What is a chronic disease?

In fact, this is a disease that is permanent, which lasts for a long time, which constantly repeats, etc. Those. when the body acts according to one scenario regularly. This is nothing more than a reflex.

Academician Pavlov studied the topic of reflexes very deeply. It has been established and proven that if the same behavior is repeated for 20-40 days, then it becomes a reflex. The body gets used to it and reacts the same way every time.

Claim 3: Chronic Illnesses Indicate Personality Change or Disorder

Since books such as "illness as a way" have become popular, it is a topic that is always the "mistake" of chronic illness due to certain mental deficiencies. If we follow authors like Mr. Dahlke, people with the same diseases will have very similar personality structures. People with a certain disease have some personality structure that needs to be subdued, so stupidity is meaningless.

This is relatively easy to explain: if you are sensitive to stress from your psychological structure, you have a significantly lower stress threshold. A good example: a person has no problem with bungee jumping, another panics in an elevator. People, of course, are so different in terms of psychological stress. However, metabolic responses to stress hormones, blood glucose levels, muscle tension, etc. are always the same.

In some cases, this reflex develops positive habits. Then this feature of our consciousness is to our advantage. Because it is enough to act consciously in a new way for 20-40 days, after which it will work out in the form of a reflex, and you will not need to consciously monitor your behavior.

But it also happens that the reflex is developed not at all for the benefit. And, unfortunately, this happens even more often.

They are activated much earlier in a sensitive person. Because of these mechanisms, "sensitive" people also tend to suppress immunological processes. Metabolic poisons can accumulate, infections such as cold are naturally suppressed by subjective stress. For example, a subtle but long-lasting stress stimulus can clear the path from chronic disease to the metabolic process when the person is sensitive enough.

Plus: subjective susceptibility to psychological stress is largely anchored in the subconscious and only very limited by logical and rational thinking. Therefore, at the level of reasoning against these things, you can work very limitedly. Then one might also consider animal love, homosexuality, or interest in a particular sport for a personality disorder.

Let's take an example of how this system works.

For example, you condemned someone, emotionally began to explain to the person that he was wrong, to teach him how to act and how it would be right. If he does not agree with you, then anger appears in you and an even greater desire to prove your case and get him to agree. Your internal state becomes more and more tense, this entails an increase in your internal blood pressure. If you behaved like this once, then it's okay - just a case from life. If you behaved this way twice, then it’s also okay - you will calm down and the pressure will return to normal. But if you begin to behave in this way within 20-40 days, then a reflex is developed. And now - you have a chronic. Each subsequent time, you need less and less reason for the pressure to shoot up sharply. A little excitement about something is enough - and you immediately roll over. From that moment on, episodic pressure turned into chronic. Now it is much more difficult to treat him. It is necessary to develop a reverse reflex - to consciously accept that this form of behavior is left behind. That now you calmly react to all situations, that you accept people as they are and allow everyone to live their own life.

Claim 4: Chronic diseases are symptoms of deficiency

It just makes us all human! Conclusion: Claim 3 is pretty much a myth! . Now we are completely into naturopathy or there are also myths and legends here that on closer inspection are not durable or at least revisions. For example, in these circles there is a hypothesis that chronic diseases mainly or exclusively due to deficiency.

Orthomolecular doctors and so-called "vitamin dads" have taken this idea and made it popular. Rath, in which the hypothesis of cancers and/or cardiovascular disease, partly as an insufficient disease, is partly unclear. This includes statements such as: "A heart attack is completely avoidable - you need to consume plenty of vitamin C!". There are, in fact, pronounced and even scientifically confirmed states of vitamin deficiency. Meanwhile, he is on everyone's lips.

Another example. If, for some reason, on some day you had to give a strong strain on your eyes, when your muscles were constantly tense and you were forced to diligently peer into the distance or read something intensely, then just rest after that and everything will be fine. But if you keep the muscles of your eyes tense for 20-40 days, then the tension becomes a reflex and gradually appears in you. To return good vision, you again need to develop a reverse reflex. Learn to look into the distance relaxed, not to strain the muscles of your eyes.

However, there should not be a causal relationship from this dubious correlation. However, deficiency is usually only one of several factors that must be addressed if a fundamental improvement in health is to be achieved. It is by no means necessary that certain states of deficiency cause certain chronic civilizational diseases. A nutritional deficiency condition should always be assessed on an individual basis, regardless of existing disease, and treated accordingly.

Another problem in this context is largely known in naturopathy and refers to the so-called relative states of nutritional deficiency. on good German: too many calories, too much sugar, too few vital substances. This circumstance contributes to the development of the so-called degenerative diseases of civilization and diseases of the elderly, including cancer and diabetes.

The same thing happens in other situations. Any spasm, any tension, if repeated for 20-40 days, turns into a reflex. Intestinal spasm - here you have chronic constipation, stomach spasm - here you have chronic gastritis, vasospasm - here you have chronic forms of vascular disease. So don't let negative emotions, feelings, etc. At the very least, do not let them become chronic - because anger, resentment, discontent is precisely what causes all spasms, excessive tension, blockages, etc. All of them can lead to serious chronic disease.

To a lesser extent, this condition may also contribute to chronic inflammatory diseases. If you know a little about cellular metabolism, you will soon realize that this is often an acid-base balance issue that is often researched in natural medicine.

Etc. 5: Chronic diseases can be cured with a certain diet

Conclusion: there is certainly a real core in statement 4, but you should not fix the bet! This statement is also often found in natural healing circles. For example, people who say you have been cured of cancer by eating raw food. Or with the stone age diet of Crohn's disease or multiple sclerosis. To test the quality of these claims, two questions need to be asked.

These are the cases when a chronic illness was provoked by a psychological factor.

But, of course, no one cancels other common causes of chronic diseases.

If at the first symptoms of a disease you immediately start to suppress them with medicines, then this is also a direct road to a chronic form. To prevent this from happening, you first need to understand what caused this symptom, what true reason emerging pain. It is necessary to work out exactly the cause, and not start a chemical attack on your body with drugs. Remember that any medicine can only relieve the symptom, but does not remove the cause of the disease. In addition, any medicine has many side effects. Therefore, first think about what will be more - benefit for the diseased organ or harm to the rest of the body.

The first question is: can a "healed" person return to a normal diet after being healed without recurring symptoms of the illness? The second issue is to help reproduce a specific form of nutrition in a specific disease, i.e. Does the Stone Age Diet Help Any Case of Crohn's Disease?

To ask a question: if so, congratulations! In this case, the food form corrected the imbalance in metabolism that led to the disease. However, if the symptoms recur, the disease is not cured. Then, with the nutritional form, the ever-existing metabolic imbalance that causes the symptoms of the disease is controlled. Therefore, the diet balances this imbalance, but it does not correct it.

As soon as you are firmly aware that any illness is a signal from your body that some kind of failure has occurred, then you will begin to direct your efforts to understand what kind of failure has occurred, how to restore the natural state of the body. You will be able to direct your energy and thoughts to help your body recover naturally, and not start poisoning it with chemicals. It is possible to drown out the pain in this way, but unfortunately not to remove the cause.

Second question: this can be answered clearly and in any case no. Every chronic disease has many different causes that are weighted differently from person to person. For some people, diet is very much in the foreground. You can benefit from dietary changes. However, a specific disease does not require a specific form of nutrition, but the metabolic imbalance is compensated by the "suitable food form". In plain text: metabolism determines what form of nutrition is appropriate, not disease.

In this regard, Crohn's disease may benefit from a vegetarian diet, another patient with the same stone age diet symptoms. I have no doubt that certain forms of nutrition can positively influence or even treat chronic diseases. However, the same applies to vitamins and nutritional deficiencies: one cannot generalize or all at once. However, this patent solution does not exist in medicine or in natural medicine.

It is as if you were walking along a long road wearing headphones, looking around and not noticing that there was a ravine ahead. Passers-by begin to tell you that be careful, look ahead. But you don't pay attention to the noise behind the music in your headphones. Some people are already starting to shout and wave their hands at you, that stop, you are going in the wrong direction. And you do not pay any attention to their signals, you make the music louder so as not to hear their words and cries. How do you think it will all end? Was it possible to solve this problem simply by drowning out the signals that were given to you from the outside?

So if you claim to have found the "perfect diet" for everyone, you either don't know better or he's a liar!

  • Statement 5 has a true core if it is not generalizable.
  • However, there is no "perfect diet for everyone".
Are natural sciences a modern religion? There are some horrific parallels. On closer examination, some of the claims of scientific medicine turn out to be pure legend. Of course, this also applies to some claims in the field of alternative medicine or to many of today's chronic diseases.

We simply lack the knowledge to calculate their likelihood and also to treat them meaningfully - medically and holistically-naturopathically. Chronic disease can occur at any age, at a very young age, as well as in old age. Some chronic illnesses result in a disability that an outsider can immediately feel; other disabilities are not obvious to everyone. Relatives and other people who have someone who suffers from a chronic disease often face great problems.

No, you had to stop, turn down the music that prevented you from hearing the world around you and listen, but what is life telling you so insistently, what are you doing wrong? Only in this way can you really change the situation and not bring it to a sad ending, when the problem is already taking on a completely different form, and it becomes much more difficult to solve it.

Chronic diseases differ in their symptoms, their treatment, and the course of the disease. Some can be life threatening and, depending on how advanced they are, will seriously affect quality of life and ability. Others can be very stubborn, but they are less restrictive and can be treated well.

The most common chronic diseases are very different diseases such as cerebral palsy, asthma, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and chronic fatigue syndrome. Living with a chronic disease means more than just a physical limitation. It can also lead to financial and psychological problems and strain relationships. Affected individuals often face loneliness and fear. They are ashamed and burdened by the fact that they depend on the help of others.

The term Chronic Disease is defined as a health condition or health problem that has no recognized cure. Chronic diseases are diagnoses that are usually not life-threatening, but require constant attention and proper care.

Health conditions or diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma and arthritis are typical examples of chronic diseases. If you are susceptible to one of these diagnoses or similar health conditions, usually with a standard health insurance they will be treated as pre-existing. As a result, they will not be included in the insurance coverage of your policy. On the other hand, if you do not yet have chronic diseases, it would be wise to reflect and evaluate what is the likelihood of developing one or more over time.

Often the person takes time to get used to the situation and accepts that they now have to live with an illness that will limit them in the long run. Family life can be severely disrupted if the primary beneficiary is no longer able to work, or if treatment affects daily work and family activities for a longer period. The affected person must learn to follow medical instructions, manage drugs, deal with financial problems, and get used to the limitations and changes associated with the disease.

While we are healthy and young, we rarely think about the fact that after a while there is a high probability that we will develop the same chronic diseases as other older people: high blood pressure, inflammation of the joints, unbalanced blood sugar levels.

Despite how young we feel in our souls, the human body has its own tendencies of development and aging. Because of this, it is extremely important to ensure that you have full chronic disease coverage on your health insurance policy, the sooner the better.

All this requires him to develop new skills and adopt strategies for Everyday life. Those who manage the situation usually have people around him who help him maintain his dignity and self-esteem. He also seeks to have the Spirit with Him, to be close to the Lord, and to obey the commandments.

This allows you to understand what a person needs, the difficulties that he has to deal with, and those areas in which he is limited. Keep in mind that he may need help with grooming or other support, and that some things may need to be streamlined or changed differently. Remember that those who care for him also suffer because they are witnessing one of their loved ones suffer. Help interested person, it will be saved. Help him that he is self-sufficient, as far as it is real. Be positive and focus on what the person can do, not what they can't. Work with priesthood and charitable leaders, visiting teachers, and the stakeholder and family together to achieve intelligent transformation. This includes, for example, returning him to church and then returning home. To the extent possible, help the person concerned and his family always feel the influence of the spirit. Look for ways to serve the right person and contribute to the community in an appropriate way. Be an attentive listener as he struggles to accept, understand, and deal with his illness. Never assume that he is sick because he is "something special" or a "sinner". Prayer and faith in Christ are extremely important. A person who is in the hospital or who cannot leave the house is usually satisfied with regular visits. Be aware that many chronically ill patients do not sit for long periods or cannot concentrate for long periods of time. If you are qualified and approved, you can help him - physically and medically; however, do so without over-recourse to it. Ensure that the person concerned has specific medical needs that may require immediate attention. You must know what to do in an emergency. Write an expensive letter to the appropriate person, if necessary, and encourage or read it. good book together.

  • Learn about the disease and how it affects the affected person.
  • Consider his mental, physical and spiritual needs.
  • Take your time and show genuine interest.
  • Write lessons for the member who cannot come to church.
  • If necessary, you can also visit him and take a lesson together.
After being fired, she can still work 20 percent in a sheltered workshop, but she deserves less.

While life in a metropolis offers unlimited possibilities and round-the-clock amenities, sometimes you have to put up with an unfavorable environment and not always the most desirable living conditions.

Air pollution is one of the most pressing problems modern society. We do not fully know to what extent this affects health, but it is no longer possible to deny the existence of negative effects. We still do not fully understand the connection between our health, well-being and the environment around us. For example, a lack of oxygen reaching the heart and other muscle tissues leads to an increase in blood sugar levels.

The functional systems of the human body are closely interconnected. External influences like polluted air can trigger more than one chronic disease over time. Since it can be difficult to drastically change external factors, it is much more effective to protect yourself by purchasing a comprehensive health insurance policy. In this case, if one day such a diagnosis comes up, your health insurance policy will be able to provide coverage for the necessary treatment and supervision.

RHI Chronic Illness Coverage

As mentioned earlier, if you are planning to buy a health insurance policy, but you already have a history of developing a chronic disease, it will be treated as pre-existing and, therefore, will not be covered by the policy you purchased.

However, if you have taken care of a comprehensive health insurance policy in advance, insurance coverage will be provided to you in the process of developing a certain diagnosis or disease. With age, this part of the insurance policy becomes much more relevant and significant.

There are many various ways and opportunities related to chronic disease insurance coverage:

Annual limit

Under this coverage option, the amount of coverage is determined on a one-year basis. Thus, a limited amount of funds is provided each year for chronic disease coverage. With the renewal of the policy, regardless of whether the security was fully or partially used, the limit is restored to its previous level.

The main advantage of this option is that the coverage is uniform every year, providing stability.

Perpetual limit

In a policy where chronic disease coverage is subject to an indefinite limit, it means the amount of coverage calculated for the entire life of the policy.

This option may not seem so attractive in view of the fact that, unlike the annual limit, the balance of insurance coverage is not replenished. Therefore, if the limit is exhausted, it cannot be restored and a chronic disease will not be covered by insurance coverage.

Exclusively Exacerbation Phases

With this option of insurance coverage, only the phases of exacerbation of chronic diseases will be covered by insurance coverage. In a particular case, the exacerbation phase implies situations in which a chronic disease manifests itself especially strongly. For example, in chronic asthma, a severe attack will be considered as an exacerbation phase.

Keep in mind that the degree of chronic disease coverage that is offered as part of a health insurance policy will depend on the insurance company you choose. Carefully read all the terms of your insurance policy in order to fully understand all the nuances and circumstances.

Chronic Disease Insurance

If you would like to learn more about the insurance industry's standards and regulations for chronic illness, please contact us. At RHI, our consultants can help you learn more about health insurance and can advise you on potential health risks to insure.