May 10

At the time of 2015, more than 20 million people were recorded who suffer from cancer. About 500 thousand people leave our world every year as a result of malignant tumors.

According to WHO forecasts, literally in 5-8 years - mortality due to cancer will come out on top (note that now it is cardiovascular diseases that lead this rating).

The risk of cancerous tumors is quite high, and this fear lives in many people. Unfortunately, many people who have heard this unfortunate verdict give up and believe the old statements: "Cancer cannot be beaten."

However, modern medicine has made a big breakthrough and now cancer is treated, although not so easily, but you can get rid of it once and for all.

4 Top Actions for Cancer Patients

.First, you need to get motivated. Imagine that every year millions of patients suffering from various forms of cancer are cured. There are even those who got rid of this terrible disease in 4 stages! It is necessary to study the biography and medical history of people who got rid of the disease. In many ways, the key to a successful outcome is a positive attitude and following the actions of doctors.

.Secondly, to get acquainted with the very concept of tumors. After all, there are both benign and malignant. And they all differ in a number of parameters: aggressiveness towards the body, the risk of metastases, and the growth rate. 90% of successful cases occur in people in whom malignancies were found at an early stage. An example is lung cancer, which ranks 1st in terms of mortality. According to statistics, about 72% of people suffering from this type of oncology get rid of the disease. At stage 2, there is also a positive trend - from 50 to 90% of patients are cured.

. Thirdly, apply all modern methods of treatment.Use chemotherapy, find the best specialists, use newly released drugs, of course, in strict accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician. And most importantly - do not despair!

. Fourth, follow the 2 main principles - healthy eating and tranquility. No matter how strange it may sound, but about 3500 cases of getting rid of cancer have been identified as a result of following2 principles. The first is a change in diet. Eat vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts. As a rule, they contain antioxidants and other beneficial substances. The second is spiritual harmony. Understand the value of the world, enjoy every moment, give good.

In any case, in case of detection of an oncological disease, the main factors in favor of recovery will be:

. Periodic examination. Tracking the progress / regression of the disease, the degree of spread.

. positive attitude . The complete absence of decadent moods, which can only worsen the condition.

Remember that the human body has been studied only very little, which means that there are no hopeless situations. It is quite easy to transfer a malignant tumor into remission - the main thing is to find the right approach.

More than 40 percent of cancer cases are the result of not quite the right lifestyle: people smoke, eat too much, neglect sports. And only in 10-15 percent of cases, genetics becomes the cause of a serious illness, according to the National Cancer Research Institute (Newark, New Jersey, USA).

And to reduce the risk of cancer, you just need to love three things and stop loving - five, oncologists are sure.

Smoking - only incense

The most effective way to reduce your chances of developing almost all types of cancer is to stop smoking. Prayers account for 30 percent of all cancer deaths.

Even if you start smoking not 20 cigarettes a day, but at least 10, it will reduce the risk of disease by 27 percent, calculated by the American Medical Association. The absence of an addiction, of course, does not cancel the likelihood of oncology, but it will be much calmer to live this way.

Fats don't belong here

A pack of sweets and a meat burger hurts more than just your waist: as soon as you become overweight, your risk of getting one of nine types of cancer increases, including the esophagus, kidneys and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue produces proteins that cause inflammation. They also contribute to the growth of cancer cells.

Patricia Ganz, MD, who heads the Center for Cancer Research and Prevention at the California Medical University, says it's harder than ever for people to keep fit today: "Fast food is now cheaper than healthy food, plus we're more We spend more time watching TV and at the computer than in the open air.

The main rule is to watch your weight and keep your body mass index below 25 points.

Sweat at least half an hour a week

A third of all cancer deaths are associated not only with a disturbed diet, but also with low activity. Doctors generally recommend 2.5 hours a week of physical activity, but recent research shows that infrequent but well-aimed workouts are just as effective.

For example, half an hour of vigorous running per week is enough to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women. This allows you to reduce any inflammatory processes in 35 percent of cases.

Don't drink out of grief

Alcohol is the culprit for several types of cancer, including cancer of the mouth, throat, liver, colon, and breast. Scientists cannot name the exact cause of the development of the disease in these parts of the body, but a number of studies clearly indicate alcohol abuse.

Bacteria in the colon can convert large amounts of hot drinks into acetaldehyde. This Chemical substance, which causes cancer in laboratory animals. Such a compound is found in coffee, ripe fruits and bread, but it causes harm only when ethanol is oxidized.

In women who drink frequently on the bottle, estrogen levels rise, followed by adhesions (fibrous bands of connective tissue that develop when inflamed or damaged). This is a potential threat of breast cancer. To avoid a trip to the oncologist, you need to reduce alcohol consumption to at least a few times a week.

love broccoli

Vegetables not only cleanse the stomach, but also prevent the appearance of cancerous tumors. American doctors recommend eating more than two bowls of vegetables and fruits per day. Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli and Brussels sprouts, are high in glucosinolates (glucose + nitrogen + sulfur), which have anti-cancer effects. These compounds reduce the growth of abnormal cervical cells.

Tomatoes and watermelons, which contain lycopene, and eggplants, which are rich in antioxidants, also help keep the body in good shape.
But it is better to refuse red meat in favor of the same tomatoes. Studies show that a diet that includes more than half a kilogram of this product per week is a cause of rectal cancer.

Not only the sun has spots

Women between the ages of 18 and 39 are the most susceptible to skin cancer. Over the past 40 years, the incidence among them has skyrocketed by 800 percent. In order not to experience the harmful effects of the sun's rays, it is enough to use sunscreen.

An experiment in which 1,600 people took part showed that women who did not disdain such hygiene products reduced their risk of melanoma by 50 percent. The most "evil" sun is between 10 o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the evening. So it is worth applying the cream both in summer and in winter, getting used to it as to brushing your teeth.

Only without nerves

Stress does not in itself cause cancer, but it can change the processes in the body so that diseases can get to you more easily.
Doctors at Ohio University have found that chronic overwork and neuroses change the activity of immune cells, which begin to produce cortisol in excess when it is not needed. A similar process triggers inflammation, causing cell mutation.

It is not antidepressants that will help get rid of stress, but yoga classes after seven in the evening every day.

The doctor is the head of everything

Regular visits to the doctor will allow you to notice anomalies like polyps (growth of tissues over the mucous membrane) in time. By the age of 20, it is best to undergo a full body scan, or at least do not forget about a full medical examination, and for women - about mammography. Timely detected deviations from the norm reduce the risk of breast cancer by a quarter.

In addition, every three years it is worth doing a cytological smear to rule out cervical cancer. When this analysis appeared in 1950, female mortality had fallen by 74 percent. It is time to check the colon after 50 years, but if there were cases of a similar disease in the family, even earlier. The sooner doctors detect abnormal growths, the higher the chance of curing the cancer.

There are many doctors, but one opinion

For many decades, malignant tumors have been ranked second (after cardiovascular diseases) among the main causes of human death, says the author of a textbook on the prevention, detection and treatment of cancer, Ibadulla Agayev. In men, cancers of the lung, stomach, skin, lips, esophagus occupy the first place, and in women - cancer of the stomach, breast, skin, cervix, lung and colon. By the end of the 20th century, every sixth of the people living on earth was at risk of cancer, and by 2002 - every fourth.

In the field of primary cancer prevention, indeed, the most effective measures are smoking cessation, dietary changes and chemoprevention (taking drugs that reduce the risk of cancer).

As a secondary prevention of cancer, if a person has concerns that they may get sick or are already sick, the professor recommends the following:

1. A modern method of visual examination of the walls of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum after 50 years every 2-3 years;

2. Examination of the rectum and lower colon with a special tube after 50 years every 3-5 years;

3. Checking feces for occult blood after 50 years annually;

4. Checking the rectum after 40 years of age annually.

It must be said that cancer is a chaotic, rapid and uncontrolled cell division, in which tumors appear in a tissue or organ. Cells that divide can, in rare cases, spread to other parts of the body via the lymphatic system or bloodstream. Cancer in adulthood is often linked to the aging process. Nowadays, early diagnosis of cancer and modern methods of treatment help people cope with various types of this disease. We will describe how to find out if you have cancer.

What can cause cancer?

People talk about cancer so often, but few know what causes it and what doesn't. In order to separate the horror stories and the real threat of cancer, recognized world experts have compiled the following list of carcinogens:

tobacco. In the 1950s, the first study was conducted on the ability of tobacco to cause lung cancer. When calculating total cancer deaths, a quarter of them, one way or another, is associated with smoking.

Alcohol. 50% of cancers of the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, 75% of esophageal cancer are associated with excessive alcohol intake. For some reason, this information does not frighten the Russians, judging by the fact that according to the Russian narcology, there are 7 million officially identified alcoholics.

Canned vegetables. Before the invention of refrigerators, canning was very popular all over the world, as was stomach cancer.

Dye. It is called one of the causes of cancer Bladder and lung cancer. It's about only about people who are constantly in contact with paint - professional painters.

Teflon coatings. There are many studies that indicate that the use of non-stick coatings can cause cancer.

Work in night shifts. Scientists believe that working at night can cause cancer. The fact is that, when working constantly on a night shift, the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the biological clock, can be disrupted.

Cell Phones. From the very beginning mobile phones they are blamed for all human ills, cancer is no exception. But this time, scientists disagreed, some argue that a mobile phone should be considered possible cause cancer, and other links between phones and cancer have not been found. In any case, it is better to play it safe and not use your mobile for long conversations.

How to know if you have cancer by symptoms.

In order to detect a cancerous tumor in the body in time, it is necessary to listen to it. You can find out if a person has cancer by the general and specific symptoms of this disease.

Common symptoms of cancer include:

Unexplained weight loss. During a certain period of the disease, most people with cancer experience a sharp drop in weight. Unexplained weight loss of 4-5 kg ​​is the first sign of cancer of the stomach, lung, esophagus or pancreas.

Fever (high temperature). With cancer, especially with a common process, an increase in temperature is very often observed.

Increased fatigue. This symptom may mean the progression of the disease in the human body, occurs with cancer of the stomach or colon.

Pain. She may be early sign tumors.

Skin changes. In addition to skin tumors, there are some types of cancer internal organs, which can cause yellowing, darkening, redness of the skin, itching, or excess hair growth.

Specific symptoms of cancer include:

violation of the stool or the work of the bladder;

non-healing ulcer or wound;

unusual discharge or bleeding;

tumor formation or compaction in the mammary gland (sometimes in other parts of the body);

difficulty swallowing, indigestion;

change in a mole or wart;