Didactic game

Didactic goal: To teach children to correlate the actions of people with different professions
1. Educational: Teach children to respect the work of adults
2. Developing: Continue to develop children's memory
3. Speech: Develop coherent speech.
4. Educational: Cultivate friendliness

Game rules: name the action of this profession. If the child cannot remember, then he catches the ball and throws it back to the leader.
Game actions: throwing and catching the ball.
Material: Ball
Preliminary work: The teacher conducts a short conversation before the game, clarifying the children's understanding of the words used in various professions and actions.

Game progress
1. Organizational moment.
Children enter the group, stand in a semicircle.
Educator: - Guys, look at the guests, at each other, smile and say hello.
Today we will plunge into the world of professions and play a new exciting game “Who will name more actions? »
I will name professions, and you will remember all the actions of this profession. And what professions we will talk about today, you will find out when you guess the riddle:
I go there every day. It’s necessary, even if laziness. It’s necessary for my family. .
Children. Kindergarten.

Educator: Well done. We will talk about kindergarten professions.
Game rules: name the actions of this profession. If you can't remember, then throw the ball back to the leader. You cannot interrupt the respondent.

Educator: Each person, having a profession, performs some actions.
What does the manager do?
Children: The head supervises the work of the kindergarten. She has a lot of important things to do. Makes kindergarten beautiful.

Educator: What does the deputy head do?
Children: She helps caregivers teach kids. Prepares many documents. Prepares children for participation in various competitions.

Teacher: What does the teacher do?
Children: Takes care of us, loves us and understands, teaches us to draw, sculpt, count, work.

Educator: What does a physical education instructor do?
Children: The physical education instructor conducts physical education classes. He teaches children to be physically strong, healthy, dexterous, hardy.

Educator: What does the music director do?
Children: teaches us to sing, dance.

Teacher: What does the assistant teacher do?
Children: feeds us, washes the dishes and the floor, wipes the dust.

Teacher: What does a nurse do?
Children: monitors our health children: examines us.

Educator: And what does Alexey Alexandrovich do? What is the name of his profession?
Children: Repairs furniture, makes sandboxes, crafts. Cuts the grass.

The result, the result in the form of a win. Whoever gave the most correct answers won, the rest should try and next time they will succeed.
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Tatyana Galkina
Didactic game on the formation of knowledge about professions "Who knows and can do more"

Didactic game"Who knows and knows more» .

Didactic task: expand and strengthen children's knowledge of professions, labor actions and tools, to educate organization, coherence of actions

game task: win the competition, get more points to become a winning team. Gaming actions: different types of competitions - who more, who will do it more correctly and faster, will say.

General rules of the game: perform tasks on the leader's command correctly, quickly, in an organized manner, independently

Game material and equipment: emblems for team captains and for panels - scoreboards; chips - circles, sockets for chips, flags for scoring, panels - a scoreboard for summing up the game (type of type-setting canvas or flannelgraph) sets of pictures for the game "Our mothers, our fathers".

Game progress:

The teacher offers the children play a game"Who knows and knows more» , says that you need to split into two teams (or links that will compete in the best performance of game tasks. The children are divided into two teams. The teacher invites each team to consult and name the captains - the most knowledgeable, dexterous and resourceful. The captains choose a name for their team, The emblem is attached to their chest and on the scoreboard.The role of the leader, in agreement with the children, is taken by the educator.

The facilitator reminds that the task must be completed correctly, quickly and in unison, act only on the signal of the facilitator.

For completing the task, children are given chips: the team that scored more chips, 3 points are awarded, the next 2 points. In accordance with the number of points, the captains put red flags on their scoreboard. The team that gets more points in all competitions.

First task "Who more knowledge of adult professions» .

Teams are invited to think about who adults work for (you can think together and talk quietly, consult with members of your team).

After small pause(1-2 minutes) leading, starts with the captains, approaches 2 - 3 members of each team and asks them to answer. For each correct answer, he gives a chip. Returning back, again asks 2-3 players from each team, starting with the last one. Then you can ask those sitting in the center (in competitions it is important to ensure the same winning opportunities for all teams and to activate all children as much as possible).

Rules: listen carefully to the answer of the children, do not repeat the names professions, answer quickly at the suggestion of the presenter, do not prompt. At the end, chips are counted and points are awarded.

Second task: relay race "Who needs what to work"

The teacher says that the children named a lot adult professions. A Did you know what people need professions for their work? Let's check! This is the second task. On the tables for each team are large pictures of different people professions(shows). Who is this? (teacher) and this? (firefighter). Three cards for each team. There are also small cards on the tables, on which various tools and tools are drawn. (shows, calls). By team: one, two, three - start! Team captains come to the table, take one big card, show it to team members, put it on the left side of the table and sit in their place. After that, a member of the team sitting next to him gets up, quickly approaches the table, finds a card with the image of a tool for the person chosen professions and puts it next to big card. When this participant sits down, the next one gets up, etc. The team that quickly and correctly picks up all the small cards to big.

Rules: at one time you can take only one small card, start the task only after the previous team member sits down in his place.

Third task: "Guess what we're doing?"

The facilitator invites each team to consult, choose profession and show the labor actions characteristic of the people of this professions. One team shows, the other guesses the shown actions and calls the other team's plan profession. Then another command shows. Chips can be given both for the correct display and for guessing.

Rules: negotiate and show actions to all team members; perform actions correctly so that you can guess it, do everything silently without prompting.

Fourth task: "Helping Adults".

The host speaks: So far we have been talking about the work of adults. Do the kids help them? How do you do it? We will see now.

Exercise "Set the table".

Teams must choose two attendants who will set the tables for dinner for four people.

Rules: set the table correctly, beautifully and quickly, and team members should not prompt the attendants.

The attendants approach the distribution tables at the command of the children "Begin" are taken to work. The captains, together with the leader, check and evaluate the performance of the task, taking into account the correctness, speed and beauty of the table setting. When assessing for each indicator, chips are given.

Summing up the overall results: The captains and the presenter count the points of each team. The team that scored more points, is declared winning. She makes a lap of honor, the others greet the winner.

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Goals: consolidate knowledge about animals, develop attention, memory.

Game progress: The teacher names the animal, and the children call the cub in the singular and plural. The child who correctly names the cub receives a token.

Didactic game "Who (what) flies?"

Goals: consolidate knowledge about animals, insects, birds, develop attention, memory.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. The selected child names some object or animal, and raises both hands up and says: "Flies."

When an object that flies is called, all children raise both hands up and say “Flies”, if not, do not raise their hands. If one of the children makes a mistake, he leaves the game.

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Goals: clarify and expand ideas about the life of insects in the fall, learn to describe insects according to characteristic features, cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things, develop attention.

Game progress: Children are divided into 2 subgroups. One subgroup describes the insect, and the other must guess who it is. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup asks their questions.

Didactic game "Hide and Seek"

Goals: learn to find a tree according to the description, consolidate the ability to use prepositions in speech: behind, about, in front of, next to, because of, between, on; develop auditory attention.

Game progress: On the instructions of the teacher, some of the children hide behind trees and bushes. The leader, according to the instructions of the teacher, is looking for (find who is hiding behind a tall tree, low, thick, thin).

Didactic game "Who will name more actions?"

Goals: learn to select verbs denoting actions, develop memory, attention.

Game progress: The teacher asks questions, the children answer with verbs. For each correct answer, the children receive a token.

- What can you do with flowers? (tear, sniff, watch, water, give, plant)

What does a janitor do? (sweeps, cleans, waters, cleans the paths from snow)

Didactic game "What happens?"

Goals: learn to classify objects by color, shape, quality, material, compare, contrast, select as many names as possible that fit this definition; develop attention.

Game progress: Tell what happens:

green - cucumber, crocodile, leaf, apple, dress, tree….

wide - river, road, tape, street ...

The one with the most words wins.

Didactic game "What kind of bird is this?"

Goals: clarify and expand ideas about the life of birds in the fall, learn to describe birds according to characteristic features; develop memory; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Game progress: Children are divided into 2 subgroups. Children of one subgroup describe the bird, and the other one must guess what kind of bird it is. You can use riddles. Then another subgroup asks their questions.

Didactic game "Guess, we will guess"

Goals: to consolidate knowledge about the plants of the garden and vegetable garden; the ability to name their signs, describe and find them according to the description, develop attention.

Game progress: Children describe any plant in the following order: shape, color, taste. The driver from the description should recognize the plant.

Didactic game "It happens - it doesn't happen" (with a ball)

Goals: develop memory, attention, thinking, speed of reaction.

Game progress: The teacher pronounces phrases and throws the ball, and the children must quickly answer.

Snow in winter ... (occurs) Frost in summer ... (does not happen)

Hoarfrost in summer ... (does not happen) drops in summer ... (does not happen)

Didactic game "Third extra" (plants)

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about the diversity of plants, develop memory, speed of reaction.

Game progress: The teacher names 3 plants (trees and shrubs), one of which is “extra”. For example, maple, linden, lilac. Children must determine which of them is “extra” and clap their hands.

(Maple, linden - trees, lilac - shrub)

What is the subject?

Target: learn to name an object and describe it.

The child takes out an object, a toy, from a wonderful bag, calls it (it's a ball). At first, the teacher describes the toy: “It is round, blue, with a yellow stripe, etc.”

guess the toy

Target: to form in children the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features, description.

3-4 familiar toys are put on display. The teacher reports: he will outline the toy, and the task of the players is to listen and name this object.

Note: 1-2 signs are indicated first. If children find it difficult 3-4.

Who will see and call more

Target: learn to designate by word and action the parts and signs of the appearance of the toy.

Educator: Olya doll is our guest. Olya loves to be praised, pay attention to her clothes. We will give the doll pleasure, describe her dress, shoes, socks.


Target: correlate the verb with the action that it denotes and with the subject that performed this action.

Material: needles, glasses, soap, bell, brush, iron. Brush, broom, toy - bird Magpie.

Educator: While you were at home, a magpie flew into the kindergarten and collected various things in her bag. Let's see what she got

(The teacher lays out the objects)


magpie, magpie

Give us soap


I won't give, I won't give

I'll take your soap

I'll give my shirt to wash.


magpie, magpie

Give us a needle!


I won't give, I won't give.

I'll take a needle

I will sew a shirt for my shirt.


magpie, magpie,

Give us glasses


I won't give, I won't give.

I'm without glasses

I can't read a shirt of poems.


Forty, forty.

Give us a call.


I won't give, I won't give.

I'll take the call.

I'll give you a shirt - call me, son.


You, forty, do not rush

You ask the kids.

They will all understand you.

Everything that needs to be served.

Educator: What do you want to do, magpie? (Clean, iron, paint...)

Educator: Children, what does a magpie need for this?

(Children call and bring all the items)

Magpie thanks and flies away.

Name as many things as you can

Target: to exercise children in a clear pronunciation of words.

The teacher invites the children to look around themselves and name as many objects that surround them as possible. (name only those that are in their field of vision)

The teacher makes sure that the children correctly and clearly pronounce the words, do not repeat. When the kids can no longer name anything themselves, the teacher can ask them leading questions: “What is hanging on the wall?” etc.

Olya's helpers

Target: form a form Numbers of verbs.

Material: Olya doll.

Olya doll came to us with her assistants. I'll show them to you, and you can guess who these assistants are and what they help Olya to do.

The doll is walking on the table. The teacher points to her feet.

What is this? (These are legs)

They are Olya's helpers. What are they doing? (Walk, jump, dance, etc.)

multi-colored chest

Target: to teach children, when agreeing on nouns of the middle (feminine) gender with a pronoun, to focus on the end of the word.

Material: box, subject pictures by the number of children.


I put pictures

In a multi-colored box.

Come on, Ira, take a look,

Take out the picture, name it.

Children take out a picture and name what is shown on it.

Tell me which one?

Target: Teach children to highlight the signs of the subject.

caregiver (or child) takes out objects from the box, names them, and the children point to any sign of this object.

If the children find it difficult, the teacher helps: “This is a cube. What is he?

"Magic Cube"

Game material: cubes with pictures on each face.

Rules of the game. The child rolls the dice. Then he must depict what is drawn on the upper face and pronounce the corresponding sound.

The child, together with the teacher, says: “Twist, spin, lie down on your side,” and rolls the dice. On the top face - for example, an airplane. The teacher asks: "What is it?" and asks to imitate the rumble of an airplane.

Other faces of the cube are played similarly.

"Unusual song"

Rules of the game. The child sings vowel sounds to the motive of any melody familiar to him.

Educator: One day, beetles, butterflies and grasshoppers argued who would sing a song best of all. Big, fat beetles came out first. They sang importantly: O-O-O. (Children sing a melody to the sound O). Then the butterflies fluttered out. They sang a song loudly and cheerfully. (Children perform the same melody, but on the sound A). Grasshopper musicians were the last to come out, they played violins - E-I-I. (Children sing the same melody to the sound I). Then everyone came out into the clearing and began to chant with words. And immediately all the beetles, butterflies, grasshoppers realized that our girls and boys sing best of all.


Rules of the game. The teacher loudly pronounces any vowel sound, and the child repeats it, but quietly.

The teacher says loudly: A-A-A. the echo child quietly answers: ahhh. And so on. You can also use a combination of vowel sounds: ay, wah, ea, etc.

"Gardener and Flowers"

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of colors (forest berries, fruits, etc.)

Five or six players sit on chairs arranged in a circle. This is flowers. They all have a name (it is possible for the players to choose a picture-flower; you cannot show it to the presenter). The leading gardener says: “I haven’t seen a wonderful white flower with a yellow eye that looks like a small sun for so long, I haven’t seen a chamomile.” Chamomile stands up and takes a step forward. Chamomile, bowing to the gardener, says: “Thank you, dear gardener. I'm glad you wanted to take a look at me." Chamomile sits on another chair. The game continues until the gardener has listed all the flowers.

"Who will name more actions"

Target: actively use verbs in speech, forming various verb forms.

Material. Pictures: clothes, plane, doll, dog, sun, rain, snow.

Neumeyka comes and brings pictures. The task of children is to pick up words that denote actions related to objects or phenomena depicted in the pictures.

For example:

What can be said about the aircraft? (flies, buzzes, rises)

What can you do with clothes? (wash, iron, sew)

What can you say about rain? (goes, drips, pours, drizzles, knocks on the roof)

"Kids and the Wolf"

Target. End the story at its beginning.

Material. Flannelgraph and attributes for the fairy tale "Goat with kids", bunny

The teacher tells the beginning of the tale, showing the figures of the characters.

Educator: bunny says...

Children: don't be afraid of me, it's me - a little bunny.

Educator: The goats fed him...

Children: carrots, cabbage...

Educator: then they became...

"Wake up the cat"

Target. Activate the name of animal cubs in the speech of children.

Material. Animal costume elements (hat)

One of the children gets the role of a cat. He sits down with his eyes closed (as if sleeping), on a chair in the center of the circle, and the rest, optionally choosing the role of any animal cub, form a circle. The one whom the teacher points out with a gesture, gives a voice (makes onomatopoeia appropriate to the character).

The task of the cat: name who woke him up (cockerel, frog, etc.). If the character is named correctly, the performers switch places and the game continues.


Target. Development of phonemic hearing.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher makes different sounds. If you hear a sound such as y, raise your arms and circle slowly.

Sounds are pronounced y, and, a, o, y, and, y, a. Children, having heard the sound y, make the appropriate movements.

"Pinocchio Traveler"

Target. Focus on the meaning of verbs.

Material. Pinocchio doll.

Pinocchio is a traveler. He travels to many kindergartens. He will tell about his travels, and you will guess which rooms of the kindergarten or on the street he visited.

I went into the room where the children roll up their sleeves, soap their hands, and dry themselves.

Yawning, resting, sleeping...

They dance, they sing, they spin...

Pinocchio was in kindergarten when the children:

They come and say hello... (When does it happen?)

Lunch, thanks...

Dress up, say goodbye...

Making a snowman, sledding

"Hide and Seek"

Target. Formation of the morphological aspect of speech. To bring children to the understanding of prepositions and adverbs that have a spatial meaning (in, on, behind, under, near, between, next to, left, right)

Material. Small toys.

The teacher hides the toys made in advance in different places of the group room, and then, having gathered children around him. He informs them: “I was informed that uninvited guests settled in our group. The tracker who was watching them writes that someone hid in the upper right drawer of the desk. Who will go looking? Fine. Found? Well done! And someone hid in the corner of the toys, behind the closet (Search). Someone under the doll's bed; someone on the table; that stands to my right"

THAT. the children look for all the uninvited guests, hide them in a box and agree that they will play hide and seek again with their help.

The postman brought a postcard

Target. Teaching children to form verb forms in the present tense (draws, dances, runs, jumps, laps, waters, meows, barks, strokes, drums, etc.)

Material. Postcards depicting people and animals performing various activities.

The game is played with a small subgroup.

Someone knocks on the door.

Educator: Guys, the postman brought us postcards. Now we will consider them together. Who is on this postcard? That's right, Mishka. What is he doing? Yes, drumming. This postcard is addressed to Olya. Olya, remember your postcard. This postcard is addressed to Pasha. Who is pictured here? What does he do? And, you, Petya, remember your postcard.

THAT. 4-5 pieces are considered. And those to whom they are addressed must correctly name the actions of the character and remember the image.

Educator: Now I'll check if you remember your postcards? Snowmen are dancing. Whose postcard is this? Etc.

Didactic games are a kind of games for the purpose of teaching and educating children. Didactic games are specially created by teachers for teaching children. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, they show the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities. This is one of the methods of active learning for preschoolers and elementary school students, and this is no coincidence. The child will not sit and listen to a boring lecture or report, he will not remember anything, because he is not interested. The child loves to play. Therefore, pedagogy has combined the pleasant with the useful, playing didactic games, the child learns without suspecting it. He is interested. He remembers. We offer a lot of didactic games on completely different topics to educators and primary school teachers, as well as parents on the 7guru website.

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