Biography of Ivan Dorn - famous actor, showman and musician - is fraught with many interesting moments. He was born on October 17, 1988 in the city of Chelyabinsk.

The singer first became widely known to the public after participating in the Pair of Normals group.

At the moment he is actively involved in musical creativity, producing, charitable activities.


Ivan Aleksandrovich Dorn was born in Russia. As a two-year-old child, he and his family were forced to change their place of residence. Parents together with their children moved to the Ukrainian city of Slavutych near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This change in life was due to the fact that Vanya's father, Alexander Eremin, got a job as a nuclear engineer at a local power plant.

Initially, the boy's surname was his father's, but after a divorce from him, the singer's mother Lydia changed the child's surname to her maiden name - Dorn. Until the second grade, Vanya was known at school as Eremin. In addition to the elder Ivan, his brother Pavel also grew up in the family, 4 years younger.

After the divorce, his own father hastened to disappear from the boy's life. The musician met Alexander only in 2017, and from him he learned the news that he also has a younger sister, Alexandra.

Emil Dorn - that was the name of Dorn's grandfather, he was a German by nationality. Translated into Russian, the word "dorn" literally means "prickly thorn". Ivan claims that he really likes the surname of his ancestors, and he is proud of his noble origin.

The beginning of the creative path

Dorn began to study vocals during his studies at school. The first performance of the future artist, musician and showman took place when he was only 6 years old. The boy grew up as a comprehensively developed child. In addition to a strong passion for music, Vanya also played football, swimming, tennis, playing chess, and also ballroom dancing. Ivan Dorn - the owner of several prestigious sports titles and ranks in these sports. Perhaps such a versatility of hobbies was influenced by the fact that the boy's stepfather was the head of all the sports sections that were in the city of Slavutych.

But most of all, Ivan was still attracted to music. Parents supported all his undertakings, enrolled their son in a music school in piano. After that, the boy began to regularly participate in various music competitions and festivals.

Among his awards and achievements, it should be noted the contests "Light Your Star" in Moscow (first place), "Pearl of Crimea" (Grand Prix of audience preferences), "Black Sea Games" (third and second places), "Jurmala", etc.

While still an eleventh grader, the talented young man decided to try his hand at the big stage.

He plucked up the courage to come to the casting of the famous show "Star Factory". However, strict judges could not appreciate Ivan's outstanding abilities and refused to participate. However, this sad moment in the biography did not affect his ambitions.

University studies

After graduating from school, the young man decided to enter the Kiev National University of Theater, Film and Television named after I.K. Karpenko-Kary for a course in cinematography. Despite the complexity of the entrance exams, as well as a large competition among applicants, he managed to pass all the tests and become a student of the chosen educational institution.

But university lectures and seminars turned out to be quite difficult and burdensome for the guy. At the same time, he always emphasized that he was an opponent of corruption and passed all the exams himself, without bribes. Upon graduation, Ivan decided to go through a casting for the vacancy of a presenter on the popular M1 music channel.

His talent and charisma immediately attracted the attention of the judging commission, and the young man was approved - he became the official face of the channel. However, soon the guy decided that such a profession did not quite suit him, and decided to devote his life to music and writing lyrics.

Ivan's TV presenter's career is not limited to participation in the Guten Morgen show alone.

He also won the show "Star Plus Star" with Vasilisa Frolova, was the host of "Star Factory" and "Voice of the Country", took part in the Ukrainian version of "X-factor" as one of the jury.

Participation in the group "Pair of normal"

In 2007, an event occurred that marked the beginning of the wide popularity of the singer and musician. At one of the concerts, a young man meets the future soloist of the popular Pair of Normals group. A year later, on October 4, the guys released their first joint album called "I'll come up with a happy ending ...", which was appreciated not only by listeners, but also by music critics.

The duo of two talented musicians quickly began to unwind and gain popularity. In addition, Anna Dobrydneva had a solid "baggage" of knowledge and experience in her musical career - she had already managed to visit several bands. In 2009, the artists went on a big tour of almost 30 major cities in Ukraine.

It was rumored that between colleagues during the joint work they even started romantic relationship, but these assumptions have remained at the level of rumors.

Unfortunately, creative cooperation between young people was short-lived. In 2010, Ivan Dorn announced his departure from the duo, and the former "manufacturer" Artyom Mekh came to his place. At the same time, he maintained warm and friendly relations with all members of the former team. According to the artist, the role of one of the two soloists seemed to him too close for free creativity. In addition, the signed cooperation contract was expiring, which the young man was not going to further renew.

Solo career

Soon the musician began his solo career. In 2010, he released several hits that quickly became popular and recognizable. Among them are such songs by Ivan Dorn as “Stytsamen”, “Curlers”, “Do not be shy”, “Northern Lights”, etc. During his collaboration with Apollo Monkeys, the guy released the single “Blue, Yellow, Red”, which he also found listener success.

In 2012, the presentation of the musician's debut solo album called Co'N'Dorn took place in Kyiv. It is noteworthy that the disc quickly became popular, it was nominated three times for the prestigious MuzTV-2012 award in the categories "Debut", "Best Video" (for the released video by Ivan Dorn) and "Best Design". In the same year, the artist's photo was featured on the cover of Billboard Russia magazine.

In 2014, the musician released another solo album called Randorn. The collection included the songs "No. 23", "Mishka is innocent", "Uneducated", etc. Soon Ivan announced that he had begun work on a new disc. The musician planned to release a new album on English language. For the period of writing the collection, the musician radically changes his usual image - he shaves off his hair and also grows a beard.

The long-awaited collection of tracks - the new Jazzy Funky Dorn - saw the world at the beginning of 2017. Critics and listeners called the track “Collaba” one of his key singles, which the artist himself dubbed “an ode to dissolute women”. Already in April of the same year, Dorn presented to the public a new album, Open the Dorn, which was recorded while in the United States together with Dornobanda.


  • Co'N'Dorn.
  • Randorn.
  • Jazzy Funky Dorn.
  • Open the Dorn.

Ivan Dorn has always been proud of the fact that he built his own musical career independently, without the involvement of producers and a special huge team. The young man always advertised his tracks and music albums on his own, mainly through social networks. The first performances of the artist were sold out, and it was almost impossible to get tickets for them, and they were not advertised anywhere.

In May 2017, the radical communities of Odessa caused Ivan's concert scheduled for August 4 to be cancelled. Despite this, Dorn said that he was going to continue his performances in Ukraine, as there are many of his listeners here.

Filmography and film work

In 2008, for the first time, the artist had to try himself as a film actor. His debut film was a work called "How to find an ideal." In 2013, he again tries his hand at acting - this time he gets far from the least important role in musical fairy tale"Twelve Months" by the famous director A. Barshak.

A year later, he was again invited to act in films. This time Ivan gets the role of an ordinary guy Kostya Potekhin in the comedy "Jolly Fellows". According to the plot, the young man is so in love with one pretty girl that for her sake he even agrees to take part in a popular competition among talented musicians.


  • How to Find the Ideal.
  • "Twelve months".
  • "Funny boys".


Musician, showman and producer Ivan Dorn is also actively involved in charitable and volunteer activities. Together with the TV presenter, comedian and showman S. Prytula, they allocated part of their fees for the purchase of weapons and uniforms for the needs of the Ukrainian military in the ATO zone.

Not without a scandal - Sergei Pritula on his Facebook account stated that the charitable funds donated by Dorn were taken from his fees in Russia. Dorn, in turn, accused Prytula of inappropriate use of funds, which he initially wanted to send in support of the residents of Mariupol who suffered from shelling. The artist himself takes a neutral position in the conflict between countries.

A year later, the artist began to conduct another charity project - he organized a fundraiser to build a dance school called "Masaka Kids Africana", located in Uganda.

Large print publications, such as Billboard, Complex, and many others, also took part in the charity event. In the same 2018, Ivan Dorn launched a separate project to raise money for music schools in Ukraine.

Family and personal life

For a long time there was gossip about the non-traditional sexual orientation of an outrageous young man. At the same time, the artist himself often shocked the public, either confirming the above, or refuting it. For example, he could easily change his hair color to a more defiant one or appear in a clip in heels and in a woman's dress.

Artist's personal information:

  • height - 1 m 87 cm;
  • weight - 80 kg;
  • Libra;
  • Marital status: Married.

In 2013, the musician tied the knot with his former classmate and childhood friend Anastasia Novikova. With Nastya, an interior designer by profession, they have been living in a civil marriage for several years. Despite the large number of fans of the artist, the mutual warm feelings of the couple could not go anywhere.

A year later, the newlyweds had their first child - a daughter named Vasilisa. And in 2015, the family was again expecting replenishment - the youngest son Ivan, named after his famous father, was born.

The artist has maintained an extremely tender and touching relationship with his mother, Lydia Dorn. It was she who, having noticed the outstanding vocal abilities of her son, began to develop his talent, attended various competitions and festivals with him, was his first critic, producer and adviser. In addition, she financially helped him even at the moment when the guy decided to pursue his solo career and launch his tracks into the rotation of radio stations.

Dorn does not like to comment on his personal life in interviews and prefers to keep it a secret from everyone. In his Instagram and Twitter accounts, you cannot find touching family photos, only pictures related to working moments and concert activities. Despite the busy schedule, the musician always finds time for loved ones and loves to get together with his parents, sibling and half-brother, as well as their families.

Dorn Ivan Alexandrovich (b. 1988) - Ukrainian singer, TV presenter, DJ. He began his musical journey in Ukrainian group"Pair of normal".

Now he continues his solo career, often shocking the audience with bright songs, unusual videos and bold images.


Ivan was born on October 17, 1988 in the city of Chelyabinsk.
His father, Alexander Eremin, was a nuclear scientist by profession. When Vanya was two years old, the family moved to the city of Slavutych in Ukraine, and dad was offered a job there at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Two years later, another boy, Pavel, was born in the family.

In Slavutych, Ivan went to kindergarten, where at the age of four he began his vocal career. The boy performed "Let there always be sunshine", English-language songs, since the kindergarten was with an English bias. At the same time, Vanya fell in love with the melodic beautiful Ukrainian language. The child sang very well, so he often became a participant in city music competitions. Once there was a festival in the city Golden autumn Slavutich "and among the invited guests were the Na-Na group, Latoya Jackson, Patricia Kaas. Ivan managed to see them very close, after which he lost his fear forever. big scene.

Once a singer from Belarus came to Slavutich, she needed a little saxophonist boy to perform. Upon learning of this, my mother dragged Vanya to the casting, and he passed. The child went on stage with a saxophone, which he absolutely did not know how to play. At the same time, he also mixed up - when the saxophone was accompanied, the kid danced, and when it was necessary to dance, he imitated playing the instrument. But Ivan did everything so charmingly that the audience was delighted with him.

School years

Perhaps Vanya's desire to become an artist would not have been so strong if his mother had not constantly warmed him up. The woman really wanted her boy to become a famous singer. She assisted and helped her son in every possible way at competitions, concerts, festivals, was his producer and first critic. At one time, Ivan even did parodies, sang songs by Boris Moiseev, Shura. Mom sewed matching costumes. Now it's fun to watch videotapes of that time.

When Vanya was in the second grade, an unpleasant event happened in the family. Dad fell in love with another woman and left his wife with children, after which his connection with his sons was interrupted. Prior to this, the boys had their father's surname - Eremin. After the divorce, mother Lydia Dorn did not want her sons to have anything to do with their father, and invited them to take her maiden name. So Ivan got a German surname - Dorn. His grandfather, Emil Dorn, was a German, after the war he ended up in Ukraine. Translated from German into Russian, "Dorn" means "rose thorn" or "thorn". This surname is noble, and Ivan really likes it, he feels German blood in himself.

The absence of a father caused only a bitter resentment for his mother in the boy’s heart, otherwise Vanya remained the same cheerful and charming child. He tried to study, probably, in all circles and sections that were at that time in Slavutych - chess, ballroom dancing, tennis, football. In sports, Ivan achieved special results - the third adult category in athletics, the second category in swimming and a master in sailing. Received a musical education in piano.

At school, Dorn was not an excellent student and an exemplary student, but his teachers loved him for his wit and amazing charm. Vanya had irrepressible energy, which was enough not only for sports and music, but also for numerous school events. He was the first activist and ringleader in the class, played in KVN, organized holiday programs. And in the senior class he made a film about the school, which turned out to be quite ironic.

The beginning of the musical path

In adolescence, Ivan began to take music more seriously, parody numbers with dressing up became a thing of the past. In 2001, after the Black Sea Games festival, where Dorn took third place, he had some special flair for songs, the guy began to write music himself.

Then there were numerous participations and victories in musical competitions:

  • 1st place at the Moscow competition "Light your star";
  • Audience Choice Award at the "Pearl of Crimea" competition;
  • 2nd place at the Black Sea Games in 2005.

While still a student of the eleventh grade, Ivan made an attempt to break into the television project "Star Factory-6", which was produced by the composer and influential person in the world of music Viktor Drobysh. Together with his mother, Ivan went to Moscow, where he passed the casting and got into the top twenty. But when sixteen final participants of the project were selected from these twenty, Ivan was rejected by the general director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst. Dorn believes that, probably, Konstantin Lvovich was embarrassed by the independent behavior of the guy and his deliberately careless appearance. However, a few years later, Ivan still sang in a concert of the project “Star Factory. Return "and was even recognized as a musical discovery.

"Pair of normal"

With such a track record of victories, Dorn was not going to completely connect his life with music. In 2006, after school, he entered the Kiev National University of Theater, Film and Television named after Karpenko-Kary at the Faculty of Cinematography. Everything in his life was decided by a chance meeting.

As a freshman, at one of the concerts in a Kiev club, Ivan met Anya Dobrydneva. At first he thought that the girl was a foreigner, originally from Asia, and for a long time did not decide what language to speak to her. When he spoke in Russian, and she answered, I thought that Anya was Russian. What was his joy when he found out that Dobrydneva was a Ukrainian.

That evening they sang along with the performing group. And after the concert, almost simultaneously they said to each other: “And you sing great!” After such words, there was one step left to cooperation, and the guys did it. They went to parties, made acquaintances with musicians, offered their compositions and lyrics. And some people from the music world responded and decided to help.

For a long time, Dorn and Dobrydneva could not come up with a name for their group. Once, while working on another song, the guys composed the text, and it was necessary to come up with a continuation of the line: “a couple of scandalous news, we are with you ...” The phrase “a couple of normal ones” came up. Anya suggested using these two words as the name of their team.

Both Anna and Ivan were full of ambitions, they had plenty of experience, both became winners and laureates more than once music festivals. Dobrydneva has already performed with others musical groups was able to work in a team. The guys wanted to make a high-quality musical product that would surpass even Western analogues. That is why they never used phonograms in their performances, promoting only live sound.

The public accepted their first musical compositions favorably, but without much enthusiasm. Fame came to Anya and Vanya in 2008 after the release of the song "Happy End", which literally blew up the Ukrainian charts. In an instant, the guys woke up famous, the song became a hit and stayed at the top of the charts in Ukraine and Russia for several months.

Critics called the “Pair of Normals” a group of one song, but they were mistaken. The duet continued to delight fans with new compositions:

  • "Do not fly away";
  • "Get up";
  • "Scandal";
  • "Come back."

In the fall of 2008, the group's first album was released, entitled "I'll Think of a Happy End". It turned out to be quite successful and collected a lot of positive feedback, moreover, it opened the way for the guys to the New Wave contest in Jurmala, where Ivan and Anya received the Muz TV award. After such success, Pair of Normals went on their first tour of 29 Ukrainian cities.

At the peak of popularity in the summer of 2010, Ivan decided to leave the duet. For fans, this step was a complete surprise. But the singer said that the group was initially only a stepping stone for him on the way to a solo career. Dorn remained on excellent terms with his partner, and Artyom Mekh, a young and promising singer from the Star Factory, took his place in the group.

Solo career

Ivan's solo career began in the fall of 2010 with the appearance of the musical composition "Stytsamen" on radio stations.

Producer and composer Igor Krutoy offered him cooperation, but Dorn refused, citing the fact that he wants to take place in the musical field on his own. He did not resort to the help of producers, he did not want someone to dictate his terms. Ivan invested all his savings into work on new songs, also financial assistance mother provided.

Promoting his songs, Dorn made a bet on the Internet and did not lose. After Stytsamen, his other compositions began to gain momentum on the stages of fashionable youth clubs:

  • "Northern lights";
  • "Curlers";
  • "Idol";
  • "Blue, yellow, red";
  • "Especially";
  • "I hate it."

Using his acquaintances in the world of show business, Ivan shot clips for these compositions, launched them on the network and on television channels. The young singer gradually gained fame, they began to talk about appearing in music world new original creative personality.

In 2012, Dorn's first solo album, Co'n'dorn, was released. His official presentation in Moscow took place in May, and already in December the singer was nominated for the Muz TV award in the Breakthrough of the Year category. True, this time the victory did not go to him, Ivan was bypassed by another singer from Ukraine - Max Barskikh.

Dorn's second studio album was released in the winter of 2014, it was called "Randorn", it included the compositions:

  • "Uneducated";
  • "Bear is guilty";
  • "Sports";
  • "Dance of the Penguin"

The Ukrainian singer was favorably received in Russia by both critics and listeners. At his concerts, the halls are always full, and in numerous positive feedback Ivan is called:

  • "the most catchy performer of Russian pop songs";
  • "a new star of the Russian stage";
  • "one of the most highly professional musicians in the domestic show business."

Often Dorn shocks the audience. For example, on the "New Wave", performing the song "Attempt number 5", Ivan went on stage in women's high-heeled sandals.

In 2012, according to Viva! Ivan Dorn won in the nomination "The Most handsome man of the year". The singer himself dedicated this victory to his mother and thanked her for her beautiful face. Although, receiving the award, he admitted from the stage that such a nomination was a complete surprise for him, because as a child in the yard he was often teased as a freak. Ivan said that, probably, this time they were assessing not external, but inner beauty. To which the host of the ceremony replied to Dorn: “This is not a beauty contest, a person’s success and the level of his popularity are judged here.”

So Vanya really was worthy of this award. In just two years, he managed to become the most expensive singer in Ukraine, his 40-minute concert in a club or at a corporate party costs 25,000 euros.

A television

Ivan's television career began in 2008. He was invited to the M1 music channel to host the Guten Morgen program.

We can say that since then, Dorn has not left the television screens:

  • In 2011, in the second season of the Ukrainian show Zirka + Zirka, Ivan won in a pair with TV presenter Vasilisa Frolova.
  • In 2011 he was invited to the Ukrainian "Star Factory 4" as a presenter.
  • In 2014, in the fifth season of the X-Factor musical talent show, he replaced rapper Seryoga at the judging table.
  • In the sixth season of the Ukrainian vocal TV show "Voice of the Country", Dorn was a coach.
  • After the end of the project, he continued to work with one of his wards, Ivan became the producer of the young singer Konstantin Dmitriev.

Ivan also tried himself in the cinema, not in vain because he received a higher cinematic education. In 2010, at the Monaco Film Festival, the premiere of the almanac about love in the modern metropolis "Lovers in Kyiv" took place, where in the short story "The Last Night of December" leading role played by Dorn. In 2013, the Russian comedy fairy tale film "12 Months" was released, Ivan got one of the main characters - Shurik.

Personal life

For a long time, the singer was considered the most enviable bachelor in Ukraine. But Ivan simply skillfully hid and did not advertise his personal life. Since 2013, he has been happily married to his classmate Nastya Novikova. In the summer of 2014, the couple had a daughter, Vasilisa, in 2015, a son appeared in the family.

As for hobbies, Ivan loves football, he is a fan of the Turkish club Galatasaray.

In October 1988, Vanya Eremin was born, who was destined to become a famous singer and musician, whom everyone now knows as Ivan Dorn. But at first, nothing foreshadowed such a future: no one in the family had the slightest relation to the world of art.

When Vanya was two years old, his father, who had a specialty in nuclear engineering, was transferred from his native Chelyabinsk to Ukrainian Slavutich. In Ukraine, the family was replenished: Vanya had a brother, Pavel. However, the birth of children did not deter Eremin Sr. from treason. Having fallen in love with another woman, he left the family, ending any communication with his sons. As a result, Ivan and Pavel got rid of their father's surname, replacing it with their mother's - Dorn.

From an early age, Vanya was distinguished by a huge supply of energy, which he directed in a peaceful direction: he studied well at school, participated in various concerts and KVN, was a ringleader and the first activist in the class. A sharp mind and a sea of ​​charm made him a favorite not only among classmates, but also among teachers.

The young man also directed his irrepressible vitality to sports. He did not devote himself to any particular direction, but preferred to try various types of vigorous activity: tennis, football, swimming, athletics and even sports ballroom dancing.

Vanya did not bypass the music school, where he studied the intricacies of playing the piano and vocals. However, in those years he did not connect his future with music in any way, and considered his passion for music only one of the ways of personal development. After graduating from school in 2006, Ivan entered the Kiev University. I. Karpenko-Kary, choosing the cinematography department.

Vanya made his first attempt to "break through" into the popular project "Star Factory" in the 11th grade. He persuaded his mother to go with him to Moscow to take part in the casting of the show. A talented guy easily entered the top twenty performers, however, final stage competitive selection Konstantin Ernst for some reason rejected Dorn.

However, this failure did not break the young man, and a few years later he will still achieve recognition in this project. But in the first year, fate brought Ivan to Anya Dobrydneva. Young people who had similar musical tastes and ambitions organized their own project in 2007, which they called "Pair of Normals".

The guys tried to ensure that their musical product was of the highest quality: they spent a lot of time rehearsing, arranging, and never used a phonogram at their concerts.

With this approach to work, the great success that awaited the group became natural. The real breakthrough came in 2008 when the band recorded the song "Happy End". Real fame fell upon Anya and Ivan, and the song instantly became a hit, which for a long time held a leading position in the music charts.

Interesting Notes:

Contrary to skeptical forecasts, Pair of Normals did not become a one-song group. After a while, the guys recorded several more new songs, among which the singles “Scandal” and “Come Back” became especially popular.

Fall 2008 Pair of Normals released their debut album titled "I'll Think of a Happy End", thanks to which the young team attracted attention. As a result, the group took part in the popular music competition " New wave”, where she received it at MUZ-TV.

Also, 2009 was marked for the group by a tour of the major cities of Ukraine. It seemed that a promising creative future awaited the guys, but a year later Ivan left the duo to come to grips with his solo career.

Feeling the strength for independent swimming, Ivan Dorn invested all his savings in his own project. He was not going to resort to the services of producers, because he did not want to act under someone else's orders again. To promote the songs, he chose the Internet space, and did not lose. In 2010-2011, Dorn recorded several songs that literally blew up dance floors, becoming undeniable hits for young people:

  • "Do not be shy";
  • "Northern lights";
  • "Curlers";
  • "I hate it."

He also actively promoted the clips for these songs on TV channels and on the net, thanks to which Dorn soon began to be spoken of exclusively as an original, original and very talented singer. In 2012, Ivan Dorn delighted his fans with the release of his solo album "Co'n'dorn", which included both new songs and hits so beloved by everyone. In May of the same year, at the Muz TV award, the dorn was in the Breakthrough of the Year nomination.

Two years later, the singer shared his second album, which he called "Randorn". It included such compositions as "The bear is guilty", "Ill-mannered", "You are always in the black."

2014 was also marked by Dorn's participation in the New Wave, where he sang "Dance of the Penguin" in Ukrainian. It must be admitted that not everyone liked shocking dances and a black suit with a trident. He later released a video for this song.

The third album, Jazzy Funky Dorn, was released in early 2017. It is unique in that it is a concert disc, which can not only be purchased in specialized stores, but also listened to online. In it, many famous hits received a second wind, and were recorded in a new way.

Many point out that last years Ivan Dorn loves to experiment and develops ambitiously, including in the West. He even recorded an album in English "OTD". Fans of the artist have every reason to think that Western listeners will hear about him in the future.

In 2008, Ivan Dorn received an offer to host the popular Guten Morgen program on the M1 music channel. The new experience pleased the singer, who since then began to appear regularly on TV screens as a participant or host of various entertainment programs.

So, Ivan took part in the Ukrainian project of the 1 + 1 channel "Zirka + Zirka" and won it. In 2011, the popular artist acted as the host of the Ukrainian version of the Star Factory-4 project, and three years later he became one of the jury members of the X-Factor show.

In 2016, Ivan Dorn received an invitation to become a member of the coaching team of the vocal TV show "Voice of the Country" - the Ukrainian version of the popular American project "The Voice". His ward was the singer Konstantin Dmitriev, whose production Ivan took up after the end of the show.

For a long time, Dorn's outrageous behavior on stage was the reason for the spread of rumors about his non-traditional sexual orientation. The singer did not confirm, but did not deny these rumors, which further increased the hype around his personal life.

As it turned out later, Ivan Dorn had been in a close relationship with Nastya Novikova for many years, with whom he studied in the same class. In 2013, young people got married, and a year later their daughter Vasilisa was born. In 2015, the Dorn family became even larger: baby Vasilisa has a brother.

Place of birth Chelyabinsk

Height 187 cm. Weight 81 kg. Excellent sportswear.

Until the second grade, he bore the surname of his father Eremin, later, at the request of his mother, he began to live under her surname Dorn. In 1990, he changed his place of residence to the city of Slavitich, because of his father's work at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

An example of Ivan Dorn's work

"I hate" performance of Ivan Dorn duet


In the former, Ivan was fond of sports and received several titles. Such as master of sports in sailing, candidate master of sports in ballroom dancing, as well as ranks in swimming and athletics. He trained professionally in tennis, played football and chess. He graduated from school with a piano course, participated and won in many music competitions, such as "Light Your Star", "Pearl of Crimea", "Black Sea Games", "Jurmala 2008".

In 2006 he began studying at the Kiev National University of Theater, Television and. I.K. Karpeno-Kary, at the Faculty of Cinematography.


In 2007, together with Anna Dobrydneva, he created the duet "Pair of Normals", the released album breaks records in. Later, in 2010, Ivan leaves the group and starts a solo project.

Since 2010 Solo career is actively developing, songs are being released, clips are being shot. The most popular hits are "Stytsamen", "Northern Lights", "Curlers", "Especially". Together with the Apollo Monkeys, the song "Blue, Yellow, Red" is released.

In 2012, the first solo album "Co'N'Dorn" is presented. Ivan is nominated for Muz TV as "Breakthrough of the Year", "Debut", "Video". Ivan also gets on the cover of Billboard Russia magazine, and writes the soundtrack for the famous reality show.

Ivan collaborates with many popular celebrities, including singers, for example, on the website you can see the wonderful singer Paola, whom Ivan Dorn is familiar with, by clicking on the link.

Life position

In addition to the fact that Ivan leads an active creative life and is popular with young people, he adheres to a healthy lifestyle. He loves to eat right and cooks different dishes himself. Loves Mediterranean cuisine. Attends events in restaurants, where he shares his culinary skills.

The popular performer Ivan Dorn, whose biography is now increasingly interested in lovers of modern music, began to sing at school. Already at the age of six, he became a member of a musical project in the city of Slavutych called "Golden Autumn". But then no one suspected that Vanya Dorn would become a real star, crowds of fans would run after him, and his fee would be equal to the fees of such stars as Valery Meladze and Philip Kirkorov.

Ivan Dorn: biography

The future artist was born in the city of Chelyabinsk on November 17, 1988. But a few years later, together with his parents, he moved to Ukraine, to the city of Slavutych, where his father Ivan was assigned to work. From an early age, Vanya loved to sing. At school, for the most part, for this talent, he got good marks in all subjects. In the lessons, he often entertained all the teachers with his singing. As a child, Ivan was Eremin, bore the name of his father, but after the divorce of his parents, on the initiative of his mother, he changed it.

The first victories of the young performer

The son began to glorify his mother's surname quite early. He was actively involved in tennis, athletics, swimming, ballroom dancing. In 1994, the Golden Autumn festival was held in Slavutych, where six-year-old Ivan, along with experienced vocalists, took part for the first time. In 2001, Vanya received his first music award - he took third place at the Black Sea Games festival. And already in 2005, he won the "Light Your Star" contest, held in Moscow, in 2008, he took second place at the "Jurmala-2008" festival.

At the "Crimean Pearl" Vanya's talent could not but be noted - at this competition he was awarded the audience award. Then a new star was lit on the pop Olympus by the name of Ivan Dorn. The biography of the artist is generally rich in participation in various music competitions and festivals. The young performer did not miss a single opportunity to express himself. For the most part, this was the merit of his mother, who from the very beginning and to this day is his only producer.

Ivan Dorn - member of the Pair of Normals group

In 2006, at the Kiev University of Culture named after Karpenko-Kary, where Ivan entered, choosing among four universities that were ready to take him into the ranks of students, he met Young ambitious performers, after consulting with relatives, they decided to create a duet and call it “Pair of Normals”. Their very first album takes off to the first lines of the national charts. It was a real success, all of Ukraine learned about who Ivan Dorn was. The artist's biography contains data that he left the team because the contract ended, and not at all because of scandals in the group, as the media said. At that time, Vanya decides to go on a "free voyage".

Vanya Dorn: TV presenter career

While still a student, Ivan tried to appear on TV screens as often as possible. This desire prompted him to pass the casting for the TV presenter of the M1 TV channel. But when it came time to choose the main direction of his activity, Ivan decided without hesitation that he would sing. Nevertheless, even now he is often invited to the role of a TV presenter in various projects.

Solo career as an artist

In 2010, Ivan leaves the Pair of Normals group and releases his first solo songs: Curlers, Especially, Stytsamen, Northern Lights. The unusual names and manner of Ivan's performance immediately captivate the musical public. His songs are heard in all clubs and cafes. The most popular was the song with the strange name "Stytsamen". Although, according to Ivan, there is nothing unusual about him, since a guy who inflames the audience at the beginning of the party is called a "stammer" - he goes to the center of the dance floor when the rest are still embarrassed to dance.

The artist already has four video clips and the first solo disc called "Co" N "Dorn" in his arsenal. Other albums by Ivan Dorn are being prepared for release. Now he is actively invited to various corporate parties, concerts, parties. His fee is already $ 10,000, which can be compared with the cost of performances by such eminent stars as Valery Meladze, singer Valeria, Yulia Savicheva and many others.

Ivan Dorn: biography, personal life

Fans of the artist are most interested in what happens to him behind the scenes. Thousands of young girls are sure to fall asleep with a photo of Dorn under their pillows. But, to the great regret of his fans, his heart is already taken. On August 24, 2013, the wedding ceremony of Ivan Dorn and Anastasia Novikova took place.

An interesting fact is that Ivan Dorn's wife is his former classmate! The young decided to legalize their relationship not somewhere in Europe or on the islands, as it is in Lately became fashionable. They signed in their native Slavutych - where their first meeting took place a long time ago. After the official part of the celebration, the newlyweds went to Odessa, where the ship "Vera" was already waiting for them. There, Vanya and Nastya, together with those invited (the thirty closest people), celebrated their wedding day.