Today I would like to publish an article that is devoted to the problem of the inflammatory process in the body. This article is replete with special medical terms, therefore, although it considers the causes and symptoms of inflammation, it will be of interest to a few. I publish it primarily for myself. So to speak, note. Well, maybe some of you will find it useful.

The mechanism of development of the inflammatory process

Many external signs of inflammation are explained just by the development of arterial hyperemia. As the inflammatory process increases, arterial hyperemia is gradually replaced by venous hyperemia.

Venous hyperemia is determined by further vasodilation, slowing down of blood flow, the phenomenon of marginal standing of leukocytes and their moderate emigration. A rather sharp increase in filtration processes, a violation of the rheological properties of the blood of the body.

Factors that influence the transition of arterial to venous hyperemia can be divided into two main groups: extravascular and intravascular.

Intravascular factors include - a strong thickening of the blood as a result of the transfer of a certain amount of plasma from the blood to the inflamed (damaged) tissue.

Parietal standing of leukocytes, swelling of the endothelium in an acidic environment, the formation of microthrombi - as a result of platelet aggregation and increased blood clotting.

Excessive accumulation in the focus of the inflammatory process of inflammatory mediators with a vasodilating effect along with hydrogen ions, exudate compression of the walls of veins and lymphatic vessels, these are extravascular factors.

Venous hyperemia initially leads to the development of prestasis - a jerky, pendulum-like movement of blood. During systole, blood moves from the artery to the veins, during diastole - in the opposite direction, since the blood encounters an obstacle to outflow through the vein in the form of increased blood pressure in them. And finally, the flow of blood due to blockage of blood vessels by cell aggregates or microthrombi completely stops, stasis develops.

How does stasis of blood and lymph occur?

microcirculation disorder is necessary precondition for the development of subsequent stages of inflammation. Only when the blood flow slows down and stops completely, it becomes possible to accumulate inflammatory mediators in a fairly short segment of the vascular bed.

Extravascular migration of leukocytes and their accumulation at the site of injury is one of the main phenomena in the inflammatory response. Without the release of leukocytes and their accumulation in one place in the form of an infiltrate, there is no inflammation.

The accumulation of cells in the focus of inflammation is called an inflammatory infiltrate. The cellular composition of the infiltrate significantly depends on the etiological factor.

In the event that inflammation is caused by pyogenic microbes (streptococci, staphylococci), then neutrophils predominate in the infiltrate. If it is caused by helminths or is allergic in nature, then eosinophilic granulocytes predominate.

In inflammation caused by pathogens of chronic infections (mycobacterium tuberculosis, anthrax), the infiltrate contains a large number of mononuclear cells. Different blood cells migrate at different rates.

Mechnikov's law

The sequence of release of leukocytes into the focus of acute inflammation was first described by I. I. Mechnikov and learned the name of Mechnikov's law. According to this law, neutrophils are the first to enter the focus of acute inflammation, 1.5-2 hours after the onset of the altering agent, and the maximum accumulation of these cells occurs after 4-6 hours.

The emigrated neutrophils form an emergency line of defense and prepare the work front for macrophages. No wonder they are called "emergency response" cells. Then, after 3-4 hours, monocytes begin to come out. Last but not least, lymphocytes migrate.

Currently, the sequence of emigration is not explained by the simultaneous appearance of chemokines and molecules specific to different leukocytes.

The main place of leukocyte emigration is the postcapillary venule, since the endothelial cells lining the lumen of the venules have the greatest adhesive ability. The exit from the blood flow through the wall of postcapillary venules of leukocytes is preceded by their marginal standing, sticking to the inner surface of the vessel wall, facing the inflammation.

Adhesion (adhesion) of leukocytes to vascular endothelial cells in last years special attention is paid, because the management of the process of interaction of leukocytes with the endothelium opens up fundamentally new ways to prevent an inflammatory reaction.

The creation of inhibitors of the synthesis of adhesive proteins or selective blockers of their receptors would make it possible to prevent the release of leukocytes from the vessels, and, consequently, to prevent the development of inflammation.

What is the reason for the higher adhesiveness of the endothelium at the sites of injury? So far, no definitive answer can be given to this question. Now this is associated with many factors, of which the most important is the increase in the synthesis of adhesive proteins by endothelial cells themselves under the influence of certain inflammatory mediators, in particular chemokines.

Adhesins are molecules that control adhesive reactions. They are produced not only by endothelial cells, but also by leukocytes.

Contribute to the adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelium of microvessels and the changes that occur in the leukocytes themselves when they are activated. First, neutrophils in the initiation phase of inflammation are activated and form aggregates. Leukotrienes contribute to the aggregation of leukocytes.

And, secondly, some products secreted by the leukocytes themselves (lactoferrin) have adhesive properties and enhance adhesion.

After attaching to the endothelium, leukocytes begin to emigrate, penetrating through the inter-endothelial gaps. IN Lately the existence of another way of emigration - transendothelial transfer - is questioned.

Lymph cleansing video

From a young age in the office of an uncle or aunt in a white coat, a frightened child hears these strange words: rhinitis, sinusitis, or, for example, tonsillitis. With age, mysterious diagnoses with the ending "it" are added to the medical record of almost every person. Did you know that all these "its" mean one thing: inflammation of one or another organ. The doctor says nephritis - it means that the kidneys have caught a cold, arthritis - your joint hurts. Absolutely every structure in the human body can be affected by the inflammatory process. And your body starts to tell you about it quite early and actively.

Five signs of inflammation were identified in ancient times, when not only special medical devices for diagnostics did not exist, but even a simple blood test was out of the question.

Knowing these five characteristic signs of inflammation, you too can determine your disease without any additional methods:

1. Tumor - swelling

Any inflammatory process in the human body begins with the penetration of a provoking agent into it. It can be a bacterium, a virus, a foreign body, Chemical substance or another provocateur. The body immediately reacts to an unexpected guest, sending its guards to him - leukocyte cells, which are completely unhappy with him and instantly join the battle. In the place of accumulation of exudate, an infiltrate is formed. In the area of ​​the inflammatory process, you will definitely see swelling.

2. Rubor - redness

As a result of the death of damaged cells in the body, special substances are released - inflammatory mediators. They are the first to respond blood vessels located in the surrounding tissues. To slow down the flow of blood, they expand, fill with blood and the result is the appearance of redness. Thus, redness is another hallmark inflammation.

3. Calor - rise in temperature

Vasodilation is an indispensable component of any inflammatory process, also because it must be cleaned up on the battlefield. The blood flow brings oxygen and the necessary building materials to the site of inflammation, and takes away all the decay products. As a result of such active work in the area of ​​​​inflammation, it becomes very hot. The third mandatory sign of inflammation is fever.

4. Dolor - pain

The fact that somewhere in the body there is an active fight against the pest must be reported to the brain, and the best way this make is any bright and expressive signal. To do this, in almost every part of our body there are special bells - nerve endings. Pain is the best signal for the brain, as a result of which a person understands that something is going wrong in a certain area of ​​his body.

5. Functio laesa - dysfunction

The above signs of inflammation in total give another important symptom of this pathological process - a violation of the function of the affected structure. In a combat area, life cannot continue in the usual way. Therefore, inflammation is always accompanied by functional insufficiency of the affected organ. In some cases, this can be very dangerous for the body, for example, in inflammatory processes of the heart, kidneys or other vital organs.

If you notice these five signs of inflammation in yourself, you urgently need to see a doctor.

Remember that the inflammatory process is a serious pathology that cannot be treated on its own. Consultation with a qualified specialist and the selection of an effective treatment regimen will help your body become a winner in the battle against inflammation.

Inflammation is the human body's response to injury or infection. It should be noted, however, that often pain. The pain sensations arising at the time of inflammatory processes are not associated with the damage itself, but with the body's reaction to it.

After the activation of the inflammatory process, the body releases special substances - cytokines. Due to this, local expansion of blood vessels and capillaries occurs, which leads to an increase in temperature and reddening of the damaged area. After vasodilation, the gaps between the cells located in the vessels increase, and the blood plasma, together with the immune cells in it, enters the site of damage. This in turn causes swelling.

Thanks to cytokines, the cells lining the vessels attract immune cells (white) plasma and they leak to the site of injury. To cleanse tissues of pathogenic microbes and dead tissues, white cells synthesize special substances that increase the inflammatory process. Also during this period, even intentional tissue damage is possible, which causes pain. Despite the rather negative description of this process, acute inflammation is an integral part of human life.

By creating a temporary edema, the body increases the number of immune cells at the site of damage, which destroy pathogens, thereby starting the recovery process. If this did not happen, the consequences could be much more serious.

Inflammation in muscles and tissues associated with training

You should understand that the inflammatory processes that were caused by intense training are positive. When muscles contract, the synthesis of cytokines is accelerated, which activate inflammation of muscle tissues. For immune cells, the presence of cytokines means the possibility of "communication".

They are signal protein compounds and are of great importance for the body. For example, interlic-6 increases the ability of muscle tissue to absorb glucose and fatty acid thus obtaining the required amount of energy. As a result, we can confidently say that cytokines activate muscle growth processes.

Upon receipt of microdamages by muscle tissues, the production of mechanical growth factor is locally accelerated, which, in combination with an increase in the number of white cells, activates the division of satellite fibers. As an analogy to this process, we can cite the construction of structures that began after their partial destruction by a tornado.

What is chronic inflammation?

Physicians consider chronic inflammatory processes "slow killers", as well as overexertion. If acute inflammation can be considered a necessary and important process, then chronic inflammatory processes are systematic and can cause muscle pain. With the development of severe forms, chronic inflammation can cause heart disease and a sharp increase in insulin resistance. The main problem of chronic inflammatory processes is not that they create temporary disability, but the possible consequences in the future.

Most often, chronic inflammation is associated with impaired fat metabolism. This is possible when the balance in the use of omega-3 and 6 is disturbed. As a result, this leads to high competition between these substances. Thus, you should be wary of calls to consume more than 20 grams of fish oil per day.

Substances that cause inflammation

Now we will talk about several substances that can cause inflammation in the body under certain conditions:
  1. Prostaglandins. These are metabolites of fat metabolism, capable of activating the inflammatory process under certain conditions or suppressing it. For example, all prostaglandins, which are formed during the metabolism of omega-3, produce an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Trans fats. Remember that these substances must be eliminated from your diet. Trans fats have the ability to inhibit normal fat metabolism. In addition, they replace useful fatty acids in cellular structures, which as a result leads to an increase in insulin resistance.
  3. Alcohol. It has a mechanism similar to trans fats by slowing down the synthesis of omega-6 desaturase. In the body of alcoholics, most often there is a focus of a chronic inflammatory process.
  4. Insulin. Now we are talking about an exogenous hormone, which is often used by athletes. This drug can also stimulate inflammation in the body.

The need and ways to combat the inflammatory process

If you use anti-inflammatory drugs in accordance with the instructions, then they will not harm the body. Another thing is when a person drinks handfuls of, say, headache pills. The use of this type of drug can significantly slow down the process of muscle growth.

To avoid chronic inflammation, you must first take care of maintaining a balance between omega-6 and 3. Grass-fed meat should also be preferred. Unlike feed-raised cattle, it has a complete amino acid profile. Do not consume large amounts of sugar and if you are overweight, try to get rid of it.

For more information about the biochemistry of muscle tissue, see this video:

Inflammation of various organs of our body is a very common problem that we have to face at the most inopportune moment. The cause of such inflammations can be various bacteria and pathogenic infections, such as staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, all kinds of viruses and viral bacilli, fungi and other infections.

How can inflammation be treated with folk remedies at home?

Inflammation is a process that appears as a result of tissue damage. It is aimed at combating the agents that caused the damage, as well as repairing damaged tissues. However, a prolonged inflammatory process means that the body needs help.

Each of us needs to know this. After all, inflammation is the most common pathological process that occurs in our body. They lead to:

  • slowing down blood flow
  • the occurrence of pain
  • swelling,
  • rise in temperature
  • and, ultimately, to the violation of the vital activity of the organism.

Therefore, we need to know how to cure inflammation in different parts of the body and how to deal with inflammation at an early stage of its development in order to prevent significant negative consequences.

The universal remedy is antibiotics. They inhibit the activity of pathogenic bacteria. However, to eliminate the consequences of inflammation, auxiliary drugs and methods of treatment are needed. Most of our organs are prone to inflammation, and each has its own means and methods of treatment. So, with inflammation of the lungs, it is necessary to use expectorants, antihistamines and inhalation drugs. Inhalations used for difficulty breathing and as a means of antibiotic therapy. By using expectorants the lungs are cleared of mucus. Antihistamines serve to reduce pulmonary edema and prevent allergies to other drugs.

Effective ways to treat inflammation of different parts of the body at home

Inflammation can be cured by using various antibacterial and antiviral medicinal herbs and plants in combination with other natural resources. Such treatment allows you to achieve excellent results and get rid of inflammation in a short time.

A common form of inflammation is inflammation of the female genital organs. We recommend that you use medicinal herbs like bay leaf, walnut leaves, blueberry leaves, immortelle, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, sweet clover, nettle, licorice, blackthorn roots and others. It is also considered effective for inflammation of the ovaries to drink tinctures of aloe and pumpkin juice, and linden, thyme and chamomile inflorescences are used as a decoction. Propolis and mummy can also be used.

There are many old effective recipes for pneumonia, respiratory tract or tuberculosis. In such cases, it is required to use a tincture consisting of St. John's wort, essential oils, a decoction of oats and medicinal herbs, such as violet, pine buds, plantain, aloe, etc. Foods familiar to us, such as honey, onions and garlic, are also quite effective.

In case of inflammation of the larynx, we recommend using gargles with various decoctions and tinctures. For example, you can rinse your mouth with a tincture of ammonia in combination with a small amount of water, as well as a tincture of fresh walnut juice or rose oil. Also, you can prepare a healing ointment from the folk remedy of sage and camphor, they should be mixed with a small amount of honey. In addition, we recommend eating more grapes and pomegranates.

Inflammations are different. If your tooth hurts because your gums are inflamed, and you can’t go to the dentist immediately, you can rinse the tooth with salt. Dilute a tablespoon of salt in a glass of boiled water and carefully but gently rinse the aching tooth. This must be done at least once an hour.

Inflammation can occur due to small scratches - if the redness and swelling does not subside for a long time, consult a doctor, you may need more serious treatment than just herbal tinctures or decoctions. In addition, if you get a scratch, be sure to treat it with hydrogen peroxide and iodine or brilliant green - then more serious measures will not be needed.

For the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries, in addition to antibiotics, take decoctions of medicinal plants: boron uterus, chamomile, calendula. In addition, the use of various medicinal collections, consisting of various herbs, which are used specifically for gynecological diseases, is effective. Herbal decoction is needed for douching, after which tampons or anti-inflammatory suppositories prescribed by a doctor should be placed.

To treat inflammation of the ear, ear drops are used, which have a local therapeutic effect directly in the ear cavity. Ear candles and physiotherapy are also used.

To combat inflammation of the oral cavity, antibacterial sprays or antifungal drugs are used.

There are a lot of diseases associated with inflammation of different parts of the body. In the treatment of most of them, schemes similar to those described above are used. But at the same time, in each case, there are some nuances and subtleties, additional medicines are used. And, although the basis of any anti-inflammatory course is antibiotic therapy, antibiotics alone to cure inflammation are not enough for a complete recovery. Therefore, an individual treatment regimen should be selected by a doctor who decides how to treat inflammation in each case.

How to quickly treat inflammation with colds and sore throats at home?

This question is probably one of the most common. Surely everyone is familiar with the situation when, on the eve of an important business meeting, vacation trip or holiday party, the temperature suddenly rises, the head starts to hurt, the throat is tickled and the joints ache. All these are signs of inflammation that accompanies diseases such as flu or tonsillitis. And here it is important not only to remove the symptoms of inflammation that disrupt the planned event, but to get rid of inflammation at an early stage. What needs to be done for this?

First of all, take antibiotics - Penicillin (or any other penicillin) or, if you are allergic to it, Erythromycin.

Drink more liquid during inflammation at home: warm water, tea with raspberries or honey, fruit drink, and so on.

Mix in equal proportions crushed leaves of sage, yarrow, St. John's wort and coltsfoot. Measure out two tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for one hour, filter and gargle the finished infusion in the throat to quickly treat inflammation.

Mix one large spoonful of honey with 20 drops of propolis tincture and 5 drops of Lugol's solution. After mixing the ingredients thoroughly, separate a quarter of the composition with a teaspoon and place it under the tongue. Try to dissolve the folk remedy for inflammation as slowly as possible, holding it in your mouth. Repeat the procedure four times a day.

Buy peach, eucalyptus or tea tree oil at the pharmacy. Mix 20 milliliters of purchased oil with 5-7 milliliters of sea buckthorn. Pipette the prepared mixture onto the tonsils with inflammation and lie on your back for half an hour, throwing your head back.

Prepare a two-liter pot of water. Pour a tablespoon of chopped eucalyptus leaves there and the same amount of sage, thyme, pine or birch buds. Put the pan on the fire, bring the folk remedy to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Then put it on the table, cover your head with a towel or blanket and breathe over the steam for at least 20 minutes. Having finished the procedure, lie down in bed and cover yourself with a blanket with your head.

Very useful honey-echinacea mixture for resorption. To prepare it, place a spoonful of honey with 20 drops of echinacea tincture in alcohol. The mixture should be sucked after meals, a third of the serving at a time.

Now, knowing how to quickly treat inflammation, you will be ready for any vagaries of your body.

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes with a cold?

There are many folk remedies with anti-inflammatory properties. These include not only various medicinal plants, but also minerals. Each of these remedies is suitable for the treatment of inflammation of a particular organ.

For example, celandine is effective in treating inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes. You need to cut off the stems of celandine, wash and dry them, then finely chop and pour alcohol. The resulting tincture should be moistened with a gauze bandage Apply the compress to the inflamed area, covering it with polyethylene on top, and wrapping the neck with a scarf. This procedure should be carried out at night until the inflammation subsides.

To quickly relieve inflammation, you need to follow a certain diet and daily routine. However, nothing particularly difficult in this case is not required, rather the opposite. Sleep should not be neglected - even with a slight lack of sleep, the body's immune system weakens and inflammatory processes intensify. And one sleepless night can negate all your previous treatment.

In case of inflammation, it is also necessary to exclude from your menu some products that contribute to the development of inflammatory processes. These are lamb and pork, beans, milk, wheat, eggs and yeast. But raw fruits and vegetables should be eaten as much as possible. Pumpkin pulp especially helps. And to increase immunity, you need to eat more foods containing vitamin C.

It should be remembered that the body of each person has its own individual characteristics. Therefore, when using this or that medicine for inflammation at home, try to foresee all the nuances, especially the possibility of allergies.

The inflammation can be treated if it is not too serious, but if the swelling does not go away for a long time, go to the hospital, otherwise the consequences can be very serious.

P.S.: Use our tips and recipes and you will forget about diseases forever!

Often, with the development of any pathological process in the body, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory drugs. They help to localize the focus of inflammation, prevent the further advancement of the infection and eliminate it.

Often, faced with a particular disease, many people in the treatment try to use only natural remedies. This includes berries, flowers, leaves, roots of medicinal plants. They are taken internally in the form of infusions, decoctions or tinctures, and are used externally for compresses, lotions or rubbing. Traditional medicine has collected many effective recipes that are used as effective and harmless anti-inflammatory drugs.

Home treatment of inflammatory processes

1. In the treatment of inflamed urinary tract in folk medicine, such a herbal remedy as an infusion of young birch leaves is effectively used. It has a very good anti-inflammatory quality. For 330 milliliters of boiling water, you need to take one large spoon (with a slide) of raw materials dried in the spring. After three to four hours, the infusion is poured through cheesecloth into a cup. Drink with warm honey three times a day. A single dose is 100 milliliters.

2. In case of diseases of the organs of the urinary system, the people widely use the infusion of field cornflower petals. This is a good anti-inflammatory drug. For half a liter of boiling water, take 1.5 tablespoons (tablespoons) of dried vegetable raw materials. Drink warm during the day before meals. Honey can be added to the infusion.

16. Potato juice is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic in the treatment of stomach ulcers. 40 ml of juice is drunk before meals three times a day during the first week. In the future, the dosage is adjusted to 250 milliliters. Such treatment should not be stopped until a complete cure.

17. Aloe juice is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, wounds, conjunctivitis, tuberculosis and skin diseases. It is squeezed and taken in half a teaspoon with honey.

18. Horseradish has healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. For gout, rheumatism and sciatica, fresh leaves are used as compresses.

Treatment of diseases accompanied by inflammation depends on the cause, mechanism of its occurrence, clinical picture, type, form and stage of the disease. Acute inflammation lasts only a few hours. The chronic stage can proceed for a very long time or for life. To eliminate pathological processes in the body, general, local or complex treatment is used.

Do not get sick and be healthy!