Famous Russian TV presenter and journalist was born in Moscow in 1954 into a musical family. During his school years, he studied guitar at a music school. After graduation, he entered medical school. Kiselev's next educational institution was the Leningrad State University, where he studied Scandinavian philology at the Faculty of Philology.

Carier start

The TV presenter's career began at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, where he worked for 10 years and covered life in foreign countries. In 1988, the journalist became a correspondent for the Vremya program. Subsequently, he was the host of various projects such as "News", "Panorama", "Window to Europe", "Rush Hour", "National Interest", "Event" and others. At the moment, Kiselev heads the Rossiya Segodnya news agency.

Dmitry's wives

Today Dmitry is married and happy in family life, but before that he had been married seven times. He met his first wife Alena at a medical school, they were 17 years old. Family life did not work out and they soon parted. The second time he married while studying in Leningrad, a student Natalya. A year later, the couple decided to divorce. A year later, Dmitry led another darling Tatyana down the aisle, but this marriage also came to an end soon. Working at the State Radio and Television, Dmitry married for the fourth time to his colleague Alena.

Very soon, the couple's son Gleb is born. When the child was one year old, the host left the family for a new lover, Natalia, who became his fifth wife. Dmitry did not stop communicating with his son, and now they maintain a good relationship. In 1998, Kelly Richdale became the sixth wife of the TV presenter, and a few months later they divorced. Dmitry's seventh wife was named Olga.

Meeting with fate

Being married, the presenter built his own mansion in the Crimea and very often spent time there. He was even able to found a jazz festival in 2003 called Jazz Koktebel. In Koktebel, Dmitry loved to ride his own boat, in one of these walks he met his real wife Masha.

Dmitry Kiselev with his wife

At that time she was a student at the Institute practical psychology and psychoanalysis. Masha already had a son, Fedor, from a previous relationship. A year after the first meeting, the lovers played a magnificent wedding. In 2007, the world saw their common son Kostya, and three years later they became the happy parents of their daughter Varvara. Masha has three higher educations and is getting her fourth. In the future, she wants to work as a psychotherapist.

Now Dmitry Kiselev is a wife, who is fully supported by him, successful in his career and happy in his personal life.

Kiselev Dmitry Konstantinovich is a native Muscovite. He was born in April 1954 in a family of intellectuals and is a relative famous composer, and conductor Yuri Shapurin. Quite remarkable is the fact that Kiselev also has a musical education in the class classical guitar.

After graduating from school, Dmitry goes to study at one of the medical schools in Moscow. However, he soon transferred from there to the Zhdanov University, which was located in the city of Leningrad. Namely, the Faculty of Philology. In 1978, Dmitry graduated from it.

Television career Kiselev

The television career of Dmitry Kiselev began almost immediately after he graduated from the philological faculty of the Leningrad Zhdanov University. At first he worked at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

There he worked over ten years in one of the main positions. There I learned to be responsible, to control absolutely every word, and also to follow intonation.

In 1988, Dmitry Konstantinovich moved to work in the news department of a television program popular at that time called "Time". There he began to conduct various kinds of political reviews.

After the collapse of the USSR Kiselyov was fired from the State Radio and Television. The reason for this was Dmitry's refusal to read in live central television statement of the government of the Russian Federation on the events that took place in one of the former Soviet republics.

However, almost immediately he was invited to host a program called "Vesti", which Kiselev is doing to this day. One can even say that Dmitry Konstantinovich is the creator of a new format for news programs. In his work, the news anchor very actively cooperates with his foreign colleagues.

In 1992, Kiselev begins to lead his own television program called "Panorama" After that, Dmitry was sent to the city of Helsinki, where he worked as an agent for the Ostankino television center.

After Vladislav Listyev was killed in 1995, Kiselev was appointed to his place. At the same time, he begins to conduct a program called "Window to Europe". However, he soon decides to leave this business.

In 1997, he became the host of a television program called "National Interest".

First time this transmission aired only on the RTR channel, but then it began to be broadcast also to Ukraine. After that, he hosted a television program called "Events". True, quite a short time.

However, in November 2003, representatives of Ukrainian television began to express their distrust of Kiselyov, accusing him of deliberately distorting information. After that, he was suspended from work.

Then Kiselev worked for a whole year on new broadcasts, which were named "Authority", and "Morning Talk" In the period from 2005 to 2006, Dmitry hosted a daily program called "Vesti.plus", which was later renamed to Vesti. Details. This television program had an informational and analytical character.

In 2006, Kiselev again began to broadcast "National Interest", which, however, has already acquired the character talk show. This program has existed until 2012.

In 2008, he was appointed General Director of the VGTRK.

Once Russian, and now Ukrainian TV presenter Yevgeny Kiselev is widely known for his analytical programs and sharp interviews. In the Russian media space, he is last years reminds of itself only with ambiguous statements and controversial assessments of events taking place in the country and the world.


Evgeny Kiselev was born in Moscow on June 15, 1956 into a family of engineers who specialized in metal science. His father was a Soviet scientist and winner of the Stalin Prize. He was engaged in materials for aviation and rocket engineering. All that is known about her mother is that she devoted most of her time to the family and raising children.

Eugene studied well at specialized school No. 123 with an English profile language. He was equally attracted to a wide variety of sciences, he liked such subjects as history, foreign languages, and literature. The boy himself could not make up his mind. priority direction. The father, realizing that his son was better versed in the humanities, offered Evgeny, when he was in high school, to work out at the “School of a Young Orientalist” at Moscow State University.

After school

Yevgeny Kiselev was so carried away by the countries of the East that after graduating from school he entered the Institute of Asian and African Countries at the Moscow state university at the Faculty of History and Philology. During his studies, he was lucky to travel to many Asian countries. He did an internship in Iran in 1977-1978. He graduated from the Institute with honors, becoming a specialist in the Persian language.

After graduating from high school, Evgeny was called up for an urgent military service in the Soviet army and sent to Afghanistan. He served in a group of military advisers as an interpreter, where he participated in negotiations between the Soviet and Afghan military. Finished military service with the rank of captain.

After serving in the army, Yevgeny Kiselev was offered a job at the Higher School of the KGB, where he began to teach Persian until 1984.

At work in journalism

Eugene became interested in journalism, and in 1985 he managed to get a job at the USSR State Radio and Television, in the main editorial office of the countries of the Near and Middle East. Which, probably, was not difficult, given his professional knowledge and the department in which he worked earlier. His duties included editing texts that were then aired for a Middle Eastern audience.

In 1987, he went to work on television in the program "Time", soon Eugene became the host of the morning information program "90 minutes". TV presenter Evgeny Kiselev was the main actor these popular shows.

At the turn of the millennium

In 1993, he took part in the organization of the independent television company NTV, where he moved along with the Itogi program, the first political talk show on Russian television.

TV presenter Evgeny Kiselev made a successful career in the administrative line. He was vice president of the NTV television company, then became one of the shareholders and members of the board of directors. As a result, he took the highest post, becoming the general director of NTV Television Company OJSC.

Many of his programs in those years were a great success with the viewer, in addition to the talk show "Itogi", he also hosted other television programs. In the biography of Evgeny Kiselev, there are practically no frankly failed information projects.

He has released about 30 copyright documentaries about outstanding figures of our time, including Margaret Thatcher, Yuri Andropov, Augusto Pinochet. A fresh look at famous politicians and a good presentation of the material made these films an outstanding phenomenon in the country's media space.

After NTV

After the change of NTV shareholders, Yevgeny Kiselev, together with a large group of employees, left the channel. He moved to work on TV-6 and TNT, and in 2002 he became the editor-in-chief of Channel Six.

After a long period of work on television, he was invited to the newspaper "Moscow News" for the position of editor-in-chief. He worked for the weekly until 2005.

For four years, journalist Yevgeny Kiselyov worked at the main opposition radio station, Ekho Moskvy. He hosted several popular programs and programs, including Our Everything. Today, he often acts as a political analyst on other media resources with sharp criticism of the policies of President Putin V.V. and unconditional support for the "orange revolution" in Ukraine. Kiselev also hosts programs on satellite television and advises a Ukrainian TV channel.

On the other side

In 2008, he moved to Ukraine to host the program "Big Politics with Yevgeny Kiselev" on the main channel of the country "Inter", it was held in the format of a socio-political show. Since 2013, he has headed a company that prepared information programs, including Podrobnosti. The content of the program was significantly changed, and a lot of time was devoted to the analysis of world and Russian politics. Kiselev, as a presenter, managed to make a popular political TV project out of a once weak program.

From 2014 to 2016, Yevgeny Kiselev was the creator and host of Black Mirror, an author's political talk show on the same channel. It became the most popular and rated weekly program. In the last program, the TV presenter announced the end of his work on the channel, as he was about to start an independent journalistic project.

During this Ukrainian period, he makes a series of blunt statements about being ashamed of being a citizen of the Russian Federation because of the country's policy against other states. In collaboration with Mikhail Kasyanov, he publishes the book "Without Putin".

In recent years

In 2016, he released another talk show on the News One TV channel, as usual in the format of Yevgeny Kiselyov's author's program. He has repeatedly spoken publicly in support of Nadezhda Savchenko, which was equated to a call for terrorism and total criticism of Russia's actions against Ukraine.

Once again, there were reports that he had officially asked for political asylum. The first such rumors appeared in 2013, and were refuted by him.

At the beginning of 2017, together with other colleagues, he created a new information channel, where he took the place of the host of two programs.

Evgeny Kiselev writes articles for many international and Russian magazines and newspapers, including Forbes and The New York Times. He also still performs at the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

Personal life

Until recently, Yevgeny Kiselev spoke little about his personal life. He married in September 1973 his classmate Marina Gelievna Shakhova, the daughter of one of the leaders of the Soviet State Radio and Television. Marina, known on television as Masha Shakhova, hosted the educational program "Summer Residents", for which in 2002 she received the prestigious television award "Tefi". She was also a producer of popular programs related to the creation of interiors. As a designer, she presented her collections several times.

In 1983, the couple had a son, Alexei, who is now in business with his wife. The family has its own clothing brand, it is successfully sold in the country. Kiselev Jr. has a son who loves to visit his grandparents.

Eugene rarely rests, he devotes a lot of time to work. In rare hours of rest, he prefers walking, likes to play tennis. He reads a lot, preferring the memoirs of prominent people.

He loves to eat deliciously, so among his acquaintances Evgeny Kiselev is considered an expert in the cuisines of the peoples of the world. Collects a collection of expensive wines, as an expert writes for the specialized magazine "Winemania".

An outstanding personality, one of the most famous and popular Russian journalists and TV presenters - Dmitry Kiselev. He is considered the favorite of the President of Russia, which can cause ambiguous attitude and even hatred among many, especially today, when terrible events are taking place in Ukraine. His programs shed light on what is happening not only in the Russian Federation, but all over the world.

Dmitry Kiselev: biography

He was born in Moscow on April 26, 1954, grew up in a musical environment and graduated from a music school with a guitar class. Then he studied at a medical school, but in 1978 he changed his passions and was educated at the Leningrad University. Zhdanov at the Faculty of Scandinavian Philology.

After graduation, Dmitry went to work at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, where he covered the most important aspects of the country's life abroad. Kiselev worked there for more than 10 years. The young journalist learned to mint out every word, followed the intonation, and he did it perfectly, so in 1988 he became the host of the political review of the Vremya program. The turning point of the 90s made me look for him new job since he was fired for insubordination.

But then Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev becomes the creator of a new television and radio format and works closely with foreign colleagues in the Vesti program.

In the early 90s, Kiselev was a news anchor on the Panorama program. A little later, he was sent to work in Helsinki as his own correspondent for the Ostankino agency.

New projects

In 1995, when they killed him, Kiselyov was appointed. On Channel One, he begins to host the Rush Hour and Window to Europe programs. The TV presenter will work there for only one year and leave the project.

In 1997, Dmitry Kiselev became the host of the National Interest talk show, which aired on the Russian RTR channel and on the Ukrainian ICTV. Then he works for some time in the night edition of "Events".

In 2003, his Ukrainian colleagues express no confidence in him for distorting information and he was suspended from work. A little later, these charges were dropped from him.

Since 2008, he has been the Deputy General Director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and in 2012, he was the host of the Historical Process program. Since 2012, she has been running the Vesti Nedeli program.

In 2013, the Rossiya Segodnya news agency was founded on the basis of RIA Novosti, and Dmitry Kiselev became its CEO.

The presidential decree entrusted the agency with a very important mission - to sanctify Russian politics abroad. Kiselev saw his main task, which was to restore the good name of Russia.

Criticism and sanctions

Since November 2015, he has been the host of the intellectual TV game "Knowledge is Power". April 17, 2014 he takes a direct interview with Vladimir Putin.

Therefore, he did not escape criticism, the TV journalist was called a "Kremlin propagandist", was again accused of distorting the facts, and again these were mostly colleagues from Ukraine. In general, he got the most from Ukraine for the truthful news about the Ukrainian coup, the customers of which (this is no longer a secret) were the US intelligence services. They used Ukraine to foment war with Russia.

Now a Ukrainian TV presenter (former TV presenter of Vesti of Russian television), a namesake who is completely biased by the new Ukrainian government, also speaks very unflatteringly about the work of his colleague, that he allegedly biased and incorrectly covered events in Ukraine.

TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev was included in the EU sanctions list (among Russian politicians and statesmen). But be that as it may, he is one of the brightest personalities not only on Russian television, but also abroad. Dmitry Kiselev has almost encyclopedic knowledge, he is fluent in several foreign languages, he is well versed in literature, music and art.

Family life

Leading Dmitry Kiselev always led a stormy personal life. He had many official and unofficial marriages.

The first official wife was Alena, she was his classmate at the medical school. They broke up a year after the painting.

Two subsequent official marriages with Natalya and Tatyana happened when he studied at Leningrad University.

The fourth time he married when he worked as a presenter at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. They had a son, Gleb, but the marriage broke up a year later.

With his fifth wife, Natalia, he also quickly broke up, as well as with the Englishwoman Kelly Richdale.

Dmitry Kiselev met his current wife Maria on jazz festival in Koktebel, which he also arranged. Masha was already divorced and raised her son Fedor. In this marriage, they had two more children - Konstantin and Varvara. Now the Kiselev couple lives in the Moscow region in a house built according to the famous TV presenter's own design.

Dmitry Kiselev was awarded the Orders of Friendship and "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV Art. (2011, 2014) and the Order of Sergius of Radonezh II Art. (2014, Russian Orthodox Church).

The practice of the last decades convincingly shows that people come to journalism in different ways. There is no reason to call the route chosen by Dmitry Kiselev unique, but there are interesting novels in the biography. The child was born in a family where established musical traditions reigned. And it is not surprising that Dima attended a music school in the class of classical guitar. Music education, like knowledge foreign languages, gives ambitious young men additional opportunities to build a successful career in independent life.

After graduating from high school with in-depth study of the French language, Dmitry entered a medical school. Having received the appropriate diploma, he realized that the work of a paramedic on an ambulance was not for him. Already consciously, with a cool head and expectation of the future, the failed medical worker is taken to study at the department of Scandinavian philology at Leningrad University. In 1978, a twenty-four-year-old graduate, who speaks Norwegian, starts working at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Soviet Union.

Philological education allows him to quickly become a leading editor of programs in Polish and Norwegian. It is here that Dmitry gains practical experience and develops a taste for the work of a journalist. In the late eighties, when the notorious "perestroika" had already gone to pieces, he was invited to Moscow as a correspondent for the Vremya program. In his materials, Kiselev unobtrusively shows how the Soviet people live on the eve of the long-awaited changes.

Under the eye of criticism

For many years of work on television, Dmitry Kiselev has formed his own style of presenting information. Not to say that he discovered something new in the news or coverage of events. But his individuality is noted by everyone, even ardent ideological opponents. With the maximum workload in preparing the weekly analytical program Vesti Nedeli, he manages to shoot several documentaries. It is easy to guess that the director raises topical issues and shows how iconic figures - Gorbachev, Sakharov, Yeltsin - behaved or behave.

If we abstract from political topics, then we can see that Kiselyov's professionalism is not in doubt. Programs with the participation of the President of the country can serve as a clear confirmation of this. Any roughness or blunders in such broadcasts are simply unacceptable. In light of the fact that the situation in the information field is gradually heating up, it makes no sense to predict any changes in the existing trends.

About Dmitry's personal life, you can write both a comedy and a thriller with equal effect. Suffice it to say that the journalist, like the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, has been married seven times. With the last wife Maria, joint housekeeping has been going on for more than ten years. Maybe it's already love? Husband and wife are serious. They already have two children together. And further prospects in this direction are quite real.