, establish an energetic connection with the Sun, help to forget about troubles and recharge with the energy of joy. If a child or adult born on Sunday lives in a room full of pastel-colored objects, it will be more difficult for his sunny qualities to manifest, and if a sunny child asks you to buy some kind of yellow or orange object, do not refuse him, because this is not an easy a whim, but a necessity caused by the desire to achieve a state of harmony.

The sun symbolizes the personality, the individuality of each of us, and a sunny person is able to clearly show his individuality, declare himself as an unusual person. He is capable of unconventional actions, able to think unconventionally. It is very important not to suppress the unconventional manifestations of the solar child. Let him be different. Carefully observe what abilities he shows, and rather begin to develop them by giving the child to the appropriate studios. If you truly wish the child well, forget about your own unsatisfied desires and do not try to teach the child what you yourself once wanted to learn. Parents and children are certainly similar, and maybe your child will indeed have the abilities that you once tried to develop in yourself. Carefully observe the child, look for the brightest qualities and abilities in him and try to develop them. If a child shows little interest in learning and his abilities remain a mystery to you, teach him something unusual, give him such knowledge with which he would stand out from the crowd. For example, let him learn to skydive or play tennis with his left hand as well as with his right.

Very often, people born on Sunday show an interest in luxury, strive to live beautifully. This is not the best manifestation of sunny people, because how expensive the furniture in their house and clothes will be and how often they will arrange holidays for themselves, little will change in their soul. If a child born on Sunday shows more interest in beautiful things than in creative pursuits, it is necessary to seriously engage in his upbringing, becoming interested in some business. Sunny people with great reluctance are engaged in monotonous work and deeds in which they do not find joy. It is necessary to find for the child such a thing that would touch the strings of his soul and every day give him new emotions, information; it is better to teach him several things at once, then he will be interested.

The sun is a planet of luxury, and, regardless of the requests of a solar person, he can live his whole life or a significant part of it in luxury, work at a rich enterprise. Maybe a person will not live in a palace with servants, but his life will be more prosperous compared to the lives of many of his acquaintances. Perhaps a sunny person will spend most of his life in close proximity to luxury, for example, as an employee of a museum or a jewelry company.

Throughout life, the day of the week of the birth of a person is the happiest for him. Those born on Sunday should appreciate this day, because it is on Sunday (on any Sunday) that they will be able to find solutions to the most difficult problems, find the best implementers of their ideas, and achieve the greatest results in any business. Sunday will be your lucky day, and whatever happens on this day, know that sooner or later it will make you happier.

Every few years in the life of each of us begins a happy year. This is the year that began on the day of the week we were born. The year when a sunny person celebrates his next birthday on Sunday can be called happy, because in this year a person has a double support from the ruler of his life. For every person, the year of the Sun promises to receive joy, creative inspiration, but for a sunny person it will not just be a year of joy, but a year when he will be able to realize his ideas, implement the most important projects, fundamentally change his life. The forces of the annual ruler and the ruler of all life merge into one without conflicting at all. In the next solar year, you will have twice as much strength as in other years. Appreciate your every solar year, use this time with maximum benefit, take risks, try yourself in a new business.

Since the ruler of the day of birth determines the background of all life, the influence of the ruler of each subsequent year is superimposed on this background. This overlay is not always painless, as the character of the ruler of life can be very different from the character of the ruler of the year. If the next birthday of a solar person falls on Saturday, the energy of Saturn, the ruler of Saturday, will have to connect with the energy of the Sun. The sun is generous, and Saturn is restrained and calls for economy; The Sun inspires the desire to create, look for unconventional solutions, and Saturn is the planet of conservatives; The sun elevates the spirit, while Saturn grounds it. The year of Saturn for a solar person can be an even greater test. In such a year, a sunny person will feel inner discomfort from the inability to realize his potential. But in such a year, a sunny person will be able to make his dreams and fantasies come true, because Saturn is the planet of the earth element.

Sufficiently favorable periods for a solar person are the years of Jupiter and Venus. The nature of Jupiter is similar to that of the Sun. Jupiter, like the Sun, pushes to make grand gestures. The sun is the planet of joy, and Jupiter is "great happiness." In the year of Jupiter, a solar person will be able to use his abilities more widely, to reveal his potential.

Venus can be called the younger sister of the creator Sun, as she is the planet of needlework. The year of Venus is good for a sunny person in that it can teach him practicality and the independent implementation of his own projects. But it is unlikely that in such a year you can learn a lot and achieve a lot.

The most unpleasant period for a sunny person can be the year of the Moon, the year in which his birthday fell on Monday. The sun is the planet of fire, and the moon is water, their characters are opposite, therefore, in the year of the moon, a sunny person can become depressed, experience severe internal discomfort. The application of your creative energy to everything connected with the Moon will help reduce painful sensations, first of all, it is worth illuminating your house with your Sun, decorating it with a picture or other beautiful yellow object.

In the year of Mars, people born on Sunday feel good, since Mars, like the Sun, belongs to the fire element. But the energy of Mars is much coarser than solar, and the influence of Mars can lead to a decrease in the level of culture of a solar person, to a violation of his own moral principles.

A sunny person will feel quite comfortable in the year of Mercury, in the year when his birthday fell on Wednesday. The sun is the planet of fire, and Mercury is the planet of air. The air of Mercury will inflate the fire of the Sun, and the solar person will have the opportunity to reveal his potential, to flourish. The dormant, hidden qualities of a solar person will finally be revealed, he will find new sources of joy.

If a person was born on Sunday, throughout his life any Sunday is his lucky day.

A child born on Sunday needs the development of fantasy and creativity communication with creative people. Teach him to see only the good in everything and bring joy to people, allow and help him to be different from everyone else.

The patron saint of those born on Tuesday is Mars. He endows his subordinates with courage, aggressiveness, physical strength, and the desire to take first place.
Those born on Tuesday will strive to achieve everything in life on their own, like to be independent, do not like objections.
Success is achieved through personal courage. They always finish what they started, but when they have doubts, they may also develop apathy.
Their inherent impulsiveness can do them a disservice. Their selfishness creates big problems in friendship. The fact that they first do and then think can also create many problems for them.
They need a partner who can control their impulses and impulsiveness. Or able to endure it.
Tuesday children are physically active, well-built and sexy at the same time. This applies equally to men and women.
Elvis Presley, Mel Gibson, Robert De Niro, Kevin Costner, Nicolas Cage, Vin Diesel, Tom Cruise , Charlie Chaplin, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal, Sting, Pablo Picasso, Friedrich Nietzsche, John F. Kennedy, Vladimir Putin ;
Marilyn Monroe, Claudia Schiffer, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman, Margaret Thatcher's Iron Lady.

A person born on Tuesday can be recognized by ... a hairstyle!
Such people prefer short hair, haircuts and all kinds of short hair - hair interferes with them.
Tuesday people are usually swarthy, stooping.
In general, they are often distinguished by slovenliness and untidiness in appearance. But they are not able to be shy, they are not squeamish and see life from the dark side. For example, betrayals and the generally accepted dirt of human relations do not surprise them at all. They themselves are not averse to lie and deceive.
Skeptical outlook on life and generally accepted human values in people born on Tuesday.
People born on Tuesday rarely agree with anyone and it is very difficult to convince them with words.
But at the same time, Tuesday people are amazingly brave people, they will help out worthy people, in their opinion, and come to the aid of friends.
The secret to the longevity of people born on Tuesday is the ability to adapt. They are unpretentious in food and life.
Often such people have savings and even capital, they accumulate for old age. But, judging by their appearance, you won’t even guess about it, and in general, they don’t like to brag and are more often silent, knowing the nature of people.
A person born on Tuesday is considered solid and reliable, despite his outward gloominess and stinginess.

Warrior planets. Children of the red planet are distinguished by activity and purposefulness. Martian energy dictates an aggressive style of behavior: all plans must be implemented, despite the obstacles. Age and gender do not matter, people born on Tuesday are always aimed at the best result. Being the first is the main task in life. Often they achieve success at a young age, significantly overtaking their peers in moving up the career ladder.

People of Mars are distinguished by impulsiveness, excessive haste. They can harm themselves by ignoring the danger: the goal is important for them, not the ways to achieve it. Parents should unobtrusively direct the energy of the baby in the right direction, without strict instructions. Aggression awakens anger and stubbornness, the child can withdraw into himself. Children born on Tuesday easily do business that is of interest to them. The task of adults is to captivate the baby, physical activity is considered useful for development.

Girls Born on Tuesday

Children under the influence of Mars look like confident natures who know their own worth. The patron planet generously endows fragile girls with masculine qualities: perseverance, courage, determination. At the same time, they often doubt their own abilities, often act under the influence of emotions. Parents should support their daughter, admire her talents. Despite a strong will, there is a danger of nervous breakdowns: the girl may lose faith in herself.

Mars is a male planet, so girls born on Tuesday often have hobbies typical of the stronger sex: auto racing, extreme sports. Do not be afraid for the health of your daughter, inaction is the main enemy of the people of Mars. In adulthood, they find themselves in a profession that requires a sharp mind and a quick reaction: a doctor, teacher, trainer, researcher. In family life, they are looking for happiness next to a calm, confident man who is able to make concessions.

Female names for girls born on Tuesday: Angelica, Arina, Varvara, Victoria, Daria, Eva, Margarita, Marina, Milena, Olesya.

Boys Born on Tuesday

Boys born on Tuesday have an iron will, over time they grow into real men. Parents should pay attention not only to mental, but also to physical education. A kid can become an outstanding athlete, he is generously endowed with all the necessary qualities: perseverance, diligence, determination. Adults should support the child's hobbies, the best gift for him will be items that encourage active action - a bicycle, a scooter, sports equipment.

Children have the ability to easily assimilate information, but difficulties may arise in the learning process: the child does not consider it necessary to do what is not within his sphere of interest. Parents should outline the significance of the material being studied, set clear goals for their son. The right motivation the right way achieve the desired result. Boys born on Tuesday often choose professions associated with risk: lifeguard, military, police.

Male names for boys born on Tuesday: Anatoly,

Gives people born on Sunday a feeling of happiness and joy. Children of this day are distinguished by love of life and optimism. They are happy to communicate with peers, easily share their toys. The sun personifies generosity and kindness, the child will delight his parents with a complaisant and calm disposition. Life's difficulties will not become a significant obstacle, the baby is able to overcome any sorrows without losing a positive attitude.

Children of this day are endowed with a rich imagination, they have many hobbies: singing, dancing, drawing. They strive to surround themselves with like-minded people who can help realize their ideas. After all, they are too dreamy people to carry out plans on their own. They are ready to provide any support to their close circle. Always joyful and sunny people charge their friends with positive, enjoy the authority and love of their peers.

Girls Born on Sunday

Girls love beautiful things, they enjoy changing bright outfits. At the same time, they are completely non-capricious, if it is not possible to buy a new toy or dress, they agree to wait. Girls from childhood are distinguished by rare artistry, they love to dance and sing. Parents should encourage hobbies, the creative component plays a big role in raising children of this day. Recommended professions: musician, teacher, psychologist, jeweler, designer.

Children born on Sunday always have their own opinion, they move in the direction they need. Parents should not suppress the bright individuality of the child, a rude intrusion into the fragile inner world can lead to a cooling of family relations. The baby can withdraw into itself, lose positive attitude if there is tension in the house. The girl especially needs the attention of her father, she sincerely admires him. He dreams of finding a life partner similar to him, he will find happiness next to a strong, confident man.

Female names for girls born on Sunday: Alena, Darina, Camilla, Karina, Natalia, Oksana, Olga, Svetlana, Tatiana, Ulyana, Chloe, Elvira.

Boys Born on Sunday

The boys of this day are distinguished by a peaceful character, they do not seek to prove their worth with the help of brute physical strength. They can be lazy in learning, although they are good at the exact sciences. Children born on Sunday are not too patient, they quickly get tired of monotonous activities. Parents should be wise, do not force the son to follow a predetermined path. Let him do what he loves, even if this occupation does not seem quite promising in terms of choosing a profession.

Boys born on Sunday are always in the spotlight, positive attitude and kindness attract people. are considered good friends, always care about the well-being of the inner circle. They can easily organize any business, while they are distinguished by inconstancy: they quickly lose interest when difficulties arise. Parents should teach their son patience and diligence, sports - The best way to develop discipline. Recommended professions: actor, screenwriter, organizer of holidays, teacher, leader.

Male names for boys born on Sunday: