This shade is not too bright, but popular. It is actively used for decorating the interior of a room, when painting furniture, making up, while painting canvases, and also for changing hair color. Based on this, the question of what needs to be mixed with what to obtain the desired result is very relevant.

What colors make brown

Proper mixing is a whole science, but today the task is made easier by a ready-made color wheel, which can be seen on the Internet. It gives an understanding that the main colors are yellow, red and blue. The circle represents the result of mixing each of these options with each other - secondary colors. If you combine them, then you get tertiary ones. There are three main laws in mixing:

  • Law number 1. Each color of the circle is a symbiosis of those opposite to the center, which, when mixed, give an additional color, that is, achromatic. Complementaries are clearly defined, for example, red has green and yellow has blue.
  • Law number 2. It is used in practice, indicating that when mixing paints that are close to each other along the color wheel, new colors of the main color scheme are formed - the one that is located between the mixed pigments. So, to get orange, you should combine red with yellow, and green - mix yellow with blue. By combining in ambiguous proportions the three main components in the form of red, yellow and blue, any effect can be obtained.
  • Law number 3. From the same shades, when mixed, similar mixtures are obtained. This result is achieved by combining colors that are identical in tone, but different in saturation. Another option: mix several colors by symbiosis of chromatic with achromatic.

What colors should be mixed to get brown

Artists working with gouache know that when combined different colors new colors are born. Even a special synthesis table has been created, which helps to make the necessary shades. The most elementary way to get brown is to add red to green. These tones are in any hardware store or in the stationery department. However, you can’t mix dark red and dark green, because you get a dirty shade that vaguely resembles black.

Not sure how to get brown when mixing paints if there is no green in the palette? In this case, you can use three colors: red, blue, yellow. This is due to the fact that green is obtained through the synthesis of blue and yellow. For another blending option, gray paint plus orange, or purple and yellow, will be used. So, the missing pigments that make up the basic formula can always be replaced.

How to get dark brown

The desired result is easy to obtain: add a little bit of black pigment to red, orange or yellow. Brown can easily be given different shades: you need to take yellow, blue and red as a basis, and then add other colors. For example, red helps to create a warm tone with a hint of rust, while blue helps to achieve depth and catchiness in the final result. Saturation can be achieved by combining different proportions of yellow, blue and red according to the scheme:

  • Mustard can be obtained by combining red, yellow and black with a drop of green.
  • Dark brown will be achieved by mixing red, yellow, white and black.
  • Red-brown (known as marsala, similar to dark pink) should be obtained by mixing two shades: chocolate and red in large quantities.

What colors to mix for brown light shades

To create a coffee with milk, a beautiful copper brown, an unusual taupe or honey brown, white should be used. How to make brown from light colors? It is necessary to add a little white to the mixture consisting of the main colors. If yellow prevails in the consistency presented above, then ocher will be obtained, that is, a light shade of brown. To understand how to get brown when mixing paints, training with compatible proportions will help. Only in this case you can get the perfect result.

Video: what colors to mix to get brown

There is brown paint in everyday life quite often. In addition to interior design, it may be needed when drawing with gouache, acrylic or watercolor paints. Having become acquainted with the secrets of the mixing technique, it will be possible to easily obtain not only brown paint in its pure form, but also all kinds of shades of brown.

Ways to get a classic color

The answer to the question of how to make a classic brown shade depends on the colors available. There are several mixing options:

  • By combining red and green dye. Moreover, the use of dark red and dark green shades is unacceptable, otherwise a background close to black is formed.
  • If the available paints do not contain a green element, mix blue with yellow and add red.
  • Brown paint can be obtained by adding to orange color gray or blue.
  • Those who wish to experiment can be advised to mix yellow and purple colors. A violet tone sometimes acts as a replacement for purple.

Attention! The latter method requires particularly careful dosage. The slightest excess of the volume of mixed paints will lead to an unnecessary shade.

How to achieve different shades

Classic brown paint is not always needed, it is often necessary to make a lighter or darker tone. What colors are required to get a red-brown paint, go to other halftones, we will tell in detail.

The easiest way to make a dark brown paint is to add a black component to the existing ingredients. It should be implemented in small portions (depending on the total volume) so as not to spoil the desired result. The decision on the need to add a new portion of black is made only after thorough mixing.

The color of bitter chocolate, as the dark brown shade is otherwise called, can be done in another way. Required:

  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • Finally add some black.

In order for the brown paint of dark shades to acquire an even richer and more intense tone, they collect a cocktail of blue and yellow with the addition of scarlet. The result should be first class.

Adding white dyes to the main composition will help to make light brown paint. Lightening colors are used with less caution than darkening ones. In case of an overdose, the introduction of basic tones will help restore saturation. In addition to white, the function of brightening elements is performed by:

  • yellow - gives a shade of ocher;
  • red allows you to achieve the effect of rust, it will be interesting for those who want to get a red-brown paint.
  • the blue ingredient will help to make the tone more contrasting.

Comment! To get color good quality mixing the main components is often not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to turn to an additional color palette.

Light brown mineral paint is formed by adding ocher, umber or sienna. Saturation with earthy pigments contributes to an excellent result. And finally, a few more combination options for various everyday situations:

  • Combining dark brown and red colors will help to make chestnut.
  • To lighten the chocolate, where the blue and orange tone was the source, the white color is capable. The result will be a shade of milk chocolate.
  • In order for brown paint to acquire a golden hue, it is saturated with white and yellow colors.
  • If you need to get the darkest tone from the base color, instead of green in combination with orange, a black color scheme is used.

Brown mineral paint is used in construction and interior design, it appearance The following photo will help you evaluate:

Advantages of mixing and problematic points

The decision to make your own brown by mixing is not always considered the best option. In what cases will brown paint made at home help you achieve your goals and when is it better to avoid experiments by resorting to buying a ready-made color scheme, let's consider in detail:

  • The creative process of painting on canvas with acrylic compositions is an ideal field for experimenting with mixing in various proportions and obtaining all kinds of shades.
  • When during the repair process there are suitable jars with unused color, and brown is just required in the design, please be inspired to search for the right tone.
  • If any household need to paint the surface brown is accompanied by a lack of the right paint in the store.
  • Refurbishment is in the planning stage, does the interior design provide for brown? You should not initially purchase various components for mixing; choosing a ready-made color scheme among a wide range of hardware stores will be the best solution.

Advice! Experimenting with mixing colors when dyeing hair at home is not recommended. Leave this field of activity to professionals or choose the right shade initially.

Little secrets of mixing

Beginning experimenters may benefit from the recommendations of experts:

  • If the received color does not meet expectations, complementary color added in small portions. IN more this applies to darkening tones, it is possible to correct the excess of the brightening element by increasing the main components.
  • The resulting dye will be tested on a small area. The background of the surface will not always correspond to the composition in the bank.
  • Before you start correcting the color you don’t like, wait for it to dry on the surface, the shades may change over time.

There are many ways to make your own color scheme. It may be required in the creative process of an artist or designer. But when mixing, the expediency of experiments with combination is necessarily taken into account. Perhaps it is easier to turn to the finished product and not resort to experiments.

What is needed to create a beautiful painting or drawing? In addition to the ability to draw, also coloring skills. One of the most common means for this is gouache. But the classic palette of colors is not too rich. So, getting to work, it is worth learning the technology of mixing paints, in particular, how to get brown from gouache.

The color wheel is a friend for beginners

It's good to be an experienced artist: you know all the subtleties of mixing tones to get the most intricate shades. But beginners can puzzle for a long time what colors to mix in order to get brown or some other color that is not included in the traditional set. However, do not despair: the color wheel will come to the rescue. Good quality gouache sets always include a table on the packaging describing the ingredients to be mixed. Having studied it, we can breathe a sigh of relief, as it is possible to get a beautiful brown color when mixing paints, and even in several ways.

Subtleties of mixing

It would seem that it is difficult: they combined two or three tones, stirred them. It turned out to be a very dark color - white paint was added, too light - black gouache was mixed in. Meanwhile, mixing shades is a much more complex process that requires certain skills. But you can cope without experience, if you follow these recommendations and take into account the following:

If we combine 2 tones from the circle palette, then it is called secondary, and if we add the resulting mixture to other shades, then the result is already tertiary;

To get a brown tone (and all others too), you should not mix more than 3 colors;

Too much black to darken will simply "eat" the shade you need;

When adding white, it is worth considering that the tone is cold. In the case of getting brown, this can do a disservice, since the color itself belongs to the palette of warm shades;

When working with gouache, we must not forget that 5-7 minutes after application, the color becomes significantly lighter. So, when combining shades, you need to make the tone a little darker than what was originally intended;

Before mixing colors, you need to dilute the selected tones and combine them in strokes - then it will be possible to evaluate the result of the mixture;

To obtain a beautiful uniform paint of the desired shade, do not mix gouache of different types. For example, the usual one and the one in which fluorescent pigments are added, since the final shade will turn out to be very dull.

7 and 1 way to "make" brown gouache

Our life is a series of black and white stripes, which accompanies us in all manifestations of existence. So in the color scheme for drawing, these paints are necessarily present. Also in the color palette there are three shades that cannot be made by mixing. It is sky blue, bright yellow and scarlet or red. All other tones can be created on this base. And the easiest way to get brown is to mix the three base colors.

But what if you need not just brown, but its halftones? To do this, you need not only to change the base set, but also to follow the proportions: by adding a little more or a little less, you can get something completely different from what you wanted.

1st way

Mix green with red. And here the question arises: where can I get green if it is not in the database? In fact, everything is very simple: you need to combine blue and yellow. And then, mixing in red, we get a tertiary brown at the output.

2nd way

Add blue to orange. In order to have orange at your disposal, you need to mix red and a little yellow. To get a beautiful shade of brown, blue is added a little at a time.

3rd way

We combine the red tone with blue and get purple. And now it remains to add yellow paint - and the noble brown is ready.

4th way

This option for creating a deep brown is multi-stage. To implement it, you will need to mix two secondary colors - gray and orange. The first is obtained by mixing classic white and blue-black, and the second - scarlet and bright yellow.

5th way

Iridescent coffee brown is obtained by mixing purple paint with muted yellow and acid orange. When connecting tones for the base, make sure that they are not pale, otherwise the required tone will be too blurry.

6th way

We add light green and bright purple to orange. It's quite a painstaking process to create the right shade, but the finished result - a slightly shaded brown - is well worth the effort.

7th way

This option will appeal to those who love the process of creating on a palette. You will have to mix blue, yellow and red. But not all at once, but for starters, two tones (any), and then little by little we add the remaining 3rd tone.

… and 1 more

Mix green and blue. Then we introduce strict black, scarlet, and at the very end - rich yellow. It is the last component that is responsible for the shade.

We get beautiful colors

Just describing what colors need to be mixed to get a dark, light, pale or bright brown will not be enough. It is necessary to indicate what tones we get in certain combinations:

The more actively yellow is mixed in, the more the color will resemble ocher;

To give a chestnut hue to red, yellow, orange, add black;

Dark brown is learned by mixing yellow with red and black with white;

A light halftone is the result of adding white paint to the finished mixture.

The human eye is able to "see" a huge number of shades. But all of them are obtained by mixing only three colors: green, yellow and red. All the rest are considered secondary, derived from them. Today we will look at several ways to help you understand what paints to mix to get brown.

Mixing Rules

Even black is the result of combining primary colors in a certain proportion. It is added to darkening compositions. White is neutral, with the help of which paint or gouache can be lightened.

Before figuring out what colors to mix to get brown, it's important to learn some principles for combining colors:

These rules apply to any composition: oil, alkyd, artistic, acrylic paints or gouache. It is better to combine them in white dishes - this way the result will be better visible.

Basic ways

Brown is obtained using many colors: blue, red, yellow with the addition of neutral white, green. By combining them, you can achieve a different shade:

  • combining green with red will give you a classic brown; moreover, red is introduced gradually so as not to turn the final tone into a brick one;
  • purple with yellow - depending on the amount of purple, the shade will be “cold” or “warm”;
  • bright orange with blue in a ratio of 9: 1;
  • dark gray with orange: but this tone will always have only a "cold" shade regardless of the amount of orange.

If you need to get a dark brown color, add black to the resulting color until you get the desired one. Neutral white will help brighten it up.

shades of brown

So, we figured out what colors to mix to get brown. But he has many shades. We list the main ones:

  • dark brown: the result of mixing red, black and neutral white with the addition of yellow;
  • light brown: yellow is taken as the basis and gray and dark brown are gradually added to it;
  • terracotta: is the result of adding orange to brown;
  • burgundy: a mixture of red and brown (they will be the main ones), you also need to add a little yellow and black;
  • honey: you will need 3 colors, yellow, white (they are taken equally), and also dark brown;
  • dark chocolate: mix dark green, juicy orange, bright red; the result is darkened with black paint or brightened with white.

But don't be afraid to experiment. After all, artists have so far counted 195 tones in this color. Perhaps you will open another one, the 196th.

Red, blue and yellow are the primary colors of the spectrum. By mixing them together, you can achieve various shades of green, purple, brown, orange and all other colors.

There are several ways to get brown by mixing base colors. The proportions will be very approximate, since the colors of the base may also differ in shades. Therefore, you first need to achieve the desired mixture of two colors, and then adjust the hue with the third.

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purple and yellow

To get brown from purple and yellow, you should:

  • Mix red and blue. These colors in equal proportions will give a dark saturated shade of purple;
  • Gradually add yellow. The more yellow, the lighter the brown-purple tint will be;

If the shade is too light, it can be darkened with purple or blue.

Green and red

Brown with a hint of red can be obtained by mixing green with red. For this you need:

  • Mix equal proportions of blue and yellow to get green;
  • Add red. The more red, the darker the brown will be.

orange and blue

Chocolate color is obtained by mixing blue and orange. For this you need:

  • Mix yellow and red to get orange;
  • By adding blue to orange, you can get brown with a dark or light chocolate tint.

Black and white

To darken or lighten shades of brown, you can use artificial paint colors - black and white:

  • To achieve a chestnut color, red should be added to the resulting dark brown, or red and black should be mixed initially;
  • Red-brown is obtained by mixing orange and blue. To make the tone lighter, but not increase the brightness, you can dilute it with white;
  • To get a golden hue, red-brown should be more diluted with white and more yellow;
  • Medium browns can be darkened and lightened with black and white. Auxiliary colors should not be used in large quantities (it is better to correct the hue with the main colors of the spectrum), as the result may be gray;
  • Dark brown can be obtained from orange tinted with black instead of blue;
  • For a light brown color, dilute the yellow with white and then darken it with dark brown or black.